Actor Anatoly Pashinin personal. Anatoly Pashinin: dead or not, biography of the actor. Pashinin in the film "When the Snow Melted"

Anatoly Pashinin was not married, which he explains by his passionate character. The actor considers himself a jealous person, and the man demonstrates jealousy not only towards his current lover, but also towards all previous ladies of his heart. More than once, Russian journalists have noted that in the actor’s words one can hear notes of misogyny and misogyny.

Famous Russian actor Anatoly Pashinin, who went to fight in Donbass as a volunteer on the side of Kyiv, denied rumors that appeared in the media about his death. The fact that Pashinin was alive was first reported by the commander of his battalion with the call sign “Cherven”.

But the serial television film “Ondine”, in which Anatoly played the role of a boy in love and with his head in the clouds, Dmitry, brought the actor his first success. Filming turned out to be hazardous to Pashinin’s health. In one of episodes Anatoly’s character takes part in the chase, and according to the script, the actor had to dive into a pond, despite the fact that there was already the first frost outside. Having sailed far away, Anatoly Pashinin felt a piercing cold, his leg cramped, and the man began to drown, but the rescuers on duty on the shore arrived in time. Another incident occurred with Anatoly during the filming of the science fiction action film “We are from the Future,” in which the actor plays Sergeant Serdyuk. One day, when the film crew went to a local cafe to have lunch, Pashinin got into a fight with aggressive visitors, as a result of which he received a knife wound and a large number of severe bruises.

Not long ago in social network news appeared about the death of the famous Russian actor Anatoly Pashinin, who until recently was at the epicenter of a loud scandal. But the information was not official and many after this became I wonder if the famous actor was killed or alive, and where is he now?

Prilepin clarified that shot“It’s definitely not us, the authorities don’t order it.” Later, the mother of the actor of the films “Admiral” and “We are from the Future” stated that her son was alive and did not die during shelling in the Donbass. The battalion commander with the call sign “Cherven” also confirmed that Pashinin was alive.

While studying in his 5th year, Anatoly was already working in the field of marketing, thanks to which he realized that he was not attracted to either economics or metallurgy. The future actor began to think about what to do next, and realized that he had a desire to connect his life with the stage. Then Pashinin leaves for Moscow, where he enters the Shchepkin Higher Theater School. At the interview, the famous teacher Rimma Solntseva asked Anatoly why he decided to become an actor, to which she received a frank answer: the young man thirsts for fame.

Anatoly Pashinin is alive or not. News today 01/08/2018

The famous Russian actor Anatoly Pashinin, who has recently been in Donbass and is fighting on the side of the Ukrainian army, finds himself in a difficult situation. The fact is that he was listed as dead, when in fact there was nothing wrong with him.

The fact that the serial actor, famous for the roles of Russian soldiers and officers, exchanged fake weapons for military ones, became known at the end of August 2017. Three years ago, Anatoly Pashinin left Russia for permanent residence in Ukraine. He started with Russophobic interviews with a cropped forelock on his head and sponsoring the ATO, but now he proudly poses for independent media in the trenches, saying that he “gets a buzz” from the war in Donbass.

During his years of work in Russia, Anatoly Pashinin spoke out against the political course pursued in the country by President Putin. As of 2013, it was mentioned that he sympathizes with Russian national democrats, is a member of the unregistered party of Valery Solovy " New power" He took part in protest opposition rallies in Moscow as part of the columns of the same party.

We have already written that the famous Russian-Ukrainian actor, who starred in a number of domestic films, moved to his homeland in 2014 - Ukraine. He did this, first of all, for political reasons - Pashinin supported Maidan, shared the main ideas and values ​​of its leaders, and therefore decided to move to Ukraine. Since that time, the artist’s behavior has changed significantly. He was noted several times with harsh Russophobic statements, and repeatedly came to the ATO zone to encourage Ukrainian soldiers and officers. At first it looked like self-promotion, but then Pashinin, I must say, showed some courage and volunteered for the Ararta battalion. In one of his interviews, he reported that he received the shoulder straps of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the head of the operational command “South”, Lieutenant General Anatoly Sirotenko. And then in one of his interviews with the Ukrainian media he said that he gets a thrill from fighting in the Donbass.

Anatoly Pashinin was born on September 15, 1978 in the city of Svetlovodsk, Ukrainian SSR, into the family of hereditary military men Anatoly Konstantinovich and Svetlana Anatolyevna Pashinin. Anatoly's paternal grandfather, Konstantin Danilovich, served as an aircraft mechanic in the 240th Fighter Aviation Regiment - the most successful fighter pilot in Soviet aviation Ivan Kozhedub. During his school years he was involved in boxing and karate, and at the age of 16 he received a brown belt. His sports skills came in very handy when he starred in the TV series “Provincials.” After graduating from school, he entered the Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy simultaneously in two faculties - metallurgy and security environment and economic.

Russian actor Anatoly Pashinin, fighting on the side of Ukraine in the ATO zone, is alive, well and plans to take prisoner Russian mercenary. Military journalist Andrei Tsaplienko wrote about this on Facebook.

Anatoly Pashinin is killed or not. All news.

— It was written “He died in the explosion of a rear checkpoint. I was especially pleased to read that I died in the explosion of the rear checkpoint. Nightmare! (laughs) This information war.. It’s just a pity that my parents are disturbed while I, sorry, am busy with business. They call them, they gain impudence. This is the only thing that upsets me, I can’t hide it,” the actor explained. - Yes, mommy, I love you! See how worried I am about you!

As a child, Anatoly was very athletic boy, practiced boxing, and managed to achieve a brown belt in karate. IN adolescence also dreamed of following in his father’s footsteps and becoming a naval sailor, but, having received a certificate, Pashinin went to Zaporozhye and became a student of two specialties at once at a local university, ending up with two diplomas - an economist and a specialist in metallurgy and environmental protection.

According to his own statement, Pashinin is fluent in English, Ukrainian, Serbian, Polish and Belarusian.

Anatoly was born in the Ukrainian town of Svetlovodsk, located in the Kirovograd region. The family of the future celebrity had a real dynasty of military personnel. Pashinin’s grandfather served in aviation as a mechanic in the squadron of the famous pilot Ivan Kozhedub. His father became a military sailor, so the family moved to Vladivostok, where Anatoly spent his childhood. The elder brother Konstantin, who today serves in the air force Ukraine.

After such news about Pashinin, rumors immediately spread that the star fighter was seriously injured. Before last day it was unknown whether the Russian actor lived to see his 39th birthday. As Ukrainian journalists found out, Anatoly joyfully accepted congratulations on his birthday on September 15. And I talked about the “news” about my death with the Ukrainian portal “Observer”:

In August 2017, it became known that Anatoly Pashinin became a Ukrainian Armed Forces volunteer in Donbass. The actor has been serving in the Ukrainian army for a month now.

Anatoly Pashinin was born in the Kirovograd region in the city of Sverdlovsk on September 15, 1978. Anatoly was born into a military family. His grandfather and father were military men and served in the army. This is why Pashinin’s family moved to Vladivostok. Family traditions Pashinin’s older brother, who serves in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, continued. Despite the fact that Anatoly was very athletic, he decided not to follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, but to become an actor. Pashinin has more than one education; he has a diploma in economics and metallurgy. Pashinin entered the Shchepkin Higher Theater School in Moscow. And since then, the actor’s career has grown rapidly.

Recently, the number of films released with the participation of Anatoly Pashinin has decreased somewhat, which is explained by his active interest in political life. According to his convictions, the actor sympathizes with nationalists and is a member of the Ukrainian political party Valeria Solovya "New Power".

Let us recall that the actor’s act of voluntarily fleeing Russia and siding with the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donbass was commented on by Pashinin’s colleague in the series “Stormy Gates” Mikhail Porechenkov to Komsomolskaya Pravda:

It is worth noting that the Russian media believed the fake story about Pashinin’s death and are already discussing it on all TV channels. Even Mikhail Porechenkov was invited to comment.

Anatoly Pashinin was killed or is he alive? All latest information as of 01/08/2018

Anatoly Pashinin began acting in films in 2001, appearing in episodes of the crime television series Next 2 and the military action film The Lion's Share. A year later, the actor got the role of boxer Pavel in the melodrama “Provincials”. The film was shown on the REN TV channel, but the film did not cause a wide response.

In 2003, he took part in the television show “Fort Boyard” as part of a team of famous Russian actors, journalists and presenters. In 2012, he participated in the TV show “Dancing with the Stars” on the Rossiya TV channel.

Anatoly Pashinin personal life wife photo 2017. Exclusive.

Actor Anatoly Pashinin, who is being buried for the second day by both Russian and Ukrainian media, confirmed that he was alive. The writer Zakhar Prilepin stated with reference to other publications about the death of the actor, who fought in Donbass on the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces: “They write that actor Pashinin was killed as a result of shelling. Anyone who starts gloating will be banned. Possibly misleading." Ukrainian media began disseminating information on September 6.

Why do Ukrainian publications so want to quickly kill a Russian actor who went to fight in Donbass, and from Kyiv’s side?

After the release of Nadezhda Savchenko, for a long time considered "martyr number one", it became clear that she was no longer suitable for this role. Moreover, many of Nadezhda Savchenko’s statements and actions began to run counter to the policy of official Kyiv. This means that there is a need for a new hero, preferably a cult hero, far from politics, but known to the majority of the country’s residents. Pashinin was perfect for this role. Of course, Pashinin was not a professional soldier and the enemy in the person of the DPR/LPR is neither cold nor hot from the death of Pashinin as a combat unit. But it would be very beneficial for the Ukrainian side to use the actor’s death to their advantage. Therefore, we still need to figure out who really could have killed the actor or (if he did not die) spread information about his death.

In 2017, the actor continues to participate in filming. In 2016, Pashinin was offered to play a UPR officer in the film “Cool. 1918". The artist got the role of Averky Goncharenko, an officer of the UPR. Director Alexey Shaparev told media representatives that the budget of the film was very impressive by Ukrainian standards - 54 million hryvnia. Goskino is ready to give some of them.

Pashinin often expressed support for the official authorities of Ukraine, and also spoke positively about supporters of the Kyiv Euromaidan. He also visited the ATO zone in the Donetsk region several times to support the Ukrainian army. In interviews with media representatives, Pashinin more than once resorted to extremist and nationalist statements.

Each of us would like to receive at least a little information about some famous and popular person. In the old days, when our great-grandfathers and so on still lived...

From Masterweb

18.04.2018 22:00

Each of us would like to receive at least a little information about some famous and popular person. In the old days, when our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers still lived, it was extremely difficult, if not practically impossible, to find out information about the stars of that time. However, with the development information technologies and the ubiquity of the Internet, we can now find out any information that interests us. In this article we will talk about the biography and personal life of actor Anatoly Pashinin.

Where he was born

He was born in Ukraine, or more precisely, in the famous city of Svetlovodsk. Back then there was still a single country called Soviet Union. Anatoly was born in the most ordinary maternity hospital, and in the simplest family.

The birth certificate says that he came out of his mother's womb on September fifteenth, nineteen seventy-eight. He grew up as a healthy and strong boy, his parents loved and cared for him very much.

Actor's family

As noted earlier, everyone loved the boy very much. Grandfather and grandmother often took him to their place. The boy was extremely attached to his close relatives and always, when the opportunity arose, he came to them to stay for a while.

Actor Anatoly Pashinin was born into a family of hereditary military men: a mother Svetlana Anatolyevna and a father named Anatoly Konstantinovich. The boy's paternal grandfather was an aircraft mechanic in the famous two hundred and fortieth fighter aviation regiment.

The most famous and successful pilot of all time, Ivan Kozhedub, who is popular not only here but also abroad, also served there. From early childhood, Anatoly was raised in the “army” spirit, namely in rigor and discipline.

Children's habits

As noted earlier, the parents of actor Anatoly Pashinin, whose biography is presented a little higher, were military men. And it was they who contributed to the boy’s beginning to become interested in militarism.

Like any Soviet child, Anatoly played soldiers as a child. Imagining that one army is the troops of the Red Army, and the other military formation is the soldiers of the Wehrmacht. And of course, the Soviet soldiers, for whom the boy loved to play so much, always won.

Other hobbies

Even as a child, the boy realized that he liked sports. And in connection with this realization, he goes to a section where people practice boxing. But this sport was not enough for actor Anatoly Pashinin, and then he decided to take up karate.

He tried not to miss training and, in general, was a very hardworking person. Thanks to his efforts, at the age of sixteen he received a brown belt in karate.

It is worth noting that his sports skills were very useful at the beginning of his career, when he starred in a small television series called “Provincials,” which tells about the lives of ordinary people.


The boy studied quite diligently at school. Teachers praised him for his curiosity, sometimes even excessive, and also noted his artistry and desire to receive attention from everyone.

After completing eleven classes and receiving a certificate, the future actor Anatoly Pashinin enters State Academy engineering. With all this, he begins to study at two faculties at once - metallurgical, which is related to environmental protection, and also economics.

New life

The young man begins to understand that something in life goes on not this way. He probably didn’t like studying in a technical specialty; he was more inclined towards acting.

And so, Anatoly Pashinin comes to the capital of Russia - Moscow, where he tries to enter the Shchepkin Higher Theater School. He successfully passes the exam and begins studying in September.

The actor first began acting in films in 2001. He also took part in the famous television show "Fort Boyard", which was broadcast on many television channels of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

He took part in the show as one of the members of the Russian team of actors, journalists and popular TV presenters. Literally in 2012, he was invited to attend and even participate in “Dancing with the Stars,” which aired on the Rossiya channel.

The man did not come to the Russian Federation again because of the situation in Ukraine. Actor Anatoly Pashinin will return to Russia only when he is invited there for filming.


Real fame came to Pashinin after filming a popular film called “Storm Gates,” where he played one of the main roles. And so good that his image of a brave soldier helped him become a member of the Ukrainian volunteer army.

In addition to this movie, he also starred in famous painting"We are from the future" and got a role in "Admiral". As a rule, in films he starred as strong, brave and charismatic man, which makes girls crazy.

What the actor liked most was not the game itself, but the fee paid by the producers and directors. Pashinin was skeptical about his film roles and said that he did not like many of the films in which he took part.

TV viewers remember him from the film “Stormy Gates,” and his last role was in the sports film “Rules of Combat.” This was the end of his career as an actor. But don’t rush to close the article, because there is still something interesting.

Personal life of actor Anatoly Pashinin

There is practically no information about his adventures. Although Pashinin does not particularly advertise his relationship, at least at the moment, now nothing and no one knows about his chosen one.

And he himself is not willing to talk about this, of course, because for some time he was a volunteer in the Ukrainian army, and he simply had no time for it. The interests were completely different - to survive, star in several propaganda videos and get all the money for it.

However, we managed to find out that the actor was fond of the girls he met on stage, that is, in the movies. He didn’t court for very long and didn’t try to start a relationship that could turn into something more.

Actor Anatoly Pashinin in his personal life is a convinced bachelor. In all interviews, he states that he doesn’t need anyone, because he lives well alone. However, he does not lose contact with girls.

He said that he did not need a quiet and calm life, where every new day was similar to the previous one. He also does not dream of procreation, so the actor does not have children.

other hobbies

The actor also knows several languages: Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, English and even Polish and Serbian. You ask - "Why?" It's simple - the actor loves to develop and improve himself.

Politics and Anatoly Pashinin

While staying in Russian Federation the actor often spoke out against the policies of Vladimir Putin, who has been the country's undisputed leader for almost two decades. We do not take into account Dmitry Medvedev’s term, because he was just a “doll” in the hands of Putin.

Anatoly Pashinin is a Ukrainian and Russian actor who became popular after starring in melodramas and films about the war. The son of a hereditary military man, Anatoly did not connect his life with the army, but the war entered his life not only through cinema. The artist became a participant in military operations in the ATO zone. Now Pashinin has returned to peaceful life and is working on new projects.

Childhood and youth

Anatoly was born in the Ukrainian town of Svetlovodsk, located in the Kirovograd region. As a child, Anatoly was an athletic boy; he practiced boxing and managed to achieve a brown belt in karate. As a teenager, he dreamed of following in his father’s footsteps and becoming a naval sailor, but, having received a certificate, Pashinin went to Zaporozhye and became a student of two specialties at once at a local university.

Pashinin convincingly recreates on the screen the images of pilots, partisans, and former front-line soldiers. His repertoire is replenished with the films “When the Snow Melted”, “Kochubey’s Detachment”, “Treasury Stealers”, “MUR. Third Front".

In November 2016, information appeared in the media that the actor had returned to Russia. Posters for one of the hundreds of entrepreneurial productions traveling around the country caused a serious resonance in Russian social networks and the media, because it was Pashinin who invited to the premiere of the production. However, there was no official confirmation that the actor would perform in Russia again.

In Ukraine at this time, the screening of the film “Rule of Combat” started, where Anatoly appeared in the image of a hero named Anisim. The sports film in which they starred received positive reviews from the audience. After returning from the ATO zone, the actor took part in the creation of the film “Post-Traumatic Rhapsody”.

Political Views

Recently, the number of films released with the participation of Anatoly Pashinin has decreased somewhat, which is explained by his active interest in political life. According to his convictions, the actor sympathizes with nationalists and is a member of the unregistered political party “New Force”.

Pashinin often spoke out in support of the official authorities of Ukraine, and also spoke positively about supporters of the Kyiv Euromaidan. He also visited the ATO zone in the Donetsk region several times to support the Ukrainian army. In interviews with media representatives, the man repeatedly resorted to extremist and nationalist statements.

The actor believes that every citizen is obliged to participate in political processes, since this is important not only for the country, but also for a specific person who makes plans for the future, because politics can destroy any endeavors creative people.

The actor is in no hurry to return to Russia, because there Pashinin is called nothing less than a traitor. “Bandera” - this is how some fans of the artist now call the idol, who in the past was an example for them. Speaking about Russia, the artist recalls the negative attitude towards him due to his political position. According to Anatoly Pashinin, he is ready to return to the Russian Federation “if national democracy is restored.”

In August 2017, it became known that Anatoly Pashinin became a volunteer of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Donbass. It was reported that the artist is fighting on the side of the Ukrainian army. Anatoly himself said in an interview that he ended up in the ATO zone because only here he feels happy.

Later, a message appeared in the press about the death of the artist. Some sources said that Anatoly died in battle, others - in an explosion in the rear zone. Soon Pashinin himself refuted these statements, complaining that false information frightens his mother, which he really does not like.

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Anatoly Pashinin in military uniform

After leaving the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the actor continued his creative career. His attitude towards the Ukrainian authorities has completely deteriorated. Anatoly began to suspect that his phone was being monitored by SBU officers. Telephone conversations I was cut off from my family more than once.

The famous Russian actor Anatoly Pashinin, who went to fight in Donbass, denied rumors that appeared in the media about his death.

Thus, he reassured the fans, which he has in large numbers both in Ukraine and in Russia. However, the latter noticeably decreased after it became clear that Pashinin began to fight in Donbass on the side of the Ukrainian army. People expressed negativity because they wanted the artist to simply please them with new roles, and not retrain himself as a real fighter.

The fact that Pashinin was alive was first reported by the commander of his battalion with the call sign “Cherven”. “I’m fine,” the actor said. “I didn’t have an order from the command to die, so everything is fine, I’m alive,” said UDA fighter Anatoly Pashinin.

The cultural figure wrote about Pashinin’s death on Twitter. “They write that actor Pashinin was killed as a result of shelling. Anyone who starts gloating will be banned. Don’t be used by brutes,” Prilepin said, addressing his subscribers. The writer added that he can’t even imagine where and in what battle the actor could have been killed. According to Prilepin, on the day of Pashinin’s death, the militia did not fight at all, since “the authorities did not order it.” “I don’t even know where his subsection is,” he wrote.

Anatoly Pashinin was born in the Kirovograd region in the city of Sverdlovsk on September 15, 1978. Anatoly was born into a military family. His grandfather and father were military men and served in the army. This is why Pashinin’s family moved to Vladivostok. Family traditions were continued by Pashinin’s older brother, who serves in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Despite the fact that Anatoly was very athletic, he decided not to follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, but to become an actor. Pashinin has more than one education; he has a diploma in economics and metallurgy. Pashinin entered the Shchepkin Higher Theater School in Moscow. And since then, the actor’s career has grown rapidly.

Pashinin starred in many acclaimed TV series and films. In 2001, he starred for the first time in the films “The Lion's Share” and “Provincial Girl.” He has more than 40 film roles to his credit. Anatoly gained fame after the release of the series “Ondine”, with his participation. Afterwards, in 2004, he played in “Stolen Happiness”. Anatoly Pushilin also starred in the film "Formidable Gates", "Back to the Vulnerable" and in many other famous films.

But after scandalous story Pashinin has lost many fans. At the end of August, the actor decided to follow in the footsteps of his family and went to Ukraine to fight in a punitive battalion. Not long ago, information appeared on the Internet that Anatoly Pashinin was killed during a shooting. Let us note that Zakhar Prilepin reported that on the day when the actor’s death was reported, there were no shellings. So the information about the actor’s death is not official. Pashinsky's director also knows nothing about his death.
