What is the achievement of scientific and technical progress. Scientific and technological progress (NTP) is the foundation of modern Western civilization


1. Scientific and technological progress is the basis for development and intensification


2. Main directions of scientific and technological progress……….…….6

3. Efficiency of scientific and technological progress……………….……14

4. Scientific and technological progress of industrialized countries at the present stage………...19


List of references……………………………………………………….28


Scientific and technological progress is the interconnected progressive development of science and technology, which is manifested in the constant impact scientific discoveries and inventions at the level of technology and technology, as well as the use of new devices and equipment. It affects the transformation and development of the means of labor and the relationships between people in the production process.

Scientific and technological progress is a powerful means of rapid economic growth and solving many social problems. The pace of implementation of its achievements and production efficiency largely depend on the development and consistent implementation of scientifically based national policy in this area of ​​activity.

The application of scientific discoveries in the use of natural resources, development and formation of the productive forces of society is truly unlimited. Under certain conditions, with the help of science, the enormous forces of nature can be brought to the service of production, and the production process itself can be presented as a technological application of science.

A concrete expression of scientific and technological progress is the continuous improvement of machines, tools and other means of production, as well as the introduction of progressive technology and production organization. A particularly important role in the development of scientific and technological progress is assigned to mechanical means of labor. The latter are one of the main elements of the productive forces of society and contribute to a greater extent to the development of scientific and technological progress and the growth of production. They contribute to saving social labor costs, rational and efficient use of labor resources.

1. Scientific and technological progress is the basis for development and

production intensification

Scientific and technical progress - is a process of continuous development of science, technology, improvement of labor, forms and methods of organizing production and labor. It also acts as the most important means of solving socio-economic problems, such as improving working conditions, increasing its content, protecting environment, and ultimately - increasing the well-being of the people. Scientific and technological progress is also of great importance for strengthening the country's defense capability.

In its development, NTP manifests itself in two interrelated and interdependent forms - evolutionary and revolutionary.

Evolutionary the form of NTP is characterized by a gradual, continuous improvement of traditional technical means and technology, the accumulation of these improvements. Such a process can last quite a long time and provide, especially on initial stages, significant economic results.

At a certain stage, technical improvements accumulate. On the one hand, they are no longer effective enough, on the other, they create the necessary basis for radical, fundamental transformations of the productive forces, which ensures the achievement of a qualitatively new social labor, higher productivity. A revolutionary situation arises. This form of development of scientific and technological progress is called revolution. Under the influence of the scientific and technological revolution, qualitative changes are taking place in the material and technical base of production.

Modern scientific and technological revolution is based on the achievements of science and technology. It is characterized by the use of new energy sources, the widespread use of electronics, the development and application of fundamentally new technological processes, and advanced materials with predetermined properties. All this, in turn, contributes to the rapid development of industries that determine the technical re-equipment of the national economy. Thus, the reverse influence of scientific and technological progress is manifested. This is the relationship and interdependence of scientific and technological progress and the scientific and technological revolution.

Scientific and technological progress (in any form) plays a decisive role in the development and intensification of industrial production. It covers all parts of the process, including fundamental, theoretical research, applied research, design and technological development, the creation of samples of new technology, its development and industrial production, as well as the introduction of new technology into the national economy. The material and technical base of industry is being updated, labor productivity is growing, and production efficiency is increasing. Research shows that over the course of a number of years, a reduction in the cost of industrial production by an average of 2/3 was achieved through scientific and technological progress.

With the transition of the country's economy to market relations, the situation has changed somewhat. However, this situation is temporary. The tendency of the influence of scientific and technological progress on the level of production costs that exists in Western countries with market economy, as our country moves towards a civilized market, it will also be carried out here.

Scientific and technological progress (STP) is a continuous process of discovering new knowledge and applying it in social production, allowing us to connect and combine existing resources in a new way in order to increase the output of high-quality final products at the lowest cost.

In a broad sense, at any level - from the company to national economy- NTP means the creation and implementation of new equipment, technology, materials, the use of new types of energy, as well as the emergence of previously unknown methods of organizing and managing production.

As a rule, the following areas of scientific and technical progress are distinguished:
1. Integrated mechanization and automation of production processes;
2. Comprehensive automation and regulation of production management processes, including electronicization and computerization;
3. The use of new types of energy in technology as driving force and as a technological component in the processing of objects of labor;
4. The use of chemical processes in the creation of new types of materials and in the technology of processing objects of labor (including biotechnology).

NTP occurs in two main forms:
evolutionary, embodied in the saturation of production with traditional, gradually improving technology;
revolutionary, embodied in technological breakthroughs, characterized by completely new technological processes and principles of machine operation.

The two forms of scientific and technological progress are interdependent: the evolutionary, quantitative accumulation of individual achievements in science and technology leads to qualitative transformations of the productive forces. In turn, the transition to fundamentally new technologies and equipment marks the beginning of a new stage in their evolutionary development.

It must be emphasized that the introduction of new equipment and technology is a very complex and contradictory process. It is generally accepted that improving technical means reduces labor costs, the share of past labor in the cost of a unit of production. However, at present, technological progress is becoming more expensive, as it requires the creation and use of increasingly expensive machines, lines, robots, and computer controls; increased costs for environmental protection. All this is reflected in an increase in the share of costs for depreciation and maintenance of fixed assets used in the cost of production.

In countries where there is a transition to a reduction in the average length of the working week, there is an increasingly noticeable tendency to slow down the rate of reduction in living labor costs (labor intensity), i.e. to slow down the decline in the share wages in the cost of production.

Thus, NTP causes a counter-increase in costs both in the areas where new technology is created and in the areas where it is applied, that is, it causes not only savings in social labor, but also an increase in its costs.

Nevertheless, the competitiveness of a company, enterprise, and their ability to stay in the market for goods and services depends, first of all, on the susceptibility of product manufacturers to new technologies and equipment that make it possible to ensure the production and sale of high-quality goods with the most efficient use of material resources.

Therefore, when choosing options for equipment and technology, a company or enterprise must clearly understand what tasks - strategic or tactical - the acquired and implemented equipment is intended to solve.

SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PROGRESS (NTP)- progressive and interconnected development of science and technology, characteristic of large-scale machine production. Under the influence of the growth and complexity of social needs, scientific and technological progress is accelerating, which makes it possible to put increasingly powerful natural forces and resources at the service of man, turning production into technological process targeted application of data from natural and other sciences.

The continuity of scientific and technological progress depends primarily on the development basic research, discovering new properties and laws of nature and society, as well as from applied research and development, allowing to translate scientific ideas into new technology and technology. Scientific and technological progress is carried out in two interdependent forms: 1) evolutionary, meaning a relatively slow and partial improvement of the traditional foundations of science and technology; 2) revolutionary, occurring in the form of a scientific and technological revolution, which gives rise to fundamentally new equipment and technology, causing a radical transformation of the productive forces of society. Under capitalism, scientific and technological progress is carried out in the interests of the bourgeoisie, is used by it to intensify the exploitation of the proletariat, for militaristic and misanthropic purposes, and causes mass unemployment.

Under socialism, scientific and technological progress contributes to the dynamic development of productive forces and a steady increase in the well-being of the people. The XXVII Congress of the CPSU set the task of fully accelerating scientific and technical progress as a decisive means of qualitatively transforming the productive forces, transferring the economy to the rails of comprehensive intensification, and decisively improving product quality. For the period up to 2000, measures are planned that will allow effective use forms and methods of implementing scientific and technical progress inherent in socialism to bring the country's national economy to the forefront of science, technology and technology. A deep technical reconstruction of the national economy is being carried out on the basis of modern scientific and technical achievements.

Mechanical engineering plays a leading role in accelerating scientific and technical progress, ensuring the introduction of new generations of equipment and fundamentally new technologies. The industries on which the implementation of large complex programs in strategic areas of scientific and technical progress and the technical renewal of production depend are receiving faster development. The integration of science and production is intensifying, new effective forms of their interaction are emerging, organization is improving and the time required for the development and adoption of technical innovations, scientific discoveries and inventions in the national economy is being shortened.
As a result of the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, the historical vocation of socialism is more fully realized - to put the achievements of advanced science, the most advanced and powerful technology, and the growing power of creative collective labor at the service of communist construction.

The tasks of accelerating scientific and technical progress are carried out through a unified technical policy, restructuring of structural policy and investment policy (see also Scientific and technological revolution).

Scientific and technical progress is the interconnected development of science and technology, which determines the progress of the productive forces and society as a whole.

The main source of development of scientific and technological progress lies not in himself, but in the essential forces of man. The need for scientific and technical progress is not due to the needs of technology and technology itself, it is inherent in human nature, in the essence of human existence. It is people, developing productive forces and changing under their pressure, who ultimately determine the basic principles and directions of scientific and technological progress. The modern stage of scientific and technical progress is the modern scientific and technological revolution.

Scientific and technological revolution: essence and main directions.

Scientific and technological revolution– intensive qualitative change in the productive forces and society as a result of the creation of new types of equipment and technologies as a result of the practical application of fundamental scientific discoveries.

The essence of scientific and technological revolution can be expressed by its following features. First of all, these are fundamental scientific discoveries in physics, chemistry, biology, primarily in physics, which penetrated into the microworld and with its successes advanced the entire complex of natural sciences. New areas of knowledge have emerged, including decisive role cybernetics began to play. New industries have emerged: nuclear energy, rocketry, radio electronics. Automation and cybernation of production form the core of modern scientific and technological revolution. As a result of scientific and technological revolution, the place and role of man in the production system and, consequently, the content of living labor are radically changing. A radical change in the content of labor entails a radical change in the entire system public life, lifestyle in general.

The following main directions of scientific and technological revolution are identified:

1. According to Tofler

Search for new renewable energy sources

Electronics industry

Space industry

Penetration into the depths of the sea

Genetic Engineering

2. According to Bell

Replacement of mechanical equipment with electronic

Miniaturization of production

Transition to numerical methods of storing and processing information

Software production

3. Other sources

Automation of production (unmanned production)

Alternative energy sources


Artificial materials with predetermined properties

New technologies (biotechnology, genetic engineering)

Contradictions of modern scientific and technological progress.

NTP contradictions:

Science and technology in their development bring not only benefits, but also threats to humans and humanity. This has become a reality today and requires new constructive approaches to the study of the future and its alternatives.

NTP allows a person to solve many problems. But what price do we pay for the development of science and technology? Production has a negative impact on human health and pollutes the environment. The acceleration of the pace of life leads to nervous diseases.

Already in the present, preventing undesirable results and negative consequences of the scientific and technological revolution has become an urgent need for humanity as a whole. It presupposes timely anticipation of these dangers, combined with the ability of society to counteract them. This is what will largely determine which alternatives will ultimately prevail in a person’s future:

Failure to anticipate and prevent the negative consequences of the scientific and technological revolution threatens to plunge humanity into a thermonuclear, environmental or social catastrophe.

Abuse of the achievements of scientific and technological progress, even under conditions of certain control over their use, can lead to the creation of a totalitarian technocratic system in which the vast majority of the population may find themselves under the rule of a privileged elite for a long time.

The suppression of these abuses, the humanistic use of the achievements of the scientific and technological revolution in the interests of the whole society and the comprehensive development of the individual is accompanied by the acceleration of social progress.

It depends on the moral responsibility of scientists, on the political consciousness of the broadest masses, on the social choice of peoples, in line with which of these alternatives the scientific and technological revolution will shape the future of humanity in the coming decades. From a historical perspective, the scientific and technological revolution is a powerful means of social liberation and spiritual enrichment of man.

The social and economic restructuring in Russia caused instability in the system-forming links of the previously existing mechanism. It was focused on the production of scientific and technical products. This, in turn, affected the economic situation of the country as a whole.

Scientific and technological progress (STP) and economic growth

The modern priorities of advanced states are determined not only by the volume of labor resources, mining industry, and natural reserves. This is what traditionally characterizes a country’s well-being. The degree of use of innovations in one or another sector is becoming increasingly relevant today. As is known, economic growth characterizes the functioning of the entire economic system. Its indicators are used when analyzing the state of the national sector, in comparative assessment countries The determining factor in this area is scientific and technological progress (STP). Let's look further at what it is.

NTP: definition and content

People first started talking about this form of development at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century. What is NTP? Definition in general view can be formulated as follows:

Improvement caused by the needs of material production, the increase and complication of the needs of society.

The need for this process arose as a result of the strengthening of interaction between large machine industry and technology and science.


They were a consequence of the relationship between science, technology and machine production. The contradictions affected two directions of development at once. In theory, therefore, they are divided into technical and social. With the mass production of the same products over many years, it becomes possible to create automatic systems expensive cars. Over a long period of operation, all costs are recouped. At the same time, there is a need for continuous improvement of the production facilities themselves. This can be done either by upgrading them or replacing products. This situation is due to the acceleration of scientific and technological progress. This is the first contradiction. It occurs between the service life and the payback period. The social contradiction of NTP is an inconsistency associated with the human factor. On the one hand, innovations are aimed at facilitating working conditions. This is achieved through automation as a result of scientific and technical progress. This, however, causes monotony and monotony of work. The resolution of these contradictions directly concerns the strengthening of requirements for the improvement process itself. They are embodied in a social order. It acts as a form of expression of social strategic interests in the long term.


Scientists talk about various factors, accompanying the NTP. Their definition is of particular importance when analyzing social transformations. The importance of factors is related to their influence on changes in society. Together, these factors determine the features of scientific and technological progress, stages of development, and forms. The process can be either evolutionary or revolutionary. In the first case, NTP is a relatively slow improvement of traditional production fundamentals. IN in this case It's not about speed. The emphasis is on the rate of production growth. Thus, they can be low with revolutionary or high with evolutionary improvement. For example, you can consider labor productivity. As history shows, the rate of its growth is high in the evolutionary form, and low in the revolutionary form.


IN modern world this form of NTP is considered predominant. She provides large scale, accelerated reproductive rates, high effect. Revolutionary scientific and technological progress (STP) is a fundamental transformation in the entire system. A complex of interconnected revolutions in different areas material production is based on the transition to qualitatively new principles. In accordance with the changes occurring in material production, the main features and stages inherent only in such a phenomenon as scientific and technological progress (STP) are formed.


The changes mentioned above concern not only the efficiency of production itself, but also the factors that determine growth. Revolutionary improvement goes through the following stages:

  1. Preparatory (scientific).
  2. Modern, including the restructuring of the structural elements of the national economy.
  3. Large machine automated production.

Preparatory stage

It can be dated back to the first third of the 20th century. During that period, new theories of machine technology and principles of production formation were being developed. This work preceded the creation of updated equipment and technologies that were subsequently used during the preparation for World War II. During this period, many fundamental ideas about environmental factors changed radically. At the same time, there was an active process of subsequent development of technology and equipment in production.

Second stage

It coincided with the beginning of the war. Scientific and technological progress (STP) and innovation were the most active in the United States. This was mainly due to the fact that America did not conduct military operations on its territory, did not have outdated equipment, had convenient mineral resources from the point of view of extraction and processing, as well as a sufficient amount of work force. In the 40s of the 20th century, Russia could not claim a leading position in the field of scientific and technological progress in terms of its level of technical development. Its second stage in the USSR began after the end of the war and the restoration of the destroyed economy. The remaining major Western European countries (Italy, France, England, Germany) entered this stage almost immediately after the United States. The essence of this stage was a complete industrial restructuring. IN production process the material prerequisites were formed for a further radical revolution in the machine and other leading industries, as well as in the entire national economy.


It marked the third stage of NTP. Over the past few decades, there has been an active production of many different automatic machines and machine lines, the creation of workshops, sections, and in a number of countries, the construction of entire factories. At the third stage, the prerequisites are formed for the consolidation of automated production, which also affects objects of labor and technology.

Unified Policy

The government of any country, in order to ensure an efficient economy and prevent falling behind other states, must implement a unified scientific and technological policy. It is a set of targeted measures. They ensure the comprehensive development of technology and science, the implementation of the results obtained in economic system. To achieve this task, it is necessary to identify priority areas in which achievements will be used first. This is mainly due to the limited government resources to carry out large-scale research work in all areas of scientific and technical progress and their subsequent implementation in practice. At each stage, therefore, priorities must be determined and conditions for the implementation of developments must be ensured.


They represent areas of development, the implementation of which will ensure maximum social and economic efficiency in short time. There are general (state) and private (industry) directions. The former are considered a priority for one or more countries. Industry directions are important for specific sectors of industry and economy. At a certain stage, the following national directions of scientific and technical progress were formulated:


This direction of scientific and technical progress is considered the most important. Without electrification, it is impossible to improve other economic areas. It should be said that for its time the choice of directions was quite successful. This had a positive effect on increasing efficiency, development, and accelerating production. Electrification is the process of generating and widely using electrical energy in industry and everyday life. It is considered two-way. On the one hand, production takes place, on the other, consumption takes place in different areas. These aspects are inseparable from each other. Production and consumption coincide in time, which is due to physical characteristics electric current as forms of energy. Electrification acts as a basis for automation and mechanization. It helps to increase production efficiency, labor productivity, improve the quality of goods, reduce their cost, and obtain greater profits.


This area includes a set of measures that provide for the widespread replacement of manual operations with machines. Automatic machines, separate production facilities and lines are being introduced. Process mechanization means direct replacement manual labor machine This area is in constant development and improvement. It goes from self made to partial, small, general mechanization, and then to its highest form.


It is considered the highest degree of mechanization. This direction of scientific and technical progress allows us to carry out full cycle work only under human control without direct participation. Automation is the new kind production. It is the result of scientific and technological development through the transfer of operations to an electronic basis. The need for automation is due to the inability of humans to carry out control with the required speed and accuracy. complex processes. Today, in most industries, the main production is almost completely mechanized. At the same time, auxiliary processes remain at the same level of development and are performed manually. Most of these operations are involved in loading and unloading and transport operations.


Scientific and technological progress should be viewed not as simply the sum of its constituent elements or forms of its manifestation. They exist in close unity, mutually complementing and conditioning each other. STP is a continuous process of the emergence of technical and scientific ideas, developments, discoveries, their implementation, obsolescence of equipment and its replacement new technology. The concept itself includes many elements. STP is not limited only to forms of development. This process involves all progressive changes in both the production and non-production spheres.
