Gypsum or cement plaster: classification, finishing work and amount of material. Gypsum or cement plaster: which is better? Gypsum plaster or lime plaster

Finishing various surfaces with plaster is one of the most critical stages. The subsequent durability and attractiveness largely depend on how correctly the composition of the solution is chosen and how well its application is carried out. decorative covering. Therefore, treat both processes carefully, carefully following all the rules, both selection and installation. You will learn how to choose a solution and which one is better in this article.

Depending on the purpose of using the solution, there are 2 main groups:

Important! Among the areas of application of plaster solutions different types, there are several most popular solutions:

Popular types of plaster

There are quite a lot of varieties of solutions for plastering walls and ceilings on the modern market.

One of the main principles of classification is the type of main substance, which can be:

Features of gypsum plaster

The initial mass of gypsum plaster is a powdery dry mixture, which includes:

Areas of application of gypsum plaster

Most often, walls and ceilings are plastered with gypsum plaster in the following cases:

Advantages and disadvantages of gypsum plaster

To understand why the use of gypsum plaster for finishing various surfaces is many times better than the use of other compositions, here are several significant advantages of this type of material:


Watch the video, which clearly shows an example of finishing walls with gypsum plaster to understand how simple the technology is and what the result of the work is.

Characteristics of cement mortars

Cement plaster is used mainly when it is necessary to create the most durable and durable coating.

One of the most popular options is the composition of cement plaster from the following components:

The second version of frequently used plaster has the following components:

Areas of application of cement mortars

The continued popularity of such solutions is ensured by the breadth of application possibilities with virtually no restrictions.

An excellent choice would be cement plaster when carrying out such work:

Advantages and disadvantages of cement plaster

Let us note some undeniable advantages of cement plaster, which often lead to the fact that preference is given to this type of mortar:

Among the disadvantages, we highlight the following factors:


Watch the video instructions for using cement plaster to properly organize your work process when using such a solution.


Considering all of the above, the following conclusion can be drawn from the above features of cement and gypsum plaster:

  • gypsum plaster will become ideal option in the absence of professional skills, in the case of finishing living rooms, in which it is planned to paint the walls or stick them paper wallpaper or in a situation where repairs need to be carried out as quickly as possible;
  • Cement plaster is perfect in almost any case if the quality of the surface is not a limitation, but it will require the help of professionals during application if your own skills are not enough to do the job.

Any renovation cannot be done without plaster. It is used to process various surfaces. There are gypsum or cement plasters. Which formulations are best to use depends on several factors, which we will consider below.


This type of coating differs in its purpose. Regular plaster used for carrying out construction work. With its help you can level the surface, seal seams, and reduce heat loss. It can perform a soundproofing function or serve as fire protection.

Decorative plaster is a mixture different colors and is used for finishing the room, and such plaster has recently become popular. With its help you can implement very interesting ideas in the design of premises for various purposes.

Plaster is divided into types, depending on which component is the main one - cement or lime, clay or gypsum. There are other options with the addition of certain substances. But many are inclined to believe that gypsum or cement plaster is best.

Before choosing one or another type of plaster, you need to make a comparison and decide which characteristics will be preferable at the moment when carrying out repair work.

From plaster

This plaster is usually prepared from powder, diluted with water in the required proportions, which are indicated on the packaging. As a result, it should be a paste, which is most often applied in one layer.

This solution is used for leveling walls, preparing for painting or wallpapering. This is what distinguishes plaster from putty, which, in turn, is used when there are more significant defects on the surface in the form of cracks and holes.

Gypsum plaster has a number of advantages:

  • The important thing is that it refers to environmentally friendly materials.
  • With its help, walls can be made perfectly smooth.
  • This type of coating does not shrink, and after it has completely dried, the appearance of cracks on the surface is excluded.
  • Its weight is quite light, so there is no load on the walls.
  • The elastic structure allows you to apply dense layers of the composition to the walls, if necessary. But even then you can be calm and not worry that a crack may appear somewhere.

The difference between gypsum and cement is that reinforcing mesh is not required during the work, while it is simply necessary when cement-sand plaster is used. Due to the porosity of gypsum plaster, the walls do not suffer from moisture. And this is a very big plus. After all, no one wants to fight fungus and mold. Due to the low thermal conductivity of gypsum, walls retain heat. And in terms of noise insulation, the performance of this material is quite high.

The speed of repairs using gypsum plaster depends on what layer will be applied to the wall. If it is very thick, it is better to wait a week to be safe. With a thin coating, two days is enough.

There are some disadvantages to gypsum plaster, although they are very few. The disadvantage, which is not so significant for many, is the difference in price compared to other types, for example, with cement plaster, which can be one and a half or even two times cheaper.

And one moment. Gypsum plaster cannot be applied in rooms where the humidity is constantly high.

From cement

This plaster can always be made with your own hands quite quickly. You need to have water, cement, lime on hand. Sometimes sand is also used in its preparation.

This plaster also has a fairly wide range of possibilities. It is indispensable when treating walls in the bathroom or pool, kitchen or basement. It is good to use it to finish external walls and bases where increased frost resistance is required.

If we talk about the advantages of this type of solution, it is durable and reliable, there is no doubt about it. Many consider these indicators to be especially important when choosing cement. This composition fits well on any surface. Its density prevents moisture from penetrating inside and damaging the structure. The price of cement plaster is low, which allows you to purchase it at any time.

There are also disadvantages and they must be taken into account. We must not forget about the thickness of the applied layer; here we must remember that the weight of cement plaster is quite large. When plastering the ceiling, this composition is rarely used. This type of mixture is incompatible with wooden, plastic and painted surfaces.

When applying it, leveling and grouting are required. This composition takes a long time to dry. It can completely harden after three, and in some cases even after four weeks. But when choosing cement plaster in construction stores, you need to pay attention to the fact that now many manufacturers have been able to improve this composition. By adding certain components, cement can be made more elastic and the drying time of the surface can be reduced.

How to use?

When studying the positive and negative characteristics of the compositions, you need to pay attention to which of them will be more convenient in each specific case, and whether Additional materials during repair work.

Gypsum plaster has virtually no disadvantages. But if the work speed is insufficient, the prepared solution may dry out, and you will have to make a new one. And the price of this material is not low. Therefore, if you have no experience, it is best to make the solution in small batches. This may not save time, but you can be sure that all the plaster will be used and not wasted.

When cementing the surface, the installation of reinforcement is required. The solution takes a long time to dry. Therefore, you can safely dilute a large volume and cover large areas at once.

There is one more important advice. Work must be carried out at positive temperatures starting from five degrees. It is mandatory to first use a primer with deep penetration. Before applying the next layer, you must allow the previous one to dry completely.

Each method and solution has its own advantages. Reviews also speak about this. Those who begin renovations are already, as a rule, familiar with the characteristics of the materials they plan to use. Therefore, there are no surprises.

Some note that external work is carried out easily and quickly thanks to the cement mortar. The drying time pays off in that this treatment will last a long time. Others share their experience of applying gypsum plaster in rooms, and at the same time praise it for the fact that after its application, any manipulations can be made with the walls, provided that all technological process complied with.

The paint goes on perfectly. The wallpaper does not bubble or fall off. And this is a very important factor.

Subtleties of preparing mixtures

Initial stage in any repair work preparation of the necessary compositions and tools is considered. The first step is mixing the dry ingredients, the second is adding water.

The preparation of each plaster has its own nuances:

  • The powdery components of cement plaster (cement and sand) are combined first. Only after thorough mixing can water be added to them. Then it all mixes well until smooth. Will not amount to special labor prepare plaster that will contain both gypsum and cement. This solution will dry faster, but will become less durable.
  • Preparing gypsum plaster takes literally five minutes. First, the gypsum is brought to the consistency of dough, and then, if necessary, water is added to obtain exactly the density that is needed.

Required Tools

When applying either plaster, you need certain tools that you need to stock up on in advance. It is possible that during the work it will turn out that there is an old coating left somewhere on the surface.

Therefore, you will need the following tools:

  • spatulas;
  • scrapers;
  • metal brushes;
  • hammer;
  • sandpaper;
  • container for mixture;
  • trowel;
  • electric drill or mixer;
  • level.

One of the methods for leveling walls is plastering. It is used most often. How to choose plaster for each room, which brands are better, how to make cement mixtures with your own hands - read on.

Types of plaster

Any plaster consists of a mixture of a binder, sand of different fractions and additives that give the composition specific properties. First of all, they are distinguished by the type of binder. It could be:

  • gypsum;
  • cement;
  • lime;
  • clay.

The most commonly used are gypsum and cement plasters. They are the most practical; with their help it is easier to obtain a flat surface. Since the cement-sand mixture (CSM) turns out to be very hard and not very convenient to work with, lime is added to the solution. Such plasters are called cement-lime plasters. To choose plaster, you need to know where exactly the walls will be leveled - outside or inside the room and what the conditions are in this room (more on this below).

You can make cement-based plaster mixtures yourself. This saves money, but takes more time. You can buy it ready-made - a dry mixture packaged in bags. Gypsum plaster is rarely made with your own hands; more often you buy it ready-made.

Plaster and putty are often confused. The processes are somewhat similar - both are used to level walls. But walls and ceilings are plastered if there is a large curvature - from 5 mm or more. After plastering, the surface is even, but grainy (less grainy when using gypsum compounds) and needs to be smoothed. And smoothing is done using putties. They contain more finely ground components, which results in a smooth surface. The maximum layer of putty is 5 mm, plaster is 50-80 mm in one layer, and several of them can be applied.

Which is better - gypsum or cement plaster?

You need to decide which plaster is better to buy - gypsum or cement - based on their qualities. What is a plus in one room is a minus in another. Therefore, first we will consider the properties of cement and gypsum plaster.

PropertyCement plasterGypsum plaster
Vapor permeability0.09 mg/mhPa0.11-0.14 mg/mhPa
Average consumption per square meter with a layer of 1 cm12-20 kg/sq.m7-10 kg/sq. m
Setting timeabout 2 hoursless than 1 hour - about 40 minutes
Hygroscopicityis not afraid of moisture, does not change properties when wetgetting wet is undesirable, maximum humidity is 60%
The need for puttyneeded for all types of finishing except laying tilesonly needed for painting

Let's start with economic feasibility. If we compare only the price per kilogram of dry composition, then cement-based compositions are approximately 1/3 cheaper. But since their consumption is about the same amount more, the total amount spent on plaster will be approximately the same. So there are no priorities here and you won’t be able to choose plaster based on price.

The easier it is to work

If we compare cement and gypsum plaster in terms of ease of use, then the gypsum composition is easier to apply. It is more elastic and “sticks” to the base better. But there is one “but” - it sets faster. On the one hand, this is good - it dries faster to a state where the next layer can be applied and the work moves faster. On the other hand, this is bad - you need to mix small portions at one time: in order to have time to finish everything in 30-40 minutes. It is better not to use set mixtures, since adding water changes its condition only externally. This material will no longer gain normal strength.

Cement compositions remain elastic for 2 hours, so large volumes can be mixed at a time. But such plaster also takes longer to dry, so the process takes longer - you have to wait for the composition to dry.

Application area

When choosing between gypsum and cement plaster, it usually all depends on the area of ​​application - gypsum is not used outside because of its fear of moisture. In this case, choosing a plaster is simple: for external work we use cement plaster.

The same property determines its scope of application in interior spaces: for the bathroom and kitchen it is better to use cement plaster, which is not afraid of moisture. In all other “dry” areas, they prefer to level the walls with gypsum compounds. They “fit” better and, with some experience, you don’t have to put putty on the walls under the wallpaper - you just need to level the grout layer well.

Plaster is the basis of the finishing pie, so it must hold up very well

There are, of course, gypsum moisture-resistant plasters. Their moisture resistance is increased through the use of hydrophobic additives, but this is reflected in the price - it is significantly higher than for conventional compounds. It is also worth saying that in the bathroom the walls are leveled with gypsum compounds that are not moisture resistant. The tiles will then be laid on it, and if you carefully grout the seams with moisture-resistant grout, the moisture will not reach the plaster. But this, nevertheless, is not the best solution, since gypsum and cement have very different characteristics, and tile adhesive is always made on the basis of cement. If you lay a tile on gypsum plaster, in most cases it lags behind the base, as they say, “bumps”, and may even fall off.

If you are choosing the best way to plaster the ceiling, in dry rooms the choice is clear - gypsum plaster. It is lighter, has better adhesion, and is easier to level. And even in damp rooms it is better to use a moisture-resistant gypsum composition - it is very difficult to work with cement on the ceiling. This is the case when it is better to overpay a little. So choosing plaster for the ceiling is simple: it is a gypsum composition.

DIY plaster mixture

With a limited budget for construction or renovation, you have to think about saving. Choosing plaster here is simple: you can save on finishing costs if you make cement-based compositions yourself. It's really cheaper, although it requires additional time and effort. But remember that in ready-made compositions additives have been added to improve the properties of the plaster. For example, antifungal additives are added to formulations for wet rooms to prevent the development of mold. In compositions for plastering external walls, an additive is added to the antibacterial ones to increase frost resistance. There are also plasticizing additives that make application easier. In principle, you can also add these additives to homemade plaster. You can find them at construction markets or in specialized stores; the standards are written on the packaging. And even taking into account the costs of additives, savings when self-production will be solid - about 30%.

It’s not difficult to make cement-sand or lime-cement plaster with your own hands. Mix the components in certain proportions in dry form, then add liquid components (if any and water), bring to a certain consistency. You can mix it manually with a shovel in a large basin or trough. You can mechanize the process if you have a drill - using a special attachment. The easiest way is using a concrete mixer. With it, things go faster, but large volumes are difficult to produce, especially if you have little experience.

Cement-sand mixture: proportions

The cement-sand mixture is made up of 1 part M400 or M500 cement and 3-5 parts sand. The cement must be fresh, the sand must be dry, sifted through a fine sieve with a grain size of no more than 1.5 mm. Take 0.7-0.8 parts of water. As you can see, the proportions are approximate. Sand can be of different humidity, the solution can be used for plastering walls in different rooms, cement may be different brands. When choosing the amount of water, the main guideline is ease of use. It is necessary to select the composition so that it is not so thick that it falls off the wall, but not so liquid that it slides. This is determined experimentally.

There is also a difference in composition depending on the area of ​​application. To plaster exterior walls, take 3-4 parts sand to 1 part cement. To level the walls indoors, more sand is added - 5 parts or even more.

Although the DSP is much cheaper ready-made mixtures, it is more difficult to work with - it does not stick to the wall very well, it takes a long time to dry, and when dry it almost always becomes covered with cracks. But it is not afraid of moisture and for this reason it is recommended for plastering walls in damp rooms, which will later be either MDF or any other). For other types finishing- painting and wallpaper - it is better to use cement-lime mortar or gypsum.

DIY cement-lime plaster mortar

Cement-lime plaster is made with the addition of lime paste. Pieces of lime are measured into a dough, then diluted with water until liquid state and in this form is added to thoroughly mixed dry cement and sand.

The proportions of cement-lime plaster are as follows: for 1 part of cement take from 1 to 2 parts of lime paste, 6-9 parts of sand. Water is added to bring the solution to the desired consistency. The sand is the same as for DSP - with a grain size of no more than 1.5 mm, the water is clean, without contamination. Lime dough is better than store-bought. When extinguishing at home, there are still particles that have not reacted. Later, when the wall gets wet, they react and increase in volume, which causes pieces of plaster to fall out. Therefore, it is better not to save on this.

The exact selection of proportions is determined experimentally: the mass should stick well to the wall. Walls in any premises can be plastered with a cement-lime composition. The composition is softer, more convenient to work with, and does not crack when dry. But the strength of such plaster is much lower than DSP and this must also be kept in mind.

Selecting ready-made formulations

Choosing the type of plaster - gypsum or cement - is just the beginning. Next, you will have to choose the manufacturer and the composition itself - there may be several products with slight differences.

Good gypsum plasters

The most popular gypsum plaster is Rotband from Knauf. This is a really high quality product that is easy to use even for beginners. The same company has other products - Goldband and HP Start. They are cheaper, and the quality is quite decent.

The most popular type of plaster is Rotband.

NR Start is a gypsum-lime composition, Goldband is a gypsum composition. The difference between Rotband and Goldyuand is the thickness of the minimum layer. Rotband’s is 5 mm, the second’s is 8 mm. Otherwise, the technical characteristics are very similar - both consumption (8.5 kg/m 3 with a layer thickness of 1 cm), and maximum layer (50 mm), and compressive and bending strength. The density in the hardened state is slightly different: ~980 kg/m 3 for Goldband and 950 kg/m 3 for Rotbabd. Scope of application - any residential and non-residential heated premises, including kitchens with bathrooms.

NamePurposeColorLayer thicknessBinder type
Knauf Rotband plaster mixtureFor plastering smooth surfaces walls and ceilingWhite gray5-50 mmGypsum with polymer additives
Plaster-Adhesive Mixture Knauf SevenerFor restoration of old plaster surfaces, including facadesGrey Portland cement with polymer additives and reinforcing fibers
Plaster Bergauf Bau InterierFor plastering in rooms with normal humidityGrey/White5-40 mmCement with polymer additives and perlite filler
Plaster Volma-CanvasFor interior spaces with normal humidity 5-50 mmBased on gypsum with chemical and mineral additives

Volma Layer, Osnovit Gipswell, Eunice Teplon, and Prospectors also speak well of gypsum plaster. They cost less, give good results, but it’s still easier to work with Rothband and the “company”. Based on the results of working with these brands, there are both positive and negative reviews, but in general, the quality is not bad.

Ready-made cement plasters

Cement plasters are available for manual and machine application. We will talk about the compositions for manual application. For interior works Forward, Weber Vetonit, Osnovit Startwell, Weber Stuk Cement are good. They fit well on a clean, pre-moistened surface. For better grip better than walls pre-prime, after drying, start on your own

If you choose cement-based plaster for exterior work (including for plastering an open loggia or balcony), you need façade compounds. They differ from ordinary ones in the increased number of freezing/unfreezing cycles. Facade cement plasters - Yunis Silin facade, Osnovit Profi Startwell, Knauf Unterputz, Bergauf Bau Putz Zement. Ceresit CT 24 Light plaster is suitable for both facade and interior work.

For walls made of cellular concrete special plaster is required. It has increased vapor permeability to prevent moisture from being trapped inside the wall. This is Ceresit CT 24, Knauf Grundband (contains the smallest particles of polystyrene foam, which increases its thermal insulation properties and reduces consumption).

Finishing work to level surfaces is carried out various materials. Depending on the location of the surface, the purpose of the room, environment compositions with different properties are needed.

What kind of plaster would be better suited gypsum or cement, should be decided in each case individually. Correctly selected quality composition will provide long term service and aesthetic appeal of plaster finishing. How to choose a suitable solution, what are the advantages and disadvantages of different compositions, we will consider below.

Types of compositions

The surface leveled with plaster is ready for finishing

Plaster mortar has various applications. The most obvious are:

  • surface leveling;
  • improvement of heat and sound insulation;
  • fire protection.

Modern construction market offers different kinds ready-made mixtures for finishing walls, ceilings, interior and exterior works. Plaster solutions are divided into 2 groups depending on the application layer:

  • regular or basic coating. Used when carrying out rough work;
  • decorative Various mixtures to create a finish.

The main way to classify plaster mixtures is to separate the solutions according to the constituent substance:

  • cement;
  • lime;
  • clay;
  • gypsum.

Of course, there are various modifications of the compositions, except for the 4 main ones. They are obtained by mixing the main components and adding various additives, additives and plasticizers.

Due to their practical properties, the most popular compositions are gypsum and cement plasters.

Quality criterionPlasterCement
Base materialgypsumcement
at manual way application10 17
with mechanized8 12,5
Drying timeup to 7 daysup to 4 weeks
ShrinkageNo1 - 2 mm/m

Characteristics of the cement mixture

Cement mixtures have high adhesion to the base

The convenience and optimality of cement plaster is difficult to overestimate; this type of mortar enjoys deserved popularity among both experienced craftsmen, and for novice builders:

  1. Durability of the coating. This is the main quality of cement plasters; the surface is resistant to mechanical stress and reliable.
  2. Excellent adhesion. Cement mortars fit perfectly on almost any base; it is enough to treat the surface with a primer.
  3. Moisture resistance. Cement plaster is not afraid of impacts atmospheric precipitation And high humidity, therefore they are often used when repairing facades and finishing surfaces in specific wet areas.
  4. Price. This composition has a completely budget price tag compared to other compositions.

Given that this a budget option, you should not choose a solution based only on the cost of the product: compare the material consumption and pay attention to the performance properties.

The main disadvantage of cement mortar is its poor adhesion to wooden, plastic or painted surfaces.

Due to the serious weight of plaster, it is rarely used on ceilings.

For the same reason, you should calculate the load on the walls of the building during finishing.

The plastering process itself is quite labor-intensive, despite the fact that it takes place in several stages, each of which requires a pause in work.

Practice plastering at positive temperatures

To ensure that the plaster layer is as durable as possible and serves long years, you should adhere to some rules in your work:

  • plaster the surface at a temperature from + 5 to +30 0 C;
  • be sure to treat the surface with a deep penetration primer;
  • to apply an additional layer, wait until the previous one has dried;
  • conduct plastering work on construction beacons;
  • Do not take on large volumes if you have no experience in this area.

Gypsum based mixture

Gypsum plaster mixture consists of gypsum itself and plasticizers. It is usually applied in 1 layer by hand or machine. The scope of application of gypsum mortar is quite extensive, although it has limitations. This type of plaster is used for finishing:

  • brick walls and concrete slabs;
  • internal dry rooms;
  • for leveling the surface for gluing or painting.

Finishing the surface with gypsum mortar will eliminate the need for puttying work. Quality work with gypsum makes the surface absolutely suitable for decorative finishing.

Advantages of working with this type of composition:

The material is warm and dries quickly, it takes a maximum of 3 days to complete the work.

The disadvantages of gypsum plaster include the inability to use the solution in rooms with increased level humidity.

Slightly higher price tag than cement mortars, which counts towards the fact that there is no need to use putty.

Preparation of solutions

First the dry ingredients are mixed, then water is added.

It is not enough to just choose cement or gypsum plaster; to use it, you must properly prepare the solution. Each type of plaster has its own recommendations for the mixing process.

The bulk components of the cement composition are mixed dry. Sand and cement are poured in thin layers and then mixed.

After the dry ingredients are thoroughly mixed, water is added to them. Now the liquid mixture is thoroughly mixed.

You can also prepare cement-gypsum plaster. This solution will set much faster and drying time will be reduced. But at the same time, the strength of the layer will also change, it will become more fragile. For more information on how to make the mixture, watch this video:

Gypsum solutions are mixed for a short time. It takes no more than 5 minutes to prepare a working portion of the composition. Typically, gypsum dough is first prepared, which is subsequently diluted with water to the required consistency.

When carrying out finishing work, it is very important to choose the right materials. If it’s more or less clear with paints and wallpaper, then with plaster mixtures everything is more complicated. Modern market offers hundreds various options data of building materials that differ in composition, technical characteristics and so on. To accurately determine which plaster is better: cement or gypsum, you need to learn more about each type.

Cement-based plasters are considered universal because they can be used for interior and external works. For the most part, such materials are not afraid of high humidity, low temperatures and their differences, therefore they are suitable for facade work, finishing basements, decorating slopes and even areas around swimming pools. Some cement plasters contain special components, such as expanded polystyrene chips, which significantly increase the thermal insulation properties of the material. Good adhesion to most materials, mechanical strength, as well as a long service life make cement compositions suitable for major repairs and restoration of coatings, subject to compatibility of materials. Cement-based plasters do not adhere well to wood, plastic and painted surfaces. After drying they acquire grey colour, and it is very difficult to achieve ideal evenness of the wall, so further finishing is required using tiles, wallpaper or decorative plaster mixtures.

Using cement plaster it is very difficult to achieve a perfectly flat surface.

Gypsum solutions are characterized by plasticity and lack of shrinkage, therefore they are well suited for finishing walls. They are suitable for any type of base, as they are characterized by high adhesion rates and low weight, which makes it possible to decorate wall structures without significant overloads. Using gypsum compositions, textured and structural surfaces are created, but rough leveling can also be done before painting or wallpapering. When exposed to moisture, gypsum is destroyed, so such solutions are not used for finishing facades, plinths, bathrooms, basements, and so on.

On a note! There are gypsum plasters that contain polymer components that protect against harmful effects water. They can be used in damp environments, but due to the high cost, only finishing is recommended.

Gypsum plaster has a wide range of applications

Advantages and disadvantages of gypsum plasters

This material has the following positive aspects:

  1. Environmental Safety. All components included in such plasters do not have a negative effect on the human body. In addition, they are characterized by low acidity levels.
  2. No shrinkage. This feature allows you to carry out work without the risk of subsequent cracking of the coatings. Also, the finished surface does not require another layer for the final formation of the coating.
  3. Relatively small mass. Thanks to this, it is easier to work with gypsum materials, their consumption is noticeably lower than that of cement, and the walls will not be overloaded with excess weight.
  4. Plastic. A good plasticity indicator ensures quick and convenient application and leveling of gypsum material. In addition, if necessary, you can make a thick layer of plaster without fear of it falling off the wall.
  5. Simple preparation. In most cases, reinforcing mesh is not required to apply such materials.
  6. Vapor permeability. After drying, pores form on the coating, providing normal ventilation for the walls. As a result, moisture does not accumulate under the surface, which increases its service life.
  7. Insulating properties. Gypsum has a low thermal conductivity, therefore it provides comfortable temperature indoors. It should also be noted that walls finished with such plaster transmit less noise.
  8. Drying speed. Conventional gypsum-based solutions begin to set 30-60 minutes after preparation; drying will only take no more than a day. The coating gains strength within a maximum of 7 days.

Gypsum plaster is a very plastic material that allows you to obtain a textured surface.

The main disadvantage of gypsum materials is their hydrophilicity, as a result of which they cannot be used for finishing wet rooms. Another disadvantage is the cost. Gypsum mixtures are 1.5 times more expensive than cement mixtures, and lime mixtures are 2 times more expensive; this must be taken into account before choosing a specific option.

Pros and cons of cement mortars

Thanks to the following characteristics, cement plasters are so highly valued among experienced and novice craftsmen:

  1. Mechanical strength. This indicator is a kind of calling card of cement plasters. Thanks to it, coatings are strong, reliable, and able to withstand direct mechanical impact.
  2. High adhesion. Even if a monolithic concrete surface is being finished, special preparatory measures are not necessary. It is enough to use a special primer or additives.
  3. Moisture resistance. Thanks to this characteristic, the materials can be used for finishing walls and ceilings in damp rooms. In addition, it is cement compositions that are most often chosen for facade work.
  4. Price. The relatively low prices for cement compositions make them attractive in the eyes of buyers.

Cement plaster is highly valued by both beginners and professionals

You should know! You cannot choose between materials based on cost alone. It is recommended to find out the consumption of each of them and calculate in advance required amount mixtures.

The main disadvantage of such solutions is the inability to process plastic, painted or wooden surfaces. Their finishing requires serious preparatory measures, which increase the overall cost of the work. This type of plasters has a significant specific gravity, which makes it more difficult to work with; it is practically not applied to ceilings. This same feature requires an accurate preliminary calculation of the material and layer thickness, since a large amount of material can overload the walls. The application process is quite labor-intensive and takes place in several stages, after each of which it is necessary to interrupt work for a certain period of time. It is necessary for the solutions to dry; the total duration of work can reach 1 month.

Modern mixtures contain many different components that completely or partially eliminate the above disadvantages.

Work on plastering walls with cement-based mortar can take a long time

Which plaster to choose depending on the type of base

If the surfaces do not have serious defects and are not heavily littered, then it will be enough to simply apply one layer of gypsum plaster. In this case we're talking about about the walls in panel houses, as well as plasterboard coverings. For such purposes, it is recommended to use solutions with polymer additives that increase the viscosity and adhesion of the material.

On a note! Walls made of lightweight cellular concrete require pre-treatment before applying gypsum compounds. For ordinary walls it's not obligatory.

If the walls are built from brick or cinder block, then it is better to use cement-based starting mixtures. The fact is that such building materials rarely have ideal geometry; in addition, the evenness of the masonry is also rare. In addition, such coatings require preliminary priming, and if a large layer of cement plaster is used (more than 5 cm), the installation of reinforcing mesh is required.

It is better to perform rough finishing of brick walls cement compositions

After the leveling layer dries, the surface becomes rough, porous and grainy. To smooth it, gypsum finishing solutions with fine filler are used. They will fill every crack and pore, resulting in a more uniform finish.


To finally understand in which case it is suitable and in which cement mixture, you need to know the main indicators:

  • The temperature range is the same for both materials – +5…+30 degrees.
  • The filler fraction for gypsum is 0.5 mm, for cement - 1.25 mm.
  • The approximate consumption for the first type is 9 kg, for the second - 17 per square meter.
  • The minimum and maximum thicknesses of one layer are the same - 5 and 25 mm, respectively; for partial leveling, this figure increases to 35 mm.
  • The setting time for gypsum mortars is 0.5-1.5 hours, for cement mortars – 3 hours.
  • Grouting in the first case is possible after 2 hours, in the second - after 5 hours.
  • According to the technology, the time for full strength gain for both types of material is 28 days, but in practice, gypsum takes about 9-10 days.
  • Grade strength M25 and M100 respectively.
  • The compressive strength of gypsum materials is 2.5 MPa, cement - 10 MPa.
  • The adhesion strength of plasters to the surface is almost the same, the difference is 0.1 MPa.
  • There is no shrinkage in gypsum mixtures, but in cement mixtures it is 1-2 mm/m.


The choice of plaster depends on the desired result, the type of base and the budget for repairs. Wet areas It is recommended to finish only with cement compounds, all others - first with cement-sand mixtures if leveling is required, and gypsum mixtures are best suited for the decorative layer. For household, storage facilities, garages and so on - it is also recommended to purchase relatively inexpensive cement-based solutions. However, only an experienced person can say for sure which is better: gypsum or cement plaster, so it is better to consult with a specialist before purchasing.
