How to decorate the walls in the hallway. Options for wall decoration in the hallway. What is better to use for walls? Cladding with PVC wall panels

Selecting finishing materials for decorating a hallway is just as difficult as for any other room in your house or apartment - it’s hard to disagree with this. The fact is that when a guest enters your home, he immediately sees what the owners decided to decorate the walls in the hallway with, therefore, he evaluates the taste and approach to this important matter - the finishing material for the walls of the hallway plays a very important role.

But that's not all - it's not just about the first impression. The finishing material in this room should have excellent wear resistance, so that wet cleaning could be performed frequently without problems and the coatings did not suffer from this. Among the most popular answers to the question “How to decorate the walls in the hallway?” you can highlight the wallpaper. Today this material is available to everyone in a huge assortment, performance characteristics also improved over the years.

The owner must remember that an untidy, unkempt hallway is the right way call negative emotions at the guests' place. It won’t be so easy to “justify” in their eyes later, even if the interior in other rooms is really good.

What materials are suitable today to make the hallway a truly pleasant space? Finishing materials that can be found on sale nowadays can be used simultaneously for both external and internal cladding work. This can be attributed to their remarkable characteristics and properties. But, if we talk about which products are in greatest demand when decorating a hallway, we can give the following list:

  • Paint, plaster, wallpaper;
  • Lining: both wood and plastic;
  • Ceramic tiles;
  • Laminate and laminated panels;
  • Decorative stone;

When can you start decorating your hallway?

Most often, people begin to think about how to decorate the hallway somewhere towards the end of the renovation: at this time the decoration of other rooms has already been completed and the final stage of the entire renovation process begins - at about the same moment it is also necessary to decide how to decorate the toilet. When selecting materials, the basic purpose of the hallway is taken into account - this room meets a person, it is also a kind of connecting link different rooms apartment or house, with an external exit immediately located.

To put it simply, you can’t just go to the store and buy the first finishing material you come across for the walls of your hallway: no one does that. It is important to choose only non-stainable materials that are sufficiently wear-resistant, easy to clean, and at the same time, perform their design tasks brilliantly, namely:
  • Often the material for the hallway walls is selected so as to optically expand or enlarge the cramped space of a typical room.
  • Often you have to make the hallway brighter (by the way, special lamps are often used in the design).

Wallpaper and its varieties for decorating the hallway

First, let's look at it traditional solutions, which since Soviet times have included wallpaper - paper or modern vinyl. Indeed it is great option for those owners who don’t know how to decorate the walls in the hallway. Successful combination shades and textures - and now, before us is no longer just a boring wall, but an impressive work of art.

Vinyl washable wallpaper is an interesting choice

Washable vinyl wallpaper, for example, is generally an ideal option for those who do not know how to decorate a hallway. The base of this material can be either non-woven or paper. The outer layer of the canvas has a high density - which is why the material reacts well to damage and wears out extremely slowly. Moreover, such wallpaper is usually not interesting to various domestic animals - this can be explained by the fact that the material is not made from natural ingredients.

Walls covered with vinyl wallpaper tolerate frequent washing, and if you use foam vinyl, you can easily “hide” certain irregularities on the surface of your walls. Vinyl wallpaper looks especially good when combined with any other materials. The price of the issue is also pleasantly surprising - everything is quite affordable, so you don’t have to save extra money and don’t buy ordinary paper wallpaper, which reacts poorly to moisture (and therefore loses its attractive appearance very quickly).

Don’t be afraid to use wallpaper in your hallway - this material is being improved regularly, innovations appear on the market that are gaining popularity among many consumers - this finishing material for hallway walls fully complies with high modern standards.

Glass wallpaper is another good option

What material to decorate the hallway besides vinyl and regular wallpaper? If you haven’t made your final decision yet, be sure to pay attention to glass wallpaper. This is a wonderful, textured material, and the most interesting thing is that after the walls are covered with it, they can be painted, while the glass wallpaper itself will not change the structure and will not deteriorate at all. If you read opinions about such canvases, it will become clear: they withstand various types of damage well, so it is recommended to glue glass wallpaper in those hallway rooms where small children or pets are often present.

Quartz and metallized wallpaper, linkrust

A radically new solution in the range of wallpapers is quartz materials. They are good because they are not afraid of fire, like any damage, they are easy to clean (even the use of brushes is allowed), and if necessary, the surface can be easily vacuumed. How can you decorate the hallway if you want the room to look really rich? There is also a good option for this case - metallized wallpaper, made of foil and a very dense base.

But he will not forget about traditions, because they are very important in matters of design! Let's remember about linkrust - wonderful wallpapers that people have known for more than two hundred years. These wallpapers are obtained as follows: a special gel made from linseed oil, applied to the surface. When this substance hardens, we see an unusual pattern on the material, very attractive from an aesthetic point of view: over time, the performance characteristics of such a material only become better!

Cork wallpaper for the hallway

If there are no animals in the apartment, and you are thinking about how to decorate the walls in the hallway, consider using cork wallpaper. This material can be called the most natural of all possible, moreover, it is very practical. Cork wallpaper reacts neutrally to wet cleaning, is not afraid of temperature changes and exposure to fire, and is antistatic, so dust will not be attracted to the coating.

The last point can be called especially important - allergy sufferers will definitely appreciate it. However, cork wallpapers still have one significant drawback: since they are completely natural and environmentally friendly, animals are simply crazy about them. It is unlikely that any cat will resist and will not sharpen its claws on your new wall covering from a cork. Although the material is durable, it will not be able to withstand the impact of sharp objects - everything will immediately be reflected on the surface.

Decorative plaster and liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper is another popular type of wallpaper that is well suited for decorating walls in the hallway. What is this material? This is something between standard wallpaper and decorative plaster, which is popular today. Liquid wallpaper has some advantages:

  1. They perfectly fill all the unevenness on the surface of the walls.
  2. Ultimately, the coating has no seams
  3. Walls that are covered with liquid wallpaper can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.
  4. Only those liquid wallpapers that have been coated with a varnish layer on top will tolerate washing well.

However, this finishing material also has a drawback - removing applied liquid wallpaper from the walls of the hallway, if necessary, will be problematic.

Now let's talk about decorative plaster. This material refers to those that, in the hands of a master who knows exactly how to decorate the hallway of a house, become truly irreplaceable. After using liquid wallpaper, your hallway becomes a truly special room. Anything you can imagine can be here:

  • Relief color drawings
  • Fancy ornaments
  • All kinds of textures

All of the above turns the hallway walls into a truly impressive composition. Among the advantages of decorative plaster, it can be noted that the result is very strong - this is due to the fact that the mixture contains stone chips.

The conclusion is simple: if you plan to use decorative plaster to decorate the hallway in your apartment or house, you don’t need to worry about pets: the material will hold up!

Among the disadvantages of this option: applying decorative plaster is not very easy, color palette not infinite: there are limitations. However, over time, these shortcomings will be eliminated by insightful manufacturers.

Other materials for decorating walls in the hallway

We have dealt with the most common wallpaper options, now each owner must decide for himself which type of modern wallpaper he prefers and would like to see in his hallway or hallway. In the meantime, we will look at other ways to decorate the hallway.

Artificial stone and hallway walls

It is not necessary to use only certain wallpapers (and their derivatives) for decoration; if you want something non-standard, it’s time to think about using artificial stone. How to decorate a hallway in an apartment is a fairly popular question nowadays; many people want to stand out in this way. First of all, artificial stone is chosen because it is great way make sure that the atmosphere of antiquity and uniqueness reigns in the room. Thanks to the materials that are present in modern artificial stone, the result is a truly high-quality imitation of natural rocks: granite, marble, onyx, sandstone, turquoise.

You will have to pay a considerable sum of money to buy artificial stone for decorating walls, so some owners decide on a little trick: it is not at all necessary to decorate all the walls with this material - it is enough to accentuate doorways, the result will be very impressive.

If your hallway is decorated with columns or any other objects that can be called uneven, an excellent option for their design would be a material called flexible stone - such a finishing material for hallway walls is very popular today. This stone is sold in rolls, but can also be found in the form of slabs (what’s most interesting is that you can select slabs that are convenient in size for you personally).

Combinations are in particular demand; the result is truly worthy: artificial stone is often combined with ordinary or decorative plaster. What is good about ordinary plaster, why is it still often used today, despite the huge selection of modern finishing materials? The fact is that the range of shades and colors ordinary plaster really huge. The same can be said about decorative stone - this material is rich in its color range, as well as structural surfaces. We will look at a few more popular combinations later.

What are the advantages decorative stone, why should you choose it to decorate the hallway in your apartment? In fact, everything is simple - now you will see for yourself:

  1. The level of moisture resistance is high: the surface of the artificial stone is reliably protected specialized means Therefore, the coating will not be susceptible to humid environments.
  2. Impressively practical - cleaning artificial stone flooring is very simple. A damp (or even dry) rag, which you will definitely have at hand, will always help in this matter.
  3. Durability: artificial stone is good for finishing because the coating retains its magnificent appearance for at least ten years. However, a lot here depends on the care, so the period can vary both more and less.
  4. Wear resistance: since there is a protective layer on the surface of the artificial stone, even after intensive and frequent cleaning, the stone will not lose its design for many years.
  5. Installation work is carried out easily: the work of decorating a hallway with artificial stone can be done with your own hands; this does not require any specific skills, which only specialists with specialized education possess.
  6. Due to temperature changes, the decorative stone does not deform (even if we are talking about a sharp change in temperature).
  7. Needless to say, artificial stone does not burn and is capable of for a long time perceive fire - even an open source of flame.

Ceramic tiles - an old, proven method

If it is still not clear what material to decorate the hallway with, we bring to your attention ceramic tiles (and varieties of this finishing material for hallway walls). The fact is that modern ceramic tiles are capable of conveying all the sensations of textiles, natural stone, leather or wood (we will talk about the latter later). An excellent addition to the tile elements can be called rhinestones, beautiful gilded threads - all these little things not only emphasize the impeccable taste of the owner, but also favorably accentuate one or another stylistic direction in which the entire hallway room is designed.

In addition, we will not forget that ceramic tiles have been used everywhere for a very long time in a variety of finishing works Oh. She deservedly gained her popularity.

Once upon a time there was not much choice - only a few tile options. But this cannot be said for sure about modern ceramics: the range of products is large, differing not only in parameters, but also in structure.

For example, there are ceramic tiles that go through a single firing during production. Also, there is ceramics that is fired twice. Both the first and second types have excellent strength, but the latter option can have technical indicators several times higher! In other words, everything is learned by comparison – especially ceramic tiles.

If we talk about the positive aspects of ceramic tiles, the first thing that comes to mind is the cost of the material. Compared to similar materials, ceramic tiles are not that expensive - that is, the material can be purchased (and then used) in almost unlimited quantities. And if the interior design suggests exactly this, then there are no questions at all.

Tile is a universal material in all respects: it is often used as a floor covering and is often used for wall cladding. What’s also interesting is that tiles are even applied to the ceiling today!

The advantages look something like this:

  • The material is durable, especially considering that the average tile contains a clay base and additional impurities.
  • It is wear-resistant: the design will not disappear, especially in a short period of time.
  • Very durable material: the operational period, on average, is two decades - but this is not the limit, there is no doubt.
  • Ceramic tiles are very practical: they are not capable of absorbing dirt; if necessary, they can be cleaned without problems - to clean, you just need to use any cleaning agent at hand.
  • The level of moisture resistance of the material is high. Since ceramics do not perceive the effects of moisture, it can be used even in rooms where there is high air humidity.
  • Due to its frost resistance, the tile can easily cope with low temperatures, while the structure of the material does not deform.

Specialists work with ceramic tiles approximately as shown in the video example. The decoration of the walls in the hallway follows the same principle.

Wood and wood panels

The walls in the hallway can always be finished with wood. However, in order for the entire installation to proceed without incident and the final result to meet the expectations of the owners, it is necessary to work with this material very carefully, and maintaining patience is a must.

If you try to carry out repairs approximately every three to four years, it is not for you the best option– wood paneling of the hallway.

Changing such an exquisite coating after such a short period of time is not only an expensive pleasure, but also a very difficult task from a psychological point of view. Moreover, making some adjustments to the interior where wood is involved is a task that not every designer (even a specialist) will be able to handle.

The most expensive (and also the most durable and high-quality material) are wooden panels. When the walls are decorated with this natural wood, the entire interior of the hallway should be carefully thought out to the smallest detail. Moreover, after covering wood panels you will have to carefully select furniture. Not only to the hallway itself, but to the entire apartment in general.

Laminate and hallway finishing

It is hardly possible to say for sure how best to decorate the hallway, because everything is individual: each apartment, each interior, the tastes of each owner. Today, for example, walls in the hallway are increasingly being decorated using laminate. It is not difficult to explain such demand - the material has excellent characteristics, people use it with great pleasure.

What are the features of laminate?

  1. Previously, laminate was used only for those finishing works that affected floor surfaces - which is why consumers were offered a large number of different structures and technical indicators. Today, laminate flooring can be easily mounted on the wall - thereby creating a truly original, unique design in the hallway.
  2. If you decide to decorate the walls in the hallway with laminate, make sure that the boards have protective covering. In general, for work of this level there is a certain type of material - it is better to purchase it directly so that there are no different questions in the future.
  3. Laminate is good because it has many imitations of wood structure. The color range of laminated boards is rich. That is, you can always combine shades when decorating the walls.
  4. This is not to say that the cost of laminate is too high (especially when compared with the prices of finishing natural wood). Before you begin installing laminate flooring on the hallway wall, be sure to prepare the surface (base). Preparatory work includes cleaning and fixing it on a special base (or cork flooring) - this is important, since the material must have normal air exchange.

Installing laminate on the wall

In fact, this process does not require much time: the material is installed in much the same way as plastic lining. There are locks at the ends of the boards - they are what fasten all the finishing elements together.

It is important that the surface of the wall in the hallway is smooth, however, if you are wondering how to decorate the hallway in the house, you probably know about this point. It is the flat surface that guarantees that installation work will pass without additional complications. In addition, before taking on the cladding, the wall is usually cleaned (any construction debris, dirt, and other dust are removed.

If you notice mold or fragments of rust on the surface, you must definitely get rid of these “sores” before the cladding is done - if you close your eyes to this, all this can spread to the laminate itself (its back side), as a result the structure of the boards will be seriously damaged.

We present to your attention a rather informative video about how laminate flooring is laid on the wall in the hallway. Of course, a specialist knows how to handle this material, but you can too - after detailed study and a little training.

Features of wall decoration in the hallway

The hallway is a kind of face of the house: it is it that creates the first impression of it among visitors. Therefore, it is important that the decor of this area is attractive. But in the pursuit of beauty, it is important not to forget about the purpose of the room, which imposes certain restrictions on the use of materials. To avoid constant repairs, the selected decor should have the following properties:

  • Wear resistance. Including resistance to abrasion and mechanical damage.
  • Durability. It is optimal for the manufacturer to guarantee at least 5-7 years of coating service life.

  • Easy to care for. Considering that hallway walls are often subject to contamination, the material must at least withstand wet cleaning. It is optimal if it can be cleaned with a brush and use some detergents.
  • Maintainability. It is important that the coating can be restored. Then, if a defect appears, it can be repaired, which is much cheaper and easier than replacing the entire finish.
  • Safety. The material must be safe for the health of others. In addition, you need to take into account its fire safety. Do not use flammable or toxic coatings in the room where it is located. This can cost lives in a fire.

The color of the coating and its texture can be very different. They are selected based on the characteristics of a particular hallway. By combining materials, shades and textures, you can achieve the best result. , dark ones, on the contrary, narrow. Skillful use of patterns on the coating, lighting design and competent installation mirrors enhance the effect.

The best materials for hallway walls

In the hallway, various materials can be used to decorate the walls. We have selected those that are optimally suited for this. Let's look at each in more detail.

1. Decorative plaster

It features an exceptional variety of textures and shades. Thanks to the fillers added to the composition, the finished coating can be smooth, embossed or patterned, small or large. Plaster makes it possible to achieve unusual decorative effects; in addition, it has a number of advantages:

  • Strength, high wear resistance and long service life.
  • Good breathability. Plastered walls can breathe.
  • Safety. The coating does not emit toxic substances and does not burn.
  • Easy care. Most materials can withstand wet cleaning.

Among the disadvantages, the difficulty of applying the material, especially some of its varieties, should be noted. Only a master can properly plaster the walls, which, of course, increases the cost of finishing. The price of the material may also be high. But this is more than compensated by the durability and practicality of this type of finish. Another disadvantage is that decorative plaster can be very difficult to apply to complex architectural elements.

2. Paint

Practical and sufficient economical way. A wide range of colors allows you to choose any desired shade. You can combine two or three colors, make an ornament or design. Paints make it possible to obtain special decorative effects. Some of their varieties can change color when the viewing angle or lighting changes, imitate a variety of materials, cast in metal, etc.

Paints apply easily to surfaces, even those that have complex shapes and hard to reach places. Minor repairs to painted walls will not be difficult; it will be enough to repaint the damaged area. The advantages and disadvantages of different types of paints are presented in the table.

Advantages Flaws
Latex High abrasion resistance, vapor permeability. The coating washes well. Old coating is difficult to remove. Constant exposure to moisture can cause peeling.
Water-based Easy to apply, no unpleasant odor, dry quickly. The cost is low. Some varieties become dirty after drying and are washed off with water. Limited use.
Acrylic They dry quickly, are economical to use, wear-resistant, safe, and durable. Difficulty in choosing colors and shades. If you mix them yourself, they cannot be repeated.
Silicone High strength, durability, vapor permeability, ultraviolet resistance. They have water- and dirt-repellent properties. High consumption and high cost of material.

Among the general disadvantages of using paint, the need for careful surface preparation should be noted. The walls must be smooth, otherwise the slightest defect will be clearly visible.

3. Wallpaper

Classic finishing method. The range of wallpapers is very wide: you can choose the appropriate option from a variety of colors and textures. , their cost is relatively low. When choosing, you need to remember that not all types of wallpaper are suitable for the hallway. You can choose from these varieties:

  • Washable vinyl wallpaper. They hide the unevenness of the base well, are easy to clean, and adhere well. Can imitate a variety of textures. The cost is low. Among the disadvantages, you need to be aware of low vapor permeability and the possibility of damage to the decorative vinyl layer. If there are pets in the house, it is better to choose something else.
  • Non-woven wallpaper. Durable, moisture resistant. They easily withstand staining, which makes it possible to repair them or simply repaint them when the design gets boring. They are very easy to glue, especially varieties with meter wide. Of the minuses, it should be noted the necessity.

  • Glass wallpaper. Panels made using glass fibers. They are distinguished by high strength, wear resistance, and immunity to moisture. Such wallpaper is not afraid of mechanical damage. They are completely safe, vapor permeable, and can withstand numerous colors and exposure to solvents. In addition, they additionally reinforce the walls. Disadvantage: the need for careful preparation of the base.
  • Quartz wallpaper. They are a coating of quartz sand applied to a non-woven base. The material is very wear-resistant, not subject to mechanical stress, and is easy to clean and wash. It can be painted over and over again with latex paint, allowing you to renew the coating as needed. The disadvantages include the fairly high cost.
  • Liquid wallpaper. They form a monolithic, very durable coating with high wear resistance and good sound insulation properties. The material is quite elastic; when the building shrinks, it does not form cracks. Easily tolerates repeated staining and wet cleaning. If necessary, the coating can be easily repaired. Of the minuses, it is worth noting the rather high cost.
  • Cork and bamboo wallpaper. Completely natural and very beautiful coatings. They have good sound and thermal insulation characteristics. Quite resistant to various mechanical damage and easy to maintain. The disadvantages include difficulty in application. A leveled base and a special adhesive composition are required.

High-quality imitation of natural stone. Available in the form of tiles or flexible plates. The latter are especially convenient for designing curved surfaces. For interior decoration, a composite is usually used, the basis for the production of which is gypsum. Artificial stone is quite easy to lay, it goes well with. Among the advantages of the coating it is worth noting:

  • Good wear resistance and high resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Durability. At correct installation artificial stone can last for decades.

  • High moisture resistance. The material does not allow water to pass to the base.
  • Easy to care for. The coating washes well and does not absorb dirt.
  • Security, including fire safety. The material is not flammable.

The disadvantage is the high cost, especially its flexible varieties. For this reason, cladding is often used to decorate parts of a room: door openings, corners, and the lower half of the walls.

5. Ceramic tiles

A practical way to decorate a hallway. The choice of tiles is very wide. The manufacturer offers materials with a variety of colors and textures. Imitations of expensive finishing materials are available: leather, natural stone, valuable wood. Among the significant advantages of ceramics it is worth noting:

  • Durability and high resistance to all kinds of damage.
  • Durability, the coating can last at least two decades.
  • Moisture resistant, which makes maintenance much easier. The tiles are easy to clean, and even aggressive detergents can be used.
  • Good compatibility with other finishing materials. For example, you can tile only the lower third of the wall, which is most vulnerable to dirt.

The disadvantages of the coating include not the easiest installation. The tiles are laid by specialists who have the skills to lay the material.

6. PVC panels

Plastic wall panels are well suited for hallway decor. Their choice is very rich: a wide range of colors, with a variety of textures, patterns and decor. Among the significant advantages of PVC panels, the following are noted:

  • Low cost. Perhaps this is the most budget-friendly way to decorate.
  • There is no need to level the walls before installation.
  • Easy care. The panels wash well.

The material has a lot of disadvantages. First of all, it is unstable to mechanical damage. After an impact, dents or even holes remain on the surface. During installation, a certain amount of free space is “eaten up”, since it is necessary to assemble the sheathing. The panels do not tolerate UV radiation. They fade quickly in the sun.

7. MDF panels

A good alternative to wood paneling. The basis of the material is an MDF board, which is painted, veneered or laminated. The result is a high-quality imitation of leather, wood, stone, fabric, etc. The main advantages of MDF panels are:

  • Environmental Safety. The material is harmless to others.
  • Durability and high resistance to various mechanical damage.
  • Durability. With proper use, the panels last for more than ten years.
  • Easy to care for. The panels are easy to wash and clean.

Among the disadvantages of the material, it is worth noting its fairly large weight, as well as the need to arrange lathing to secure it. The panels are flammable, which is also considered their disadvantage.

8. Composite 3D panels

They have a very attractive original appearance. They are made from various materials: glass, wood, plasterboard, pressed boards. Depending on the raw materials, their properties and costs vary somewhat. However, there are also general advantages:

  • Quick and fairly simple installation.
  • The ability to mask base defects, for this reason complex preparation need not.
  • Maintainability. If necessary, the fragment that has become unusable is replaced.
  • Possibility of simulating various materials.
  • Wear resistance and strength.
  • Easy care.

The downside of the material is its fairly high cost.

9. Laminate

This is good for decorating hallway walls. Considering that the flooring material was created, it has excellent performance characteristics. Its advantages include:

  • Strength and wear resistance.
  • Attractive appearance, various colors and surface textures.
  • Simple and quick installation of the material.
  • There is no need to prepare the base before installation.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth considering the high hygroscopicity of the material. It cannot be used in rooms with high humidity, as it deforms when exposed to moisture.

10. Fresco

Painting on wet plaster is very beautiful. However, only an artist can do it independently, so a special finishing material is produced that imitates such a pattern. The basis of the fresco can be synthetic or non-woven. It is possible to include marble chips and plaster, which gives the decor a very realistic look. The fresco is used as decoration and can occupy a fragment of one or several walls.

Most often, frescoes are produced that imitate an aged wall, but other options are also possible, for example with the texture of silk or velor. The material is durable, abrasion resistant and has a very attractive appearance. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the high cost and rather complex installation. It is better to entrust it to specialists.

What to consider when choosing a finish?

Hallway - The room is utilitarian. Before you start choosing its decor, it is worth determining the desired functionality of the room. This could be the placement of closed storage systems, an exhibition of family photographs, children's drawings or souvenirs brought from vacations, or something else. Depending on this, the design is selected. In addition to functionality, you need to consider:

  • Size and shape of the room.
  • General style of home decoration.
  • The presence of small children and pets, which can ruin some types of finishes.

The arrangement of each room in an apartment or house is carried out taking into account the functionality of the room. Many people underestimate corridors, devoting little time and money to their design. Modern designers They advise you to be more attentive to this space, since it is precisely this space that greets people who come to the house. In order for the space to be properly decorated, you should know some design rules. An important aspect is a beautiful decoration of the hallway.

Today, many apartment owners are beginning to understand that the hallway is not only an intermediate space, but also acts as a separate room, the design of which requires a special approach. This means that thanks to creative decoration, the corridor can turn into a real work of design art.

When choosing the method and type of finishing, it is important to pay attention to the size of the room. They will differ dramatically in different types of apartments and houses.

Before you begin the design itself, it is important to determine the functional load of the room. You should decide in advance whether this will be just a passage space, or whether it will be used for storing things or for decoration. All these functions can be combined.

Finishing features:

  • Finishing materials must be of high quality.
  • Wallpaper should be wear-resistant.
  • Surfaces must be washable.

The hallway is a place through which a large number of people pass. Its cleanliness is influenced by the weather, depending on which moisture, dirt and dust enter the room. High-quality materials will help withstand all levels of pollution.

Decorating the corridor in the apartment: types and features

When it comes to finishing, the first thing to decide is how the walls will be decorated. The choice of finishing type depends on the function of the room. Wallpaper is still the most common type of wall decoration.

When choosing the quality of wallpaper materials, it is important to pay attention to how many people live in the apartment, whether there are children and pets.

If wallpaper has been chosen for wall decoration, it must be easy to clean, resistant to damage, and not cause allergies. It is very important that they have a pleasant texture and color. You should not give preference to too cheap products - they will not last long.

Types of decoration for the hallway:

  • Wallpaper;
  • Cork;
  • Dye;
  • Decorative plaster;
  • Panels for walls.

If the hallway has a small area, it is best to use wallpaper or paint in light shades. The panels will add extra weight to the room. However, for decorating a large hallway, this is an excellent option, which is replete with a variety of choices.

Hallway finishing options: photo and floor finishing

The hallway is a place that carries a special load. The floor takes the impact from shoes, dirt, water, bicycles, etc. The material covering the floor must be durable, stable, and of high quality.

Each of the materials has its pros and cons. It is important to weigh the pros and cons before choosing a coating. And choose the option that suits the owners most.

Floor finishing options:

  • Laminate. You should choose materials that resist moisture.
  • Tile. This is a reliable and durable material. It has virtually no flaws. Builders prefer porcelain stoneware.
  • Linoleum. It has a cheaper cost, but also lasts less than other types of coatings.
  • Floor board. A type of finish that has a beautiful appearance and lasts a long time if properly cared for.

Very often, designers resort to combining materials. In places more exposed to external factors, more durable coatings are used. It is important that the combined surfaces look harmonious.

How to decorate a corridor in an apartment: ceiling design

The choice of ceiling surface largely depends on the preferences of the owners. The ceiling in the hallway can be decorated in the same way as in the other rooms. It is important that the coating is of high quality and reliable.

It is important to remember that when choosing materials, you should pay attention to the method of their application or installation.

Today, mounted and tensile structures. A stretch ceiling made of material with a glossy texture will visually increase the height of the ceiling. It also does not require special care, which saves effort and time.

Ceiling finishing options:

  • Dye;
  • Whitewash;
  • Wallpaper;
  • Decorative plaster;
  • Ceiling tiles;
  • Suspended ceilings;

After choosing the material, it is important to become familiar with the surface finishing method. Please note that for painting and wallpapering the surface must be carefully prepared. But stretch ceilings are best left to professionals.

Material about different options ceiling covering:

Original decoration of the hallway corner

You can decorate your hallway not only functionally, but also beautifully. Very often, a combination of several types of materials is used when decorating walls, floors and ceilings. This allows you to diversify the design, place accents, and make the hallway interesting.

To decorate a corner in a hallway, designers very often use decorative stone, which can be natural or artificial.

Artificially made stone consists of gypsum or concrete to which dyes are added. These materials are strong, durable, moisture-resistant, and have a variety of textures and colors. A corner decorated with this type of stone does not require special care and is very easy to repair.

Stone laying process:

  • Cleaning old coating;
  • Surface leveling;
  • Padding;
  • Laying decorative stone.

You can decorate the corner yourself or hire a professional. You can make decorative stone from gypsum with your own hands. However, the manufacturing process without prior preparation and experience will take quite a lot of time. Examples self-made can be found on the Internet.

Beautiful decoration of corridors (video)

Modern materials allow you to create a beautiful finish not only in living rooms, but in the hallway or bathroom. The types of finishes allow you to choose the option that suits the overall design of the room. Today, finishing materials for apartments, houses or offices can be purchased from various manufacturers in construction supermarkets or online. It is important that the estimate is drawn up correctly. Various materials Suitable for cold and warm rooms. It is important to consider if the corridor in the room is unheated.

Examples of finishing a hallway in an apartment (photos of interiors)

Modern apartments differ from the old Soviet “designer” delights, like the earth and the sky. And not even because of the increased ceilings or square meters rooms and auxiliary premises. In the overwhelming majority, the hallway in the new design and layout of the apartment actually turned into a room at the entrance, and the corridor connected all the rooms in the apartment into one space (photo).

How to choose a design style for a corridor in an apartment

Decorating a corridor in an apartment requires a certain patience and imagination; often there are not enough resources for deep and careful consideration of the design of wall decoration, and sometimes there is simply no time. But creating a style and choosing a way to decorate the corridor space cannot be called easy.

In addition, you need to take into account the features unique to the corridor:

  • Tunnel shape of the room; in rare cases, the corridor can be made in the form of a broken curve or have branches or square endings;
  • Lack of windows and natural light sources;
  • A minimum of space for installing pieces of furniture, the absence in the interior of objects and attributes that enhance the overall perception of the decoration of an elongated room;
  • It is necessary to gently combine all the rooms of the apartment so that the corridor is a place of organic connection between the style and decoration of neighboring rooms.

Important! Wall decoration is often done for reasons of maximum practicality, especially since this room is the most visited in the apartment and requires the most care.

Corridor finishing options

The most significant drawback of the corridor space, which prevents the use of all available possibilities of modern decoration, is the relatively small width. On average, the corridor can be 100-140 cm wide.

If you try to decorate existing walls using hanging decor, for example, covering them with wall slabs or finishing them with thick-walled wooden panels with carvings or a mosaic set, the width of the room will lose at least another 10-15 cm.

Therefore, the following approach in solving the issue of finishing the corridor would be more correct and practical:

  1. The internal walls of the apartment, forming the corridor space, must be replaced even at the renovation stage with a frame partition made of a steel profile or wooden slats. Such a partition can be easily filled with sound insulation and sewn up with decorative panels;
  2. Leave the corridor walls in their original form, but to decorate the corridor walls use only thin-walled decorative options - wallpaper or decorative plaster, textile covering with good soundproofing properties;
  3. Use more progressive methods of attaching decorative elements to the walls of the corridor, for example, glue, liquid nails or double-sided tape.

Decorating the walls in the corridor with decorative panels

If the problem of attaching decorative elements has been solved, or the width of the corridor is sufficient to install wall panels, the best choice would be to decorate the corridor in an apartment with imitation timber or any other form of wood with a pronounced texture and pattern. In this case, it is advisable to use light tones of wood in the interior, and be sure to install small lamps with an upward-facing lighting sector on the walls.

In this case, the walls at the ends of the corridor are decorated with more light colors Thus, a more shaded corridor space only visually enhances the size of other rooms.

Very interesting solution in use decorative panels is the installation of sliding wardrobes in the hallway with wood-effect door finishes. The second wall and ceiling can be made using liquid wallpaper or water-based paint in a light color to match wood finishing closet

Dividing the corridor space into light and dark parts can be called a classic technique in decorating an apartment. For example, one of the walls can be lined with wall panels imitating flat stone. But the main part of the light in this case should be directed to the darker part of the decor.

IN ideal to highlight the shadowed side it is better to use daylight or a lamp that produces light as close as possible to the daylight spectrum.

Continuing the theme of using natural colors in the decoration and design of the corridor, it is necessary to remember very beautiful way decorating in the style of Japanese materials paper and wooden mats, frame doors and mandatory use oriental plant to enhance the perception of decor.

Doors in such an interior are sheathed with a thin tinted strip without polishing or varnish coatings. Decorative panels with a characteristic texture of bleached bamboo weave are glued to the walls. The design turns out to be very stylish and strict.

Any decorative surface accumulates an insane amount of dust, and even more so, there is a lot of it in the hallway. You can simplify the task of cleaning and maintenance if you choose light gray decorative panels as decoration for the walls of the corridor. The overall tone of the corridor will be quite even and calm, the surface of the decor can be easily cleaned of any dirt.

This is especially important if the corridor is a favorite place to play for the younger generation. In critical cases, the finish can be easily restored using water-based emulsion or liquid wallpaper.

For such finishing, it is important to choose the right places to install lamps; most often, several sconces are used with a stream of light directed at a light ceiling.

As classical solution The problems of arranging and finishing the corridor space can be seen in the photo below.

The partition separating the corridor space from the room is made on a frame lined with gypsum vinyl board. Such gypsum-based materials, due to the use of fluffed cellulose fiber as a filler and porous sound-proofing layers, provide excellent noise suppression and at the same time have high strength.

Advice! If you want to increase the width of the corridor by 15-20 cm without significant costs, it makes sense to replace the brick in the walls with a frame structure.

Instead of brickwork, 15 cm thick, due to the installation of GVK slabs, a full-fledged wall with a very beautiful finish. In addition to well-chosen color scheme dual-zone lighting is used. Upper zone - using fluorescent lighting fixtures in suspended ceiling from gypsum plasterboard, the lower part in the form of dots LED lamps. At the same time, in a relatively narrow room there is enough space to install a small table or flowerpots with flowers.

Combined finishing using panels and decorative plaster

If you have free financial resources and a desire to achieve maximum expressiveness in the decoration of the corridor, you can use a combination of decorative panels, suspended ceilings and a correctly selected wallpaper pattern. In some cases, instead of wallpaper, decorative plaster in the corridor is more expressive.

Stretch ceilings, parquet and precisely selected shapes wall lamps give a complete imitation of the style of the 19th century.

Often, decorative plaster or liquid wallpaper can shape the style of an apartment using a couple of overhead decorations and panels, wall paintings, or the right color scheme for the space.

Often, corners at the transition points from the corridor to the hallway or hall create a lot of problems. This corner most often suffers from impacts and mechanical damage; making a transition in the form of a rounded surface is expensive and not always effective. Therefore, they try to decorate the corner, cover it with decorations or objects.

One of the most effective is the use of overhead elements in the form of imitation natural stone or ancient masonry walls.

Secrets of designing and finishing the corridor

Few people consider the size of the corridor space in their apartment to be huge; most often they complain about the opposite. There are several basic finishing techniques that can be used to quite simply increase the visual perception of space. A good way would be to use contrasting wallpaper with vertical stripes.

Mirror surfaces have the maximum “expanding” effect. But only on the walls. Trying to install mirror ceiling will lead to the opposite effect - the height of the ceilings will seem higher, and the space between the walls will be tighter and narrower.

Often there is a wall in the hallway that you don’t want to cover with paneling or clutter with additional interior items. In this case, on a base made of decorative plaster, you can simply draw a very cheerful picture full of positive energy. Most likely, it will please you longer than other decoration items in the apartment.

Very in a good way To enliven the interior and decoration of space is the use of fresh flowers and plants. There will never be too many of them in any room. But the room will require truly jewelry precision in choosing a place to install them so that they do not interfere with movement and are at the same time visible.


The decoration of the corridor does not differ in anything special and unusual from similar methods of interior decoration in other rooms. Moreover, in this case the goals and objectives are always clear - to make decorative elements unobtrusive and not interfering with the use of the corridor.

In principle, choosing a design and artistic execution is not difficult; you need imagination and the means to experiment.

From this article you will learn:

  • What materials are there for interior decoration of the corridor?
  • What material to choose for interior decoration of corridor walls
  • What might the ceiling and floor be like in the hallway?

The walls in the hallway are most susceptible to negative external influences. We often lean on them; wet clothes and shoes easily leave marks on their surface. If there are children in the apartment, then accidental scratches from sharp protruding parts of a stroller, sled or bicycle are quite possible. Traces from the claws of a cat or dog also spoil the appearance of the corridor. And if you don’t take care of strong material for covering the walls in the hallway, you will have to do cosmetic repairs every year. Therefore, the interior decoration of the corridor is a serious problem that almost all of us have had to face.

How to make interior decoration of a corridor

Before starting work, you need to plan everything carefully. Task number one is to choose the material for the interior decoration of the corridor. Then you should calculate the required amount and outline an action plan. Only after this can you begin preparatory activities.

It is very important to think about how and where the furniture will be placed in the hallway, how the doors will open, in a word, to provide for the process of convenient use of the room; its design largely depends on this. After this, you will be able to clarify the consumption of all materials. When calculating your needs, take into account the size of the room, the presence of children or animals.

After the preparatory procedures, the preliminary stage of finishing begins: stripping the walls of old material. If necessary, surfaces are leveled. Then they decide on the color of the finish, there are no problems with this, since today’s product market provides a wide choice.

Regardless of what design you choose for decorating the corridor, do not forget to consider:

  1. area and shape;
  2. the location of the hallway in the overall layout, the choice of material will depend on this;
  3. general concept of apartment design. If all the rooms are decorated in high-tech style, then the corridor in the spirit of Provence will look ridiculous;
  4. color: whether it will support the overall color scheme of the entire apartment or become a bright accent is up to you to decide.

All your ideas can be brought to life using various materials.

Materials for interior decoration of the corridor and their characteristics


Painting wall surfaces is perhaps the most economical way to decorate a corridor. In addition, it is simple and practical. You can choose acrylic, latex, silicate or silicone based paints. Their main positive property is that they create a washable coating. In addition, they have a number of other advantages:

  • Ease of use. You don't need any special experience to paint walls.
  • Wide range of colors. Whatever color you choose, you can probably find it in the palette available on the market. And if you also combine several colors or draw a pattern on the main tone, your work will be considered a designer’s work. And you can transform your corridor in the most amazing way, just by painting the walls. In addition, there are now unusual decorative paints on sale. Their peculiarity is that they create unique effects. There are paints that imitate marble, reflective, silver or gold, and “chameleons” that create a special pattern. All these qualities do not in any way reduce their strength and durability.
  • Wear resistance, possibility without special effort repaint the surface, change the color at any time.
  • Difficulties in the architecture of the room (the presence of arches, niches, protrusions) do not become an obstacle to painting. Difficult surfaces are easy to paint.
  • Acceptable price.

The only difficulty when painting walls is that special preparation of the base is required. The base for coating must be perfectly smooth, without roughness.


Decorative plaster for interior decoration of the corridor makes it possible to obtain an original coating. It can be embossed or smooth. An interesting effect is created by the French Venetian plaster. Interior decoration of the corridor with plaster is used not only due to its decorative properties. Its positive qualities are very significant:

  • integrity of the finished coating;
  • safety of the material and its ability to pass air;
  • durability, resistance to damage from external influences;
  • anti-electrostatic and low maintenance;

  • there is no need for thorough preparation of surfaces, such as before painting. Thanks to the tight thick composition the solution easily hides minor wall defects;
  • plaster is easily applied to complex surfaces (protrusions, niches). This is very important for owners of small spaces.

Despite the fact that some types of plaster are quite expensive, it is quite suitable material for finishing the hallway, the price is paid off by durability and practicality.


Microcement – new material among finishing products. On the one hand, based on some quality characteristics he is classified as decorative plasters. On the other hand, operational properties require its separate consideration. This material is a polymer-cement composition. The appearance can be changed by adding a coloring pigment to the mixture.

The main advantage of microcement is the ability to coat substrates of varying quality with it: wood, concrete, metal. It adheres equally firmly to any material. The external structure of the surface treated with microcement can be different: from smooth matte or slightly rough to embossed. Due to the special properties of the composition of this finish, any color comes out quite natural, muted. Microcement coating is very durable and impact resistant. And in terms of price characteristics it is much cheaper than decorative plasters.


Although wallpaper has been used for quite a long time as decorative covering, they are still very popular. Interior decoration of the corridor with such material is also possible. True, traditional paper wallpaper The premises are not suitable for this. To cover the corridor, you need to choose modern types with suitable performance characteristics. This is not difficult to do: the product market offers an assortment of wallpapers with different properties, in any shade.

This type of material is easy to apply; even beginners can handle it. Their indisputable advantage is the availability of prices. How to understand the variety of types of wallpaper? The characteristics listed below will help you make your choice.

  1. Glass wallpaper very durable, wear-resistant, moisture-resistant, they have reinforcing properties and therefore are not afraid of mechanical damage from sharp objects. In addition, it is an environmentally friendly, breathable material. It can be easily painted in any color and can be repainted several times. The walls can not only be plain; it is possible to apply any design or pattern with a brush or using a stencil. Glass wallpaper is resistant to any solvents, which allows you to not be limited in the choice of paint type. Although for interior decoration of the corridor it is better to use paint with washable properties.

  2. Liquid wallpaper its characteristics are something between wallpaper and plaster. Their distinctive positive properties are surface integrity, good sound insulation, high level of stability. The surface of the wall under liquid wallpaper does not require preliminary sanding: thanks to the dense thick mass and the possibility of applying several layers of different thicknesses, all defects are masked. Liquid wallpaper is the best option for interior decoration of a corridor in a new building, because it does not deform when the house shrinks. They are repairable, have antistatic properties, and are washable.
  3. Vinyl washable wallpaper– an excellent option for the hallway, because they can be wiped clean damp cloth and even clean it with a brush. The choice of colors and patterns is wide. Affordability is attractive. The disadvantage of vinyl wallpaper is its airtightness. Although now certain types of breathable wallpaper made of hard vinyl have already appeared (although they are much more expensive).
  4. Non-woven wallpaper(do not confuse them with non-woven vinyl ones) are breathable, resistant to moisture and mechanical stress. Some species are not afraid of repeated staining.
  5. Quartz wallpaper are not in such demand as the previous ones, although due to their performance characteristics they are excellent for interior decoration of the corridor. When making them, quartz sand is applied to a base made of paper or non-woven fabric, resulting in a strong surface. It is not easily destroyed, so it can be cleaned frequently. An undoubted advantage is the property of fire resistance. They look great. This wallpaper is also suitable for painting, thanks to which you can repeatedly update the room without worrying about preliminary surface preparation.
  6. Cork wallpaper- not a very successful option for decorating a hallway, but it is still sometimes used because of the following qualities: natural material, good heat and sound insulation properties, invisibility of minor damage.
  7. Metallized wallpaper durable and wear-resistant, elegant, but require special gluing technology. The cost of such wallpaper is high.
  8. linkrust wallpaper with voluminous ornaments will bring an atmosphere of luxury to the hallway. They are resistant to damage and can be washed. They also have a long service life.

Using the color and patterns of the wallpaper, it is easy to visually correct some details: for small rooms you need to take light wallpaper, and for low rooms - with a vertical stripe.

Plastic panels

Wall panels are also well suited for interior decoration of the corridor.

Plastic panels for interior decoration of corridors are very popular today. Their advantages:

  • Cheapness.
  • Wide range of models. There are plain ones, with a print, with imitation wood, stone, etc. For a small price you can get a spectacular rich finish.
  • Easy to install. In this case, there is no need to pre-level the base surface.
  • Can be washed.

Of course, there are also disadvantages:

  • They fade quickly from ultraviolet rays.
  • Weak surface: slight mechanical stress causes dents.


MDF panels for walls for interior decoration of a corridor are more expensive than plastic ones, but they are much stronger, more environmentally friendly, and they look more solid. By by and large this is a good alternative to wooden lining. The material is based on an MDF board, which is veneered, laminated or painted, giving the appearance of a wood, leather or stone surface.

The advantages of MDF panels include:

  • rich choice;
  • installation and maintenance are simple and do not require special skills;
  • strength;
  • safety;
  • affordability.

The disadvantages of these wall panels for interior decoration of the corridor are the low level of fire resistance, the large weight of the material, and the need for additional installation of fasteners for hanging structures.

Fake diamond

Artificial stone is made from gypsum, which means it is absolutely environmentally friendly and safe. Modern technologies for interior decoration of corridors with stone make it possible to create an imitation of marble, onyx, granite and others natural stones at prices affordable for the average consumer. At the same time, artificial stone is no worse than natural stone, the interior decoration of the corridor decorative bricks has a number of advantages:

  • resistance to moisture, it can be washed, the decorative effect will not be affected;
  • strength and durability, breaking a stone is not easy;
  • ease of installation;
  • durability;
  • fire resistance.

The cost of artificial stone is high. You can save money if you use it only for the bottom of walls and doorways. It is possible to combine decorative stone for interior decoration in the corridor with painting or plaster.

Flexible stone

This is another type of decorative stone for interior decoration.

Flexible stone has recently appeared on the product market, so it is not yet so popular. Not everyone knows about its existence. The advantage of this material is its naturalness and the possibility of being used for finishing not only interior spaces, but also facades. And this indicates low water permeability, tolerance to temperature changes, and high durability. A flexible stone is produced based on sandstone, applied to fiberglass. It is presented in the form of slabs and wallpaper. Main advantages:

  • complete harmlessness;
  • easy installation;
  • moisture and fire resistance;
  • ergonomics;
  • long service life (up to 35 years).

Thanks to its plasticity, it can take any shape, and with its help you can realize the most daring ideas.

The only downside is the high cost, but the quality and characteristics of the product fully justify it.

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tiles are often associated with a bathroom or kitchen. It turns out that the interior decoration of a corridor in a private house or apartment can easily be made with this material. By successfully choosing the colors, you can improve the interior of the hallway. And ceramic tiles have many advantages:

  • wide selection of different colors;
  • scratch resistance, high humidity and temperature changes;
  • fortress;
  • long service life.

Today you can find many offers of ceramic tiles. Single-color, with a pattern, with wood imitation, stone surface and even skin. This material is well suited for interior decoration of corridor walls. Cladding with ceramic tiles can also serve as a decorative element when creating a special style in the interior. For example, decorating the lower part of the wall with tiles will fit perfectly into country or Provence.

Thus, there is a huge amount of materials for interior decoration of the corridor. Each of them has its own advantages. How to navigate this diversity?

5 important criteria for choosing material for interior decoration of corridor walls

What criteria should you pay attention to? Special attention when choosing a material for the interior decoration of the corridor, so that the effect of a fresh cosmetic renovation lasts for a long time? Expert advice:

  1. The resistance of the material to external negative influences must be high: the walls of the hallway are especially susceptible to such loads.
  2. Practicality. By choosing a material of a non-staining color for the hallway, you can be sure that the aesthetic appearance will last for a long time.
  3. Surfaces should be easy to clean from dirt. As a rule, these are low-porous materials.
  4. Harmlessness.
  5. Maintainability. The easier it is to replace an area of ​​damaged trim, the better. Partial replacement of material during operation will save your finances.

Interior finishing of the floor and ceiling in the hallway

What you use for hallway flooring depends on personal preference and certain circumstances. If many people live in an apartment or a family has animals, then porcelain tiles would be the best choice.

If the load on the floor is not high, you can safely buy the less durable material you like. It will look good as interior decoration for a corridor. parquet, of course, made of oak. Its surface is abrasion resistant. The entrance hall with oak trim looks simply chic.

If it is very important for you that the narrow space of the corridor visually looks wider, then try to choose flooring a couple of shades darker than the walls. There is another way: cover the floor with dark finishing material and on top with a light carpet or rug.

The above methods are not cheap. You can save money if you use laminate. He's appearance practically no different from natural material. And the performance characteristics are also quite suitable for interior decoration of the corridor. The worst options are linoleum and cork, as they are unstable to mechanical stress.

The ceiling in the redecoration of the corridor is the most difficult area. Firstly, it is most often low, and secondly, it is uneven. It takes a lot of effort to correct these defects. Sometimes a way out can only be found by applying unusual solutions to rectify the situation.

You can visually raise the height of the room using light finishing of the ceiling space against the background of darker walls. Conversely, a ceiling that is too high will look much cozier if it is made less noticeable by using a dark coating. The dimensions of the room can always be visually adjusted by the location of the pattern on the walls or a special way of covering the ceiling surface.

The ceiling in the corridor can be decorated:

  1. paints;
  2. water-based solution;
  3. plaster;
  4. wallpaper;
  5. ceiling tiles.

In Moscow they are quite common in corridor design. suspended structures or suspended ceilings.

Design ideas for interior decoration of the corridor: photos that will inspire you

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