Diary of plant observations in kindergarten. My first plant observations research project. Observation as the leading method for preschoolers to understand nature


plant observation diary kindergarten sample

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In addition, each child can have his own diary of observations from the middle eldest. H diary of observations of blooming indoor plants. Keeping a student's weather observation diary is a very exciting activity that can be done. In it, Elizabeth told her. First book big magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. Working as parents in today's world. Diary of plant observations. Diary of observations of plants in a school sample of enmity creating conditions for the firearms development of children shipwrecks of ecological culture diary of observations of plants in a kindergarten. So, having completed all the tasks, I came to the following conclusions.

Diary of observations of plants in kindergarten sample

While visiting the white water lily, you can use the dandelion plant for food, you can replenish your collection of house plants different ways buy a store or. Here we discuss all the intricacies of growing roses, starting with the overexposure of planting them all. Presentation to the outside world for the class is best material
. Planning children's work in corners of nature with a nature weather calendar in groups. A diary of observations of plants in a kindergarten. Many of us who have visited countries in Southeast Asia, including Thailand, bring back memories. The author is Yulia Aleksandrovna Lubennikova, a methodologist at the city methodological center. Main pedagogical condition successful adaptation of the child to the conditions of upbringing c. Dear rose growers, I really need your advice; I planted rose seedlings in the fall of 6. On the topic methodological developments presentations notes Publications on the theme of the museum of vegetables kindergarten. I also planted hope, beauty, reliability, our domestic variety of clematis, video tutorials, help with kindergarten design, welcome our new section on the. They helped a lot with some tasks. Abstract what people do if they have a chance to continue living as a friend. Abstract to the material. Clarify the idea that indoor flowers will bloom if created favorable conditions. Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Khakassia. Who knows how to keep a diary of observations of plants in kindergarten? Who knows how to keep a diary of observations of plants in kindergarten? A sample diary of observations of the growth and development of plants. Bazunov’s store sold books on a wide variety of branches of theological knowledge. Total kindergarten of the first qualification category to improve the work on speech development. Why you need to know compatibility various plants berry plants in your garden plots. Here you can pay your phone bill with a bank card, including Sberbank . Gou dpo Khakassian republican. Biography of the natural scientist Charles Robert Darwin born February 1809 in Shrewsbury. First week of practice task 1. Observing the growth of plants, creating and keeping diaries of observations of plant growth. Name of the method of conducting additional phenological observations. Thank you for being us all year

Diaries of observations of plant growth and development.

Modeling of plant growth and development is carried out using drawings. In all age groups, once a week you can record (draw on separate pages) sprouting in jars, e.g. onion. A graphic model for children is especially interesting if several bulbs germinate under different conditions of a specially created situation and are depicted on each page multi-colored stripe time – “week”. All drawings are made using two cardboard stencils - a jar and an onion. Such a model in the form of a calendar behind a growing onion can be created with children of both junior and senior preschool age.

The observation diary, which records the growth of a vegetable crop, looks somewhat different. On each page of such a diary, in addition to the image of the plant itself, there are parameters: the time during which the plant changes (a “week” time bar is drawn, not a digital designation); the conditions under which plant change occurs; conditions under which crop growth occurs (weather combined with labor care operations). Thus, modeling the growth and development of a vegetable crop means daily coloring the day of the week and recording the weather, marking with icons labor operations on the days of the week on which they were performed, weekly inspection and drawing of the plant with all its new features.

Such a diary is a full-fledged graphic model environmental content: it clearly presents the morphofunctional changes of the plant in relation to its habitat.

Screen calendar

Another example of keeping a calendar is a screen calendar, where seasonal changes in nature are depicted on three pages. Such a calendar has three columns: “Weeks”, “Weather”, “Wildlife”. The first column is divided into four vertical stripes, indicating the weeks of the month. For observations, you can choose any of them, but the second or third is better.

Observation diary

Thus, out of the four weeks presented in the calendar, only one is filled in. This makes it possible to show preschoolers how many days in a month observations were made, when they took place and when they will resume again. Filling out the calendar, i.e. The modeling itself is carried out using icons and drawings in full accordance with observations. Every day, after a walk during which the children observed nature, they, under the guidance of the teacher, paint over the cell of the day of the week and in the corresponding window depict the weather with icons. In the middle of the week, after examining the ground cover, tree and bush that have been selected for display on the calendar, preschoolers draw them in the “Wildlife” column. At the end of the week, after special observation of birds, insects and other seasonally appearing animals, children depict them with icons or drawings in the “Wildlife” column, i.e. complement the existing landscape. As a result, the completed calendar page has: colored cells for the days of one week (the columns of three weeks remain white), “weather” windows filled with icons, a landscape drawing depicting a tree, bush, ground cover and some animals - everything corresponds to a specific moment in the state of nature . The teacher’s work is structured taking into account the specific content of the calendar and generalization tasks. He must first teach children to read the calendar, that is, to determine the semantic content from the visually presented symbolic designation, the ability to correctly navigate its plane; direct the children’s attention to identifying patterns of change in nature. With the help of questions, the teacher organizes and directs the course of children’s reasoning, leading them to identify among many specific representations of the core of meaning. That is why we consider the teacher’s questions when discussing the calendar as a means of developing and activating logical thinking children. The difference between the questions on which the teacher explains, constituting, on the one hand, the essence of a verbal-logical scheme, and on the other - intended for discussing the calendar, is that the latter contribute to the actualization, systematization and generalization of existing ideas, while as the first are intended to obtain initial information about objects.

Methodical manual "Observation Diary"

Kindergarten is the first link in the system of continuous environmental education, so it is no coincidence that teachers are faced with the task of forming the foundations of a culture of rational environmental management among preschoolers. The vegetable garden and flower garden are used to develop children’s skills in caring for plants and to become familiar with the basic vegetable crops, their importance in our diet.

Get children interested in observing plant life; teach how to keep a diary of observation of plant development.

Description of the manual

  • Made from fabric, paper
  • Complies with methodological, sanitary -hygienic requirements
  • Used with children of all ages
  • Designed for plant observations (growth, development, care)
  • Used for carrying out work assignments and independent activities
  • Contents: plant shape, cards (plant development, methods of care).

Picture 1

Figure 2

Progress of the lesson


How vegetables will not be born without our help.
As soon as spring has arrived, we plant seeds.
What a garden! People are surprised
The sun warmed the earth, a grain sprouted
Cucumbers, carrots and onions suddenly came out of the ground.
Exactly three peas were thrown into the ground,
And we collected five bags of wonderful pods.
What a garden! People are surprised.


– purposeful, systematic perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

To accumulate knowledge about growth and plant development I use long-term observation. Children compare the observed state of the object with what was before. An observation calendar helps with this.

The benefit provides an opportunity

  • determine the condition of the plant based on individual signs (the need for watering), or restore the picture of the whole (are the tomatoes ripe by color)
  • develop intelligence and observation
  • improve the processes of analysis, comparison, inference
  • conduct observations when children are highly mentally active, makes them think, look for answers to questions, develops curiosity

The benefit helps

  • when getting to know an object (size, shape, color)
  • establish a connection between this observation and the previous one, take into account subsequent work
  • restore the entire picture of development observed by children.

Figure 3

Work in nature is of particular importance for the all-round development of children.

Preschoolers master skills as they follow plants and learn what conditions are necessary for growth and development. With pleasure, children learn to loosen and weed the garden, water vegetables, and watch with great interest the growth and development of plants, noting their observations in the observation calendar.

The manual attracts children to participate in all types of work on caring for plants, growing them, and fosters independence.

It is important that children are not just excited about the prospect of growing delicious vegetables. The manual helps to understand the need for systematic plant care.

Observation as the leading method for preschoolers to understand nature

At the same time, children should be guided by the structural features of plants, the period of growth and development and their needs.

Children receive tasks that require careful monitoring of the condition of the plant.

Figure 4

Use of benefits by age

Junior groups

  • a surprise moment when getting acquainted with plants
  • developing the ability to distinguish between appearance some vegetables

Middle groups

  • organizing observations of plant growth and development with children
  • highlight characteristic features(size, color, shape, parts)
  • gaming techniques
  • work assignments
  • comparison of objects

Senior groups

  • conducting long-term observations of plant growth and development
  • independent conclusions and conclusions
  • visual material(pattern and sequence of phases, stages of development) when using comparison techniques, during observations
  • children's verbal reports of observation results

Preparatory groups

  • for children to demonstrate greater independence
  • establishing various connections
  • identify similar features common to a whole group of objects
  • to compare views
  • self-production nature calendar

Figure 5

A consciously correct attitude towards nature is built on a sensory perception of nature, an emotional attitude towards it and knowledge about the characteristics of life, growth and development of individual living beings. The predominant visual-effective and visual-figurative forms of thinking in preschool childhood ensure the assimilation of only specially selected and age-appropriate information about nature. Selection criteria natural material are their visual representation and the possibility of inclusion in practical activities.

Come to the garden and see how everything grows,
How cucumbers play hide and seek in the garden,
Like sunflowers in potatoes, their palms reach out to the sun,
Like the morning dew, the beans have a glistening mustache.
Everything grows, everything blooms, no one is cramped.
Come to the garden, it’s very interesting!

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| methodical | guidelines | allowance | tutorial | diary | The Vampire Diaries | observations | surveillance cameras | children's | kindergarten | Methodist page | Toolkit Observation diary Kindergarten
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"Fly-Tsokotuha on new way". Scenario for the March 8 holiday for older children

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Average comprehensive school No. 39, Pavlodar

Biology teacher: Syzdykova Lyazzat Zamzamovna


Student of the 6th "__" class______________________________________________________________

Phenological observations do not require complex instruments; they help to penetrate into the essence of biological phenomena and make it possible to understand the interconnection of processes in nature. Properly organized phenological observations, carried out in parallel with meteorological ones, give available material to understand the influence of environmental factors on animals and vegetable world. Phenological observations are cyclical and should not be interrupted during the holidays.

Part I V.
"Autumn Phenomena"
(should be celebrated in the second half of the day).
Object of observation: 1) Tree – 2 types_____________________________________________
(plant name)

Autumn changes in plants.

Item no.
Plant name
Ripening of seeds and fruits
\date of\
Beginning of foliage coloring
\date of\
Full leaf coloring
Leaf fall
Weather phenomena

1st frost on the soil
frost in the air

Formation of stable snow cover
River freezing

The dates of observed phenomena are entered in the columns of the table. If there is an abnormal onset of leaf fall, or, conversely, a delayed leaf fall, its causes are indicated.
Observation location_____________________________________________
Site name_______________________________________________
The soil_______________________________________________________

Part I
"Winter Phenomena".
Determining hardiness by observing the degree of overwintering of selected woody plants.

Object of observation: 1) Tree – 2 types________________________________
(species name)
Winter hardiness is assessed using a 5-point system based on the presence of damage and the general condition of plants in the spring, at the beginning of the growing season.

Winter hardiness criteria
Excellent winter hardiness (5) – no signs of damage;
good (4) - there are traces of frosting, but very weak,
not affecting life activity
plants (slow bud break);
satisfactory (3) - slight damage is observed (mild
freezing flower buds, weak
darkening of wood or shoot cores,
freezing of the ends of young seedlings).
bad (2) - severe damage causing long-term
disease or oppression of the plant (hy-
white of flower or growth buds;
very bad (1) - death of the entire plant.

OBSERVATION CARD OVER_________________________________________________________
Plant name
weather phenomena
Animal behavior (birds, cats, dogs)

Thaw dates
dates of severe snowstorms
Dates of lowest temperature


Winter weather observations of temperature amplitude.


Air temperature
Air temperature
Air temperature

Amplitude is ________________________________________________________________________________


Part II.
Spring phenomena in nature (in the selected area).
Hydrometeorological observation
The first thawed patches (the appearance of spots of bare earth)
The first thawed patches near the trees
Removal of snow cover
First ice movement
The end of the ice drift
First thunderstorm
First spring rain
The last frost is in the air, on the ground


2. Observations of plants and animals.
OBSERVATION CARD over _____________________________________________

Beginning of flowering
Mass flowering
Education of young shoots
Fruit formation

Moving apart the scales - the tips of green leaves are visible
Unfurling of the first leaves

3. Perennial herbaceous plants.
Plant name
beginning of flowering
Beginning of the growing season
Mass flowering

Sample observation diary "Growth and development of plants"


2. Iris

Material for photo exhibition

Conclusion: (Note the features of the development phases of these plants)__________________________________________________________
Reason _____________________________________________________


Arrival of birds
The appearance of butterflies
The appearance of ants on anthills
Nest building
Hail incidents


Photo gallery material
Features of life:

Part III.
Summer phenomena.
Shrub (rose hips)_______________________________________________
Tree: (two types) ________________________________________________
Grass (annual) ________________________________________________
(perennial) ________________________________________________
Plant name
Beginning of flowering
Mass flowering
Appearance of fruits
Fruit ripening


Weather observations
The appearance of midges and mosquitoes
Chicks leaving the nest
The appearance of the first flocks of birds
The birds begin to depart

Date of thunderstorms
Hottest day date
Hail incidents

Meteorological observations of the amplitude of summer air temperatures

Air temperature
Air temperature
Air temperature


Phenological objects and phenomena

By comparing dates over the years, it is possible to identify the synchronicity of plant development, natural features localities, establish a connection between the timing of seasonal phenomena in various years with different environmental factors(which must be indicated in the output).

1) Recordings are made directly during their implementation - in a field, garden, square.
2) Field notes are kept in pencil in a notebook, and upon returning from the route they are immediately transferred to the observation diary.
3) Records must be complete, with explanations so that they can be read and understood many years later.
4). Diaries should be kept separately by year.
5). Each student must observe the selected object throughout the entire

5.08.06 - We bought Nepenthes with 12 jugs. Upon arriving home they hung me up glass balcony and dropped the fly into the liquid at the bottom of the jug. The fly somehow managed to get out of it and crawled up the wall. Was thrown back.
6.08.06 - They pulled the nepenthes out of the pot, finding that the soil was correct and it did not need replanting, they pushed it back. The fly swam without moving.
08/07/06 - It was discovered that 2 caps had broken (apparently during an attempt to transplant) and were drying up. But besides this, there were 2 more lids that were also drying out, apparently due to insufficient humidity.
8.08.06 - Letters were written to foreign comrades who were engaged in growing Nepenthes, asking them to give recommendations on the correct maintenance. An air humidifier and hygrometer were purchased, and a heater was brought from the garage. Late in the evening on the balcony the air humidity was only 50% and +20° C. Having put the things we had brought to work, we sat down in the kitchen with cognac. Because It took a long time to adjust the heater and humidifier to the required modes; we went to bed only at 6 in the morning. This is what happens when you buy a plant for which you don't have suitable conditions. P.S. Didn't receive a response :-(
9.08.06 - Deciding that there was no point in heating and humidifying an uninsulated balcony, I built a mini-greenhouse for “one person.” It was easier to control the temperature and humidity in it than on the entire balcony, where everything is blown out through the targets.
08/13/06 - Cut off 2 half-dried jugs.
08/27/06 - A terrarium was finally built in which the Nepenthes was placed. At the same time, 2 small Nepenthes pitchers were discovered, which grew very quickly.
8.09.06 - Another half-dry jug was cut off. Now there are 8 of them left.
09/11/06 - The lids of the little jugs opened :-) While still closed, 1/3 of the jug already had liquid inside.
09/23/06 - Another drying jug was cut off. Another one is on the way. I'm afraid we may lose them all:-(The small pitchers have stopped growing (it's not clear what to expect next). In winter, Nepenthes does not form pitchers in most cases and the pitchers have their own lifespan, but it was not possible to determine what.
3.10.06 - Two more semi-dry jugs were cut and another tiny one was discovered, on the very early stage development. There are 2 mother plants in the pot, on which adult pitchers grow, and 3-4 daughter plants, on one of which the babies appeared.
21.10.06 - The lid of the single jug has opened and it is larger in size than the twin jugs. The smallest of the twins is 3 cm, the other is 3.5 cm, and the last jug is 4.5 cm and they are not growing anymore, apparently they will not grow. The twins have already begun to turn red, although the lids have not yet acquired the shape of an adult jug.
10/23/06 - The last three jugs were cut off and quickly went to dry. Hmm... stayed beautiful bush herbs: -\ But not everything is so bad, there are babies and another one was discovered, which only recently began to grow. Therefore, we will raise a new generation that will decorate the green bush with red jugs :-)
2.11.06 - I cut off the top of one of the bushes, because... she grew very long. I put it in water with a growth stimulator, I keep everything in the same terrarium, we’ll see if and when it takes root.
30.11.06 - A cut branch does not give roots, but it does not die. On the Nepenthes itself there are 6 jugs that have not yet acquired a red color. The other day I fed small earthworms to the thirstiest people. And I identified the thirstiest ones by the juice that flowed along the outer walls of the jug. Maybe they didn’t want to eat at all, but they reminded me of a person who is drooling from hunger :-)
01/10/07 - Nepenthes is growing in full force and putting out little jugs. He already has 9 of them, and with each new jug they increase in size. And on a cut piece of a nepenthes branch (it was cut 2.5 months ago) roots were found, black and hairy :-) They will grow a little and it will be possible to plant.
01/22/07 - I planted a nepenthes cutting. I decided to accustom him to room conditions. Of course, in warmth and humidity. Let's see what comes of this, but for now I pinched the top of his head and am waiting for the results of my sadism over the greenhouse plant :-) And you can look at the hairy and black roots of Nepenthes.
02/14/07 - Nepenthes after almost seven months in the greenhouse and the largest jug that we have grown during this time (The jug is 7 cm in size. It is not completely painted red, apparently because there is not enough solar lighting for rich color).
2.06.07 - Nepenetes fell ill with something:-(The base of the stem has turned black and withered, but the plant itself is growing and feels normal. There were suspicions of vascular wilt, but the symptoms did not apply, it looks like it’s dry rot of the stems. If the plant starts to die, I will cut off the tops and I don’t want to resort to such extreme measures yet, because after treating the affected areas systemic fungicide, the growth of the sore has stopped. (Years later it turned out that this was natural leafing of the stem).
Rooted cuttings to grow in room conditions I didn’t like it, so I placed it in a greenhouse, where it began to actively produce new leaves. The jugs have all dried up, new ones are not growing yet.

IN primary school in lessons about the surrounding world to students primary classes teachers suggest keeping a diary of weather observations.

Weather diary- this is a calendar-schedule in which, month by month, students observe and note changes occurring in the world around them: air temperature; Direction of the wind; precipitation; state of the sky; length of day; Atmosphere pressure.

As a rule, observations in the diary are meteorological (weather) and phenological (seasonal). This means they can include information about the month of the year, for example, its origin, a selection of poems, and more.

Since the student has to record the changes that occur in a diary every day, this develops not only his powers of observation, but also a sense of responsibility, accuracy, and develops attention and imagination. And this is already First stage research work, which is now popular and in demand in elementary schools. And in 4th grade, students are asked to compare weather changes by day. Therefore, observing the weather in an observation diary is not a whim of the teacher.

The weather calendar can be created on a computer, independently in a notebook, or purchased at a bookstore. The rules for creating a diary may vary. The teacher himself chooses. A DIY weather observation diary is time-consuming, but allows the student to show creativity in design.

Where to start creating an observation diary?

To create a diary you will need a notebook, colored pencils and markers, a ruler, a pen and a pencil. You can use pictures from magazines.

1) Let's start with observation diary covers. It should be bright and colorful. Don’t forget to sign: Diary of weather observations of a 3rd grade student Full name.

2) The first page of the diary - meteorological code or symbols.

3) Second - monthly weather chart.

The table is divided into columns, which are determined by the teacher himself. By 3rd grade, students are already familiar with symbols and must observe the weather daily and record it in a diary. Up to grade 2, weather observations can be made orally with the introduction of symbols.

The graph itself might look like this:

4) - a diagram in the form of a polygon, repeating the direction of the wind for the month (where the wind is blowing from).

5) Summary of observations for the month can be presented in the form of a plate:

Number of clear days -

Cloudy -

Cloud -

With precipitation -

Windy -

Average temperature -

The longest day -

The shortest day is

6) (phenological observations, riddles and poems, observations of animals and plants, proverbs and sayings, folk signs, labor of people in the city and village)

7) Generalization of weather by time of year(winter, spring, autumn) may include:

1. Weather report for 3 months is presented in the form of a table. Here is an example of a weather report for autumn

What to generalize

Just autumn days


clear days

Cloudy days

Partly cloudy days

windy days

Days without wind

Days with temperatures above +10

Days with temperatures below 0

Highest temperature

The most low temperature

Days with precipitation

Days without precipitation

2. general characteristics time of year

Let's give an example of the characteristics of autumn: in the fall the weather was most often cloudy - 46, there were very few clear days - 8. The days were mostly windy - 83. The autumn was rainy, there was a lot of precipitation - 77 days. The days were mostly with temperatures below 0, hence the autumn was cold. The lowest temperature is 22.

3. Phenological changes in inanimate nature include observations of seasonal changes. Here's an example:

4. Phenological changes in plant life. Here's an example:

September 10 - green trees - birch, elm; partially yellow - linden, maple; red foliage - rowan, bird cherry;

5. Phenological changes in the life of animals. Here's an example:

Making a diary of weather observations with your own hands is an exciting activity! If you have your own design suggestions, write in the comments.

To download material or!

Alexandra Emelyanova
Presentation “Diary of plant observations”

Kindergarten is a link in the system of continuous environmental education, so it is no coincidence that the teacher is faced with the task of forming the foundations of a culture of rational environmental management among preschoolers.

The vegetable garden and flower garden are used to develop children's caring skills. plants, getting to know the basics of vegetable crops and their importance in our diet.

In this case, children should be guided by the structural features plants, a period of growth and development and their needs. It will help them with this « Diary of plant observations» .

Target: teaching children to lead diary of observations of plant development.


Introduce children to life plants;

Give an idea of ​​cultivation plants from seeds, about the dependence of their growth on the presence of moisture, light and heat;

Learn observe changes in development plants, analyze, draw conclusions about certain patterns and relationships;

Develop cognitive interest, the ability to analyze and synthesize, and self-control;

Strengthen knowledge about the structure plants;

Cultivate interest in plants, accumulate experience of an attentive and caring attitude towards growing plants.

Cycle of observations “Early Autumn” 1. Topic “Weather at the beginning of autumn” The general goal of the observation system: - To develop in children the ability to independently identify the first signs of autumn.

Cycle of observations of water, snow, ice Goal: to identify and expand children’s understanding of the properties of water and snow; develop speech, thinking, imagination; cultivate interest in phenomena.

In the Novopetropavlovsk kindergarten "Romashka", in the middle group "Zvezdochka" a project "Vegetable garden on the windowsill" was organized under the leadership.

File of observations SPRING Card No. 1 Observation Observation of snow melting Purpose: show children places where snow and ice melt faster, invite them to think.

Methodical development “Card index of observations in nature” Contents 1. Introduction. 2. Preparation of observations in kindergarten 3. Card file of observations in nature 4. Conclusion. 5. List of used ones.

Diary of teaching practice for the module “Organization of events aimed at strengthening the health of the child” Diary of industrial teaching practice, specialty 44.02.01 Preschool education 2nd year PM. 01. Organization of events aimed at.

The role of observations of indoor plants in increasing the level of environmental culture of children Contents 1. The problem of forming children's ecological culture in modern psychological and pedagogical literature. 1.1. The concept of "ecological"

Goal: To interest children in observing the life of plants; teach how to keep a diary of observation of plant development.

  • Give an idea of ​​growing plants from seeds, the dependence of their growth and the availability of moisture, light and heat.
  • Learn to observe changes in plant development, analyze, and draw conclusions about certain patterns and relationships.
  • Develop cognitive interest; ability to analyze and synthesize, to self-control.
  • Continue to improve the labor skills of children; develop hard work.
  • Reinforce knowledge about the structure of plants.
  • Cultivate an interest in plants, gain experience in an attentive and caring attitude towards growing plants.

Description of the manual

  • Made from fabric, paper
  • Complies with methodological, sanitary and hygienic requirements
  • Used with children of all ages
  • Designed for plant observations (growth, development, care)
  • Used for carrying out work assignments and independent activities
  • Contents: plant shape, cards (plant development, methods of care).

Picture 1

Figure 2

Progress of the lesson


How vegetables will not be born without our help.
As soon as spring has arrived, we plant seeds.
What a garden! People are surprised
The sun warmed the earth, a grain sprouted
Cucumbers, carrots and onions suddenly came out of the ground.

Exactly three peas were thrown into the ground,
And we collected five bags of wonderful pods.
What a garden! People are surprised.

Observation – purposeful, systematic perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

To accumulate knowledge about plant growth and development, I use long-term observation. Children compare the observed state of the object with what was before. An observation calendar helps with this.

The benefit provides an opportunity

  • determine the condition of the plant based on individual signs (the need for watering), or restore the picture of the whole (are the tomatoes ripe by color)
  • develop intelligence and observation
  • improve the processes of analysis, comparison, inference
  • conduct observations when children are highly mentally active, makes them think, look for answers to questions, develops curiosity

The benefit helps

  • when getting to know an object (size, shape, color)
  • establish a connection between this observation and the previous one, take into account subsequent work
  • restore the entire picture of development observed by children.

Figure 3

Work. Work in nature is of particular importance for the all-round development of children.

Preschoolers master skills as they follow plants and learn what conditions are necessary for growth and development. With pleasure, children learn to loosen and weed the garden, water vegetables, and watch with great interest the growth and development of plants, noting their observations in the observation calendar.

The manual attracts children to participate in all types of work on caring for plants, growing them, and fosters independence.

It is important that children are not just excited about the prospect of growing delicious vegetables. The manual helps to understand the need for systematic plant care. At the same time, children should be guided by the structural features of plants, the period of growth and development and their needs.

Children receive tasks that require careful monitoring of the condition of the plant.

Figure 4

Use of benefits by age

Junior groups

  • a surprise moment when getting acquainted with plants
  • developing the ability to distinguish certain vegetables by appearance

Middle groups

  • organizing observations of plant growth and development with children
  • highlight characteristic features (size, color, shape, parts)
  • gaming techniques
  • work assignments
  • comparison of objects

Senior groups

  • conducting long-term observations of plant growth and development
  • independent conclusions and conclusions
  • visual aid (pattern and sequence of phases, stages of development) when using comparison techniques, during observations
  • children's verbal reports of observation results

Preparatory groups

  • for children to demonstrate greater independence
  • establishing various connections
  • identify similar features common to a whole group of objects
  • to compare views
  • making your own nature calendar

Figure 5

A consciously correct attitude towards nature is built on a sensory perception of nature, an emotional attitude towards it and knowledge about the characteristics of life, growth and development of individual living beings. The predominant visual-effective and visual-figurative forms of thinking in preschool childhood ensure the assimilation of only specially selected and age-appropriate information about nature. The criteria for selecting natural materials are their visual presentation and the possibility of inclusion in practical activities.
