What are Metlakh tiles, what are their pros and cons? Metlakh tiles: varieties and use in the interior Metlakh tiles in the interior

Metlakh tiles, or simply metlakh, are made using a technology discovered many years ago. Production of such material floor finishing was first started back in the Middle Ages in the German city of Mettlach, where the name of the tile came from. Because of the beauty of the patterns that this tile allows you to form, its popularity continues to this day.

True, now it is not only the Germans who produce it. One of the most famous broom manufacturers in our time is the French company Winckelmans, which has existed for more than 120 years, during which it invented its own special firing methods and ceramic recipes. This company produces almost 5 thousand different types of tiles for floors and walls.

Metlach is a small format ceramic tile (usually 10x10). It has a wide variety of shapes and colors. Thanks to high-temperature firing and dense pressing, Metlakh tiles acquire decent performance characteristics and are similar in properties to porcelain stoneware.

Ceramics of this type are highly resistant to humidity, cold, and chemical compounds, including strong acids. It is very wear-resistant and durable. All this allows you to use Metlakh tiles in the most different situations: when tiling the floor in residential buildings And public buildings, For exterior finishing facades and courtyard paths. Because of its unique aesthetics, brooms are also used for finishing luxury premises such as expensive hotels.

A huge variety of colors and shapes has provided this material with a place not only in modern houses. At one time, Metlakh tiles were one of the elements of the English Victorian style. In those days, this coating lined the floors of all types of premises: from train stations and factories to palaces.

Broom coverings could even be found on the notorious Titanic. Compositions made from ancient broomsticks can still be found in architectural monuments. Over time, significant changes have been made to the production process, and modern ceramics of this type are noticeably different from the original. However, manufacturers are trying to restore the ancient colors and shapes of the broom.

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Characteristics of Metlakh tiles

Ceramic tiles of this type are significantly superior to conventional ceramics and are closer in quality to modern porcelain tiles. It is distinguished by the following features:

Highest hardness. Brooms are quite difficult to damage by mechanical action. Objects falling on its surface small size– for example, metal utensils in the kitchen will definitely not lead to cracks. It is almost impossible to scratch such material.

Durability. Metlach is resistant to almost all environmental conditions that can affect it. These are critical temperature values, water, acid and alkali. Thanks to this, Metlakh tiles can be used as floor finishing in any operating conditions.

Endurance. Metlakh tiles are famous for their high resistance to mechanical loads. You can even drive a car on a coating made of this material, which makes it possible not only to finish the floor in the house with it, but also to lay it out in the yard.

Durability. Service life, as practice shows, can reach more than one century. The color of the coating will not fade over time, since the dye permeates its entire thickness, being reliably baked during firing.

Laying metlakh tiles

Surface preparation

First of all, the surface of the base is carefully leveled. If the tiles are not laid indoors, it is necessary to treat the base with a substance to protect against frost. It is also important to clear the base of all debris, sweep and wash so that the tiles lie flat and do not wobble.

After this, the surface is carefully measured, taking into account all the bends of the walls, doorways, pipes, radiators, etc. Based on these measurements, the central point of the room is found, from which guide lines are drawn in all directions. These lines can either be drawn on the floor or formed from stretched threads.

Laying process

The initial laying out of the coating elements is carried out. It is laid along a row of tiles in three directions: vertically along the width and length and diagonally from corner to corner across the entire area of ​​the floor to be covered. Between separate elements It is imperative to leave a gap of at least one millimeter wide. The tiles are laid out and adjusted until absolute symmetry is achieved.

Metlakh tiles are produced using technology that already exists for a long time, and its characteristics are comparable to modern porcelain stoneware. Due to the variety of shapes and colors, it can create an unusually beautiful floor covering.

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Popularity history

In Russia, metlakhskaya is a name given to small-format ceramic tiles made from colored porcelain paste. It got its name from the German city of Mettlach, where ceramics production was well established in the Middle Ages. It became an integral part of the Victorian style of England. During the reign of Queen Victoria, these tiles were used to decorate train stations, factories and palaces.

The production and use of Metlakh tiles has been going on for more than a hundred years. During this time, there were many factories for its production in Europe, but now there are almost none left. One of the largest traditional Winckelmans factories has remained in France since 1894. Despite significant changes in tile production technology over the last century, they try to adhere to ancient traditions, developing and restoring the colors and shapes of tiles in victorian style.
Video about Metlakh tiles in the Housing Issue:

It is not surprising that metlakh tiles for flooring are used for many restoration works in historical premises. And at the same time - for modern design masterpieces that will last for several centuries.

Metlakh floor tiles received high characteristics (frost resistance, hardness, acid resistance) due to high-temperature firing (+1200 degrees). Therefore, it can be used for flooring in residential and public buildings and for outdoor work.

A wide selection of sizes (from 3.5 to 20 cm), shapes and colors allows you to create carpets and tile compositions of various styles and complexity. You can use squares, rectangles, triangles, hexagons, octagons, and crosses to create an unusual design. There are also additional details for decorating steps, baseboards, edges and corners.

Combination examples


The table shows tests for Metlakh tiles from the Winkelmans factory.

Characteristics Norm (according to French and European standards) Actual results
Mohs hardness scale More than 6 7
Acid and alkali resistance No reaction. Weight change no more than 1%. No reaction. Weight fluctuation 0.2%.
Water absorption Less than 0.6% From 0.1 to 0.5%
Frost resistance No damage after 50 freeze/thaw cycles (−15 to +20 degrees) Meets standards
Heat resistance Without changes Meets standards
Flexural strength Withstands a load of 250 kgf per cm² Withstands loads from 380 to 450 kgf per cm²
Scratch resistance Less than 28 mm 24 mm
Pothole Resistant Without damage Meets standards
Pressure resistance More than 1500 kgf per cm² From 3200 to 5500 kgf per cm²

Laying rules


To accurately calculate the carpet, you need to draw the perimeter of the room and construct the required pattern of the carpet and border, and then count each element. With this calculation, you need to take into account a margin of 5-7%.

If, in addition to the usual pattern, a border will be used, it is better to make a carpet with an indentation from the walls, and fill the remaining space between the border and the wall with monotonous tiles 10x10 or 15x15 cm. This will avoid problems with uneven walls.


The production technology of Metlakh tiles allows for slight deviations in size and tone, so before starting installation it is recommended to mix materials of the same type from different packages.



Laying borders

Decorative borders

Curbs should be laid from the corners to the center. If small elements are used for the border, trimming can be avoided by changing the thickness of the seams. If the curb is from large tiles, it is better to do cutting in the central part (in the middle between two corners), or add new elements of other sizes.

Protection and care

Before applying any protection, you need to thoroughly clean the surface and wash it from cement deposits using DETERTEK (diluted with water 1 to 5). After applying DETERTEK, you will also need to wash the tiles with clean water.

Cleaning the floor

When laying on the floor indoors and outdoors, Metlakh tiles do not require any additional protection, since they have very low water absorption. But for additional insulation from water, you can apply FILA ES82 to the surface in one layer.

Application of a protective agent

When laying on kitchen apron or the tabletop must be treated with products to protect unglazed ceramic tiles from grease stains (for example, FILAFOB). It is also recommended to use these products when lining pool bowls.

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Metlakh tiles have gained wide popularity and fame due to their unique beauty, amazing durability and impeccable functionality. The first examples of this decorative material appeared about 125 years ago and since then, it remains one of the most popular options for facing tiles. So, why are products of such “ancient” technology still able to compete on equal terms with cutting-edge building materials? Let's move on to a detailed consideration of this issue.

History of creation

The peak demand and prevalence of Metlakh tiles occurred during the era of early industrialization (mid-19th century). She even became one of distinctive features, which arose a little later than eclectic retrospectivism in the Victorian style. Possessing an exceptional combination of wear resistance and picturesqueness, Metlakh tiles were actively used for decorating both luxury apartments and small areas, palaces, train stations, theaters and factories.

Nowadays, fragments of ancient decoration created from extravagant Mettlah tiles can be seen in many popular historical places, for example, in the Bolshoi Theater, the Hamburg metro, the Cologne Cathedral, etc. In addition, it was used in the design of cabins and reception halls at the famous "Titanic". During recent deep-sea explorations, numerous fragments of this very thing were recovered from the sunken liner. finishing material.

Curious! The tile got its name in honor of the German city of Mettlach, where the first large-scale production of ceramic products was established in the middle of the last century. Today, the classic production, which has preserved all the original manufacturing stages unchanged, can be visited in the south of France!


The main area where Metlakh tiles are actively used is decorative finishing public places and large private houses. By operational characteristics the tile is almost identical to durable porcelain stoneware, but in terms of decorative parameters, it significantly surpasses it. It can easily boast of a variety of colors, patterns and shapes. Thanks to these advantages, Metlakh tiles transform the floor into a real work of art, which retains its original beauty for three to four decades.

Of all the options, the most popular is Metlakh tiles for flooring, which have extraordinary properties that ensure its long service life without noticeable damage.

In the interior of any room, Metlakh tiles will create a unique exclusivity that creates a creative ambiance. For example, in the bathroom it will successfully resist water splashes from the sink, shower or tap, in the kitchen it will easily withstand regular temperature changes and fluctuations in humidity levels, and in the entrance area it will prevent the spread of street dirt. This finishing material will also be appropriate in a restaurant, small office or boutique, where it will create a unique atmosphere.

Concerning country houses, then verandas, terraces and porches are covered with Metlakh tiles. The material is not afraid of heavy loads, rain, heat, snow and frost. If you decorate with metlakh tiles local area(paths, paths, barbecue area), then it will turn into a spectacular place for relaxation and entertainment.

Thanks to a fairly wide variety of colors and shapes, Metlakh tiles can be used advantageously not only to create decorative cladding walls and unique floor coverings, but even for the purpose of decorating furniture.

Manufacturing technology

Despite industrial progress and great opportunities modern manufacturers manufacturing technology remains unchanged. The main component for the production of Metlakh tiles is special high-strength clay.

After molding, the clay blanks are covered with a layer of glaze and placed in an oven, where they are fired at a temperature of 125-140°C. During heat treatment, the glaze and clay are sintered so tightly that the product acquires amazing wear resistance, durability, and resistance to the destructive effects of aggressive chemical compounds. These qualities also allow the tiles to be used on streets, factories and public places.

It seems unrealistic that over the course of a century and a half of history in manufacturing process no modifications were made other than increasing the options for ornaments and expanding the color range. Simply put, the tiles have become richer and better quality without losing their advantages, while losing almost all of their disadvantages.

Some enthusiastic craftsmen are trying in various ways to learn all the secrets of the original recipe in order to create primary tile samples. Their products are absolutely identical to the options used during the reign of Queen Victoria. As a rule, most of it is used during restoration work in archaic buildings.


It was noted above that Metlakh tiles are very similar to porcelain tiles in their performance qualities. But it has a more diverse (shape, colors) and extensive model range. The sizes of the tiles vary from 3.0 to 14.5 cm, and the shape is always classic - square, rectangle, triangle, hexagon, and sometimes octagon.

A large assortment of shapes and sizes of Metlakh tiles gives the opportunity to lay out patterns of the rarest beauty, as well as transform the floor into a unique work of art.

According to the production method, there are cast, pressed and extruded tiles.

There is also a division into coarse or fine ceramics. The difference is clearly visible on the fault: coarse - has a fine-grained surface, and fine - the structure is smooth, homogeneous.

The main classification is based on the technical characteristics of the tile and is a wear resistance coefficient on the four-stage Mohs scale.

It helps to decide on the choice of specific tiles for the room, when the approximate daily load on the floor is known.

Modern industrial enterprises produces four classes of products that differ in wear resistance:

1st strength class - this option is the most “gentle”. Such Metlakh tiles can be laid exclusively in residential premises in the most remote areas from front door premises. It is better to walk on floors with such a covering in slippers with soft soles.

Wear resistance class 2 - more durable than the previous version. It is used in places with average daily traffic, where direct contact with the tiled surface when entering from the street is excluded. This is the best option for hospital wards, kindergartens, bathrooms and other similar premises.

Tiles of the 3rd strength class are suitable for installation in corridors, kitchens, and hallways. This option has a high strength coefficient and is capable of safely removing sand, clay, soil and other contaminants. The surface of the material does not crack, is resistant to scratches and retains its original appearance for a long time.

Strength class 4 is the most stable option, able to withstand damaging factors for a long time. It is used in public buildings and structures with significant traffic, for example, theaters, supermarkets, shopping centers, large banks, etc. In addition, fourth class tiles are often laid on the terraces of townhouses, country cottages and in garages.

Properties and Features

Metlakh tiles, thanks to the optimal formulation of the composition and competent technology production, has a number of exceptional features and unique properties:

Color stability - achieved due to the uniform distribution of the coloring pigment throughout the entire volume of the tile and subsequent sintering with clay during firing;

Durability - high resistance to destructive influences;

Endurance - the finishing material is not afraid of hail, rain, frost, snow, etc. It has amazing resistance to alkalis, saline solutions and acids;

Strength - the tiles have amazing hardness, which determines the ability to withstand enormous pressure;

Versatility - Metlakh flooring is used not only indoors, but also under open air on the street.

Besides, wide choose colors allows you to lay out almost any ornament or pattern on the floor.

Exquisite selection

When there is a need to create exquisite design, noble interior and flooring with excellent performance parameters, you should choose flooring from metlakh tiles. With its help, you can create non-standard, eccentric colored carpets that decorate the floor and form a single harmony in general interior premises.

Metlakh tiles are intended for decorative design floor or walls. Such tiles were produced back in ancient times. We’ll talk about it today.

Thanks to its excellent performance, today it is also used in some enterprises of the country. For a long time, Metlakh tiles have not lost any of their popularity.

Nowadays, not only apartments and houses are decorated with it, but also painted carpets are made in museums and other important institutions.

This video will tell you about the pros and cons, as well as the use of Metlakh tiles:

Advantages and disadvantages

Why is this product so in demand? The secret lies in his positive qualities. So, Metlakh tiles:

  • Universal. Tiles are used everywhere: indoors, on buildings, for... Fresh air and precipitation will not harm the metlakh coating. Multiple options for shapes and colors of tiles allow you to create original and never-before-seen designs.
  • Natural. The composition of the tiles includes water and natural high-strength.
  • Durable. Thanks to special technology, Metlakh tiles are very hard. Even the heaviest object falling will not be able to damage it. It turns out that the heaviest loads are not terrible for the Metlakh carpet.
  • Durable. The initially laid coating will retain its appearance and color for a very long time. This property is achieved through deep impregnation with color pigments. With their help, after firing, the product turns into a single whole that is not capable of losing its qualities.
  • Multitasking. The tile is good for both interior decoration, and for outdoor. Metlakh tiles will help you create various and bold patterns on the surface.
  • Hardy. The tiles are well suited for exterior decoration. Snow, hail, rain, and wind are not scary for her. If we take others for comparison, then Metlakh tiles resist acid and alkali best of all.
  • Reliable. Metlakh tiles are reliable in terms of operation. It can be easily used in rooms with a large concentration of devices and people.
  • Availability. The building material is accessible to absolutely all segments of the population in terms of price.

This, in every sense positive coverage, has several disadvantages:

  • Difficulty in installation. It will be problematic for an ordinary person to create an interesting design pattern from such tiles.
  • Difficult to cut with a tile cutter.
  • Old fashioned style. Many people don’t like the antique look of the tiles.

Metlakh tiles in interiors different rooms(photo)

Bar Bath Living room Kitchen Hallway Hall


Metlakh tiles have several types, which depend on the production method.

  • First view: cast tiles. This tile has a significant drawback: the resulting products have different thicknesses, as a result, when laying the coating, the lion's share of the products is sent to waste. It's all about production technology. The raw materials are poured into special molds, then dried and sent to the kiln for firing.
  • Second view: pressed tiles. The products are made from powdered clay, water (no more than 6%) and special additives. During the manufacturing process, the mixture is pressed under pressure and then cut into shapes required size. Pressed tiles have a porous structure. These tiles are often used for flooring.
  • Third type: extruded tiles. This is the most best view tiles It is obtained using a mouthpiece through which the raw material passes, forming a ribbon. After this, the tape is cut into pieces and fired in a kiln. The thickness and size of the tiles can be adjusted using the settings.


Describing appearance tiles, we can say that they look like mosaics. The tile can be in the shape of a square or rectangle.

  • The sides of the tile can be 48 mm and 23 mm.
  • The thickness of Metlakh tiles can be from 6 to 8 mm.
  • And it can also be multifaceted. The number of edges can be 3, 5, 6 and 8. The length of the edges is usually from 50 to 150 mm, thickness 10-13 mm.

The front part of the tile can be smooth, embossed or embossed. The color of the tiles can be a single color (for example, gray, red or yellow), or they can have several shades with patterns.

Role in the interior

Metlakh tiles allow you to bring to life quite bold and original design solutions. Its shape allows architects to create various stylistic compositions on the floor or walls.

Metlakh tiles are successfully used for finishing baths, corridors and kitchens. Because of its practicality and durability, Metlakh carpet is used to lay hospital corridors, hotel halls, reception areas of administrative buildings and other crowded places.

Composition and properties

To produce Metlakh tiles, high-strength clay, water and coloring pigments are used. This raw material is mixed and sent for formation. Here it is important to control the quality of the supplied raw materials.

The produced Metlakh tiles are characterized by the following properties:

  • Frost resistance. The tile easily withstands low temperatures and chemical influences.
  • Fire resistance. The tiles are not damaged by high temperatures.
  • Environmental friendliness. Metlakh tiles do not emit toxic substances when cold or hot.
  • Water resistance. The material perfectly resists moisture.
  • Resistance to aggressive influences. The material easily withstands the effects of alkali and acids.

Application and production

Good performance indicators made it possible to use Metlakh tiles for finishing the floors and walls of restaurants, cafes, shops, and ordinary houses. It is well suited for decorating porches, garden paths and gazebos. This coating will add zest to any interior.

The tiles have earned good characteristics thanks to old and special production technology. A special glaze is applied to the formed raw material (the layer must be strong enough), after which the products are sent to the oven, where they are sintered at a very high temperature (at least 1200º). As a result, the tile receives excellent density. It provides the coating with the declared characteristics.

Read below about analogues of Metlakh tiles.

This video will tell you how Metlakh tiles are made:

Tile analogues

Metlakh tiles are made from special raw materials and complex technology. Therefore, there are no 100% analogues of these products.

But metlakh tiles can be replaced with ceramic ones facing tiles Carra (manufacturer Euroceramics) and . These materials have slightly similar properties.


Laying a complex metlakh carpet can only be done by professional craftsmen. The process is complex and painstaking. A beginner clearly cannot handle it.

Equipment and raw materials

During the work you will need:

  • Metlakh tiles in sufficient quantity to fully realize the conceived idea.
  • The base is tile adhesive or.
  • Special grout.
  • Trowel with teeth 3-6 mm.
  • Machine for porcelain stoneware (not in all cases).


Laying of Metlakh tiles should take place in the following sequence:

  1. Surface preparation. The tiles must be laid out perfectly level base. Therefore, any, even slight, difference in height must be eliminated. The durability of the coating will be extended by a pre-made concrete screed and waterproofing of the base. If metlakh tiles are laid outdoors, then a frost-resistant base will need to be laid underneath.
  2. Surface measurement. It is very important to measure the entire area of ​​the masonry with bends, protrusions and doorways. Next, you need to determine the center of the base and draw center lines from it in different directions.
  3. Pre-layout. You need to complete one horizontal and one vertical row. Here it is necessary to leave a gap of 1 mm between the metlakh tiles. After this, you can adjust the position of each tile. Laying out is carried out without glue.
  4. Applying glue and laying out tiles. A trowel is used for these purposes. The adhesive must be suitable for the material being fixed. If the future design of the Metlakh carpet contains large and small tiles, then laying them out should start with the large ones. In the case of a complex pattern, it is better to lay it out in advance without glue. In addition, it is worth remembering that tiles from different batches may differ from each other.
  5. . This stage is carried out after the glue has set. Gray, white or beige grout is best suited for these purposes. During surface treatment, it must be applied to the entire depth of the seam.

It is important to immediately remove any mortar or grout that gets on the surface of the tiles.

At the end of the work, the quality of the coating can be checked using water. To do this, pour water onto the base. Drying should occur evenly, without puddles.

Price of work and materials

Now let's talk about the price per m2 for laying floor and other types of Metlakh tiles.

  • Prices for tiles depend on the manufacturer, shape, type and size. Average cost square meter Metlakh tiles start from 200 rubles.
  • The cost of work starts from 2000 rubles per square.

Can old metlakh tiles be used and is it possible to recreate floors from them? Read below.

Metlakh carpets in home decoration

What can be done with old raw materials

Metlakh carpets have been used since ancient times. Therefore, when carrying out renovations in houses and administrative buildings, you can currently find similar old coatings. What to do with him? Taking it off is quite problematic. What to do?

Many people practice laying new tiles on old ones. In this case, for better adhesion, a layer of primer and special glue must be applied. When working, you should always try to lay out only a flat surface.

To obtain a durable and perfectly smooth floor, old Metlakh tiles are usually removed. And the new coating is laid out from scratch.

This video will tell you why it’s still worth laying Metlakh tiles at home:

Every month, more and more new varieties of ceramic facing materials appear on the global building materials market. However, people often do not trust new examples of design art and purchase brands that are either well-known or have already proven themselves. Metlakh tile is one of the few giants of the construction industry, which to this day is a truly sought-after product for Russian and foreign buyers.


The history of Mettlach ceramic tiles originates in Germany, in the city of Mettlach. The production of these high quality ceramic products began in 1894. Today, there are factories in France (Winkelmans) and Russia (EuroCeramics) - these are the largest production facilities of these construction products in the world, which maintain the unsurpassed quality of the product. There are also small factories scattered throughout Europe, but these factories are the main ones.

These tiles are small-format ceramics made in a variety of interesting configurations. Thanks to the porcelain component and firing at high temperature the resulting products have best qualities, which are similar to the characteristics of porcelain stoneware. It is used in almost all areas of cladding: at home, in rooms with a lot of people, outdoors.

Metlakh tiles are unique, because with the help of various molds of this ceramics a design highlight is created: a complex graphic picture for the floor and walls. The loyal pricing approach to these products makes these tiles accessible to almost any ordinary buyer.


All technical indicators of this wonderful cladding material are much higher than the norm:

  • Water absorption according to GOST 473.3-81 is 2.5% (the norm for premium 3.5%, no more).
  • Acid resistance according to GOST 473.1-81 – 97.71% (standard for premium grade 97%, no less).
  • Strength (compression) according to GOST 473.6-81 – 90.8 MPa for 200x200x20, 92.8 MPa for 200x200x30, 75.2 MPa for 300x300x20 (the norm for the highest grade is 50 MPa, no less).
  • Strength (bending) according to GOST 473.8-81 – 42 MPa (standard for premium grade 25 MPa, no less).
  • Water permeability according to GOST 13993-78 – 24 hours after testing there are no drops on the tiles.
  • Frost resistance according to GOST 473.5-81 – 300 cycles (the norm is 20 cycles, no less).
  • Heat resistance according to GOST 7025-91 – 2 shifts (standard – 3 shifts).
  • Wear resistance according to GOST 961-89 clause 3.13 – 0.11 g/cm2.
  • Radiological control – full list applications.

Summarizing the qualities of this product, we can characterize Metlakh tiles as follows:

  • The unsurpassed hardness of ceramics is an excellent indicator for those who are looking for tiles that can withstand the harshest conditions.
  • Wide applicability - such a product, due to its resistance to temperature changes, is applicable in all weather conditions.
  • Durability - due to deep penetration Injecting paint into the structure of the tile and subsequent firing gives the ceramic excellent properties that allow the tile not to fade over time or lose its original appearance.

Types of tiles

Like any facing ceramic material This product is divided into wall and floor tiles. Metlakh ceramics are mainly used to decorate floor coverings.

The division into types also occurs based on the principle of production.

There are three types in total:

  • Ceramics produced by casting. Such tiles have a large number of defects due to the low quality of the resulting product. First, the clay masses are poured into molds, then they are dried and sent for firing at a kiln temperature of 1200 degrees Celsius. The problem is that these tiles have different thicknesses.
  • Tiles formed by pressing. This category of ceramics is obtained by pressing under pressure a mixture made of clay in powder form, water and additives required by the manufacturing technology. After pressing, the resulting elements are cut out geometric shapes required dimensions. This type facing material has a non-porous structure. Thanks to this, its use is limited mainly to decorating the floor.
  • Products made using an extruder. The raw material passing through the mouthpiece forms a ribbon, which is subsequently cut and fired. To set the required thickness of the product, the mouthpiece is pre-adjusted.

Metlakh tiles are also divided into classes according to strength characteristics:

  • First grade. Characterized by its low strength. Therefore, this category of finishing material is used exclusively in places remote from the entrance from the street. You cannot walk on such tiles in street shoes.
  • Second class. It is used in places where traffic is not too high. For example, such tiles can be placed in patient rooms, toilets and other similar rooms.
  • Third category or the class differs in use for areas with higher traffic. It can be used in corridors, kitchens or hallways.
  • Fourth variety ceramics has found its application in places with a large presence of people: supermarkets, concert halls and many other similar places. The price for such products is significantly higher than for other classes of this material.


The dimensions of this finishing material are very diverse, as is its shape: range of sizes building material varies from 6.5 to 15 cm, thickness – 6-8 mm. The geometric structure of the product is made in the form of many different shapes: rectangle, square, triangle, hexagon, octagon, and even a cross-shaped shape is available for sale, often used as wall decor.

The surface structure of finished products can be with or without a pattern, in the form of patterns, reliefs, granular production, or simply smooth.

Laying nuances

Laying this tile is no different from laying any other tile. However, there are some nuances of cladding.

Before starting the installation process, it is necessary to prepare the floor surface.

To do this you need to do the following:

  • Level the floor surface. Any difference in height promises problems in installation work. To increase the service life of the tiled base, you can first install waterproofing and concrete screed. A frost-resistant base is installed for outdoor ceramic coating.
  • Measure the surface of the cladding. But this must be done in such a way that all possible zigzags and protrusions are taken into account - this also applies to doorways.
  • Next, we find the center of the surface, from which we draw axial lines in different directions.

Some experts consider soaking this category of ceramics to be a necessary step for an ideal cladding effect. This procedure must be carried out within 2 hours.

The installation process itself takes place in several stages:

  • It is necessary to first lay out the tiles in one vertical and horizontal row without adhesive, while leaving a gap of 1-2 mm between the tiles. Thus, during the preliminary laying process it is possible to adjust the position of each element. This visual approach will help you lay out a difficult ornament correctly and without flaws and “fit” it ceramic products to the desired result.
  • Then you need to dilute the adhesive composition, which should be completely suitable for this ceramic, and prepare a trowel with teeth of 3-6 mm for work.
  • First, the largest elements of the ceramic coating are placed on the glue, then smaller ones. However, we draw your attention to the fact that some of the products in one collection may differ from the rest in size and thickness. This difference is usually 1-2 mm. But this scatter is easily eliminated by applying glue: where the tiles are thinner, you need to use a thicker layer of glue.
  • After the adhesive has set, the resulting joints are grouted. Choice of grout color – important point. Its color should not be conspicuous and you should choose it several tones less than the main one. color shade. A neutral solid color is the best option. Typically, buyers choose white, gray or beige grout. Rubbing should be carried out to the entire depth of the seam gap. Cement mortar is often used for such purposes.
  • During the installation process, it is important to maintain the same level of the new floor decor. If the work is carried out outdoors, it is recommended that the installation be carried out with a slight slope, so that during precipitation, water does not accumulate on the surface of the ceramics, but flows, for example, into a specially designated gutter.
  • After finishing laying the horizontal covering, you can begin installing the borders. The process of this event usually starts from the corner to the central part. It is advisable to protect yourself from unnecessary unnecessary work, for example, such as trimming the remaining material, and purchase edging of several sizes, among which there should be not only long borders, but also short ones. After all, for cutting you will need a special tool: a machine with a disc for porcelain tiles.
  • To check how well the work has been done, water is poured onto the surface of the laid tiles. Uniform drying without puddles – excellent quality of work performed.