Signs who will be lucky this year. Always be open and active. Many expectations and hopes are in vain

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My sign is on this list! HURRAY, so be it! According to Vasilisa Volodina’s forecasts, not all signs will experience good luck and success, although no one will experience strong experiences and suffering, happiness and luck on the personal front will be distributed evenly.

This year promises to be very successful, calm and prosperous. Everyone will find what they are looking for. After a long dark night The Fire Rooster crows the new sun for us. But still, some will be a little luckier. Find out quickly if your sign is on this list.

Firstly, Aquarius, Libra, Aries, Gemini and Leo

It is people born under this sign who will succeed in almost everything; any task or difficulty will be simple and solvable for them without any difficulties or consequences. Of course, there will be troubles and worries along the way, but they will easily cope with everything.

It is worth noting that this year many people will radically change their attitude towards everything that is happening, primarily towards themselves and the people around them. They will probably notice those around them who really care and need them and will be able to appreciate this care and love. It is the strength in themselves and in the support of loved ones and relatives that will help these signs believe in themselves.

  • Secondly, Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn.

    These are the people who should worry as little as possible and take everything to heart. Even though luck and success have turned a little away from them this year, you should not look for problems yourself and become involved in various troubles. That is why it is necessary to carefully and carefully weigh and think about everything before doing anything, especially making some kind of acquaintance, which can become fateful and fatal.

  • Also, the astrologer strongly recommends against becoming and interfering with many events. As for, for example, people born under the sign of Cancer, they should better study themselves inside and find that desired and secret thing that they would like to have and achieve. In other words, it is extremely necessary for them to set goals and strive to achieve them, since the year contributes to the fulfillment of all desires and should consist only of personal interests and aspirations. Regarding Taurus, it is worth noting that they will completely become lazy, and the Rooster does not like people who are used to living on everything ready, so he will in every possible way present surprises to problems in order to somehow cheer them up and force them to act.

Thirdly, Sagittarius, Pisces, Scorpio and Virgo.

On the personal front, this sign will face a stubborn struggle for their happiness. It is in the process of such a struggle that many will believe in their strength and the ability to do something on their own, without anyone’s help or advice, and this means a lot to them. These signs will also be able to believe in themselves, luck and miracles, the fulfillment of all desires, if, of course, they really want it and put maximum effort and effort into it.

Remember, the Rooster is favorable to those signs that do not sit still with their hands folded, but act, and it makes absolutely no difference whether it concerns work, family well-being or love. Also, according to Vasilisa, these signs are recommended to think more positively, because for them everything planned will materialize very quickly, and, therefore, you should not think or imagine anything bad, you must definitely tune in to a positive wave and energy. If, of course, you want to succeed and get noticed.

The closer New Year, the more carefully we read horoscopes, and we hope that the stars will be positioned so that next year provide us with greater happiness than in the past. So that what the nimble and cunning Monkey lacked for us, the strong and confident Rooster would definitely bring into our home. However, the symbol of 2017 is not simple; it does not give out happiness “for pretty eyes.” The Fire Rooster favors those who rise with the dawn, and who work not only for themselves, but also on themselves. He loves those who “ask for” luck! Nevertheless, this indisputable leader also has his own favorite signs, who next year will have to work less hard than others to get happiness. Who are these lucky ones?

Zodiac signs that will have luck in 2017 Fire Rooster. Horoscope from Pavel Globa

The eminent astrologer Pavel Globa knows exactly who in the zodiac circle will be lucky in 2017. These signs can safely count on success in all their endeavors.


The Fire Rooster will open several promising directions, but the stars advise you to bet on developing your own business. And don’t be modest in scale! You will be able to do what you were previously afraid to even think about in a whisper! Luck will gain momentum by March, so you too the first ones are better Devote two months of the new year to rest and preparation for fruitful work.


In 2017, luck will be your patron if you clearly set your priorities and do not waste your energy on deceptively important little things. And if your occupation is related to creativity, be prepared to rise to the pinnacle of success. Most likely, he will find you in the business that you dreamed of, but did not dare to afford.


In the coming year, luck will favor Leos, even if they actively resist. Literally on the heels of success will follow you in business, career, creativity or love. But don't let overconfidence get the better of you. Pride is not the best companion of luck. Take advantage of this favorable time to improve relationships with colleagues and loved ones, catch up on lost knowledge, and devote time to a dream for which you have always had time.


Virgos, as they say, will feel the upcoming luck with their skin. Vigor and an incredible surge of strength will come with a change in “worked out” principles and beliefs. Say goodbye to them without regrets, they have fulfilled their mission, and you have grown from them. Be open to new knowledge or deepen your newly acquired ones. Expand your horizons! In 2017, you will easily master the fundamental sciences, and you will achieve great success in the fields of philosophy, psychology, and theology.


The Rooster will reward you with intuition and open access to previously hidden knowledge. This will be the first “brick” in the foundation of your new life - literally and figuratively. 2017 will be favorable for Scorpios, who will start building a “family nest” or decide to change their place of residence. Think big and act decisively! Luck will be at one with your grandiose plans.


Coming year Fire Rooster will bring Sagittarius confidence and fill life with meaning. You will finally have the ability to enjoy simple and affordable things. And this, believe me, is great luck! Having thrown off the heavy shackles of the worries of the outgoing year, you will be able to devote yourself to what you love. Well, if you haven’t decided on it yet, well, it doesn’t matter. The rooster will quickly find something to your liking.


2017 for Capricorns will be marked by big changes with a plus sign. Luck will bring you these good changes in the form of a rethinking of values, brilliant ideas and promising opportunities. Of course, great victories bring with them great worries. However, don't worry! Even difficulties will work for you in the new year.

Important! Pavel Globa urges those who did not find themselves on the list of lucky ones not to be upset. Luck is a fickle lady, and if she doesn’t get overwhelmed in everything at once, then perhaps she is accumulating strength in order to become more active where her greatest concentration is required. The law of gamblers has not been repealed: those who are unlucky at cards will be lucky in love!

Zodiac signs who will be lucky in love in 2017 Fire Rooster. Horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina and Pavel Globa

The rooster is a prominent bird and knows a lot about love! Don't believe me?! Who else has such a luxurious “harem”?! Well, if this is not an argument for you, then, perhaps, authoritative astrologers Vasilisa Volodina and Pavel Globa will convince you of the Rooster’s love of love, who unanimously predict success in amorous affairs for the following signs.


2017 will be especially favorable for family Aries. It is possible to move to a new place of residence or a radical change of place of work, which will destroy the usual patterns of life. Of course, your significant other may not like such a drastic turn, but if you can convince her that the changes are for the better, you will experience a second honeymoon. Lonely Aries will also not be left without love. The first half of the year promises you mutual feelings, which may well result in a happy marriage.


The Free Taurus will finally be overtaken by Cupid's arrow. This could be a relationship that has been brewing for a long time, or new love. In any case, the registry office cannot be avoided. Strong union, tied in the year of the Rooster, promises the newlyweds numerous offspring. Stars are advised to celebrate their wedding in the second half of the year. Taurus who are already married will remain faithful to their family and will also think about adding to their family.


The first months of the year will set love “traps” for representatives of this sign who have stayed too long without a couple. Moreover, you have a high chance of falling into them more than once. However, beware of parallel relationships; no one has ever managed to sit on two chairs. If you decide to create a long-term relationship, the Year of the Rooster will help. “Safe Haven” will provide your heart with long-awaited peace.


Love conquers all ages, as well as statuses and positions. 2017 will burst into the lives of Virgos on the wings of love. Personal life will take precedence over all other areas of existence. Therefore, in the coming year of violent passion, Virgos who value their already established marital status need to beware. Moreover, the Year of the Rooster for many Virgos has planned a new addition to the family.


Love swings will swirl Sagittarius all year. Tempers will heat up during the summer months. During this period you have good chances renew cooled relationships with loved ones or start a new whirlwind romance. Favorable location heavenly bodies contributes to the emergence of strong but even feelings. However, already in winter you will need a lot of endurance, because serious battles for love can begin on the love front.


The Year of the Fire Rooster will be favorable for family Capricorns. The Rooster will protect the tender feelings of the spouses from shocks, and mutual understanding and harmony will reign in the family. 2017 will also be a successful year in love for the free hearts of Capricorns. They have a great chance of filling up mutual love, which can find its continuation in a happy union.


In the coming year, Aquarians will be more romantic than is typical for them. This aura will make you very popular with the opposite sex. During this period, the birth of life-long love is possible. It is from such love that beautiful children are born. Don't miss the opportunity that only you have, and only this year!


Love-sick Pisces will receive more than enough romance and passion in 2017. The initiative will come entirely from you. But this is for the better! The Rooster loves active daredevils eager for battle. He will reward you duly for this. By the end of autumn, you or you will be led to the altar by the person you have dreamed of all your life.

Important! The Rooster belongs to conservative signs and values ​​strong family relationships, love and its fruits. Therefore, this year is especially successful for weddings and the birth of children. And if astrologers have not predicted either one or the other for you for the next year, do not despair - you can always come to an agreement with the Rooster. He is favorable to those who take the initiative into their own hands!

Zodiac signs that will enjoy wealth in 2017 Fire Rooster

The Rooster is very hungry for money, so zodiac signs that rely on financial success have a great chance of achieving their goal in 2017. The following will be able to take risks and win 100%:


Big money luck will come to Taurus in the second half of the year. But in order to appease the owner of the year, the stars advise not to skimp on charity and helping those in need. Also, changing your type of activity can contribute to financial growth. Flow creative ideas and enviable hard work will provide you with the kind of money that others have only seen on TV.


The coming year is not particularly pampering for Cancers, but this in no way concerns financial well-being. You may not be able to snatch a million from the Rooster, but you definitely won’t be in poverty. 2017 will be a favorable year for representatives of the sign in terms of bank investments. Even if you deposit a large sum into the bank, there is nothing to be afraid of - the risk is completely justified. But refrain from giving or receiving a loan.


Leo's income will confidently grow to the envy of other zodiac signs. No matter what financial industry you bet on, success awaits you everywhere. Invest in business development, education, real estate, family. Any investment will become obscenely profitable. However, autumn may require you to make unplanned investments. But they will also become profitable for you in the future.


In the coming year, Libra will have to work tirelessly. The effort and time spent will be rewarded in the fall. The Year of the Rooster will be especially successful for businessmen. With the support of friends and high patrons, you will lay reliable foundation for future promising business. True, the fruits of his active work will appear only in 2018.


Financial success awaits Pisces throughout the year. However, don't let your guard down! It may seem to some that no matter how much you spend, your money will begin to disappear unnoticed. Better invest your savings in own business. Moreover, at the end of the year, fate may throw you a sudden inheritance or a large cash win.

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Let's find out who will be the luckiest!

Astrologers advise all zodiac signs, without exception, to be attentive to both their body and soul. Intuition will work at full strength. In October, you should pay attention to every little thing and not lose your head with happiness.


October will be the month when you need to sort everything out. And this applies to everything: from a diary to feelings. The stars advise Aries to be as organized as possible, avoid unnecessary spending, and postpone major purchases. In your personal life, it’s also worth taking, if not a long pause, then a short stop. Meditation and yoga will be beneficial. They will help you concentrate on the main thing.


This zodiac sign can breathe a sigh of relief - October will be sweet and as relaxed as possible. You can forget about the autumn blues. It definitely doesn’t threaten Taurus. It wouldn’t hurt to add to your life bright colors: change your hairstyle, buy new bright things. In relationships, Taurus is also not threatened by dark clouds. It's time to go to the nearest bar or club for a new pleasant acquaintance.


October gives Gemini a unique chance to radically change their lives. And first of all, this applies to changing workplaces. This month is beneficial to look for a new, higher-paying position. Their success will depend only on the activity of Gemini. You should put all your energy into your professional life. Personal relationships can wait. You shouldn't start serious romances in October. It's better to concentrate on your career.


It's time to come out of your shell and show yourself to the world. October calls for putting aside unnecessary modesty and taking decisive action. If you need a salary increase, you need to go straight to the boss. And don't think about diplomacy.

Assertiveness will also help in your personal life. Lonely Cancers should show ingenuity and resourcefulness. The bravest ones will find long-awaited happiness in their personal lives.

a lion

A time of storms and change. And not always in better side. Leos will be closely watched, hanging on every word. You should be extremely careful in expressing your opinion, because it can easily be distorted. You should also be careful in relationships. A romantic acquaintance may occur in October, but you should not place too much emphasis on it. It will remain only a pleasant memory.


This zodiac sign will plunge headlong into social life. The long-awaited time has come for parties until the morning, pleasant meetings and interesting acquaintances. October will be an easy month. A promotion is possible at work. You should not refuse invitations to any events. At one of them, it is very likely that you will meet your soulmate.


Autumn will give Libra many gifts. The main thing is to take advantage of the opportunity in time and not be lazy. Libra can handle any undertaking. A new hobby will also be beneficial. In relationships, it is worth showing openness and sincerity. Accepting love with dignity is the motto of this month.


Indecision will become the main enemy for hot Scorpios. It's time to show yourself in all your glory. And your temperament too. Luck will not smile on indecisive Scorpios. And their more courageous comrades can count on improved material well-being.

The same applies to love affairs. If you don’t stagnate in one place, you can make a new pleasant acquaintance. And it will very soon develop into a strong relationship.


The diary will become a friend and advisor in all life situations. The fact is that in October Sagittarius will lose their heads. They will be controlled not by cold reason, but by hot feelings. However, this will not be beneficial. The stars advise Sagittarius to record everything on paper in order to set priorities correctly later.

In October, throwing between two fires is possible. Sagittarius will have to make a fateful choice. Singles are better off not going in search of their soulmate just yet. The likelihood of an unhappy romance is too great.


October promises a lot of pleasures for Capricorns. Everything will go perfectly in business. A very profitable deal or signing of a contract is possible. In October, you should be a diplomat and not get into arguments.

It is better to get around sharp corners without getting involved in a squabble. As for love, in October you can meet it even when you don’t expect it at all. And in places where I have never been. Therefore, it's time for all single Capricorns to unwind a little.


The stars advise Aquarius to take their finances seriously. October is the time to start investing. And this applies not only to bank accounts. Money can be invested in your education, advanced training, and taking courses.

Very soon such investments will pay off. You should also approach love in October rationally. It's time to leave a painful relationship. But don’t rush to start new ones. Feelings must cool down.


In October, it's time to step away from your usual routine and do something new and interesting. Sports activities, painting courses or attending culinary master classes will be useful. New hobbies will give you a lot positive emotions and pleasant acquaintances. Romance will be in full swing.

Incredible dates and hot kisses will make autumn depression disappear without a trace. October will not be the easiest month. It promises both trouble and hard work. But everything will work out if you listen to yourself, take into account all the signs of fate and don’t forget to smile

Success has many faces and goes to those who do not run from fate, but know how to turn current events to their advantage. What promises to bring good luck to your zodiac sign in 2017?

What will bring you luck: new projects

The New Year 2017 has prepared a rich selection of new opportunities for Aries - in a variety of areas. Enterprising Mercury will help you easily establish the necessary contacts and start successful projects without unnecessary difficulties and long preparations. You will be surprised: fresh ideas will appear as if by themselves, and after them there will be simple solutions. Trust your own intuition: your sensitivity will help you make the best choice.

What will bring you luck: a decisive offensive

The powerful union of the Sun and Mars in 2017 is preparing a very dynamic development of events for your sign. Do not think that you will be able to sit quietly somewhere in a corner - the stars are directly pushing you towards a decisive offensive on all fronts and giving you the necessary opportunities for this. Your efforts will definitely bear fruit: you can finally get rid of long-standing obligations that prevented you from living joyfully, with a light soul. Feel free to go on the attack, and when you win, enjoy the dolce vita.

What will bring you luck: communication and creativity

2017 promises representatives of your sign not only a creative, but also a very productive atmosphere. Feel free to use your connections and acquaintances in all areas: it is through communication that you will receive the necessary help, as well as A New Look on yourself and on the world. Saturn's close attention will help you overcome your usual tendency to be absent-minded in business: having set a goal for yourself, show persistence and even stubbornness - this strategy will pay off in the best possible way.

What will bring you luck: courage and bravery

2017 is already ready to open the doors of the future for you, clearly outlining several very interesting prospects. The difference between those who take advantage of an opportunity and those who miss it is only one thing - your ability to show courage. The reason for this is the position of Mars, which promises good luck only to those who can decide to take the first step. You will need a certain courage to overcome natural restraint and modesty, raise some sensitive topic, take the initiative, and, if necessary, demand your own. Make no mistake: this strategy is doomed to success.

What will bring you luck: long-term plans

The coming year may be the beginning of a whole series of important internal changes for you, which will open the way to a happy future. Having freed yourself from some illusions, you will be able to compare your ideas with reality and then successfully implement them. Last year was victorious for you - and now it’s time to reflect on your achievements, sum up the interim results and turn to the future. Enjoy this break and start making plans for tomorrow.

What will bring you luck: energy and resourcefulness

The coming 2017 promises you much more chances than its predecessor gave you. Many difficult situations will find their resolution, and in relationships - even difficult ones - you will always find the opportunity to defend your interests. Warlike Mars will give you energy, but don’t think that you have to fight alone. Turn to the people around you: they are the ones who will help you find the key to success.

What will bring you luck: an open position

The coming twelve months in general promise to be pleasant, especially in terms of relationships. Discoveries await you that promise neither difficult challenges nor unpleasant surprises. What is happening sets you up for a creative wave that will cover almost all areas of your life. Your natural inclination towards empathy and openness to other people will bring you well-deserved recognition and popularity. You are in great demand, and this will only be beneficial: thanks to those around you, you will be able to overcome any obstacles and feel happy.

What will bring you luck: old dreams

2017 promises to help you implement projects that previously you were forced to push into the background. It's time to start doing what you have long dreamed of - you will receive a fresh surge of energy, and all circumstances will work out in such a way that you will be able to fulfill your desires. In addition, many of the things you have fought for in previous years will finally begin to bear fruit. Do not doubt anything - and feel like a star!

What will bring you luck: the desire for change and the support of loved ones

The New Year promises to be marked by big changes, and most importantly, they will be welcome for you. This is especially true in the area of ​​your relationships, which will come to the fore in your life over the next twelve months. Don’t be afraid and don’t be embarrassed by anything: friends and family will always support you in the main things, and if such a need arises, they will save you from some everyday worries. Trust those who love you - and enjoy your new relationship.

What will bring you luck: hidden potential

For the coming year, the stars have prepared for you a visual presentation of your talents and hitherto hidden capabilities. New doors will open for you one after another - you just need to devote a little time to assessing every chance and taking advantage of it. Such an analysis will help you discover new resources in yourself - often very unexpected for others. Set the bar as high as possible and you will surprise yourself and others.

What will bring you luck: the principle of acceleration

2017 will bring energy to what is happening in all areas of your life. Communication, relationships with people or practical problems - everything will be solved much faster and more efficiently than before. Authoritative teachers such as Neptune and Saturn have taught you several lessons in patience over the past months - and now your persistence will begin to bear fruit. You can be confident in yourself and those around you – and confidently increase your speed.

What will bring you luck: parting with the past

The coming year promises to dispel many clouds and clear horizons. Determined Mars fills you internal energy, which is necessary to resolve accumulated issues and thereby unblock many “stuck” life situations. Your creativity is growing, you are able to find a way out of any dead end and are not afraid to act contrary to “the way it is done.” Feel free to share your feelings with other people: those around you will really like your new, open image.

Simply incredible gifts - what exactly our New Year's fortune telling will help you find out. And here is the opinion of Astrologers about what gifts different Zodiac Signs can expect from the year of the Fire Rooster.


2017 will give Aries an unforgettable gift in the form of a long-awaited soulmate with whom they will be able to share the rest of their lives. That Cupid has not passed you by - share this Horoscope with your friends.


2017 will bring Taurus fabulous wealth - their capital will multiply as if at the snap of a finger. So that financial luck goes hand in hand with you all year - share this Horoscope with your friends!



For Cancers, 2017 will bring solutions to problems - all their affairs will be settled on their own. Of course, they will take a direct part in this, but Divine Providence will clearly help them. In order not to miss the chances that 2017 brings, share this Horoscope with your friends.

a lion

Leos will experience incredible luck in 2017 - they will get the chance of a lifetime, which they should definitely take advantage of. And so that it doesn’t slip away right in front of your nose, be sure to share this Horoscope with your friends.


2017 will bring family happiness to Virgos. Finally, the time of troubles and problems will end and in the end it will be possible to enjoy life. To make 2017 a very pleasant year, share this Horoscope with your friends.


In 2017, luck will smile on Libra with such force that they will not immediately believe that all these joyful events are happening to them. When, after a couple of months of success, you come to your senses, your success will no longer be stopped. Share this Horoscope with your friends so that luck does not leave you all year.


2017 will bring amazing opportunities for Scorpios, which they will definitely take advantage of and achieve everything they have dreamed of all their lives. In order not to miss this chance, share this Horoscope with your friends.


A real cornucopia will pour into Sagittarius in 2017. Everything they wish for will immediately be at their feet. And in order not to miss the chances of 2017, share this
