Antidote for methyl poisoning. Methanol poisoning. The difference between ethyl alcohol and methyl alcohol

Morphological picture of methanol poisoning

bibliographic description:
Morphological picture of methanol poisoning / Demchuk O.N., Firstova O.I., Badyaeva E.E. // Selected issues of forensic medical examination. - Khabarovsk, 2008. - No. 9. - pp. 127-130.

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/ Demchuk O.N., Firstova O.I., Badyaeva E.E. // Selected issues of forensic medical examination. - Khabarovsk, 2008. - No. 9. - pp. 127-130.

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Morphological picture of methanol poisoning / Demchuk O.N., Firstova O.I., Badyaeva E.E. // Selected issues of forensic medical examination. - Khabarovsk, 2008. - No. 9. - pp. 127-130.

/ Demchuk O.N., Firstova O.I., Badyaeva E.E. // Selected issues of forensic medical examination. - Khabarovsk, 2008. - No. 9. - pp. 127-130.

Technical liquids are widely known in forensic medicine as surrogates or substitutes for alcohol, causing severe and fatal poisoning when taken orally. Most of such poisonings occur as a result of drinking liquid for the purpose of intoxication, but perhaps instead of water, through negligence when sucking liquid into the mouth through a hose while pouring from one container to another, etc.

Methyl alcohol- a colorless transparent liquid that does not differ in smell, taste and appearance from ethyl (wine) alcohol. Poisoning with methyl alcohol is currently not common, since its use is sharply limited in sectors of the national economy. In technology, methyl alcohol is used as a solvent for the preparation of paints, pharmaceuticals, sometimes used as a component of antifreeze, as a winter fuel for frost when mixed with gasoline, and is used in laboratory practice. Currently, there are cases of methyl alcohol poisoning associated with violation of the rules for storing and using them in the preparation of surrogates for alcoholic beverages. The high mortality rate of the population from acute poisoning by surrogates and the high incidence of alcohol intoxication as a factor contributing to death are in a direct causal relationship with high levels of alcohol consumption, mainly in the form of strong drinks. At least 25% of the consumed amount of strong alcoholic drinks is toxic adulterated alcohol (from data from the Russian Association of Public Health, 1998).

Severe poisoning occurs mainly through ingestion, although cases of inhalation poisoning are possible; alcohol can also enter the body by absorption through intact skin with prolonged exposure to a large surface of the skin. Severe poisoning can be caused by taking 7-10 ml of methanol, and the lethal dose is 30 ml. At the same time, cases of death have been described after taking 5 ml and recovery after taking 250-500 ml. Sometimes there are people in whom taking even relatively large doses does not cause any subjective manifestations of poisoning, which is associated with individual low sensitivity to methanol. After ingestion, methanol quickly appears in the blood and circulates for about 3-4 days, within which in most cases death occurs, only in 8-9% of cases death occurs after 3 days. Thus, the course of poisoning depends on the dose taken and the body’s sensitivity to methanol.

Victims almost constantly complain of a sharp decrease in vision, which in severe cases ends in blindness. Sometimes toxic encephalopathy occurs with insomnia, general anxiety, and fear of death. Most often, death occurs in a state of deep coma due to respiratory paralysis.

When examining a corpse, a picture characteristic of the rapid onset of death is usually determined: congestive plethora of internal organs, multiple small hemorrhages, dark liquid blood. During an external examination of the corpse, well-defined cadaveric spots with cyanosis of the skin of the face, ears and mucous membrane of the lips, rapidly occurring rigor mortis with the appearance of “goose bumps”, and dilated pupils are noted. At autopsy, a typical alcoholic or peculiar sweetish-sugary odor is felt, especially if death occurred no later than 24 hours after poisoning. The brain and its membranes are full-blooded and edematous to varying degrees. There are often hemorrhages in the medulla oblongata and pons.

Microscopic examination in cases of poisoning in which large doses of methanol are detected in the blood of corpses, histological examination reveals a picture of acute death:

- in the brain tissue, in addition to hemorrhage and plethora, finding pronounced degenerative changes in neurons, especially in the brain stem, which are expressed in gross structural changes in the cell body and nucleus (irregularly shaped cells with unclear contours, the membrane is visible in places, karyorrhexis, wrinkling in places. According Nissl: lysis of the tigroid, in the final granular disintegration of neurocytes);

In the lung tissue there is pronounced venous plethora, emphysema, alveolar distelectasis, intraalveolar edema;

- in the renal parenchyma there is pronounced congestion of blood vessels of all levels and calibers, in the stroma there is edema, tubular epithelium with dystrophic changes, focal necrosis of the tubular epithelium;

In other organs, the mucous membranes of the digestive tract are usually full of blood, somewhat swollen, and sometimes pinpoint hemorrhages are found on their surface. The liver is full of blood, the phenomenon of protein dystrophy. Dystrophic changes in myocardial muscle fibers, stromal edema in the heart tissue.

In cases of death later than 3-4 days after poisoning, degenerative changes in the internal organs develop into pronounced necrobiosis and then into necrosis.

In the liver parenchyma there is total necrosis of hepatocytes with uneven blood supply to the vascular bed.
In the lungs - pinpoint hemorrhages under the pleura, diapedetic hemorrhages under the pleura, intraalveolar hemorrhages into the lung tissue, which is often edematous.
Kidney - diffuse necrosis of the tubular epithelium, stromal edema.
In the myocardial tissue there are myocytes with pronounced dystrophic changes, foci of fuchsinophilic degeneration, foci of myolysis, the stroma is loosened and edematous.
Brain - congestion of the vascular bed, degenerative changes in neurocytes with karyolysis and the appearance of numerous shadow cells. Perivascular, pericellular edema.

Despite the non-specificity of the morphological picture in acute poisoning, special attention is paid to the morphological manifestations of severe damage to the vascular system: pronounced plethora with hemorrhages in the brain, as well as in other internal organs; hemorrhages in serous and mucous membranes. When experiencing, dystrophic and necrotic changes with the development of liver and kidney failure come to the fore.

Cases of methanol poisoning continue due to the spread of counterfeit alcohol products; the number of fatal poisonings has increased, which maintains the relevance of this type of forensic medical examination.


Methyl alcohol (wood alcohol, methanol, CH3OH) is a product of wood distillation. It is a liquid that smells and tastes like ethyl alcohol. In formulations, industrial alcohol is used to dissolve resins, paints, wash car windows, treat wood and leather, and denature ethyl alcohol; used as an additive to liquid fuel in heating systems.


Penetrates the body through the gastrointestinal tract, skin and respiratory tract. Well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Distributed more or less evenly in body fluids. In the liver it is oxidized by alcohol dehydrogenase to formaldehyde, formic acid and CO2, but 5-7 times slower than ethanol.

During the biotransformation of methanol, an intermediate metabolite is also formed - folate-dependent formate, which, in combination with the indicated biotransformation products, determines the high toxicity of methanol.

So ethanol has a greater affinity for alcohol dehydrogenase than methanol, it is used to reduce the toxicity of methanol. In this case, a significant amount of alcohol dehydrogenase is diverted to the metabolism of ethanol, so the oxidation of methanol and its toxic products occurs less intensely.

An alcohol dehydrogenase inhibitor (4-methylpyrazole) also reduces the toxicity of both methanol and ethylene glycol, but is not yet used in practice, since it has not yet been clinically tested.

Methanol, like its metabolites, is excreted from the body mainly by the kidneys, in small quantities with exhaled air and sweat, as well as through the gastrointestinal tract during vomiting. In the gastrointestinal tract, methanol is not adsorbed by activated carbon, so it is not used in acute poisoning.


Methanol in the body exhibits neurotoxic, anesthetic and nephrotoxic effects, and provokes metabolic (metabolic) acidosis. The toxicogenic stage of acute poisoning with this alcohol lasts 2-4 days. Compared to ethanol, irritation of the mucous membranes with methanol is more pronounced, but the effect on the central nervous system is weaker. The lethal dose is about 50-100 ml, but blindness can develop after taking a much smaller amount of methanol, on average 4-15 ml.

After consuming this alcohol or significant inhalation, along with irritation of the mucous membranes, mild intoxication appears. After a latent period, which can last from 1-12 to 24-40 hours, acute poisoning develops. Its most important early manifestations are visual impairment - “pictures of snowfall”, “blizzard”, “fog before the eyes”, double vision, impaired visual acuity, etc.

Patients complain of blurred vision, headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, muscles, lower back, and heart. In severe cases, the skin becomes marbled and cold. Breathing is impaired (Kussmaul type), blood pressure drops. Tonic convulsions, dilated pupils, bradycardia, and prolonged coma may occur. On the third day, symptoms of acute renal failure appear. These manifestations indicate a poor prognosis. Optic nerve atrophy occurs later. Death of victims from methanol occurs from respiratory arrest, pulmonary edema, brain edema, collapse or acute renal failure. Early visual impairment and the presence of formaldehyde odor in the exhaled air are important diagnostic signs of acute methanol poisoning.


Prehospital diagnosis is based on medical history, analysis of the toxicological situation and clinical signs of acute poisoning.

In case of acute poisoning with methyl alcohol, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to both specific manifestations and dysfunctions of the victim’s organs and systems. It is also necessary to pay attention to skin color and the condition of the pupils.

It is necessary to identify the main syndrome that determines the immediate prognosis, namely, the presence of coma, exotoxic shock, acute respiratory failure, etc.

Symptoms such as tachycardia, bradypnea, headache, coma, and convulsions have diagnostic significance for methyl alcohol poisoning. To confirm the diagnosis, perform a urine and blood test, and rarely, a spinal tap.


The emergency care program for acute methanol poisoning is based on the following principles:

  • to correct life-threatening respiratory and circulatory disorders, gastric lavage is performed with the introduction of a saline laxative (30 g of magnesium sulfate); oxygen therapy (if necessary, mechanical ventilation); cardiovascular medications, ensuring rest and warmth, protecting the eyes from light;
  • in the presence of seizures, use anticonvulsants;
  • elimination of metabolic acidosis by administering a 4% sodium bicarbonate solution;
  • inhibition of methanol metabolism with ethyl alcohol orally 100 ml. 30% solution or intravenously 100 ml. 5% solution prepared with 5% glucose solution;
  • increasing the activity of folate-dependent enzyme systems with folic acid to accelerate the oxidation of formic acid (methanol metabolite) into CO2;
  • increasing the body's resistance to methanol by introducing prednisolone hemisuccinate, 5% solutions of ascorbic acid;
  • carrying out treatment of collapse, cerebral and pulmonary edema, with increasing manifestations of cerebral edema - spinal puncture.

After emergency treatment is provided, patients are subject to hospitalization in toxicology or intensive care departments of hospitals, where they undergo hemodialysis. An absolute indication for hemodialysis and ethanol treatment is considered to be a methanol level in the blood of 50 mg. Those persons who drank alcoholic beverages with the victim are also hospitalized, even if they do not have any manifestations of intoxication.

Methanol is a chemical compound that is actively used in many industrial sectors. Obtained by distilling wood or through chemical compounds. This is a very dangerous poison for humans. Replacing ethyl alcohol with methyl alcohol in counterfeit alcoholic beverages often leads to death.

How does methanol poisoning occur?

A toxic compound is added to antifreeze, brake fluid, gasoline, and fuel. It is part of detergents, dyes, resins. Once in the stomach, severe methanol poisoning occurs, which is accompanied by oxygen deficiency. At the same time, vascular tone sharply decreases and blood circulation quickly decreases. Toxic fumes lead to severe irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, kidneys and respiratory tract.

Having received methanol intoxication, the victim must be provided with emergency assistance, and then sent to hospitalization or toxicology. To do this, the necessary aspiration of gastric contents should be carried out in the first two hours.

To induce vomiting, plain water or a solution of baking soda is suitable. A saline laxative can help as an effective antidote, and it is imperative to give an antidote, which can be ethanol in the form of pure high-quality vodka. It is recommended to drink more alkaline solutions. Then specialists administer an intravenous injection of 1 liter of 5% sodium bicarbonate, and glucose is injected subcutaneously.

In case of severe intoxication, the patient undergoes blood purification using hemodialysis. First aid for methanol poisoning is very important, since without adequate therapy a person may die on the third day.

Signs of intoxication

In case of poisoning with methanol, antifreeze, or brake fluid, you can find containers from technical products, as well as empty bottles from alcoholic drinks, at the scene of the incident. Even a label indicating the quality of the product cannot guarantee that it is not burnt cognac or vodka, which can cause intoxication.

Signs of methanol poisoning at an early stage have the following clinical picture:

  • vomit;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • centric narrowing of the boundaries of color vision;
  • headache;
  • nose bleed;
  • clouded consciousness;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • redness of the choroid;
  • dizziness;
  • weakened pupil reaction to light;
  • drop in body temperature;
  • feeling of alcoholic intoxication.

Even if the patient begins to feel better, this may be a temporary phenomenon, followed by serious intoxication.

The most common pathology in this process may be visual impairment, which then turns into an irreversible process of blindness.

All pathognomonic signs can be easily identified while the victim is in a conscious state.

Symptoms of severe poisoning

The demonstrated symptoms of methanol intoxication are influenced by the amount of toxin taken. Expression can be weak or strong. The patient has a rapid heartbeat, there may be convulsions, trembling of the limbs. Blood pressure can also rise or fall greatly. Severe shortness of breath and loss of reality are possible.

If the patient is in serious condition, he experiences painful bluish skin, difficulty breathing, and a pulse that is barely audible.

The longer a person is in this condition, the more complex his symptoms:

  • coma;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • pathological metabolic acidosis;
  • decrease in myocardial contractility;
  • decreased heart rate.
  • After 16–18 hours, the development of visual impairment is observed:
  • ripples, veils, mesh in the eyes;
  • retinal damage accompanied by blurred vision;
  • dilated pupils;
  • not responding to light;
  • papilledema;
  • partial or complete blindness.

Early medical indicators are caused by the action of methyl hydroxide, and the next one is caused by formic acid. Many may experience cerebral edema, which is a classic indicator of intoxication. But statistics say that it occurs in 10% of patients at autopsy. Death is caused by oxygen deficiency.

Consequences methanol intoxication

The main difference between methyl hydrate is that it is very quickly absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, accumulates and only 10% is slowly excreted by the lungs and kidneys. The rest breaks down and is neutralized by the liver. But this produces toxic formaldehyde and formic acid.

The metabolic process in the body leads to inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation in the retina, which leads to loss of vision. In addition to visual complications, the patient develops pathology of the central nervous system and other organs. The pathogenesis of methanol intoxication is complex and depends on the dose taken and the sensitivity of the body.

Three periods of the pathological process are noted:

  • narcotic;
  • acidotic crisis;
  • disturbance of the central nervous system.

After taking a toxic portion, the patient does not feel intoxicated like regular alcohol. His condition is close to a hangover with impaired coordination of the motor system and headache. The person very soon falls asleep in a heavy sleep. Within 12 hours, he still weakly feels the pathological features of his health, which then quickly worsens.

Lethal dose

The most common cases of single and mass intoxication can be observed when consuming smuggled alcoholic beverages. The danger is that such products are difficult to distinguish from high-quality ones. The contents are very similar in smell and color, so it is almost impossible to differentiate. Due to the fact that manifestations of intoxication do not occur immediately, the person continues to take a dangerous dose, which is already many times higher than the lethal dose.

When taking up to 10 ml of a dose, a person receives a pronounced intoxication effect, causing an irreversible process of blindness. Portions up to 40 ml lead to death.

The lethal dose of methanol may vary individually due to different circumstances. While for some people the dose can end their lives, for others it can only cause them to feel unwell.

Which doctor can help?

If you suspect methanol intoxication, you should immediately call an ambulance. Treatment is carried out by a toxicologist. To make a diagnosis of intoxication, serum concentrations are measured in a hospital laboratory. In addition, other indirect indicators are used:

  • identification of osmotic pressure;
  • study of urine glow in the ultraviolet range;
  • determination of electrolyte content in plasma;
  • study of arterial or venous blood gases;
  • measuring the rate of formation and rate of utilization by the liver, heart and kidneys during gluconeogenesis in order to determine the acid-base balance.

To avoid methanol intoxication, you should adhere to certain preventive rules. Before you start using solutions containing toxic agents, you should wear rubber gloves. To avoid breathing harmful fumes, it is recommended to use a face mask. It is necessary to follow safety precautions and rules for using any dangerous products. It is recommended to buy alcohol only in specialized stores that have a license. Saving money on cheap goods can harm your health.

Maintaining personal safety and knowing how to help in a timely manner can save a person’s life. Therapy is based on medical history. But even after it is carried out, serious consequences arise.


The specific properties of the liquid allow methanol to be widely used in medicine and the chemical industry. The substance is used to produce solvents, “anti-freeze” and other technical mixtures. This range of action makes it indispensable in production, but very dangerous to life. Liquids that smell like wine cause poisoning and are therefore extremely dangerous to health. Thanks to the article, you can easily identify the symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning. The information obtained will help provide emergency assistance to the victim and prevent complications.

Why is methyl alcohol dangerous for humans?

Methanol poisoning occurs due to its entry into the body and its harmful subsequent effects. The toxic substance is instantly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, turning into formic acid and formaldehyde. This leads to intoxication, disruption of internal systems and cell destruction. The excretory system is one of the first to be affected. Even a small amount of methyl alcohol poisons the kidneys. In addition, the substance causes severe harm to the central nervous system of the body and disrupts digestion. Large amounts of the toxin often lead to death.

The use of methyl alcohol as a replacement for ethyl alcohol is the main cause of poisoning of the body with a harmful substance. The size of the toxic dose is different for everyone: for some, 20 ml is enough to cause death, while others remain alive after consuming 250 ml. In any case, even 15 mg of the dangerous liquid causes blindness that cannot be treated.

Symptoms of poisoning

The main signs of intoxication appear in the first 12-24 hours. During this time, the body accumulates a critical amount of the substance, which manifests itself as general symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning. It is worth understanding that the damage caused to internal systems will be irreversible. The smell, consistency and color of ethyl and methyl alcohols are very difficult to distinguish, so you need to be especially careful and learn to diagnose the disease in the early stages.

General symptoms

In contrast to the enthusiasm and vigor of alcohol intoxication, the victim of the effects of wood alcohol immediately wants to sleep. His pupils dilate, his mind becomes foggy, and the scene appears blurry. In addition, the following signs of methyl alcohol poisoning are identified:

  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • convulsions;
  • rapid breathing and heartbeat;
  • stomach upset;
  • unconscious state;
  • dry mouth;
  • eyeball pain;
  • blurred vision.

In severe cases

The amount of dose that can cause serious consequences depends on the individual. In any case, if you drink more than 15 mg, it can lead to bilateral inflammation of the optic nerve. This disorder results in complete or partial blindness. In severe cases, the effect of methanol also causes:

  • to whom;
  • feeling of fear;
  • pain in the pancreas;
  • heaviness in the chest;
  • bluishness of the skin.

Emergency care for poisoning

To save the victim’s life, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. Alcohol poisoning can only be treated in an inpatient setting. Before the arrival of specialists, it is strongly recommended to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Administer large amounts of sodium bicarbonate intravenously.
  2. If the victim is conscious, it is necessary to induce vomiting. A solution of soda can be used for this. It is better to repeat the procedure several times. This will help reduce intoxication of the body and remove residual methanol from the stomach.
  3. Give the patient a laxative.
  4. Provide plenty of fresh air indoors.
  5. Wrap the victim in a warm blanket and apply heating pads.
  6. If all symptoms indicate methanol poisoning, then the patient needs to drink 50 g of vodka every 3 hours. This technique is called an antidote for poisoning. It will help significantly reduce intoxication in the body.
  7. If the victim is unconscious, he is placed stomach down and his head is turned to the side. In this position, suffocation can be avoided.
  8. If the patient does not have a pulse, it is worth using physical manipulations to save him: cardiac massage, artificial respiration.
  9. Save the remains of alcoholic beverages that the victim took to determine the cause of poisoning.

Which doctor should I contact?

An experienced toxicologist will help you cope with the signs of methyl alcohol poisoning and eliminate intoxication in the body. After providing first aid, the patient will be subjected to diagnostics to determine the amount of methanol in the body. Based on the data obtained, the specialist will prescribe qualified treatment. Treatment for severe cases requires hemodialysis and ethanol.

Video: how methyl alcohol poisoning occurs

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Hello, dear readers! Today I have a very important topic - symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning and first aid for poisoning. This information is necessary to know because... If trouble happens to you, it will be too late to look for it.

Methyl alcohol does not taste and smell different from drinking ethyl alcohol, but it is almost always consumed even in very small doses. leads to death. Best case scenario to blindness.

Methyl-methanol-technical alcohol

If the definition of methyl alcohol is an empty phrase for you, I will tell you about its composition, properties and harmful effects on the body. In its natural form, methanol is nothing more than a technical solvent. It is part of technical fluids, household chemicals, and detergents.

The main trick of methanol is that it is a natural substitute that does not contain ethanol, but can have an intoxicating effect. Its critical concentration in the human body is only 100 ml. The big problem is that its characteristics are completely identical to ethanol.

It is impossible to distinguish medical alcohol from technical alcohol; they are identical in taste and smell. Specialists in the laboratory and at home distinguish between liquids only through experimental research.

The easiest way to make sure that you have not become a buyer of a surrogate is to set fire to the liquid. Ethanol will give a blue flame, methanol will give a green flame. Perhaps it was he who was previously considered the “green serpent”?

Why is methyl alcohol dangerous?

Taking just 100 ml of methyl alcohol will most likely lead to the death of a person. And you won’t envy the lucky ones who got acquainted with methanol and survived. Typically, poisoning is 25-100 ml. This poison leads to complete or partial loss of vision.

Let's figure out how methanol behaves when it enters the body and what processes it starts. Once in the stomach, methyl alcohol is instantly absorbed, breaking down into formaldehyde and formic acid. These two components are extremely toxic to humans and paralyze cell function even at minimal concentrations.

Traveling through the gastrointestinal tract, the toxic liquid first disables the gastrointestinal tract, then the urinary system, gradually reaching the nerve cells. Liver damage quickly develops into acidosis (acid-base imbalance).

The reaction must be immediate

After a stormy party or noisy feast, within 12-18 hours, methyl alcohol begins to manifest its presence in the body. More precisely, not he himself, but his component formic acid, which accumulates in sufficient concentration in tissues and blood over a given period of time and manifests itself in the following signs:

  • Acute headache, dizziness, loss of coordination;
  • Stomach colic, nausea complicated by constant vomiting, abdominal pain;
  • Arrhythmia and increased heart rate, sudden jumps in blood pressure;
  • Complete or flickering loss of consciousness;
  • Aggression and inappropriate reactions;
  • Excessive salivation, shortness of breath.

These are signs of a mild or primary form of poisoning. Medical intervention at this stage gives a favorable prognosis for recovery without restoration of vision and damaged cells. The probability of deviations in the functioning of all systemic organs of the body is 99%, but this is better than going to the forefathers ahead of time.

The conclusion is simple: timely detection of signs of poisoning is a lucky ticket to a new, albeit not as colorful as before, but life! It is much worse when the manifestations became obvious or intensified on the second or third day. Here the symptoms described above are connected:

  • Loss of vision;
  • Apathy and stupor, followed by unconscious motor activity;
  • Bluish skin;
  • Complete loss of consciousness, coma;
  • A sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • Breathing disorders;
  • Exacerbation of headaches and pain in the lower extremities.

This is an acute stage of intoxication (poisoning) in which in most cases death is inevitable. Signs appear and progress rapidly. Therefore, if on the third day there is no recovery, and the condition has deteriorated critically, you can assume that you are faced with another victim of methyl.

Later symptoms, which appear on 3 or more days, also include:

  • Deep coma;
  • Obsessive hiccups and constant urge to vomit;
  • Cooled and damp skin of the body (the result of damage to the excretory system);
  • Reduced pain threshold;
  • Marbling of the skin;
  • Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat).

At this stage, assistance is not effective. 80% of the victims were unable to recover from damage to internal organs by methanol and died.

Help measures

The symptoms are frightening, but if you find yourself close to the victim, you can provide first aid. You will not save him from the harmful effects of toxins, because the mechanism has already been launched, but you will alleviate the condition as much as possible and possibly save his life by taking the following measures to help:

  1. Drink plenty of warm drinks, 1-1.5 liters of water without additives and induce vomiting;
  2. Repeated gastric lavage, possibly using a gastric tube;
  3. Taking a laxative to quickly cleanse the intestines;
  4. Bed rest and warming.

Before you begin the procedures, call the single ambulance number; you cannot do without medical intervention. After hospitalization, patients with methyl poisoning are prescribed ethanol replacement therapy (the only effective antidote), B vitamins and folic acid are added, and other medications are added according to symptoms.

Although ethyl alcohol is an antidote to methyl alcohol, it should not be used independently as a medicine. Firstly, you do not know the required dose, and secondly, if the poisoning is not methanol, then ethanol can worsen the situation.


Vesti special report on poisoning with surrogate alcohol

This is where I end. I hope you will never need today's information. May the feast be safe.

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All the best, Pavel Dorofeev.
