Additional cards for the game alias. Alias ​​or Say Otherwise - Let's Play Together

lias (alias, alias, say differently) is a board game in which the goal of the players is to explain the hidden word to teammates (in some cases, players of the opposing team), without using gestures or pronouncing the hidden word and words of the same root.

Players are divided into groups, and the number of players in each group does not have to be equal.

"Alias" is one of the most popular board games for parties and large groups. It combines the spirit of competition and funny situations that inevitably arise during the explanation. difficult words and phrases.

"Elias" was developed in Finland. The first version of the game appeared in 1989, and mass production started in 1995. In Russia the game is also known as “Say Otherwise”.

The minimum number of players required to start the competition is 4 people. There are no restrictions on the maximum number. Although the manufacturer indicates that this is 12 people, this statement is only true if there are 2 players from each team.

Game progress: basic rules

The basic set for the game includes a game board with 6 chips different color, an hourglass and 400 cards, each with 8 words.

At the beginning of the game, cards with words are thoroughly mixed and placed in the center of the table. Next, the turn order between the teams is played out.

The first team starts the game, one participant will act as an explainer, the rest will try to guess the required word. Players from his team tell him any number from 1 to 8, for example 7. After which the presenter picks up the deck and begins to explain the words number 7. Cards can be skipped.

Calculation of points and fines

The game is played against time - at the beginning of each turn the hourglass turns over. The team's task is to guess as many words as possible during this time period. After the time allotted for solving words has expired, scoring begins. For each word guessed, the team receives 1 point, for each penalty - minus 1 point.

You can get fines for explaining a hidden word using cognates. This is strictly prohibited by Elias rules. For example, if the hidden word “bus” is explained as “car vehicle", you will receive a penalty point. In most cases, fines are also assessed for missed cards.

After completing their turn and counting points, the team moves its piece across the field by a number equal to the number of points received. All subsequent moves, the team guesses the words on the cards under the number indicated on the square of the playing field where their chip is located. The first team to bring its piece to the finish line wins.

Right to plunder

As soon as one of the teams' pieces passes the black square, a "robbery" is played in the game. This round of the game is not played against time. The explainer picks up 6 cards and begins his turn.

Players from any team have the right to guess words in this round. Accordingly, the team that guessed the word first gets points. The “Right to Robbery” is not played if the chip passed the black square using previously earned points on the “Robbery”.

Editions and additions

    • Alias ​​Genius: Genius version

A distinctive feature of the package is the presence of 200 cards with words, 2 of which are empty joker cards. In “Alias ​​Genius Version” there are cards with letters; before the presenter begins to explain the word, he must come up with it from the available letters.

    • Alias ​​Party: Party

The set includes a notebook for the game, 100 cards (80 with words, 20 with celebrities), a pencil and a die. The principle of the game remains the same as in the classic version. Added options for explaining words with different conditions, which you will see on the playing field. For example, you need to explain a word, expressing some emotion: anger or fear, etc. Cards with celebrities have also been added, which will also need to be guessed. The game is suitable for a large and noisy company.

    • Alias ​​Crazy: Crazy Version

The contents are the same as in the classic game, only the number of cards has been reduced to 200. The differences in this version of the game are that the card contains only 3 words and one way of explanation. For example, you might have the option of explaining a word by scratching a player on your team or pretending to be a radio host. While spending time with this version of the game, it will be difficult to keep a straight face.

    • Alias ​​Junior: For kids

The game is suitable for children aged 5 to 8 years. The equipment and rules of the game are the same as in the classic “Alias”. Features are more simple words, a bright playing field and the chips needed for the game. "Alias ​​for kids" is ideal for development creative thinking in children. The game is also available in a compact version, which is convenient to take with you on the road.

    • Alias ​​Family: Family version

The game is ideally adapted for a family of three or more with children. Added special children's cards with more simplified words. Also, division into teams is not provided here; the game is played in pairs, which are determined every new move.

    • Alias ​​2: Re-release

Updated version classic game"Elias." Added 3200 new words that were not found in previous versions. The same words are written in English on the back, allowing you to play in two languages ​​at once. A more colorful design of the playing field has also been added.

"Alias" is an entertaining game for an unlimited number of participants. It will be appropriate to play it in large companies, without fear that any of the players will become bored. And a variety of tasks and words in the cards will allow the game not to be repeated for a long time.

"Say Otherwise" is often used in study sessions. foreign languages, as an easy way to practice knowledge in a free environment. The game is played according to classical rules, but the explanations themselves are conducted in the target language.

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We invite you to make it popular DIY game “Say Otherwise” (Alias) for children. Alias ​​(Say Otherwise) for children can be played by the whole family. Even if the child does not know how to read yet, he will be able to explain in other words what is drawn in the picture. Cards for the game can be made from unnecessary business cards (identical), or from paper, or from ordinary cardboard.

Use photographs from magazines, catalogs, and stickers as illustration tasks. Cut out and glue the pictures onto the cards using PVA glue or double-sided tape. If you are good at drawing, then your unique drawings will add charm to this game and add a humorous touch. You can make any number of cards and change them constantly.

The rules of the game “Say Otherwise” (Alias) are simple : in a time measured by an hourglass or a stopwatch, you need to guess the word from the card, which your partner explains using synonyms, antonyms, various clues, sounds and hints.

Game “Say Otherwise” (Alias) for children- This team game according to the “understand me” principle for a company of four or more people. Players need to split into several teams so that each team has at least two people. In 1 minute you need to explain as many words as possible to your team members.

For each word guessed, the team gets a point. A word that cannot be guessed can be skipped to save time, but one point will be deducted for this. The first one to score 30 points wins.

The “Say Otherwise” game can be diversified by adding your own rules. For example, explain what is shown on the card using words starting with the letter V or With. Or explain the task without words, using .
The game "Alias" develops in children oral speech, helps expand vocabulary, teaches you to work in a team.

How else can you play with the Alias ​​(Say Otherwise) card?

Use them for memory games. For example, show your child a row of 4 to 8 pictures. Then ask him to close his eyes and swap the two pictures. When the child opens his eyes, ask what has changed.

Ask your child to close his eyes again and add another picture and remove one.

Alias ​​cards are also suitable for logic games.

Ask your child which picture is the odd one out of the 4-5 presented.

living - non-living

predators - herbivores

Birds-fish, clothes-shoes, domestic-wild animals, furniture-cutlery, pictures starting with the same letter - use such rows of images for logic and thinking games.

The game Say Otherwise is played in teams of two or more people. The main idea of ​​the game is to explain words to your teammates in other words, using for example synonyms, antonyms and clues so that your team members can guess as many words as possible before time runs out. The more words a team guesses, the more steps it can take on the playing board. In the game Say Otherwise/Party, words can be explained in completely new and incredible ways. The team that reaches the finish line first wins the game.

Progress of the game

  • Set the rotating arrow on the playing board.
  • Place the Word cards face down in separate piles next to each team. Place the Position and Emoticon cards face down in the spaces marked for them on the game board.
  • Each team takes a blank Celebrity card and writes 8 names on it, for example, the names of acquaintances and friends. Then mix these cards with the rest of the Celebrity cards, divide them into two piles and place them face down on the game board.
  • Each team selects a playing piece and places it on the Start field.
  • Teams take turns choosing a player to explain the words in the first round. This player takes a number of cards with words on the playing board (10-15 pieces). Each card has 8 words. Then the other teams choose a number from 1 to 8, for example - 4. The hourglass turns over and the player begins to explain the word number 4 (see Explanation of words). When the team guesses the correct answer, the explainer puts the card on the table and begins to explain word number 4 on the next card.
  • When the clock runs out of sand, the other teams shout “Stop!” If the player then continues to explain the word, then all teams have the right to guess. The team that gives the correct answer the fastest wins and has the right to make one move forward on the playing board.
  • The number of cards on the table shows how many moves forward a team can make (see Errors and Omissions).
  • The right of turn passes to the next team. Used cards are returned to the bottom of the deck. Unused cards are passed on to the next explainer, who may also want to take some new cards from the board.
  • The number fields on the playing board are numbered from 1 to 8 and now the number of the word that must be explained will be determined by the number on which the team piece is located. Team members take turns explaining the words.
  • There are also Party fields on the playing board. When a team piece lands on one of these spaces at the start of its turn, a special explanation is applied (see Party Explanations). Successful completion of the "Party" tasks entitles the team to spin the bonus "spinning top" in the middle of the playing board and move forward faster!
  • The team that reaches the finish line first wins the game!
  • Errors and omissions

    If the explaining player makes a mistake, for example, he names part of the word indicated on the card, the word will not be accepted and the team must make one move back. Therefore, each team must listen carefully to the explanations of other teams. For example, if a team guessed 6 words, but the explainer made two mistakes, then the team moves 4 fields forward (6-2 = 4). If a word seems too heavy, you can skip it, but remember that this will cost you one move back. However, sometimes it's worth it because you can save time.

    Explanation of the "Party" field

    Every time a team manages to successfully complete the task of the “Party” field, they have the right to spin a top, which gives bonus points (1-3). This means that the team can advance the number of spaces they guessed, plus the number of steps indicated by the arrow. The hourglass is used in the same way as in normal explanations.

    A friend's birthday is approaching, and you still haven't decided on a gift? Or are you visiting a family with children and don’t know how to please them? The editors of the site have prepared especially for you a description of one of the most popular board games in many countries around the world - "Alias" (Alias ​​or say differently)

    First Alias ​​game appeared in the world in 1989. It was during that period that the Finnish manufacturer board games The tactician decided to launch a new game- “verbal”. A game on the one hand, it had to be as simple as possible so that its rules could be easily explained in a couple of minutes, and on the other hand, it had to be complex enough that it would be interesting to play even after months and years. To date board game "Alias" translated into more than 15 languages ​​and is one of the most popular games in many countries. In addition, it received several prestigious awards, and was also replenished with a number of additions, diversifying the original version.

    Contents of the board game “Alias”

    The Finnish manufacturer of this game did a good job, so competitors have practically no chance. The success and popularity of the game largely depends on its design, which "Alias" can't complain. A field made of thick cardboard with a special waterproof coating, 400 word cards (eight on each), several bright chips and an hourglass. In addition, in the box you will find an A4 sheet of paper with a set of rules, which you can familiarize yourself with a couple of minutes before the start of the game.

    There are several versions popular game "Alias", most often the minimum age of the player is 7 years. It may be difficult for them to explain some words, but lexicon will definitely get rich. According to the rules, from four to twelve people can play at the same time, however, by adding a variety of buttons and caps as chips, you can increase the number of players. But in this case, one game will last about two hours or more, which can be a little tiring for the teams waiting in line.

    Rules of the board game "Alias"

    "Say otherwise"- that’s the whole essence of the game, described in the title. First, the players are divided into teams, then, by drawing lots, they determine the sequence of moves and place all the chips at the start. The player of the first team blindly chooses cards with words, the opponents name a number from 1 to 8 - it is the words under this number that the player will need to explain to his team " otherwise". At the same time, the hourglass turns over - during this minute the player must explain as many words as possible.

    There are several rules for clarification process:

    • You cannot use words with the same root as those written on the card;
    • cannot be explained using foreign languages;
    • if the player cannot explain the word, he puts the card aside and takes the next one, the team loses a point;
    • you need to watch the time very carefully if it ends in the middle word explanations, opponents have the opportunity to steal a point.

    After end of time, team p counts his points: the number of guessed words minus the number of unguessed ones, then the team chip moves the calculated number of divisions forward, they are numbered from 1 to 8. The number on which the chip ends up determines the word number for the next team. Used cards are set aside separately and no longer take part in the game.

    Most often in "Alias" The team that is luckier wins. After all, words can be both simple and quite complex for explanations. However, even here the players are faced with a set-up: there are several cells on the field that throw the escaped teams back - they receive a penalty loop. Next time explanation They will only have to show six words, but absolutely everyone will guess them.

    Alias ​​is a fun board game for any company. Alias, Elias, Elias, whatever they call this board game. The whole point comes down to one simple phrase “say otherwise.” Classic version This board game is a red rectangular box, there are also other subtypes in this game.

    People play this board game in atikaf, at home, outdoors, but why is it so attractive? How to play the board game Alias? Cost of the game? Is there an app for mobile phone and a children's version? We talk about everything in detail on our website.

    How many people can play?

    From two or more;

    From 4 people or more, it is more interesting to play, because there is a greater chance that someone from the team will guess the hidden word.

    What can't you do in the game?

    You cannot use gestures, words with the same root, or call a word with a different ending.

    What's inside the box?

    Tabletop Alias ​​game contains: a playing field that folds into the shape of a box, several chips of different colors, an hourglass, instructions with the rules of the game and cards with in different words. Sometimes a card may contain not one word, but several.

    How to play the board game Alias?

    Lay out the playing field on a flat surface. On the playing field, numbers from 1 to 8 and after 8 are repeated again until the end of the field. Cards with words are mixed. Each player (or team) chooses the color of the piece they will play with. Players are divided into teams. Everyone places chips on the number 1.

    One team picks up a deck of cards and begins to explain the words to their team using the number 1. At this time, the other team turns over the hourglass and keeps track of the time. As soon as the time runs out, the other team can also give an answer if the word has not yet been spoken. And if the opposing team gives the correct answer, then the point is awarded to them.

    As many words as the team guesses, the chip moves along the playing field.

    If the word is difficult, you can put the card aside, but then this is a minus for the team. If a player puts the card aside, then 1 point is deducted from the team.

    You need to guess the word exactly as it is written (taking into account the ending).

    Whose piece reaches the finish line first, that player or team wins.

    What if the chip lands on a number with a black background?

    In some places on the playing field, you can see that there are numbers not on a white, but on a black background. Then the player counts out 6 cards and explains the words to his team without taking into account time. He must explain in such a way that his team, and not his opponents, can guess faster.

    If the other team guesses the word, then the point is awarded to them.

    Is there a mini version of the game?

    Yes. A small box that is convenient to take with you on a picnic, on the road, for a walk or a trip.

    Is there a mobile phone app?

    Yes. You need to go through the play market icon, enter the name of the game alias in the search bar and install the application on your cell phone.

    Is there a children's version of the game?

    Yes. Alias ​​Junior: For kids.

    Is there a game in English?

    Yes. This is an option for people who speak English fluently.

    Sometimes the game is used in courses on English language or in schools, because there are words on the cards, and it is easier for a person to perceive the word visually.

    What is the cost of the game?

    The approximate cost of the game Alias ​​is 1200-1500 rubles. In different places, it is different.

    Where can I buy the game?

    Museums and exhibitions;
    - book Shop;
    - free classifieds sites;
    - an online store where they sell toys;

    Can I buy the game cheaper or get it for free?

    Yes. You need to understand that not all people like to play board games; some may have been given it as a gift, won a competition, or have no one to play with. That's why some people list their board game for sale on free classifieds sites.

    How to get the game “Say Otherwise” for free? Ask your relatives to buy this board game for you for your birthday or other holiday (February 14, February 23, March 8, New Year, Christmas).

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