What to do if lawn grass seeds do not germinate? What to do if lawn grass grows unevenly and sparsely? When to sow lawn grass? Sowing lawn grass Germination time of lawn grass

Good afternoon, my dears!

This spring I became the happy owner of a house and 17 acres of land. I'm the only woman in our big family of 5 people. And I’m the only one doing the gardening. You can probably imagine what a huge plot I got. And in order to reduce my work in the garden and bring beauty, I decided to sow 2 acres of land with a lawn. Before this, I already had experience of planting lawn grass seeds at my dacha.

In the store, I consulted with an experienced salesman who suggested I buy lawn grass seeds or a grass mixture from Euro-Seeds LLC. This manufacturer produces as many as 9 types of lawn grass (they all differ from each other). All types were available.

I chose Euro-Sport (Perennial)- this lawn grass can be walked on and is practically not trampled. Of course, if you walk on a freshly sprouted lawn, nothing good will come of it.

Price: 395 rubles.

Weight: 1 kg.

Place of purchase: "Udachny" chain of stores.

Compound : Fescue, Bluegrass, Ryegrass.

Seeding rate: 1 kg per 25-33 sq.m.

How to plant a lawn? I did it like this:

  • I removed the weeds from the freshly plowed soil.
  • Leveled it with a rake.
  • I sowed the seeds and simply distributed them evenly over the ground.
  • I covered it with 3 cm of soil on top.
  • Watered it generously.

The instructions say 1 cm, this is not true - given the rains and winds, this layer of earth is not enough and even 3 cm was not enough. After the first rain, 30% of the lawn grass lay on the surface of the ground. I advise you to fill 5-7 cm on top, it’s more reliable.

How long did it take for the lawn grass to come up?

The seller said that it will rise within a week. This is not true, my lawn sprouted in 2-3 weeks, given that the rains were heavy and the seeds were constantly in a moist environment favorable for germination .

To be honest, at first I even thought that the seeds had lost their viability and was upset, because I wanted to quickly create comfort on the site.

How to deal with bald spots on the lawn?

And after 4 weeks, this “Dalmatian” sprouted on my site. The lawn is growing with bald patches. Of course it's not pretty. I bought the second pack and will sow the neighboring plot with a lawn, or rather my fruit and berry garden.

And next spring I’ll patch up the bald spots with a new portion of lawn grass.

The grass is tough, relatively speaking. Bright green, juicy in appearance - basically beautiful. It should be thoroughly washed with water.


Budget lawn grass that sprouts within 2 weeks. It is practically not trampled on - sometimes my Bo-Bloom (Tibetan Mastiff - Dog) runs along the edge where there is a lawn and it grows further. Of course, it came up in bald patches, but I think it was my fault and the rains washed the seeds into piles, hence the “Dalmatian”.

Have a great summer day, your Olga!

Every summer resident who decides to get a soft green lawn asks the question: “How long does it take for the lawn to emerge after sowing?” The answer to this question is never unequivocal - each green lawn is unique in its own way. It is important to understand that in different climatic conditions, with different weather, individual soil composition and other features, the germination of green shoots will have different terms.

In this article, you will learn how quickly grass sprouts and how to deal with uneven growth.

Germination time of lawn grass seeds

It is no secret that each plant has its own growth period. Some herbs are sprouting in early spring and delight the eye throughout the summer. Others germinate closer to the warm season, forming lush bright emerald bushes. It is the composition of the grass mixture that will determine how long it takes for lawn grass to sprout.

Each mixture presented in our store, as well as single-species grasses, is designed to fill large and small areas. The germination time of lawn seeds depends entirely on its composition - the content and ratio of herbs determines how quickly your lawn will grow. Our blends are made from the following herbs:

  • Perennial ryegrass. Champion among grasses in terms of growth rate. Germination of lawn grass of this variety under favorable conditions is less than a week. Ryegrass is also not susceptible to many diseases. That is why it makes up most of the mixtures for restoration (for example, “Recultivation”, “Bald spot”).
  • Red fescue. This herb is rightfully considered the most frost-resistant, and therefore is found in almost all mixtures. This variety is ideal for planting in autumn period- in early spring you will get a beautiful and even coat without bald spots.
  • Meadow bluegrass. It also belongs to winter crops, therefore, if planted in a timely manner in early spring, it appears one of the first. The germination period for lawn seeds of this type is about a week (pay attention to the mixtures “Children’s”, “Summer Resident”, “Old Park”).

All these types of grass have proven their fast growth and are included in almost all herbal mixtures.

Why does lawn grass grow poorly?

Even if you have chosen the right mixture and hope to soon get a thick green cover, the result of planting may disappoint you. The reasons that the lawn grows unevenly can be different.

An uneven lawn is as common a problem as improper seeding. Many summer residents want to get a perfect green lawn without special effort, and therefore do not carry out all the necessary procedures for its normal growth and development. Bald spots on the lawn appear in lowlands and on hills. Therefore, it is better to level the area before sowing.

If the lawn turns yellow in spots that eventually spread throughout its entire territory, then perhaps the soil for planting it was contaminated with bacteria or fungi. Such spots can soon turn into large bald spots and seriously damage appearance sites. You can find out what to do if you have bald spots on your lawn in one of our articles.

Why doesn't lawn grass grow?

If you have completed all the necessary measures, but the lawn grows unevenly or does not grow at all, then the reasons may be much more serious. The most common of them are:

  1. Low soil moisture;
  2. Nutrient poverty of the earth;
  3. Increasing/decreasing seeding rates;
  4. Late sowing;
  5. Poor drainage.

The most unpleasant reason why lawn grass has not sprouted is the improper design of the site and the lack of a drainage layer. In this case, you will have to forget about the green lawn until the drainage is done. We talked about how to properly make drainage and why, due to its lack, the lawn does not grow well, we talked about it in one of our articles.

If you decide to lay out your lawn in early spring or late fall, but don't take into account frost, sudden snowfall, or freezing rain, then most likely the landing will not be successful. What to do if the lawn does not grow due to early or late sowing? The most correct answer is to wait for a stable warm weather with a temperature not lower than + 5 0 C at night.

Often, after planting seeds and once watering them, gardeners forget about this important procedure until it is too late. If the lawn grass has not sprouted, remember the watering scheme. Active seed growth requires daily abundant moisture for 7-10 days until the first shoots appear.

Diseases and pests

So, all the norms have been met, the site has been watered, but the lawn has not sprouted well? Perhaps there are pathogenic bacteria in your area or garden pests that destroy the grass. The main manifestation of this disease is yellow spots on the lawn. They can have smooth, clear edges or be blurry, completely cover the area or be localized only in one part of it. The most well-known problems causing this lawn condition are:

  • Mycelium (witch rings);
  • Fungal spores;
  • Grass diseases caused by poor care (rust, etc.);
  • Flies or fly larvae;
  • Rodents (moles, hamsters, mice, shrews).

In this case, the fight against bald spots can be achieved only after the cause of their appearance has been established. It is recommended to set traps for rodents; control of insects is possible only with insecticides intended for ornamental grasses. You should also review the correct care of the coating and carry out some restorative procedures.

Mushrooms on the lawn - how to fight?

An unpleasant problem awaits owners of areas close to forests. At first glance, the appearance of mushrooms (especially edible ones) on the site is a great success. But most often it is not chanterelles and champignons that appear among the tender grass, but toadstools and fly agaric mushrooms, which not only cause a lot of trouble, but also pose a danger to children and pets.

The main problem with mushroom growth is that the grass grows unevenly at the location of the mycelium. Even after removing the caps and legs, the mycelium continues to grow, constantly expanding its “domain”.

The germination of mushrooms in spots or witch rings is a serious reason to think about moving the green lawn to another, more appropriate place. This problem does not go away within for long years and is like an epidemic that is taking over a larger and larger area.

The fight against fungi on the lawn includes several stages:

  1. Reducing the amount of fertilizer applied. The high content of nitrogen compounds in the soil provokes the growth of fungi and creates favorable conditions for the development of mycelium.
  2. Increased care. Aeration and scarification are especially useful in detecting mycelium.
  3. Reduce watering. In moist soil, mushroom growth accelerates significantly. Since the mycelium itself and its spores can for a long time to be underground and not manifest itself in any way, it is worth stopping all activities that have a beneficial effect on its growth.
  4. Sprinkling the soil with sand. Sandy soil- excellent drainage, which does not provide the mushrooms with sufficient nutrient medium for growth.

You can learn more about how to remove bald spots on the lawn after mushrooms and witches’ circles in one of our articles.

  1. Birds are the main opponents. Before you had time to plant the seeds, flocks of birds swooped in? Cover the planting with spunbond or thin film. This way the seeds will ripen faster and will not suffer from the invasion of hungry birds.
  2. Mixture quality. The lawn has not sprouted - what to do? Check the expiration date of each package, and also choose a reliable herbal mixture company.
  3. Don't forget fertilizer. In order for the grass to grow faster, the seeds need to be fed. Before sowing, prepare the soil by saturating it with complex organic and mineral fertilizers.

Recently, lawn grass has become increasingly popular among domestic agronomists. Beginners in this business often wonder how long after planting the grass will germinate. The answer will depend on many factors, which will be discussed in today’s article.

How long does it take for lawn grass to sprout after sowing?

How long does it take for lawn grass planted in spring to emerge? How quickly does a lawn emerge after sowing in the summer? Late spring and early summer are the most favorable time frames to sow grass mixtures for the lawn. Several factors depend on how quickly seedlings emerge. First of all, this is a type of lawn grass.

  • Red fescue is the main component of shade-tolerant grass mixtures. Subject to all agrotechnical rules and favorable weather conditions, seedlings should sprout in 7-12 days.
  • To grow a parterre lawn, several varieties of fescue, bentgrass and meadow grass are used. When planting in spring and summer, seedlings should germinate after 9-13 days. If you sow in the fall, the seedlings will sprout in the spring.
  • To decorate the Moorish lawn, floral and cereal crops. Depending on the weather conditions(temperature and humidity), quality seed material and compliance with the rules of care, the duration of seedlings can appear from 9 to 16 days.
  • An ordinary lawn in its own way decorative properties not inferior to the above, however, there are several varieties. Bluegrass will take 10-20 days to germinate, while ryegrass will take at least a week.

Note! It usually takes two weeks for sports turf to germinate.

How long does it take for lawn grass to sprout after sowing?

Seedlings do not germinate well: reasons

If the grass mixture was successfully chosen, then soon the agronomist will be able to contemplate an attractive green living carpet on his plot. But in some areas, seedlings may germinate poorly or unevenly. There may be several reasons:

  • Failure to comply with all sowing rules. The optimal immersion depth of the seed is no more than 2-5 mm. In this case, the seeds are protected from drying out and attacks by pests; they are able to provide themselves with the optimal amount of nutrients from the soil.
  • Another equally common problem is an uneven lawn. Most often, seedlings do not appear in lowlands and on hills. To achieve the desired result, it is recommended to first level the area allocated for the lawn before sowing.

If seedlings do not appear at all, then you should familiarize yourself with the following most common reasons:

  • Lack of drainage layer, poor drainage.
  • Low soil moisture.
  • Wrong time for sowing.
  • Excess or deficiency of the norm for sowing.
  • Nutrient deficiency in the soil.

Seedlings germinate poorly

How long does the lawn grow, what prevents the seeds from germinating? These and many other questions concern newcomers to this field. Experts recommend paying attention to the following points:

  • Often the reason for the lack of seedlings is the use of low-quality seed material. Before purchasing seeds, you need to pay attention to the expiration dates and quality of the seed.
  • In order for plants to actively develop, mineral and organic fertilizers must be added to the soil.

Lawn grass can create an attractive picture on every summer cottage, but in order to get the desired result, you need to familiarize yourself with agrotechnical rules and cultivation features.

Much has been written about how to create a lawn. And the technology for creating a lawn is no secret to anyone, and many gardeners create it using classical technology: buying seeds - preparing a place for a lawn - sowing a lawn - caring for it. The technology is simple and has been used by many who already have a lawn. But here I would like to draw your attention to the final result - the appearance of the lawn 2-3 months, or a year after it is sowed. For some, the lawn has sprouted evenly and thickly, while for others, the seeds have sprouted only in places, and such a lawn, of course, has a pitiful appearance.

What is the reason for this germination? You can say that you bought low-quality seeds. I agree, this may be the case. Someone else will say that the seeds were pecked out by birds, washed away by rain, or the young lawn was not watered regularly. He will be partly right. But the main reason lies a little differently.

I'll tell you little secret that gardeners around the world have not yet developed a clear rule for the depth of planting of lawn grasses. And there is nothing strange here, because the depth of seed placement depends on many factors, the composition of the soil, for example.

But at what depth should lawn grass seeds be embedded in the soil? To begin with, I will say that the seeds of lawn grasses are very small and cannot be planted deeply. According to English researchers, meadow grasses emerge from a depth of 1 cm approximately 6-8 days after sowing, but their own nutrients for growth are enough for them for approximately 5 days. Based on this, we can say with confidence that this planting depth (1 cm) is critical for the germination of lawn grasses.

But despite this, grassland scientists advise not to plant grass seeds deeply, although deep planting reduces the likelihood of them being pecked out by birds or washed away during watering. So, for example, meadow bluegrass seeds are planted to a depth of 0.5 cm, and seeds of other lawn grasses are planted at 1-2 cm, but not deeper than 3 cm.

The appearance and quality of your lawn in the future will depend on the correct depth of seeding of lawn grasses. Personally, I fundamentally adhere to this rule, because the result is visible a week after sowing the seeds - the seedlings of cereal grasses are friendly and germinate evenly.

The second important question that novice gardeners ask is “When is the best time to sow lawn grasses?”

The biological properties of lawn grasses are such that they germinate and take root throughout the season. This suggests that the lawn should be created in warm period from mid-spring to early autumn.

But despite this, there are the most suitable sowing dates; they are divided into spring, summer and autumn. All three periods are optimal for creating a lawn, but again, gardeners do not set a clear period, and everyone chooses the best one for themselves.

It happens that when sowing in spring period better grass stand is formed, but in other cases good grass stand is obtained in summer period, and it happens that in the autumn. Regardless of the sowing time, seed germination is influenced by two factors: moisture and heat. In the spring, for example, it is not very warm, sometimes there is not enough moisture, and in the summer there is just not enough moisture, but there is too much heat (during this period, you should not forget about regular watering of the lawn). Early autumn warm days become smaller and their lack sometimes inhibits the friendly germination of lawn grasses until the first frost.

Taking into account the natural dynamics of such factors at different times of the season (spring, summer, autumn) and the average data on their deficiency and availability, we can safely say that spring, summer, and early autumn are suitable for creating a lawn.

From the above we can conclude that you can sow a lawn at any time, but this is not true. In each of these three periods, there are optimal times that are considered the best for sowing a lawn.

In the first half of May, for example, when the soil is sufficiently warmed by the sun and the average air temperature is above +10, approximately until May 10-15, is the optimal time for creating a lawn in the spring. Moreover, I would like to note that sowing a lawn after this date no longer guarantees successful seed germination. Because in a later period, at the beginning of summer, for example, seedlings may be prevented from sprouting summer heat(drought), which begins in late May and can last until the end of June and sometimes July.

But what if you bought lawn grass seeds, but did not have time to properly prepare the plot? There is only one answer - wait for summer. A favorable period for creating a lawn is in the summer, this is the period when the ground is abundantly saturated with moisture after the summer rains. But you shouldn’t delay planting a lawn in the summer, because... Then comes the July heat. Experts recommend creating a lawn in the second decade of June. It is also believed that in June, to create a lawn, the most favorable conditions for its growth and development are created; this is facilitated by air temperature and humidity.

If you again did not have time to sow the lawn at the beginning of summer, then the next optimal period is considered to be the end of August - the beginning of September. At autumn sowing seedlings of cereal grasses do not have time to gain sufficient strength, i.e. grow stronger, and with insufficient feeding and poor care, they may not survive the winter well.

It is better not to sow a lawn in July and early August, especially if you come to your site on weekends and cannot provide it with high-quality and regular watering. During this period, the heat sets in and the lawn may not germinate at all, and even if it does somehow germinate, it may dry out. Although I oversowed my lawn in some places, I watered it abundantly almost every day, because I live in the country in the summer.

To be honest, there are no standard recommendations for the periods of creating a lawn. Because each region has its own climatic zone (air temperature, precipitation rate, etc.). Therefore, each gardener must determine for himself optimal timing creating a lawn.

In addition to these three periods, there is also a winter period. In the winter period, not only lawn grasses are sown, but also some vegetable crops.

Pre-winter sowing is characterized by sowing seeds at negative temperature, with the expectation that the seeds will no longer germinate in the fall, but will begin to sprout in early spring, when the soil warms up a little (late March - early April). And when the rest of the gardeners begin to sow the lawn in May, your lawn will have already sprouted sufficiently.

Pre-winter sowing should be carried out in late October - early November. It all depends on your climatic conditions natural area. But with such sowing there is a risk of seed germination in November-December. This is due to the fact that in last years autumn can be long and warm, and winters are also warm and snowless. But once the frost sets in, your lawn may freeze.

That's all! I wish you success in choosing the sowing period and a green lawn!

A beautiful, well-groomed lawn is associated with well-being and prosperity. A lawn is planted not only for decorative purposes, but also as a means of getting rid of weeds.

To understand how many days it takes for a lawn to emerge, you should consider all the factors influencing its growth:

  • selection of seeds;
  • sowing time;
  • soil preparation;
  • correct planting of seeds.

Considering all this together, it is easy to determine when grains will sprout and the reasons why they do not sprout for a long time.

Seeds should be selected taking into account the terrain, climatic zone, purpose of the site (children's, sports or decorative) and the personal preferences of the owners. Their quality is one of the most important moments, they must be certified. The classic lawn, familiar to us, consists of a grass mixture. Each variety has its own advantages and disadvantages, different germination times and technical characteristics.

Sowing is possible at any time of the year, however, the most favorable period is autumn (no later than 45 days before frost). It is autumn planting that helps us avoid weeds. If the grains do not have time to sprout in the fall, then in the spring next year the grass will sprout before weeds appear.

But during summer and spring sowing, cereals sprout along with weeds. You should definitely take into account the characteristics of the region and climate conditions - sowing in drought conditions is not recommended, otherwise even high-quality watering will not always help.

Soil preparation is the most labor-intensive and long process. It takes a lot of work to finally get a perfect result. Often, site preparation begins long before sowing, especially if it is planned to plant undeveloped virgin soil. Before starting all work on the territory, it is necessary to remove absolutely all debris, stones, branches, weeds, rhizomes, etc. Dig the area to a depth of 20-25 cm. After cleaning, the area is leveled. Removed upper layer fertile soil, everything is leveled, down to the slightest groove and hole. Slopes of the site are allowed, in this case, when watering, the water will not stagnate. Even layer infertile soil is covered with gravel or broken bricks (stones for drainage) and compacted well.

And, only now, a layer of fertile soil is filled in.

Treatment with a continuous herbicide is also important. This required condition so that after abundant watering, all kinds of weeds do not grow along with the beautiful grass. Mechanical method control is less effective, since it is impossible to remove all rhizomes and seeds. It is advisable to fertilize the soil or improve its structure before planting seeds, since many varieties of grass are planted for many years.

If all conditions are met, with high-quality and optimal watering, you can accurately determine when the young shoots will sprout. Ryegrass is one of the first to sprout in the mixture (5-7 days), the rest of the grasses gradually sprout within 10-14 days.

The timing for each type of grass is individual and is written on the packaging; if all the above rules are observed, the lawn will begin to grow within the specified time frame.
