Witch sign on the hand - palmistry. Witch's mark on the body and hand - signs What a witch's eye looks like on the palm

Oddly enough, with the help of palmistry you can find out not only your destiny and your own psychological portrait, but also find out something about those around you.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Witch sign on hand - palmistry

If you suspect that you have paranormal abilities, you should look for the sign of a witch on your hand - palmistry directly indicates that its presence indicates a predisposition to witchcraft. Such a gift can be inherited; this will be primarily reflected by the left (passive) palm. To find out how implemented they are, you need to study the right (active) hand.

The never-sleeping eye, the magic star

During the times of medieval bonfires and the general fight against witchcraft, many “guides” were created for church investigators. The instructions gave a precise answer on what signs can be used to distinguish respectable ladies from women who have sold themselves to Satan. The first to fall under the punishing sword of the Inquisition were those who had a witch's eye on their hand - palmistry still interprets this symbol very unambiguously.

If there is such a sign, it can be easily detected by looking at the palm at least briefly. Most likely, it will be located on the Mount of the Moon or somewhere near it. Small dashes and touches connect and form a fairly recognizable symbol, most reminiscent of drawn eye. Only “natural” sorceresses, to whom the gift came by inheritance, have such a mark.

Sorceresses who received the Power by birthright and managed to use it properly are a rare phenomenon. More often, people who have only a predisposition to magic learn witchcraft, persistently comprehending witchcraft disciplines under the guidance of a mentor (or independently). In this case, they may find it in the palm of their hand « star » . This symbol speaks of an inquisitive mind, a subtle mental organization, intuitiveness, and a well-developed imagination.

Palmistry - witch sign on the palm and other symbols

In reality, there are much more special marks by which one can judge a woman’s “genetic” proximity to the world of magic. Suffice it to remember how several centuries ago they mercilessly burned everyone who was unlucky enough to be born with moles or age spots on their body. Such traces were called the “seal of the Devil.”

From the point of view of palmistry, the signs of a witch can be very different, but the abilities of the “natural” ones are significantly different.

  • If there is a circle on the Mount of the Moon, as if drawn with a thin line, this indicates potential clairaudience and clairvoyance.
  • Doubling the line of the head (mind) is considered a satanic mark.
  • Duplication of the life line is a very favorable sign, evidence of the constant attention of the Guardian Angel.

You should also consider the index finger, or more precisely, the lines that surround it. Pronounced "

It is human nature to make attempts to look into the future, and for this purpose tasks were invented, playing solitaire, consulting psychics and clairvoyants, as well as palmistry. It is worth saying that you can use the latter method yourself at home. The fact is that the human hand is a kind of atlas of our destiny; having the slightest knowledge of palmistry, you can skillfully read all the signs and lines, put them together and find out about what was, is and will be.

The line of Fate, Life, Love and Mind tells the most eloquently about the fate and life of a person. However, this does not mean that you can close your eyes to small branches and signs; one of such signs is a triangle on the palm. Today we will learn how to detect it, what it can tell about.

General information about the triangle

It is worth saying that a triangle in the palm is an ambiguous sign that can take on both positive and negative meanings. Here it is important to evaluate not only the presence or absence of the figure, but also the characteristics of the triangle on the hand, that is, its size, the clarity of the lines, every detail is important.

What affects the analysis of a triangle made of lines on the palm:

  • Where is the triangle located? This factor means a lot. Depending on which hill (Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Apollo, Moon or Venus) or on which line (life, mind, love or children) the sign is located, its meaning will change dramatically.
  • How many triangles are there in the palm of your hand? The larger the number, the more difficult it will be to analyze a particular hand.
  • Triangle size. The larger the figure, the more pronounced this or that quality will be. It is important to be able to interpret all the signs together; this will help to recreate the real picture of fate. In addition to signs, it is also necessary to take into account moles, however, the analysis of moles should be carried out by professionals, that is, a palmist with experience.

However, despite all these nuances, there is a general meaning of this karmic symbol. If at all, a triangle on the palm means a positive sign than a negative one. If such a pattern is visible on your palm, this is a sign that your future is likely to be bright and cloudless. Such people often find themselves in the scientific field, medicine, as well as politics or social activities.

Although there is also the opposite meaning, when the triangle takes on a different, ominous interpretation. There are situations when the triangle means serious illness, loneliness and even death, but, thank God, this happens extremely rarely. This only happens in cases where the triangle is positioned with the apex down or if it comes from the little finger of the left hand.

Triangles of fate

In this section we will talk about how the meaning of the triangle in the palm changes depending on the zone in which it is located.

On the Mount of Jupiter

If the triangle is located on the mount or rosette of Jupiter (located near the index finger), that is, near the index finger of the left hand, then this indicates that in front of you is the hand of a talented person who can find his calling in oratory, it is worth saying that maintaining attention the public is his talent. Such people can become successful politicians, heads of large companies, as well as stage workers. In addition, such people are distinguished by extraordinary mental abilities; they generate a huge number of ideas, many of which turn out to be successful and even unique. It is worth saying that such people are a magnet for attracting a variety of non-standard situations; books can be written about the lives of such people.

On the hill of Apollo

If the sign is located on the Mount of Apollo, that is, below the ring finger, then these are very disciplined people, their calling is the exact sciences, it is here that they will be able to fully realize their potential. Among the holders of the sign you can find famous architects, as well as engineers who created extraordinary projects.

On the Hill of Mars

The triangle on it, this area is located on the edge of the wrist, it is worth saying that this sign is extremely rare. Typically, a triangle on the mount of Mars is seen in men who achieve success in the military field; they become excellent commanders, as they can lead people. Its location is the lower area under the little finger.

On the hill of the moon

If the triangle is located on the hill of the Moon, that is, in the lower part of the rib of the hand, this is a sign that there is a difficult person in front of you. Typically, this mark indicates magical abilities; many magicians and psychics can boast of this sign. It is believed that the figure on the hill of the Moon gives the owner a special cosmic connection with otherworldly forces, which will further contribute to witchcraft. In addition to magic, they can realize themselves in art, as they are able to subtly sense beauty.

On the hill of Venus

Speaking about the location of the triangle in the Venus zone, one cannot help but say that this is a bad sign. Most likely, this person will have many trials in his life that will force him to show maximum strength and self-confidence. Of course, this is not a verdict, the prediction will not necessarily come true, but this is a good reason to think about whether you are doing everything right, or whether it makes sense to reconsider certain aspects of life.

If the triangle is located on the right hand

Palmists assure that the decoding of the triangle will change depending on which hand the sign appears on. Moreover, the symbol is not found on every hand; this also has its own meaning. Such people live their lives normally, that is, they are not distinguished by special skills, do not encounter insoluble problems, this option cannot be called bad.

Let's talk about what it means to have a triangle located only on the right hand. Usually, it is located in the middle of the hand, where the palm is divided in half, so it is simply impossible not to notice it. For a full interpretation, it is necessary to analyze which vital lines are the edges of the figure; the meaning of the symbol will depend on this:

If the triangle is formed by the line of the Mind (Head) to the segment of Fate on the right hand, which happens most often, this is a sign that such a person will never experience material problems, most likely, a rich and carefree life awaits him. However, it cannot be said that the money will come from nowhere, it is not so. Most likely, you will have to make considerable efforts to achieve real financial independence, but believe me, it is worth it.

It is worth paying attention to the clarity and clarity of the lines; only thick and really noticeable lines will indicate monetary success. If there is a triangle on your right hand, but the edges of the triangle are fuzzy, broken, and in some places even resemble a dotted line, this also indicates an influx of money, only in your case, it will come quickly and leave you just as quickly.

What does the triangle on the left palm mean?

The triangle located on the left hand is also an important sign that indicates that there will most likely be no problems with money in your life. However, compared to the interpretation of the symbol on the right palm, money will come easily, without any effort on your part. Usually, this could be winning the lottery, receiving an unexpected inheritance, and more.

Here it is important to analyze which side is the base of the triangle, that is, its longest side. If this is the Life Line, then you will be able to achieve success professionally, most likely you will become a good leader. If this is a triangle on the line of Love, then there will always be a loving person next to you who will sincerely support any of your endeavors. If we are talking about the Line of Fate, then your life will be full of adventures - traveling, meeting new people.

What does the big triangle mean?

It is worth saying that the triangles are different, some compare them to fingerprints, the pattern is so unique. Of all the varieties of symbols on the palm, there is a sign that is called the Great Triangle, usually a triangle in the very center of the palm. It is formed from the following lines:

  • Intelligence (Head)
  • Fates
  • Mercury

This combination of lines is considered unique and has its own interpretation. It is worth talking about the special meaning of the triangle only if all three edges are drawn clearly and deeply enough.

It is worth saying that this is a definitely positive sign that indicates certain abilities. It indicates that you will be able to cope with all the problems that arise on your life path with enviable ease, namely: your mind will always remain cold, and you will be able to adapt to any situation in time and deftly get out of it, get away with it . This also suggests that your life will always maintain balance and harmony, which is so often lacking in our lives.

Speaking about the large triangle, we need to mention the characteristics of the figure that need to be taken into account when explaining:

  • Form. If the triangle has equal sides, that is, it is correct, then this means that you will be equally happy in all aspects of life;
  • Pay attention to the angle of the edges. If a triangle from the line of Head and Mercury creates a right angle at the intersection, this is a sign that you should listen to your own intuition, it will not let you down;
  • Presence of ruptures and cracks. This sign suggests that everything in life will be shaky, today you can be on a high horse, and tomorrow you can be broke, try not to take risks.

What does a small triangle mean?

The presence of a small triangle will indicate a creative personality who is able to decorate this world. It can be formed from various lines; here it is important to note its size and the lines with which the vertices of the triangle are in contact.

If one of them concerns the line of Love, then this indicates that your chosen one or chosen one will always share your hobbies and, most likely, you will work in the same field. If the middle, that is, the top, touches the Life Line, this is a sign that creativity should not become your main activity, yes, it can be your hobby, but nothing more than that. Most likely, you will not be able to achieve real success in this field.

God's Eye or High Triangle

The High Triangle, the Red Triangle or the Eye of God, as it is called in palmistry, is formed from three lines - the Line of Mind (Head), Mercury and Apollo, emanating from the ring finger. People who have such a symbol in the palm of their left or right hand have extraordinary abilities in science; at present, they can realize themselves in such a field as IT technology.

However, this does not mean that such a person is only capable of sitting for hours at a computer and doing tedious and monotonous work, this is not so. The presence of God's Eye in the palm of your hand endows such people with comprehensive development in many areas, so we can say that a person with such a mark is simply doomed to success; grounding him is simply impossible.

Triangle with long edges

It is worth mentioning separately that when a triangle with long edges forms on the palm, it is also called the Witch’s triangle on the hand. Not every palmist can find it, especially if you are dealing with this for the first time. However, it’s still worth a try, since its meaning completely changes the fate of the owner of such a sign on his hand.

The difficulty in determining the witch triangle lies in the fact that it is formed by several hills and lines at once. The first side comes from the Mount of Mercury, the second is the side of the Mount of Saturn, and the third is the line of Fate in the triangle. It is worth saying that often the edges of the figure are fuzzy and barely noticeable, so you will have to work hard to find them.

Any mark on the palm is deciphered as an important sign of impending changes. A triangle in the palm of your hand can promise a lot of joy or sorrow, financial stability or failure in personal affairs.

Where the witch’s triangle is located on the hand determines how quickly a person will gain happiness and independence. How will a triangle on the right hand help and how to interpret it correctly?

Palmistry for divination of the future

How to see and interpret a large triangle in the palm of your hand? The triangle sign on the palm is always taken into account, regardless of its location and size. Any patterns - stars, circles or squares - are important clues and guidelines for further fortune telling. In palmistry, as a science with an incredible number of theories and assumptions, every line on the hand has its own meaning. The triangle pattern at the vertices of the lines is considered first of all, because such a symbol can change a person’s whole life.

Individual clear and shallow lines form multiple patterns. The location of individual figures near the main lines is important. During life, the shape of the palms and the characteristic pattern may partially change, but cardinal changes do not occur. All the lines that form a single human path can affect the hands and phalanges of the fingers. If the lines form solid figures, it will be easier to see the future of a man or woman. There are several types of figures on the finger or palm that you need to pay special attention to. What does a figure mean, and is there a difference between similar figures?

The symbol on the thumb or in the center of the palm are two different signs that have nothing in common. The connection, not visible to every person, between the pattern on the palms and the life of the individual was first noticed in ancient India. For palmistry, based on Buddhism, the theory of transmigration of souls and karmic debt, any marks on the hands are important. On the finger, ribs of the palms and hands - any symbol is a hint for a person. Indicates his purpose, calling and talents.

Money and the financial sphere concern people of different statuses and occupations. Money triangles are a clear sign that a person will find his own calling that brings significant income. The line that shows the success and strength of a person throughout life - the Head, in combination with the figure, speaks of the well-being of a man or woman. There are several types of triangular shapes that reach up to the index or ring finger, as well as dropped triangles. The way in which different symbols are interpreted is very important. What does a triangle pattern mean?

Triangle - a symbol of change

On the palm, the money triangle is located on the line of Life, Heart or Head, or by connecting several fundamental boundaries. Crosses and other symbols are common, especially on hills. There are small triangles in the center of the palm - this means constant growth and spiritual improvement. There are patterns on the finger (thumb, ring or index) and mean mental alertness and intellectual inclinations in a man or woman of different ages. If there is a figure on the thumb, it means that the person has well-developed intuition.

There are several types of figures that can appear on the hand:

  • big;
  • small;
  • irregular shape (triangle elongated or pulled to one vertex).

Three lines form a large triangle at once - Mind, Fate and Health. Considering the third line (hepatic) is always difficult, because it does not appear in every person. The health line characterizes a good lifestyle, comfort and prosperity, and in combination with two significant lines, it promises its owner financial stability. A person with a health line can survive and overcome any troubles in life.

A small triangle is formed from the lines of Head, Health and Destiny.

A sign of good luck that speaks of great success. The figure denotes the intellectual inclinations of a person. They will help you earn money and accumulate capital. The presence of two triangles at once - large and small - indicates wealth that a man or woman can only dream of. An educated figure that looks like an irregular triangle speaks of difficulties in work and a constant need for money. The presence of moles will help place emphasis in fortune telling. Which triangle is more important?

A mark in the center of the palm indicates wealth. A triangle is formed from several lines that close or intersect. In order for a money triangle to form, the intersections of the lines of Mind, Fate and an additional auxiliary line are necessary. In a large size, such a triangle is a sign of permanent wealth and prosperity. The owner of such a triangle will never need money. The right cash flow will surround the home and workplace of such a person.

Triangle location

The fork in the line of the Mind, which is responsible for the enrichment of a man or woman, indicates difficulties in achieving set goals. The difference, which is not immediately noticeable to the average person, is obvious to a professional palmist. Completely different situations are prerequisites for wealth and the opportunity to obtain the desired financial stability. Most often, such a triangle is formed in the middle of the palm. The life and fate of such a person can present many surprises, and not always good ones.

The triangle on the line of Fate or Head predetermines the financial component of a person’s life.

Unusual triangle shapes can be considered separately, regardless of other patterns. An atypical triangle (witch triangle) is formed from the line of Life, Fate and a bracelet on the wrist. Such a symbol enhances the trait of Fate and shows a person his true purpose. People with an amazing future are born with such a triangle on their hand. They are destined for a great destiny. Several triangles on the hand symbolize dramatic changes at any stage of a person’s life.

Lucky people can see a triangle on the arm of any size adjacent to the hand. Such figures are extremely rare. It will not be possible to read the sign in a negative way. The triangle on the right hand does not affect the fate of a man or woman, it only indicates inclinations and hidden talents. Why is a lowered triangle on the Head line dangerous? A mark that goes in the opposite direction from the Heart line indicates irreconcilable contradictions in the soul of the individual. The greater the difference between the line and the top of the figure, the harder it will be for their owner. A triangle of straight lines in the palm is a kind of characteristic of a person’s inherent characteristics from birth.

What does the triangle sign mean on the palm that is not the main one? Each person has his own dominant hand, in most cases it is the right. If the palm of a left-handed person is being interpreted, then considering the right hand is not so important. For a triangle on the line of Mind, the size does not matter much; the clarity of the lines is more important. Any breaks or dots turn the positive meaning of the triangle on the head line into a bad omen. Moles promise many unexpected improvements in the quality of life.

The borders of the triangle adjacent to the line of the Heart are considered as an omen of a marriage of convenience or a relationship based only on benefit. People with a logical approach to life can consider the figure on their hand. Professional palmists decipher the figures, but even an ordinary person can recognize the basic symbols hidden in the lines on the palm. A triangle on the hand is in most cases a positive sign that you should not worry about.

What does the triangle predict in the near future?

Palmistry is a difficult science. There are many myths and superstitions associated with it. Line explanations are carried out not only by experienced people, but also by beginners who are trying to understand their own destiny. The witch's triangle is another clue, located in the middle of the palm or on the fingers. A figure torn in half (literally dividing the basic pattern into two parts) speaks of the duality of human nature. About his desire not only to earn more, but also to develop. Broken lines of the palm that affect the wrist or phalanges of the fingers are an alarming sign warning of difficulties and dangers.

Finding a special pattern on the palm is not as easy as it might seem. The sign on the hand can be pierced with several additional patterns or lines at once. It may contain unimportant clarifications or extraneous lines. Simple sequential steps will help you read the sign on your palm (on any hand):

  1. Selecting a pattern. Which hand should you use to guess? The figure can be seen on the palm of both the main and additional hands. The sign will indicate the future if you choose the palm that is involved in most processes in a person’s life. The sign on the active hand is a display of all the actions of a man or woman.
  2. The patterns found on the right hand speak of the qualities that a person was able to develop in himself. There can be two or more signs on the right or left palm at once. They should be interpreted by size, starting with the largest.
  3. If the sign appears on a passive hand, then there is no need to talk about correct and successful implementation. Such a person is indecisive and timid, he fails to achieve his goals or change his own destiny.

Photos or diagrams of the location of the main symbols show how the signs are located and with the help of what additional symbols they can be read. Does the figure mean wealth or not? The mark on the mound (patron: Mercury or Venus) of the left or right hand has a special meaning for each person. Palmistry presupposes the individual's talents, but is unable to realize them. With any line you can understand internal fears and mental blocks that are difficult to explain.

Triangles between the little finger (part of the top) and the index finger mean the strong, strong-willed character of the owner of the design. Palmistry explains the very essence of a person, and not his individual features. With the line of Heart and Life crossed into a single pattern, the personality finds harmony, finds ways to earn money and grow. The position of the top of the figure is an exact landmark indicating the positive or negative meaning of the entire symbol.

Between the little finger and the index finger there are several tubercles that are responsible for a person’s well-being, for his social and personal life. The triangle does not always mean only positive changes; sometimes the line is associated with many trials that befell a person’s fate. Palmistry helps an individual understand himself, regardless of social status or capabilities. A triangle of lines on an active or passive palm will help you understand yourself.

Palmistry, its basic postulates and grounding (a way of connecting to an energy flow that can improve the quality of life) will make it difficult to see the future, but also to understand the mistakes made in the past. A line from any vertex of a pointed figure always points in the right direction for the individual.

Palmistry is a powerful source of very valuable information. It gives us insight into both our physical and spiritual bodies. Each of us has heard a lot about people who can tell us almost everything about a person. So, what signs on the palm indicate that a woman is born a real witch?

Signs of a witch

Mystical Cross

Perhaps one of the most powerful signs that you are a witch is the presence of a secret cross (or mystic cross). This X-shaped sign is located between the heart line and the head line. People who have these signs are considered to have magical abilities from a very early age. And, indeed, among real magicians, witches and clairvoyants there are many who have such a sign on their palms.

Psychic Cross

Among all the lines on the palm, the Psychic Cross is a really important sign. It is located at the base of one of the fingers. It must be borne in mind that each finger represents a specific planetary entity. Therefore, you need to compare your finger with the corresponding planet and see what this sign means on a particular finger.

If the psychic cross is found at the base of the index finger:

The index finger is the finger of Jupiter. A psychic cross at the base of this finger means that Jupiter's luck is on your side. You will have magical powers that will help you achieve success. It also means that you have an uncanny predisposition to magical wisdom. You can become a very powerful person because you have the ability to absorb knowledge easily.

If the psychic cross is found at the base of the middle finger:

The middle finger is the finger of Saturn. If a psychic cross is found in this place, you are blessed by Saturn himself, considered the planet of witches. You have the ability to learn and absorb easily everything you touch. You will be able to discover your extremely powerful energy as soon as you begin to spend enough time with yourself. Pay attention to meditation. She truly works wonders.

If the psychic cross is found at the base of the ring finger:

The ring finger is the finger of the Sun. Therefore, if you notice a cross there, then you are blessed by the Sun and Apollo, the God of Magic and Prophecy. You have the power to attract what you need in life. You are a real sorcerer or sorceress. This means that your love life can become an inspiration for your magical work. When you are sexually active, you find enlightenment through the pleasure you experience.

If the psychic cross is found at the base of the little finger:

The little finger is the finger of Mercury. It is Mercury that is associated with all magical deeds and predictions. If you have such a sign, it means that from a young age you have plunged into the magical world of mystery and magic. Therefore, if you are blessed with this sign, you were born to love magic and be associated with it forever.

Signs of a witch in a woman

Psychic triangle

The pyramid sign, which looks like a triangle at the base of the ring finger, is the Psychic Triangle. Take a close look; most often this sign is unclear or pronounced. Have you found such a sign? If it is present, it means that for some reason, intentionally or unintentionally, you are blocking your magical abilities. This happens if in past lives we did something bad and used magic for dark purposes. This is a defense mechanism that works so that we no longer hurt ourselves or others.

The Psychic Triangle is more like a mental prison in which our magical abilities are imprisoned. The key to releasing our strengths and abilities is love and acceptance of ourselves and others.

Healer's Mark

Four or more parallel lines on the bottom of the little finger are indicators that a person is a powerful healer and has the strongest abilities. This means that people with this mark on their body have great potential, they can touch people's hearts and heal their scars, both emotional and physical.

It is safe to say that these signs on our hands are similar to the marks of Mercury - Hermes, the god of communication and healing. 4-5 parallel lines indicate a powerful healer, 6-7 lines indicate someone who is destined to become a healer. But 8 or more lines indicate that this person had the ability to heal in his past lives. The more lines, the more developed this gift is.

Astral lines

These marks on your palm indicate a natural ability to transcend time and space. You travel more on the astral plane than you realize. If there is a similar mark on a person’s palm, it means that the person was born to travel in both the physical and astral bodies.

In addition, the owner of such lines on the palm has every chance of becoming a great magician/witch, since he knows how to do things that are not given to other people. The most important thing is to develop your unusual gift in the right direction in time, without harming, but on the contrary, helping those who need help. Be sure to pay attention to them. After all, it is quite possible that you are drowning out the abilities that were given to you from birth.

Previously, the portal "Know.ua" reported about

Decoding fate along the lines of the hands will not be complete without taking into account additional signs. The triangle in the palm symbolizes future changes in the life of the individual. They can be positive or negative, which is determined depending on the location of the figure.

Interpretation of the triangle in the palm

The triangle in the palm is interpreted depending on its shape, convexity, location, and clarity of lines. The figure means that the person has certain inclinations towards scientific activity. Often the owners of these forms find their true calling in medicine, engineering, politics, business, economics. If there are additional signs, the triangle can symbolize poverty, death from an accident, or eternal passion for one individual.

The meaning of the lines on the palm

The interweaving of lines on the hands allows you to talk about the events of the future, past years and lives, and the present. There are several main features.

  1. Hearts.
  2. Fates.
  3. Life.

There are additional arches that are not visible in all people. Line of Curse, Marriage, etc. On the left hand, what is destined by fate from birth is displayed, on the right - present events and future ones.

Palmistry says that a person is able to independently build his own path, regardless of the wishes of the Universe. The stripes on the left and right palms will always be different.

They can change their direction, extent and clarity depending on the events occurring in a person’s life. The pattern on the active hand is usually more positive than on the passive hand.

One of the additional arcs - the Health line - is located on the hill of Mercury, falling to the Life line.

The intersection of these 2 lines indicates for an individual a tendency to colds. When the line is practically not visible, it means that you have a person in excellent health. Having heard the meaning of a deep arc in the palm, a person will be more careful about his health and will be able to prolong his life.

The Health Trait is directly associated with the imagination, as it crosses the Head line and is located on the Mount of Mercury, which tells about the state of the nervous system.

The Line of Mind is the main one in reading a person’s destiny. It starts between the index and thumb, runs through the middle of the palm and ends closer to the rib. Mental abilities do not depend on the length of this strip.

The meaning of the Head line is interpreted by its shape.

  1. An even segment tells of remarkable mental abilities and characterizes a cunning and calculating person: the individual does not strive to keep a large number of people near him, communicates only with a select few.
  2. The drooping tip indicates a well-developed imagination.
  3. The forked tip characterizes a comprehensively developed, creative personality with a predisposition to the exact sciences.
  4. A wavy arc is a rare phenomenon and indicates changeability in mood: the owners of such a line are non-standard individuals who are distinguished by interesting thinking.
  5. Close proximity to the Life line describes a person who is purposeful, self-willed and influential.

Fateful triangular figures

A triangle in the palm, located under the index finger on the Mount of Jupiter, tells of a person with great potential. The individual is a good speaker and has the gift of persuasion. He is diplomatic, courteous and smart. The brain of such an individual constantly generates interesting ideas, which makes him popular among others.

Palmistry considers a triangle located on the Mount of Saturn as a sign of natural magnetism. A person has a unique gift of attracting everything extraordinary. Such people often engage in esotericism and hypnosis.

The triangle, chosen on the hand by the hill of Apollo under the ring finger, tells of a strong desire for science. A person is capable of doing what others cannot do. Such individuals find themselves in engineering and architecture.

Palmistry interprets the figure on the hill of Mars as a sign of a predisposition to the art of war. It is located on the edge of the palm. Holders of this symbol have been disciplined since childhood, they are responsible and well developed physically.

A triangle located on the hill of the Moon foreshadows its owner an interesting life full of mystical secrets. A subtle connection with parallel worlds allows these people to gain inspiration and create mesmerizing works.

The triangle, localized in the lower part of the Mount of Venus, gives its owner incredible attractiveness to the opposite sex. Such people approach the choice of a partner with a cool head and a fiery heart.

Triangle on the right palm

On the right palm, the triangular figure located in the center has several interpretations depending on its interaction with other features.

  1. Connection with the Head and Fate arcs promises financial success, but it will not be possible to achieve it without great effort. These people should develop their scientific and creative abilities.
  2. A large triangle on the hand promises money.
  3. The lines of a broken triangle characterize a person as a spender.

Triangle on the left hand

A triangle located in the center of the left hand also promises wealth to a person. However, compared to the right, it does not foretell difficulties in achieving success.

The left hand speaks about supposed events, therefore, in this situation, on the right hand in adulthood, a person may not have a triangle in this interpretation if he follows the wrong path. The figure of the left hand is perceived as an incentive to develop one’s own potential in order to obtain certain benefits.

The fateful significance is enhanced by the elongated hips of the triangle.

Depending on their interpretation, a person can navigate in which area it is better to develop his potential:

  1. Strip of Destiny - go into the field of oratory or political science.
  2. Head Trait - direct your energy to studying physical and mathematical sciences.
  3. Heart Line - it’s worth trying yourself in medicine.

The influence of the large triangle

A large triangle in the palm, consisting of the lines of Head, Fate and Mercury, means the ability to harmoniously combine all one’s capabilities. This is a sign of uniqueness. Such a person can easily get everything he wants.

The correct figure speaks of balance and harmony of the inner world with the body. The right angle formed by the traits of Mercury and the Mind means that the person has a well-developed instinct, she intuitively avoids any danger, knows when to take risks and when to hold back. If breaks appear in the lines, the balance is disrupted, the person begins to get sick, and luck leaves his life.

The meaning of a small triangle on the palm

A small triangle indicates talent in the field of art. Its location practically does not matter. Already from childhood, the child begins to show creative talent.

The fateful meaning is enhanced when the figure comes into contact with one of the main lines on the palm. Creative potential develops along with a person’s mental abilities. He is hardworking, courteous in communication, and attractive to the opposite sex.

High Triangle or God's Eye

The red triangle or God's eye is formed by three main lines.

  1. Mercury.
  2. Apollo.

The triangular figure originates from the ring finger. It means great mental potential. Such people often find themselves in the field of IT technology. They have comprehensive development. They make friends quickly.

Figure with elongated sides

This figure is called the Witch's triangle. The meaning of the sign completely reverses the content of many interpretations. It is quite difficult to define it.

Its first facet originates from the Mount of Saturn, the second from the Mount of Mercury, the third is the line of Fate. Usually the edges are poorly drawn, so they are barely visible.

The witch triangle is a symbol of the philosopher. These people can figure out any problem. People often turn to them for help and listen to their opinions.

Designation of monetary well-being

The financial triangular figure combines 2 arcs: Head and Saturn. Dimensions don't matter. When interpreting, it is impossible to determine how much money the owner of the figure can earn. It means regular income and talks about a comfortable existence.

If the line of Fate is involved in the triangle, then responsibility for prosperity lies entirely with the owner of the sign. For example, in the first case, the role in financial security will be played more by family ties or influential people, and individuals do not have to overexert themselves at several jobs; in the second, the individual must work hard and overcome certain difficulties in order to achieve well-being. A money triangle with broken edges indicates that the income received will leave the person.


A triangular figure is a positive sign. Characterizes a person from the good side. Talks about opportunities to make a profit using your talents.

In any case, in order to take advantage of the luck provided by fate, an individual must work hard, then the reward for his work will not be long in coming. People with a triangle on their hand should not be afraid of change. They will be able to realize themselves in many areas of activity. The main thing is not to be afraid of obstacles and move forward.
