House made of chipboard panels. How to build a small frame country house from OSB boards. Pros and cons of frame houses

A house made of OSB panels is an example of using the recently popular construction technology from OSB boards. The features of constructing buildings using this method and the characteristics of the material will be discussed in more detail today.

Specifics of houses made of OSB panels

The construction of buildings from OSB boards is new technology construction, which has begun to actively develop in recent years. According to the definition, OSB is oriented strand boards. The material itself mainly consists of wood waste. The production of OSB panels is carried out by pressing chips folded crosswise under pressure. As a rule, coniferous wood chips are used.

Features of the production technology allow the slabs to have high consumer characteristics. The material is quite flexible, strong and resistant to mechanical damage. Thanks to this technology, frame houses can be built with your own hands in a couple of weeks, without involving special equipment and teams of specialists for construction. By observing all the subtleties of the technical process, a house made of OSB boards can be built very warm and cozy, in addition, it will not require leveling the walls before facing. The price of OSB panels is low, which results in low construction costs. OSB structures are supplied in the form of house kits, all elements of which are manufactured at the factory. There is no need to purchase anything separately. Due to this, savings on delivery are achieved. Among other things, houses made of OSB boards do not require a massive foundation, and the entire construction process is easy to control.

The technology of building a house from OSB boards is actively used abroad, in Canada, the USA and other countries. All this speaks to a number of advantages of the technology.

Advantages of OSB technology

Building a home from OSB boards has many advantages that can be divided into several groups.

Buildings made from OSB panels are characterized by resistance to moisture, light weight and structural reliability. This gives houses a number of advantages over their wooden counterparts. For example, many technical stages of building a house from OSB panels are much simpler than similar stages of constructing a wooden building.

There is no need to involve construction equipment, which significantly saves the home owner’s budget. In addition, frame houses made of slabs have the necessary level of fire resistance.

There is no need to build a solid and expensive foundation. The walls of the house are lightweight and at the same time moisture resistant.

When constructing the roof, lightweight materials with high water-resistant characteristics are used. In addition, the technology allows the installation of any material that additionally protects against precipitation.

To transport a set of OSB panels, two trucks are enough.

Affordable price. If there is no desire and opportunity to build a building with your own hands, you can attract specialists, of whom there are more than enough on the construction services market.

With some skills and knowledge frame house You can assemble it from slabs with your own hands.

In order to better understand the benefits of the material, it is important to have an idea of ​​its structure. To build a frame house from OSB boards, as a rule, four main types of panels are used. All of them are designed for specific tasks and load levels. Thanks to these calculations, savings are achieved. The characteristics and properties of the material are as follows:

  1. Plates of the first and second types. They have poor resistance to mechanical loads and are also susceptible to moisture. The material is low in cost and is usually used for interior partitions at home. Another option is brick houses, where such slabs are used to create walls.
  2. Plates of the third and fourth types. They have a façade purpose. These panels are more expensive, more reliable, and also have higher technical properties. Their quality directly determines how durable a frame house made from OSB panels will be.

All projects and drawings of buildings made from OSB boards undergo the necessary safety checks, so they are suitable for construction. Having plans to build a frame house from OSB panels, the builder must ensure that the project meets the following parameters:

  • complete safety of future construction;
  • in the reliability and strength of the structure made of OSB panels;
  • how justified is the use of material for construction;
  • how efficiently building materials are used;
  • availability of level compliance construction solutions and the strength of the structure itself.

This construction technology has both supporters and opponents. Only after carefully studying the technical documentation of the project and taking into account all objective and subjective factors can you decide whether to build a frame house. It's about about financial capabilities, climate, design preferences, etc. Do not forget that frame houses from OSB panels can be built with your own hands if desired.

In order to facilitate the process of building a house, you can use several useful tips. The very first one is the issue with the foundation. The best option for a house made of OSB panels - this is a pile one. It must be deepened no lower than the level to which the ground freezes. Thanks to this, good strength on the support is achieved and the possibility of the piles being pushed out of the ground will be eliminated. This will keep the building in its original form. long years. Of course, you can also use strip foundation, but it requires a special design of communications.

Having finished with the foundation and waterproofing it, you need to lay support boards along the entire perimeter of the building, repeating general design Houses. In addition, it is very important to correctly use sealing elements when connecting support panels and fastening them with screws and other parts.

Conclusion on the topic

Building a house is a responsible and not always easy process. Frame houses are one of the optimal options. But first of all, you need to choose the right materials, decide on the construction technology and, at the same time, do not forget to take into account your own design wishes. In addition, you need to understand what you can do with your own hands and what is better to entrust to professionals. A comprehensive solution to all these issues, as well as a competent approach to the construction process, will certainly help to achieve a good result.

More articles on this topic:

The material was prepared with the participation of specialists from the Soppka company

  1. What is OSB made from?
  2. European and American classification of OSB.
  3. Why OSB in a frame pie.
  4. How to protect OSB from destruction.
  5. OSB on the facade - finishing methods.

What is OSB made of?

OSB boards appeared in our country only ten years ago, but they have been known in the world for more than three decades, since the time they were invented frame technology construction of houses. For covering the frame it was absolutely necessary new material: durable and at the same time lightweight, reliable and easy to install - no natural wood, nor chipboards fit these parameters. This is how OSB, or OSB (oriented particle board). It consists of layers of wood chips. The main binder is phenolic resins in combination with paraffin; in Europe, melamine binders are used for boards used in furniture production. In the outer layers, the chips are laid along the slab, and in the inner layers - across. The mutually perpendicular arrangement of the chips makes it more resistant to external influences. We can say that with minimal thickness and low weight, OSB achieves maximum strength indicators, and it is this material that gives rigidity to the entire structure of the frame pie. At the same time, OSB may turn out to be the most vulnerable link in the entire structure - the participants of our portal have seen this from their own experience. We will analyze the most common OSB problems and try to solve them with the help of experts.

European and American OSB standards

There are two classifications of OSB boards. According to the European standard EN 300 they are divided into four classes.

  • OSB1 – boards that are used in dry conditions; They are used to make furniture and upholstery. This is a non-structural material.
  • OSB2 – used indoors in dry conditions as a structural board.
  • OSB3 - used as a structural board in a humid environment, including outside buildings. Due to the optimal ratio of cost, moisture resistance and strength, this material is most in demand among builders frame houses at FORUMHOUSE, including for facade cladding.

Urgenz FORUMHOUSE Member

I see no reason not to use OSB on the facade. It looks great (there is a texture, not a smooth sheet), lightweight (easy to install), and lasts much longer than wood.

  • OSB4 is already a building board for load-bearing structures with increased mechanical loads and high humidity.

OSB made in the USA and Canada is divided into three classes. Criterion – level of water resistance of the binder chips:

  • Interior - for interior structural work in dry conditions.
  • Exposure 1 - structural slabs, which can withstand short stays in humid conditions, so they can be used for interior decoration wet rooms and for outdoor use (subject to finishing with another material).
  • Exterior – withstand alternating cycles of wetting and drying, contact with the ground, and prolonged exposure to adverse weather conditions.

The following American standards roughly correspond to European standards:

  • OSB2 - Interior;
  • OSB3 - Exposure 1;
  • OSB4 - Exterior.

OSB in frame construction

Due to the popularity of frame houses, OSB boards are one of the most discussed FORUMHOUSE materials. There are ongoing debates about what it should look like " the right pie"how to reduce the cost without compromising the strength of the structure, what is the role of OSB in frame structure, is it possible to use OSB for façade finishing?

On the diagram proposed for discussion by a FORUMHOUSE participant BulKonst, two options for a frame pie are shown: in Figure A - a classic pie, in Figure B - a budget version classic version(1.5 times savings).

The idea of ​​making the pie cheaper by removing from it such an element as covering the outside of the frame with OSB boards did not meet with understanding at FORUMHOUSE, because “in construction, the stingy pays three times.” Namely, OSB gives reliability to the entire structure.

Svidig FORUMHOUSE Member

Without OSB, the house can be folded.

OSB boards with the most the best side showed their worth during the earthquake in Japan: frame houses survived, although wooden and stone ones collapsed in the neighborhood.

Soloviev Artem Project Manager Soppka OSB Protector

The main purpose of OSB boards is to impart rigidity to the structure.

It is OSB that allows a house to stand for several decades. But this is only if the pie is mounted correctly. The technology of frame house construction, taking into account local conditions, is just being created in Russia; it is a little over ten years old. Therefore, there are no precise, scientifically verified technologies for frame house construction in Russia yet. In essence, so far each construction company has more or less its own technologies - so there is always a chance that ventilation will be done incorrectly, and unprotected OSB boards will end up in an environment with high humidity and become infected with mold or mildew, which will spread further to the insulation and frame.

Wall view frame house after dismantling the siding. Minnesota, USA.

How to protect OSB

Member of FORUMHOUSE with nickname Fast and Furious found that the street side of his house was "very degraded" after living in it for 4.5 years. It turned out that there was complete destruction of the OSB.

Fast and Furious Member FORUMHOUSE

I read from SIP builders how wonderful SIP panels are. And they don’t burn in fire, and they don’t drown in water, and a pound weight hangs on one self-tapping screw. Only the fungus calmly eats it and makes fun of me.

For quite a long time, it was believed that only the frame should be covered with bioprotection, and OSB boards and other structural elements do not need this. This is wrong - OSB boards were not covered with bioprotection simply because until recently there was no composition that would have good adhesion to OSB boards.

The house has been treated with a specialized fire-retardant compound

Artem Soloviev

In a frame house, everything is interconnected. The frame holds up the house, and OSB makes the frame stronger. Even the counter-lattice on which OSB boards are attached must be treated with a bioprotective compound. There are products to protect each structural element.

OSB for facade finishing


If you want to throw away money, then you can use OSB as a finish, and a complete one at that.

For facade finishing At home, clinker tiles can be used on OSB boards, ceramic tiles imitating brick, siding or imitation timber. The slabs can also be plastered.

If the choice of finishing on OSB boards fell on plaster, then there may also be problems with the choice additional material. Such work cannot be carried out directly on OSB; the boards must be protected.

Nadegniy Member FORUMHOUSE

On OSB, the plaster will hold on for some time, cracks will appear at the joints of the OSB in the first winter, the edges of the OSB sheets will gradually swell, and the finish will darken with them.

Here are the “plaster cake” options that were successfully used at FORUMHOUSE.

If overlays were made:

  • OSB + primer + elastic plaster + overlays.
  • OSB + contact concrete + elastic plaster + overlays.
  • OSB + primer + reinforced. mesh + plaster + overlays.

If pads have not been used:

  • Wet facade: OSB + EPS (expanded polystyrene; PSB-S 25F) + base reinforcing layer + decorative plaster.
  • OSB + reinforced mesh+ primer + putty + elastic plaster.
  • OSB + 2 layers of glassine + mesh + plaster.

OSB boards can be simply painted. Just paint it - a simple varnish coating is not suitable, varnish does not protect against ultraviolet radiation, it is necessary to give the wood color. Now, by the way, there are paints that are several times cheaper than European ones.

Artem Soloviev

Over time, the sun will burn out the resins from the surface of the OSB board, the wood chips will come off, and cracks will appear into which moisture will enter. Naturally, with changing seasons and constant freezing and freezing, the chips will move away even more.

An example of finishing a house using facade paint

Microorganisms form in these crevices. Grey colour The OSB of the slab indicates that the slab is ALREADY contaminated.

Should I putty the slabs before painting? Perhaps, the OSB structure untouched by putty looks better than a smooth sheet and is more reminiscent of the original half-timbered structure.

Members of our portal who have great experience working with OSB, it is recommended to approach the choice of slabs for facade finishing responsibly. Regardless of which class of OSB you choose, try to ensure that they top layer did not contain bark. If there is still bark on the leaf, it is carefully separated with a sharp tool and torn off.

How to make a house from OSB with your own hands, without losing quality and saving money? Indeed, for the same area, the cost of construction, depending on the materials used, can vary greatly. And with some construction technologies, it is impossible to do without renting powerful equipment. The most inexpensive, fastest and in a simple way counts frame house construction from sandwich panels or OSB boards.

OSB or oriented strand boards consist of 90% wood chips. The remaining components are binder waterproof resins. Receive building panels by pressing large pieces of wood coniferous species, aspen and larch. The size of the chips is up to 15 cm. Inside the future product, it is laid in three rows. The outer layers are placed parallel to the long side of the slab. The middle layer is perpendicular. The pressure in the press is so strong that the fibers interpenetrate. This guarantees high strength to the final product.

The resulting material is sometimes called improved wood. It is lightweight and easy to handle. Unlike natural solid wood, OSB does not burn or rot; there are no knots or voids in their structure that reduce its stability. In terms of its characteristics, it is superior to sheets of chipboard, MDF or plywood. These panels hold fasteners well: bolts, nails, dowels.

The use of phenol in binder mixtures raised the most questions among consumers. But now many manufacturers have begun to switch to polymer resins, which are completely safe for health. Such a product is marked with the words “ECO” or “Green” on the packaging.

Construction from OSB panels

In private house construction, 4 types of OSB panels are used, differing in water resistance, strength and price.

Moisture resistance depends on the binding adhesive, and strength depends on the mutual placement of chips in its structure. Lamination and varnishing of the surface provides additional resistance to all types of influences. Such slabs can be used in the construction of formwork, and repeatedly.

Type 1. OSB-1 has little resistance to stress and is hydrophobic. They are taken for finishing when internal works or furniture manufacturing;

Type 2. OSB-2 is also resistant to moisture, but is much stronger and therefore suitable for the construction of partitions, false ceilings, that is, those parts where there are no heavy loads and the possibility of getting wet;

Type 3. OSB-3 is suitable for creating external facades, they are high-strength and moisture-resistant;

Type 4. OSB-4 is very durable, used for assembling load-bearing elements of walls and roofs, imparting rigidity to the structure.

A house made of OSB boards is made mostly of type 3 products. Height – up to 3 floors inclusive.

Construction Features

  1. The work takes 2–3 weeks without the use of heavy machinery.
  2. The building is not even built, but assembled like a construction kit from ready-made parts made at the factory. They are made to order for a specific project. This means that there will be no unexpected expenses and urgent additional purchases of missing building materials, as well as difficult-to-sell balances after completion of all stages.
  3. OSB boards are much cheaper than bricks or foam blocks.
  4. The frame building weighs a little, almost 5 times less brick house the same cubic capacity. Therefore, the structure does not require a massive and expensive foundation.
  5. The OSB-3 box can already have layers of thermal insulation installed during production. This is how SIP panels are made. Then additional insulation no need. Saved inside comfortable temperature at external differences from -40 to +40°C.
  6. The smooth surfaces of the panels do not require priming or leveling before finishing decorative coating on the walls or ceiling. Unless you need to putty the joints.
  7. If the technology is followed, houses made of OSB do not shrink or warp.

OSB boards are a universal material and can be used at any stage of construction.

Foundation. Laminated or veneered sheets can be used as foundation facing panels, assembled on a frame made of beams. They are fastened with ties made of steel wire or thin reinforcement.

Floor. The slabs are laid on the logs with the long side perpendicular to them. A technological (dilation) gap of 3 mm is left along the perimeter of the panels. It is needed to compensate for thermal expansion or other deformations. There is also a 12 mm gap between the walls and the floor. The sheets themselves are fixed using a tongue-and-groove profile and reinforced with mounting adhesive for reliability.

The connection of the short sides must always take place on supports. An additional layer of waterproofing is stretched under the flooring adjacent to the ground. The pitch between the lags is determined by the thickness of the material:

Walls. Oriented strand products can be mounted both vertically and horizontally. When assembling the walls, 12 mm thick sheets are used. They rest on bars with a pitch of 400 and 600 mm. Between the slabs, as well as in places adjacent to doors and window openings leave gaps of 3 mm. For insulation from the outside, the building can be insulated with mineral wool.

Roof. The sheets form a continuous sheathing, on which it is subsequently laid roof covering. Installation begins along the ridge, wood panels are laid similarly to the floor. Each sheet is fastened so that there are two supports underneath it. The joints of the slabs should also be on the rafter joists.

In order for the roof to withstand the snow load, select the gaps between them depending on the thickness of the slab:

When working at any stage, take into account the main rule of building a house from OSB: the connections of the support beam and panels must be sealed. The joints and corner parts are fastened with self-tapping screws in increments of 15 cm.

Thanks to the properties of sheets made of oriented shavings, the structure does not rot and is not undermined by insects. He is also not afraid of fires. According to experts, the service life of a house made from OSB-3 panels is the same as from brick.


We invite you to watch a video about building a house from OSB panels.

Have own house a dream of many, but, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to realize it. But, thanks to modern technology of frame structures made of smallpox, the construction of a private house is becoming more accessible and quite feasible.

Building a frame house is simple and fairly quick. In addition, all work can be done independently with the assistance of 2-3 assistants. A house made from smallpox is quite durable and can provide comfortable year-round accommodation. Moreover, its construction costs much less than building a brick house.

Frame houses are ideal for self-construction, which even a non-professional can handle. But this does not mean that yesterday’s schoolchild will be able to cope with this work, since it requires at least basic knowledge and little experience in construction, even if not at a professional level. Otherwise, it will be difficult to build a house quickly and cheaply.

Pros and cons of building a frame house

Studying the question of how to build a house from smallpox must begin with the pros and cons that such buildings have.

  • cheapness. The cost of a frame house will be 40% cheaper than the construction of a brick one;
  • high speed of construction. No more than six months pass from the start of construction to the commissioning of the house;
  • light weight at home. Due to the fact that a frame house is light in weight, there is no need to build a complex and expensive foundation.

It would be worth noting that the technology for constructing houses from smallpox allows them to be built on any soil.

If we talk about disadvantages, then a frame house also has them. Among them it is worth highlighting:

  • lifetime. When you decide to build a smallpox house with your own hands on your site, you need to remember that it is not durable. The standard service life of a frame house is only 75 years, although the actual life can reach up to 100;
  • number of floors The technology features of such a house do not allow the construction of multi-story buildings; at most it can be two-story, but in this case the cost of its construction is comparable to the price of 1 m² of a brick building, and therefore it is not economically profitable to build a house with 2-3 floors;
  • impossibility of redevelopment. It is possible to carry out redevelopment in such a structure only after first disassembling the frame house.

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Characteristics of oriented strand board (OSB)

OSB is a board with oriented flat chips. Currently, there is a growing trend in the popularity of this material in construction not only in Russia, but also abroad. This is due physical and chemical properties material, which allows it to outperform all building boards.

Thanks to the special technology used in the production of smallpox, all the properties of wood are preserved, but at the same time such disadvantages of the solid wood as voids, knots and changes in the direction of fibers are completely absent.

Oriented strand board consists of 90% wood. The remaining 10% includes binders containing 8 mg of formaldehyde per 100 g of resin.

The advantages of the slab include low weight, low thermal conductivity, environmental friendliness, excellent sound absorption and aesthetic appearance. And due to special processing, the slabs acquire high fire resistance and water resistance. Building a house from such a slab is very simple and also cheap.

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Stages of building a frame house

You need to start by preparing the materials and tools that will be needed to carry out construction and repair work.

Necessary tools and fasteners. a - mounting angles, b - wood screw, c - cordless screwdriver, g - manual Circular Saw, d - hand saw for wood, f - jigsaw, g - carpenter's pencil, h - transforming ladder, i - measuring tape., j - construction level 0.5 m, j - construction level 2 m.


  • chisel;
  • hammers;
  • electric plane;
  • circular saw;
  • screwdrivers;
  • chalk or construction pencil;
  • drill with a set of drills;
  • nail puller;
  • construction level;
  • ladder and scaffolding;
  • tassels.


  • concrete;
  • fittings;
  • waterproofing materials;
  • boards;
  • OSB boards;
  • thermal insulation materials;
  • polyethylene film;
  • drywall;
  • metal tiles;
  • electrical wires, pipeline.

A frame house is built with your own hands in several stages:

  1. Construction of the foundation.
  2. Floor installation.
  3. Construction of walls.
  4. Construction of the roof.
  5. Interior work.
  6. Exterior finishing.

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Construction of the foundation

The foundation is the most labor-intensive and responsible work. A frame house can be built either on a monolithic foundation or on a strip or screw piles. But it is better and cheaper to use a columnar foundation, the construction of which begins with drilling holes for the pillars. Their depth should be 1 m and diameter 200 mm. The distance between adjacent pillars should be 90 cm.

After the holes are ready, asbestos-cement pipes are installed in them, the internal diameter of which is 100 mm. The length of the pillars is at least 1.3 m. Having installed the pillars in the holes, it is necessary to align them using laser level and secure in place by sprinkling sand around them and watering them with water. The next step is pouring into the pipes concrete mortar, for the preparation of which 1 bucket of cement, 4 buckets of sand and 5 buckets of crushed stone are used. Filling is best done using a special funnel.

Special plates are installed on the foundation pipes, on which the floor joists will subsequently rest. Columnar foundation there is no need to wait a month for the concrete to harden, and therefore immediately after its construction you can continue to build a frame house with your own hands.

After installing the foundation, you can immediately begin to frame the bottom, using 3 interconnected 150x50 mm boards, which must be placed on edge. You can fasten the boards together using screws.

The finished bottom trim is leveled with an electric plane, after which the places where the floor joists will be installed are marked and grooves are cut

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Floor installation

To begin with, boards are laid that will indicate the location of the walls and rooms of the future building. Instead of boards, you can use timber with a section of 5x20 cm.

All wooden elements used in construction must be treated with antiseptics to prevent wood rotting.

A layer of roofing material is laid under the boards. This will prevent water from seeping from the foundation.

Before laying the boards on the base, you need to check their position with a level. In this case, the do-it-yourself frame house will retain the necessary geometry. And only after this can they be secured using anchor bolts with a pitch of no more than 2 m.

To make a floor in a smallpox house, you must use the material from which its walls are made. It must be remembered that the base floor is the basis of the entire structure, and therefore it must be durable. You can make it from unedged boards.

After laying the base floor, logs are laid, between which insulation must be placed to secure the flooring boards.

For the manufacture of flooring Ideally even boards 5x15 cm are used. They can be fastened with staples.

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Construction of walls

Despite the fact that a frame house is easy to construct, it is necessary to carefully follow the sequence of work, and therefore, after installing the floor, you need to proceed to the construction of walls. But first, the ideal flatness and horizontality of the assembled floor is checked, and only after that can you continue to build a frame house with your own hands.

Before sawing off vertical boards, they must be measured, guided by the expected height of the house. A frame house most often has a ceiling height of no more than 2.7 m.

House with high ceilings it is much more difficult to heat, and its construction will require much more lumber.

But the frame house should not be too low, less than 2.4 m, as it will be very stuffy in hot weather.

Steel pins are placed at the locations of the racks, and holes for them are drilled in the end part. Next, you can install the corner vertical bars, which is where the assembly of the frame should begin.

The next step is to insert them into the dowels and secure them with temporary jibs, after which the remaining intermediate bars are installed in a similar manner.

Upon completion of the installation of the vertical bars, the upper trim is constructed. The same materials are used for this as for the bottom. In this case, the location of the grooves should be identical. Otherwise, the frame house will warp with your own hands.

The next step is to fix top harness nails, the length of which should allow them to enter the end of the vertical bars by at least 10 cm. After the construction of the frame is completed, the temporary jibs are dismantled and replaced with permanent ones. The jibs remove part of the load from the frame fastenings, upper and lower, due to which the frame house acquires a particularly strong frame.

After replacement, the jibs are attached ceiling beams, made of 5x15 timber. They need to be placed at a distance of 50 cm from each other. At the same time, they must fully correspond to the vertical posts. These beams will be supported by support beams, which are installed inside the future structure in place of the interior structures.

Wood waste materials have everything positive traits natural material and lower cost. Modern technologies made them stronger and more resistant to water and fire. Frame construction is becoming more and more popular. People like a house made of OSB boards, it is warm, light, and retains the smell of the forest for a long time. By ordering parts in accordance with the project, you can build a house with your own hands without lifting equipment and wet work.

How to build a house from OSB?

Improved qualities of natural wood in OSB panels

Wood surpasses all others in its qualities that create comfort in the home. natural materials. Its disadvantage is swelling from water and fire hazard. Rodents and insects love to live in warm walls, prematurely destroying them.

When producing solid wood products, a lot of waste remains:

  • small pieces of wood;
  • branches;
  • wood chips;
  • sawdust;
  • shavings.

They are sorted and combined different ways and pressed. The result is panels that take the best qualities of wood.

The production of OSB panels uses large chips, accounting for 80% of the mass of the slab. It is laid in layers, orienting the direction external parties along the leaf. The internal chips are arranged transversely. Perpendicularly oriented fiber eliminates warping and shrinkage of the panels. Pressing and impregnation with synthetic resins makes the material more resistant to fire. It does not ignite and does not support combustion, but it chars and collapses. This does not release toxic substances.

OSB panels for house construction

In construction, there are 4 groups of OSB panels based on strength and moisture resistance. The table shows the main use of each type.

OSB board class Strength Moisture resistance Application area
OSB-1 low low furniture making, internal partitions, interior elements
OSB-2 average low only in dry rooms
OSB-3 average high outdoor and interior lining walls, partitions and decoration in wet areas, bathrooms
OSB-4 high high all types construction work, including plinths and basements, reusable formwork

Walls made of OSB panels retain heat and absorb noise slightly worse than natural wood. The material has high environmental friendliness. The lack of wood in its combustion and absorption of moisture is eliminated by impregnation, additives and pressing.

When making house parts from panels with your own hands, you should take into account the specific location of the fibers and hardness. OSB cuts and drills worse than solid wood.

Frame houses are cheaper and quick to install

Frame house

Construction residential buildings made from OSB boards according to the approved design. Blocks are made at the factory and labeled. A light foundation is made on site and then the frame of the house is mounted on it and sheathed with the resulting parts. The insulation is installed during the production of blocks. This method of construction has a number of advantages over standard brick buildings.

  1. You can move into the house immediately after laying the roof and do the finishing, or simply varnish the inside walls.
  2. Construction is done using the dry method and takes less than a month, including the creation of the foundation.
  3. A frame house is 3–5 times lighter than a brick one. A light foundation at a shallow depth or a support-column foundation is made under it.
  4. There is no need to use lifting mechanisms to erect walls and roofs.
  5. The smooth surface of the panels is finished without complex plaster. Putty is sufficient for painting and wallpapering.
  6. The material of OSB panels is used for insulation of brick and wooden house. Additionally, polystyrene foam or other extruded plastic is placed inside. The heat in the house is retained better than with brick walls 1 meter thick.
  7. It's comfortable inside the house, the walls breathe.
  8. They don't shrink.
  9. There is no waste during installation; the blocks are made to size at the factory.
  10. The cost of a frame house made of OSB is significantly lower than a brick one.

Frame houses also have their disadvantages. If you want to have a basement in your house, you need to make a strip foundation to its entire depth or dig and lay out the walls separately, at a distance from load-bearing structure. It is more difficult to hide the wiring with your own hands. Heavy equipment and cabinets cannot be hung on OSB walls.

Construction of frame houses

We build a house from OSB ourselves

If you want to build a house with your own hands from OSB, then you will need helpers. The optimal number for work is 4 people. You can get by with a minimum number of workers - 2 builders. Then one must have experience in assembling frame houses. The second is to be able to understand it, present it, hold it.

  1. A waterproofing layer is laid on the foundation. There is a lower harness on it.
  2. The racks and corners of the walls are attached, and a diagonal fastening is made to prevent the structure from “folding.”
  3. The top trim is installed.
  4. Floor and ceiling beams are laid.
  5. The frames of the openings are installed.
  6. The rafters are installed and sheathed.
  7. The floor and ceiling are covered.
  8. Sheathing is done with OSB panels.
  9. Sealing extensions are installed at the corners and joints of the panels.

When building with your own hands, the walls outside and inside of a residential building are sheathed separately. Insulation is laid between the layers of OSB, wires and life support systems are laid.

Advice! Self-tapping screws do not screw into OSB well and become warped. It is advisable to drill a hole for them. The drill diameter should be smaller than the screw thread.

For thermal expansion, a gap of 3 mm is left between the panels and racks around the perimeter of the floor. There is a gap of 2 mm between the plates themselves along the entire sheathing. Wall panels do not reach the floor covering 10 - 12 mm. The finishing gap is closed with skirting boards.

The floor panels are laid on the beams across their location. There must be at least 3 crossbars under each OSB slab. Along the length, the ends of the sheets are connected on a beam. Both edges are secured with self-tapping screws. The pitch between the floor beams is 500 - 600 mm.

A house built from OSB panels can easily withstand outside temperatures from 40 degrees below zero to the same heat reading. The comfort of the buildings is not inferior brick buildings with insulation and wooden houses. The walls breathe, removing moisture out. The air inside remains fresh. Fungus and mold do not appear.

OSB sandwich panels

Sandwich house OSB panels with your own hands

OSB sheets are also used to create sandwich panels. The space between two slabs of pressed wood chips is filled with expanded polystyrene. Such a house is assembled by a specialized team. Sheathing, installation and fastening are used similarly to the construction of buildings made of sandwich panels.

The frame and lining of the openings are made from boards 3 cm thick. The starting profile is a strip equal in width to the groove at the end of the panel. It is attached along the entire perimeter to the foundation with metal brackets. The panels are fastened together with timber. They are fixed to the posts with long screws.

The interior of buildings is inferior to houses made of OSB boards in aesthetics. Therefore, such technologies are rarely used for residential buildings.
