State program for young specialists in rural areas. Social program “Sustainable development of rural areas. “Young Specialist” program in rural areas

Russian villages continue to experience a shortage of qualified doctors, teachers and other social workers in 2018. To ensure even distribution work force The “Housing for Young Specialists” program was launched across the Russian Federation.

Program description

A federal-level social project focused on ensuring own houses and apartments for working youth in the village - a way to attract university graduates to remote settlements.

State support consists of providing housing for young professionals, namely providing them with subsidies for such conditions:

  • preferential lending with a rate of 5% per annum for 10 years;
  • the payment amount can be up to 70% of the price of a house or apartment in the corresponding locality;
  • Debt repayment is carried out in small equal parts - from each salary of a specialist.
A young education or healthcare employee must live in the village on a permanent basis. Moreover, he is required to work in rural areas for at least five years from the date of receipt of the subsidy.

Providing funds not in the form of irrevocable assistance, but in the form of a loan encourages young people to take action and eliminates the mood of dependency.

Personnel who come to work in the village as part of the “Housing for Young Professionals” program can buy real estate on the primary or secondary market, as well as build a house.

Conditions for participation in the program

Many graduates of Russian universities do not aspire to countryside, because they believe that it is quite difficult to fulfill the conditions of state programs for young specialists.

In fact, anyone can get on the waiting list to receive a subsidy. You should start moving towards your goal by preparing a package of documents, which includes:

  • an application, the form of which can be requested from the municipal housing department;
  • copy of passport (with mandatory notarization);
  • certificate from the place of employment ( state-financed organization in the relevant locality);
  • certificates from the municipality in form 7 and 9.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the state program “Housing for Young Professionals” is designed for citizens who meet the following criteria:

  1. Age - no older than 35 years.
  2. Availability of professional education appropriate to the place of work.
  3. Work in your specialty for three or more years.
A program participant can count on subsidies from the state only if he started working in his specialty within three months from receiving his diploma or is still in his final year of study.

The status of a young worker is maintained for three years from the date of commencement of work.

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Features of the program

Subsidizing young professionals who decide to realize their professional potential in rural areas has a number of features.

  • Preferential lending

Funds for the purchase of housing are by no means allocated free of charge. State support takes the form of a preferential loan for a period of 10 years at a rate of 5%.

  • Availability of own capital

As with mortgage lending, the employee will be required to provide a down payment of at least 30% of the price of a house or apartment in the relevant locality. The state is ready to provide the remaining 70% of the amount.

Important point: Each region sets a limit on the maximum cost of housing, taking into account which the amount of the subsidy and the down payment is calculated.

  • Cumulative nature

If a worker comes to a rural area without savings, this does not mean that he has no chance of receiving a subsidy. If he submits an application for participation in the program and it is approved, he will be given 18 months to save a third of the cost of housing.

  • Repayment in equal installments

Debt coverage is distributed over the entire period of ownership of the funds, and therefore comes down to small monthly deductions from salary young specialist.

A young employee can repay a soft loan at any time without penalties or commissions.

Additional benefits of the program

In order to attract graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions to rural schools, they are also provided with:

  1. Preferential conditions for renting housing in state-owned properties (during the waiting period).
  2. The opportunity to purchase comfortable and modern housing through the construction of new housing complexes in partnership with construction companies.
A young teacher can build himself a house in the village from scratch, rather than buying it ready-made. In this case, the subsidy covers 50-70% of the costs of constructing the facility.

As for doctors, the “Zemstvo Doctor” subprogram was launched especially for them, which provides for:

  • provision of a “lifting” allowance in the amount of about 1 million rubles;
  • conditions for temporary residence.

The allocated amount must also be used for the purchase of a house, apartment or construction of a residential property.

Extension of the status of a young specialist

Participation in the “Housing for Young Professionals” program is possible only for three years from the date of employment in the specialty.

However, there is a number of cases, which can increase the validity period of the “young specialist” status.

These include:

  1. Conscription of an employee into the army for compulsory or civilian alternative service.
  2. Sending an employee for advanced training to another location or abroad.
  3. Admission to graduate school (only if studying full-time) and preparation for defending a dissertation research.
  4. Stay on maternity leave until the baby reaches three years of age.

If the above conditions are met, the term of the “young specialist” status is extended for the entire period of the young specialist’s absence from the workplace.

How to get into programs in 2019

Not every specialist who decides to devote his life to working in rural areas can be on the waiting list to receive a state subsidy. To participate in the housing program for young professionals in 2017, certain conditions were provided.

In 2019 they scroll remained the same:

  • the participant must be no older than 35 years of age at the time of submitting an application for participation to the municipal housing department;
  • specialized education may not be his first;
  • The employee must not own residential real estate;
  • the young employee must live in the village or be ready to move to it for permanent place residence.
If the housing is dilapidated or does not meet the requirements for a comfortable place to live, then the employee can count on receiving a subsidy. In this case, the real estate is sold, and the amount received becomes part of the down payment when applying for a preferential loan.

After a specialist receives a subsidy, he is required to work in the village for at least five years. If he does not meet the limit established by regulations, he faces arrest and confiscation of the property acquired through the subsidy.

If a citizen does not become a member of the state program “Young Specialist”, it is very difficult for him to find a job in his specialty. And this problem did not arise yesterday; it continues to exist to this day.

There is an exit. Moreover, the state provides education on a budgetary basis to everyone who falls under the selection criteria, and also offers corresponding work under a contract. There are also some benefits for young professionals, compensation, allowances and payments, which we will discuss in this article.

Who and on what basis belongs to the category “Young Professionals”

Young specialists are considered to be persons who have completed a full-fledged secondary specialized course, and then higher education. Within a year after receiving a diploma, the young person formally belongs to this category of citizens. To obtain this status officially, you need to undergo special training exclusively full-time. But not at their own expense, but at the expense of federal budget funds allocated for the specific region in which the applicant for the title lives.

After graduation, each future specialist undergoes certification based on the results of the material learned. In case of a positive result, the young man will receive a state diploma. But even after this, the necessary status will not yet exist. It will appear after the young specialist goes to work. The distribution is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by law, but is based on the applicant’s specialty.

The assignment of status may be refused if at least one of the above conditions is not met. In case of a positive decision, a relationship is formed between the head of the enterprise and the young employee, regulated by Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Since the vacancy is filled by a new government distribution officer, he works without a probationary period.


What kind of financial assistance can a young specialist count on:

  1. One-time payments vary depending on profession. So, for example, a teacher and teacher receive a monthly salary increase, but only for a certain period. If, for some reason, an employee suddenly quits before the time specified in the contract, he must return to the organization all social benefits received in a lump sum. The law also provides for the possibility of paying all required additions to the salary in a single amount, but after working out the period stipulated by the contract.
  2. Lifting – carried out since 2012 and applies to specialists who graduated from a secondary specialized educational institution in 2011 and subsequent years.

The last point is worth talking about in more detail.


Since mid-summer 2012, there has been a bill based on which incentive and compensation payments are made, intended to support young specialists. Payment of allowances is made within a month, immediately after signing the contract with the tenant. The amount depends on the place of work and specialization of the new employee. But the calculation does not take into account days of rest that the employee can officially take advantage of.

The goal of the project is to attract more young specialists who have the necessary knowledge acquired during the training period.

If a young specialist moves to another place of residence, compensation is not paid. But when participating in a special employee distribution program, the specialist’s place of residence before training is taken into account.

Additionally, there is a social program for young professionals to purchase housing. To become a member, it is not enough just to have the necessary status. The graduate must, under the provided employment contract, work for at least five years in the same organization. And only a citizen in need of improved living conditions can apply for more suitable housing. The easiest way to implement this project is for workers in rural areas, since it is easier for the state to provide living space in a village than in a city. In this case, after working for five years, it is enough to contact the local social protection authorities with a statement of desire to stay and live in this village.

Payout Features

Criteria for granting benefits:

  • age limit – not older than 35 years;
  • placement under an employment contract immediately after training;
  • the contract with the employer is concluded for at least three years;
  • Mortgage benefits stipulate a certain length of service in the professional field.

Conditions of support may differ slightly by region, especially in countries like the Republic of Belarus. But in any case, the status of a young specialist is assigned only once and with no more than 3 years of experience.

The period is extended only in case of valid reasons:

  • conscription into the army or compulsory military service;
  • maternity leave;
  • full-time postgraduate study;
  • additional training, internship, which implies advanced training, but with a separation from the work process.

For example, teachers with the status of “Young Specialist”, who worked at the school for a certain period, but left maternity leave, the status is not written off, and the missed time is not taken into account in the total period of 3 years.

Lifting for teachers

For representatives of young professionals related to the field of education, allowances are calculated based on the scholarship that a representative of this category received during his studies. The amount also depends on the region in which the employee works under a distribution agreement.

There are all three types financial assistance, which young professionals can count on:

  1. One-time payment – ​​an amount from 20,000 to 100,000 rubles. The last figure of the allowance is the largest, paid to teachers in the capital. Even in the cultural capital it is half as much.
  2. Salary increase - in Moscow, this amount varies at a 40% rate relative to wages, and for all specialists who have distinguished themselves with honors - 50%.
  3. Preferential mortgage - part of the loan or mortgage is paid by the state, and there is no need to repay the funds.

Benefits for rural teachers

As of 2019, young teachers in villages of the Russian Federation are provided with the following concessions:

  • permission to labor activity joint nature;
  • shortened working week - if ordinary teachers must work about 36 hours per workweek, then rural teachers - 18 hours, which will not be a violation of the Labor Code;
  • longer vacation every year - from 42 to 56 days, and teachers who have worked for more than 10 years can apply for an annual vacation;
  • early retirement – ​​after working 25 years in the educational field.

Young university graduates often face employment problems.

Employers are reluctant to hire specialists without experience, even if they have a diploma with honors. As a result, graduates are forced to take low-paid positions.

At the same time, there is an acute shortage of professional personnel in rural areas. The main problem of the villages is the low standard of living.

For a long time, there has been a tendency for young people to migrate from villages to cities. As a result, the village requires specialists in all sectors.

In order to resolve the current situation and attract young personnel to rural areas, a program was introduced at the legislative level "Young specialist in the village."

Who are young professionals?

The legislation does not define the term “young specialist”. But this concept is found quite often in regulatory legal acts that establish labor relations for young personnel.

Article 70 of the Labor Code contains an explanation about a person who has completed his studies at an institution that has received state accreditation and got a job in his specialty. Employment within the first year after receiving a diploma is considered a prerequisite.

Young specialists are considered to be graduates who have received education in labor professions in specialized institutions.

The category of young specialists also includes citizens who have not yet turned 35 years old if they have completed an off-the-job training course and went to work in an organization in the acquired specialty no later than three months after completing their studies. The status of a young specialist in this case lasts three years from the date of execution of the employment contract. The employee has an obligation to work in the organization with which the contract is signed for at least three years.

To summarize the above, we can identify three main criteria that characterize the concept of a young specialist:

  • Graduate who received professional education in an institution with state accreditation;
  • A specialist is obliged, after receiving a specialty, to get a job in his profile;
  • You must find employment within a year after graduation.

Types of payments and social programs for support

A number of payments and social programs are provided for young professionals. They can count on:

  • One-time payment;
  • Lifting.

The lump sum payment is calculated in different ways. For example, kindergarten teachers and teachers receive a monthly salary increase for three years. In accordance with the law, payment can be made at the end of the employment contract.

Lifting payments appeared since 2012. The compensation or incentive payment must be issued to the specialist in the first month after signing the contract. The amount of payment depends on the specialty and place of work.

If a young specialist leaves due to at will, then he will have to return the allowance payments that were issued to him to the budget of the organization or enterprise.

The employer takes care of all the paperwork for issuing payments.

State benefits intended to support young workers are not taxed. In order for an employee to take part in the social program, he must work in this organization after receiving allowances for at least five years. Besides, professional activity must be related only to the specialty received.

Medical workers can receive payment only if they live in a village, under the federal program “Zemsky Doctor”.

Goals and conditions of the state support program

Since 2002, a program to improve living conditions citizens who live in rural areas.

To date program action calculated until 2020.

In accordance with federal law, funds for improving housing conditions are provided through the allocation of subsidies to subjects Russian Federation from the federal budget. Subsidies are provided as part of the rural development program.

Housing for young professionals in rural areas is a program that is designed to help families buy an apartment or house in rural areas. A village refers to rural settlements and areas between villages.

Exercise your right to improve your living conditions with the help of state support at the expense of budget funds can be provided to young specialists once in a lifetime.

Young professionals can receive a subsidy in the form of a soft loan. The interest rate at which the loan will be provided is 5% per annum. It is possible to return the money within 10 years in equal payments.

The amount of the subsidy is regulated by regulations of each region separately depending on market value square meter of housing. But its size cannot exceed 70% of the amount of housing, that is, a young specialist must have 30% of his own funds to purchase an apartment. Each region sets a maximum maximum price for an apartment, above which it will be impossible to purchase housing under the program. If both family members fall into the category of young professionals, the amount increases.

You can purchase housing on both the secondary and primary markets.

What benefits are provided by this program “Providing housing for young professionals in rural areas”

The main advantage of the program is that participants have the right to receive a loan on preferential terms at 5% per annum from the state budget for up to 10 years.

The estimated cost of the subsidy is determined based on the total area of ​​the living space, taking into account the norm for the number of family members. For one person this norm is considered to be 33 sq.m., for a family of two people the norm is 42 sq.m., for three or more people the calculation is based on 18 sq.m. per person.

The specialist has the right to use the payment for:

  • Purchasing housing in rural areas that has been in use for no more than five years;
  • Construction of a residential private house or for the completion of already begun construction;
  • Purchasing an apartment under construction apartment building in the village.

Who can become a participant

The following categories have the right to receive subsidies under the program “Providing housing for young professionals in rural areas”:

  • Citizens under 35 years of age; Those who live permanently in rural areas;
  • Recognized as in need of improved housing conditions;
  • Having in hand documentary evidence of the availability of their own funds of at least 30% of the cost of housing;
  • Received secondary or higher education in an institution with state accreditation;
  • Specialists who are employed in their specialty no later than three months after receiving a diploma in a direction from the department of education to a rural area;
  • Have worked in their specialty for at least three years.

When receiving a social subsidy, program participants are required to work in rural areas in the social sphere or in agricultural production for at least five years. Agro-industrial enterprises are understood as producers of agricultural goods; this list does not include owners of individual subsidiary plots.

Employment in the social sphere means any form of work in rural areas, including individual entrepreneurship, in the field of education, health, physical culture, social services.

Registration procedure

To take part in the program, a specialist must contact the housing committee in his region. Before submitting documents to participate in the program “Providing housing for young professionals in rural areas”, you must be recognized as in need of improved housing conditions. After receiving the relevant document, you can apply for a subsidy.

To do this you must provide:

  1. Passports of all family members and birth certificates of children under 14 years of age;
  2. A diploma of completed secondary or higher education from an institution that has state accreditation;
  3. Employment contract and employment history, as confirmation of employment in a specialty in rural areas;
  4. Document confirming marital status: certificate of marriage or termination of marriage;
  5. Act of the housing commission on the condition of housing, which makes a conclusion whether or not a citizen needs to improve living conditions;
  6. A document from Rosreestr stating that there are no registered residential premises in the applicant’s name, if the specialist does not have his own housing;
  7. A bank statement indicating the availability of 30% of the amount of the cost of the apartment, to confirm the applicant’s solvency.

The list of documents may be increased by regional regulations.

Local authorities check the submitted documents and create a list of program participants. The application review period is 2 months. After the deadline, the applicant is sent an official response about the inclusion of a specialist in the queue to receive a subsidy.

The timing of receipt depends on the regions and the number of specialists applying for a subsidy.

Rural administrations send lists to executive authorities by September 1 before the coming year. Based on the number of applicants, the approximate size and number of subsidies are compiled. Executive authorities form lists of applicants and notify them.

The calculation of the number and amount of subsidies that will be sent from the federation to the constituent entities is made after the approval of the annual budget, after November 1.

Ministry Agriculture takes into account the following factors when distributing:

  • The population of the village, its standard of living;
  • How much emergency and dilapidated housing is there in this rural area;
  • Labor shortage in this region;
  • Average cost per square meter.

The subsidy is issued to young specialists for a period of no more than 10 years at 5% per annum. The payment amount is divided into equal parts.

The transfer of subsidy funds allocated by the state is made by the credit institution to the account:

  • The seller, in case of purchasing an apartment under a sale and purchase agreement from a private person;
  • To a contractor who is building a house for a young specialist;
  • To the developer, if the apartment is purchased in a building under construction;
  • To the seller building materials under a purchase and sale agreement, if a private residential building is being built on its own.

During the program, many regions received professional specialists to the countryside. The results of the program cannot go unnoticed. Graduates have an incentive to get not only well-paid jobs, but also to purchase housing on preferential terms.

Legal status of a young specialist at the federal level not installed. Nevertheless, the concept is actively used when labor relations and assignment of benefits. Support for young professionals is a regional benefit.

Young professionals in Russia

To be considered a young specialist, an employee must meet the following criteria:

  • in institutions of primary, secondary or higher profile on a full-time basis;
  • training at the expense of budgetary funds;
  • availability of a state diploma;
  • assignment to work complies with special legislation;
  • employment occurred no later than one year after the final certification;
  • age up to 35 years old(depends on the area).

Special position of the specialist valid for 3 years. The duration is doubled under the following circumstances:

  • conscription for military service;
  • full-time study in the postgraduate education system;
  • vacations, .

Labor interests young specialists are protected by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the conditions, the employer is obliged to provide a permanent job without a probationary period, employment contract must comply with the principles of Section III of the Labor Code.

Regional payments to young professionals

The nature of support for specialists with special status depends on local legislation and socio-economic programs in force in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Regional legal acts should not contradict the federal code of laws.

Provided locally month period from the moment of admission to the staff to pay young professionals EDV. The amount depends on the employee’s specialization and place of service (rural area, city district or urban settlement).

Also, in many regions an annual lump sum benefit is provided for the period of special status. For example, in the Kaluga region, starting from 2016 in urban settlements, a starting employee will receive 9187 rubles in the first year of work, in the second year - 18373 rubles, on the third - 27560 rubles. These standards are higher for rural areas and lower for urban enterprises.

Providing housing for young specialists for an enterprise is tantamount to resolving a personnel issue. It is unlikely that a young doctor or kindergarten teacher will take off after a year or a year and a half under decent living conditions. In this regard, the regions are doing a lot:

  • If there is a departmental housing stock, service housing is allocated.
  • In some cases, an institution may.
  • Provided targeted loans with a reduced rate for an extended period, as well as subsidies and loans.

To purchase housing on preferential terms, the employee must work after the distribution 5 years or enter into an employment agreement for working off required time.

Transport costs associated with professional duties can be compensated according to two schemes:

  • through the allocation of a monthly fixed salary increase from the budget;
  • within the framework of labor relations through partial reimbursement of travel documents by the enterprise.

Given the difficult times, a number of regions have begun to implement targeted assistance, completely shifting compensation payments on employers.

At the discretion of municipalities, young specialists may be provided reimbursement of expenses for maintaining children in preschool educational institutions. Returns to parents from 20 to 70% payments made.

Raising payments to teachers

If the teacher came to school after assignment, having studied for free at a state university or pedagogical college, he claims lifting. Help is available no later than a month after career start.

The amount of the benefit depends on the specific region. On average it's 10-20 thousand rubles. In St. Petersburg, lump sum payments depend on success young teacher at the institute: holders of “honorable” diplomas are entitled to increased allowances in the amount 67456 rubles. But the usual amount is impressive: 50592 rubles.

There are subjects whose authorities find funds in the budget “purse” to increase the lifting fees. In the Irkutsk region, starting from the new year, payment from 10 thousand increased to 50 thousand rubles.

In addition to the EDV, young teachers are paid so-called teacher bonuses. To Moscow teachers first three years they pay extra 40% each every month. For holders of honors diplomas, the monthly bonus increases up to 50%.

In the Irkutsk region, the first-year salary increase was increased up to 60%. From the second year the coefficient decreases up to 36%, and by the third year of teaching, a specialist is supposed to only 24% increase.

Teachers who chose to work countryside, enjoy preferential mortgages:

  • with a reduced loan rate up to 8.5%;
  • compensation of the down payment from regional budget;
  • extended period of use of borrowed funds.

How to get what you are owed?

You need to contact the regional ministry (department/department) of education or social security with a package of documents:

  • Application for payment.
  • Original diploma with a copy.
  • Copies of orders on sending employment to the region and enrolling in the teaching staff of the school.
  • Personnel certificate of length of service at the educational institution, copy of the employment record.

Lifting payments to doctors

The procedures and conditions for supporting young healthcare professionals are the most extensive. Doctors are the only category of professional beneficiaries with federal support. It's about about, designed to create high level medical care in rural areas. One-time funds in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles.

The financial operator of the Zemsky Doctor is the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. IN three-day period The Fund generates payments from several sources. Since 2016, payment financing has been carried out jointly by two participants: federal ( 60% ) and regional ( 40% ) budgets.

The medical specialist sends a standard list of documentation to the regional MHIF:

  • Russian Federation passport.
  • A copy of the document on higher education in the field of medicine.
  • Confirmation of completion of residency.
  • Confirmation of enrollment in the staff of the district clinic.
  • Application for concluding an agreement with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

The originals of all documents are supplemented by notarized copies. The application is sent to the Federal Ministry. In 30 days doctoral allowances are credited to the bank account. Since 2016, the age limit for doctors in rural areas has been increased from 45 to 50 years.

An example on the topic of payments to young professionals

Afanasy Astakhov is a young specialist who received a higher medical education. After graduation, he decided to move to work in the countryside to participate in program "Zemsky Doctor". According to the latest edition dated 07/03/16, such persons, subject to compliance with established conditions a one-time compensation payment of 1 million rubles. At the same time, the young specialist must complete an internship, that is, be prepared for independent work.

To receive financial resources, the applicant entered into an employment agreement at the district clinic at the destination. Contract term – 5 years. The project is financed from the funds of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (compulsory health insurance) upon presentation of identification documents. Such papers are:

  • Passport or other document proving the identity of the applicant.
  • Diploma of higher medical education.
  • Contract of employment.
  • Application for registration to receive benefits. Issued by the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.
  • Order of a medical institution on the admission of a young specialist to the staff of a medical institution.
  • Consent from the Ministry of Health.
  • Applicant's personal account number

Astakhov sent documents to the Ministry of Health with a request to grant him the right to participate in program "Zemsky Doctor". The application was sent via the Internet. Within two weeks, official permission arrived.

Having collected the necessary papers and waited for admission to the staff of the medical institution in the direction, the applicant applied to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. After 30 days cash were transferred to the young doctor’s personal account.


In addition to regional characteristics, the preferential package for young specialists is characterized by a departmental formation principle. Therefore, young people can detail the amount of support provided in municipalities and directly from the employer. It's important to know that there are some general nuances conditions for all areas:

  • You will have to work in your specialty at least 5 years.
  • In case of early termination of the contract, they will be required to return the lifts and vacate the departmental housing. However, the Labor Code prohibits calculating monthly bonuses and salary allowances.
  • Based on local social programs, employers develop local regulations on young specialists.
  • State support programs apply only to municipal and budgetary organizations. A commercial enterprise has the right to independently decide on the possibility of providing assistance to newly employed graduates of universities or secondary educational institutions.
  • When concluding a GPC agreement with an employee, the status of a young specialist is not assigned.

The employer does not have the right to deny legal benefits and cash accruals. In case of excessive stubbornness of the management, the decision should be challenged in a higher organization, through the court.

The most popular questions and answers regarding payments to young professionals

Question: Hello. After university I work as a programmer. The company helps young people. Upon installation, I was introduced to the standard Regulations “On Young Employees”. Under a three-year contract, I was paid a monthly salary increase of 10%. In the 2nd year of work the bonus was raised up to 15%. Sometimes they gave bonuses based on the results of the quarter. After a year and eight months circumstances forced me to change my place of residence. I had to terminate the contract early. The employer demanded reimbursement of all allowances and bonuses paid. Is this legal?

Answer: excludes this possibility for the employer, since bonus payments and percentage increases to the employee’s salary are considered part of the salary. Salary is a legal remuneration for the duties performed. If there are no complaints about the quality and volume of work, the employer is obliged to pay for the work in full. The management's demand is unlawful. If you cannot reach an agreement peacefully, challenge it in court.

Review of current federal programs

Rural areas are in great need of qualified young personnel in various industries and, of course, support for young specialists. The main problem of rural life is the low standard of living. Young professionals do not find employment in rural areas due to low wages and lack of housing.

In the fight against these negative problems, as well as in order to attract young qualified specialists from various industries to the countryside, federal programs are being created to provide housing for young specialists who come to rural areas to carry out work practice. Young specialists are supported with allowances and subsidies. In parallel with federal programs, there are regional programs that are directly interested in attracting personnel to the village, and therefore in the overall development of their region. Programs to support young professionals guarantee the return of young people to the village.

Federal target program

The Government of the Russian Federation has approved a target program for the development of rural areas, one of the objectives of which is to support young professionals and provide them with high-quality and, of course, comfortable housing. It is planned to allocate 3032.3 thousand for these needs square meters housing. This program to support young professionals gives citizens the right to receive payments from the federal, local and regional budgets for the immediate purchase or construction of housing. Payments amount to 70% of the total cost of housing. Support for young professionals by the housing program has criteria and is carried out according to approved rules. A young specialist is considered to be a specialist who is no more than 35 years old. He must have completed vocational education at any level, or he must be studying in the final year of a vocational educational institution.

Conditions for participation in the program to support young professionals

  • To participate in the program, the purpose of which is to support a young specialist, the applicant must work at his main place of work for at least 5 years after receiving the payment. It is necessary to work in the acquired profession.
  • The specialist must permanently reside or have a desire to reside in the village.
  • Confirmation of the lack of housing or the need to improve living conditions is required.
  • It is necessary to have 30 percent of funds, based on the planned estimated cost of housing.

The young specialist can spend the funds received on the construction of new housing, on its purchase, and also on equity participation in the construction of multi-apartment housing.

Documents for participation in the program to support young professionals

  • Statement
  • Passport or any other document that sufficiently identifies him and his family members
  • Diploma of completion of a vocational educational institution, or certificate of study in the last year
  • Birth certificates of natural children or adoption
  • A document confirming the recognition of a specialist that confirms the need for housing, or a document confirming the lack of housing.
  • Certificate from the bank confirming availability additional funds
  • Documents for the purchase or construction of housing.

Support for young specialists in rural areas is also provided by regional authorities through the development, implementation and implementation of social programs. Funds for the implementation of these programs come from the regional budget. In some cases, part of the funds is paid from the state treasury.

Lifting allowance

The amount of one-time payments, as lifting funds for young specialists, is approved at the regional level, in a specific area and, depending on the existing profession.

The “Zemsky Doctor” program is a program to support young specialists; it provides for the receipt of 1 million rubles by a young doctor who wants to practice medicine in the countryside.

The main conditions for doctors to receive an allowance are: age - no more than 35 years, higher medical education, an employment contract for 5 years and the condition for spending the allowance. A young specialist can spend the amount received only on the construction of residential premises, or on its purchase.

For young teachers wishing to participate in the program to support young professionals: age no more than 35 years, higher Teacher Education, desire to work in a rural area, employment contract for 5 years.


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Good afternoon I live in the Volgograd region and work there as an ambulance paramedic, I graduated from college in 2015, my work experience in September will be 3 years, I am 26 years old. Can I participate in the zemstvo paramedic program in my hospital where I already work? There are places both in the emergency department and at the first aid station in the same organization. The HR department didn’t give clear answers, they said that I couldn’t quit and get a job in one year.

Hello! I know the federal program “Zemstvo Doctor”, in which medical workers with higher education and who have expressed a desire to work in rural areas can participate. I don’t know about the Zemsky Paramedic program. Maybe this is your regional program? If yes, then write the number of the regional order or resolution; I could not find this document in the public domain.

Thanks for the answer! Here is the order: Order of the Volgograd Region Health Committee dated March 23, 2018 No. 783 “On approval of the forms of the agreement on the provision of a one-time compensation payment to a medical worker (doctor, paramedic) under the age of 50, who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, who arrived (moved) to work in a rural settlement, or a working settlement, or an urban-type settlement, or a city with a population of up to 50 thousand people in the Volgograd region, and applications for concluding an agreement to provide a one-time compensation payment to a medical worker (doctor, paramedic) under the age of 50 years, who is a citizen of the Russian Federation Federation, who arrived (moved) to work in a rural locality, or a working settlement, or an urban-type settlement, or a city with a population of up to 50 thousand people in the Volgograd region"

Good afternoon Thanks for the tip too. Using it, I found two more regional documents that should interest you and by studying which you can find the answer to your question... Namely:
1. Resolution of the Administration of the Volgograd Region dated March 1, 2018 No. 100-p “On approval of the Procedure for providing one-time compensation payments to medical workers (doctors, paramedics)
2. List of vacant positions of medical workers in medical organizations and their structural divisions, upon filling of which one-time compensation payments are made for 2018 (program register of positions for 2018)
These documents are available on the website of the regional health committee
I'm not a lawyer, but I can advise you the following:
- look in the register to see if there is a vacant position in your department for which compensation payment is possible. If so, write an application for transfer to this position and draw up all documents for payment (application, 5-year contract, etc.)
- if your branch is not on the list, then try to find something nearby and go to work there, provided that all documents for payment are completed.

The Resolution contains the words “to someone who arrived (moved) to work in a rural locality,” which can be interpreted differently (either to someone who arrived (or moved) now, or a little earlier (as in your case), or in the future, after registration Compensation agreements.) You may have to go to court. I think it’s worth fighting for 500,000 rubles.

Hello! I am a nurse, I work in a hospital in a rural area, I graduated last year, I am 25 years old. In our village they provide apartments for nurses, paramedics and doctors. I have been working for 10 months, at the moment there is a free apartment, but the head physician of our hospital does not give it to me, simply telling me “no”. This is fine? ...

Good afternoon What, the head physician in your hospital is in charge of the distribution of apartments? This is somehow unusual. This is probably service housing assigned to the hospital. Why others are given apartments, but you are denied - you need to find out the reason from your management. I advise you to write an official statement requesting housing and demand an official response (refusal). You can say that you will complain to the district or regional health department or you will be forced to quit... In general, you need to fight for housing.

Good afternoon Please tell me, I work as an ambulance paramedic in Sverdlovsk region, in the city. If I have the opportunity to participate in this program when moving to a rural area and joining a first aid station there? Or is this only for doctors with higher education? Thank you!)

Good afternoon You don't write when you graduated from school or what your age is. If you get a job in a rural area in the first year after graduating from an educational institution, you have the right to an allowance for starting a household (lifting allowance). And to answer your question, in your area there is a Young Professional program for people under 35 years of age with higher and secondary specialized education. It is called "Sustainable development of rural areas for 2014 - 2017 and for the period until 2020." For doctors with higher education, there is the “Zemsky Doctor” program (1 million rubles). If you decide to move to a rural area, we recommend that you first clarify all the questions and conditions for this program, and conclude the necessary contracts for work and participation in this program.

Your question is completely off topic of the article. This article describes the Young Professional program, which is aimed at supporting young professionals in rural areas. You haven’t found a job in a rural area, but are planning to study at a university to become a philologist. What is “for the intended purpose”?

Hello.. I lived and studied in the city.. after graduating from university I went to work in the village (because they said that the state gives a million or half a million to young teachers working in the village). I’ve been working for 6 years now.. because... there were no payments, there was no desire to work due to the meager salary, which is not enough for anything... and soon I have to leave this profession... because I need to get on my feet, I need to live... and a teacher’s salary is not enough for this enough... why did they refuse to pay the Dagestan teachers this shit... a million or half a million... at least they would have provided housing...

Good afternoon Sad to read your comment. It’s sad because often a specialist with a higher education (I don’t just mean you personally) is completely unaware of his rights and what he is entitled to (or promised) by the state or regional authorities. Regarding the million, there is a law on the payment of a million rubles (it is updated annually) to medical workers with higher education as lifting aid in rural areas. Regarding teachers, I have not heard of such a law; it probably does not exist at the republican level. Although there should have been some kind of promotion for young teachers in the village (by decision of the regional authorities to attract young teachers to the village). There are also labor and social benefits for rural teachers. The Young Specialist subprogram for providing subsidies for the construction or purchase of housing also operates in your republic. But you should have taken care of all this during your employment or in the first year of work (contact the school management, the district education department, etc.). Here is an example of benefits for rural teachers for 2017:
Labor benefits - permission to work part-time, a shortened working week, increased annual leave - from 42 to 56 days, early retirement.
Compensation benefits:
- compensation for payment for renting residential premises or services for maintenance and repair of housing - 100% compensation;
- payment compensation central heating(or residential heating with natural gas) - 100% compensation, according to meter readings for each month;
- compensation for payment for heating residential premises with solid fuels (wood, coal, briquettes) - 100%, according to the standards;
- compensation for payment for lighting of residential premises, according to standards determined for each square. meter of area per month.
Benefits for young teachers:
- a one-time social benefit, the amount of which is set at 5 to 10 salaries. The final approval of the amount of this benefit is determined educational institution or regional legislation;
- stimulating wage, wages increase by 5-10 percent;
- additional payment for combination (working with students at home, extracurricular activities in preparation for the Olympiads, etc.);
- additional payment for the complexity and intensity of the work.

This is an approximate list that is being updated at the regional level.

I live in Dagestan, I work in a rural school for 14 years now. I am 33 years old, can I participate in the “Young Specialist” program and where should I apply? Please answer my question.

Good afternoon Your republic has a corresponding subprogram, the conditions for supporting young families and young professionals are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan dated April 17, 2014 N 174 “On measures to implement the subprogram “sustainable development of rural areas” of the state program of the Republic of Dagestan “Development of agriculture and regulation of agricultural markets products, raw materials and food for 2014-2020" (as amended: 05/07/2015)". You can still take part in this program (up to 35 years old). An application with a package of documents must be submitted to local authorities. Quote from the Resolution: “36. Young families and young professionals submit applications to local authorities in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to these Regulations with the attachment: ... ". I recommend that you carefully study the above resolution and try to join this program.

Hello, in 2016 I received a subsidy under the program “Sustainable development in rural areas for 2014-2017 and for the period until 2020.” under this program I have to work for 5 years in a rural area, if I go on maternity leave, will it be included in these 5 years?

I repeat my answer to your question to another article: “Good afternoon! In the program you indicated, naturally, nothing is said about the procedure for calculating this five-year period. You need to carefully look at your trilateral agreement. Does it indicate anything regarding the calculation of this five-year period.. Unless otherwise stated in it, then maternity leave, in my opinion, should be included in the period of service in accordance with labor code(Article 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - Parental leave is counted in the general and continuous work experience, as well as in the work experience in the specialty.) I advise you to consult with an experienced lawyer. I'm not a lawyer. I looked at the information on the Internet - this issue is not clear-cut and may have to be resolved in court."

Could you help me figure it out?
If I get a job in a rural kindergarten for the position of educational psychologist (psychological education, professional retraining courses as an educational psychologist), what can I count on? For a raise of 1 million and a salary increase of 5 thousand for 3 years? I think I read that to do this you need to get a job in the specialty you received no later than 3 months after completing your studies... And it turns out I won’t get a job in the specialty I graduated from, but in retraining? Is this critical? In what documents can I read about this regarding my area?
Samara region, Bogatovsky district.

Good afternoon Amount of 1 million rubles. was designated in the federal program “Zemsky Doctor” for young medical specialists in rural areas. I don’t have such information about teachers and retraining courses also don’t appear in any document (perhaps this is critical)..
. Here regulations, which I have to support teaching staff and young specialists in the Samara region.
- LAW OF THE SAMARA REGION dated March 11, 2005 N 87-GD “On measures of social support for paying for housing and utilities certain categories of citizens living and working in rural settlements and urban-type settlements in the Samara region (as amended as of December 26, 2016)
- DECISION OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE SAMARA REGION dated October 29, 2010 No. 570 “On measures of social support for graduates of educational institutions of higher education and vocational educational institutions studying in teaching specialties (as amended as of April 1, 2015)” (one-time settlement allowance in the amount of: 250 000 (two hundred fifty thousand) rubles for those applying for work in educational institutions located in settlements on the territory of the Samara region, in any pedagogical specialty;)
- The procedure for providing support measures to young specialists in the Samara region (approved by Decree of the Government of the Samara Region dated November 25, 2015 N 767).
Study the documents, choose what is most suitable for you.
The information in the documents is contradictory, both in terms of amounts and conditions, and it is better to clarify which document will apply to your case on the spot.

Good evening! I work in a village in the Astrakhan region in a state government institution (employment center), I’m not 35 yet, I don’t have my own housing. Can I participate in this program?

Good afternoon On the territory of your region, Decree of the Government of the Astrakhan Region of April 29, 2014 No. 157-p is in force
“On the implementation of measures to improve the living conditions of citizens living in rural areas of the Astrakhan region, including young families and young professionals.”
This program applies to young professionals living in rural areas and working in the agro-industrial complex or social sector. Your work can probably be classified as rural social work.

Hello, I graduated from medical university, I work at Rospotrebradzor in the Altai Territory, can a young specialist participate in the program? And is it stated how much money is allocated for housing?

Good afternoon You do not write where you live and work (city or village). The Young Specialist and Zemsky Doctor subprograms (1 million rubles) are intended for rural areas. You probably work in the city.

Hello, I am a young specialist in the village of Toksovo (Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk district), I work in an ambulance as a paramedic, I have a privatized apartment in Tikhvin (Leningrad region, Tikhvin district), but I do not live there, but rent in the village of Murino (Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk district), the experience will soon be 1 year, but this is not my first place of work. What benefits can I claim? Or what is the best thing to do to get the benefits back. I'm ready for a 5-year contract.

I provide you with information from the official website of the Leningrad Region Health Committee on issues of supporting young medical professionals. Not everything mentioned may be applicable to you personally (not your first job, availability of housing), but something may arouse your interest.
“since 2013, the Government of the Leningrad Region introduced additional measure to attract paramedical workers to work in rural areas - a one-time compensation payment of 345 thousand rubles has been established for paramedical workers under the age of 35 who came to work in a rural locality in 2013-2018.
Graduates educational organizations, for the first time after graduation, those entering work in medical organizations in the region are provided one-time benefits in the amount of 30,000 rubles - to doctors and 15,000 paramedics. Thus, the choice of a specialist’s first place of work in a medical organization in the region is stimulated.
At the end of the working year, each young specialist is provided with a payment in the amount of 56.5 thousand rubles during the first three years of work.
The listed social support measures are provided to the specialist for each of the grounds, subject to his compliance with the requirements established by regulatory legal acts that define the conditions and procedure for their provision.
3. An important factor in attracting specialists and retaining them is to provide assistance in providing housing, including in rural areas.
The state program of the Leningrad region “Development of healthcare in the Leningrad region” provides for measures to provide medical workers with housing.
Apartments are purchased as property in the Leningrad region and are provided to employees under employment contracts.”

Hello!!! I’m asking you for help, because I can’t figure it out on my own! I’m a 25-year-old paramedic, I live in a rural settlement in the Caucasus region of the Krasnodar Territory. I received my diploma on June 29, 2012, and a day earlier I became a mother (single),1 , I was caring for a child for 10 months. Since May 2014, I got a job as a paramedic at the polyclinic department in the village of Kavkazskaya + as a nurse at the general practitioner department of the Municipal Budgetary Healthcare Institution Central District Hospital. She got married, worked 1.6 until 11/30/15 and is still on maternity leave. I don’t own any housing. QUESTIONS: 1. Is the birth of a child a valid reason? A prerequisite for a “Young Specialist” is employment within 1 year after receiving a diploma! 2. Obtaining allowances was impossible for me??? employment without a probationary period in the specialty profile! IS IT POSSIBLE FOR MY PARTICIPATION IN THE PROGRAM: “Providing housing for a young specialist in rural areas”??? Maternity time is taken into account during working hours? Availability of maternity capital is 30% can it come in???

Unfortunately, I could not find a specific program in the public domain: Young Specialist in Krasnodar region. In the press in your region I found the following information: “ Rural development
In 2014, the implementation of a new program “Sustainable development of rural areas for 2014-2017 and for the period until 2020” began. One of its goals is to attract young personnel to rural areas of Kuban.
The following can count on receiving benefits under this program:
... - young specialists (not older than 35 years), if they have worked for at least five years in the agricultural sector or have a contract to work in rural areas (at least five years), live here permanently, are recognized as in need of improved housing conditions and have funds for in the amount of at least 30% of the cost of construction (purchase) of housing.”

Typically, in other regions, the laws stipulate that first an agreement is concluded, participation in the program is formalized, and then the countdown of the five-year “working out” period begins.

Your question is not simple and you probably cannot do it without a lawyer. I advise you to contact the district administration and find out whether this program operates in your area and whether your specialty is in demand. Based on your age, you may well participate in this program, but you need to keep in mind that the administration is not obliged to enter into an agreement with any young specialist. Maternity capital, of course, can be used to pay 30% of the amount. The birth of a child is a valid reason and one year after graduation is not always a prerequisite.

In order to carry out measures to improve the living conditions of citizens of the Russian Federation living in rural areas, the federal target program “Sustainable development of rural areas for 2014-2017 and for the period until 2020” was adopted, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 15, 2013 No. 598 .
Citizens of the Russian Federation living in rural areas, including young families and young professionals living and working in rural areas or who have expressed a desire to move to a permanent place of residence in rural areas and work there, have the right to participate in the activities of the Program in order to improve their living conditions. ." This Federal Target Program contains the Young Specialist subprogram.
2. Information from the website of the Ministry of Agriculture of your region: - Employment of young specialists in rural areas in the Tver region

Hello, this year I am graduating from the NSPU (Novosibirsk) pedagogical specialty, I am considering moving to a village in any more southern region. Is lifting or other rafting possible for me if I turn 36 this year, and in what region?
