What is the ascendant and how does it affect character. The simplest calculation of the ascendant

What is the Rising Zodiac Sign? This is a truly important Sign of any horoscope. At the moment of your birth, some Zodiac Sign rose from the horizon - this is your Rising Zodiac Sign. In astrology, the horizon line from the east (where the planets and Zodiac Signs rise to the upper, visible part of the sky) is called the Ascendant. Therefore, astrologers also call the Ascending Zodiac Sign the Ascendant Sign. The Ascendant itself is not the entire Sign, but some point of it, some certain degree of the Zodiac Sign. This degree is calculated based on the exact time human birth. Some astrologers take into account not only hours and minutes (although, as a rule, this is enough), but even seconds of a person’s birth. Thus, the degree of the Ascending Zodiac Sign is calculated, namely the Ascendant point in the horoscope. For general predictions, astrologers really only need to know your Rising Zodiac Sign. The Ascendant point on the chart is displayed as “Asc”.

Rising Zodiac Sign in a person's horoscope

The Rising Sign is what defines us physically and partly psychologically. It will indicate the style and demeanor of a person in everyday life and situations.. If the Sun in the horoscope is the spirit, the Moon is the soul, then the Rising Sign of the Zodiac is our body, the embodied spirit. This is one of those horoscope indicators, thanks to which we can talk about a person’s appearance. The ascending Zodiac Sign in the horoscope determines our perception of the world and our first impression of other people. This Sign also shows what impression we make for the people around us, how they see us. Astrologers also call the Rising Sign of the Zodiac in the horoscope “a person’s calling card.”

So, if we metaphorically imagine that we are a large building and a passer-by is walking, he knows virtually nothing about this building, but he looks at the facade of the building, he looks at its door. So the facade is the Rising Sign of the Zodiac, and the Ascendant point itself in the horoscope is the door. By the facade, by the door (by what is written there), a person understands what kind of building it is as a whole. What is it intended for, what is happening in the building, are the doors open or closed, is it worth entering this building or not, and so on. This clear example, how your Rising Zodiac Sign and Ascendant will work in the horoscope for the people around you. With the help of the Rising Sign, we create a certain image, a message for the world around us - what we want to tell people. For example, we want people to respect us or be friends with us, so the Rising Sign of the Zodiac will show in what manner and in what way we will carry out this motivation. Since the Rising Sign of the Zodiac in the horoscope shows the embodied spirit of a person (material level), it is accordingly very dependent on external situations, and indicates our reactions.

Have you ever wondered: why do we all react differently to seemingly similar situations? So the answer is simple: Everyone has their own Ascending Zodiac Sign. For example, at the moment of birth one person could have the ascendant sign of Cancer, and another – Aries. The reaction goes through the Rising Sign of the Zodiac, it is a filter: sometimes we close the door so that certain situations do not concern us, and sometimes, on the contrary, we open it so that they all come to us.

A few more words about the Ascendant point: in the horoscope it is extremely sensitive to planetary influences. If any of the planets (out of 10 planets) is located near the Ascendant point in the horoscope solar system), then this planet immediately becomes very important and influential in the horoscope and is especially carefully studied by the astrologer. This planet will very clearly and expressively describe the personality of the owner of the horoscope.

Sun, Moon and Ascendant in the horoscope

The Sun, Moon and Rising Zodiac Sign are the three most important figures in the horoscope
, defining personality and forms of its manifestation. They rarely converge in the same Zodiac Sign, although such cases do occur (it is precisely such people who most closely correspond to the classical descriptions of their Sun Sign). Typically, for men, the Sun constitutes the “base”, a set of its permanent properties, and the Moon determines the forms of their manifestation - the degree of adaptability in the environment, trends and dynamics of development. For women, both luminaries “change roles.”

The ascending Zodiac Sign shows the degree of realization of the potential inherent in a person. This Sign in the horoscope determines through which topics and areas of life a person has the opportunity to develop as a person. It also shows where a person wants to express himself and assert himself. We can say that the solar-lunar horoscope is like a “genotype” of a person, a set of properties, given to a person at birth, it is a product of a certain geomagnetic situation ( left hand in palmistry). Then the Rising Sign of the Zodiac in the horoscope can be called an astrological “phenotype”, a set of properties acquired by a person more or less consciously throughout life (in palmistry - the right hand). This is an expression of that very freedom of will that Ptolemy spoke about, pointing out that the “stars” determine only half of one’s destiny; the rest is arranged by a person himself. Another thing is that not all people can (or want) to become “the architects of their own happiness”; many just go with the flow, leaving fate to make decisions for them.

As for the Ascendant point: in the West it is customary to record the time of a person’s birth accurate to the minute, so there the calculation of the Ascendant in the horoscope rarely causes difficulties. But in Eastern countries (including the Soviet Union), this possibility is not always available, which can create difficulties in calculations. An error in the date of birth can reach several days; here astrologers have to either rectify the Ascendant in the horoscope based on life events, or make do with the solar-lunar horoscope.

If we talk about Astrological Houses, counted from the Ascendant point. In the horoscope, twelve different-sized Houses are calculated - their size changes depending on geographical latitude, time of year, and also time of day.

Characteristics of the Rising Zodiac Sign by elements

We move from theory to practice. In Astrology, all 12 Zodiac Signs are divided into four elements. These are the elements: fire, earth, air and water. Each element includes three Zodiac Signs. Let's consider all cases when the Ascending Sign in the horoscope turns out to be the Zodiac Sign of a particular element. To begin with, you must know which Zodiac Sign, out of 12 possible, was ascending at the moment of your birth. If you don’t know this, then you can use the astrological program “Antares” and build your personal horoscope (birth chart). The program and instructions for it can be found on the page. When you have built your horoscope, you can see on the graph which Zodiac Sign the Ascendant point falls into – abbreviated as “Asc”. For example, on the graph at the very beginning of this article it is clear that the Ascendant (Asc) fell into the Sign of Gemini, which means that Gemini will be the Rising Sign of the Zodiac in the horoscope.

Ascendant in the fire element:

Fire Signs include: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. If your Rising Zodiac Sign in your horoscope is one of these Signs, then your fiery qualities in your character are enhanced. These qualities include: activity, enterprise, initiative and leadership qualities. The element of fire is one of the most active and mobile in Astrology. It also symbolizes self-sufficiency and egocentrism. People with a fiery Rising Zodiac Sign in the horoscope are quite bright and charismatic personalities, they always stand out from the crowd and attract attention. Often these are: leaders and managers of various organizations, artists, athletes, public figures, as well as show business people. All of the above is especially true if not only the Ascendant, but also one of the luminaries (Sun and Moon) is in the Sign of Fire.

Ascendant in the earth element:

Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. When the Rising Sign of the Zodiac in your horoscope is an Earth Sign, then your earthly qualities in your character are enhanced. These are qualities such as: practicality, prudence, desire for usefulness and a specific result. The earth element is the most energetically dense, it symbolizes the material plane. Therefore, people with an earthly Ascending Zodiac Sign in their horoscope are good at working with material things and improving our world. They also strive for well-being and material wealth. Such people make excellent people: businessmen, entrepreneurs, artisans, scientists and business executives. All of the above will be especially expressive in a person’s life if in the horoscope not only the Ascendant, but also one of the luminaries (Sun and Moon) are in the Earth Sign.

Ascendant in the air element:

Air Signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. If the Rising Sign of the Zodiac in the horoscope is the Air Sign, then the air qualities in a person are emphasized. These qualities include: sociability, sociability and sociability. People with an airy Ascending Zodiac Sign in the horoscope, as a rule, strive for knowledge (information), love to communicate, exchange thoughts with other people. They find it comfortable to be in the information flow and interact with the outside world. It is not uncommon for such people to be involved in social or collective activities. Often these are: writers, publicists, reporters, politicians, scientists, as well as public or party leaders. All of the above will be especially expressive in a person’s life if in the horoscope not only the Ascendant, but also one of the luminaries (Sun and Moon) are in the Air Sign.

Ascendant in the element of water:

Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. If in the horoscope the Ascending Sign of the Zodiac is the Sign of Water, then the qualities of water will be expressed in you. Qualities such as emotionality, psychologism and sensuality will be your calling card. People with a watery Rising Zodiac Sign in their horoscope are, as a rule, empathetic, they sense their surroundings well, and capture the mood of other people. These are people of the intuitive type, they have an innate ability to have premonitions, and their intuition is well developed. But their problem may be emotional vulnerability and vulnerability. People with an Ascendant in the Water Sign tend to take everything too seriously and are subject to fears of various kinds. Often such people make good ones: psychologists, mediums, psychics, mystics, esotericists. Activities may be associated with mysteries, secrets and everything unknown. All of the above will be especially expressive in a person’s life if in the horoscope not only the Ascendant, but also one of the luminaries (Sun and Moon) are in the Water Sign.

Rising Zodiac Sign with specific examples

So, Otto Von Bismarck was born on April 1, 1815 in the commune of Schönhausen at approximately 13:30 local time. In his horoscope, the Sun is in Aries and the Moon is in Capricorn. This combination of luminaries already initially speaks of a certain belligerence, swiftness, as well as purposefulness and ambition of the owner of the horoscope. Aries and Capricorn in Astrology are associated with command and power, it is clear that Otto Von Bismarck, to a certain extent, possesses these qualities. But if it were not for the Rising Sign of the Zodiac, then obviously these qualities would not be so bright and expressed in the life of this person. The fact is that for Bismarck the Ascending Sign of the Zodiac in the horoscope is the Sign of Leo. In other words: at the moment of Otto Von Bismarck's birth, fire sign Leo (The Ascendant in the horoscope is located approximately at the 28th degree of Leo). Leo belongs to the Fire Signs and, as we already understand, it was the fiery Rising Zodiac Sign in the horoscope that greatly strengthened Bismarck’s leadership qualities, determination and courage. Leo in Astrology is associated with management and power. Therefore, thanks to the Rising Sign of Leo, Bismarck was able to become a bright and charismatic leader. It is worth noting: in his horoscope there are clearly three Zodiac Signs (Aries, Leo and Capricorn) symbolizing in Astrology the principle of power and control. This emphasizes Otto Von Bismarck's desire to stand out among his environment and the desire to dominate and control him.


For a long time astrologers were forced to calculate on their own. Today there is no need for this, since special sites and programs allow you to obtain the necessary information online. One such site is astroland. Follow the link below the article to go to it.

Please enter your name, time and location in the appropriate fields. Please note that in different years Due to the translation forward and backward by an hour, the real time could differ from the official one. What you need is the real thing. Set additional options as desired. Click the "Create" button.

Scroll down the page until you see a circle and two tables to the right of it. The first line of the second table will indicate the ascendant (abbreviated as Asc): the sign indicated by a special accepted symbol, and degrees.

Another way to determine the ascendant is the special “Zet” program (listed below). Launch it after downloading, provide location information and . The program will automatically determine all the necessary data.

You can determine the impact on the third site listed below the article. From the list on the page, select your Zodiac sign and go to the next page. Among the proposed options, find the paragraph with your ascendant. The data provided on this site is not complete and exhaustive, since it does not take into account the degrees of the ascendant and the positions of other luminaries at the time of birth. You can calculate the full amount only with the help of a specialist and additional programs and information.


  • Horoscope calculation
  • how to calculate the ascendant

Ascendant is the top of the first house in natal chart horoscope. What does this mean and why is it so important to compile? individual horoscope? The fact is that the Ascendant (Asc.), being the apex of the first house, shows how a person looks to others. In short, it affects the external manifestations of our character. The Ascendant will tell us how others perceive us, how they see us.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - Internet access;
  • - tables of the houses of Placidus or Koch;
  • - ephemerides:
  • - astrological tables for calculating the time of birth and the coordinates of the place of birth.


Since the Ascendant is a “rising sign,” people born closer to the rising of the Sun will be more consistent with their external manifestations (clothing, behavior, manner of communication). The greater the gap between the time of sunrise and the time of a person, the less external manifestations will correspond to his inner world. So how to calculate the Ascendant?

The easiest way to calculate the Ascendant is with the help of a special astrological program. Nowadays you can find good free astrological programs online that allow you to create an accurate chart of a person without unnecessary pain. In addition, you can use the -service to calculate the ascendant.

If you decide to calculate the ascendant yourself, then be patient and have some free time. First you need to find the LM (local sidereal time), which corresponds to the time of birth of a person. To do this, you need the coordinates of a person’s place of birth, which can be found from any atlas or a special astrologer’s reference book “City Coordinates and Time Corrections.” The same reference book will help you find the standard time of birth of a person according to Greenwich Mean Time or GTM. Real time place of birth (PBM) can be found by looking up the GMT correction. To do this, the longitude of the place of birth must be multiplied by 4 minutes. The result exceeding 60 minutes must be brought to an acceptable form, that is, converted into hours, minutes, seconds. Then the found correction must either be subtracted from the longitude (western longitude) or added to (eastern longitude).

Since the Ascendant is taken from the Placidus Tables of Houses, we need to find out the local sidereal time (LST). These tables indicate the values ​​of the vertices of the horoscope houses, which correspond to sidereal time according to Greenwich Mean Time (Sid Time). The RVM that was found above corresponds to Greenwich Mean Time. The correction is made using the table “corrections from solar time to sidereal time”. The value of the time interval we need will be located at the intersection of the row (minutes according to GTM) and column (hours according to GTM). This correction will be given in the form of minutes and seconds, so it will be tedious to bring it to an acceptable form (for example, 00h 24m 12s). And finally, you can find the local sidereal time: MSV = Sid Time (taken from the second column of the “Ephemeris”) + correction “from solar to sidereal time”.

Now, having the “Tables of Placidus Houses” in hand, calculating the Ascendant is very simple. Next, you need to find among the many tables the one in the upper left corner of which the desired local sidereal time (LST) is indicated. Then we find the column with the latitude of the place of birth (between the second and third tablets is the LAT column). Now you need to find the intersection of the LAT line containing the coordinates of the geographic latitude of birth, and the columns of the tablet containing local sidereal time (LST) in the upper left corner. The middle column of the table contains the Asc. value, which will represent the required Ascendant value. Asc is represented as sign coordinates. In order to determine which contains the Ascendant, you need to move up the Asc column. The first zodiac sign we encounter between the degrees and minutes of the Ascendant will be the zodiac sign containing the first house of our horoscope.


All astrological calculations are carried out in hours, minutes and seconds. Thus, 20.40.55 + 3.15.30 = 23.55.85 or 05.24.25 (bringing the result to an acceptable form).


  • THEM. Eliseev, G.R. Popova, “Astrology, first steps”, “Leningrad”, 1990.

Tip 3: What is the ascendant and how does it affect character

Astrology is not an official science, but many people resort to studying character by the stars. According to many years of astrological data, a person’s character is influenced by three components: the zodiac sign (the location of the Sun in one of the 12 lobes of the zodiac circle), the lunar sign (the location of the Moon) and the ascendant. Knowing the terminology and some features of the concept of the ascendant, you can calculate what strong and weak sides is in a person.

What is the Ascendant?

If you draw a circle of movement of the Earth around the Sun (the plane of the ecliptic) and a line from the center to the east, then the ascendant will be the intersection point in the east of the horizon. The exact place of birth of a person helps determine where east is.

The zodiac sign (the location of the sun in a sign) reflects a person’s external behavior in relation to the world as a whole, career, and people. The Moon in a sign means internal features, what resources a person has and how he sees himself. The Ascendant is ulterior motives. Considering the concepts from the point of view of psychology, the zodiac will be interaction with the world, the moon sign will be consciousness, and the ascendant will be the subconscious.

How to calculate the ascendant?

You can calculate the ascendant using special tables and schematic sketches. The approximate one is independently calculated according to the exact time of sunrise and sunset on a person’s birthday (can be viewed on the calendar).

Draw the zodiac circle. The starting point (sunrise) will be your zodiac sign. Every 2-4 hours after sunrise, the ascendant moves approximately one sign clockwise.

It happens that the rising point coincides with the sun sign. A person born at dawn will have a sign equal to the zodiac sign in his ascendant. This is called a double sign (eg, double, etc.). At the same time, all characteristics, both positive and negative, are enhanced.

The influence of the ascendant on character

The Ascendant is divided into masculine and feminine. Masculine signs are considered to be the signs of fire (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries) and air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), while feminine signs are the signs of water (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) and earth (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn).

If a woman has a female sign in her ascendant, this has a beneficial effect on motherhood and character in general. Smooth movements, softness, the ability to forgive, etc. appear.

The masculine sign enhances tough character traits and strong-willed qualities. A man with a masculine sign on the ascendant is a born fighter and conqueror. When signs change: a man is born with feminine sign, and a woman with a man, this allows us to talk about the flexibility of character - a person easily adapts to any situation (provided that the ascendant is not clearly expressed).

A pronounced feminine ascendant in a man (Cancer, Pisces, Virgo) suppresses masculine energy, making a man timid and shy, driven by in capable hands. And the male (Leo, Aries, Scorpio) ascendant in a woman makes the woman adamant and somewhat rude.

A complete character must be compiled taking into account all the features: typical-atypical zodiac sign (depending on the decade of birth), etc. It is worth considering that science denies the influence of a horoscope on character and attributes all sorts of coincidences to the strength of a person’s faith in prediction.

Tip 4: Scorpio on the Ascendant: interaction with the sun sign

People who believe in astrology usually pay a lot of attention to their zodiac sign. The sign under which a person was born is really very important. But the position of the ascendant at the moment of birth has no less influence on a person’s character. A particularly interesting situation arises if the ascendant is in the sign of Scorpio.

The ascendant is the rising point, the degree of intersection of the ecliptic with the eastern part of the horoscope. In a horoscope, the ascendant is marked with the letters Asc; it indicates the zodiac sign ascending at the moment of a person’s birth.

Ascendant Meaning

Rising sign has a very significant impact on a person’s personality, sometimes greatly changing his character. For example, a person was born under the sign of Scorpio - we can assume that he will be a strong-willed person. But at the time of birth, the ascendant was in Pisces, which determined the external manifestations of a person’s character - shyness, impracticality, constraint.

It is important to understand that the ascendant shapes precisely the external qualities of a person - the way he manifests himself in communication, in public. At the same time, the qualities of the solar sign are not canceled. A person born under the sign of Scorpio with Pisces in the ascendant will have a strong will, but it will manifest itself in his integrity, the ability to go towards the goal, no matter what. But outwardly he will be a rather weak, indecisive person.

Interaction with sun signs

Let's consider what external qualities a person with the sign of Scorpio in the ascendant will have. Scorpio has already been mentioned above, so let’s look at other signs of the Zodiac.

Sagittarius is a straightforward, freedom-loving person. Scorpio in the ascendant will give him freedom, self-confidence, and courage. This is a principled person for whom there are no authorities. Curious, questioning everything, always saying what he thinks.

Capricorn is practical, responsible, serious. Scorpio in the Ascendant further activates these qualities. Such a person can become a very good manager, demanding both of himself and of his subordinates.

Aquarius is an independent intellectual. Tolerant, friendly. Scorpio in the Ascendant will further enhance his independence. Can add impatience and determination. The inability to restrain himself will sometimes bring such a person serious trouble.

Pisces is a soft, compassionate person. Friendly, emotional. Scorpio in the ascendant will add will, determination, and courage to him. Such a person can become a great humanist, working for the benefit of people.

Aries is active, proactive, impulsive. Scorpio in the ascendant will add courage and determination to him. Such a person can achieve a lot.

Taurus is patient, hardy, practical. Scorpio on the Ascendant will give him the will to achieve his goals. A good option for a businessman.

Gemini is a contact, non-conflict person. Thanks to Scorpio in the ascendant, he will have the opportunity to promote his ideas and attract other people with him.

Cancer is reserved, caring, economical. Scorpio in the ascendant will give him self-confidence, activity, and enterprise. An excellent businessman and business executive.

Leo is proud, strong-willed, decisive. Thanks to Scorpio in the Ascendant, these qualities will be further enhanced. Such a person can become an outstanding leader, politician, or businessman.

Virgo is a neat, practical person. Scorpio in the Ascendant will allow him to achieve everything he dreams of. All plans are practical and realistic. No fantasies or sky-high dreams.

Libra - peace-loving, friendly, sociable. The Ascendant in Scorpio will give him will and determination. Excellent qualities for a politician and entrepreneur.

When analyzing a horoscope, the ascendant sign should be given the closest attention. It is the combination of the qualities of the solar and rising signs that indicates the basic qualities of a person’s character.

Sometimes, in order to understand the actions and behavioral factors of the people around us, we find out their dates of birth and turn to the help of astrology. After all, as far as we know, it is the zodiac sign that determines a person’s character. However, not everyone knows that appearance, fate and individual characteristics of character are formed by three indicators: the location of the Sun in the sky on the day of birth, which affects the inner world of the individual, the position of the Moon, which determines character, and the value of the ascendant. This raises the question: what does the last term mean, what does it affect, and how can you calculate the ascendant yourself?

The concept of the ascendant

The Ascendant (translated from Latin as “rising”, from English - “power”, “influence”, “predominance”, “dominance”) is the sign of the Zodiac, rising above the horizon at the moment of a person’s birth. In other words, the time when the starry sky with the entire planetary arrangement, capturing this moment, forms a personal horoscope for the newborn and his individual life path. This is the point of intersection of the eastern half of the horizon with the ecliptic plane.

The Earth and every point on its surface, rotating, passes through the entire area every day, fixing the meaning of the ascendant in a certain sign of the Zodiac. A person is assigned a sign, such as Capricorn, because this sign (and not the Sun, as many assume) is in the sign of Capricorn. The ascendant of birth is directly influenced by the place, time and date of birth.

What does it affect?

In many astrological systems, the ascendant is considered the central link and starting point in constructing a horoscope. Its unique imprint, received by a person at the moment of birth, becomes an integral part of the personality, a determining factor in behavior, character, appearance and attitude towards others. It determines your reaction to people, situations and how others see you. The Ascendant, which can be calculated independently, shapes individuality, personality traits, self-expression and worldview.

This point, in contrast to the sign of the Moon, which forms the deep cells of the subconscious, shows what lies on the surface, the face, the mask that a person demonstrates to others. The ascendant sign represents the outer layer, the shell of your self, and determines what people see first and foremost in you. The Ascendant (abbreviated as ASC) is called the gate behind which the inner world is located.

According to astrologers, the sign of the ascendant is a fundamental component of birth), the position of which determines the rest of the characteristics of the horoscope. Without calculating this criterion, a person’s horoscope will not be the most complete and relate specifically to the moment of birth.

How to determine the ascendant

  • Hour, day, month and year of birth.
  • Geographical longitude and latitude of the place of birth.

The ascendant is manually calculated using a special formula:

arctg (cos s / -[(tg f sin ε) + (sin s cos ε)]) = ASC, where

  • f is the geographic latitude of the place of birth;
  • ε - angle of inclination of the ecliptic to the equator (23-26 o);
  • s - local sidereal time (calculated by the formula s = S o + l + UT + d, where S o - sidereal time at Greenwich Mean Midnight of the desired date (can be viewed in the calendar);
  • I - longitude;
  • UT - universal time;
  • d - correction in time (UT (in hours) * 9.86) for the discrepancy between sidereal time and the average solar time.

The value of s must be multiplied by 15 to convert it to degrees.

The calculation can take a long time and does not guarantee the accuracy of the result, so it is better to turn to the help of computer programs.

Features of the programs

Before the advent of information technology, people turned to professional astronomers and astrologers to determine the ascendant. At the moment, everyone can analyze their horoscope and calculate their ascendant. You just have to become interested in these questions, and you won’t need to contact astrology specialists. For this there are special computer programs, allowing you to receive the desired information about your ascending zodiac sign within a few minutes. The program will be able to calculate using formulas not only the value of the ascendant, but also its influence on character. After all, it is the ascending sign of the Zodiac that determines your goals, objectives and creative potential, even influencing your destiny.

It doesn’t matter if you do not have information regarding the latitude and longitude of your birthplace. The professional program will determine them itself, you just need to enter the country and city in the appropriate column (if your homeland is a village, indicate the nearby city), converting the local time into a global format (Greenwich Mean), and then into sidereal (time relative to the fixed stars) . The sidereal day is not identical to earthly time; it is four minutes shorter than the Greenwich day.

One program, no matter how sophisticated it may be, will not be able to give you complete and comprehensive information regarding the degree of the ascending sign of the Zodiac and the location of other planets at the moment of birth. You can calculate the ascendant by date of birth and get a complete natal chart based on several programs, additional information or with the help of a specialist.

Sun value

It is possible to determine the ascendant without resorting to the help of specialized programs, but simply by finding out the time of sunrise and sunset on your birthday. Let's look at the calculations:

  • If you were born at dawn, then your ascendant coincides with the solar sign of the Zodiac. For example, if you are an Aries, then your rising sign is Aries.
  • 2-4 hours after dawn, the meaning moves one sign forward, therefore, Aries, who made the light happy with his appearance at 8 o’clock in the morning, is based on the ascending sign of the Zodiac - Taurus.
  • 4-6 hours from sunrise shifts the native sign two more horoscopes forward. That is, the ascendant of Aries is Gemini.
  • If you were born around noon, the ascending point moves another three signs (Aries - Cancer).
  • 4-6 hours before sunset, your ASC will move another four signs, which means that Aries is already Leo.
  • Birth 2-4 hours before sunset is marked by the value of the ascendant in the sixth sign (Aries - Virgo).

Thus, it becomes clear that every 2-4 hours ASC moves approximately one sign forward. However, not all points move the same way; some may move faster or slower. Therefore, calculating the ascendant based on the time of sunrise is quite difficult; for greater reliability, it is better to seek the help of programs and professional astrologers.

The influence of the ascendant on appearance

It is well known that ASC can influence a person’s appearance. However, it cannot be said with complete confidence that a person will be outwardly exactly the same as his ascendant suggests. After all, genes play a significant role in the formation of physique and other elements of appearance. The genetic characteristics of the body, coupled with the influence of a certain zodiac sign, give the final result, determining the features of appearance.

Before you find out the Ascendant, check out standard description each zodiac sign.


Athletic build, medium height, energetic gait, open smile, direct, slightly piercing gaze. The activity and energy of the Fire sign are expressed in offensive life positions, incredible courage, bright initiative and raging energy. Hardy, strong, determined Aries always goes ahead and is prone to rash actions.


The connection gave the owner of the sign a dense, strong body, chiseled features, large eyes, and a square face. Slow, reliable, considering every step, appreciating luxury and comfort, Taurus is under the protection of Venus, who has endowed him with sensual charm.


Geminis have short stature, an agile, thin physique, pointed facial features, a lively, open look, and a swift gait. Geminis are incredibly smart and intelligent, sociable and friendly, and have agile facial expressions. They are witty, multifaceted and capable of showing talent in several areas at the same time.


Cancers are compliant, touchy, and have an incredibly secretive nature. Representatives of the Ascendant in this sign are usually of medium height, have soft features, a round face, a gentle voice, thin wrists, fingers and legs. Cancers are absent-minded, dreamy, sensitive natures, they value family and home, they have a hard time making contact with strangers However, they know how to manipulate the behavior of others.

a lion

The Ascendant and appearance of Leo are characterized by majestic posture, beautiful shape heads, a dazzling smile, thick hair. Leos are incredibly proud, energetic and quick-tempered, and have pronounced organizational and leadership abilities. The protection of the Sun gives Leos courage, boldness, and self-confidence.


The sixth sign of the Zodiac - Virgo - is distinguished by tall or medium height, fragile physique, aristocratic facial features, and a tenacious, attentive gaze. The dominance of Mercury endowed Virgo with an analytical mind, a high degree of observation, and demandingness towards herself and others. Virgos are balanced, a little petty and picky.


The Ascendant in Libra suggests a well-built figure, rounded shapes, a dazzling, incredibly charming smile, and delicate, sharpened facial features. The patronage of Venus endows representatives of this sign with beauty, charm, and composure. Libras are born diplomats and aesthetes. They strive to achieve harmony in everything, but are sometimes quite indecisive and absent-minded.


Scorpios have a strong physique, prominent facial features, and a piercing, hypnotizing gaze. They are distinguished by iron willpower, tough character, determination and absolute fearlessness. They are secretive, distrustful and capable of extremes.


Representatives of the ascendant sign in Sagittarius have an athletic build, small, pleasant facial features, a friendly, slightly mocking look, and a tendency to be overweight. Sagittarians are positive, friendly, energetic, sincere, and love to travel. They are sometimes tactless and straightforward, but they are always honest and open.


Capricorn is tall, thin, has a deep, thoughtful look, a radiant smile, and strong, resilient legs. The influence of Saturn makes Capricorn ambitious, ambitious, prone to stress and depression. He is disciplined, reliable and focused on career and power.


The Ascendant in Aquarius gives the owners of this sign a dense physique, developed muscles, chiseled facial features, and a contemplative look. Aquarius is sociable, a little eccentric, has extraordinary thinking, and an unpredictable character.


Average or short height, big dreamy eyes, beautiful, thick hair, big hands and feet distinguish Pisces from the many representatives of the horoscope. Pisces are endowed with the ability to foresight, developed imagination, and a certain “otherworldliness”. They are indecisive, lazy, secretive, giving the impression of slow and sluggish people. Although in reality this is not always the case.

Astrologers believe that calculating the ascendant can be very important for a person. After all, knowing your rising sign will allow you to get acquainted with the most complete characteristics of your personality, creative potential and factors that can influence your destiny and make them more real.

And the Ascendant are the three most important figures in the natal chart, determining personality and the forms of its manifestation. They rarely converge in one sign, although such cases do occur (it is precisely such cases that most closely correspond to the classical descriptions of a particular sign). As a rule, for men, the Sun constitutes the “basis” of personality, a set of its permanent properties, and the Moon determines the forms of their manifestation - the degree of adaptability to the environment, trends and dynamics of development. For women, both luminaries “change roles.”

The Ascendant shows the degree of realization of the potential inherent in a person. We can say that the solar-lunar horoscope is like a “genotype” of a person, a set of properties given to a person at birth, a product of a certain geomagnetic situation (left hand in palmistry). Whereas the Ascendant can be called an astrological “phenotype”, a set of properties acquired by a person more or less consciously throughout life (in palmistry - the right hand). This is an expression of that very freedom of will that Ptolemy spoke about, pointing out that the “stars” determine only half of one’s destiny—a person arranges everything else for himself. Another thing is that not all people can (or want) to become “the architects of their own happiness”; many just go with the flow, leaving fate to make decisions for them.

Another difficulty is that in the West it is customary to record a person’s time of birth to the nearest minute, so calculating the Ascendant there rarely causes difficulties. In Eastern countries (including the Soviet Union), such an opportunity is not always available; the error in the time of birth can reach several hours. Here you have to either rectify the Ascendant based on life events, or make do with a solar-lunar horoscope, which, unfortunately, is more like a magazine horoscope for large masses of people.

But let's return to the houses counted from the Ascendant. We received twelve of different sizes - their size varies depending on the geographic latitude, time of year, and also the time of day. In addition, we received four important points, one of which is the Ascendant. Let's consider them in more detail.

Descendant in cosmogram

Directly opposite the ascendant is the descendant, the descending (or setting) degree. If at the moment of a person’s birth in the East some degree of the celestial circle rises, then in the West, naturally, at the same moment some degree sets and is called the descendant or descendant. The Descendant is a point and is designated by the letters DS.

The ascendant-descendant line represents the horizontal or, more simply, the horizon. If the ascendant corresponds to the human “I”, the beginning of the human personality (the tip), then the descendant is the point of knowledge of the environment, the point of a person’s relationship to other people and their relationship to him, it is not without reason that the descendant opens, “the house of marriage and partner.”

Further on the cosmogram there are two more points that make up the points of the IV and X houses; the first point is called the nadir, the second the middle of the sky. The nadir opens the fourth house and is designated IC (from the Latin “imum goal” - the lower part of the sky). The midheaven corresponds to the cusp of the tenth house and is designated MC (from the Latin "medium of purpose", meaning the same).

In a physical sense, IC corresponds to midnight and MC to noon: these points of the ecliptic the Sun passes at (approximately) twelve o'clock in the afternoon or night of a given calendar date. On the cosmogram of a person born, say, at 11.45 local solar time, the MC point almost coincides with the position of the Sun, and if born at 12.05, it will leave it slightly behind.

In occult terms, nadir (IC) personifies the “initial capital” of a person, the genetic and mental baggage given to him at birth; the midheaven (MC) represents the goal of his aspirations, the “zenith” to which his personality strives in the course of its development. Human life seems to follow the line connecting the nadir to the zenith. This line (IC-MC) is called the meridian.

The horizon line divides the cosmogram into northern and southern, and the meridian line into western and eastern halves. Even a quick glance at the cosmogram is enough to determine how the planets are located relative to these lines and draw some conclusions.

For a better representation, redraw yours on a blank sheet of paper, and draw two lines along the blue arrows, the Ascendant (AS) in the 1st house and the Midheaven (MC) in the 10th house. It is recommended for all novice astrologers to redraw the map; this will help them plunge more deeply into the mystery of the influence of subtle energies.

If most of the planets are above the horizon, that is, in the southern half of the cosmogram, this usually means that the “owner” of the horoscope is a man of action: he prefers to control his own destiny. How Sun is closer to the meridian, the higher the position it reaches. This is true even in cases where other indicators are not entirely favorable.

If the planets are located more below the horizon, in the northern half of the cosmogram, then fate is not very favorable to a person: all of his development occurs “inside”, in the soul, without giving a tangible social result. Such a person is usually unable to cope with circumstances. If the Sun or Jupiter is near the nadir (IC), that is, the lowest point of the northern half of the sky, a person often devotes himself to mystical teachings, metaphysics, occult sciences. If Mars and Saturn are near this point, this indicates tense relations in the family.

If most of the planets fall in the eastern half, that is, within the triangle MC-AS-IC, this means early development personality, bright events in youth, in general, early independence of a person, and other favorable conditions- and early success in life. If the horoscope is generally unfavorable, this can mean many difficulties and obstacles in the first half of life.

If the planets are concentrated mainly in the western half, that is, in the triangle IC-DS-MC, then major events will occur in the second half of life. Such people generally tend to wait and not take active action; they make decisions that are imposed on them environment. At all inner life For them, the external one is more important.

The horizon and meridian divide the cosmogram into four sectors - quadrants. These sectors are rarely equal to each other, because at different latitudes and at different times of the year, day and night, light and dark times of the day have different durations. American astrologer Dane Rudyard in his book “Personality Astrology” indicates that the northwestern sector gives the concept of a person’s emotional sphere, and the southeastern sector gives an idea of ​​his logical thinking; the southwestern one talks about the peculiarities of his perception, and the northeastern one talks about the ways of processing information.

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In addition to your native zodiac sign, calculated by date of birth, you are influenced by another zodiac sign - Ascendant. IN natal chart birth this eastern point, located on the left.

Ascendant comes from the Latin word for "to rise." This is the point of the ecliptic, rising above the horizon at the moment of a person’s birth, associated with a specific zodiac sign. In a given zodiac sign, this point will have certain coordinates, expressed in degrees and minutes.

Ascendant symbolizes the first independent breath of a person at the moment when the umbilical cord connecting him to his mother comes off: the first breath, the first cry - and the person receives a “sip” of radiation from the planet that, at a given degree of the sky, sends its indignation to the Earth more strongly than other planets.

Ascendant- first point horoscope, symbolizing the beginning of a person’s life and what will appear in him as primary. The Ascendant characterizes our talents, abilities and the mask we wear on our face. In other words, the zodiac sign ascending at the moment of a person’s birth characterizes our personality.

For example, Darwin: personality is defined as Ascendant in Capricorn. Over time, such a person will develop purposefulness, perseverance, closeness, the desire to achieve goals, maximalism and long-term plans in life. Quite practicality and pragmatism will develop - this is the ascendant in Capricorn.

Great importance have planets on the Ascendant, they help in determining personality type, play main role in reading life events according to the horoscope. These are the lords of the Ascendant.

For example, people with Sun on the Ascendant They easily stand out among other people, since they always strive for primacy, crave attention to their person, shine in society, striving to play a noticeable role in any way.

These included Emperor Augustus (born before sunrise, had pronounced ambition), Emperor Nero (born at sunrise, in the sign of Sagittarius), Peter I, Nicholas I, Queen Victoria, Catherine de Medici, Richard Wagner (pronounced vanity) , Glinka.

However, depending on the cosmogram (i.e. the position of other planets), these people will glorify themselves in different ways. For example, those born at sunrise under the sign of Virgo will gain intelligence and cunning.

Aspects including ruler of the Ascendant, are also very important, along with aspects including the Sun, Moon or the Ascendant itself. Such aspects are important because they indicate certain dynamics affecting the overall flow or inhibition of your self-expression.

Connection ruler of the Ascendant with the flow physical energy and with the state of human health can hardly be overestimated, its importance in this regard can easily be seen by observing transits to the ruling planet. Such transits very often correspond to noticeable changes in a person's health, vitality or appearance.

For example, one client (a 34-year-old man with Virgo rising) experienced complete nervous collapse when Uranus squared natal Mercury. Assuming that the square of transiting Uranus with natal Mercury may correspond to the period nervous tension, this transit will not, however, be such an influential force for those who do not have Mercury as the ruler of the Ascendant.

No consideration Ascendant is not complete without simultaneously including the whole complex of factors that are closely related to the Ascendant. In other words, qualities rising sign and him planetary ruler(including her sign and house), as well as any planet in the 1st house, all show drives, needs and orientations that form one of the most decisive combinations of energy in your life.

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