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How and what to wash plastic windows no divorces

Windows made of polyvinyl chloride have firmly entered our lives, since these structures are characterized by tightness, durability, resistance to climatic and weather conditions. In addition, they look aesthetically pleasing and do not allow noise and cold to pass through. Other advantages include the lack of special care for them. But it is still necessary to know how to wash plastic windows at home. It wouldn’t hurt to find out what formulations are best to do this in order to avoid divorces.

What is the best way to wash plastic windows to avoid streaks?

Windows are the eyes of any room, letting in sunlight, so of course they need to be clean and tidy. True, it is not always possible to clean them without unsightly smudges, and plastic is no exception. Let's see what is the best way to wash the glass so that it is streak-free.

Current, effective means For this procedure there are a number of household chemicals available. Perhaps the most effective formulations at the moment:

  1. Comet gel, which is applicable if fresh and old grease stains are present. Despite the content of chlorinol, it has a mild corrosive effect; it can be used in diluted form to clean frames and glass.
  2. Frosch(lemon) is a skin-safe product, not allergy-causing. It can be used to clean windows quickly and without streaks. It is used extremely economically, and the windows remain clean for a long time afterwards.
  3. Fratti, despite the strong ammonia smell, it does an excellent job of cleaning plastic double-glazed windows, as well as triplex - the glass used for this. The product does not leave streaks and, moreover, has an affordable price.
  4. Organic People Eco-spray– a worthy product from the category of household chemical compounds. Does not contain dyes, gives glass shine, and copes with dirt on the inside and outside with equal efficiency. outside window, its fragrance is essential oils.
  5. Mister Muscle- a good option, which includes ammonia. The drug can clean both the surface of plastic and glass. But its effectiveness is high only when using a high-quality cloth or napkin designed for such cleaning.

Do not forget that you will have to clean not only the glass, but also other parts of the window. A popular means for washing plastic frames and window sills is:

  1. Domestos– this product, in addition to removing grease, whitens plastic and removes traces of rust. It is simply applied to the surface and washed off after 15 minutes, simultaneously removing dirt.
  2. Detergent composition SIF, which is suitable for window sills with a rough texture. With its help, you can avoid the appearance of smudges formed by water, dirt left by pots from home flowers.
  3. Sanita– the product perfectly removes grease, it is better to apply it to the surface of the plastic with a sponge, and then rub it briefly, after which you can wash it off. Old dirt is also washed off if you leave the active substance on it for 4-5 minutes.
  4. Pemolux in the form of a gel - another option for cleaning plastic. This product has a gentle effect on polyvinyl chloride; usually it is simply rubbed into the stain and left for a while. Even deep stains can be eliminated by applying the gel twice.
  5. Mister proper will help remove dirt from plastic surfaces. It has a concentrated composition in the form of a gel or powder, which is pre-diluted with water. You will need to wash the frames or window sill, go over the remaining spots with the composition, and then - clean water.
  6. Sillit Bang contains a more powerful composition, so it is suitable for intense stubborn grease stains. It is applied, allowed to absorb, and washed off after 15 minutes. The disadvantage of this product is its unpleasant chemical smell, but it gets rid of stains very effectively.

And these are only purchased products, but there are also simple ones traditional methods, with which you can perfectly clean glass and materials such as PVC. Newly appeared stains can be easily washed with a solution of water and grated soap, diluted vinegar essence, lemon juice, and some soda powder can be added to some formulations. At the same time, the plastic is easily washed, although sometimes you need to rub the dirt with a sponge.

Meanwhile, you need to have information on how to properly wash plastic windows - it will help keep the glass unit in good condition. perfect condition for a long time.

How to wash plastic windows at home

To plastic frames always looked neat and did not have defects in the form of scratches, there is a certain technique for cleaning them from dirt.

Main requirements:

  • first of all, you should clean the frame from stains, and only after that start washing the glass;
  • alcohol compositions are more suitable for glass surfaces;
  • It is better to wash windows when the sun is hidden by clouds - this way the glass will dry longer, and the housewife will have time to prevent rainbow marks on the glass.

Regarding all parts of a plastic window, we can say that any abrasive powders that can damage the surface are not applicable to them. That is why it is so important to understand how to wash plastic windows and window sills at home. In addition to certain tools, you will need:

  • paper napkins and towels;;
  • rags from soft fabric;
  • brushes with bristles of low and medium hardness.

It should also be taken into account that some formulations, including solvents and aggressive acids, can negatively affect the color. plastic parts. Therefore, you need to choose softer, gentler drugs.

The washing methods themselves can be different:

  1. A quick method involves using a solution of two liters of heated water, 50 ml of vinegar and ammonia, a spoon of potato starch and a pinch of blue. The composition is poured into a spray bottle, sprayed onto the glass, after which you need to rinse it with water and wipe with a paper towel.
  2. An unusual method is to use potatoes, cutting half of which is rubbed onto the glass. Next, you need to rinse it with water and wipe it with a paper napkin.
  3. A good result can be obtained using mortar, that is, dissolve ordinary chalk in water. They don’t wash it off, but wait until it dries and wipe it with a cloth.
  4. You can use a special mop with a scraper and a squeegee to wash off dirty liquid. Convenient tool for clean windows without rainbow spots.
  5. A magnetic brush is another device that, using a soap solution, will quickly clean the glass of dirt. It is fixed in the corner and moved in the desired direction, this procedure is carried out a second time with clean water, and the corners are cleaned with a dry cloth.
  6. Also sold are napkins made of thin fibrous material intended for washing, which, when moistened, perfectly wipe the glass surface without leaving any marks on it.

Many housewives are interested in how to wash without streaks. Main secret This technology comes down to the fact that the gel or other product is applied in one direction, but not in circles, since it is this technique that causes them to appear.

Typically, window frames and glass are cleaned before the onset of a cold period, or in the spring. It’s worth considering step by step how this is done when you have PVC windows.

How to properly prepare a PVC double-glazed window for winter

On the eve of the cold period, it is important not only to clean, but also to prepare PVC windows. You will need machine oil, a soft-bristled brush, special lubricant for the sealing gasket, and an allen key for adjusting the trunnions.

Having studied the technology of how to wash plastic windows at home, it is not difficult to understand that in addition to rough, aggressive substances, it is unacceptable to use a knife to cut off old grease stains.

All actions must be carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The first step is to remove the mosquito net. It needs to be washed with water room temperature and remove before spring.
  2. As a rule, PVC windows are equipped with a special valve for ventilation. During the cold period it will need to be closed, but ventilation will still have to be carried out regularly to prevent the formation of condensation.
  3. Before washing windows, wipe off dust with a cloth or soft-bristled brush.
  4. Having chosen an effective but mild cleaner for glass and plastic, you should also select suitable rags, preferably made of microfiber. It is better not to use newspapers for wiping - they can damage the glass surface.
  5. Whatever the consistency of household chemicals (gel, powder or paste), the product must be diluted into an aqueous solution that can be sprayed. Of course, with the exception of certain compounds applied without dilution.
  6. After washing the glass, frames and window sills, do not forget to clean them with a toothpick or match drainage holes, which eliminate moisture, prevent fogging and freezing of the structure.
  7. It is imperative to clean the seals and the distance between them and the profile. On that important element worth paying Special attention, since it ensures that the frame is pressed against the sash. This part must be replaced immediately if defects in the form of cracks appear on it. You can also wash the rubber with a mild soapy mixture, and then wipe it and wipe it with silicone oil - this way the thing will not crack and will last much longer.
  8. Window fittings must also be cleaned of dirt. It can be washed with a soft cloth and soapy water. Metal parts It should be cleaned with coarse abrasives, just like other window components. After cleaning, wipe all elements with a dry cloth and lubricate them machine oil. To make it more evenly distributed, try closing and opening the doors again.
  9. Next, we proceed to setting it up using a hexagon. For the winter you will need to set the frame clamp as tightly as possible. If you suddenly cannot adjust the trunnions, then it is better to contact a specialist.

Contacting specialists will also be relevant in case of any other problems, for example, if the window is not airtight and is leaking air.

Important points when caring for plastic window sills

Window sills made of plastic also tend to get dirty from time to time. Because of flower pots Yellow smudges and stains can form on them, which over time eat into the PVC structure, and it can be extremely difficult to clean them. Of course, it is better to immediately eliminate such contaminants while they are fresh. For this you can use the products listed above and soft cloths if the plastic is smooth. But it can be rough and even porous, and then it is more advisable to use a sponge or brush, but not a metal one that can scratch the surface.

It can be more difficult to clean the corners between the frame and the window sill, but dirt accumulates there too. In this case, use a toothbrush. If the dirt is insignificant, then it can be easily removed with compositions for wiping mirrors and glass, or with ordinary wet wipes.

There are also folk remedies, which are relevant for cleaning plastic window sills. A porous surface can be made clean using an aqueous solution of chalk, which has a mild abrasive effect. After applying it, you should wait 15-20 minutes and wipe with dry fiber. Toothpaste has a similar effect.

When traces of plaster or primer have formed on the windowsill after repairs, it makes sense to treat them with a more powerful cleaning composition. First, apply the drug, leave it for half an hour, and then wash it off. The primer comes off easier, and the plaster can be lifted with a spatula and removed.

When imagining how to wash plastic windows at home, you should carry out this procedure regularly, without waiting until the dirt is thoroughly embedded. This is the main rule that should be followed. And then, to clean up, you won’t have to make incredible efforts every time.

In any room, the cleanliness of each room and its fullness of light depend on the cleanliness of the windows. Despite the fact that windows made of plastic do not require any labor-intensive maintenance, there are still some simple rules, which you should know when washing such windows.

The old methods that many are accustomed to will not work in this case. Cleaning windows with soapy water and rubbing with newspapers will take a lot of time and it is unlikely that they will bring exactly the result that you would like to achieve.

When and how often should you wash your windows?

The frequency of window cleaning largely depends on climatic conditions. It is mandatory to clean windows with the onset of spring. After all, over the entire winter period quite a lot of dirt accumulates on them. It is believed that it is no less important to prepare windows for winter, that is, to put the profile and glass in order. Many housewives start general cleaning of the house before the onset of major holidays or any significant events, forgetting that the windows also need to be washed. If they are clean enough, you can simply wipe them down and add a little shine.

Windows in buildings that are located away from noisy highways do not require more frequent cleaning. But, living in large cities with an abundance of dust and various pollutants, washing twice a year may not be enough. In this case, at least superficial cleaning of windows should be more intensive and carried out at least 2 times a month.

Don’t forget that windows can get dirty not only from the street side, but from inside There is also dust in the room.

In addition, mandatory window cleaning should be done after special occasions, such as e.g. major renovation, cosmetic and various unforeseen circumstances.

Preparing to wash windows

In order to get the job done efficiently, you need to take care in advance and prepare all the tools required for this:

  • wiper;
  • soft, non-scratch sponge;
  • a bowl or basin with warm water;
  • cotton rag;
  • detergent;
  • comfortable rubber gloves.

If the windows are located in high-rise building, it is also advisable to acquire a special mop with a variety of attachments to avoid possible falls from a height.

Initially, before you start cleaning the windows, you should remove the flowers and other objects on the windowsill so that they do not interfere with the process. It is better to remove curtains, curtains and blinds, otherwise it will not be possible to avoid dirt getting on them. It is recommended to lay some old rag on the floor to prevent dirt and water from spreading throughout the apartment.

If you don't have such a rag, you can replace it with old magazines or newspapers. The paper will absorb moisture, preventing dirt from spreading all over the floor.

It is best to place the prepared tools on the windowsill. It is also recommended to wear comfortable clothes with large pockets in which you can put a cloth or windshield wiper, so that you do not have to bend down to get them every time if necessary.

How to wash plastic windows: procedure

The frame must be cleaned from time to time and accumulated dirt and dust must be removed. Washing plastic windows should begin with cleaning the profile. In this case, it is necessary to use only a soft cloth or sponge, since smooth plastic is very capricious; it absolutely does not tolerate scratching washcloths or harsh handling.

Initially, the frame is washed from the inside, then from the outside. First, you should simply remove all accumulated dust, and then begin a thorough cleaning. To ensure long and reliable profile service, considerable attention must be paid to rubber seal. It should be wiped at least twice, and preferably three times a year, and then coated with silicone oil.

With laminated profiles, there is often concern that the colored surface may be damaged when exposed to rain or snow. Due to the special structure of materials and process technology, colored laminate does not require any special or complex methods or additional actions to preserve the color.

Having cleaned the profile, you can move on to washing the main component - the glass. Due to the special design, double-glazed windows must be washed from the outside and inside; dirt and dust do not penetrate between the glasses due to the tightness. Glass must be washed with extreme caution, as it is extremely easy to damage it: just press it with a sharp object or even just rub it with a hard sponge.

It should be remembered that the bulk of dirt and dust is found at the joints of windows, so you need to wash them especially carefully and start from the joints. Afterwards, the glass itself is cleaned. It is very important that all movements are horizontal.

Cleaning glass from the outside seems much more difficult than it actually is. When using a special mop, there will be no fear of falling from a height. All mop movements should be vertical so that all dirt flows down, where it can later be easily removed.

It is also important not to forget about the drainage system: it is necessary to clean it periodically, as over time it can become clogged with fluff, leaves and other debris.

Plastic window cleaners

How to clean your profile?

In order to easily wash off stains on the profile, a simple solution with soap and a soft cloth or sponge will be enough. This is an excellent option for the initial stage of cleaning and washing; in the future, you will need to use various cleaners and polishes. It is strictly not recommended to use gasoline, various solvents, acids or acetone to clean the profile. It is also undesirable to use powder or granular cleaners, as they can scratch the plastic. Subsequently, dust and dirt will begin to clog into these scratches, and cleaning it will no longer be so easy.

There are no special restrictions on frame cleaning products: the most important thing is to avoid aggressive drugs. A simple dishwashing detergent is perfect for these purposes. A the best option would be to purchase a kit specially designed for cleaning the profile, which includes a spray cleaner, a tube of silicone grease for the seal and oil for cleaning the fittings.

How to wash glass?

The inside of double-glazed windows is not washed very often, and the whole process does not take much effort and time. If the glass is clean enough, you can simply add shine to it. To do this you need to spray on the windows special remedy and then rub them with a window cleaning cloth. For more significant contamination, it is necessary to wet the sponge in the prepared soap solution, be sure to wring it out well so that the water does not run down your hands, and rinse the joints. After this, you can move on to the glass itself. You can use a windshield wiper to drive all the dirt to the bottom, where it is easily accessible.

When finished, you can wipe the glass with a dry cotton cloth. Glass cleaning products can be varied: liquid dishwashing detergent, potassium permanganate solution, laundry soap or specially designed glass cleaners. To avoid unpleasant stains after water, you should use products containing alcohol.

Usually, the most suitable means for cleaning plastic windows is indicated by the manufacturers of these structures themselves. In addition to standard and familiar cleaners, you can wash windows using the usual means at hand:

  • water with a small amount vinegar may become great solution tarnished glass;
  • Simply wiping with raw potatoes helps clean the window quite effectively;
  • To add shine, you can use water with starch.

Useful tricks for keeping windows clean

  • in order to prevent dirt from sticking to the glass for as long as possible, after washing you can wipe it with a solution of water with ammonia and the addition of glycerin;
  • to repel annoying flies that pollute windows, simply wipe them with vinegar;
  • to give the glass a pleasant blue, you can use dry ultramarine, and a greenish tint can be easily achieved using a solution of copper sulfate;
  • if trouble occurs and a small crack forms on the glass, it can be hidden by covering it with a simple colorless varnish.

With enough attention and proper care behind a plastic window, it can serve for quite a long time, preserving all the beauty of its original appearance.

The initial stage of cleaning is to clear the window sills and the space around the window from house flowers, photo frames, and other foreign objects. Should be removed roller blinds, blinds, curtains and other attributes.

It is important to choose comfortable clothes for work. It is better to put voluminous and hoodie types of T-shirts aside; they can come into contact with the clean surface of the glass and leave streaks. It's better to put it on your feet comfortable shoes with a rubberized sole to prevent accidental slipping while working.

Where to begin?

Before washing windows and window sills, you should prepare:

  • sponges;
  • rags;
  • napkins;
  • newspapers;
  • toothpicks;
  • cotton buds;
  • a scraper with a long handle, a rubber gasket and a sponge or brush at the end;
  • containers for water and cleaning products;
  • a form or pad for dirty rags and sponges.

You can use specialized products or products available in every home.

Specialized window cleaning products do not require special preparation. Most of them are sold in convenient spray bottles. To start working, just move the spray head to the required position.

For self-cooking experienced housewives recommend using the following recipe for cleaning solution:

  • 6 tablespoons of vinegar, apple and regular vinegar 9% will do;
  • 100 g tooth powder;
  • 5 tablespoons of table salt;
  • 4 tablespoons of any dishwashing liquid.

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed in three liters hot water. You can leave the solution to cool for a while, but after bringing it to room temperature, it should be stirred again so that particles of tooth powder and soaps do not remain settled at the bottom of the container.

If you don't have some of the listed ingredients on hand, you can create a product without them. This will not affect the quality of washing, but excluding any product from the general composition will add hassle to wiping the glass. Tooth powder can be replaced with crushed chalk, and dishwashing detergent can be replaced with grated laundry soap. You won’t be able to replace vinegar and salt, if you don’t have one or the other in the house, it’s better to leave the composition without the missing product. Do not substitute salt or vinegar baking soda. She can corrode particles of a smooth plastic coating and permanently damage appearance window or window sill.

Plastic on windows requires a separate approach. If there are mold stains on a white surface, baking soda may be needed, but it can only be used in the area where the stain is present. Using a solution of soda and water, you can clean frames and window sills from yellow stains, mold stains and other dark stains. To make your own cleaner at home, you can take one teaspoon each of baking soda and water and mix the composition thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. Instead of a special cleaner, you can use regular fabric softener.

It is not recommended to add to window cleaning formulations washing powders, cleaning products for plumbing fixtures, stoves and microwave ovens. Their chemical compositions adversely affect plastic surfaces, and are also difficult to remove from glass.

Washing process

You can wet sponges and rags in a regular basin, but for convenience it is recommended to pour the liquid into plastic bottle. If you have a special sprayer in your home, you should use it. This will protect the surfaces from splashing unnecessary drops and eliminate additional cleaning at the end of the process. Using specialized means For washing windows and mirrors, this measure is already provided by manufacturers.

It is correct to start from the outside of the window, since this will affect the structure inner surface. If you wash double-glazed windows inside the room first, when cleaning the outside they will get dirty again.

Sequence of work:

  1. 1. Before the main treatment, it is recommended to wash the windows from dust with plain water.
  2. 2. It is necessary to spray the detergent on the glass and frame or apply the composition to the surface with a thickly moistened sponge or rag.
  3. 3. You should wait a while until the solution soaks into the stubborn dirt. The waiting period depends on the amount of contamination. For particularly dirty areas, apply a little more detergent.
  4. 4. After a few minutes, thoroughly wipe the surfaces damp cloth or a sponge.
  5. 5. After drying, the cleaning solution must be reapplied.
  6. 6. You need to wipe the window with a dry cloth; microfiber or flannel cloths are suitable.
  7. 7. If it is difficult to reach any part of the window, you should use a scraper with an extended handle. If necessary, you can wrap a rag around its end.
  8. 8. Any dirt remaining in the corners can be removed using toothpicks or cotton swabs.
  9. 9. While the treated surface remains slightly damp, it is recommended to thoroughly wipe the glass with crumpled newspaper. This household method is considered the best for giving glass its pristine transparency and shine.
  10. 10. When the outside surface is washed, you can begin to wash the windows inside the house. The process is no different from external processing and is carried out in the same sequence.

How to wash the windows on the balcony from the outside without streaks: safe ways

How to prevent the occurrence of divorces?

If the work is already completed, and white streaks appear on the glass, they must be removed again.

To prevent divorces from appearing, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. 1. There is no need to wash windows on a sunny or windy day, such weather promotes quick drying detergents. As a result, streaks remain on the glass. If cleaning is carried out at humid air, for example, in the evening or after rain, chemicals They wash off faster because they don’t have time to dry.
  2. 2. Wipe the windows in a circular motion from top to bottom so that any remaining liquid goes down to the base.
  3. 3. Be sure to polish the glass after washing. This is done using newspapers, flannel, suede or other soft fabric. You can also use old nylon tights; they remove stains no worse than expensive microfiber cloths.

Removing existing stains

If stains appear on the glass, you need to remove them immediately, because later, when the window becomes dirty again, this will be more difficult to do.

You can remove them using available folk remedies:

  • Vinegar. Two tablespoons of 9% vinegar must be dissolved in a liter of water. Glass treated with this composition will eliminate stains and repel flies and other insects from the window.
  • Potassium permanganate. Add a few crystals to the water and stir the liquid until it turns light pink. It is necessary to stir until all the crystals have dissolved, otherwise the bright pink particles may stain the window frame.
  • Starch. You need to dilute 1 tablespoon of the product in a liter of water. Treating glass with this mixture not only removes stains, but also polishes the surface.
  • Ammonia. Nicotine film stains are effectively removed by this product. Dissolve 100 grams in one liter of liquid and treat the window surface. After washing, you need to thoroughly ventilate the room to avoid unpleasant Strong smell completely weathered.
  • Glycerol. With the help of glycerin, glass is not only cleared of stains, but also coated protective film which repels rainwater and dust. It is necessary to mix 2 tablespoons of glycerin with one spoon of liquid, carefully rub the resulting composition into the surface of the glass.
  • Salt. With its help you can remove any household stains on glass surfaces. To prepare the solution you will need 2 tablespoons of salt and 1 liter of water.

Glass treated with such solutions will retain its shine and transparency for a long time. When removing stains, it is recommended to rub not only the areas with stripes, but also the entire glass surface.

Cleaning window sills and slopes

Initially, you should clean individual areas of the greatest dirt and stains. To do this, apply a soda solution or fabric softener to the stains. The cleaning composition should remain on the stains for two to ten minutes, then the stained areas should be thoroughly wiped, and if there is residual dirt, repeat the procedure.

After removing stubborn stains, you can wash plastic surfaces. Some care is required in this process so as not to touch the already washed glass and frames. Wash plastic window sill You can also use plain water if it is kept clean at all times.

How to wash plastic windows is a pressing issue today. Openings are considered a special part of any building. They not only act as a source of natural light in the room, but also open a view to the outside.

At the same time, they are considered the most vulnerable place in the house, because it is their damage that can become an easy way for intruders to enter the house, and also in cold weather it is through them that cold and frost enter the house.



The disadvantages were reduced to a minimum using advanced technologies in the production of windows. The most popular for them is PVC. They can vary in size, type of double-glazed windows, functionality, but at the same time they have the following qualities:

  • high level of thermal insulation properties;
  • unique sound insulation properties;
  • strength;
  • resistance to damage, which ensures durability and reliability;
  • resistance to climatic conditions to temperature changes, increased humidity levels, influence sun rays etc.;
  • aesthetics, which allows the product to fit into any interior.

In addition to the above criteria, manufacturers also note that their products are fire resistant, environmentally friendly and hygienic.

Today's window opening consists of many little things, each of which requires a special approach. Let's look at them in detail:

  • The PVC profile is a base and is considered analogous to a conventional window frame. Acts as a load-bearing part of double-glazed windows.
  • A double-glazed window is a structure made of several layers of modern, advanced thick glass, which contains additional impurities.
  • The seal is a rubber band designed to secure the glass unit in the frame. Fittings are additional segments that make the device more functional and aesthetically pleasing. These include canopies, handles, etc.

Please note that opening segments must be equipped with mosquito net, which minimizes the possibility of insects entering the building during the warm season.

The functionality and ease of use depend on the quality of the add-ons.

Let's take a closer look at how to care for each of the above devices.

Cleaning double glazed windows

A complete window cleaning is usually carried out every three months. It is especially important to do this in the off-season. Cleanliness is not just an aesthetic effect.

It will allow natural sunlight to enter the room. the right amount. In addition to saving energy, this will also ensure that you receive a certain amount of solar heat.

Most housewives believe that washing can be called the most difficult cleaning procedure. But due to the peculiarity of this design modern double glazing is not difficult.

It is a big mistake to use chemical detergents, since most of them contain solvents and abrasives.

The consequence of their influence is clouding of the glass. In order to get rid of foreign contamination, you need to use regular detergent, which is suitable for washing dishes.

Today, manufacturers offer many of them. They are simply applied to a pre-wetted cloth and spread with light movements over the glass area.

After this, the soap is washed off with clean water, then wiped dry with a cloth.

Before washing plastic windows at home, we recommend using microfiber cloths. This modern remedy, designed specifically for cleaning glass surfaces. You can use a piece of terry cloth, which also eliminates stains.

Many people ask the question “how to clean the types of windows that have tinting applied to them?” Caring for them is the same as usual.

Since it is necessary to wash not only the inside, but also the outside, many people have the question “how to do this correctly if they are located on upper floors apartment building?

In this case, one of two common methods is used.

In the first case, you need to purchase a special T-shaped scraper. Its peculiarity is that it has a long handle. This allows you to safely clean the structure from the outside.

But the disadvantage of the technology is that when using it you have to bend outward.

A safer, but also more expensive, method is a magnetic brush. It allows you to clean the surface on both sides at the same time.

The accessory consists of two halves with a built-in magnet. Having put rags on them, we place one inside and the other outside and carry out all the required actions.

Profile processing

The frame, which is a special PVC profile, must be washed without fail. It is resistant to a variety of chemicals.

Therefore, the choice of detergent depends on the degree of contamination. If the level of dust is low, you can use a regular soap solution.

If there are stubborn stains on the area, which is typical for the kitchen, you need to use more active substances.

Despite the fact that plastic is resistant to mechanical damage, you should not use hard materials, such as sponges and scrapers, to process it. This may cause scratches, which will reduce the aesthetics of your profile.

Seal treatment

When conducting spring cleaning, which includes working with window openings, most housewives make the mistake of processing only two segments.

Make sure that all parts, even invisible ones, can be processed.

One of these is a rubber band. It is a rubber gasket located between the glass unit and the main frame.

This small and inconspicuous element plays a very important role in the design, since it is it that provides heat and sound insulation.

To make it last longer, it is also necessary to carry out cleaning. Like most other parts, it can be treated with soap.

Make sure that debris does not get into the joints and is not under the seal.

If the sealant maintenance procedure is not carried out, dirt accumulating on it causes the material to dry out, cracks to appear and fail.

In this regard, the device loses its functionality. In addition to washing, a simple procedure will extend the service life of such an element.

To prevent drying out in the warm season, the tourniquet should be treated with glycerin. If there is a risk of freezing, then Vaseline should be used.

You can also use silicone oil for this purpose, lubricating it 2-3 times a year. This attention will allow this part to last for more than five years.

Regarding accessories

Many housewives, carefully processing their window opening, ask the question “what to do with the fittings?” It does not need to be washed, but it should be lubricated annually.

Perhaps the most common mistake is applying a lubricant on top of the remnants of what is already in use.

It should only be applied to a clean surface. Therefore, before lubricating the mechanism, it is worth removing the old lubricant, as well as any dirt that may have accumulated on it during service.

To do this you need to use soft material, which will not leave excess lint on the surface.

Degreasing the element will allow you to get rid of traces of old grease. To do this, it is best to use rubbing alcohol or acetone-based nail polish remover.

New lubricant is applied to the already cleaned element and the mechanism is put into operation.

An aerosol water-repellent agent that resists corrosion, VD-40, is suitable for cleaning fittings.


PVC structures are considered a priority today. They meet the requirements of the modern consumer both technically and aesthetically.

This pleasure has become accessible, but in comparison with other materials it is not the cheapest.

Long-term high-quality operation can only be ensured by following the rules of operation and maintenance.

It is important that most housewives unknowingly make the mistake of treating them with specialized chemicals.

If you are wondering “how to wash a plastic window without streaks?”, regular soap and a soft piece of cloth or microfiber will come to your aid.

You can treat both the double-glazed window and the bases and strands with a soap solution.

To treat the outside of glass, use special devices such as a T-shaped or magnetic brush.

They will ensure the safety of your work during general cleaning. The choice of model depends on your preference.

Nowadays, almost every apartment has plastic windows. Over time, glass and window sills become dirty, so they need care. How to clean plastic windows? There are several ways.

So that washing the window does not cause you much trouble, it is better to prepare special items in advance that will help you and not cause problems. unnecessary hassle, namely:

  • melamine sponge;
  • foam sponge;
  • rubber spatula;
  • a special brush for washing plastic;
  • a soft fleece, cotton or flannel rag so as not to leave streaks.

How to clean dirt from a plastic window?

Advice! A solution that will help clean plastic windows from dirt is a soap solution and a soft sponge.

However, this type of window stain can only be cleaned if it is fresh.

The housewife will be faced with the question of how to remove stains from a plastic window. Comes to the rescue household chemicals. There is a chance that the stains will be washed off with dishwashing detergent, but it will take a lot of time to wash it off the window.

To wash, for example, a window sill made of laminated plastic, you will need a regular cleaning powder that will not damage the surface.

A spray bottle is an excellent assistant for removing stains.

A spray bottle is an excellent tool for removing stains, but its strong smell is not suitable for people with allergies.

Cleaning window sills includes washing the cracks that are located under the frame. In this case, a toothbrush will help you, as it can easily clean hard-to-reach places.

By the way, the cleaning product should be without soda, since its presence in the composition can cause scratches, which is extremely undesirable. If you have soot on your plastic, then Whitespirit is perfect. However, it is worth remembering that this product is not suitable for all types of plastic. Some begin to turn yellow after treatment. Therefore, to avoid such consequences, do not rush to apply the entire product to the plastic, but test its effect on a separate piece.

Methods for cleaning a plastic window after completion of repairs

Owners often think about how to clean a plastic window after renovation so that everything in the apartment is flawless. There are several methods.

Methods for cleaning a plastic window from concrete, putty and plaster

Important! Any stains that immediately get on the window are much easier to remove than to wash off the dirt that gets on the plastic window later.

Such substances include concrete, putty or plaster, which have hardened and are quite difficult to wash off from the profile and glass.

Here you can think about the question, what is used to launder Construction Materials from a plastic window and how not to damage it.

Basically, building materials have the properties of soaking

Basically, building materials have the ability to get wet. Therefore, you need to wet the stains with water using a spray bottle or a rag, and after a while the treated areas will calmly move away from the surface of the window.

Sometimes it happens that water does not help, and then you need to carefully remove the stain with a blade.

Methods for cleaning a plastic window from polyurethane foam

Construction foam is quite difficult to remove from the surface, so it is necessary to ensure that the installers work carefully. If construction foam appeared on the profile, it is removed using a scraper or blade; there is an option to treat the area of ​​contamination with a special solvent.

Methods for cleaning paint from a plastic window

Paint stains containing water are removed using a hairdryer set to a powerful setting. The hot air coming from the hair dryer will melt the paint and it can be easily removed with a rag.

Paint stains containing water are removed using a hairdryer set to a powerful setting.

However, there are paint compositions that can only be removed with nail polish without acetone.

Drops of paint can also be removed by gently scraping the surface with a blade.

Methods for cleaning a plastic window from tape

Important! To carefully remove the tape, you need to wet it with water using a sponge or treat it with steam from an iron.

If it was not possible to remove the tape efficiently, then special solvents or laundry soap will help.

What chemicals can be used to clean plastic windows after renovation?

What is the best way to clean plastic windows, and what chemicals can be used? Will help with this:

  • "Mr. Muscle" is an excellent product that fights dirt and does not leave streaks on glass when used. correct operation;
  • If polyurethane foam got on the profile, then “Phenozol” will come to the rescue;
  • "Bref" copes well with this task;
  • "Cosmofen 20" is suitable for washing various types of stains;
  • "Cosmofen 10" and "Cosmofen 5" act as solvents for stains;
  • "Penosil" - excellent remedy from pollution, available in the form of a spray;
  • solvent "646", which without special effort will remove paint, primer or other construction contaminants;
  • "Sun Klin" good remedy for cleaning glass.

"Mr. Muscle" is an excellent product that fights stains and does not leave streaks on the glass when used correctly.

What and how to wash the glass after installing a double-glazed window?

The usual procedure that many housewives resort to in order to wipe off the glass after installing a double-glazed window is to wash it with water using a rag. However this is not effective method control of pollution and complicates the procedure.

Therefore, we will consider in more detail below how to effectively clean plastic windows after installation, namely:

  • 1 tbsp should be dissolved in 1 liter of water. ammonia or a glass of acetic acid. You can use bleach, which is diluted in a ratio of 50 g of lime per 1 liter of water;
  • Immerse the sponge in this solution, squeeze and wipe, finish the procedure with newspaper, wiping the glass with it until it shines.

What and how to wash the plastic after installing a double-glazed window?

How to wash plastic on plastic windows? To do this you need to do the following:

  • firstly, the plugs are removed;
  • the surface must be wiped with a damp cloth to remove dust after installation and apply detergent;
  • the profile is coated with cleaning agent and left for several minutes;
  • remove excess product with a sponge;
  • a rubber spatula cleans all corner joints;
  • When the stains are removed, you can rinse off the product with clean water.

How often should plastic windows be washed?

Basically, to maintain cleanliness, it is advisable to wash the window once a month, although this procedure will depend on the location where the window faces. In a residential area, once every six months is enough, but near a busy highway you will have to wash it much more often. After all, the less often dirt is removed from the surface, the worse the glass transmits light.

As soon as you have washed the plastic windows with any cleaning agent, you need to ventilate the room.
