Money ritual during a lunar eclipse from Regina Fedorenko. Rituals for a lunar eclipse Rituals for a lunar eclipse

The full moon is the most appropriate and effective time for many important rituals. And if it coincides with a lunar eclipse, then the effect of such rituals increases many times over. Don't miss this magical time!

The night of the full moon is known for its beauty, healing powers and fantastic energy for magic.

The energy of the full moon is a very powerful magical energy. There are many rituals for the days of the full moon in different cultures and beliefs.

The Full Moon is a time you can use for healing and beauty, fortune telling, attracting love, good luck and enhancing all your desires. Full moon magical rituals can be performed on the night of full moons and lunar eclipses, as well as during the day before the exact phase and the day after it, i.e. they can be done over three days.

The full moon is a favorable time of the month for cleansing rituals. Because the light of the Moon highlights everything that hinders progress along the spiritual path. A moment to release limiting beliefs about money, relationships, your path...
The energies of the full moon begin to be felt three days in advance and their influence lasts three days after and this is a good time for the Ritual of Harmonization of Opposites.

How to do it?
Imagine a round shining disk of the full moon above you, pouring light and energy of protection and support onto you.
Your energy field responds to the flow of lunar energy, begins to vibrate, the space around you is transformed and filled with purity of spirit.
Stand up and raise your arms above your head. Your palms are opposite each other, facing the Mother Moon.
Imagine that you are a sacred cup, drawing the power of Mother Moon, which penetrates every cell of your physical body - from your feet, knees, stomach, chest, face, eyes...
Feel the vibration of power within you. The strength to give, receive, accept, support and care, to manifest whatever you need at the moment.
Now put your hands on your heart. Massage this area.
Imagine that you have become a Full Moon Goddess, able to balance the earth and harmonize opposing forces. At the moment, you are aligning yourself with the energies of those zodiac signs that are active during this full moon.
Usually these are opposite signs, but together they create balance, because it is the Full Moon that provides the opportunity to balance and harmonize opposite signs.
As you continue the ritual, imagine the powers of these signs appearing in their archetypal form - the Warrior and the Goddess.
Take a deep breath, inhaling the weaker traits of each archetype. Exhale - and you exhale the healing power of the sign. This way you balance these energies within yourself and throughout the planet. You have this power. Believe in her!
Find your comfortable rhythm of inhalation and exhalation and say the following phrases until you feel that transformation is taking place:

Inhale - The warrior raises his sword. The goddess swears at the warrior.
Exhale - The Goddess smiles as the Warrior lowers his sword and they embrace.
Inhale - The warrior is angry, feels lonely and betrayed.
Exhale - The Gentle Goddess calms the Warrior with her touch.
Inhale - The Goddess feels ineffective, indecisive, tired.
Exhale - The Warrior protects and guides her.

Imagine the world bathed in the cleansing light of your gift: sleepy kids, debating politicians, starving people children , liars and thieves. Imagine that the world is transformed under the influence of this light, finding peace and tranquility.
When you're ready, lower your arms down your sides with your palms facing the ground. Send divine light to the earth. Imagine that this energy forms a ball in the center of the planet.
Now slowly return back to your body. Spend a few minutes in silence until you are ready to return to the reality of your life.

Rituals that are especially effective during the Full Moon.

Here are some of them:

Removes the evil eye and cleanses of negative energies accumulated due to other people's envy.

2-4 days before the full moon, place four bay leaves on the windowsill so that they are illuminated by the sun during the day. On a full moon, light a wax candle, preferably red, and, crushing bay leaves in a mortar by candlelight, repeat 36 times: “Protect from the gaze of an envious person, from evil, unkind thoughts, send envy back. My word is strong!” Place the crushed leaves into a small red cloth bag and sew it up with red thread from a new spool. Hide the bag in the bedroom. Wash your hands well under running water.

To eliminate negative energy that has accumulated as a result of human envy.

For the ritual you will need one purple candle, 30 centimeters of blue cotton (or other natural) thread, and a metal tray.

Take the candle in both palms and hold it for a minute, charging it with positive energy. You can use the spell:

“I charge you with the forces of fire, water, air and earth, I charge you with the forces of the East, South, West and North, I charge you with the forces of law, love, wisdom and constancy, Cleanse me from all evil and protect me from all evil. Let it be so!"

After this, place the candle on the tray. Now take the thread with both hands and feel how the energy flows between your hands. Wrap the thread around the candle at about half its height, tying it tightly so that the thread does not move, with three knots. As you tie each knot, say: “The thread is tied, a change is coming. Let it be so!" Now light the candle and let it burn until the tied thread burns out. While the candle is burning, imagine how the black threads that previously bound you are falling from your body. Bury the candle stub and ashes in an uninhabited place, preferably in the forest, away from home. Repeat the ritual at the next full moon with a different candle.

For the case when you know who wants to harm you or wishes harm.

For the ritual you will need a pink or blue candle, olive oil, and one black olive. The ritual is best performed not only on the day of the New Moon, but precisely at the hour of the New Moon.

So, precisely at the hour of the New Moon, lubricate the candle with olive oil, while simultaneously visualizing the person in question. Send only positive thoughts in this person's direction. Light a candle and place a plate with an olive next to it. The candle should burn for approximately 30 minutes. Try to find as many good, positive qualities as possible in your ill-wisher. After 30 minutes, the candle should be extinguished (remember, it cannot be blown out). You can save the candle for the ritual again if it relates to the same person. You should eat the olive. However, the magical part of the ritual does not end there.

Important: the next day you need to treat this person with something.

Money ritual for nine knots:

  • Waxing moon, full moon.
    Take a green silk ribbon about 30 cm long.
    Tie 9 knots on it, sequentially saying to each knot:
    The first node begins witchcraft.
    The second node is done.
    With the third node, the money comes to me.
    With the fourth node, new opportunities are knocking on my door.
    With the fifth node, my business is thriving.
    The sixth node secures witchcraft.
    With the seventh node I was given success.
    With the eighth node the income is multiplied.
    With the ninth knot, it's all mine now!
    Keep the ribbon with you as a talisman

Spell for good trading:

  • They say salt, they throw it with their right hand with a backhand
    over the left shoulder at the “workplace”:
    Those on foot, those traveling, come here, here is a place for you, food and water.
    Money for me, goods for you.

Spell for good luck in trading:

When washing before trading, they read, wiping themselves with a handkerchief, and take the handkerchief with them to the trade:

  • You can’t count the stars, you can’t knead the plowing with your hands,
    my word cannot be taken from me.
    I am a merchant, my crown is with me.
    Just as bees fly to honey, so everyone goes to my product.
    they look. They want to take it. Amen.

To make money:

Go to the forest on the Full Moon, find a pile of ants, throw some change there, and the ants will start running over the money, immediately read:

Like there are a lot of ants in this heap, so that the money will not be transferred to me. Amen.

  • Every full moon, place a completely empty, open wallet on the window (preferably so that moonlight falls into it) all three nights of the full moon (the first day, the culmination - what is actually called the full moon in calendars, and the day following the culmination). The wallet should be the one in which you carry money every day. At three nights of the new moon, on the contrary, place a wallet with money on the window.
  • On a full moon, there is one proven way to deal with vampire loved ones: clearly imagine, instead of blood, flowing through your vessels, a very bright white-violet light (imagine electric welding), and as soon as a vampire relative appears behind your blood, let him try the “updated version” light“...
  • The traditional love drink served on the full moon consisted of wine, tea or water and was flavored with herbs or potions (razmarin, nutmeg, white acacia, lily...). To achieve better results, according to sources, the love potion should be prepared only by a Master.
  • For example, Chinese monks prepared potions from 13 substances of plant, animal and mineral origin that could restore health and evoke love, hatred, and passion.

Soap bubbles on the full moon

Feng Shui ritual to attract love into your life.

It is believed that the God of Love lives on the Moon. And it is on the full moon that you can establish contact with him. On the night of the full moon, you need to blow soap bubbles, which will inform the Universe about your desire. The best time to perform this ritual is early evening, when the sunlight has not yet faded. It is very good if a light breeze blows at this time: you need it in order to deliver your desires to the Moon. You need to visualize a little and imagine yourself with the person you want to be. If there is no such thing at the moment, then let it be the image of an ideal partner.

Practice blowing beautiful soap bubbles. When you feel that you have created not a ball, but a masterpiece, mentally place yourself and the image of your loved one in this shiny ball. Release the ball and the happy couple into the wild. Let the wind and the forces of nature do their job and take your desire straight to the moon. To be sure, you can make several of these “filled” soap bubbles. At that moment when the iridescent ball flies, send after it your most beautiful thoughts about happy love and fulfilled hopes.

Wallet and Moon.

Follow the lunar calendar. Every full moon, place a completely empty, open wallet on the window (preferably so that moonlight falls into it) all three nights of the full moon, the first day, the culmination - what is actually called the full moon in calendars, and the day following the culmination). The wallet should be the one in which you carry money every day. At three nights of the new moon, on the contrary, place a wallet with money on the window. That's all too.

Money shower.

On the full moon, collect all the small items around the house. I mean, coins. After you have taken a shower, carefully “water” yourself with a shower of coins. It works best for one-time receipts of money when you really need it. However, it also slightly increases your permanent income if you do it regularly. It even works on children - there is a known case of “washing” a child who, the very next day, found a five-hundred-dollar bill on the street.

  • The simplest methods do not even deserve separate paragraphs: jingle change in your pocket for the new month; all for the same new month (you need the first day of the appearance of a thin sickle in clear weather)
    throw a handful of pennies (collect pennies) over your left shoulder in the direction where the month is, with the words “ take it and return it“ and leave without looking back;
    pour a pinch of mustard seeds (sold in seasoning departments) into your wallet.

But there is one more very important point:

  • show respect for money!
    Organize your wallet into compartments (well, buy a wallet with multiple compartments!)
    so that bills of different denominations are not mixed,
    and the small change was generally lying separately,
    and never allow yourself to throw money in there at random.
    In the store we always have time,
    to put bills into the right pockets,
    if we stop worrying about detaining someone.
    You are not detaining anyone
    and if you delay, then it’s none of your business, not your problem.
    Never put bills in a lump in your pocket - money has a home, your wallet. That's where they should stay, in comfort and order.
    Smooth out pieces of paper that someone has carefully crumpled.
    Believe me, if you start treating money this way, they will like it!

Taoist ritual to attract money

On the night of the full moon, go outside or onto the balcony. It is better to face the moon or, if it is not visible, then to the south.

  • Looking at the full moon, imagine
    that its light penetrates your head and fills it.
    Feel the pure glow of the moon in your head,
    and then shine the moon back.
    Imagine your head is a miniature moon
    and you send the light back to the big moon.
    Then fill your heart with the light of the moon,
    hold her light in your heart,
    and then let that light fly back to the source.
    Repeat this 3 times.
    Then take a silver (or just five-ruble) coin and say: “ Silver coin, silver moon,
    bring me riches, bring me in full,”
    Lucky coin, lucky moon, bring me luck, bring me plenty. That's the way I want it and that's the way it is
    Repeat this 3 times.
    At the end, kiss the coin and thank the moon for its help and beauty.

Ritual to attract money on the full moon

Among the people there are many magical means and rituals to attract monetary luck.
One of the well-known rituals is attracting money. To do this, we need three candles of exactly green color, because green symbolizes prosperity and well-being. In addition, we will need any banknote. The ritual is performed only at midnight on a full moon or a waxing moon. This is due to the need to increase the money supply. Remember, if you do the same thing on a new moon or a waning moon, the process will be reversed - money will be washed out of the house.
At midnight, place green candles in the living room of your home. You need to arrange them in the form of a triangle, and put a banknote in the middle. Place a mirror behind each candle. Turn the mirrors slightly towards the center, you should get a mirror triangle with a number of reflections. Look in the mirror that is located opposite you and say three times: “I tie and tie, fasten and fasten, from one to three, from three to nine. Don’t take it out, don’t take it away, don’t end up with a bad person. Be in the dark, attract everything "to me. Not away from me, not up and not down, neither by the enemy nor by the court. Teeth are a lock, the word is a tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen." After pronouncing the spell, the bill must be attached to the inner surface of the table using the wax of a green candle that participated in the ritual.

Another popular ritual for money: on a full moon, you should pour change from hand to hand several times or shake your wallet with change so that the ringing can be heard. The same can be done during the first spring thunderstorm. They say that after such actions the whole year should be financial.

Ritual with talismans

Fill the bowl with water and place it overnight under the light of the full moon. The next day, use this water to cleanse your talismans and revitalize them with the energy of the Moon. This water not only cleanses the talismans, you can wash your face with it so that the moon water refreshes and charges you with its magical magical energy.

If you want to enhance the energy of your talismans, you can place them on the windowsill under the light of the moon overnight or place them in a crystal bowl of water to charge them with the energy of the full moon.

The day of the Solar Eclipse is especially important for people who want to attract luck, love into their lives and dream of fulfilling their own desires. With the help of special ceremonies, rituals and conspiracies, you can get rid of internal fears and complexes and become more confident and decisive. On this day, you cannot start important things and make responsible decisions, since the Solar Eclipse enhances negative factors, and a person risks making an irreparable mistake. At this time, you need to meditate, get rid of accumulated negative emotions and reflect on the topic of your life purpose.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

Rituals for a Solar Eclipse

A few hours before the Solar Eclipse, you need to take a contrast shower, then lie down and relax, imagining that all fears and phobias are leaving the body, turning into light energy and leaving behind a feeling of lightness and joy. When the eclipse begins, you need to say the following spell: “Just as the solar disk is covered by the Moon, so fate has blocked my path to my goals. When the lunar disk leaves the Sun, everything unnecessary will leave me. And I will be strong and bright, like a luminary heavenly! All my wishes come true, and my money increases. So be it!"


Rituals for a Solar Eclipse or during the period of eclipse corridors (the time between lunar and solar eclipses) help get rid of circumstances that interfere with development, and also help eliminate specific problems of a psychological nature (fears, phobias, complexes).

Procedure for “Repentance”:

  1. 1. You need to light a wax candle, purchased in advance in the temple, 10-15 minutes before the start of the eclipse, and place it on your right - for men, and for women - on your left. You need to lie on your back on the floor, without crossing your arms and legs, completely relax and close your eyes, without thinking about anything.
  2. 2. Analyze your own shortcomings 5-8 minutes before the eclipse and determine the reason for your failures.
  3. 3. At the peak of the eclipse, you need to mentally forgive all offenders, repent to higher powers and say the following words: “I leave all my problems, failures, disappointments, fears and negative emotions in the past. I ask forgiveness from heaven for all my sins and sincerely repent of my actions.” actions that hurt someone."
  4. 4. A few minutes after the peak of the eclipse, you need to imagine a clear picture of a happy future in your imagination: all goals have been achieved, the person feels in complete harmony with the world around him and has everything he needs in this life to feel happy.

You need to think only about the good, since desires that are aimed at harming others will turn against the person who is plotting evil.

15 minutes after the end of the solar eclipse, you need to extinguish the wax candle with a wooden object or leave it to burn to the ground. You should thank the higher powers and yourself for everything that happens.

How to tie a man to you - the most powerful rites, rituals and conspiracies

Meditation on a candle

You need to stay in complete solitude and light a white candle, setting yourself in a positive mood. One should imagine that everything desired has become a reality, and the person has a lot of money, a prosperous family and lives a bright and eventful life. Imagining rainbow images in your head, you need to look at the candle flame and thank the Universe for all the blessings given.

Art therapy practice

To perform the ritual you need:

  1. 1. Take colored markers, a wax candle, and three album sheets.
  2. 2. Light a candle and relax, closing your eyes for a few minutes, and then formulate the question that is most important at the moment. For example: "Why can't I get rich?" or “What is stopping me from achieving my goal (voice a specific goal)”?
  3. 3. You need to remember all the images that come to mind and capture them on paper. Look carefully at the drawings and analyze your own feelings and emotions evoked by these images.
  4. 4. You need to immediately get rid of all negative emotions by setting fire to a piece of paper with a picture from the flame of a burning candle. It is important to believe in magic for this ritual to work.
  5. 5. After the first sheet burns to the ground, you should take three deep breaths, close your eyes and imagine yourself as a completely new and happy person.
  6. 6. The images that will form in your head at this time need to be sketched on paper and a plan for self-development must be drawn up.
  7. 7. A drawing of the “ideal self” should be hung in the most visible place and looked at regularly, feeling internal changes for the better.

Attracting material benefits

The day before the eclipse, people who are higher in status should be treated to baked goods prepared with their own hands. On the day of the Solar Eclipse, you should dress nicely (but not brightly), do a neat hairstyle and feed all household members with homemade sweets. Then light the candles, relax and ask for material prosperity, increased wages and various benefits, mentally sending your request to the Universe.

Ritual for love

For romance, on the day of the Solar Eclipse, you should put under your pillow a pre-purchased item that is intended for your betrothed, and a photo of the man you like.

Before going to bed, you need to ask the Universe to meet your other half. A girl who dreams of finding her love will receive tips from higher powers within three days after the ritual. She may have a dream in which she finds out which man is destined for her and where to look for him.

Magic ritual of the first lunar day

Magic ritual for and implementation of plans for the first lunar day during a solar eclipse:

  1. 1. You need to light a candle, placing it in front of you.
  2. 2. Take a blank album sheet and write down everything that a person wants to achieve in the next 12 months.
  3. 3. Each wish must be pronounced out loud clearly and distinctly, putting a specific date of fulfillment under what is written. You only need to write in the present tense, for example: “I have 50,000 thousand dollars, which helps me realize my cherished dream.”

In order for your wishes to come true within the specified time frame, you should not quarrel with anyone or enter into lengthy discussions. Dreams come true only for those people who are friendly towards others.

You have already entered the Eclipse Corridor on a very deep note and are now in the flow of powerful fateful energies of connection with your Family and the interweaving of connections created in it over many more years than you can now imagine.

That's why…

  • Don't frantically clean your apartments before this Eclipse, taking out an old rug and a couple of broken cups, hoping that this will clear your space and free it up for new energies.
  • This is best done during the full moon in Virgo. And even better - regularly.
  • Do not make your main goal during this Eclipse to get rid of bad habits and, for example, quit smoking or stop eating at night. The full moon in Capricorn is better suited for this.
  • Do not look for or perform Rituals for letting go of your former loved ones. You will do this during the full moon in Scorpio. The energies of this sign are ideal for such a task.

I now see a lot of articles on the Internet where these tips are repeated over and over again. Well, another piece of advice is to take a shower, maintain peace of mind, numerous Rituals and the like.

Don't get hung up on the little things in the coming week!

Doing this is like standing in front of a dam, which is increasingly pressed with its power by an inexorably overflowing river, and trying to adjust the strap on a swimsuit or touch up your lips, hoping that this will help you when the dam breaks.

Or stand in front of a hurricane approaching you and be glad that it will pull out exactly that bush in your garden that you never got around to.

Or watch the ocean storm and believe that if you now say a few magic phrases or move a couple of pebbles on its shore, it will subside in obedience to your will.

Using the energy of the Lunar Eclipse on July 27 for such things is the same as taking out a huge loan to buy an extremely expensive and powerful sports car, buying it and then driving it exclusively to the nearest store for bread a couple of times a week.

Please don't waste your time on trifles now!

This Lunar Eclipse is the most powerful and global in the 21st century.

Firstly, because it is the longest. And until the end of the 21st century there will simply be no one similar to him in terms of strength and capabilities.

Secondly, because it is the last in a very significant Eclipse cycle. And its inexorability and fatality is due to the fact that it will either lead to its climax and will bring the karmic tasks of your Family to a higher level of complexity(and, accordingly, yours), or it will beautifully and harmoniously end forever a certain karmic history of your Family, which accumulated, but could not be resolved and worked out for at least 100 years.

All generations of your ancestors over the years have repeated this theme over and over again, encountering “rake” in their Fates, living the same story over and over again, in different scenery, different dresses, with different partners.

And you continued it too. And now you can finish it!

This Lunar Eclipse is a transition point.

And it is on these days that not only your future is laid, but also new karmic tasks for your Family for about 100 years in the future.

This is about 4 generations after you - your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. You may never know or see any of them.

But whether their life will be a happy story of victories or a sad story of disappointments largely depends on you now.

Therefore, let's figure out right now what you can do these days and what you can't. So as not to indulge yourself with false illusions, but also not to miss or ignore real chances and opportunities.

You will not be able right now or within 5 minutes to accurately and independently determine which one topic in your life these days is a marker and a hint about a karmic task that can and should be completed. Because the world around you will throw you many hints, provocations and false clues in the coming days to lead you in the wrong direction.

You will be able to discover this theme on Eclipse Day.

You can make it visible.

And give the world a Sign that you agree to let her go forever.

To give a chance for a new story to begin on the Solar Eclipse on August 11th. At least 100 years long!

On July 9 at 20.00 Moscow time there will be a webinar about Kundalini Reiki.
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Therefore, the first thing you should do is to have several pieces of paper and a pen available in the coming days.

Do not analyze external situations in the coming days. Don't try to understand cause and effect. Don't conflict with people and don't try to solve everything at once.

Be a formal participant in external processes. Let your role during the Eclipse be that of a quiet but very attentive observer.

All your attention should be directed within you. In all this external whirlwind your attention should be focused only on what feelings and emotions you are experiencing. This is the only thing that matters! Because it is they, your spontaneous, not the most pleasant, sometimes strange feelings and emotions regarding seemingly insignificant or, conversely, very significant situations of these days that will tell you what exactly can and should be completed.

Allow yourself to feel. Don't try to switch. Be deep and total in your feelings and experiences.

Nothing bad will happen if you don’t clean your apartment or prepare dinner on time these days. Even if a conflict arises, God be with him! Apologize or settle it later.

If you want to cry, cry.

If you want to laugh, laugh.

You don’t have the strength and you want to lie in a ball in complete stupor - lie down.

Anger and rage rolls in - shout at the wall or chair in the kitchen.

If you experience melancholy or sadness, allow yourself to feel it totally and do not try to switch your attention to other things.

And all this time, all these days, there should be a notebook or a sheet of paper next to you.

Your task is to track what you experience the strongest feelings and emotions about. What topics in your life have upset you emotionally these days?

There should be exactly four of these topics or situations! Don't analyze them now. Just write down on paper what they are.

It could be anything. Don't try to decide whether it's important or not. Just be open and sincere with yourself. And sensitive.

  • Because during the days of the Lunar Eclipse, your Fate and Karma will persistently try to reach you through external situations and send you clues about what exactly the red thread of your Family is going through right now, on which there are unraveled knots and the end of which you are holding in your hands right now . And these knots can really be untied!

This may seem too simple or strange to you now, but all that should be in your hands by the Day of the Lunar Eclipse on July 27 is four absolutely identical pieces of paper on each of which is written one of the four situations about which you experienced the most vivid , deep and perhaps inappropriate feelings and emotions.

That's all you need to do before the day of the Eclipse."

On the day of the Eclipse, perform a Karmic Reboot Ritual.

To perform a ritual for a Lunar Eclipse, you must:

  • small white cylindrical candle,
  • lighter
  • rug

An hour before the eclipse, it is necessary to perform the Cleansing procedure: or take a contrast shower 3-5 times.

Attention! This time you need to start with hot and end with cold water, or a bath, or thoroughly wash your hands, face and feet. Do all ablutions with the obligatory addition of salt (it is possible to mix a small amount of salt into shower gel, etc.) Then put on clean clothes in light colors (preferably white) made of natural fabrics.

Carrying out the Ritual

10 minutes before the Eclipse, light a candle and place it near you as follows: men on the right, women on the left.

10-15 minutes before the climax of the eclipse, lie with your head facing north.

Mentally look in the mirror of your Karma, think about your soul, about its qualities, about what worries you most, about your emotions, reactions, perception of the surrounding reality.

About what kind of relationships do you have with others, and most importantly, with your loved ones?

What are you offended by that is hard for you to accept?

Pay special attention to analyzing the recurring lessons of Fate. You can read notes from pieces of paper prepared in advance.

Mentally say: “That’s it, I won’t live like this anymore, I don’t want to!” I'm starting a new life! I leave all my problems and shortcomings in the past.”

At the Peak of the Eclipse

Imagine a bright white luminous ball (representing the Moon), then there is a funnel in it that spins counterclockwise. Using the power of your imagination, imagine how a funnel pulls out of you into a ball everything that you want to get rid of. Give up your outdated programs and negativity that burden you with a feeling of gratitude, mentally repeating “With Gratitude I get rid of... to the joy of myself and the Universe.”

Then mentally move the filled ball to the limits of the horizon and burn it in the Flame of the Eclipse (best visualizing the Violet Flame of transformation).

Mentally create a new bright white luminous ball filled with Light and those qualities and feelings that you need. In place of painful situations, visualize their successful resolution, in place of bad habits - what you will do instead!!!

Model what you want to acquire within 10-15 minutes after the climax.

Change your attitudes and your future life. Harmonize, fill with positive rhythms.

Then mentally bring the shining ball closer to you and dissolve it in the chest area.

Feel light, filled with harmony and light.

Come out of meditation with a few deep breaths. Thank all your Invisible Helpers.

The paper that you composed at the beginning of the ritual must be burned. It is also necessary to remove the remains of the candle. Take a contrast shower again, drink a glass of clean water.

We wish everyone successful practice of liberation and real changes in Destiny!

With sincere love for you,

P.S. For any questions please contact

Find a place outdoors or by a window where you can sit with a clear view of the moon. Before the eclipse begins, greet the Moon with words, rhythms, or song. Then sit comfortably and meditatively observe the changes in the Moon and around you throughout the Lunar Eclipse. Focus your attention on this process. When the Eclipse ends, stand and give thanks to the Moon. If sky conditions are such that the Lunar Eclipse is not visible, watch the eclipse on a website that broadcasts it online.

2. Liberation and renewal

Before the eclipse, remember what you want to get rid of in your life. Write it down on paper. When the Eclipse begins, light a fire in a cauldron, hearth, or fire (or at least light a candle). Burn your record (what you want to get rid of). Watch the fire and the eclipse and feel yourself freeing. In the middle of the eclipse, shift your focus to clearing and resetting. Add some aromatic, cleansing herbs such as Rosemary or Sage to the fire. Focus on cleansing. As the eclipse comes to an end, focus on the light of the Full Moon flowing on and within you, renewing and energizing you to complete your transformation.

3. Cleansing and Energy

Before the Eclipse, gather ritual tools and or other sacred objects that you are trying to cleanse, bless and place on your altar. Also create tools from the five Elements of Nature salt or other symbol for earth, incense or sandalwood for air, candles in a candle holder for Fire, cup of water for water, quartz crystal for Spirit. When the Eclipse begins, cleanse each item with Earth and then touch or pass each item over the water to cleanse. Cleanse each item with Burning Incense Air, then pass each item behind or near a lit candle to the Fire. When the Eclipse is over, take the crystal and activate it with the power of the Full Moon Light and touch each item to activate and bless it with Spirit. Home blessings can also be done during the eclipse with cleansing during the eclipse.

4. Creativity

Before the eclipse begins, find a place to observe where you can move, make sounds, and be calm. Create a sacred circle for creative awakening. Call on the Moon to guide you in your Creative work. Have a notebook and pencil ready to jot down any inspiring thoughts that come your way during this time. When the eclipse begins, focus on the process as a creative transformation. Gaze at the Moon. Close your eyes and connect with the potentials and possibilities within you. Produce free singing, speaking, movement or rhythm. Write it down in your notebook. Let the creative forces flow within you. Experience yourself as a creation radiating creative power around you. Thank the moon. Pay attention to the dreams and ideas that may arise as a result of this work.

During the period of a lunar eclipse, the most effective rituals are to get rid of problems, debts, and bad habits. A person has a real chance to reprogram his ways of interacting with the world around him, to change the negative aspects of his character into positive ones. At this time, magical rituals and energy cleansing acquire special power. Relationships broken during a lunar eclipse are almost impossible to restore; and a bad habit that a person stopped during this astronomical event has practically no chance of resumption.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

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    Calendar of astronomical events

    A lunar eclipse begins at the moment when the night luminary enters the shadow cast by the Earth from the Sun. In this case, three celestial bodies line up in a row. An eclipse occurs only on the day of the full moon. At its core, it is a full moon, the magical power of which is enhanced many times over. This explains the effectiveness of rituals, fortune telling and meditations performed during this astronomical event.

    When the Moon is not completely immersed in the Earth's shadow, it is called a partial eclipse. Penumbral eclipses occur when the Moon passes through the space near the cone of shadow cast by the Earth. In this case, the lunar disk is only slightly covered with shadow.

    Lunar eclipse schedule from 2018 to 2028:

    Year Dates of total eclipses Dates of partial eclipses Dates of penumbral eclipses
    • January 31;
    • July 27
    - -
    2019 July 17th-
    2020 -
    • January 10;
    • June 5;
    • 5'th of July;
    • November 30th
    2021 November 19-
    • 16th of May;
    • November 18th
    - -
    2023 - 5 May
    2024 - March 25
    • March 14th;
    • September 7
    - -
    2026 August 28-
    2027 -
    • February 21;
    • August 7
    • January 12
    • July 6

    The most powerful rituals and ceremonies are those performed during a total lunar eclipse. You should also pay attention to the coincidence of the astronomical event with the date of birth. If the eclipse falls on a birthday (give or take a few days), the rituals will be especially strong. At this time, you can radically influence your destiny and get rid of negative karma.

    What you can and cannot do during a lunar eclipse

    During this period, a person may feel disoriented. Principles and ideals seem false and illusory. During a lunar eclipse, you should give up expectations and devote as much time as possible to spiritual development. The lunar eclipse provides excellent opportunities to complete ongoing processes and create new projects.

    At this time you can:

    • Quit a bad habit.
    • Break off a painful love affair that has no prospects.
    • Look for the loss. During a lunar eclipse, the chances of finding something hidden increase.
    • Complete tasks for which you constantly do not have enough time.
    • Summarize the situation, rethink the experience gained.
    • Spend time in nature, in unity with the earth.
    • Start cleaning the house.
    • Imagine your desired future. The eclipse gives visualization a powerful impulse that allows you to quickly turn intentions into reality.
    • Cleanse the body (through fasting, diets, detox programs).
    • Fumigate the living space.
    • Do meditation. Read spiritual and philosophical works.
    • Do good deeds and charity.

    There are also signs according to which it is necessary to refrain from certain actions during the eclipse.

    On the day when this astronomical event occurs, it is not recommended:

    • Prescribe serious medical interventions and surgeries (including cosmetic ones).
    • Make large purchases. On this day, you may not notice any flaws in the product.
    • Lend large sums of money. They can be lost forever.
    • Make important decisions. Start big projects.
    • To register marriage. It will only bring misfortune and tears.
    • Overload the body, expose yourself to stress.
    • Quarrel with loved ones, sort things out. These clarifications will inevitably lead to a break.
    • Enter into intimate relationships for the sake of conception. A child conceived at this time will have less free will.

    The consequences of negative actions committed during this period are very difficult to calculate and overcome. Therefore, astrologers and magicians recommend not taking any active actions during the lunar eclipse, devoting time to spirituality and self-development.

    Fortune telling "Card fate"

    This fortune telling, performed during a lunar eclipse, is particularly accurate. For the session you should take a new deck of playing cards. While mixing them, you need to think about the most important problem at the moment - financial debts, family troubles, psychological complexes.

    Cards are laid out one at a time, waiting for a queen, king or ace to appear from the deck. Interpretation of cards:

    • the king or queen of the black suit symbolizes a man or woman who will help solve the problem of interest;
    • the king or queen of the red suit means a man or woman who will support and give strength for further advancement;
    • the black ace suggests that the cause of the current difficulties lies outside (it could be the evil eye, witchcraft, revenge of an ill-wisher);
    • the ace of the red suit indicates that the cause of the problems lies in the fortuneteller himself, and his fate is in his hands.

    Rituals for money and improving well-being

    To make any money ritual even stronger, it should be supplemented with the practice of visualizing wealth. To do this, the day before and after the lunar eclipse, you need to mentally imagine yourself as a wealthy person, visualize how money comes from various sources.

    To a new wallet

    This ritual is aimed at improving financial well-being and increasing cash flow. On the day of the lunar eclipse, you should purchase a new wallet. Arriving home, the old one is immediately thrown away. The minute the eclipse begins, they count all the money down to the smallest penny and transfer it to a new wallet. At the same time, the words are pronounced: “New money in a new wallet.” To consolidate the magical effect, you should not spend a penny over the next 24 hours.

    Per coin

    The following ritual is suitable for those who honestly earn money by working long hours, but receive mere pennies for their work. At the moment of a lunar eclipse, they take a coin and chant it:

    “I’m moving towards my goal in hail, heat and wind. There’s a rocky path under my feet, but (name) can’t push me off the road. I’ll reach my goal, I’ll find a rich treasure. I’ll have more money than on the seashore. I’ll become a noble gentleman ", I'll hire a cook and a servant. There will be more money than leaves in the spring. The moon is eclipsed, I have one coin. And when the moon is reborn, the coin will turn into a treasure. Amen."

    The coin is carried with them as a talisman. In the near future, the work will begin to bring in a really big income, or the fortuneteller will receive an offer to move to a higher-paying position.

    For two bills

    Before the eclipse begins, light, pleasant music is played. Then follows:

    1. 1. Light incense sticks or an aroma lamp with orange or lemon oils and take a bill of the same denomination in each hand.
    2. 2. Sitting comfortably in a chair and closing your eyes, stretch your arms in front of you.
    3. 3. Holding the banknotes in your palms, imagine how the enhanced energy of the lunar eclipse begins to charge these banknotes.
    4. 4. Then take a deep breath, and as you exhale say the words: “Deep and wide, the river of money flows to me!”
    5. 5. Then take a deep breath again, and, imagining the cash flow, say the formula: “I am a money magnet!”
    6. 6. Afterwards you can open your eyes. Add a little orange oil to one of the bills and put it in your wallet separately from the rest of the money. Spend the second as soon as possible on sweets or delicacies (sweets, chocolate, red caviar). You cannot take change from the seller.

    The level of income will begin to increase within the next two or three lunar cycles.

    Rituals to attract love

    To increase the effectiveness of any love magic ritual, you can offer a gift to the moon before performing it. To do this, before the start of the eclipse, you need to place a glass of wine or a small plate of fruit on the windowsill, mentally asking the luminary for help in carrying out the ceremony. After the eclipse is over, wine and fruit can be consumed.

    In addition, before performing the sacrament, it is useful to take a shower, calm your thoughts through prayer or meditation, and internally let go of grievances and negativity.

    With decoration

    Performed at any hour of the lunar eclipse. To perform the sacrament you will need:

    • saucer with clean water;
    • your favorite piece of jewelry (chain, ring, pendant);
    • pink wax candle.

    Before performing the ritual, you can use incense and turn on relaxing music. It is recommended to perform the sacrament barefoot, even if the magician lives in a high-rise building. This will strengthen your connection with the earth.


    1. 1. After holding the decoration in your hands for some time, place it in a saucer with water.
    2. 2. Then take a lit candle in your hand and pass it over the saucer three times in a clockwise direction. At the same time, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced: “Energy of earth, water, air and earth, I call upon you, I conjure you: let there be more and more love in my life with each subsequent lunar cycle!”
    3. 3. The words are pronounced three times.
    4. 4. Then place a candle near the saucer. While it burns to the end, you need to imagine a happy life

    The jewelry is worn as a talisman that attracts love.

    With envelope

    • red paper envelope;
    • sandalwood essential oil;
    • sponge or small piece of cotton wool;
    • needle;
    • pencil;
    • scissors;
    • pink or red sheet of A4 cardboard.


    1. 1. Lightly write your name on a piece of cardboard.
    2. 2. Then thread the thread into a needle and embroider stroke by stroke - so that on a sheet of paper you get a name embroidered in block letters. While embroidering, say the words: “Mother gave me a name, she called me from birth. I sew my name to love, I begin a new life. My betrothed, call me so that I can be in affection and love. A zealous heart is knocking in my chest, and what in hands, safely stored. Every good fellow wants to marry me. Amen."
    3. 3. After this, also draw a heart around the inscription with a dotted line and cut out the shape along the line.
    4. 4. Place a few drops of sandalwood oil on the sponge and saturate the resulting heart with the name.
    5. 5. Then place the heart

    The ritual begins to take effect immediately after it is performed. The new chosen one will meet over the next few weeks.

    With two candles

    Before the sacrament, they put on their best dress, do their hair, decorating their hair with their favorite accessory. For the ceremony you will need:

    • two twisted wax candles (red and blue);
    • red silk ribbon;
    • incense sticks with a sweet smell.

    The ritual begins 15 minutes before the start of the eclipse:

    1. 1. Candles are installed opposite each other.
    2. 2. Carefully tie them with a ribbon.
    3. 3. Light incense sticks.
    4. 4. Close their eyes, imagining pink light around them and inside them.
    5. 5. Light the candles.
    6. 6. They say the words three times: “My soul is open to new love. Every day I get closer to it. Everything in my life happens for my good and for the good of all living things. My every day is filled with miracles that will lead me to my chosen one! ".
    7. 7. Represent the image of the desired chosen one, his personal qualities, relationships with him.
    8. 8. Opening your eyes, look at the candle flames for another 10-15 minutes.
    9. 9. The fire is extinguished.
    10. 10. Place the tape under your pillow. The next morning it should be placed in a secret place in the southwestern sector of the room.

    Ritual to enhance attractiveness

    Performed at any hour of the eclipse. To perform the ritual you should take:

    • any mirror;
    • comb or comb;
    • new towel;
    • jasmine or mint essential oil.


    1. 1. First you need to prepare the bath by filling it with water and adding a few drops of oil.
    2. 2. Having descended into it, you should relax, internally tune in to the sacrament.
    3. 3. Lying straight in the bath and looking in the mirror, comb your hair.
    4. 4. Looking at yourself, say the words of the spell: “The maiden moon is red! Give me unwritten, unheard-of beauty. So that I may be like a birch tree, thin and sonorous. And let my skin be young and fresh, like a child’s. Amen.” The number of repetitions of the conspiracy should be equal to the number of days from the beginning of the current month. For example, if the ritual is carried out on the fifth day, then the conspiracy is pronounced five times.
    5. 5. After pronouncing the spell, you need to get out of the bath and wipe your entire body with a new towel.

    Sacrament for fulfillment of desires

    This wish fulfillment ritual allows you to quickly materialize your most secret dreams.

    For the sacrament you will need:

    • two wax candles;
    • blank sheet of paper;
    • pen or pencil;
    • satin ribbon;
    • magnet.

    The color of the candles and ribbon is chosen depending on the specifics of the desire. If it concerns:

    • money or buying valuables - choose green;
    • health - white;
    • love - red or pink;
    • quarries - brown;
    • issues related to self-development and personal growth - orange;
    • spiritual sphere, extrasensory abilities - purple.


    1. 1. When an eclipse occurs, two candles are lit.
    2. 2. Write your desire in detail on paper.
    3. 3. Then the note is placed between two candles.
    4. 4. Looking at the fire, they imagine their desire has already been fulfilled.
    5. 5. After meditating in this way for several minutes, they say the words: “The moon, the mistress of the night, is filled with power and strength. Let what is dear to the heart come true. The moon is filled with goodness, my dream is fulfilled!”
    6. 6. Then the magnet is wrapped in a piece of paper with wishes written on it.
    7. 7. The bundle is tied with a ribbon and carried with you until the dream comes true.

    Ritual by the river to get rid of an evil fate

    To perform the ritual, you should go to the middle of the bridge over the river. On the day of a lunar eclipse, it functions as a powerful tunnel that connects the human world with the world of higher powers. You need to take a wallet with change with you, dividing the coins into three approximately equal handfuls.

    Conducting the ceremony:

    1. 1. Standing in the middle of the bridge, they throw the first handful of coins into the water, uttering the words: “Evil destiny, stepmother! I don’t see your dashing deeds. I give my inheritance to the moon. The muddy river water will flow away. Your dashing and harm will carry it far away.”
    2. 2. Then they hold the second handful of coins in their hand and throw it into the water, saying: “I don’t ask for gold and silver. I ask you to deliver me from all evil. On a new journey, a sweet and honeyed destiny.”
    3. 3. Taking the last handful in their hand, they throw it with the words: “The eclipse will pass, the water will flow away. The moon is with me, a new life is just around the corner. As soon as the moon leaves its captivity, I can expect happy changes.”

    Returning home, you should distract yourself, internally let go of the desire to get results. Changes in fate will come within the next few months.

    Spiritual practices and meditations

    A lunar eclipse is a special time point when a person has the opportunity to transform his reality. During this period, meditation is especially powerful for cleansing negativity and visualizing the fulfillment of what you want. To further enhance the effect of the following practices, it is useful to give up food of animal origin, reduce contacts, and give up entertainment a week before them.

    Meditation with a mirror on the day of a lunar eclipse

    This technique helps to get rid of accumulated negativity, complexes and problems, as well as to bring the desired achievement closer. To practice, you will need 2 glasses of clean water, a candle and a mirror.


    1. 1. An hour before meditation, drink a glass of clean water and take a cool shower.
    2. 2. Half an hour before the eclipse reaches its maximum phase, place a mirror on the table in front of you.
    3. 3. Place a white wax candle between yourself and the mirror, as well as another glass of water. You can light incense.
    4. 4. Then light a candle and focus on the burning flame reflected in the mirror.
    5. 5. After this, they mentally transfer all the bad things through the looking glass. Everything that hinders the achievement of success, interferes with harmonious relationships, worries or upsets, should be imagined as being transported into the world of the looking glass and burning there.
    6. 6. When there is a strong feeling that all the negativity has gone, the candle is moved away from the mirror so that it is no longer reflected in its surface. This will close the portal and prevent negative energy from coming back. The candle must burn out completely.
    7. 7. Then they take a glass of water in their hands and raise it to the level of the bridge of the nose. Looking into the water, they mentally imagine how it is filled with the positive energy of existing desires: for example, the power of self-confidence, friendship, love, material acquisitions.
    8. 8. Drink water, visualizing your unity with this positive force.
    9. 9. Then it is recommended to lie quietly for a few minutes.
    10. 10. After completing the meditation, take a shower again.

    Practice to change your destiny

    To perform this ritual you will need:

    • watch;
    • three wax candles;
    • pen;
    • new notepad.

    Half an hour before the start of the eclipse, you need to prepare a place for practice, put on clean clothes, and light candles. Put a watch in front of you so as not to miss the start time of the eclipse.

    Next steps:

    1. 1. Divide a blank sheet of paper into two parts. On the left, write down everything that interferes in life, is the reason for stress, worries and heaviness in the soul. On the right, wishes are recorded, as well as what the problematic area of ​​life should ideally look like.
    2. 2. By the time the eclipse occurs, you need to awaken all dormant emotions - both positive and negative. Focusing on physical sensations (tears, a lump in the throat, tension), continue to record negative experiences in the left column: “I’m so tired of...”, “I’m so tired of...”, “I’ve had enough already...”
    3. 3. When all the troubling problems are described, write down your feelings on another sheet of notebook (“I feel calm,” “I have a headache,” “I feel tired”).
    4. 4. Then, on another sheet of paper, write down praises for yourself, describing your merits in the brightest colors. This will allow you to concentrate your energy and redirect it to achieve what you want.
    5. 5. Re-read the desires written in the right column and ask yourself again whether they are true, whether they correspond to reality.
    6. 6. On the next sheet of notebook write the subtitle: “My plans.” This point must be approached strictly in the first minutes of the eclipse. It is important to describe all the actions that it is advisable to take to achieve the desired goal, even if they seem completely absurd.
    7. 7. Put the written text in a secret place and do not read it for at least the next six months.

    When starting this practice, you need to concentrate as much as possible on the process. The greater the surge of psychic energy, the faster the change in fate in the desired direction will occur. It is recommended to formulate the main desire in advance, before starting the practice.

    Clearing karma

    This ritual can be performed no more than three times a year. Lunar eclipse is the most suitable period to use this technique. The ritual is carried out in the evening or at night for 10 days (five daysass="tautology-highlight">days before and five days after the eclipse). The impact of the ceremony will be felt after the first day of its implementation. To perform this technique you will need a white wax candle.


    1. 1. Having retired and concentrated, write the word “I forgive...” on a piece of paper, and then list all the people who have ever caused offense. You can record both the living and the dead. Both individual names and names with surnames and patronymics are recorded.
    2. 2. The text ends with the words: “And everyone whom Fate sends on my path, I forgive and bless with all my love.” Each person should be forgiven sincerely and from the bottom of his heart.
    3. 3. Then the note is burned in a candle flame and the ashes are thrown out the window.

    Some time after the practice, new events will begin to occur in life. They are a response from the Universe to the spiritual work carried out. If life improves, it means that karma has been cleared. If difficulties begin, this signals the start of the process of purifying karma and the need for further work on oneself.

    Technique from Tatyana Arnautova

    Parapsychologist Tatyana Arnautova offers the following ritual, with which you can get rid of the baggage of negative experiences and direct energy to achieving constructive goals. To perform the ceremony you will need:

    • two glasses of cool spring water;
    • two alarm clocks (one starts exactly at the time of the eclipse, the second - a quarter of an hour after its occurrence).


    1. 1. Exactly 15 minutes before the eclipse, quickly drink the first glass of water.
    2. 2. Afterwards, lie with your head to the north, relax and remember several life circumstances that you would like to get rid of (break up with your husband, quit your job, get rid of an illness). For convenience, you can write down these situations in advance on a piece of paper.
    3. 3. When the first alarm clock rings (the time of the eclipse), you should turn your head to the east and make several wishes, visualizing their fulfillment.
    4. 4. When the second alarm rings (15 minutes after the eclipse), you need to quickly drink a second glass of water.

    Everything that was conceived during the ritual turns into a program for execution.

    Throwing away a stone from the soul

    For this practice you will need a stone of any size and type. Regular street cobblestones will do.


    1. 1. Taking the stone in your hands, mentally convey to it all the emotional pain and heaviness that has accumulated in your soul. You can talk to him, asking him to absorb all negative emotions.
    2. 2. Then you need to thank the stone for having absorbed all the negative information, and then throw it behind your back.

    The practice must be carried out in a deserted place so as not to inadvertently harm anyone.

    You should leave this place without looking back - the past should be left behind, and there is no need to look back at it. You can throw a stone into the river, imagining how everything bad is carried away by the current of water.

    The influence of the upcoming lunar eclipse begins two weeks before the astronomical event itself and lasts for two weeks after it. During this period, you can also perform magical rituals, but their effects will be weaker than those performed directly at the time of the eclipse.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...
