What is a drain pipe in a multi-storey building - diagram and design standards, diameter and cleaning, we use a check valve. What is a vent pipe and is it needed in a private house? Is a vent pipe needed in a one-story house?

For owners of country houses who do a lot of things to improve their homes with their own hands, it is useful to know some of the features of arranging plumbing and sewer systems. These are the most basic engineering Communication, without which the construction of any house is indispensable.

When installing a sewer system, it is important to remember such a device as fan boner. What kind of device is this and what are the nuances of its installation? These and a number of other questions can be answered in our article.

The sewer riser in a private house is a part of the pipeline connecting the sewer riser with access to the open air.

Fan pipe on the roof of a private house

In the absence of this element, during wastewater treatment, a vacuum occurs in the system, the water seal is broken, and the room feels bad smell. Each plumbing fixture must have a drain pipe with an elbow. This bend normally contains water. It acts as a water seal, preventing unpleasant fumes from entering the house. With a sharp reset Wastewater vacuum occurs in the sewer pipes. Air from the street passes through the fan device into the system, and the pressure normalizes. This ensures the absence of odors.

Sometimes you can do without a fan boner. For example, in a small building consisting of one or two floors. However, a mandatory requirement in this case is the installation of only one bathroom.

If the house has two or more bathrooms or several toilets, then installation of a vent riser is mandatory. Its presence is determined by the following factors:

Development stage

Even at the design stage, in order to install the sewer riser correctly, it is necessary to take into account two main requirements:

  1. The sewer pipe must be routed in the direction from which the vapors are removed due to air flows.
  2. In a simplified way, the installation of a ventilation system can be understood as the supply of pipes to the ventilation duct. If this is difficult to achieve, the outlet is carried out through the wall.

The ventilation structure for eliminating unpleasant odors consists of different parts:

  • fan pipes;
  • ventilation ducts;
  • connecting elements;
  • fittings.

Features of the work

Having understood what a fan riser is, you need to carefully study the principles of its installation. It is advisable to plan the installation of this device as soon as the development of a project for an internal sewer system begins. For ventilation to work better, you need to try to avoid bends and corners in the structure.

Fan riser output diagram

The ideal position of the air riser is exclusively vertical. This pipe is led through the ceilings between floors to the roof. However, this is not always possible to implement in practice. Often in country houses it is necessary to use additional elements for connection.

Sometimes they use the method of connecting several risers into one air duct. This can be the connection of an auxiliary riser to the main one or the removal of a waste pipe with its connection at the same distance from the two risers.

This installation method is better because it allows air pressure to be evenly distributed throughout the system.

Fan pipes on the roof of a building

One of the main installation rules is the correctly calculated diameter of the air pipe. It should not be larger than the diameter of the sewer. Moreover, the indicator of this element ideally corresponds to the size not only central riser, but also a pipe that serves to connect external and internal sewage systems.

It is also worth remembering that it is unacceptable to combine sewer ventilation with any climate control design or carbon monoxide removal during operation of a heating boiler.

How to change a fan riser

If an air riser breaks, it is often necessary to replace it. Replacement of the structure is carried out on the same principle as the repair of individual sections of the sewer system. This process differs mainly in the material from which the pipes are made and the method of connecting them.

Fan pipe repair

To replace the fan riser, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. During dismantling work it is necessary organize good ventilation in the living space.
  2. Structural elements need to be replaced wearing a respirator and rubber gloves.
  3. Upon completion, you need to make sure that all the pipeline remained sealed.

The installation of the fan riser itself is not particularly difficult. Nevertheless, experts recommend following some important requirements.

It is better that the diameters of the fan pipe and the riser coincide.

Fan cast iron pipe

If the work uses a combination of several materials, for example, a plastic drain pipe and a cast iron riser, it is recommended to use a rubber adapter.

To articulate several fans, angles of 45 or 135 degrees are used. Sections of the fan system located horizontally must be laid with a slope of 0.02% in the direction of the gas outlet.

If it is necessary to change the angle of direction of the pipe, use a special bend with a rotation degree of 135.

Requirements that fan risers must meet

Certain criteria have been developed for air risers. During installation of the system, it is advisable to check with them:

  1. When the pipe is installed on the roof, it must rise above the roof by at least 30 cm.
  2. If an attic or attic is built The minimum pipe length must be three meters.
  3. The gap between the pipe and a nearby light opening or loggia is made long minimum 4 meters.
  4. Fan system in accordance with existing standards carried out through rooms with heating or must have individual insulation.
  5. It is not allowed to lead the air pipe through the chimney.
  6. The upper component of the vent riser is equipped with a protective grille, which prevents insects and birds from entering the structure.

Common mistakes when installing a riser

Despite the fact that the installation of the fan system can be done independently, there are a number of nuances, knowledge of which will help to avoid serious shortcomings in the installation of the riser.

Installation of a drain pipe

Sometimes incorrectly carried out work on the equipment of the fan structure has quite unpleasant consequences.

For example, owners of country houses do not always install the drain pipe correctly, cutting the system immediately in attic. This leads to unpleasant odors leaking into the attic, which can also penetrate into the home.

Another serious drawback is the installation of a fan according to external wall. In this case, there is a risk of condensation.

Some owners prefer to install additional device- roof aerator.

Aerators for pitched roofs

Its function is to improve traction. However, this is not always advisable. In most cases, the following happens: the outflow of sewer gases is weaker and you can feel an unpleasant odor from the bathroom in the house.

Installation of the air riser becomes prerequisite proper wastewater system equipment. The absence of this device leads to quite negative consequences.

Sometimes it is better to entrust pipe installation to qualified specialists. If you do not have the required number of tools or materials, you should not carry out the installation yourself. There is no point in buying necessary equipment that you are unlikely to need in the future. In addition, the arrangement of sewer systems has its own specifics. An experienced master plumber will do the job efficiently, taking into account all requirements.

In order to carry out the installation correctly, it is necessary to strictly follow the pre-prepared project and perform all the necessary calculations.

How can I replace a fan pipe?

An alternative option for ventilation sewer systems is considered to be vacuum valves. They are installed at the end of the sewer riser in the house itself.

Installing a vacuum valve on a sewer riser

Inside the vacuum-type valve there is a special spring with low resistance and a rubber sealing element for tightness. The operating principle of such a device is as follows:

  1. Sewage, passing along the riser, provides a vacuum in the system.
  2. The shutter or valve opens.
  3. Air from the siphon is sucked in and passes into the sewer network. This extinguishes the vacuum.
  4. After normalizing the pressure in the sewer system, the spring mechanism comes into effect. The valve closes the gap and prevents unpleasant odors from entering the room.

In situations where it is not possible to install a sewer check valve on a riser, this device can be mounted on any other section horizontal pipe, supplied to the riser.

You should also pay attention to this important point, like the presence of each dignity technical point hydraulic valve.

Using a hydraulic valve

Otherwise, an unpleasant odor in the house cannot be avoided, despite the properly installed sewer system and ventilation equipment. In most modern sewerage devices There are built-in hydraulic valves.

There is a special document - a set of Construction Norms and Rules (SNiP). It is necessary to take these requirements into account. The documentation provides the conditions for the mandatory installation of vent risers:

  • houses with two floors or higher, in which there is a sewerage system and installation of plumbing fixtures has been carried out;
  • in houses With autonomous sewerage , with the presence of a storage tank, septic tank or cesspool;
  • if indoors there is a constant unpleasant smell.

In any case, install an air riser in country house necessary. This is the only way to consider the work of laying a sewer system to be done correctly. No one wants to put up with the presence of sewer odors in their living spaces. You can invite professionals to install the fan pipes, or you can try to cope with this task yourself.

Sewage pipelines are well known modern people. But not only the wastewater itself and solid particles need to be discharged outside - various odors are no less a nuisance, and the drain pipe helps to combat them.


A sewer pipe is a fragment of a sewer system that connects a riser that discharges sewage to the atmosphere. Thanks to this design, the danger of wastewater is reduced and the accumulation of bad “odors” is eliminated. Only in one-story buildings is the absence of such a technical unit allowed. But when there are at least two floors, or the house has more than one sanitary unit, it is impossible to do without it, otherwise a large-scale release of water from the tank and the vacuum it provokes in the outlet will provoke a deterioration in the atmosphere in the house.

Current regulations require the installation of a drain pipe in the following cases:

  • in houses with more than one level equipped with water supply and sewerage;
  • in case if cross section risers are 5 cm or more;
  • if the house is equipped with a swimming pool or other reservoir that discharges a significant amount of waste;
  • in the case where the septic tank is located next to the home.


For sewerage, you can use drain pipes made of cast iron or plastic. Cast iron is compatible exclusively with cast iron, but plastic is much more versatile, so plastic is recommended when repairing and replacing broken parts. Hardware Currently, they are rarely used also because they are not flexible enough and their range is too scarce. Most often, installation is carried out in a sewer line with a diameter of 110 mm.

Professionals believe that fan lines made of dissimilar materials are not very durable. Ideally, all sewer parts should be selected from the same substance. If such a solution is not possible, then it is worth consulting with qualified engineers how this or that combination of materials used will behave. The fan pipe can have almost any geometry - it is permissible to run it vertically or horizontally. There are even some options that are mounted at an angle.

It is worth noting that the fan main should be larger in cross-section than the main route. Therefore, the choice of relatively light and very durable plastic has an additional advantage over the use of a cast iron odor release line.

The exit from any vent system must be located outside the residential building, otherwise no efforts will help cope with the harmful odors that appear.

When installing both cast iron and plastic pipelines, the same products are used as for waste channels:

  • fitting;
  • pipes;
  • bends;
  • rubber cuffs;
  • transition blocks;
  • clamps (with their help the pipeline is attached to walls and other surfaces).


The drain pipe in a private house is formed by individual outlets to drain points and risers. If the home is quite large, and the bathrooms and toilet rooms are far from each other, then a scheme with several vent risers is needed - this will help avoid placing long horizontal sections of the pipeline with their inevitably weakened draft. If several branches are connected into a single circuit, it is recommended to install the pipe with a slight slope. It is worth understanding that the placement of the original site in warm room, and the final one - on the street, extremely useful for intense air exchange.

The faster the air flows through such a channel, the better the fresh atmosphere in the home is maintained. Since the key part of the fan pipes is installed vertically, you need to carefully approach the fastening of the structures. Connection is achieved using clamps made of metal materials. Some experts believe necessary installation soundproofing of vent pipes using rolls mineral wool and slab structures.

Much attention should be paid to the exit of the fan structure onto the roof of a single-story or multi-story building.

Standard requirements stipulate that what should be brought into the attic sewerage facilities not allowed. If you mount the outlet under an overhang, then as a result of falling snow or ice, the expensive structure may be damaged. Height of fan structures above pitched roof should be at least 50 cm, and if it is flat and not in use, then this figure should be at least 0.3 m. Most often, several pipes lead to the roof at once - among them, the air exhaust pipe will be the highest. The formation of a single circuit of the fan and ventilation system, as well as connection to chimney structures, is strictly prohibited.

It is prohibited to bring the vent pipe closer to the windows than 400 cm. The optimal conclusion is considered to be in the area where the greatest number drain designs. Transferring it, for aesthetic reasons, is fundamentally unacceptable. It is also prohibited to add any decorations to the drain pipes both inside and outside the house - each such element can provoke the formation of condensation and ice, reducing the effectiveness of odor removal.

There is no need to contact specialists except in some particularly difficult cases. However, it is required to strictly follow the recommendations and guidelines of the standards. Labor intensity of construction of fan systems when using modern materials small.


The diameter of the drain hole in the tanks is 7 cm. As for the fan pipes themselves, there are no particularly stringent requirements. In an apartment building, they should be the same size as the main sewer riser.

In private housing, it is quite justified to use two times smaller outlet sizes, since air will move through them. Therefore, fan air ducts with a cross section of 50 mm are often installed there. The outlet from the toilet and the main sewer pipe are made the same - 100 mm each.

It is these dimensions that turn out to be the most rational in a private home. But there are also deviations, especially if the load created is small and a simultaneous significant flow of water is unlikely. If exhaust or supply ventilation is installed, then you should focus on diameters from 50 to 110 mm (most often 90) with a length of 300-400 cm. Pipelines with a height of 150 cm are in demand. Such values ​​​​have not just developed as part of everyday practice - they are regulated by SNiP.

It is important to know that the required rise of 30 cm is determined not from the plane of the ceiling, but from the surface of the roof covering. A distance of 4 m should be maintained in relation to both windows and balconies.

Returning to the dimensions of the fan pipes themselves, it is worth noting that diameters of 150 and 200 mm are typical for industrial versions of this device. At home, pipes with a diameter of 7.5 cm are occasionally installed. This approach is necessary if larger options, for geometric reasons, do not fit in a particular plumbing unit.


Choosing the ideal device and determining its parameters is only half the battle. Equally important is high-quality installation of equipment. Serious difficulties arise when accessing the roof - installation work inside the house is no more difficult than manipulating other plumbing fixtures. But it is quite possible to get around this problem if you follow the recommendations given by professionals. For example, they warn against using “fungi.”

Lifting warm air through the drain pipe can lead to condensate freezing on this element and blocking its lumen. In this case, thrust will inevitably decrease. The closer the output is to the ridge, the more reliable it is created system and the less likely it is that the snow mass will tear off the roof. In those buildings that have three or more floors with long sewer lines, it is advisable to install two air ventilation risers. But here there is a rule: the risers are made straight, like arrows, since the slightest turn or bend will sharply reduce the efficiency of their work.

The maximum result is achieved if the liner is connected to the outlet using corrugated adapters. When there is one outlet for several risers, the total diameter of the external discharge channel must be equal to the diameter of the riser. The auxiliary ventilation duct must be connected to the sewer option below the outermost plumbing fixture or from above to the upward outlet of the curved tee. But first you should make sure that this outlet is located above the sides of the instruments and inspection hatches, because sometimes, even if there is a vent pipe, foreign odors arise.

The reasons for this circumstance may be related to the following problems:

  • wear and depressurization of the cuff that attaches the toilet;
  • broken connection of sewer pipes;
  • problems in the hydraulic valve.

Only after checking and refuting all these assumptions or eliminating such defects, but not achieving a positive result, is it worth replacing the fan structure. It is advisable not to rely on your own knowledge and skills, but to entrust the matter to trained specialists.

If you still decide to do the work on your own, then you should understand that sometimes you even have to dismantle the toilet tank. It is especially difficult to work with cast iron channels, which cause a lot of inconvenience even for specialists.

It is impossible to turn off the drain pipe in an apartment building. The only option is to agree with the neighbors so that they do not turn on the washing machines for some time and do not open water taps. It is also not recommended to use toilets during this time. The dismantling itself is carried out using sledgehammers and angle grinders. Subsequent installation is always carried out from the lowest point, and in private houses it coincides with the base of the foundation.

You can simplify the connection of pipe parts to each other by lubricating the sealing rings with silicone. But even if this reagent is not available, the problem can be easily solved: you need to use simple liquid soap. It is worth considering that the silicone bond is stronger than the soap bond, but it will complicate dismantling. If it is necessary to connect cast iron and plastic pipes to each other, you should use special adapters, which can be purchased at any plumbing store. Fastening to the wall is done with metal clamps, which are much more reliable than their plastic counterparts and more convenient to use.

The old vent pipes, installed several decades ago, were only attached to the floor and ceiling. This solution is currently considered impractical, because connecting all sections of the circuit is considered much more effective. After completing the fastening work, sewer pipes are connected to the risers - bends or tees are used for this purpose. Then comes the turn of connecting the sewer circuit with plumbing equipment.

It is very expensive to use sewer pipelines equipped with acoustic protection. For most people, it will be much more profitable to install the necessary protection themselves. When working they use polyurethane foam or slabs on mineral based. The disadvantage of the foam option is the need to cut it off and add it again during any revision. Hiding the risers in a sound-proof box looks very aesthetically pleasing, but an inspection window must be provided.

The fan pipe itself does not have a slope, as it must be installed strictly vertically. As for the slope of the sewer pipelines to which the ventilation circuit is connected, it should be 1-4 cm per 1 linear meter. A lower value will slow down the flow rate of all wastewater. Exceeding the permissible slope will cause the liquid to flow away faster than solid particles and inclusions.

When installing a drain pipe, it is necessary to pay attention to the following: important detail, like a cross, is a type of fitting that accepts the flow of unpleasant gases.

Additionally, a tee is installed into which the toilet pipe is built. The number of large tees must correspond to the number of waste discharge points. The only exception is that there is no need to install such an element in the bathroom.

The outlet of sewer pipes is directed in such a way that accumulations of sewer gases are removed by the wind. It is unacceptable to place the output in places where they will concentrate and stagnate, even if no one visits these places. If for some reason it is not possible to connect the sewer pipe to the ventilation system, then the outlet from the fan circuit can be routed through the wall.

Decorative rosettes are an excellent way to cope with the negative aesthetic effects of such a solution. To connect several fan pipes, tees designed for angles of 45 or 135 degrees are used.

If there are horizontal sections in the system, then their slope along the flow of gases should be at least 0.02%. In places where it is necessary to change the direction of pipes, this can only be done over the last connected devices. For such a change, only pipes with an angle of 135 degrees can be used.

In the case when the attic of the house is used, it is necessary to increase the outlet height to 3 m. All vent risers running through unheated rooms must have a thermal protection layer.

Plastic pipes must be routed through the ceilings using metal sleeves. It is worth mounting a lid and a mesh on top - they will protect against small insects from entering the fan system. Instead of a fan pipe, it can sometimes be used air valve, installed above the inspection part of the riser. But such a solution is applicable only in houses where there is no more than one sanitary unit. Vacuum valves, regardless of their quality, quickly become clogged and cease to perform their main functions.

The problem with valves also occurs when the siphon (hydraulic seal) is deprived of water. In this situation, the entire system becomes useless. In addition, a hydraulic shutter, even in ideal mode, is not capable of 100% protection against unpleasant odors - it is imperative to supplement it with supply and exhaust ventilation ducts. Only full fan system is able to provide good air in houses with a toilet, bathroom, washing machines and dishwashers.

Hello again!

Owners of apartments on upper floors High-rise buildings are often annoyed by a section of sewer pipe that goes to the roof. It seems useless and, according to the owners, takes up too much useful space, which is why they often get rid of it without remorse.

In fact, the seemingly unnecessary fan pipe has a very specific purpose. What is its function and is it really impossible to do without it?

The fan pipe is a continuation and belongs to the class of gas exhaust ventilation equipment.

Purpose and functions

The vent riser is designed to drain foul-smelling gases accumulated in the circuit beyond the boundaries of the household.

But this is not its only function, it:

  • Normalizes the pressure in the system, which prevents the failure of water seals in the siphons of plumbing fixtures while simultaneously discharging a large volume of waste.
  • Muffles the sounds of wastewater movement in the pipeline.

Design and principle of operation

From a technical point of view, the drain riser is a natural continuation of the waste pipeline. Essentially, this is a piece of pipe connected to the sewer main and extending beyond the boundaries of the roof structure of the house.

The contour and outlet pattern of the fan pipe is determined by the structural features.

The operating principle of the fan riser is based on the difference atmospheric pressure inside the sewer circuit and outside. Gases formed during biological decay naturally rush upward and... Since the design of the siphons of plumbing fixtures provides a kind of barrier in the form of a water seal, they go out along the path of least resistance - along the drain pipe. If it is absent or blocked, these gaseous emissions will be carried out through the water seal and enter the room.

How to determine if a drain pipe needs to be installed

There is no need to guess in this matter: everything is clearly regulated by SNiP 2.04.01-85. If the house does not belong to the “one-story” and “private” categories, it must be equipped with a vent riser.

Is a vent riser needed in a one-story and two-story house?

As we have already decided, if the house is two-story and also multi-apartment, a ventilation sewer circuit is required.

But with a one-story, even private house, everything is not so simple. Fan boner in private one-story house may be required if, during a single-stage discharge of wastewater, the liquid completely, albeit briefly, blocks the cross-section of the sewer pipe. In this case, there is a high probability of failure of the water seals of the plumbing equipment and the release of waste gases into the room.

The designated risk zone includes houses in which:

  • More than one floor, and each one has a bathroom, even with a separate sewer line.
  • The diameter of the drain risers is less than 110 mm.
  • Jacuzzis or swimming pools are connected to the public sewerage system.
  • The septic tank is located closer than 8 meters from the house.
  • Not sustained.

Even if you have a one-story house, but it has several bathrooms, connecting the drain pipe is mandatory.

How to check if there is a drain pipe in the house

There is nothing simpler:

  1. If you are the happy owner of an apartment located on top floor multi-storey building, just go into the bathroom where the sewer riser is located. If a pipe goes up from it, everything is great. By the way, it would be a good idea to go up to the attic and make sure that this pipe is routed beyond the roof.
  2. If you are not so lucky and the apartment is located slightly lower, just listen to the sounds made by the sewer. A characteristic squelching sound is a signal that the drain pipe either does not exist at all or is clogged.
  3. Systematic failure of water seals and a foul odor will also indicate problems with ventilation system sewerage.

Is it possible to do without it?

In very rare cases - yes. But then the sewer line must be equipped with a check valve or vacuum valve (aerator). Which is better, we will consider below.

What materials is it made from?

Both the sewer and the sewer pipes are the same type of pipes. This means that they are made from the same materials - plastic or cast iron:

  1. , more convenient to install and operate.
  2. Cast iron is stronger and more durable, but working with them due to its impressive weight and fragility is more difficult. In addition, cast iron ones become dirty faster during operation.

Types, sizes and diameters

There are 2 types of fan pipes:

  • Straight-line (hard).
  • Offset (corrugated).

The offset pipe is mobile and allows you to connect to a toilet with any outlet location.

The standards regulate the diameter of vent pipes at 110 mm. This value is the same for both cast iron and plastic models.

The length of the fan pipe can be different: it depends on the height of the ceiling and attic spaces, as well as the level of output beyond the roof.

Which type is better

Cast iron is gradually giving way to plastic, so if possible it is better to replace the cast iron model with a plastic one. This is not at all difficult to do: you can use special lip adapters for insertion.

Choosing between plastic products, give priority to polymers based on polypropylene (PP) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC). They:

  • Provide sufficient fastening rigidity and resistance to vibration and mechanical loads.
  • Able to withstand the aggressive environment of condensate accumulating on the walls of the pipeline when foul-smelling gases are released.

It is better to use the same type of plastic that was chosen for the main sewer. This will make it easier to select a sealing compound.

Design features are determined by the installation method and the personal preferences of the owner. If the design is rectilinear, it is wiser to use rigid products. If you plan to bend the contour, it is allowed to make some of the elements in corrugation.

How to choose the right one

The main question in choosing a fan pipe is determining the optimal diameter, especially when we're talking about about apartment buildings with big amount drains.

The cross-sectional size of the drain pipe should not be less than the same value of the interfloor sewer riser to which it connects.

approximate price

The cost of fan pipe products is determined by a number of parameters:

  • Dimensions (section, length, wall thickness).
  • Material of manufacture.
  • Design features.
  • Manufacturer and brand awareness.

The approximate cost of PVC models is given in the table:

Outer diameter, mm Wall thickness, mm Pipe length, m price, rub.
90 5 3,06 500
90 8 6 1850
113 5 2,07 560
113 5 3,07 830
113 5 5,07 1360
113 7 2,07 760
113 7 3,07 1125
113 7 5,07 1855
125 5 2,07 605
125 5 3,07 900
125 5 5,07 1480
125 6 3,07 1050
125 6 5,07 1735
125 7,5 3,07 1320
140 6,5 2,07 890
140 6,5 3,07 1320
140 6,5 5,07 2180
140 8 3,07 1600
140 8 5,07 2630
165 7,5 3,07 1740
165 9,5 3,07 2150
195 8,5 3,08 2195
195 11,5 3,08 3050
225 10 3,09 3170
225 13 3,09 4005

Installation rules

Installation of the vent pipe is carried out inside the heated room strictly from bottom to top in the following sequence:

  1. Preparation of technological holes in load-bearing structural elements.
  2. Installation of plumbing fixtures, assembly and connection of their sewer circuit to the riser.
  3. The system is assembled at the lowest point of the circuit. To connect all the elements, a tee is used, one of the holes of which should “look” up.
  4. A section of a fan pipe is installed in the tee branch pipe the right size, so that on attic floor The connecting section did not fall out.
  5. Silicone sealant is used to seal the connections.
  6. Every 1-1.5 meters, the pipeline is fixed to the wall using clamps: rigid - in places of socket connections, floating - in straight sections. It is advisable to use clamps with rubber seal, they will better hold the pipe in a given position and compensate for the vibration load.

How to install a vent pipe through the roof and how to determine the required height

The contour of the fan riser is constructed according to interior wall building, is carried out through the attic and must be removed beyond the roof.

In this case, the following conditions must be met:

  1. To prevent the structure from collapsing, a fastening system is provided in the attic.
  2. Minimum level of elevation of the fan pipe above flat roof- 30 cm, above the slope - 50 cm.
  3. When placing the vent pipe in parallel with the ventilation circuit of the house, the edge of the vent pipe is installed at least 15 cm higher than the edge of the ventilation pipe.
  4. At gable roof the fan pipe should be installed on the leeward side.
  5. The distance between the edge of the drain pipe and the nearest window or balcony is at least 4 m.
  6. To prevent contamination, the head is equipped with a special protective deflector. Installing another type of equipment will inevitably worsen the quality of the sewer ventilation circuit and also provoke the formation of condensation.
  7. When the head rises above the roof level to a height of more than 50 cm, a brace system is installed that firmly fixes the position of the pipe on the roof.

Sometimes it is possible to remove the vent pipe through the gable part of the roof, this will preserve the integrity roofing. In addition, technically such installation is easier to carry out, the main thing is to comply with the requirements for the distance of the head from the window and balcony structures Houses. Otherwise, foul smells will be drawn into the house.

How to make a conclusion through the roof

For output through the roof to roofing pie is being done mounting hole, 1-2 cm larger than the diameter of the drain pipe. After the pipeline is assembled, it is necessary to carefully seal the passage hole.

For this purpose, special polymer elastic linings, the so-called master flashes, are used. They:

  • Easy to install.
  • Ensures a tight fit.
  • Reliably protect the passage area from leakage.

The edges of the lining should be additionally sealed with sealant.

Basic installation mistakes

Everything that is prohibited by SNiP standards, but for some unknown reason is often ignored by folk craftsmen, can be safely classified as errors:

  1. Unauthorized removal of the sewer line.
  2. Reducing the cross-section of the sewer pipe compared to the main sewer riser.
  3. Exiting the head into the attic.
  4. Construction of the fan circuit external wall building.
  5. Connection of the vent pipeline to the standard general building ventilation system.

Combining the fan circuit with the chimney can cause a fire due to the ignition of sewer gases.

Is soundproofing and insulation required?

Soundproofing the drain pipe is not a mandatory requirement, but is not prohibited either. This issue becomes especially relevant when the pipeline passes through living rooms. Sewage noise, air blasts and vibrations can cause discomfort.

The following materials are used for sound insulation:

  1. Polyurethane foam. It simply foams the surface of the fan pipe. However, it should be taken into account that such a structure will look unattractive, and dismantling it later is quite problematic, and you can completely forget about repairs.
  2. Special slab materials, made in the form of a rigid shell, exactly repeating the configuration of the pipeline. They are easy to install, hold well and do not cause any difficulties during dismantling.
  3. Soft roll soundproofing sheets, with which the pipeline is usually wrapped in 2-3 layers (depending on the thickness and sound-absorbing qualities of the material). The inconvenience of using soft sheets is the need to ensure a sufficiently rigid fixation to prevent the material from rolling down. vertical plane pipeline.

Application thick-walled pipes made of polypropylene allows you to reduce the noise effect of a running sewage system.

But the insulation of the vent pipeline is not an idle issue, especially when it comes to an unheated basement, upper floors and attic space. The temperature difference provokes the formation of condensation and its freezing in the pipe circuit, reducing the efficiency of the ventilation system. For insulation, as a rule, the same materials are used as for sound insulation.

Rules for replacing a drain pipe

The need to replace the fan riser arises when the old structure:

  • It was clearly worn out and the connections were loose.
  • Has damage.
  • Made from old cast iron pipes, which have long since outlived their usefulness.

Replacement work should begin with disconnecting the outdated structure from the sewer riser, which should be temporarily closed with a plug during repairs. This will prevent the release of fetid odors into the room, and will also prevent the remnants of the old pipe from entering the sewer circuit.

After dismantling old design You can start installing a new one. The sequence of these works is described above. Still have questions? Watch the video.

Repairing a plastic drain pipe is not a difficult task. It is enough to replace the damaged area with a new one or install a special crimp repair sleeve in this place.

With cast iron pipelines everything is much more complicated, especially when it comes to the old stock. Over time, cast iron becomes more fragile, and it is almost impossible to disassemble a well-worn cast iron joint without damage. It is more advisable to make a complete replacement.

Alternative to a drain pipe

Some alternatives to the fan main are special devices- aerators. The people have them.

To communicate the sewer system with the atmosphere and ensure its ventilation during the construction of communications in residential buildings And public buildings a sewer pipe is used.

Wastewater flowing down a vertical riser creates a vacuum in the pipes, which is partially compensated by the remaining water in the siphons. However, if a one-time powerful drain occurs, the wastewater, when moving downwards, forms a vacuum in the sewerage system and causes the emptying of all siphons. This, in turn, leads to the penetration of unpleasant odors from the depths of the sewer into the premises.

This problem is very real and it causes a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. Installing a vent pipe will help solve it, you can learn about it from our article.

Application of fan pipes

In accordance with current building regulations, the construction of a sewer system without including a drain pipe in the design is possible if a one-story house is being built. This is explained a small amount one-time drains.

However, even in low-rise buildings, the need to install a drain pipe sometimes arises. This occurs in cases of a one-time drain of a large volume, when the cross-section of the vertical riser is blocked by the flow of wastewater by 100%, for example, when using a bathtub and toilet at the same time.

As a rule, the toilet is mounted on a sewer pipe with a diameter of 110 mm, the cross-section of the drain hole of the flush cistern is usually 70 mm. A pipe with a diameter of 50 mm is supplied to the bathroom, which is then connected to the riser. Thus, the siphon cross-section does not exceed 110 mm. It turns out that when one toilet or only a bathtub is operating, the internal diameter of the riser is not completely blocked.

Sinks, washbasins and household appliances connected to the sewer (dishwasher or washing machine etc.) are also not able to significantly affect the volume of a one-time flush, so a drain pipe for the toilet in this case can be installed at will.

If the house has several bathrooms, which are used simultaneously by different family members, the installation of a drain pipe is mandatory.

The construction of a sewer system with waste pipes is advisable in the following cases:

  1. installation in a private house of a sewer riser with a diameter of 50 mm or less;
  2. the presence of two or more floors, each of which has sanitary facilities;
  3. if the house has a swimming pool and other plumbing equipment that generates powerful wastewater.


Installation of drain pipes

If you are installing a vent pipe yourself, follow the basic rules:

  1. when purchasing building materials make sure that the sections of the sewer riser and the waste pipe coincide; optimal diameter fan pipe (as well as riser) - 110 mm;
  2. the outer section of the riser should be placed in such a place that the sewer “aromas” from it quickly and easily dissipate in the atmosphere;
  3. The starting point of the sewer system should be located in a heated room, but the final point, on the contrary, should be in a cold room. This provides the necessary difference in temperature and pressure, due to which unpleasant odors are removed from the house.

Pro tip: The sewer pipe is an actual continuation of the main sewer riser and can be made independently from a pipe intended for sewerage of the appropriate diameter.

Unpleasant odors in bathrooms appear due to the fact that siphons of insufficient volume are installed on sanitary fixtures. In small siphons, the remaining water dries out quickly (in 3-5 days, if you don’t use plumbing), which allows odors from the sewer to freely enter the room. Sometimes installing siphons with a larger capacity is not practical, then replacing the drain pipes in the apartment is required.

If the sewage system of a residential building has such a component as plastic drain pipes, the problem is solved as follows:

  • the air in the sewer riser, rising up and falling outside the pipes, creates a vacuum in the sewer system;
  • when siphons are dehydrated, air from the room leaks into the sewer, and not vice versa;
  • the air remains fresh, without an unpleasant odor, even after prolonged non-use of the plumbing fixtures.

Ventilation pipe outlet to the roof

The tasks of domestic in-house sewerage include transporting wastewater from the building to the external sewer system. For her efficient work needed good ventilation, which is provided by risers equipped with fan pipes.

Pro tip: The vertical vent riser must lead to the roof. It is strictly forbidden to place the output in the attic.

To properly install a drain pipe, you must adhere to the following principles:

  1. ensuring the exit of the vent pipe to the roof, an optimal height of 50 cm is provided; if the roof is used for any purpose and is actively used, the riser outlet should not be less than 3 m;
  2. a sewer pipe of 110 mm in diameter is connected to a sewer riser of equal cross-section;
  3. One drain pipe can connect several risers at once;
  4. it is prohibited to organize the outlet of a riser equipped with a waste pipe together with the ventilation system or stove chimneys;
  5. The exhaust pipe outlet, located above the roof, is made at a distance of 4 m or more in the horizontal direction from openable windows, balconies, etc.

Connection of several risers with one drain pipe: 1 - oblique tee; 2 - 45 degree elbow; 3 - straight knee; 4 - straight tee.

A sewer riser installed on the roof does not require the installation of any additional exhaust devices(for example, deflector, weather vane). Moreover, the use of these devices can lead to the release of condensation in the system, which, when frozen, will block the outlet openings.

Fan pipes are used to ventilate the sewer system: the sizes of such products vary, but the most common is the use of 110 mm pipes.

Check valve for drain pipe

Installation of the vent pipe is simple: installation is carried out in a channel pre-designed in the ventilation. If ventilation diagram contains a small number of ventilated risers; the fan pipe can be discharged horizontally through the nearest wall. Plus it won't do any harm. interior design premises.

Fan pipes must be equipped with a check valve. It corrects the situation when the sewer pipe has an incorrect slope, and also protects the home sewer system from:

  • returning wastewater back to plumbing fixtures;
  • rodent intrusion;
  • ingress of mechanical impurities.

The valve can be mounted not only inside the drain pipe, but also outside. Indoor installation involves preliminary thorough cleaning and degreasing of the pipe with further installation of a special insert. The check valve for waste pipes is sold separately from this insert. It is placed in the opposite direction of movement of the drains, and its petals should bend towards the plumbing.

When laying a drain pipe with a working diameter of 110 mm, an adapter will be required to install a check valve. If there is a connection between fan pipes and pipes gray with a sawn-off socket, the valve is mounted in a pipe.

Pro tip: When installing a check valve, experts do not recommend using silicone or any other lubricants, even those intended for sewage systems. Carry out all installation operations on dry surfaces.

The sewer system needs communication with the atmosphere for the flow of air when rarefaction occurs and the removal of gases. For these purposes, a sewer pipe is installed in a private house. Its absence may lead to the system not working correctly - water drainage will be accompanied by annoying sounds, and an unpleasant odor will appear in the room.

With intensive drainage of water, the flow rate in the sewer system sharply increases, resulting in the formation of a zone of rarefied pressure. Since, according to the law of physics, the pressure in a closed system tends to equalize, water from outlets and siphons rushes into the rarefaction zone, causing unpleasant and rather loud rattling and squelching sounds in the kitchen and bathroom. Fan pipes for sewerage provide instant air flow into the rarefaction zone, thanks to which eliminates the possibility of water leaking from water seals.

Toilet bowls are often cited as the main reason for the formation of vacuum, but it should be remembered that the flow rate can increase significantly during operation. washing machine which drains water under pressure. If we answer the question why a sewer pipe is needed in one phrase, we can say that such structures prevent the drainage flow from blocking the general lumen of the sewer riser.

Another function of the fan pipe is removal of gases generated in the sewer system. Otherwise, they can enter the room, causing a lot of trouble.

Pipe materials and diameters

Since the drain pipe in a private house is part of the system, it would be optimal to make it from the same material that was chosen for the rest of the pipelines. In some cases, a combination of materials is allowed, but experts believe that the efficiency of dissimilar systems is significantly lower.

For installation of the internal part of the sewer system in a private house, cast iron or plastic pipes.

  • Cast iron pipes have the required durability, however, if they have defects during processing or receive mechanical damage, they become susceptible to corrosion. In addition, the large weight of the products significantly complicates installation, not only from the point of view of increasing labor costs, but also from the point of view of fixing vertical sections of the pipeline.
  • Increasingly, they are used for the installation of internal sewer systems. plastic pipes, which, in addition to light weight, have a number of other advantages, including strength, durability, absolute immunity to corrosion and the presence of a smooth inner surface, reducing the likelihood of deposits and blockages. Another advantage of plastic is big choice not just pipes different diameters, but also those necessary for the implementation of the developed fittings scheme.

The choice of the diameter of the fan pipe is made taking into account the design features of the system. Basic condition: the diameter of the drain pipe should not be less than the largest pipe(including pipes and outlets) of the system.

Since in the vast majority of cases the largest sewer pipes are used to connect the toilet and have a diameter of 110 mm, the drain pipes are also installed with the same diameter.

Installation of the riser and output to the roof

Current building codes (SNiP 2.04.01-85 * “Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings”) recognize the mandatory installation of a vent riser for houses with 2 or more floors, however, experts are confident that in a one-story private house such a design can significantly increase the level of comfort and get rid of unnecessary hassle. Taking into account the purpose of sewer pipes, it becomes clear that their need directly depends on the degree of risk of blocking the flow of the sewer, and therefore on the amount of wastewater entering the system. Thus, when using the home as a place summer holiday with a short-term stay and the presence of a minimum amount of plumbing and drain points, you can completely do without a drain pipe.

For a full-fledged residential building, which has a toilet, bathroom or shower, several taps, washing and Dishwasher, the drain pipe is, if not mandatory, then, in any case, a very desirable addition to the sewer system.

Installing a sewer drain pipe is not difficult. In fact, the vent part of the system consists of individual outlets for drain points and a vent riser. At large area home and several bathrooms located at a considerable distance from each other toilet rooms it is possible to install several vent risers in order to eliminate the laying of long horizontal pipelines, in which the traction force is reduced. When connecting several outlets with one drain pipe, it is better to place the supply pipelines with a slight slope.

Intense movement of gases through the pipe and their effective removal the system is facilitated by a temperature difference - the initial section of communications is located in a heated room, and the final section is located outside the house.

Since the main part of the drain pipe is a vertically located line, it is important to take care of its secure fixation. Fan pipes are attached to the walls using. In some cases it is recommended to perform soundproofing of fan risers using materials specially designed for this purpose (for example, mineral wool rolls or slabs).

The outlet of the vent pipe to the roof requires special attention. It can be carried out through a riser located inside the house or using a pipe fixed to the outer wall of the house. It is optimal to bring the vent riser directly to the roof, since output to the attic is not allowed by existing codes and regulations, and installing the structure under an overhang increases the risk of pipe destruction when ice or snow mass falls off the roof.

In order for the system to work effectively, it is important to follow certain rules.

  • The height of the vent pipe above the surface of the pitched roof must be at least 0.5 m, above an unused flat roof - 0.3 m. And if the roof is in use, then the height of the pipe must be at least 3 m.
  • If there are several pipes leading to the roof ( general ventilation, chimney from a fireplace or stove, etc.), the fan pipe must be higher than all the others. Otherwise, unpleasant odors will be able to enter the room. For the same reason, it is strictly forbidden to combine a fan riser with common system ventilation or with a chimney.
  • The distance from the windows to the drain pipe should not be less than 4 m.
  • It is preferable to carry out the drain pipe in the place where the maximum number of drain points is located, without moving the pipe for aesthetic reasons.
  • It is not recommended to install decorations or other additional elements. Their presence can contribute to the formation of condensation and, accordingly, icing and a decrease in the diameter of the passage. In this case, gas removal will be less efficient.

To reveal the topic in as much detail as possible, it is described in another of our articles.

If you decide to make your own shower stall, then you will find it useful about installation shower drain under the tiles.

Check valve

Installing a check valve on the drain pipe can improve the efficiency of the system, in particular, prevent the backflow of gases. In addition, check valves reduce the risk of drain pipe clogging.

A sewer system without a drain pipe equipped with will perform its functions, however, the ease of use and degree of reliability may be lower, so the joint use of these elements is still recommended. In particular, with dry water in the siphon, the valve alone will not get rid of the smell.

Installation of the drain pipe is carried out at the stage of construction of the internal part of the sewer system; it can be done with your own hands if you have minimal skills. It is only important to strictly follow the recommendations of specialists and the requirements imposed building codes and rules. The use of modern materials significantly reduces the labor intensity of the work.
