Smart home heating system. Smart home heating

Today this is a very pressing issue. After all, there are now many on the market interesting solutions, each of which seems to be “the best” and “the most economical”.

However, this is only partly true. Because each of the systems still has its own characteristics and, of course, disadvantages. And this suggests that, for example, the same system is ideal in a certain situation, but in another it will have little effect.

Here it is probably worth considering in detail what types of systems there are home heating, and what specific features they actually have. Having such information, making a decision about installing a particular heating system will be many times easier.

So let's start the review.

Water heating

We can say that this is a classic - since it is the most common technology. In fact, this is how any heating system works 5 storey building or any other building - water is heated at the station, which then enters the system of pipes and radiators.

However, we will consider systems that are intended for private low-rise buildings, since only here there is an alternative choice - in a high-rise building everything has already been done for you, and, as a rule, there is nothing to choose from.

Based on the design principle, systems can differ significantly. Let's look at the most important question first.

Which boiler to buy: gas or electric

The trend here is very simple and transparent.

A gas boiler is most often used, and an electric one is installed less often due to the higher cost of energy itself and a not such high level of efficiency. Usually, electrical devices installed only when the area in which the house is built is not gas-supplied. Or, as an option, electric boilers can be convenient solution as a backup heating source.

Agree that if a gas boiler suddenly breaks down in winter, it can hardly be repaired in 10-15 minutes. This will take at least 1 day - and on this day the rooms will clearly not be warm. But if you also have an electric boiler, then you can quickly turn it on - until the gas appliance is repaired.

Advice: before installing an electric boiler, in any case, you need to take proper care of high-quality wiring, install a powerful meter and automatic machines. If you do not pay maximum attention to this moment, then it may turn out that the boiler simply will not turn on. Not to mention, using old or weak wiring for such powerful devices is very dangerous.

In general, the criteria for choosing between these two boilers are obvious. Gas is efficient and relatively inexpensive, even for large areas. Electricity is only relevant if there is no alternative, or if there are big discounts on electricity.

However, whether there will be such water system Whether heating a house works effectively or not is influenced by another factor - which radiators will be installed.

Let's take a look at these devices.

Which radiators to choose

The following types of batteries are currently available on the market:

  • Cast iron products. The good thing about these products is that they cool very slowly due to the nature of the metal itself. In fact, this is good, since the boiler will not have to heat the water in the system very often. Of the minuses cast iron batteries It can be noted that the price for them is high, and besides, the weight is quite large;

  • The products have a relatively low cost, they generally look nice, heat up quickly, but also cool down quickly;

  • Steel panel radiators. We can say that these batteries are the “golden mean” between price and quality. Since their design is universal and they look very good in the interior, they are not too expensive, and heat up quickly.

And even the fact that they cool down about as quickly can hardly be called a disadvantage. Because there is very little water in such radiators, and the boiler can reheat it in just a few seconds without significant energy losses;

  • . Among the advantages we can highlight good design, the ability to add (or reduce) sections with your own hands, efficient heating air, as well as high level resistance to hard water. As for the shortcomings, this is probably not very low price products.

So, what do we get...

But it turns out that due to the small amount of water inside the product, they are optimally suited for electric boilers. steel radiators(if, of course, we talk about efficiency as a decision-making criterion). In other types of batteries you will have to warm up more often large quantity water, and this is at least expensive.

Well, in principle, any radiators are suitable.

Just pay attention to the fact that if you really want to save money while operating the system, then you should take care of insulating the walls so that the batteries do not cool down so quickly. After all, the less often the boiler has to reheat the water, the more money you will save.

But that's not all water heating systems for a home - let's look at another good solution.

Bundle of “boiler, radiators and heated floors made of pipes”

This system is set up quite simply - on the floor in in the right place a certain amount is mounted inside the screed metal-plastic pipes, which receives hot water from the boiler - as well as into the radiators.

The cost of materials for installing such a heated floor is, in principle, quite low, and even a person without experience in this matter can do it if desired.

The pipe system effectively heats the floor surface, so that heat is distributed as efficiently as possible across the area of ​​the rooms. The main thing before installing pipes is to remember several important points:

  • In order for such a heating system in the house to work really efficiently, you need to put insulation under the screed, for example, polystyrene foam. Otherwise, you will not heat the room, but the ceiling itself - and this can no longer be called inexpensive and effective heating;

  • It is important that all connections remain easily accessible! That is, simply put, pouring concrete into taps and fittings is prohibited;
  • Think in advance about where and what will be located in the room where the pipes are installed. So that later it doesn’t turn out that, for example, you need to install a partition and, accordingly, drill the floor in the place where the pipe passes.

Advice: if you plan the arrangement of furniture in advance, the placement of partitions or walls does not work out, then at least make a drawing of how and where the pipes are located. Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging them later, and naturally it will no longer be possible to repair such a hole.

Now let's look at alternative home heating systems.

Air heating

We are talking about generators and heating stoves, which today can operate efficiently:

  • on any solid fuel;
  • on diesel fuel or waste oil;
  • on various waste (for example, sawdust or pine cones).

The nature of heat distribution throughout the house is convection.

Of course, it is possible to use such devices for heating a private home, but you just need to take into account the fact that you will not only have to get fuel in large quantities somewhere, but also find a place to store it.

If it’s firewood or sawdust, then that’s one thing, but what if it’s diesel fuel, for example? Agree that storing a large amount of diesel fuel in a residential area is a responsible and simply dangerous matter.

Therefore, approach the purchase of stoves long burning you need to be as careful as possible and take into account many factors.

Probably, if there is gas in the house, then there will still be a boiler of the appropriate type optimal solution. And electrical appliances and convection ovens are relevant in this case as a backup option. Well, or in a situation where electricity is cheap, and firewood or sawdust is simply plentiful.

Now let’s look at a couple more options when the main source of energy for heating is electricity.

Electric heating

In addition to boilers and radiator systems for them, there may be the following options powered by electricity:

  • This a complex system cables that heat the surface of the finished floor during operation. In principle, this is a fairly effective and economical system, but its purchase and installation costs a lot.

Of course, there are instructions for it (and the video in this article will tell you a lot) and if you understand it, you can save on installation, but still, installing such a warm floor will be expensive;

  • Electrical panels. Such devices look like ordinary radiators, and they are hung on the walls in the same places - under the windows and where it is coldest.

One of the advantages is that the installation of these panels is simple, and they warm up even a large room quite quickly, but, of course, there is a considerable energy consumption. In addition, you will have to shell out a considerable amount for the purchase of equipment.

It turns out that both the warm floor and electrical panels, and electric boilers can be used in a private home, but in most cases it is expensive not only at the purchase stage, but also during operation.

Of course, there is an exception to the rule - if a smart home heating system is purchased and configured, then savings are possible even with electrical appliances.

Let's take a closer look at this technology.

What is a Smart Home system

Essentially, this is a program and equipment that performs intelligent control of any systems and elements of the house. For example, you can set the kettle to turn on by itself in the morning, so that the lights on the site turn on at a certain time in the evening, etc.

Naturally, such a program can also control the heating of the house. Moreover, in many cases it will be not only convenient, but also profitable!

For example, it is clear that a standard water heating system for a three-story house includes many radiators and, possibly, heated floors in individual rooms. If many people permanently live in such a house, then it goes without saying that all elements must function constantly. And if there are only two residents, then why heat the entire house around the clock, and at full power at that?

The smart home program will help reduce heating costs! Because you can configure everything so that during the day everything works as usual, and at night the system will reduce the heating level to non-residential premises to the minimum. Economical?

Of course, you can walk and adjust everything yourself, but you must admit that this is not very convenient. Besides, you can forget about something. And the smart home system will not forget. And it will turn it on, off, change power, etc. in time.

This is all good, of course, but there are also disadvantages.

  • First of all, this is the energy dependence of the system. If your electricity is constantly and for a long time cut off, then the system will not provide high efficiency. Of course, you can connect it to autonomous batteries, but it still won’t be the same.
  • And, secondly, the smart home system is not just expensive, but rather really expensive! In any case, such programs and equipment are not affordable for everyone. But with a competent approach and in standard situations, the system will 100% justify itself.

Let's summarize.


We looked briefly at what can be used to heat private houses and low-rise buildings. We hope that now, having this information, it will be much easier for you to choose a system.

Happy installation!

A home that understands your needs, that takes care of your comfort and saves your finances. House with intelligence. Not so long ago, this was a description of a home from science fiction novels. Today this is a reality. And it’s called “smart home”. Almost everything in such housing can be automated. Lights can turn on and off as you move around the house. Air conditioners start working independently if the temperature changes. Possible to install automatic system security. You can program the doors to open and close at the touch of a button. And smart heating in such a house is also possible. In a word, everything for your comfort.

Why, then, is this wonderful automated home control system not installed in every apartment and in all private houses? There is one, but big minus. The cost of such equipment is far from low. And installation and adjustment of automation requires the work of qualified engineers. But this does not mean that the system is available only to a select few. This situation is now typical for many innovations on our market. With the development of manufacturers and competition, a smart home will become much more accessible more consumers. Although there are simplified systems, the cost and installation of which will not empty your pocket too much, and the effect from them will be very noticeable.

Another way to equip your home with automation if you don’t have enough money is to do it gradually. Connecting one system after another. Although you can stop at one, the most necessary. After all, according to by and large all this was invented to save resources, and the doors can be closed with keys. In our country, the highest costs are usually energy consumption and home heating.

Therefore, it is quite rational to invest and equip smart heating.

Especially for the owners big houses it will definitely pay off. What is it?

Automated heating system

Centralized heating network that heats modern apartments, does not always create comfortable living conditions. It’s spring outside or -25 °C - the coolant temperature is often almost the same. And we are forced to either languish in the heat, opening windows and heating the street, or freeze and use additional sources heat. At the same time paying considerable bills for the heating season.

Heating in smart home can be programmed so that the temperature is various rooms will be different. After all, for comfort in the kitchen and in the nursery, different air heating rates are needed. A smart home will reduce heating at night when sleep is more conducive low temperatures. This system will allow you not to spend money on heating your home in your absence. For example, during the day, when you are at work, keep the temperature at a minimum, and when you return in the evening, heat it up to a comfortable temperature. Or, if you leave for a long time, you can prepare the house for your arrival via SMS from your phone. In the same way, the pool heating is turned on remotely or the sauna is heated.

A smart home can regulate the temperature and different parts premises. This is possible due to the simultaneous installation of underfloor heating, heating radiators and, for example, infrared panels. Depending on your needs, you can increase or decrease the heating below or above. All these measures will save a significant amount of energy resources. The heating system will work especially efficiently if combined with air conditioning and ventilation systems. When the room heats up to too high temperatures, the air conditioners will automatically turn on and the heating will turn off. A smart home can heat or cool the air passing through the ventilation. Dry air is a necessary consequence of work heating devices. The system can be equipped with humidifiers that turn on when necessary. There is also a mechanism automatic opening or closing windows to regulate indoor humidity.

How it works

The operation of smart heating is based on the conversion of signals received from temperature sensors. Based on the data obtained, the operation of heating devices is regulated. The components of a smart home system are connected by cable or communicated via radio waves. The latter is undoubtedly convenient when installing the system in an already used building.

There are also completely elementary sets of equipment that you can install yourself, following the instructions. They include a thermostat that is installed in the center of the room. It measures the temperature and sends a signal to regulate the flow of coolant to the radiator. This signal is received by a radio thermostat mounted instead of a mechanical valve. By the way, it can be proportional for a smooth temperature change or two-position, having two positions and working with a certain rhythm. Such a kit may also include a window opening sensor.

A system that includes a smart heating boiler can also be used. It acts as a heat generator. To regulate power, a heating control unit is installed on it, analyzing the temperature outside and indoors. In accordance with the received data, it controls the gas supply to the burner. Thereby saving fuel and creating a comfortable microclimate.

Domestic nuances

Features of the use of smart heating in Russia are the high probability of gas supply failures or pressure drops in the heating system. All this can lead to malfunction of electronic equipment. The solution to the problem will be the design of a stabilization system. There are enough devices for this on sale now. Installing them will protect your equipment from premature wear and tear.

Installing a pulsating combustion function will help cope with low gas supply pressure, which reduces the efficiency of the boiler. Or use a burner with the ability to mix air and gas. To soften water and remove salts, water purifiers should be installed. Otherwise, if the water is hard, salts will be deposited on the walls of the pipes, impairing heat transfer.

The smart heating system will allow you to heat up with savings of up to 50%, create comfortable living conditions, and can extend the life of the equipment due to the economical mode. It will also save your time on regulating microclimate parameters. In addition, she has proven herself to be very reliable system. All this undoubtedly convinces of the rationality of the installation automated system smart home and heating first.

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Today, wealthy citizens of our country strive to organize their homes in such a way that everything in it is as convenient and functional as possible. Many of them purchase boiler control equipment for their Smart-houses, and thereby not only achieve safety and comfort, but also follow the trends of economical consumption of resources, which are promoted throughout the world's civilized society.

Therefore, by deciding to buy a heating control system for a smart home, you are investing money profitably in order to further save money. Judge for yourself, according to data collected by the MiDart agency, in Smart Homes there is a reduction in operating costs and energy costs by about a third, a reduction in water costs by more than 40%, and a reduction in space heating costs by half. Not to mention that, according to statistics, there is a significant reduction in insurance risks.

Due to the fact that in our country various types of failures in the operation of gas networks very often occur, you simply desperately need such a thing as a system remote control heating for a smart home. But on the other hand, if you decide to install autonomous heating in your house or apartment, and order specialized boiler control, then be prepared for the fact that, as a result of voltage surges, malfunctions in the automation may occur. To avoid such incidents, it is still at the development stage engineering systems It is necessary to install a powerful voltage stabilizer.

The heating control system in a smart home is organized in such a way that, thanks to the set temperature thresholds, the burner double-circuit boilers when the temperature reaches 61 degrees, it turns off so as not to lead to heating above 65 degrees - the temperature at which hardness salts precipitate.

Reviews from our customers about the remote heating control system

Alexander Karabanov

“Already before, various difficulties constantly arose when turning on and off gas boiler. It is especially inconvenient if you need to leave for some time. We ordered a remote heating control. Bestron explained how the system works and showed all the nuances. Now you can relax."

Mikhail Semin

“I really love the Smart Home system. Everything makes life easier and saves time. I often travel for work, and I had to ask someone to stay at home or at least prepare him for his arrival. Today I'm going quietly. It became especially convenient with the remote heating control system.”

High-quality remote heating control from Bestron

Turning on and off a gas or electric heating boiler is a serious procedure that requires compliance with certain safety rules. As a rule, it should not be trusted by children or those who do not know the procedure for turning on such equipment. However, with the advent of smart home technology, you can no longer worry about safety when turning on the boiler - this work will be taken over by a high-tech heating control system. Thanks to it, you can not only automatically turn on the heating at a certain time of the day and turn it off when the specified heating parameters are reached, but also program its operation while you are away from the house, which is especially useful for those who regularly travel and leave the house empty for a while time

Remote heating control is rightfully considered financially beneficial. Current prices for heating can hardly be called objective and affordable. The Smart Home system can always help in this matter, because when leaving the apartment, you can turn off the heating, and upon your return, pre-start the system to heat the premises. Such a well-thought-out system, everything necessary devices, as well as installation of equipment, you can order from Bestron! Our team consists of exclusively competent specialists who will quickly design and install a high-quality system.

Advantages of ordering a remote heating control system

The Bestron company designs automation systems for both individual customers and organizations. Carrying out this work, we apply an individual approach to each client, which allows us to always achieve high results.

Among the privileges of working with us are the following:

  • Flexible pricing policy.
  • Operative deadlines for order fulfillment.
  • Work with equipment from trusted manufacturers (“HDL”, “X 10”, etc.).

Our company has certificates of completion of engineering training courses, so all work is carried out by us strictly in compliance with the standards.

The design of automation systems in our company can be ordered by taking advantage of various promotional offers. Thus, you will receive a full range of services at an affordable cost.

In addition, for our partners we are ready to offer affiliate program, within which you will receive financial support, as well as the opportunity to post information about your company on our websites.

We are sure that by using our services, you will recommend the company to your friends and acquaintances.

Make an apartment and country cottage The Smart Home heating system from MiMismart will help you stay cozy and warm. We carry out the full range of work from selecting the optimal equipment to debugging the finished system.

5 features of the heating system from MiMismart

Individual settings at your fingertips. Average parameters in the past. Now in each room you can create a suitable climate for any family member. This is also relevant when keeping exotic animals or plants in greenhouses, or storing expensive drinks in a wine library.

ControlSmart Home heating system in one place. You don't have to walk from room to room and set the desired temperature of the heated floor or radiators. All this can be done through a special application on your phone or PC, without leaving the comfort of your chair.

Variety of scenarios. Do you like to fall asleep cool and wake up warm? Set required parameters, and the system will automatically prepare the bedroom, bathroom, hallway an hour before you wake up. By using remote control heating in a Smart Home, you can remotely send a command to heat the air to desired temperature. The microclimate also changes depending on the presence of people in the premises. When you select the “I left” scenario, the temperature drops to + 18 °C (preservation level), and upon your return the previous heating mode is restored. You can check this time in advance or activate the “I have arrived” scenario on the way.

Convenience of Smart Home heating control. You can set the desired scenario in any room using a special application on your tablet, smartphone or computer. The interface design is developed according to the individual wishes of the client, so that microclimate control is especially pleasant, logical and comfortable.

Systemalerts. If an emergency occurs or if you simply left a window open in a heated room, a message about the problem will be sent to your phone and to the dispatcher’s console (if necessary). The Smart Home system will switch to the mode most appropriate to the situation.

System advantages

Economical. Temperature sensors outside and inside allow you to monitor weather changes and automatically adjust the heating intensity. It is also possible to control modes in your absence and selective heating different rooms, which helps reduce utility costs.

Operational safety. Thanks to continuous monitoring of the situation, you can check the heating and the health of other home systems at any time. To do this, you don’t even have to go anywhere: the control application will display the current situation, information about the resources spent, etc.

Complexity. Smart Home heating is connected to other climate control equipment: ventilation, air conditioning, etc. Multi-zone centralized system fan coil provides A complex approach to comfort management.

Heating options outside the home. A snow melting and anti-icing system helps make your apartments even safer and more comfortable. It prevents ice from forming on walkways and steps, gutters and the roof.

The MiMismart company operates in Moscow and the Moscow region. In other regions, you can order heating automation for your Smart Home directly from us or through dealers. To get advice from our specialists, call our contact numbers.

The now familiar concept of “smart home” must be understood not only as a cottage, Vacation home or a dacha. City apartment, office, as well as many other types of premises are quite suitable for this understanding. If we consider the heating system from this point of view, then with this approach to it it is necessary to implement several fundamental principles. When we say smart home, heating in in this case should provide comfortable living conditions or cost savings on its maintenance.

What kind of heating can it be?

It has long been known that comfort does not come for free. Any attempts to provide additional convenience or eliminate unnecessary worries through the use of automation will mean increased costs. However, regardless of our desire, for a smart home heating plays almost the decisive role in creating comfortable conditions, and the costs of its maintenance largely depend on its organization.

In cases where the equipment used, automation and control means are selected and used correctly, then the heating system - whether it will heat a smart home, apartment or garage - does not matter; in addition to maintaining the specified conditions, it will also be able to provide fuel economy.

First of all, this is achieved by the interaction of the heating boiler with the control center. In addition to having its own safety equipment, such a boiler has a communication interface, thanks to which it is possible to implement smart heating country house. In the very in simple form By this we mean that a smart home controls heating depending on the temperature achieved in the room based on signals from sensors.

The best option similar control - adjusting the temperature of the coolant. However, with all the advantages of such a heating design, there are other, more effective approaches to organizing heating work. Today, weather-sensitive heating control is considered promising.

How is it organized

With this approach, in addition to the sensor room temperature An external temperature meter is also used. In principle, a weather-dependent heating controller will work with one external sensor, but using two allows you to achieve more accurate mode maintenance and even implement self-adaptation of the system.

The weather-dependent heating system controller operates based on a programmed curve of correspondence between the coolant temperature and external conditions. In its simplest form, it looks like this - if it gets colder outside, the temperature of the water in the system increases, if it gets warmer, it decreases.

One of the basic points for weather control of heating can be used at a temperature of plus twenty degrees - at which the temperature of the coolant is taken equal to the ambient temperature, and the heating is actually turned off.

This approach to organizing heating should also take into account zonal regulation, i.e. in some places the temperature must be additionally adjusted in relation to the specified temperature external sensor. If, for example, a large number of people have gathered in one of the rooms, due to which it has become hotter, then the system detects a local increase in temperature relative to that set by the weather heating regulator and makes corrections in this zone.
