What does the name Sasha mean for a boy? The most suitable middle names. What does the name Alexander mean? Fate and character

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Alexander.

What does the name Alexander mean?

The name Alexander means protector of people (Greek)

The meaning of the name Alexander is character and destiny

A man named Alexander is a cheerful fellow, loves pleasant company, makes acquaintances easily, but rarely becomes truly attached to anyone. Values ​​friendship with men; With women, on the contrary, he is fickle, often courting several ladies at the same time. They like Alexander very much because of his seemingly easy-going character, cheerfulness and ability to be attentive and affectionate. A man named Alexander loves everyone he meets, but this does not prevent him from parting with his lovers without regrets. He sometimes returns to some of them, and they welcome him with open arms, even if sad memories remain in their souls. Alexander has a flexible mind, a sense of humor, and a charming smile. It is difficult for a man named Alexander to ruin his mood; he is rarely in a bad mood. Only his wife knows about his difficult character - stubbornness, domineering and infidelity. It is useless to fight Alexander’s betrayals. However, he never forgets his children, helps them financially, although most often he is not involved in their upbringing.

Meaning of the name Alexander for sex

Alexander is loving and passionate. Clearly separates love from sex. If he honors someone with his love, he usually makes his partner strong feelings. His sex life He is distinguished by spontaneity, he never plans love dates. In marriage, a man named Alexander views sex as a gift, a means to reward his wife for her devotion and warmth.

The character and fate of the name Alexander, taking into account the patronymic

First name Alexander and patronymic....

Alexander Alekseevich, Alexander Andreevich, Alexander Artemovich, Alexander Valentinovich, Alexander Vasilyevich, Alexander Viktorovich, Alexander Vitalievich, Alexander Vladimirovich, Alexander Evgenievich, Alexander Ivanovich, Alexander Ilyich, Alexander Mikhailovich, Alexander Petrovich, Alexander Sergeevich, Alexander Fedorovich, Alexander Yurievich persistent and stubborn, he certainly achieves his goal. He is reputed to be a fair, but hot-tempered person. He always strives to be the center of attention, and with women he is charming, seductive, a real heartthrob. No one can resist his smile, wit, courtesy and gallantry. Such an Alexander easily gives vows of eternal love and immediately forgets about them. Only one who does not show obvious interest in him can keep him at least for some time. Having entered into marriage, he cannot and does not want to forget his bachelor life, the wife will have to put up with this. He often spends time with friends, is in no hurry to go home, and likes to drink. He only marries a beautiful, smart and calm woman. Alexander more often has sons, although he dreams of a daughter. His attitude towards his family is limited to concern for material well-being. It's pointless to expect him to ever do repairs. But he is overly demanding of his wife; she, in his opinion, should be an exemplary housewife, a good cook, economical and thrifty.

First name Alexander and patronymic....

Alexander Alexandrovich, Alexander Arkadyevich, Alexander Borisovich, Alexander Vadimovich, Alexander Grigorievich, Alexander Kirillovich, Alexander Maksimovich, Alexander Matveevich, Alexander Nikitich, Alexander Pavlovich, Alexander Romanovich, Alexander Tarasovich, Alexander Timofeevich, Alexander Eduardovich, Alexander Yakovlevich practical and enterprising. Commerce is easy for him, money flows into his hands, but it is also easy for him to leave it, although he is stingy. He will gladly show off the woman he likes, but will only fork out money if he himself wants to go to a restaurant or go on vacation. Then he can invite his beloved with him, but more often he travels alone and starts new romances. It is impossible to squeeze Alexander and take advantage of his money; he is prudent and careful. He maintains superficial relationships with everyone and does not allow anyone to hope for something serious. In love he is free, does not tolerate restrictions or encroachments on his independence. He breaks up with obsessive women immediately. This Alexander is very sexy, his temperament has no limits. However, in intimate relationships he cares more about satisfying his needs, thinking little about how his partner feels. Considering himself an irresistible man and an unsurpassed lover, he does not even admit the thought that he might not satisfy someone. An early marriage for such an Alexander most often ends in divorce; he does not strive to reconnect himself with family ties; he tries not to have children, but sometimes he still has a son. He likes to drink, party with friends, never explains to his beloved where and how he spends his time, and if something doesn’t suit her, he quickly forgets in the arms of another.

First name Alexander and patronymic....

Alexander Bogdanovich, Alexander Vladislavovich, Alexander Vyacheslavovich, Alexander Gennadievich, Alexander Georgievich, Alexander Danilovich, Alexander Egorovich, Alexander Konstantinovich, Alexander Robertovich, Alexander Svyatoslavovich, Alexander Yaroslavovich, Alexander Yanovich a sociable, friendly and charming person. He knows how to get along with people, loves women, and has several loyal friends. Such an Alexander is most often an intellectual who, on occasion, loves to show off his deep knowledge of science or art. He is vain and enjoys enthusiastic responses about himself. In relationships with women, he knows his worth, is amorous, but never conquers anyone, since women themselves fall at his feet. Many seek his love, but Alexander does not give this of great importance. He is independent, no woman manages to take complete possession of him. In addition, his studies, work and career always come first. He takes as his wife a woman with a bright appearance, patient and flexible. At the same time, she must be energetic, temperamental and highly sexual. In marriage he is calm, balanced, strongly attached to his family, afraid of losing it. Despite this, he cannot remain faithful to his wife, although he will make every effort so that she does not know about his love affairs. Alexander loves to drink, and when intoxicated he is picky, grumpy, and quarrelsome. He gives birth to children of different sexes.

First name Alexander and patronymic....

Alexander Antonovich, Alexander Arturovich, Alexander Valerievich, Alexander Germanovich, Alexander Glebovich, Alexander Denisovich, Alexander Igorevich, Alexander Iosifovich, Alexander Leonidovich, Alexander Lvovich, Alexander Mironovich, Alexander Olegovich, Alexander Ruslanovich, Alexander Semenovich, Alexander Filippovich, Alexander Emmanuilovich sociable and energetic. Surrounds himself interesting people, easily makes new friendships. He is a cheerful fellow, loves witticisms, practical jokes, and allows himself to be joked about. However, he is so hot-tempered that any excess on the part of the scoffers can meet with a sharp rebuff. When communicating with such an Alexander, do not under any circumstances hurt his pride. He has many friends, but he also has a lot of envious people and ill-wishers. Due to his character, he, like no one else, knows how to turn society against himself, challenge it, without caring at all about the consequences. Women are usually completely dependent on such an Alexander. He decides when and with whom to meet, where to go, how to spend the evening. No one can take possession of him completely, delve into his inner world, find out his true feelings. Alexander is affectionate, attentive, and gentle with everyone, but after walking the girl home, he can disappear from her sight for several months. The concept of loyalty does not exist for him. Living with this Alexander is not easy, the wife must completely obey him, not make any claims, and be content with what he offers her. After the first divorce, Alexander tries not to get married again, at least until old age. If you try to start a family soon after the first divorce, then a second one is inevitable. From different marriages he may have several children of different sexes.

First name Alexander and patronymic....

Alexander Alanovich, Alexander Albertovich, Alexander Anatolyevich, Alexander Veniaminovich, Alexander Vladlenovich, Alexander Dmitrievich, Alexander Nikolaevich, Alexander Rostislavovich, Alexander Stanislavovich, Alexander Stepanovich, Alexander Feliksovich unbalanced, emotional, easily carried away, capable of crazy actions. Likes to take risks. He has an ironic mindset, he is artistic and gifted in everything. Loves very much beautiful women. The rhythm of his life and temperament are in disharmony: Alexander is impulsive, energetic and at the same time difficult to get up, loves to sleep, gets up with difficulty in the morning. Therefore, it is not easy for him to fully realize his abilities. He tries to marry an intelligent, practical woman who can help him make a career, support him in difficult times, and give wise advice. As a rule, his marriage is quite successful, although this Alexander can cheat on his wife. A really smart wife tries not to notice this. Alexander is such a good owner, a loving father. He gives birth to children of different sexes.

Numerology of the name Alexander

Courage makes the blows of fate insignificant.


The meaning of the name Alexander is “protector of people” (Greek).

There are a great many memorial days, there are more than 50 of them, including 03/22, 06/22, 11/04, 12/25.

Personality. Conqueror of powers.

Characteristics of the name Alexander by letters:

A - hard work;

L - need for love, affection;

E - protection of Zeus;

K - penchant for mystery;

C - the desire to shine, sparkle, differ from the gray mass of people;

A - repeat;

N - selectivity of sympathies;

D - sense of duty, responsibility;

R - high professionalism.

What does the name Alexander mean in numerology:

ALEXANDER = 146311659 = 9 (Neptune).

The goal of a person’s life with the name Alexander is set by the mysterious mystical Neptune. The planet of reformation and liberation based on the choice of path in the present incarnation; gives a person a wide range of individual qualities.

What does the name Alexander mean in astrology:

1-4 (Sun - Mercury) - high intelligence, creative activity;

4-6 (Mercury - Venus) - diplomacy, balance;

6-3 (Venus - Mars) - energetic, successful nature, harmonious in everything;

1 (Sun) - the point is deepened: problems with the manifestation of the spirit;

1-6 (Sun - Venus) - optimism, kindness, strength of feelings;

6-5 (Venus - Jupiter) - control of reason over emotions, abstract thinking;

5-9 (Jupiter - Neptune) - excess of feelings, passion for hiking, traveling, chaos in everyday affairs;

9 (Neptune) - the point is deepened: the highest data, but also withdrawal into “false” highs.

Karmic lessons named after Alexander:

2 (Moon) - it is necessary to learn “team play”;

7 (Saturn) - lack of demand for talents given by God.

Characteristics of the name Alexander, taking into account the analysis

Alexander is extraordinary: faithful, has a sense of mystery (like the Count of Monte Cristo), the gift of hypersensitivity, manifests himself in the highest spirituality, talented, extraordinary. Often in real life one gets lost, opposing vector forces fight in it.

In essence, he is a winner who has unlimited power over life, but by nature he is often cold-blooded, an esthete, his conclusions are always categorical. Fields of activity: military, political. The heights of power are for him.

Sexuality of a speculative nature. Dreams of love often fail in reality and do not live up to expectations. Popular among women. IN family life often a faithful partner, often monogamous, especially if born under the sign of Virgo.

Women's names: Faith, Hope, Love.

Many people, when choosing a name for a child or looking for a life partner, wonder what the name Alexander means.
This name has been known since ancient times and was held in high esteem even in ancient Greece. The name means "Protecting People" in translation from Greek..

Decoding of the name Alexander from the language of the ancient Greeks is quite interesting, since it is a two-root name. Alexander merges two words, ἀλέξω - “I protect” and ἀνδρός - “man”. As you understand, there are quite a lot of literary translation options. Of course, Alexander is first and foremost male name and if you decide to give such a name to your son or are looking for a life partner, then Alexander will be very suitable.

We must not forget that the name Alexander is a pair name. The paired female name to the name Alexander is the name Alexandra

The meaning of the name Alexander for a child

Little Alexander is distinguished by some dreaminess and artistry. The boy is quite self-absorbed and does not always understand the boundary between reality and fantasy. This often brings certain problems into his life, but there are also many positive aspects. His imagination and magnificent imagination will not leave anyone indifferent. The same can be said about the creative perception of the world. Even in the most ordinary things Sasha might find something interesting. At the same time, Alexander is not only a dreamy, but also a smart child. He has excellent academic abilities. The child often displays good volitional qualities, which is important in many subjects. Strong-willed qualities and good creative data is the key to Alexander’s success.

Study occupies a prominent place in Alexander’s life. He learns easily, but only if there is inspiration for this. No one can force Alexander to study without his desire. But it is worth noting that one strong inspiration is enough to trigger Alexander’s strong-willed character to complete a difficult task. So it’s better to encourage Alexander to start training and then you will get a wonderful result. At the same time, he has very original thinking, which often baffles his teachers. The main thing is that his fantasies do not “cut their wings.” Fantasies will help him throughout his life, and not just at school.

Alexander’s health is quite good. If he can also practice discipline physical activity, then his health will become almost perfect. The weak point of his health can be called gastrointestinal tract. Dieting is often recommended for Alexander from childhood to old age.

Short name Alexander

Alex, Sanya, Sanechek, Sanka, Sanek, Sasha, Sashka, Sashok, Shura, Shurka.

Diminutive names for Alexander

Alexandrik, Aleksyusha, Aleksyunya, Sashenka, Sashechka, Sashunya, Shurik, Shurochka, Shuronka.

Middle name of Alexander's children

Alexandrovich and Alexandrovna. And here is the colloquial form: Aleksanych, Sanych, Sanovna.

How is the name Alexander translated?

We have already written above how the name Alexander is translated from Greek (native) language into Russian. But I think you are interested in how it is in other languages ​​of the world.

Name Alexander in English

In English, the name Alexander is written as Alexander (Alexander), but the abbreviated form Alex (Alex) is more often used. This abbreviated form is typical for most languages ​​of the world.

The name Alexander for a foreign passport is ALEKSANDR, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Alexander into other languages ​​of the world

in Arabic - الكسندر and الإسكندر
in Belarusian - Alexander and Ales
in Bulgarian - Alexander
in Hungarian - Sandor
in Spanish - Alejandro
in Italian - Alessandro
in Chinese - 亞歷山大
in German - Alexander
in Polish - Aleksander
in Romanian - Alexandru
in Ukrainian - Oleksandr
in Finnish - Aleksanteri
in French - Alexandre
in Japanese - アレクサンダ

Church name Alexander remains unchanged - Alexander.

Characteristics of the name Alexander

Sasha's character is very active and assertive. He loves to make a good impression and knows how to do it. However, everyone who knows him closely understands that this is all a game for the public. Sasha often manipulates people and does not particularly value those around her. He is proud and vain, but tries to hide it for the time being. Alexander knows how to be a truly devoted friend, but usually his circle of friends is very limited. He will smile pleasantly to the rest of those around him, but nothing more. Many people consider him their friend without any reason. But for real friends Sasha will not regret anything.

Sasha is a wonderful worker, but he often pretends that the work is unbearable for him. He pretends that he is toiling and wants to return home quickly. However, he may simply not want to work, which he tries to pass off as fatigue. It will be better for him and the employer if he does what he loves. In this plan greatest success Alexander reaches in entrepreneurial activity. It is the absence of external control that allows him to show all his talents, which he has in abundance.

Family relationships in Alexander's life occupy one of the most important places. He loving husband and father. Sasha is a very responsible family man and tries in every possible way to improve the situation of his family. Due to his youth, he is very loving, so early marriage is not recommended for him. But in adulthood he will become an almost ideal husband. She loves to pamper her family with various gifts and pleasant surprises. He takes very good care of his wife, even many years after the wedding.

The mystery of the name Alexander

Sasha, as a rule, is bold in his actions and smart, he is also often witty and almost always happy with good company. But sometimes he has a temper and can be harsh. Sometimes he does not comply with the bounds of decency. But if someone tries to influence him from a position of strength, the path will be ready to resist.

Planet- Mars.

Zodiac sign- Cancer.

Totem animal- Crab.

Name color- Blue.

Tree- Cypress.

Plant- Lilac.

Stone- Alexandrite.

Meaning of the name Alexander: The name for a boy means “protector”, “protective husband”. This affects the character and fate of Alexander.

Origin of the name Alexander: Ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Sanya, Sanka, Sasha, Sashka, Sashunya, Shura, Shurka, Shurik, Alexya, Alexyusha.

What does the name Alexander mean: The name Alexander comes from ancient Greek name Alexandros, which consists of two parts - “alekso” (lit. “to protect”) and “andros” (lit. “man”). Alexander translates as “protector of people.” Another meaning of the name Alexander is “protector.” Sasha is strong physical health, zeal and desire to win. Much in his life depends on the presence of inspiration. Such a person is sociable and very smart.

Surname: Alexandrovich, Alexandrovna; decomposition Aleksanych, Sanych.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Alexander celebrates his name day several times a year:

  • March 8 (February 23) – The Monk Alexander (5th century) was first a warrior, then became a monk, founded nine monasteries and was the first to establish in them the rite of “non-sleeping”, that is, the constant performance of divine services, day and night.
  • 25 (12) August – St. Hieromartyr Alexander, Bishop of Koman, by the direction of God, was elected bishop from among the coal sellers; pleased God with humility and good deeds; died as a martyr for the faith of Christ in the 3rd century.
  • December 6 (November 23) – memory of St. blessed Prince A. Nevsky, Prince of Novgorod, then Grand Duke of Vladimir, son of Yaroslav II. With victories over the Swedes (Battle of the Neva, 1240) and German knights (Battle of the Ice, 1241), he secured the western borders of Rus'. Through skillful policies he eased the burdens of the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

Signs: On the night of August 25, on the day of Alexander the Martyr, various ghosts haunt the graves; whistles, howls and songs are heard; a white horse runs; whoever dares to saddle him, the horse will carry him to the cemetery - and at the first crow of the rooster it will be not the horse, but a tombstone under the rider.


  • Zodiac – Taurus
  • Planet of the name – Venus
  • Alexander's color is blue
  • Auspicious name tree - chestnut
  • Treasured plant – gladiolus
  • Patron - bull
  • Talisman stone – alexandrite

Characteristics of the name Alexander

Positive features: The meaning of the name Alexander from a psychological point of view. The name Alexander gives heroism, perseverance in achieving one’s goal, and independence. Although Sasha strives to find shelter, care, peace and support in a strong partner, mother or wife. A guy with this name is honest, even noble, almost always a cheerful and sincere person.

Negative features: The name Alexander brings authority, conflict, instability of mood, touchiness, and the desire to prove one’s superiority at any cost. Alex is capable of questionable actions. A man with this name is very unstable psychologically, although he rarely resorts to violence. Sasha justifies his actions in advance, fearing condemnation. Luck helps Sanya get out of unpleasant situations.

Character of the name Alexander: What character traits does the meaning of the name Alexander determine? Sasha is so deep in himself that he strives to escape from reality, hiding in the depths of his subconscious. Or, if he has the courage, he will try to remake this reality, adjust it to himself; And he won’t stop until he breaks things. The man is artistic, always playing some vital role, looking forward to the moment when he can become himself. To his amazement, such a moment may not come at all: after all, fate always brings Sanya to the rapids of life! He tends to dream of love rather than love. It’s not easy for women with him!

The character of the name Alexander is fickle. A guy with this name has a vivid imagination, is determined, smart, witty and sociable. Sasha may be persistent, but in his persistence there is a sense of anxiety. Often self-absorbed, capable of dubious actions. Can be harsh, even not respecting the bounds of decency. Feels fear, fears failure, most often unreasonably. If anything happens, then guidance and a happy accident help a man cope with unpleasant situations.

The meaning of the name Alexander is leader. But Sasha more often considers himself a leader in his heart, but this is not always realized in life. He can really become the head of a team: he is energetic, truthful and fair, and very inquisitive. Alex is a talented director, artist, writer, and journalist.

Sanya is independent, but loves feminine warmth, friends, and needs care and peace. He expects something special from friendship, he dreams more about love than he acts decisively. He does not know unrequited love, but women have a hard time with him. Sasha loves children very much, not only her own, but also others.

Alex is an active artistic person; he cannot work within the strict framework of the working day. This name was borne by the largest number of famous people. The character of Alexander’s personality was analyzed most deeply by Pavel Florensky: “This name corresponds, fundamentally, to a sanguine temperament, with a bias towards choleric. Nobility, openness of mood, ease of dealing with people are characteristic of this name; lightness, although not superficiality. Alexander's characteristics also include warmth and kindness. In relation to women, the name Alexander gives courtesy, courtesy, turning without delay and internal emphasis into courtship, but usually due to courtesy, as something that is accepted, implied and expected: this is a readiness to quickly pay tribute, and it has an internal measure to remain within the limits of light flirting, which ends as readily as it begins. These relationships, like relationships with people in general, are not blown up by a plow. inner life; if they cannot be described as sliding along the surface, then perhaps the most correct word would be “rolling”: like two touching shafts conscientiously rotating each other, without experiencing suffering from this temporary contact, but also longing when the contact comes to an end. With a gear clutch, each wheel needs to rotate in rhythm with the other or move away to avoid being broken; and when the shafts slide, this correspondence of speeds may not exist; and each of the shafts is almost indifferent to how the one in contact with it rotates. This is about the life relationships of the Alexanders, but the same is about mental contacts. There is the same flexibility and readiness, as well as the same indifference, or rather the same refusal to let thoughts get under the skin. Alex's mind is clear and sober, slightly ironic, quick and versatile. But this is a mind self-satisfied with its harmony, and it is afraid of questions that tear apart the depths and can, naturally, upset the established balance. Therefore, this mind is quite broad, but self-protecting from the pathos of comprehensiveness - strong and fast, but without spiritual onslaught; fairly weighing a lot, but not delving into the depths - not so much because he cannot, but out of self-preservation from shocks.

Men can be very overbearing, generous and magnanimous; they can sacrifice their own without hesitation. But they are little inclined to sacrifice themselves, and this creates, when close to them, a barrier to very close communication and vice versa, hence their feeling of detachment, as well as with them. Lively and cheerful on the surface, inside they harbor a trickle of pessimism. Despite the successes, despite universal recognition, they are not satisfied: something, the main thing, is still missing.

As a result: a man named Alexander is not the deepest name, but the most harmonious, the most internally proportional.”

Alexander and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: A successful marriage of the name with Anna, Valentina, Vera, Veronica, Daria, Elizaveta, Zoya, Inna, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Maria, Nadezhda, Natalya, Oksana. The name Alexander is also combined with Tamara. The name can have complex relationships with Golubaya, Ekaterina, Elena, Zinaida, Lydia, Svetlana.

Alexander's love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Alexander promise happiness in love? The guy's sexuality is rather speculative. Romance has a special meaning for him. The guy tends to dream about love instead of living it. When communicating with women, Sanya is gallant and gives compliments. Alexas born in the summer love their children, while Alexas born in other times restrain their emotions in their relationships with children.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: A man named Alexander is an excellent organizer and leader in any profession. Alex can become the head of a team, skillfully manage it and be responsible to other people. The guy has a sharp, insightful mind, he has diplomatic and creative abilities. Sanya's life path will be marked by obstacles, but patience and perseverance will help you overcome them on your own, without outside help.

Alexander's business and career: In financial matters, a man named Alexander attaches great importance to saving, is prudent, can successfully invest money in business and take advantage of an opportunity to extract benefits and benefits.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Alexander: The meaning of the name Alexander from a medical point of view. He is often born weak and gets sick a lot in childhood, but regular exercise physically strengthens him, and a sickly boy grows into a strong and strong man. Sanya knows her worth and stubbornly pursues her goal. Not without vanity and thirst for power. He is able to successfully lead even a large team, relying on capable subordinates.

Alex is strict but fair. He cannot stand criticism, he can flare up, it is always difficult for him to publicly admit that he is wrong, but he will certainly try to correct his mistakes. If you find the right approach to Sanya and don’t step on his “sore calluses,” he will be your most loyal friend.

From the outside it may seem that Alexander is not emotional enough; in fact, he is often simply afraid of “losing face.” He is not averse to drinking and quickly loses control of himself. He loves women. He is passionate in love, capable of losing his head, but chooses his life partner carefully. Sasha's wife usually finds herself in the position of a queen who reigns, but does not rule - in his family, he makes all decisions himself.

Alexander, born in summer, loves children very much, including strangers; those born at other times of the year are more reserved in their relationships with children. He has a sober, slightly ironic mind, his characteristic feature is a certain detachment from real life. He carefully protects himself from shocks. He can be generous and magnanimous, but he is not inclined to sacrifice himself.

The fate of Alexander in history

What does the name Alexander mean for a man's destiny?

  1. Alexander the Great became king of Macedonia (a state located in northern Greece) in 336 BC. He was only twenty years old then. And thirteen years later he became the most powerful ruler in the world! Leading an army of thirty-five thousand Macedonians, he completely defeated the hundred and fifty thousand army of the Persian king Darius and burned Persepolis, the capital of his kingdom. In 323 BC. the empire was the largest in the world. He wanted to unite all the conquered countries into a single state. However, after the death of Alexander, the military leaders divided his empire among themselves, which after one hundred and fifty years ceased to exist.
  2. Alexander Peresvet is a Russian monk who fought in the army of Dmitry Donskoy, a famous hero. According to custom, every battle had to begin with a duel between the two strongest warriors. Chelubey left for the Kulikovo Field from the Tatars, and Alexander Peresvet from the Russians. They collided with their spears with such force that they both fell to the ground dead...
  3. Alexander S. Figner (1787–1813) – famous partisan Patriotic War 1812 Educated in the 2nd Cadet Corps; in 1805 he was assigned to the troops of the Anglo-Russian expedition in the Mediterranean Sea. Having found himself in Italy on this occasion, Figner learned the Italian language perfectly, which was very useful to him later. With the opening of the 1810 campaign against Turkey, Figner entered our Moldavian army and distinguished himself during the siege of Ruschuk. At the beginning of the Patriotic War, Figner was a staff captain of artillery.
  4. The name Alexander was borne by many Russian princes, kings, tsars, and emperors, including three Russian autocrats of the 19th century. That was the name of the great commander Suvorov; great poets - Pushkin and Blok; the "father" of "The Three Musketeers", the French writer Dumas and many other wonderful people.
  5. Alexander Tvardovsky is a Soviet poet and public figure.
  6. Alexander Bryullov - Russian architect, artist.
  7. Alexander Glazunov is a Russian composer, conductor, musical and public figure.
  8. Alexander Demyanenko - Soviet actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
  9. Alexander Popov - Russian physicist and electrical engineer, one of the inventors of radio.
  10. Alexander Vertinsky is a Russian artist, singer and composer.
  11. Alexander Suvorov - Russian commander, generalissimo.
  12. Alexander Ostuzhev is a Russian and Soviet actor, People's Artist of the USSR.
  13. Alexander Herzen is a Russian public figure and writer-publicist.
  14. Alexander Pirogov - opera singer-bass, People's Artist of the USSR.
  15. Alexander Varlamov is a Russian composer who wrote romances.
  16. Alexander Borodin is a Russian composer and chemist.
  17. Alexander Kerensky is a Russian political and public figure.
  18. Alexander Mitta is a film director and screenwriter.

Alexander in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a similar sound. In English it is translated as Alexandr, in Italian: Alessandr, in German: Alexandr, on French: Alexandr, in Czech: Alexandr.

The name Alexander is one of the most common and beautiful. What does it mean, what qualities does it endow a person with and what does it promise?

What does the name Alexander mean: origin story

Young parents, before naming their newborn child, often think about what the name Alexander means. This name has ancient Greek origin. And it was formed as a result of the merger of two Greek names “Alex” and “Andros”. And in translation it means “protector”, or “protecting man”. This name can often be found in the mythology of Ancient Greece. It spread after the reign of the great Alexander the Great, who was an excellent commander and a man of genius who dreamed of unifying the empire. Many Russian emperors, poets, artists, and architects had this noble name. From then to the present day it has been popular.

For men so named, the meaning of the name Alexander promises strong will and character. And strong qualities will make young guys confident strategists, assertive and prudent leaders. For the Alexanders, the most valuable thing will always be family, and they will pay the most attention to parents, children and those closest to them. They cannot stand traitors, even if they were honest with them for the time being.

The history and origin of the name Alexander has another version, about which there is disagreement. There is an opinion about the connection with the Turkic Iskander, which when translated means “winner”. Opponents of this version argue the opposite and adhere to a direct connection with Greece. In any case, history shows that bearers of this name have a clear mind, a strong and strong-willed character. List of such famous people is huge, and the saints can be counted at least a hundred people. Previously, only rich and noble people could give this name. Some time passed, and the name Alexander began to be given and ordinary people from the category of artisans and peasants.

Alexander: patron saints

This name is found among Orthodox, Catholics and Jews. And in each country it sounds in its own way. A famous patron of men is Alexander of Constantinople. He was born in Asia and studied in Constantinople, but after some time he decided to leave the world and take monastic vows in the monastery of Syria. A few years later he withdrew into the desert and took with him only the Gospel. There he spent seven wanderings for long years, then the Lord called him to preach to the pagans.

Alexander of Constantinople built a monastery, which had the name “unsleepless”, since its adherents constantly prayed without interruption. Alexander was at the head of the monastery for about twenty years, after which he went to wander and preach to the pagans. He lived for a very long time and accomplished many feats. Besides him, there are many more saints who wear given name. It is better to choose a name day closer to your birthday.

The character and fate of Alexander

Alexander has a lot positive qualities: independence, tenacity, heroism, determination, perseverance, nobility, honesty, sharp mind, courage. Sasha always tries to be honest and cheerful, he has sincerity and nobility. Alexander is destined to lead and be a leader. If you give him as a child required material for the formation of personality, a genius can grow out of him. He can accomplish almost any task and achieves his goals by any means. And thanks to his vivid imagination, he can justify any of his misdeeds and mistakes.

If we consider the negative traits, then this name bestows conflict, mood swings, authority, superiority, and touchiness. Sasha will justify himself in advance so as not to cause condemnation from the outside. And luck helps him get out of different situations. But despite this, Alexander does not like flattery, so he cannot be influenced. Of course, he will listen to different opinions and arguments, but he will do it his own way. You cannot force him, otherwise, out of touchiness, he may do something stupid and will regret it in the future.

What personal qualities determine the meaning of the name Alexander? Sasha is a born leader, but does not always consider himself such, and therefore cannot always self-actualize. He often becomes the leader in the team. Aleksandrovs become talented directors, artists, journalists and writers. By nature he can be fickle. A guy with this name has a good imagination, he has sociability, a lively mind, wit and determination. Sasha may be persistent, but she may also feel restless. He sometimes goes deep into himself, trying to escape from reality, may experience fear and is unreasonably afraid of failure. And if something really happens, then luck and fortune help a man solve an unpleasant situation.

Being an active artistic person, it is difficult for Alexander to work within the strict framework of everyday work. Many famous people have had this name. Sasha is characterized by generosity and generosity, the ability to sacrifice everything. Men with this name cannot be called spenders; they manage their money prudently. Your savings are used wisely, and money is invested for personal gain. But they don’t like to lend money, even to close relatives.

Character traits depending on the time of year of birth:

Spring. Boys born at this time are distinguished by a heightened sense of humor, sociability, and sensitivity to insults. As a child, Sasha can be touchy, but as he grows up, he will turn into a psychologically tempered man capable of heroism;

Summer. Alexander, born at this time, will be a wonderful lover; he is promised popularity and success with beautiful ladies. This will also cause problems because most relationships can be short-term;

Autumn. Character traits include balance, but also frivolity. Having done something stupid, he may begin to regret it and want to fix everything. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage;

Winter. Winter meaning gives inconsistency, imbalance, impetuosity. Chaotic thoughts are present both in his hobbies and in life, but this does not prevent Alexander from experiencing the joy of being.

As a child, Sasha often gets sick, but this does not interfere with the manifestation of his leadership abilities. From an early age, he has a need for his own advantage over others. He is not particularly interested in studying, but creative activity is even very interesting. He is an artistic and creative person, able to be the center of attention and lead the group. Hobbies may include sports or dancing. Alexander is characterized by attachment to his mother, whose support he will always need. IN adolescence he is characterized by maximalism, a normal reaction to criticism, and the absence of complexes.

Weak points can be called nervous system, digestive tract, respiratory organs. That’s why it’s so important to play sports, lead the right healthy image life and harden. But it’s better to stay away from alcohol, otherwise it can become an addiction. A man with this name will good leader, diplomat, organizer and economist. Because it can take advantage of different situations. The following fields of activity are also suitable: journalism, commerce, law, design, acting. However, the best niche is own business, where you don’t need to depend on someone.

The character and fate of Alexander in his personal life

Alexander is characterized by increased sexuality, but he clearly distinguishes between love and bed relationships. He can easily cheat on his wife without seeing anything wrong with it. He attributes everything to physiology and simply calls sex a sport. Sasha is amorous, and women are crazy about him. He knows how to speak pleasant and beautiful compliments, one can only dream of his gallantry. It is not always easy to bring a relationship to marriage, because he can grow cold towards the object of attraction after he achieves his goal. Alexander is a sensual and wonderful lover. He is very attentive and tries to please the woman, while not forgetting about himself.

The most successful names in terms of compatibility: Anna, Varvara, Veronica, Valentina, Daria, Lyubov, Maria, Oksana, Zoya, Elizaveta, Inna, Natalya, Irina, Nadezhda, Polina, Tamara, Roxana, Nelly. But difficulties in relationships may arise with the Alevtins, Svetlanas, Ekaterinas, Zinaidas, Elenas, Lydias.

As his wife, Alexander will choose a strong and self-confident woman who will surround him with care and love. In marriage, Sasha needs support and understanding. But sometimes it is useless to fight betrayal; you can only accept it or not. But it all depends on the person. Everyone is individual, so you can’t assume that everyone will change. There is a possibility, but not necessarily.

Alexander will be the head of the family. Will love, adore and tenderly take care of your spouse, as well as loved ones. Sasha loves children very much and will try to raise them well. And if a divorce suddenly happens, he will never leave them and will help them financially. He can give a decent upbringing not only to his own children, but also to his adopted ones.

Before choosing a name for your future baby, you need to think. After all, it can influence fate. Of course, all people are different and some traits may be inherent in a person or completely absent. They can't all be the same. But learning about the origin and meaning of the name will definitely not be superfluous. Alexander – sounds beautiful and noble.

Origin and meaning of the name Alexander: protector of people, protective husband (ancient Greek).

Energy and Karma:

If not for its excessive prevalence, the name Alexander could have become one of the most powerful.

According to the energy of its sound, it endows its owner with self-confident strength, assertiveness, and can even incline him to show condescension and sometimes arrogance. The energy of the name is further enhanced by such images of Alexander’s famous namesakes as Macedonsky, Nevsky, Suvorov, three Russian emperors and many others.

Secrets of communication:

When communicating with Alexander, it would be good not to forget about his innate impulse for leadership. Even if in front of you is an unfulfilled, complex Alexander, try to talk about the area where he managed to achieve some success. This will put him in a good mood for conversation. Just don't flatter! When you simply acknowledge his competence in an area he is familiar with, he is more likely to be sympathetic to your point of view.

  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius.
  • Planet: Saturn.
  • Name colors: red, light green, light brown, sometimes steel.
  • Talisman stone named after Alexander:

Alexandrite, which changes colors from green in daylight to red in evening light.

Meaning of the name Alexander option 2

The secret of the name Alexander - “courageous protector” (Greek)

He is always decisive, smart, witty and sociable. But he is often quick-tempered, impudent, harsh, and does not respect the bounds of decency. Anyone who tries to influence him from a position of strength does not expect success.

By nature, Alexander is an introvert, tries to escape from reality, hides in his subconscious. He has a vivid imagination and incredible curiosity. Has a synthetic way of thinking and a reliable memory. Justifies his actions and deeds in advance, especially when he deserves condemnation. At first glance, he has remarkable willpower, and he can make every effort to achieve a goal, but in his determination there is still a certain amount of doubt and unsteadiness. He experiences fear of the unknown and is often and unreasonably afraid of failure. There is some restlessness in persistence, which determines the fickleness of character.

The speed of Alexander's reaction to events is so great that it sometimes takes the form of escaping from unwanted situations. And then he even gives the impression of a frivolous person. It is difficult to understand him, he is too independent, although he strives for a haven where he can find care and safety. The true face is revealed only after actions that contradict moral standards. Then he breaks the veil of mystery and seeks help from friends. He perceives friendship deeply, often passionate love develops into strong friendship, but this offends many women.

Alexander is quite active, but he tries to give the impression that work in production is tiring for him, and he dreams of returning home, where he can do whatever he wants. In fact, the wife has to wait a long time for him to return home from work. Often looking for something incredible and passing by a real opportunity. Luck and good fortune help you escape from unpleasant situations. This man needs a strong partner all his life - be it a mother or a wife.

Alexander is not attracted to science, and if he is, it is only for the sake of personal ambitions. This is the type of independent loner who cannot stand pedagogical process in a school where you have to study under duress. Has an artistic nature. He can become a talented actor, director, entertainer, radio and television worker, but he can also be a lonely traveler, sailor, lawyer. Artists or journalists with the name Alexander are able to reproduce the image of a person with extraordinary truthfulness.

Alexander's health is not very strong. He gets overtired easily. He should take care of his stomach and intestines. His sexuality is mainly mental in nature. He tends to dream about love instead of living it. His sensuality carries something childish with a subconscious craving for maternal warmth.

“Winter” Alexander is unbalanced, his interests are disordered.

“Autumn” is more balanced, but no less reckless. He can do a lot of stupid things, but then, after analyzing, persistently correct the situation. Alexander could make a good entrepreneur or trade worker. The name matches patronymics: Sergeevich, Mikhailovich, Filippovich, Anatolyevich, Emmanuilovich, Grigorievich, Valentinovich, Yakovlevich.

“Summer” Alexander is a tireless seeker of love adventures, which leads him to trouble. An excellent graphic artist and writer.

“Spring” Alexander is a poetic person. Cheerful, smart, reckless. But also touchy and sensitive. The name matches patronymics: Dmitrievich, Bogdanovich, Stanislavovich, Vladislavovich, Evgenievich, Danilovich.

Meaning of the name Alexander option 3

1. Personality. Those who hide.

2. Character. 86%.

3. Radiation. 83%.

4. Vibration. 75,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Blue.

6. The main features of the name Alexander: intuition - will - activity.

7. Totem plant. Lilac.

8. Totem animal. Crab.

9. Sign. Cancer.

10. Type. To understand the Aleksandrovs, you need to remember that their totem animal is a crab, which attacks with its claws, backs away, drags its victim, and if the fight is unequal, buries itself in the sand.

11. Psyche. Introverts, this means that they are more deep within themselves, running away from reality, hiding in the sands of their subconscious. They have a vivid imagination. Alexandras often try to justify their actions in advance, especially when they are scared or afraid of condemnation.

12. Will. At first glance, they are very strong, but in their determination there is some instability and unsteadiness.

13. Excitability. In Alexander’s persistence one senses some kind of anxiety, which emphasizes some inconstancy of character.

14. Reaction speed. They take friendship very seriously, and often passionate love degenerates into friendship, which not all women like. They experience fear and fear failure, most often unreasonably.

15. Field of activity. They are not attracted to science, or rather, Alexander studies for himself. This is a type of independent loners who do not tolerate the pedagogical process well; they do not tolerate coercion. Artistic natures. Alexander can become a talented actor, director, entertainer, and television worker. Among them are travelers, sailors, lawyers, people who have retired from the society they reject, and an engineer installing and configuring computer networks.

16. Intuition. Female type.

17. Intelligence. Synthetic type of thinking. They have a reliable memory and a simply frightening curiosity.

18. Receptivity. They are difficult to understand, they are very independent, although they strive to find a refuge where they could find care and peace.

19. Morality. Alexander is capable of questionable actions.

20. Health. Average, easily overtired. They suffer from stomach diseases, so they must take care of their digestion.

21. Sexuality. Their sexuality is largely speculative. They tend to dream about love instead of living it. There is something childish in their sensuality, with a subconscious craving for maternal warmth.

22. Activity. It's not theirs strong point. Sometimes it seems that, while working, Alexander only dreams of returning home, where he can do what he likes... or do nothing at all!

23. Sociability. They often expect something impossible from friendship. Luck, a happy accident helps them get out of unpleasant situations.

24. Conclusion. All his life, Alexander has been looking for support in a strong partner - be it a mother or a wife.

Meaning of the name Alexander option 4

The male name Alexander comes from ancient greek words“aleko - to protect and “andros” - husband, man, that is, “protector of people.”

As children, Alexandra often gets sick, but as teenagers they play a lot of sports and grow up to be quite strong and purposeful men.

Alexander is able to achieve his goals, they make good leaders who know how to manage a team and pay tribute to capable, gifted employees. They enjoy a reputation as fair people. They like to drink, when intoxicated they become boastful and lose control of themselves. It is not easy, and sometimes almost impossible, to persuade the self-confident Alexander to drink less; he is often “ahead of the circle,” that is, he drinks even before others have been given a drink. However, a strong life shock can turn him away from his love of alcohol forever.

In relationships with women, Alexander first of all strives to be charming. It is rare to meet such a friendly and helpful man as Alexander. Offering a hand, helping to put on a coat, buying a bouquet of flowers - this has become a habit for him. Alexander's main weapon is a compliment. No, Alexander is not playing, he really believes in the sincerity of his compliments, as well as in the truth of his declarations of love. The trouble is that, having vowed to love forever, Alexander, after some time, with the same fervor and faith in the feeling that gripped him, will swear to another woman.

Alexandra, born in summer, are madly in love with children, including strangers, “winter”, “spring” and “autumn” Alexandras are more restrained towards children.

Alexandras with patronymics Nikolaevich, Vladislavovich, Dmitrievich, Olegovich, Borisovich, Semenovich belong to complex natures.

The most successful marriages are with Agnessa, Alina, Anna, Bertha, Bogdana, Valentina, Wanda, Varvara, Venus, Vera, Veronica, Veta, Gelena, Daria, Juliet, Elizaveta, Zoya, Inna, Irina, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Maria, Nadezhda, Natalia, Nellie, Oksana, Polina, Roxana, Tamara.

The likelihood of Alexander's unsuccessful marriage is high with Alevtina, Vladlena, Danuta, Ekaterina, Elena, Zinaida, Lydia, Svetlana.

Meaning of the name Alexander option 5

The name Alexander basically corresponds to a sanguine temperament with a bias towards choleric. Nobility, openness of mood, ease of dealing with people are characteristic of this name; lightness, but not superficiality.

Signs of the name Alexander also include warmth and kindness. In relation to women - courtesy, courtesy, turning without delay and internal emphasis into courtship, but usually due to courtesy, as something that is accepted, implied and expected: as a readiness to quickly pay tribute, and it has an internal measure to remain within the limits of the lung a flirtation that ends as quickly as it begins. These relationships, like relationships with people in general, do not explode the inner life with the plow; if they cannot be said to be sliding on the surface, then perhaps the most correct word would be “rolling”: just like two touching shafts conscientiously rotate each other, without testing suffering from this temporary contact, but also longing when the contact comes to an end.

With a gear clutch, each of the wheels needs to rotate in rhythm with the other or move away so as not to be broken, but when the shafts slide, this correspondence of speeds may not exist; and each of the shafts is almost indifferent to how the one in contact with it rotates. This is about the life relationships of the Alexanders, but also about mental contacts. There is the same flexibility and readiness, as well as the same indifference or, rather, the same refusal to let thoughts get under the skin. Alexandrov's mind is clear and sober, slightly ironic, quick and versatile. But this is a mind self-satisfied with its harmony, and it is afraid of questions that tear apart the depths and can, naturally, upset the established balance. Therefore, this mind is quite broad, but self-protecting from the pathos of comprehensiveness - strong and fast, but without spiritual onslaught; rightly weighing a lot, but not delving into the depths - not so much because he cannot, but to protect himself from shock.

The nobility of this spiritual disposition, chivalry, is not a flash and impulse, but an inclination, formalized like a rule, and therefore easily takes on a somewhat artificial character. Then this nobility is programmatic and abstract, but not as a mask of deceit, but rather as a sincerely valued role, which must be held on partly out of pride. The readiness to stand up for any truth is too formal, and the truth in general may not be true for the Alexanders, in particular, in specific life. Some coldness of mind, for the sake of maintaining harmony, is compensated by affectation.

This “in general” in character makes it typical of great people, it is most characteristic of them, for “in general”, said in a full voice - and this is how it is said by the greats - becomes universal and truly human. The name Alexander wants to be a microcosm 1 and, when it receives sufficient nutritious material for decoration, it becomes that: a genius. But this harmony and self-satisfaction of the name may not be within the capabilities of everyone: not having the strength to become even greater, he, despite desire, reaches for greatness. Baobab in flower pot- everything is a baobab, although it is starved and frail, but if someone said that in these conditions it is better for it to be only a radish, he probably would not be mistaken. However, his advice would be in vain. So Alexander is Alexander. But the “greatness” in small sizes, the “greatness” of ordinary Alexanders, comes from the dwarf trees of Japanese gardens.

Alexanders usually have some subtle detachment from life. Some of their thinnest, almost invisible hair roots are cut off, but these roots are essential for nutrition: they go into the depths of life, into other worlds. Hence there is a certain bias towards abstract principles, constructing life according to schemes, rationalization, albeit in a very subtle form: Alexander is distracted not by the will to rationalism, not by the heat of self-affirming reason, but due to the lack of the principles of life that feed him; his rationalism is not positive, but negative. Therefore, this subtle rationalism is devoid of offensive energy, fanaticism, passion, reveals a readiness for flexibility and compliance, is soft or, more precisely, elastic and convenient for everyday life. The very programmatic nature of the Alexandrovs, which was mentioned above, has its source in the absence of sufficiently close contact with space; Alexander does not see his deliberateness, because he does not have an influx from the outside, the existential viscosity of which would oppose his behavior according to schemes: he takes abstract schemes as a basis, again not out of special love for them, but due to the lack of initial life impressions from the depths. And he evaluates his deliberateness not as insincerity, but as life remplis sage2 of the best kind - and from remplis sage this is really the best outcome; in fact, if I do not have inspiration to act, but it is necessary to act, then deliberate nobility is preferable to the same ignobility.

The great Alexander, being a microcosm, would have found in himself the sources of the desired solutions; little Sasha, also self-contained, must look for sources within himself, and the decision naturally comes from reason - schematic and abstract, but still harmonious as much as a rational decision can be harmonious.

In connection with that property for which there is no more suitable name than abstraction, although this name is not entirely successful, the name Alexander imparts legislation to the personality. Not by the will to power, but by his supra-vital and partly extra-vital structure, Alexander easily becomes the center of certain norms for those around him and sits, being seated or claiming to be seated, on some rostrum. This shows Alexander’s self-isolation and self-sufficiency noted above: he is a monad3 that has no windows...

IN large sizes this property of sufficiency is a condition of genius. In the small ones - some kind of unadaptability to life, although in a more subtle sense than external success; Alexander’s business and life are accompanied by success, even much above average, but it does not cancel the more subtle impression of some kind of unluckiness, or incompleteness.

However, whether it is genius or life’s disorganization, both of them, as a property of the monad, lead to inner loneliness. Friends and beloved comrades, valuable interlocutors and welcome guests in relation to everyone and in general, the Alexandras cannot and do not want to become such in particular and in relation to only one person; such uniqueness would demandingly invade their harmonious little world and would open the windows that should be in it is closed. The best friends that can exist, Alexandras are not the essence best friends, precisely because they are not the essence, because they, like round ones, roll towards everyone, not sticking into anyone with a sharp edge, but also not catching on anyone. Perhaps friendship, like cement, needs suffering, and where everything is smooth, there is no soil for unification that tears apart the monadic shells. The pleasantness of the Alexanders in general does not allow them to be completely close and completely open in particular: such closeness is always accompanied by a tragic sound, and tragedy and Dionysus4 are inseparable from each other. The Alexanders do not want Dionysus, as it is directly opposed to their already given integrity. Closeness to the end seems both shy and unfair to Alexander, and, moreover, affected. It is worthy of note that they recognize real affect in the style of French tragedies when it is conscious, and they are afraid, like affected people, of the excesses of life when they are spontaneous - they are afraid of Greek tragedy.

Due to their self-sufficiency, due to the monarchical nature of their nature, Alexanders can be very torturous5, generous and magnanimous; they can sacrifice their own without hesitation. But they are little inclined to sacrifice themselves, and this, when close to them, creates a barrier to very close communication, and vice versa - hence their feeling of detachment. Lively and cheerful on the surface, inside they harbor trickles of pessimism. Despite the successes, despite universal recognition, they are not satisfied: something important is still missing. But this pessimism of theirs is neither a theoretical conviction, which, on the contrary, is rather optimistic, nor an organic pain, but something secondary and derivative, although necessary: ​​an inseparable shadow of their self-sufficiency.

As a result: Alexander is not the deepest name, but the most harmonious, the most internally proportional.

1 Microcosm - man as a likeness, reflection, symbol of the Universe of the macrocosm.

2 Highest wisdom (French).

3 Monad - unit, one.

4 On behalf of Dionysus - in ancient Greek mythology, the god of wine and fun.

5 Torovaty - efficient, dexterous, generous.

Meaning of the name Alexander option 6

Men named Alexander are kind, sexually anxious, play well and win at gambling. The nature of this man is smart, subtle and therefore loved by everyone - women, men, and children.

Contact, often witty, sometimes irritable.

As a child, Sasha suffered from pulmonary diseases.

Alexander knows how to gather himself internally, he also has a need for self-expression, capturing space, and has self-discipline. Knows how to mobilize on time.

Quickly grasps specifics, orients himself very quickly, self-confident and brave. Sometimes he acts recklessly and riskily. Alexander has strong emotions and changes in hobbies.

Meaning of the name Alexander option 7

Alexander - from Greek courageous defender; colloquially Lexander.

Derivatives: Alexandrushka, Alexanya, Sanya, Sanyura, Sanyuta, Sanyukha, Sanyusha, Apeksakha, Aleksasha, Sasha, Sashukha, Sashulya, Sashunya, Sashuta, Sashura, Shura, Shurunya, Alexa, Aleksyukha, Aleksyusha, Alya, Lexa, Lexanya, Lexasha.

Name days: March 8, 22, 26, 28, 29, April 23, 30, May 3, 26, June 2, 15, 22, 23, July 16, 22, 23, August 14, 24, 25, September 12, 11 October, 4, 22 November, 6, 25 December.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

On the night of August 25, on the day of Alexander the Martyr, various ghosts haunt the graves; whistles, howls and songs are heard; a white horse runs; whoever dares to saddle him, the horse will carry him to the cemetery - and at the first crow of the rooster it will be not the horse, but a tombstone that will be under the rider.


Alexander can be very generous and magnanimous, he can sacrifice his property without hesitation, but he is little inclined to sacrifice himself, and this creates, when close to him, a barrier to close communication. Despite success in business, study, creativity, and universal recognition, they are constantly unsatisfied: something important is still missing.

Alexander is artistic, always seeming to play a certain role, waiting for the moment when he can become himself. To his amazement, such a moment may not come at all: after all, fate always brings Alexander to the rapids of life! He tends to dream of love rather than love. It’s not easy for women to live with a man with that name!

Meaning of the name Alexander option 8

From the library of names: Alexander is the protector of people (Greek names).

Name day: March 8 - St. Alexander (5th century), having left the military career, took monasticism, founded nine monasteries and was the first to establish in them the rite of “non-sleeping”, that is, constantly, day and night, performing divine services.

August 25 - Holy Hieromartyr Alexander, Bishop of Koman, by the direction of God, was elected bishop from among the coal sellers; pleased God with humility and good deeds; died as a martyr for the faith of Christ in the 3rd century. December 6 is the memory of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky, who secured the western borders of Rus' with victories over the Swedes (Battle of the Neva, 1240) and German knights (Battle of the Ice, 1241).

  • Zodiac sign - Taurus.
  • Planet - Venus.
  • Blue color.
  • The auspicious tree is chestnut.
  • The treasured plant is gladiolus.
  • The patron of the name Alexander is the bull.
  • The talisman stone is alexandrite.


Alexander is so deep in himself that he strives to escape from reality, hiding in the depths of his subconscious. Or, if he has the courage, he will try to remake this reality, adjust it to himself; And he won’t stop until he breaks things.

He is artistic, always seems to play some vital role, looking forward to the moment when he can become himself. To his amazement, such a moment may not come at all: after all, fate always takes Alexander to the rapids of life!

Alexander is inclined to dream of love, rather than to love. It’s not easy for women with him!

Meaning of the name Alexander option 9

Alexander is a man of action. Sober-minded, slightly ironic, easy to communicate with people, kind and warm-hearted. By temperament, most often - sanguine. An excellent athlete, Alexander is most interested in football.

Talented. Among the Alexanders there are many brilliant poets, generals, and scientists. The range of application of their abilities is very wide. However, he is rarely satisfied with what has been achieved. He is considerate with women, but never opens up to them. For his wife, he always remains a mystery.

Not a bad leader, but a lot depends on his patronymic. For example, it is undesirable for Alexander Nikolaevich to occupy a leadership position; he is powerful and unpredictable.

Alexander is straightforward, proud, and never humiliates himself.
