How is a hairdresser's workplace equipped? Organization of a workplace in a hairdressing salon. Basic requirements for organizing the workplace and work of a hairdresser

The hairdresser's workplace is equipped with a dressing table and a chair. There are many designs for hairdressing vanities (see Figure 2). Usually this is a table lined with plastic, with or without a sink built into it. The table has drawers for tools, accessories, perfumes and linen. An oval or rectangular mirror measuring at least 60x100 cm is installed above the table.

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The hairdressing chair (see Fig. 3) must have a semi-soft seat with a back and armrests, upholstery made of waterproof materials and rotate freely around a vertical axis. It is also desirable that it be equipped with a hydraulic lift, which allows, depending on the height of the client, to raise or lower the chair, as well as turn it in the desired direction. For the convenience of clients, the chair must be equipped with a special footrest.

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The location of dressing tables and chairs in the workroom of a hairdressing salon may vary depending on the area of ​​the room and its shape. Dressing tables are placed against the wall or in the center of the room. You can also group them in groups of two or three, etc. The main condition that must be met when placing equipment is maintaining the established distances between chairs. Work zone The hairdresser should not be more than 90 cm away from the vertical axis of the chair, therefore, the minimum distance between the axes of two chairs should be 180 cm. If work chair located near the wall, the distance between it and the wall must be at least 70 cm. For each workplace hairdresser sanitary standards at least 4.5 m2 of area is allocated.

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On the dressing table are placed in in a certain order(from right to left) the tools and devices used, taking into account the rule: the more often an object is used in work, the closer it should be to the master. This makes it possible to reduce the number of movements of the hairdresser and, therefore, reduce his fatigue. If the tabletop is small, you can install special carts with tools next to it (see Fig. 4). For more ergonomic work of craftsmen, special work chairs are used (see Fig. 5). The master is obliged to keep his workplace and tools clean. At the end of the working day, the dressing table and all accessories must be thoroughly disinfected.

When organizing a hairdresser’s work area, one must be guided not only by considerations of aesthetics and common sense, but also by legal regulations. All standards that the state requires to be followed are spelled out in SanPiN “Hairdressing salons. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for design, equipment and contents."

Requirements for workplace organization


One of the most important factors successful work is the lighting of the hairdresser's workplace. If the room has windows, then it is better to install workstations closer to them, of course, provided that the window openings are large and allow enough light to pass through. But in the absence of windows or in bad weather conditions You can’t do without artificial light. Properly chosen lamps will create favorable conditions for work:

  • The right light does not tire your eyesight, and the technician remains productive longer.
  • Hair color is not distorted when dyeing and cutting, which allows you to get excellent result. The master sees all the nuances of his work.

The light should be diffused. The lamps are installed in such a way that the light does not “shine” in the eyes of the hairdresser and the client, and does not create glare and shadows. Light at correct location The lamp illuminates the client in the chair, but does not fall on the mirror. It is worth installing additional lamps at each workplace to adjust the lighting.

The ideal lighting for a beauty salon is diode fluorescent lamps with a color rendering index of CRI 90 and an illumination level of 500 lux.


The comfort of the visitor and the hairdresser is determined by the microclimate in the room. If the salon is cold, clients forced to sit still in one position may freeze. And the heat and stuffiness will make the haircut process tiring for the hairdresser and visitors. Optimal temperature at 22°C is maintained using air conditioners or heaters. Moreover, it is necessary to think through their location in advance so that they do not interfere with the installation of furniture and evenly cool or warm the entire room.

Do not forget that the room must be regularly ventilated. High concentrations of paint and styling vapors should not cause nausea or headaches. You can use special hoods above each workplace or centralized system ventilation.

Area and dimensions

The area of ​​the premises should provide free space for hairdressers’ workplaces, passage between them and quick access to equipment. The work area is located within a radius of 0.9 m from the chair. To ensure that two technicians do not interfere with each other while serving clients, the chairs must be at least 1.8 meters apart. If installed against a wall, the distance between them is at least 0.7 m. The total area of ​​the workplace should be 4.5 meters. According to the standards, the height of the ceilings cannot be less than 2.7 m. You also need to remember that the hairdresser must have a separate entrance. The more spacious the room, the easier it is to stay in it for a long time and arrange all the necessary furniture and equipment.

Equipment for a hairdresser's workplace


This is the most important attribute of the workplace in a beauty salon. With its help, the client watches the work of the master and sees the result. In order for the process of cutting or styling to be enjoyable for visitors, the mirror must meet several criteria:

  • Size. The minimum mirror size is 0.6x1 m. The larger the better. The master also needs to have a hand mirror in stock, of a convenient shape and size, in order to show the work done from all sides.
  • Illumination. It would be great if the mirror was illuminated. Especially if makeup is done with the hairstyle. Otherwise, there should be a source of diffused daylight next to the mirror.
  • Mirror surface quality. No defects such as scratches, dullness or distortion. Bad mirror distorts the reflection so the client cannot see real result hairdresser's work.
  • Appearance mirrors, its shape and frame are selected to match the design of the room, but do not forget that too elaborate design will distract and tire visitors.

The mirror must be securely mounted on the wall so that it does not injure the master or client if it falls due to a careless push.

Chair for client

Beauty salon supply stores offer a huge range of chairs. This is correct, because during a visit to the salon, the client can spend several hours sitting without the opportunity to stand up or change his position. When choosing a chair, you need to consider the following factors:

  • Ease of use. The chair is height adjustable, the backrest reclines, and the headrests can be removed. It is easy to move or fix in one place.
  • Visitor comfort. The chair should have medium hardness and a comfortable backrest. The presence of a footrest and comfortable armrests will also be a plus. For children, you can purchase special child seats. And if you need more economical option or there is no extra space, then you can use a pouf pad that is installed in an adult chair.
  • Practicality. The upholstery and its parts must be resistant to damage. It is best to choose waterproof coatings that are not afraid of exposure to water, paints and other cosmetics.

For craftsmen who care about the health of their legs and back, you can purchase a saddle chair. It has no armrests or back, easily moves in any direction and does not restrict movement.

To provide a full range of hairdressing services, it is necessary to equip the premises with sinks. Therefore, you need to think about the supply of hot and cold water, sewerage, pipe location.

The client should feel comfortable while washing his hair, so it is better to choose sink models with recesses for the head or soft linings. A special chair may be attached to the sink; this option is much more practical. If the sink is spacious and equipped with a shower head, then rinsing thick hair will be much easier.

In a hairdressing salon, at least 1 sink is required for 3 hairdressers. It’s good when each workplace is equipped with an individual sink. In this case, visitors will not have to wait in line to wash their hair.


Furniture set, necessary for the master, is not limited to the mirror, chair and sink. To accommodate the materials and tools used by the hairdresser, the workplace is equipped with cabinets, carts on wheels, tables and shelving.

Tables are placed near the mirror; the main set of tools and styling products are usually stored on them. Cabinet with drawers will allow the master to store rarely used items. A cart on wheels is needed so that you can move it towards you if necessary, and not run to the table for tools. The racks contain paints, towels, negligees, and other consumables.

The furniture coating must be resistant to chemicals so that it lasts for a long time without losing its attractive appearance.

You should not save money and buy uncomfortable furniture made from cheap materials. Poor-quality chairs not only reduce the hairdresser’s performance, but can also cause injuries.

Important rules for organizing a hairdresser's workplace

Disinfection of a hairdresser's workplace

You should start organizing a hairdresser’s workplace only after studying the specifics of the work of the craftsmen who will work in the beauty salon. You shouldn't buy too much, but from necessary equipment you need to choose the best price-quality ratio. Comfortable furniture will allow the master to show high level skill without experiencing any inconvenience during the work process. And the client will appreciate the environment created taking into account his needs and comfort.

When visiting a beauty salon, the first thing clients pay attention to is the interior, in which every little detail must be thought out. The visitor may not understand the characteristics of electrical appliances and tools, but he will definitely appreciate the comfort of the chair, the quality of the mirror and the design of the shelves. That is why a hairdresser’s workplace should be as comfortable, functional and stylish as possible. When choosing this special equipment, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the master’s work and the list of services he provides.

Most beauty salons employ several hairdressers and to create harmonious interior their workplaces are equipped almost identically. To a greater extent, this applies to mirrors, tables and chairs for clients. You can buy a hairdresser’s workplace as a set or select different components yourself.

How to properly equip a hairdresser's workplace?

To ensure comfortable work of a hairdresser, the maximum functional furniture with various drawers, shelves, stands. This is due to the fact that in the process of work the master uses many different instruments, devices, hair care cosmetics, accessories, combs and all this needs to be placed somewhere. Because of this, the hairdresser’s workplace is often equipped with additional cabinets and mobile carts.

When choosing a workplace with different components, it is important to consider that it performs the following functions:

  • Helps the hairdresser control the process of working on the hairstyle from different angles;
  • Provides the client with the opportunity to feel comfortable during procedures;
  • Contains all items necessary for work;
  • Emphasizes the style of the room.

Furniture for beauty salons is highly resistant to disinfectants. For its production, MADISON uses materials exclusively High Quality with enhanced water-repellent characteristics. The range of items is so large that every beauty salon owner can easily find a suitable hairdresser’s workplace at an affordable price. The cost of the kits depends on the complexity of the designs and the number of components.

Mirror for a hairdresser's workplace

It’s difficult to imagine a hairdresser’s workplace without a mirror, because it is the most important and necessary element. When choosing a mirror for a beauty salon, first of all you need to pay attention to mirror surface. It should be perfectly flat and display the image as accurately as possible, without the slightest distortion. With the help of a well-chosen mirror, you can visually expand the room and emphasize the interior design.

The mirror of the hairdresser's workplace can have different design. Models with additional shelves and drawers where you can place the necessary accessories and work tools are very popular. For additional comfort and improved lighting, you should pay attention to backlit products. By choosing such a hairdressing mirror, you can highlight the design of the room with a stylish and practical item.

Getting a haircut while sitting on a stool in front of a small mirror and a table chaotically filled with various jars and bottles will not appeal to anyone. Bad conditions You can forgive only a very good or beloved master, but only once, maximum twice. Then even the most faithful client will begin to run away from such a barber in search of comfortable conditions and quality service.

What does an ideal, but good, well-organized hairdresser’s workplace look like? How should it be equipped and what should be put there? These questions have very specific answers, justified by established standards and requirements of regulatory authorities.

Greeted by design and seen off by comfort

To begin with, we note that the hairdresser’s workplace begins with the room in which he works. According to the law on consumer rights, this must be a building with a separate entrance, equipped with a high-quality ventilation system, water supply and drainage. The beauty and effectiveness of a hairdressing salon will not matter if the master cannot wash his client’s hair, and a persistent aroma hangs in the air chemicals which barbers use in their work.

In addition, it is important that the microclimate in the room is also within normal limits. The ideal temperature is considered to be up to 22ºС; if this figure is lower, the client will simply freeze, because he will have to spend at least half an hour in the chair, and physical activity at this time is zero. The heat will also not contribute to the good health and mood of both the beauty salon employees and its clients.

Another condition is that the hairdresser’s workplace must be well lit. It is best to use natural light sources as much as possible. Sun rays, entering the room through big windows, can be replaced with artificial illumination. It is important to choose light bulbs that give a soft glow white. There must be at least three of them per room.

What does a hairdresser need to work?

Organizing a hairdresser’s workplace requires that the hairdresser has access to a chair for the client, a mirror and dressing table. This is a minimal set of furnishings, which can also be supplemented with a rack for storing tools, materials and linen.

It is mandatory to provide a special washbasin in the salon for washing your hair. This is a special design with a recess and a softening pad in the sink. A special chair with a footrest is attached to it, providing comfortable conditions for visitors to the hairdressing salon. The washbasin comes with a faucet, which can be equipped with a shower with a flexible hose; it is more convenient to use when you need to wash very thick hair.

It is also necessary to take care of the wardrobe for visitors to the hairdresser if separate room there is no provision for this in the salon, then next to the technician’s place you can install a hanger for outerwear, visitors' bags.

Standards, sizes and distances

The equipment of a hairdresser's workplace must be based on special standards regarding the distance at which chairs for visitors and work tables of individual hairdressers are installed. They can be placed indoors in different ways:

  • along one or more walls - depends on the size of the room;
  • in the center of the hall.

At the same time, there must be a free space of 90 cm around the chair intended for the client. Thus, the minimum distance from one chair to another is almost two meters. The outermost workplace (located against the wall) cannot be pushed into a corner end to end; a distance of 70 cm must be maintained from it to the partitions.

According to the standards, at least 4.5 m2 of territory must be provided for one employee of a hairdressing salon in the working room - this is standard sizes hairdresser's workplace. Larger area, in principle, is not necessary, because all working tools and materials must be kept at hand in a freely accessible area.

A hairdresser's workplace should be comfortable and thoughtful. Moreover, it is best to come up with its own place for each item, so the master can save time on finding the right scissors or blade.

Beauty wash

It’s rare that creating a hairstyle is complete without washing your hair. They need to be refreshed before cutting, before coloring, and before styling. Ideally, each master should have his own washbasin. In it he will be able to rinse his hands before work or after their contact with chemicals. But the standards allow the number of sinks to be reduced to one, designed for use by three craftsmen. If the hall is working large quantity hairdressers, then the salon owner needs to equip one washbasin for two hairdressers.

This piece of furniture usually stands in a separate room or to the side, without occupying space in the main room; the hairdresser’s individual workplace should not be in close contact with the washbasin, so that salon employees do not interfere with each other while performing different operations.

Let's seat everyone

The client's chair is the hairdresser's main workplace. Photo different models can be found in specialized catalogs and brochures. These chairs may differ in design, but their functionality is usually the same.

The chairs should be of medium softness, with a high back, without a headrest (but not necessarily), most often they are equipped with armrests so that the visitor can take the most comfortable position. Also it's always a swivel chair, it's good if it has lifting mechanism- this option greatly facilitates the hairdresser’s work. By the way, there are chairs for craftsmen too. They are backless, on a rotating axis and with a lift. According to hairdressers, their use helps reduce stress on the legs and back.

Mirror or dressing table?

The second important attribute for a hairdresser’s work is large mirror. His minimum size- 60x100 cm. This can be a canvas covering the entire wall, without a side table, or a medium-sized reflective surface mounted on a bedside table.

The design of the mirror depends on the appearance of the interior of the beauty salon, but it should not be overly catchy. Clients love to look at their reflection while the master is working; too flashy a frame can tire them. The hairdresser should also have a small mirror at his disposal, through which he can show the visitor his haircut from the back or side.

The requirements for a hairdresser's workplace do not specify the lighting in the mirror, but its presence is usually welcome, especially if the hairdresser also does makeup artistry.

Additional modules

In order to place the working tools and tools that the master most often uses, it is necessary to equip his workplace with a special table. The tabletop for it is usually made of plastic, resistant to a variety of chemicals.

The table can also be supplemented with drawers for storing certain types of instruments, linen, negligees, and sterile devices. Dyes and hair care products are usually at the top.

If additional compartments are not provided, the hairdresser can replace them with a mobile cart. It is light, maneuverable and roomy.

Hygiene comes first

General cleaning of the beauty salon is carried out once a month. During the sanitary day, furniture is subject to disinfection, floors, walls, plumbing, and doors are washed. On other days wet cleaning premises are carried out before the opening of the hairdresser and after its closure. During the day, each master cleans near his chair himself. Separate equipment and a bag or bucket are allocated for cut hair; its contents are subject to burning.

Hygiene at a hairdresser’s workplace involves measures to disinfect tools and keep mirrors, tables and chairs clean. A beauty salon employee needs to have not just one set of scissors and dangerous blades, shaving brushes and combs, but several. Before starting work, he must either open the sterile instrument so that the client can see it, or wipe it with a swab soaked in alcohol.
