And if you are being angry. So if you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him. The Gospel is for everyone

The verse is connected with the previous connecting particle “so”, which shows that it is here a continuation of the previous speech. The particular facts of human life indicated in Article 10 are here, as it were, generalized and understood in a broader sense. The Savior says something like this: you see how things are going with you and what is happening. And this happens to you at a time when you are angry. The word πονηροί in connection with πόνος, work, fatigue, and πενία poverty, actually indicates burden, thinness; in a moral sense, πονηρός is bad, evil; in both cases the opposite is χρηστός. Further, πονηρός means a specific phenomenon in comparison with the general one, expressed through κακός. The latter is more about essence and character, the former is about the activity and value of our actions in relation to others (cf. Matt. 5:45; 22:10; 13:49; 7:11; Luke 6:35; 11:13, - Kremer).

Augustine completely incorrectly expresses the thought of this verse, according to which people are called evil here because, being lovers of this world and sinners, when they give some good, they call them good in their own sense, although they are not by nature real goods, but only temporary ones, related to real fragile life. But why should bread and fish be considered good only in our own, sinful sense? Does the Savior call these blessings untrue, false? The essence of the matter, obviously, is not in goods, which are goods in every sense, but in the fact that people are evil. Good goods are the opposite of evil people. People are evil, and yet they also know how to give their children good things.

Some harshness and categoricalness of the expression: “if you are evil” gave interpreters reason to think that here the Savior wanted to point out the original sin inherent in people. In the words of one writer, "this maxim appears to be the strongest dictum probans in all the scriptures in defense of original sin." But why didn’t the Savior say: and so if you are all evil?... Then His words would more likely testify to the presence of universal original sin in people. Therefore, one can think that in the expression under consideration there is no thought about original sin. The doctrine of original sin can, of course, be deduced from other places in Holy Scripture, but not from this one. This is just a common characteristic of people who really show more evil and malice in relationships than goodness and good will. The word “you know how” (οϊδατε) is translated differently: you know how to give, you are used to giving. Some say that “you can” or “you know” (in translations) is completely unnecessary and that you can simply translate: you give. Finally, still others argue that two ideas are briefly presented here: (1) if you, being evil, give gifts to your children and (2) if you know how to give good gifts, it makes sense to give good things, not stones instead of bread and not snakes instead fish...

Such an interpretation seems, however, somewhat artificial and almost unnecessary. In contrast to people, the Heavenly Father is indicated, who, not like people, is kind and good by His very nature. When people turn to Him with requests, He obviously, more than people, gives “good” to those who ask Him. The former “good gifts” (δόματα άγαϋα) are replaced here, in the second half of the sentence, simply by the word “good” without mention of gifts. But it is clear that the meaning is the same. It is remarkable, however, that just as in the first case δόματα άγαϋά stands without a member, so in the second case there is a simple άγαϋά, also without a member. This would be difficult to expect if “gifts” or “good” meant anything specific. In Luke 11:13 we find an attempt to define somewhat closer and more specifically what these “good gifts” are. Instead of “will give good things” in Luke, “much more will the Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him.” Meyer thinks that this expression in Luke has a later, more definite embellishment. The reading at this point in Luke fluctuates greatly. In some codes "the Holy Spirit", in others "the good Spirit" (πνεύμα αγαϋόν) or "good gift;" Vulgate and from it 130 Latin translations of the good Spirit (spiritum bonum). We now, of course, do not need to examine whether this expression in Luke is genuine or not.

Luke 11:9-13

You must also learn not to quench the Spirit. The Holy Spirit will not forcefully burden you with a prayer burden. He is very meek and gentle.

If you are receptive and attentive to the influence of the Holy Spirit, you will be burdened with prayer from time to time.

But if you extinguish His influence on your heart, it will become cold and callous, and your prayer life will become very superficial. That's why "Do not quench the spirit"(1 Thessalonians 5:19).

Avoid procrastination

Don't put off communicating with God until later. Procrastination not only steals time, but also blessings. When you feel the need to spend time alone with God, do not put it off “until a more opportune time,” because that time may never come. Whenever the Holy Spirit leads you to pray, don't wait for the next right time, which may not come. Respond promptly to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and your prayer life will be rich and fruitful.

Do not boast about tomorrow, because you do not know what that day will bring forth.

Proverbs 27:1

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your strength; because in the grave where you go there is no work, no reflection, no knowledge, no wisdom.

Ecclesiastes 9:10

Chapter 10

What Jesus Said About Prayer

When Jesus Christ was on earth in a physical body. He taught a lot about prayer. What He said concerns almost all the basic aspects of prayer that a Christian needs to know.

If you meditate on what He said about prayer and act on it, your prayer life will become truly rich and will bring blessings to many people and great glory to God.

It is impossible to cover everything that Jesus said about prayer in one chapter, but we will select what is relevant to our topic - communication with God.

Reconcile and forgive

Jesus' first recorded words about prayer are about reconciliation and forgiveness. Jesus said that in order to pray effectively and successfully, you must make peace with the person you have a grudge against.

So if you bring your gift to the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you,

Leave your gift there at the altar, and go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift.

Matthew 5:23,24

What is said here about gifts also applies to prayers. In prayer, seek the face of the Lord. If you remember that someone has something against you, first go and solve the problem and then pray.

I had a similar experience when I was at the University of Lagos. I once sharply corrected one sister on several issues. She was the president of the partnership and could not answer me in the same way.

She accepted the comments calmly, but was deeply hurt internally.

The next morning I began to pray, worshiping the Lord. The heavens were like brass; No matter how hard I tried, I could not break through. I tried to look inside myself - no unconfessed sin.

And during this struggle, the Spirit of God spoke to me about the sister with whom I had spoken the day before, that this had hurt her greatly, and she was turning on me. I had to go and meet this sister and resolve this issue. Little did I know that after our discussion the day before, she had become depressed.

This is exactly what Jesus is talking about. First, deal with grievances and other problems - and then nothing will hinder prayer.

But maybe you have something against the other person. Jesus said that if you want your prayers to reach God, you must forgive (Mark 11:25,26).

Jesus said this, which means it is extremely important for us. If you want an answer to your prayer, look into your heart and put things in order. It is necessary that you forgive everyone if you had something against anyone, and make peace with everyone who could have something against you.

Enter your room

The Lord Jesus taught that we should set aside time to be alone with God, to have a personal, secret relationship with Him. He taught us not to be like the hypocritical Pharisees who love to pray in a way that attracts attention. Even today, some believers in the general assembly Pray long prayers, while they do not spend fifteen minutes alone with God a day.

And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, who love to stop and pray in the synagogues and on street corners in order to appear before people. Truly I tell you that they are already receiving their reward.

give to your children, how much more will the Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?

Jesus is saying here, “If your child asks you for bread, will you give him a stone? If your child asks you for a fish, will you give him a snake? If your child asks you for an egg, will you offer him a scorpion? Of course not.

“If you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?” We can be sure that God will not give His children counterfeits when they ask Him for the Holy Spirit!

It is a completely different matter when an unsaved person seeks the Holy Spirit. But if a person is a child of God, he will not accept an evil spirit.

Notice that the words “snake” and “scorpion” are used from Luke 10:19: “Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy...” Jesus used the terms “snakes” and “scorpions” for symbols of evil spirits. He said you won't get a "snake" or a "scorpion". If you are a child of God and you come to your Heavenly Father seeking the Holy Spirit, then that is what you will receive.

When I showed these Scriptures to those who had been misled by false teachers, they immediately began speaking in tongues. Later they told me: “If I had known this, I would have spoken in tongues long ago and known the fullness of the Spirit. But I was afraid to receive the wrong spirit.” The Word of God will help us get rid of fears.

Step 6: Receive the Holy Spirit and Speak in the Language He Gives

Tell the candidate to open their mouth and breathe as deeply as possible. At the same time, he should say to God in his heart, “Right now, I receive the Holy Spirit by faith.”

I categorically insist that candidates do not speak a single word in their native language. Then, when the Holy Spirit begins to move on them, I tell them to lift up their voice and say whatever sounds come out, no matter how they sound. Let them speak the words that the Spirit gives them, praising God with these supernatural words until there is a pure, free tongue. When a person hears himself speaking in tongues, he will be sure that he has received the Holy Spirit.

John 7:37-39 Jesus said to come and drink: “And on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and DRINK; Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture says, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. This He said about the Spirit, which those who believed in Him were about to receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet upon them, because Jesus was not yet glorified.”

Jesus said that receiving the Spirit is like drinking water; the same principle is here. You can't drink with your mouth closed!

You should also not drink and talk at the same time.

I saw people come with their mouths open for acceptance. I didn’t see anyone who came with their mouth open and didn’t get it right away. One day I saw five businessmen walking down the aisle with their mouths wide open and how they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, “Come and drink.” If you act on God's Word, He will honor His Word and you will accept.

Read also:
  1. II.Simpler is the power density method.
  2. III period (4 hours or more).
  3. Qui bis idem promittit, ipso iure amplius quam semel non tenetur (D 45 1.18). - He who undertakes twice about the same thing is rightfully responsible no more than once.
  4. A) Digital technology works more reliably.
  5. The opportunity cost of any good is determined by the amount of other goods that must be sacrificed in order to obtain an additional unit of this good.
  6. Highest and highest use analysis as a step in the evaluation process.
  7. B. Which of the following defense mechanisms are more typical for people with a neurotic, borderline, psychotic personality organization?
  8. Bacterial shock: 1) definition, etiology, clinical manifestations 2) the most characteristic portal of entry 3) ...
    breakthrough factors 4) pathological anatomy 5) causes of death.
  9. Ticket number 2. Economic needs, economic benefits, economic resources.
  10. Benefits and resources

In chapter seven, verse 11, Matthew says that God, as our Father, will give us good gifts. But God commanded us to first ask for them and said at the same time: “Pray for each other.” Therefore, healing belongs to us. Say out loud: “Healing belongs to me! God wants me to be healthy."

Our Heavenly Father gives good gifts to everyone who asks him. What is good? In the Gospel of John (10:38) we can read that Jesus did good deeds and healed. So healing is a blessing!

Since we are talking about healing, I will ask you this question: “Is illness a blessing?” If so, then we would never want to get rid of it: We would happily continue to be sick. But there is nothing good in lying at home, not going to work, losing it, seeing how our children are starving, then selling all our things one after another, a car, a house... Ask the homeless people on the street, they know well how it is is happening.

And now another question: is healing a blessing? If you are in pain, do you really feel unpleasant when the pain goes away? Yes, it’s good to be in shape, to work, to provide for your family... Everyone knows that this is good, no matter how you look at it.

Let's turn to the Bible again.

JAMES 1:17

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variableness or shadow of turning.

Heavenly Father never changes. Not one bit! Every good gift and every perfect gift comes down from heaven.

Therefore, illnesses and illnesses cannot be good. After all, they do not come from above. This is simply impossible - after all, there are no diseases at the top!

In the prayer “Our Father…” there are these words: “…thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). Therefore, if it is God’s will that His children should be sick on earth, the same awaits them in heaven. And we know that in heaven we will not get sick, because the Bible says that there are no sicknesses there. If we pray “...thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” then we also pray for there to be no disease on earth. That's how simple it is.

If sickness cannot come from heaven, then according to the Bible it cannot be a good gift. Yes, sometimes preachers will say things like this:

We do not know what is good for us - everything is the will of the Lord, so sometimes He sends us illnesses.

God cannot send us diseases, because He simply does not have them! You can't give someone something you never had! So where will God get diseases if there weren’t and aren’t any in heaven? He will need to steal them from the devil, but God is not a thief!

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from heaven. This means that healing comes from above because Jesus came down from heaven and took upon Himself our infirmities and bore our sicknesses (see Matt. 8:17). Start believing it today!

Self-test questions

1. What is the biggest obstacle to healing?

2. When you pray, you should…………………in that you…………………healing,

and then you…………………. healing.

3. According to Matthew 21:22, how much will you receive when you ask in prayer?

4. What kind of people have faith?

5. When do all the promises of the Bible become yours?

6. Why do people sometimes misinterpret the essence of God?

7. What does the Greek word translated “suffer” mean?

8. List all the meanings of the word paraclete.

9. What will Heavenly Father give us, according to the Gospel of Matthew (7:11)?

10. Our Heavenly Father gives good things to those who ask Him. What is good according to Acts (10:38)?
