What to do with chanterelles mushrooms after collecting. Roasted chanterelles: recipes. The composition and benefit of chanterelles

Many hostesses will be useful to learn how to harvest chanterelles for the winter. The article contains the best recipes for the preparation of these mushrooms: method of freezing, drying, marinations, pre-frying and oiling.

: Frozen chanterelles

Many hostesses prefer precisely this variant of the workpiece. This method allows you to defrost mushrooms in winter and make any dish of them.


  • chanterelles;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

We take fresh chanterelles, clean them from dirt and leaves, rinse in warm water. After that, we take a saucepan, we recruit clean water, bring to a boil. After that, add a small amount of salt: two tablespoons per liter of water. I bring to a boil.

Lunch mushrooms in boiling water and cook for five minutes. We throw foxes on a colander, faster water and put a slightly boiled mushrooms on a napkin or a wafer towel to a complete cooling.

Freezing mushrooms should be carried out in the freezer. Before that, they should be placed on a wooden donyshko or in a plastic container, and then into a plastic bag.

Important: freeze chanterelles (in principle, like most mushrooms) cannot be reused. This will negatively affect their taste.

For freezing Only fresh, clean and young mushrooms should be used.

Recipe 2: Dried Chanterelles

Dried mushrooms are able to give an incredible aroma to any dish. Of these, you can cook soup, and pre-operated in water and roasted chanterelles are perfectly combined with vegetables, potatoes.

The most optimal and accessible to each option is the drying of mushrooms in the oven. It is important to observe the temperature (on average, 55 degrees), so the oven must be equipped with a thermometer.

Technology is simple. First, every mushroom is cleaned, my and dry. After that, lay out the foxes on the lattice or counter. It is necessary to provide ventilation, so if the oven is not equipped with a fan, leave the door ajar.

For uniform drying, it is possible to periodically shift the mushrooms, turn them. First, we set the temperature of 40 degrees (by dry minutes 10), then rising to 55-60. Duration of drying depends on how big chanterelles have.

In general, it is guided by the appearance - they must hardly harm themselves. In the process, ready-made mushrooms can be removed from the oven, leaving the rest.

Keep dried foxes need in a dry and dark room. Fabric bags, cardboard boxes or glassware are perfectly retaining the quality of chanterelles for several years. If during the storage process, the part of the fungi will unsubscribe, they must be removed from the container.

Recipe 3: pickled chanterelles

The snack is very piquant, it is perfect for all types of garnings.


  • 1 kg. chanterelles;
  • 4-6 cloves of garlic;
  • seasoning (bay leaf, black pepper peas, carnation);
  • sugar, salt;
  • 100 ml. vinegar.

Cooking method:

First, purified chanterelles are drunk (10 minutes). For the taste of finished mushrooms to get better, we drain the water from the tank and we blow them with clean hot water. After that, add spices, salt and sugar. Cook for 15 minutes. Add vinegar.

Preparing banks. Sterilize them, put garlic cloves on the bottom, carnation. Lay out chanterelles, pour marinade. After cooling, we put in a cold place. It will be more correct to preserve chanterelles in banks within five hours, after that a snack can be tasted.

Recipe 4: Fried Chanterelles for Winter

A white mushroom fried in oil perfectly combined with potatoes, and chanterelles - also with stewed vegetables, while not interrupting their taste.


  • 1 kg. chanterelles;
  • 2 medium bulbs;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 100 g. Butter.

Cooking method:

First, purified mushrooms boil. Then, on medium fire, fry on each side. Onions cut the medium cubes and fry in a separate pan. Add mushrooms, salt and pepper to it.

Creamy oil calm and fill the bottom prepared sterilized bank. We lay out layers: mushrooms and onions, then a layer of butter and so to the top of the jars. The last layer should be oil. Store in the refrigerator.

Recipe 5: Salted chanterelles

Soldering is the easiest and most popular method of harvesting mushrooms. Salted chanterelles are well combined with hot and cold dishes, indispensable on the festive table.


  • 2 kg. mushrooms;
  • 100 g. Salt;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic.

Cooking method:

Prepared chanterelles omit in boiling water and cook 10-15 minutes. Boiled mushrooms put in a colander, rinse with cold water. Garlic shred. We take a saucepan, by her DNU evenly distribute salt and garlic, laying the mushrooms down with the hats on top.

We repeat the salt and garlic layer, then again layer of chanterelles. We alternate until mushrooms end. Put foxes with a stone press and leave for a month in a dark cool place. Then we distribute them to banks and store in the refrigerator.

We described the simplest and delicious options for a blank of chanterelles for the winter. Having these five recipes in arsenal, each hostess gets the opportunity to diversify the diet of their households during the cold season.

Need to create a culinary masterpiece? Look for stores on stores or in the forest more often chanterelles, one of the most taller and useful mushrooms. A taste of nut, fruit, pepper notes will make each dish especially interesting. The methods of cooking these mushrooms is a whole assortment. They are fry, cook, stew, bake, marinate, dried. Learn how to cook them in our article!

About benefit

How to cook?

Chanterelles are considered one of the safest mushrooms, but still it is necessary not to disturb the conditions of storage. The temperature above 10 ° C is allowed only if these mushrooms are prepared within 24 hours. The red mushrooms are 80% consisting of liquid, which means it is necessary to know something about their proper cooking. For mushrooms not rubber and have not reminded to taste mustard, do not make mistakes.

Before cooking mushrooms are thoroughly washed from sand, garbage is removed. It is very important to trim the legs properly. Their tips must be cut, otherwise your dish will be too bitter. For mushrooms do not resemble rubber, it is necessary to evaporate all the excess liquid from mushrooms. Then they are not long extinguished: about 5-7 minutes. If you want to cook soup, then chanterelles need to soak in hot water for 2 hours or pour boiling water for 20-30 minutes. To other ingredients, mushrooms are added at the end of cooking. 5 minutes should be enough to prepare them in the soup.

As you already know, this variety mushrooms can not be stored for a long time at room temperature, but they can be sent straight to the freezer. Frozen chanterelles do not lose their special taste. But before hot, such mushrooms must be pre-defrosting. Put them inside the deep tank, leave at room temperature until full defrost. Time does not need a lot. Be sure to merge the resulting water. When the mushrooms get sick a little, start cooking them. Remember that re-freeze them is not the best idea.

Chanterelles are perfectly combined with fried pork and beef, garlic, potatoes, sour cream and sicden sicaps. Of the red mushrooms, the first, and second dishes, salads, and even snacks are equally tasty. Today we will offer you some of the most successful recipes.

Classic stewed chanterelles

How to cook:

  • In the scenery of heating oil and pour mushrooms.
  • Maski 10 minutes, stirring evenly until the liquid evaporates.
  • A few minutes before full prepaid, add salt. Watch that the chanterelles are not burned, they must have caramel color.

Chanterelles with sour cream

How to cook:

  • Large chanterelles cut, left as it is.
  • Warm mushrooms for 10-15 minutes, then translate.
  • Heathing in a pan oil. Mow onions with garlic and fried.
  • Add to the frying pan chanterelles and carcasses for 20 minutes on medium heat.
  • Add sour cream and stir until its consistency becomes cottage.
  • Add salt and pemer, then leaving freshly fine greenery.

Foxes baked in foil

How to cook:

  • Mix salt, pepper, greens, mushrooms and oil in one bowl.
  • Stopped by a foil straight, lay out the mixture and wrap in a foil envelope.
  • Heat the oven to 200ºС and baked mushrooms for 20 minutes. Then cut foil and give it to stand another 5 minutes for another 5 minutes. Mushrooms should find a golden color.

Marinated chanterelles for the winter

How to cook:

  • Blowing boiling water mushrooms and frames for 20 minutes on low heat.
  • Marine from spices, salt, sugar and vinegar mix and bring to a boil.
  • Boiled chanterelles add to hot marinen and put on fire for another 5-7 minutes.
  • Fill out sterilized banks by chanterelles and bouiling ready marinade.
  • Cover lid and sunk.

Chanterelles in a rustic pots

How to cook:

  • Onions cut half rings and fried to translucency.
  • Add focus on a frying pan and fried on fire for 8-10 minutes.
  • Cut the potatoes in small cubes, arbitrarily lit into the breast, the cheese on a large grater.
  • Lichering the pot of the pot so that nothing stuck. Down Put a piece of potatoes, pemer and sustain. Top add meat, potatoes, salt, pepper. Then laid onions and mushrooms.
  • Pouring cream, sprinkle with top with cheese.
  • Bakes in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180ºС.

Sour cream fox

How to cook:

  • Mix the egg with sour cream, then add the softened oil and the pinch of the salt, mix, throw the flour, knead the soft dough, cover it and leave it for 15 minutes. After that, ignion the dough until it stops sticking to the hands.
  • We cut large mushrooms into several parts, and the small leaves as it is.
  • Prehearse butter in a frying pan, lay out mushrooms and sails to shut down.
  • Fascinated mushrooms of finely ordained, one third of them postpone, the rest of the mix with the yolk, sour cream and salt.
  • The dough is divided into two unequal parts. Large rolling into a circle with a thickness of about 8 mm and a diameter is more for a cake. Put on the shape, swimming with flour, make sides.
  • Put on the dough laid a third of the mushrooms, and they have been placed already mixed with sour cream mushrooms.
  • Take a small part of the dough and a cover from above the dish by releasing the edge.
  • Wear a whipped protein top of the cake, sprinkle it in sesame and baked for 20 minutes in a preheated oven to a temperature of 200 ºС. Then brought until readiness at 180 ºС.

Chanterelles are just a miracle mushrooms. Not worm, bright, and very fragrant. Very tasty are fastened fried with onions, with sour cream, with potatoes. Of these mushrooms, a wonderful soup is obtained. Chanterelles can be boiled and freeze for the winter, as well as put it. But, probably, the easiest and fastest recipe is fox fried.

Despite its small calorics, per 100 grams of chanterelles have only 20 kilocalories, these mushrooms are an excellent main dish, not spoiling a figure that contributes to maintaining weight. The amount of proteins / fats / carbohydrates is 2/1/1 grams, including 7 grams of fiber. The chanterelle almost 90% consists of water.


Lisuki Mushrooms - 600-1000 grams

Onion Straight - 2 pieces

Butter Vegetable or butter - for frying


How to fry chanterelles

1 . Fassels thoroughly clean from forest sera and land. You can soak them for a couple of hours, then the sinks will be left much easier, and most of the garbage just pop up on the surface of the water. Mushrooms rinse, throw back on the colander and give them to dry.

. Cut the chanterelles better by large pieces, as they are very horrible.

. Onions clean and cut into any convenient way. Slightly fry in a frying pan with butter. It turns out very tasty if frying fasteners with a bow on a mixed oil (creamy + vegetable) or only on creamy oil. As soon as the bow starts to be twisted, add mushrooms.

4 . Salt, mix and leave to roast on medium heat. Chanterelles will give juice. You need to wait until he evaporates. Turn off the fire, cover the frying pan with a lid and give foxes to stand another 10 minutes.

Delicious fried chanterelles are ready

Bon Appetit!

Fox fried

Chanterelles are beautiful red mushrooms with a wonderful taste and smell. They, despite their small sizes, contain a number of microelements and vitamins that can prevent some diseases, saturate the body by force and health, improve the overall well-being of a person and, of course, satisfy hunger and satisfy taste receptors.

The benefits of mushrooms Lisichek

Chanterelles are very helpful In case of diseases of the liver, they also have a beneficial effect in the diseases of the intestine and the stomach. For example, chanterelles are perfectly struggling with meteorism, constipation and stomach disorders, they help restore appetite. Also, these mushrooms are saturated with blood, are an excellent preventive tool of anemia (anemia), and accordingly, dizziness associated with this disease. Decractions from chanterelles help restore the beauty of the skin, get rid of the ulcers on its surface, get rid of papilloma, allergic reactions. Frequent use of chanterelles makes it possible to normalize the nervous system, vitamins and elements included in the mushroom, stabilize the operation and soothe the CNS.

Chanterelles are shown in vision problems, they can be used as prophylaxis when working with computers, to quickly normalize vision. Excellent mushrooms cope with different manifestations of headaches caused by intraocular pressure. Many manifestations of eye diseases, for example: dryness and burning, inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane can be removed by using chanterelles systematically.

Features of cooking fried chanterelles:

  • Before roasting chanterelles, cook them is not necessary. If the mushroom is fresh and young, it should simply be muck into a slightly salted water, and then, drying a little, throw on the pan with a bow.
  • If the mushrooms were dried or lay for a long time, leaning them before roasting them for 15-20 minutes on small fire. To return the beautiful yellow color of mushrooms, drip into the water after changing the foxes of a few drops of lemon juice.
  • So after cooking the dish was more sweet, frying mushrooms on creamy oil. First pass onions in sunflower oil for 5 minutes. Then put it on a frying pan on which the butter is melted, and immediately throw the chanterelles.
  • Prepare chanterelles with different spices. Particularly suitable: oregano, dried basil, paprika or marjora, you can put a little lemon or orange zest to create a special spicy notch. The chanterelles are perfectly combined with sour cream and parsley greens, become soft and juicy.
  • From fire foxes should be removed when they acquire a rich redhead. If you remember the mushroom, it will become dark and dry.

Fried foxes - Delicious dish! Be sure to treat your close to these useful solar mushrooms.

Tell me how to cook them correctly, cook, fry? Or some kind of original recipe. Thank you.

  1. Fry finely chopped onions, and there are chanterelles. Do not cut. Fry half an hour, add sour cream to a plate to taste. Just do not cook!
  2. First you need to cut the fox with rounds ...
  3. cook you need delicious)))
  4. solve and fry on unrefined oil with an onion and indestructible.

  5. Ingredients:
  6. chanterelles 0,5 kg Onions Loke 2 pcs. Greens Parsley 1/2 Bunch of Boiled Potatoes Salt Potatoes Creamy Butter

    Method of preparation: This year, Mother Nature pleases us with his gifts - mushrooms were granted to glory. The most popular to this day are of course and all your favorite messages. It is them today and we suggest to prepare according to a special recipe. Clearly cleaned, releasing and dry, flushing with a napkin. Small mushrooms leave whole, large cut. Preheat butter in a frying pan. Stay there chanterelles and fry on medium heat until they stop allocating juice. Flap onions finely cut. In a separate scheme, fry it to transparency in butter. Before removing the onions from the plate, add to it a narrow green parsley. Boil young potatoes, put it on a center on a large dish, pour fuel with creamy oil and sprinkle with fresh greens. Chanterelles mix with onions and parsley and lay out around potatoes. Bon Appetit!

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  7. To begin with, they must be cleaned and rinsed. Then boil, at least 40 minutes (when the mushrooms are devouted on the bottom). And after you can create with them that your soul is pleased. Wherever I put meat, put mushrooms.
  8. Chanterelles need to rinse and put in salted water 10-15 minutes. Pour water and put in a pan, where on the vegetable oil is a frying onion. You can add potatoes and greens.
  9. Salad from foxes with breadcrumbs
  10. Lischek - 200 g

    Vegetable oil - 50 g

    Suharai - 30 g

    Take the chanterelles to go through, clean and rinse. Then they need to be booked in salted water with spices and cut into small pieces. Mushrooms sprinkle with breadcrumbs and fill with vegetable oil. Ready to decorate with a sliced \u200b\u200blemon.

  11. Clear cleaners, rinse, boil in salted water. Water merge, chanterelles cut, add finely chopped onions and sour cream. Mix. There are hot boiled potatoes.
  12. Frittath with chanterelles
  13. Required products: chanterelles - 700 g, - 4 pcs., Butter - 60 g, olive oil - 4 tbsp. Spoons, garlic - 1 slicing, juice of half lemon, dill, regiment, basil, chopping dry oregano, freshly ground black pepper, sea salt.

    Mushrooms clean and wash. Garlic cut into thin plates. In a frying pan with a thick bottom, heat 30 g of cream and 2 tbsp. Spoons of olive oil and slightly fry garlic. Add mushrooms and fry on high heat 3-4 minutes, then salute, pepper and sprinkle dry oregano. Finely cut down dill, basil, regiment and half of the greenery add to mushrooms. Fry another 3-4 minutes. Then sprinkle the fungi remaining greens, add lemon juice and remove from the fire. In the heatowal form, melt 30 g of the creamy and 2 tbsp. Spoons of olive oil. Hanging eggs to beat eggs. Share mushrooms in shape, pour eggs and hold on slow heat so that the eggs are grabbed. Then send Frittatat to the oven preheated to 230 degrees for another 1-2 minutes.

  14. And what are the chanterelles?!

Roasted chanterelles - chanterelles. Preparing home recipe Sergei Gaurenko

I wonder if there are many people who, having heard the word "chantech", will imagine red, chitromord animal with a fluffy tail, the hero of popular children's fairy tales? The overwhelming majority know that chanterelle is a light orange forest mushroom, an extraordinarily delicious, growing in our forests abundantly, literally fields. I, for example, in front of the eyes of a bright green carpet of forest moss, and protruding orange waterquarters of chanterelles. Chanterelle (lat. Cantharellus Cibarius) - edible mushroom, with a leg turned into a hat without visible border. Color from light yellow to dense-orange.

The flesh of the mushroom is dense, fibrous. With an acidic taste. It grows almost everywhere in the forests of moderate climate. More often in coniferous forests, or mixed. Mushrooms grow large groups, and usually appear after heavy rains. Unfortunately, chanterelles are inedible, and poisonous.

But real chanterelles are delicious mushrooms with high nutritional value. Important property of chanterelles - they are not worm.

Chanterelles can be prepared almost like anything: fry, boil, put it, pick up or spray. But the most delicious chanterelles are fried. Especially with the bow and a small number of spices, or even with their absence. By and large, chanterelle can not even boil early. But for insurance, they usually be bore are a bit, literally 15 minutes. But just fried chanterelles - much more tastier. Especially potato C - chanterelles.

2 tbsp. corn oil

3.5 tbsp. soy sauce

3 tbsp. White wine,

1 tbsp. chicken broth

1 bunch of kinse

3 beam of green onions.

Cooking:Finely cut garlic. Stir the broth, sauce, salt and pepper. Slightly moisten this mixture rice and mix it. Heat oil in a deep pan, fry garlic in it and sliced \u200b\u200brather large mushrooms. Farm on a strong fire for a couple of minutes, pour the wine and, by giving the flame, sticking until the fluid evaporates almost completely. Then add a finely chopped onion and extinguish before evaporation of the entire liquid. Add rice and extinguish a couple more minutes. Turn off the flame, pour the soy mixture, sprinkle with greens and cover with a lid. Let stand for a few minutes.

Vegetable salad with chanterelles


250 g of foxes,

250 g of tomatoes,

12 bow heads (red),

1 garlic clove,

1 tbsp. lemon juice

12 ppm Current lemon zest

1 tbsp. cedar nuts,

3 tbsp. olive oil,

10 g parmesan,

green bow, salt and pepper.


Rinse mushrooms, fry in vegetable oil for about 10 minutes, add chopped garlic, lemon juice, salt, pepper and zest. Let cool. Washed and cut on 4 parts of tomatoes mix with finely chopped onions and pieces (3-4 cm) of a green bow. Mix everything, fill the oil, as desired, stick and add salts and sprinkle with cedar nuts and a grated parmesan.

Fried eggs with chanterelles

Ingredients:4 eggs,

400 g of foxes,

junk head

vegetable oil,

salt pepper.

Cooking:Mushrooms clean, rinse and apply straw or slices. Slip the pan with butter, fry on a good flame onions, add mushrooms, reduce the flame and evaporate the liquid from them. Eggs sweep, spray, pepper. When the mushroom juice is almost evaporated, pour eggs in the pan and fry until the eggs are ready. It is possible to constantly mix the mixture, in which case it is evenly and faster, but the dish will lose a one-piece appearance. Serve with cucumber salad.

Fire sauce (option 1)

Ingredients:200 grams of chanterelles,

2-3 tbsp. White wine,

3-4 tbsp. Fat cream.


Flashing fry, pour on white wine, add cream and evaporate 3-4 minutes.

Fox sauce (option 2)


for meat sauce a little different composition:

tomatoes cubes and without peel,

some red wine and butter.

Cooking:Fassel fasteners, add the remaining ingredients, pass the 10 minutes.

Fox sauce (option 3)


200g chicken fillet

200 g foxes,

1/2 fresh pineapple,

100 g of prunes,

50 g of white wine

100 g of cream.

Cooking:Cut into straw chicken fillet, slightly, slightly, add roasted chanterelles, pineapple and prunes, pour wine and cream and stretch 5-7 minutes. Serve to potatoes, spaghetti or low-fat fish.

Olga Borodina

Add comment (3) Blog

And how to cook fasteners?

Reply prof011-07-09 22:35:42.

Tell me, I cook the chanterelles not the first time, but for some reason there is a light mustard, which spoils the taste. During the error?

Reply Olga Demidova2012-03-27 19:08:15

How exactly do you cook chanterelles? Do you pre-scam them?

Reply keedem.ru2012-03-28 08:05:38

Chanterelles in sour cream with potatoes, recipe for making fungi. Potatoes with mushrooms in sour cream. Recipe C photo, we will tell you how to cook!

Washed chanterelles, cut but not very fine. Onions clean, cut, finely. On the frying frying onions. To him pour chanterelles and fry 5-10 minutes, before evaporation of water from mushrooms. Salt, pepper. After this, add sour cream to mushrooms, mix and stew about 10-15 minutes.

Paint potatoes, cut and fry separately from mushrooms.

Serve potatoes together mushrooms.

Chanterelles. How to fry them - Mother's recipe. From us with photos. »Allndayplus.ru.

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Beautiful chanterelle mushrooms are a delicious and interesting ingredient. Of these, you can make many dishes. They are suitable for cooking, frying. But before cooking, you need to know exactly how to cook chanterelles so that they do not care and not rubber. It is important to correctly prepare them before use. And if everything is done neat and without errors, then chanterelles can be easily roasted with sour cream, potatoes, onions in a frying pan. In the proposed photos and video recipes, it is described in detail, how quickly and delicious cooking fasteners, with what spices they are well combined, for which dishes are suitable.

How to cook chanterelles so that they are not rubber and do not care - recommendations by hostesses

Using chanterelles when cooking any dishes puts most of the hosts in a situation where they do not know all the subtleties of working with the ingredient. If incorrectly prepare mushrooms, they will be pattering. With incorrect cooking, they will become rubber. It is important to remember both the features of working with frozen mushrooms. Before use, it is necessary to definitely defrost at room temperature (not in the microwave, not in cold water). This tip will help remember how to cook frozen chanterelles and do not spoil such a valuable product.

Rules of cooking chanterelles so that they do not care and not rubber

Studying information on how to prepare chanterelles, so as not to be patched, the hosts must remember the correctness of the preparation of any fungi to cook. In obligatory, they need to be thoroughly rinsed from sand, remove trash. But the most important thing is to trim the legs. Its tip must be cut, otherwise the finished dish will give bitterness.

Additionally, the hostess should know and how to prepare chanterelles so that they are not rubber. When frying, you need to wait for a liquid from mushrooms to evaporate. Then they can not extend for a long time: literally 5-7 minutes. Before use for soup, chanterelles need to be soaked in warm water for 2 hours or pour steep boiling water for 20-30 minutes. Add mushrooms to the other ingredients only at the end of cooking. Just 5 minutes enough for baking sheets in the soup.

How to make focusing with sour cream in a frying pan - recipe with step-by-step photos

Chanterelles in sour cream are perfectly suitable for feeding with pasta. The saturated fragrance of mushrooms and their taste will optimally complement the dish and give it a highlight. Find out how to cook chanterelles in the sour cream, you can in the next recipe.

Ingredients for the frying recipe in a frying pan of chanterelles with the addition of sour cream

  • chanterelles - 300 g;
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp.;
  • sliced \u200b\u200bparsley - 2 tbsp.;
  • lemon half juice.

Step-by-step recipe with photos, how to fry foll mushrooms in sour cream

  • Forks frankly before washing fluid from mushrooms, then shifting them into separate dishes.
  • In the pan slightly fry the chilled chili pepper, add a parsley and put out a mixture of 1 minute. Put in the foll of chanterelle.
  • Add sour cream, mix everything.
  • Extinguish a mixture of 3 minutes.
  • How quickly and delicious cooking focused on a pan - step-by-step photo recipe

    Not all hostesses know how to make chanterelles and for what dishes is suitable such ingredient. For example, fried pork or beef mushrooms are very well combined. Choosing how delicious cooking verses, do not forget about the selected seasonings. Complete mushrooms will be able to a small amount of garlic. He will emphasize their originality. Find out how to cook mushrooms for feeding to meat, you can in the next recipe.

    List of ingredients for quick preparation of chanterelles in a pan

    • chanterelles - 400 g;
    • drain. Oil - 4 tbsp.;
    • garlic - 2 teeth.

    Stock Foto Recipe with roasting steps in whole chanterelle frying pan

  • Clean garlic and cut the cloves with thin plates.
  • Put clean chanterelles on a dry frying pan and wait until all the water evaporates. Then add creamy oil and mix the mushrooms well, salt.
  • Add garlic and fry the mixture before the appearance of a crispy crust on the edges of mushrooms.
  • How easy it is easy to make chanterelles with potatoes in a pan - a simple recipe

    The combination of fried potatoes with mushrooms is considered excellent for dinner or lunch. Therefore, many hostesses want to learn how to cook cars with potatoes to please the seven unusual dish. In the next recipe, it is described in detail how to prepare chanterelles in a pan to create a hearty dish.

    List of ingredients for the recipe roasted in the potato frying pan with chanterelles

    • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
    • chanterelles - 400 g;
    • red ground pepper - pinch;
    • leek Shalot - 2 pcs;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • green onions, parsley - a small bundle.

    Simple recipe for roasting on frying pan potatoes and mushrooms of chanterelles

  • Boil potatoes, clean it from the peel.
  • Cut pieces onions.
  • Cut with semiring carrots.
  • Clear chanterelles.
  • Grind greens.
  • Cut into potatoes with circles.
  • Fry potatoes with carrots.
  • Separately fry mushrooms with onions.
  • Add to Mushrooms Green, Red Pepper. Put potatoes in the pan, mix everything.
  • What can be prepared from chanterelles - recipes with photos and video tips for busy hosts

    Choosing among numerous recipes, which can be cooked from chanterelles, you can choose the first, and second dishes, and salads. It's not difficult to make a variety of snacks with them. Assist to learn that the recipes considered below can be prepared from chanterelles.

    Ingredients for easy cooking mushrooms

    • paste - 400 g;
    • chanterelles - 300g;
    • sliced \u200b\u200bparsley, thyme - 2 tbsp.;
    • half juice of lemon;
    • solid cheese - 50 g.

    Convenient recipe for cooking foxes for busy hosts

  • Prepare the required ingredients.
  • Fry chanterelles on a small amount of oil 3-4 minutes. Then drain the water distinguished from mushrooms and shifting their other container. Separately cook noodles.
  • Wash the pan, pour some oil and put chanterelles again. Add crushed bow and greens, fry 2 minutes.
  • Stay in the frying pan boiled noodles, pour everything with lemon juice.
  • Before serving, sprinkle with grated cheese.
  • Simple video recipes cooking dishes from chanterelles

    In the following video, recipes simply and clearly tell us how to cook omelet with chanterelles and how to cook the hearty soup with them. The last recipe describes the features of cooking dishes with mushrooms and meat.

    How to fry chanterelles with onions - detailed recipe with photos

    Cooking chanterelles can not only be sour cream, but also in acute sauce. If desired, the amount of pepper can be reduced. On how to fry chanterelles with original spices, described in the following recipe.

    List of ingredients for frying small mushrooms of chanterelles with adding onion

  • Add a couple of chili pepper pods, sprinkle flax seeds, put a sliced \u200b\u200bparsley.
  • Cook for another 2 minutes.
  • Having studied the considered photos and video recipes, you can quickly and deliciously prepare mushrooms chanterelles with sour cream, potatoes or onions in a frying pan. Be sure to pay attention to the correct preparation of mushrooms so that they do not care how to fry them or boil so that they do not rubber. Useful recommendations and tips will help you learn how to cook chanterelles and in what form they can be served to the table.
