Zinkevich Evstigneeva etc. workshop on fairy tale therapy. Seminar - workshop on fairy tale therapy for teachers on the topic: “Fairy tale kaleidoscope

The e-book is posted here Workshop on fairy tale therapy the author whose name is Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D.. In the library site you can download for free or read online the e-book Zinkevich-Evstigneev T.D. - Workshop on fairy tale therapy.

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The guide to fairy tale therapy is addressed to psychologists, teachers,
psychotherapists, doctors, philologists, parents and all those who feel
There is a closeness to the fairy tale genre. In the popular form of the story-
talks about what types of fairy tales exist, how they can be
used in the process of psychological, pedagogical and educational
body work; techniques for creating specialized
fairy tales that help learning, relieve inadequate emotional
manifestations that correct behavior and promote therapy
PI in acute stressful situations. The publication is textbook
character: fairy tales are given for practical work with commentary
information and recommendations for use.

There is probably no person who does not love fairy tales. Those from
us who are uninterested classic options fabulous
stories, watch action films, horror films, read detective stories,
romance novels and fantasy. But what is this if not modern?
fairy tales?
People tend to exchange stories. In order to
tell and listen to them, we are going to have a festive hundred
crowbar, we watch a show on TV.
Sharing stories, like sharing life experiences, is natural
formal form of interaction between people. Therefore, we believe
I eat fairy tale therapy - a natural form of communication and transmission
experience, an organic system of educating new generations.
At fairytale therapy seminars we explore fairy tales.
times, we try to reveal the secrets of storytelling. And often, in
On the first day of classes, I hear the participants ask:
We usually answer: best fairy tales you write and choose yourself>. at least guidelines!> - the seminar participants ask. In response to
this request you hold in your hands our leadership. This book
will also be useful for those who prefer to work with ready-made
rial, and for those who like to write fairy tales themselves.
So, we have an exciting journey ahead of us through the diversity
different fairy tales. Something can make you smile, something
will push you to think, and something will stimulate creativity.
Many of the tales given here were written by people who
who have never done this before, and yet, on one
breathing created a unique fairy tale story. May be
and you, dear reader, will be inspired by this experience and trust
on paper the fairy tale of your Soul?..
Workshop on fairy tale therapy
You will learn how to work with artistic fairy tales; How
Create your own stories to help children learn and
harmoniously change behavior; how to use fairy tales in ra-
work with situations in which, at first glance, psycho-
the log is powerless... But, most importantly, the Fairy Tale living inside you,
will unfold before you the treasures of your soul.
Recently, the term has become increasingly popular
publishes special and popular publications. True, there is also
(a term that for some reason is loved
teachers are supposed to use), but it is not known whether there is between these
there is a fundamental difference in terms. , perhaps
sounds nicer.
I remember one incident. At the bank we were stopped by
armed guards. They carefully examined our
documents and suddenly asked in surprise: fairy tale therapy? What is this?> I got ready to explain,
took more air into her lungs, but the guards didn’t wait for an answer.
she asked: .
Yes, probably, in our urbanized world, saturated
information and stress, the Soul asks for Fairy Tales...
The soul asks for fairy tales or that special state that alone
called Happiness, others - the expectation of a Miracle, others - Feeling
childhood, fourth - ...
So what is fairy tale therapy? The first thing that comes to
head - treatment with fairy tales. Knowledge has been passed on from time immemorial
through parables, stories, fairy tales, legends, myths. And what does it have to do with it here?
treatment? Does knowledge multiply sorrows or does it still heal the Soul? On
This question probably has and will have many answers. Knowledge of the secret
eternal, deep, not only about yourself, but also about the world around you,
definitely heals. And precisely today, at the end of the millennium
people are intuitively drawn to him. Reread and interpret
the Bible, looking for hidden meaning in fairy tales, legends and myths,

maybe also in order to rediscover what is in the depths
souls have long known?.. Therefore, when we talk about what
fairytale therapy is treatment with fairy tales, we mean combined
intimate discovery with the client of the knowledge that lives in the soul
and are currently psychotherapeutic.
Some people think that fairy tale therapy is a me-
tod. Yes and no. in the sense that it is addressed
to the living creative creative open mind in man - yes. in the sense that it is limited
By age - no. her,” the chairman sarcastically remarked to us, without understanding the essence,
founder of the board of one large Latvian university. - Fairy tales
after all, only for children!> Excuse me, what are fairy tales?
If it’s a figment of the imagination, then why aren’t modern children’s fairy tales?
novels, thrillers, fantasy, romance and adventure novels
us? But adults read them! If ancient knowledge is encrypted
new in attractive images and intriguing situations, then
Is this information only for children? We believe that the story
ka - this. Each layer has its own meaning. When we
we read a fairy tale, follow a fascinating plot, our unconscious
the underwear is already out-
he eats for himself. That is, that, that meaning,
which is most in tune with the worldview at the moment,
one that can answer an internal question. In that
the secret of fairy tales - at any age in them
You can discover something intimate and exciting.
Therefore, fairy tale therapy is a process of searching for meaning,
encryption of knowledge about the world and the system of relationships in it.
The process of deciphering knowledge... Indeed, when you start
you want to look at a fairy tale with various points, at different levels-
yah, it turns out that fairy tales contain information
about the dynamics of life processes. In fairy tales you can find half-
a list of human problems and figurative ways to solve them
sewing. Listening to fairy tales in childhood, a person accumulates in the unconscious
telno some symbolic. This
can be activated if necessary, rather than
There will be a situation - it will remain passive. In the process of psycho-
we address logical consulting as a vital
both the patient’s experience and his fabulous situations>. This often allows you to find the right solution.

A fairy tale can provide a symbolic warning about how
the situation will unfold. But do we always have ears to
hear him? As a rule, the meaning of events is clear only in hindsight.
in number and then adults. Therefore, fairy tale therapy for
children is associated, first of all, with an awareness of the meaning of fairy tales
ties and their relationships with real life situations. If a child with
early age will begin to understand, respond to
question: , correlate the answers with
his behavior, then he will become an active user of his
. And I want to believe that there will be wiser
rym and creative. By the way, this is a response to those who criticized us
for taking children from reality to fairy tales. Vice versa,
fairytale therapy is the process of forming a connection between fairy tales and
ny events and behavior in real life. It's a process
transferring fairy tale meanings into reality.
For example. The guys and I read and analyze the fairy tale by R. Kip-
linga about Keith. Its plot is as follows. In the ocean there lived a whale and
he had a big mouth. And indiscriminately he ate every kind of
new fish, opening its large mouth each time. He ate and
herring, and herring aunt, and beluga, and stellate sturgeon, every time
doing AM, AM, AM. Finally, the moment came when he ate all
fish. And I was hungry for some time. However, it turned out that
the little prickly fish remained alive. She swam nearby
with Keith's ear. She told him: some person?> Keith didn’t know who it was, so he asked for
send him a couple. But Rybka explained to him that the man was sick
shoy, and it’s enough to eat one to stay full for a long time.
She undertook to show Keith the site of the shipwreck. Meanwhile-
silently, the shipwrecked sailor sat on the raft, light
dipping his feet in the water and smoking a pipe. Keith, as always, without thinking,
swallowed the Sailor along with the raft, snorkel and suspenders. Mo-
The roar in Keith's belly began to dance, which caused fear in the latter.
new hiccups. Keith asked Rybka for advice on how to get rid of hiccups.
You. And I received the answer - to release the Sailor. hungry!> - Keith was indignant. or be hungry,” answered Rybka. Keith chose the latter
and opened his mouth. But the Sailor refused to go out. Only if Keith
will take him to the shores of England, the Sailor will leave the poor fellow alone. U
Keith had no choice and took the Sailor to England. A Sailor
split the raft, tied the splinters with suspenders - it turned out to be a lattice-
Workshop on fairy tale therapy
ka. Coming out of the Whale's belly, the Sailor shoved the grate down his throat
Keith. Since then, Keith can only eat small food. And Rybka,
Thinking that Kit would be offended by her, she swam deep to the bottom and
buried in the mud... This is such an instructive story.
We usually start the discussion by answering the question: what is this fairy tale?> Next, we remember that in fairy tales there is always an encrypted
We have received a lot of information that is important for us and are starting some exciting lessons>. Its essence is as follows. Using the example of fairy tale heroes
wants to teach us something important and we have to guess -
what exactly? Take Keith for example. By the way, do you think-
those, did the story end well for him? Many children (and
even adults) say that the Sailor treated Keith badly:
Is it humane to put a bar down your throat? please, we ask the guys, what would happen to Keith,
if the Sailor had not inserted a grate into his throat?> earlier, a fish>, they answer. ate all the fish, because that’s why he had to “try
"> The guys think about it and answer: I would die of hunger>. I inserted a grate into Keith's throat, poor Keith would have died of hunger, -
we repeat thoughtfully. - It’s strange, how is it possible, for the first time
Looks like an unpleasant event that turned out to be vital for Keith?
What did the fairy tale want to teach us?>
The most important thing for us is to create a situation in which children
nok can think about the meaning and ambiguity of the situation
tions. At this moment the child learns the philosophy of life: there is no one
significant events, even a seemingly unpleasant situation can
after a while it will turn out to be a blessing. Some reading now
these lines can tell whether it’s too early for a child to think about
things like that, does he understand it? Maybe he doesn’t understand
Therefore, it is important for us to explain to children in what specific life-
In certain situations they can use this fairytale lesson.
complained that you were offended; you may have been angry with the offender,
They figured out how to repay him. We remembered such situations -
tions? Now let's try to use our saying
a powerful lesson: the whale, offended by the Sailor, received a new one for
yourself the opportunity to get food. Think about what is possible
You received this from your offender. Answer this question
not easy, especially if it was very painful. But the tale of us
Chapter 1. General principles of working with fairy tales
teaches that there are no only bad events. Some are offended
ki help us think about what we can’t do,
that we can’t do it, or do it badly, or are friends with the wrong people, or...>
So a fabulous lesson came to real life and sent re-
child on the way to understanding the events happening to him. Okay, why did the Sailor make and insert this grille, because he already
ended up at home?> If we didn’t talk to the children about the consequences
for Whale of this action of the Sailor, then many children can answer that
The sailor inserted a grate into Keith's throat to punish him. In our
situation, it turns out that care is hidden behind the punishment.
Now we can remember whether there were situations in our life
ations, when caring was hidden behind punishment.

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Natalia Rafalskaya
Seminar-workshop on fairy tale therapy for teachers on the topic: “Fairy tale kaleidoscope”


Development of creativity, creative self-expression;

Creating harmony in the group.

Materials: sheets of F4 paper; paints, pencils, felt-tip pens; scissors; glue; magazines; audio cassette with a recording of calm music.

Fairytale therapy is experiencing a real boom in popularity. Numerous articles appear in newspapers and magazines. Family television and radio channels include in their programs stories about the importance of fairy tales in the development of a child. Most specialists in the education system, be it a computer science teacher, foreign language or educational psychologist, try to use the metaphorical language of a fairy tale in their work.

The attractiveness of fairy tale therapy for teachers can be explained, first of all, by its versatility:

The tale is informative. Through the analysis of a fairy tale invented by a client, the psychologist receives information about his life, current state, ways of overcoming difficulties and ideological positions.

The fairy tale is environmentally friendly. Being not in ordinary, but in dramatic reality, both the client and the psychologist are emotionally protected. This reduces the risk of “burnout” and increases the client’s trust in the therapeutic process.

The tale is limitless. By complementing, changing, enriching the fairy tale, the client (psychologist) overcomes self-limitations and complements, changes and enriches his life.

The fairy tale is enchanting. The work of a psychologist, which is poor in demonstrativeness, gets the opportunity to be visible: turning to fairy tale therapy, he can use various dolls, costumes, musical instruments, artistic products of activity, and possibly psychological puppet or dramatic theater.

The story is emotional. Through participation in fairytale therapy sessions, a positive emotional charge accumulates and social immunity is strengthened.

The fairy tale is wise. Through a fairy tale, it is possible to convey new ways and algorithms for solving a problem situation to a child, parents or teachers.

Another great advantage of the fairy tale is the absence of age restrictions. It is effective not only with preschoolers or younger schoolchildren, for whom it is a “native language,” but also with adults.

The process of self-expression through a fairy tale is directly related to strengthening a person’s mental health and can be considered as a significant psycho-preventive factor. The use of fairy tale therapeutic technologies makes it possible to cope with one’s problems, restore emotional balance or eliminate existing behavioral disorders, overcome maladaptation, and promote intellectual development.

Now I suggest you sit down comfortably, you can close your eyes, and listen to one fairy tale (to calm music).

"The Tale of the Wizard"(meditation)

“It was a long time ago. There lived one amazing person in the world. He was handsome and kind. It's difficult to say how old he was. His eyes sparkled so provocatively that many thought: “He is very young.” But looking at his long gray beard and hair, others said: “He is old and wise.” This man knew how to do what others could not. He boiled with trees and flowers, animals and fish, underground waters and roots. He could cure a diseased plant, animal, and even a person. Many came to him for advice.

People called him the Wizard. No one knew where he came from, but they said that he used to be an ordinary person, like everyone else.

Generations changed, but the Wizard still lived among people, and they felt that they were under his protection.

One day the Wizard told people:

I lived among you for a long time. I feel like it's time for me to hit the road.

Why are you leaving us? - the people said sadly. “It won’t be easy for us without your protection and good advice.” Give us at least a piece of your wisdom, they asked.

Look around, said the Wizard, you live in wonderful world. Every day you can greet and see off the sun, listen to the rustling of the trees and the splashing of water, the crackling of logs in the fire and the breathing of the earth. Let's stop for a minute and listen. Do you feel it? Everything that surrounds us lives in its own Rhythm. And each of us has our own rhythm.

People froze, closed their eyes and heard the earth breathing evenly and calmly, the waves splashing on the shore - sometimes quickly, sometimes leisurely. And most importantly, each of them heard their own rhythm: a calm heartbeat, free breathing. And suddenly people were overcome by the feeling that something new and unusual was happening to them.

The amazing and magical grows inside us, they told the Wizard with delight.

It seems that you have discovered my most important secret,” the Wizard smiled. - After all, Magic is the ability to hear and feel the Rhythm of Nature, everything that surrounds us, and live in accordance with it, making amazing transformations around, creating the world around us. You just need to hear your Rhythm and awaken the Creator living inside everyone, and the Magic will begin.

How will we use it? - people asked.

You can imagine yourself as a healthy and beautiful person, look at your image and imprint it in your heart, and then sculpt it from clay,” answered the Wizard. - And gradually, even imperceptibly for yourself, you will begin to change.

You can learn to hear the inner Rhythm of another person, find harmony with your own Rhythm, and then every day will give you the joy of mutual understanding.

You can learn to see a lesson for yourself in every event, and then peace and clarity will replace worries and worries.”

And now I want to invite you to listen to yourself, to feel the life of 4 elements within yourself: earth, water, fire, air. In order for them to come to life, you now need to split into four groups (in a circle). Each group will show the power, beauty and necessity of one of the elements in our lives.

Subgroups conduct a short rehearsal and act out the action in front of the rest of the participants.


How did you choose the roles?

Who was the first to suggest using something?

How was the plot created?

“Anonymous gift” (drawing)

“Now, please, take some sheets of paper and try to depict the feelings that you are experiencing now. Everything you need can be found on the table.”

A recording of calm music is turned on, and group members perform work on the topic “My Feelings.” Each participant should be busy only with his own work. After the drawings are ready, all group members are invited to move them to a special place. At the same time, the authors of the works remain anonymous. Each group member reviews all the works and chooses the one that awakened a response in him, a desire to give a gift. After this, the group members make small gifts with wishes and place them on the works that they like. If someone’s work is left without a gift, the group makes a collective gift for this participant.

“Look at the wonderful creations you have made. And may everything that you have created here be Everyday life helps you understand yourself better.”


The practice of fairy tale therapy / Ed. N. A. Sakovich. - St. Petersburg. : Speech, 2007.

Free e-book available here Workshop on fairy tale therapy the author whose name is Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D.. In the ACTIVE WITHOUT TV library you can download for free the book Workshop on Fairytale Therapy in RTF, TXT, FB2 and EPUB formats or read online book Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. - Workshop on fairy tale therapy without registration and without SMS.

Archive size with the book Workshop on Fairytale Therapy = 262.84 KB

The guide to fairy tale therapy is addressed to psychologists, teachers,
psychotherapists, doctors, philologists, parents and all those who feel
There is a closeness to the fairy tale genre. In the popular form of the story-
talks about what types of fairy tales exist, how they can be
used in the process of psychological, pedagogical and educational
body work; techniques for creating specialized
fairy tales that help learning, relieve inadequate emotional
manifestations that correct behavior and promote therapy
PI in acute stressful situations. The publication is textbook
character: fairy tales for practical work with commentary are given
information and recommendations for use.

There is probably no person who does not love fairy tales. Those from
us who are not interested in classic versions of fairy tales
stories, watch action films, horror films, read detective stories,
romance novels and fantasy. But what is this if not modern?
fairy tales?
People tend to exchange stories. In order to
tell and listen to them, we are going to have a festive hundred
crowbar, we watch a show on TV.
Sharing stories, like sharing life experiences, is natural
formal form of interaction between people. Therefore, we believe
I eat fairy tale therapy - a natural form of communication and transmission
experience, an organic system of educating new generations.
At fairytale therapy seminars we explore fairy tales.
times, we try to reveal the secrets of storytelling. And often, in
On the first day of classes, I hear the participants ask:
We usually answer: you write and choose the best fairy tales yourself>. at least guidelines!> - the seminar participants ask. In response to
this request you hold in your hands our leadership. This book
will also be useful for those who prefer to work with ready-made
rial, and for those who like to write fairy tales themselves.
So, we have an exciting journey ahead of us through the diversity
different fairy tales. Something can make you smile, something
will push you to think, and something will stimulate creativity.
Many of the tales given here were written by people who
who have never done this before, and yet, on one
breathing created a unique fairy tale story. May be
and you, dear reader, will be inspired by this experience and trust
on paper the fairy tale of your Soul?..
Workshop on fairy tale therapy
You will learn how to work with artistic fairy tales; How
Create your own stories to help children learn and
harmoniously change behavior; how to use fairy tales in ra-
work with situations in which, at first glance, psycho-
the log is powerless... But, most importantly, the Fairy Tale living inside you,
will unfold before you the treasures of your soul.
Recently, the term has become increasingly popular
publishes special and popular publications. True, there is also
(a term that for some reason is loved
teachers are supposed to use), but it is not known whether there is between these
there is a fundamental difference in terms. , perhaps
sounds nicer.
I remember one incident. At the bank we were stopped by
armed guards. They carefully examined our
documents and suddenly asked in surprise: fairy tale therapy? What is this?> I got ready to explain,
took more air into her lungs, but the guards didn’t wait for an answer.
she asked: .
Yes, probably, in our urbanized world, saturated
information and stress, the Soul asks for Fairy Tales...
The soul asks for fairy tales or that special state that alone
called Happiness, others - the expectation of a Miracle, others - Feeling
childhood, fourth - ...
So what is fairy tale therapy? The first thing that comes to
head - treatment with fairy tales. Knowledge has been passed on from time immemorial
through parables, stories, fairy tales, legends, myths. And what does it have to do with it here?
treatment? Does knowledge multiply sorrows or does it still heal the Soul? On
This question probably has and will have many answers. Knowledge of the secret
eternal, deep, not only about yourself, but also about the world around you,
definitely heals. And precisely today, at the end of the millennium
people are intuitively drawn to him. Reread and interpret
the Bible, looking for hidden meaning in fairy tales, legends and myths,

maybe also in order to rediscover what is in the depths
souls have long known?.. Therefore, when we talk about what
fairytale therapy is treatment with fairy tales, we mean combined
intimate discovery with the client of the knowledge that lives in the soul
and are currently psychotherapeutic.
Some people think that fairy tale therapy is a me-
tod. Yes and no. in the sense that it is addressed
to the living creative creative open mind in man - yes. in the sense that it is limited
By age - no. her,” the chairman sarcastically remarked to us, without understanding the essence,
founder of the board of one large Latvian university. - Fairy tales
after all, only for children!> Excuse me, what are fairy tales?
If it’s a figment of the imagination, then why aren’t modern children’s fairy tales?
novels, thrillers, fantasy, romance and adventure novels
us? But adults read them! If ancient knowledge is encrypted
new in attractive images and intriguing situations, then
Is this information only for children? We believe that the story
ka - this. Each layer has its own meaning. When we
we read a fairy tale, follow a fascinating plot, our unconscious
the underwear is already out-
he eats for himself. That is, that, that meaning,
which is most in tune with the worldview at the moment,
one that can answer an internal question. In that
the secret of fairy tales - at any age in them
You can discover something intimate and exciting.
Therefore, fairy tale therapy is a process of searching for meaning,
encryption of knowledge about the world and the system of relationships in it.
The process of deciphering knowledge... Indeed, when you start
you can look at a fairy tale from different points, at different levels
yah, it turns out that fairy tales contain information
about the dynamics of life processes. In fairy tales you can find half-
a list of human problems and figurative ways to solve them
sewing. Listening to fairy tales in childhood, a person accumulates in the unconscious
telno some symbolic. This
can be activated if necessary, rather than
There will be a situation - it will remain passive. In the process of psycho-
we address logical consulting as a vital
both the patient’s experience and his fabulous situations>. This often allows you to find the right solution.

A fairy tale can provide a symbolic warning about how
the situation will unfold. But do we always have ears to
hear him? As a rule, the meaning of events is clear only in hindsight.
in number and then adults. Therefore, fairy tale therapy for
children is associated, first of all, with an awareness of the meaning of fairy tales
ties and their relationships with real life situations. If a child with
at an early age will begin to realize, respond to
question: , correlate the answers with
his behavior, then he will become an active user of his
. And I want to believe that there will be wiser
rym and creative. By the way, this is a response to those who criticized us
for taking children from reality to fairy tales. Vice versa,
fairytale therapy is the process of forming a connection between fairy tales and
ny events and behavior in real life. It's a process
transferring fairy tale meanings into reality.
For example. The guys and I read and analyze the fairy tale by R. Kip-
linga about Keith. Its plot is as follows. In the ocean there lived a whale and
he had a big mouth. And indiscriminately he ate every kind of
new fish, opening its large mouth each time. He ate and
herring, and herring aunt, and beluga, and stellate sturgeon, every time
doing AM, AM, AM. Finally, the moment came when he ate all
fish. And I was hungry for some time. However, it turned out that
the little prickly fish remained alive. She swam nearby
with Keith's ear. She told him: some person?> Keith didn’t know who it was, so he asked for
send him a couple. But Rybka explained to him that the man was sick
shoy, and it’s enough to eat one to stay full for a long time.
She undertook to show Keith the site of the shipwreck. Meanwhile-
silently, the shipwrecked sailor sat on the raft, light
dipping his feet in the water and smoking a pipe. Keith, as always, without thinking,
swallowed the Sailor along with the raft, snorkel and suspenders. Mo-
The roar in Keith's belly began to dance, which caused fear in the latter.
new hiccups. Keith asked Rybka for advice on how to get rid of hiccups.
You. And I received the answer - to release the Sailor. hungry!> - Keith was indignant. or be hungry,” answered Rybka. Keith chose the latter
and opened his mouth. But the Sailor refused to go out. Only if Keith
will take him to the shores of England, the Sailor will leave the poor fellow alone. U
Keith had no choice and took the Sailor to England. A Sailor
split the raft, tied the splinters with suspenders - it turned out to be a lattice-
Workshop on fairy tale therapy
ka. Coming out of the Whale's belly, the Sailor shoved the grate down his throat
Keith. Since then, Keith can only eat small food. And Rybka,
Thinking that Kit would be offended by her, she swam deep to the bottom and
buried in the mud... This is such an instructive story.
We usually start the discussion by answering the question: what is this fairy tale?> Next, we remember that in fairy tales there is always an encrypted
We have received a lot of information that is important for us and are starting some exciting lessons>. Its essence is as follows. Using the example of fairy tale heroes
wants to teach us something important and we have to guess -
what exactly? Take Keith for example. By the way, do you think-
those, did the story end well for him? Many children (and
even adults) say that the Sailor treated Keith badly:
Is it humane to put a bar down your throat? please, we ask the guys, what would happen to Keith,
if the Sailor had not inserted a grate into his throat?> earlier, a fish>, they answer. ate all the fish, because that’s why he had to “try
"> The guys think about it and answer: I would die of hunger>. I inserted a grate into Keith's throat, poor Keith would have died of hunger, -
we repeat thoughtfully. - It’s strange, how is it possible, for the first time
Looks like an unpleasant event that turned out to be vital for Keith?
What did the fairy tale want to teach us?>
The most important thing for us is to create a situation in which children
nok can think about the meaning and ambiguity of the situation
tions. At this moment the child learns the philosophy of life: there is no one
significant events, even a seemingly unpleasant situation can
after a while it will turn out to be a blessing. Some reading now
these lines can tell whether it’s too early for a child to think about
things like that, does he understand it? Maybe he doesn’t understand
Therefore, it is important for us to explain to children in what specific life-
In certain situations they can use this fairytale lesson.
complained that you were offended; you may have been angry with the offender,
They figured out how to repay him. We remembered such situations -
tions? Now let's try to use our saying
a powerful lesson: the whale, offended by the Sailor, received a new one for
yourself the opportunity to get food. Think about what is possible
You received this from your offender. Answer this question
not easy, especially if it was very painful. But the tale of us
Chapter 1. General principles of working with fairy tales
teaches that there are no only bad events. Some are offended
ki help us think about what we can’t do,
that we can’t do it, or do it badly, or are friends with the wrong people, or...>
So the fairytale lesson came into real life and directed the
child on the way to understanding the events happening to him. Okay, why did the Sailor make and insert this grille, because he already
ended up at home?> If we didn’t talk to the children about the consequences
for Whale of this action of the Sailor, then many children can answer that
The sailor inserted a grate into Keith's throat to punish him. In our
situation, it turns out that care is hidden behind the punishment.
Now we can remember whether there were situations in our life
ations, when caring was hidden behind punishment. So gradually
we will come to an explanation of those actions of parents who are not
understandable or offend the child. And he will have the opportunity not to
just express your resentment or anger, but also comprehend the situation
tion in a new way, using fabulous lessons. On the other side,
The sailor performed the action we are analyzing because he
little about the future. In the future he could go to sea again and
meet the cannibal whale. This, naturally, was not included in
his plans. Besides. The sailor was interested in breeding
fish, and this would be difficult in the presence of the Fish-Eating Whale.
And finally, he thought about Keith's future. you would be called a person who thinks about the consequences of his
actions?> Smart, good, wise - children usually say.
And we can introduce a new concept - .
This is the one who sees not only what is nearby, but also what is in the distance.
visionary, and when parents and teachers were visionary>.
This is not an easy task for an adult, but it is very important for
formation of the child’s self-concept. This means that the person is also SMALL-SEEKED. Who is our
heroes of the fairy tale was short-sighted and when?.. What did this lead to?
lo?> Probably our main task is to pose the question this way:
so that it encourages thinking, and is not just a test for
memorization. In the future, if we notice negative manifestations,
behavior in a child, we can always turn to fairy tales
to new heroes: You don’t find anything in common between what’s happening now
and what the fairy tale warned us about and taught us about?.. Think about it, please...
luista>. Of course, this is not the whole meaning of the story about Keith,
Workshop on fairy tale therapy
Sailor and Fish. This is just one example of how
the principle of understanding the relationship between the meaning of a fairy-tale situation and the re-
al life. I would like to believe that many parents, teachers and
psychologists not only read fairy tales to their children, but also together
reflect on them. After all, often
renews itself like a shrushka in the hands of circumstances... So, fairy tale therapy -
it is also a process of objectification problem situations.
Objectification of problematic situations... What is behind this, on
at first glance, a complex phrase? What's going on inside
person? And is everything possible? Probably expensive
Dear colleagues, in your practice there have been many cases when
were treated with acute mental pain. How to objectify
losing a loved one, misfortunes that have befallen. Such
There are more and more questions in our living conditions.
However, analysis of early childhood experience is clearly insufficient.
exactly, when a person obsessively asks himself and you the question - why?
Let's turn to fairy tales. Why on the main one
the hero has so many trials? And what happens in re-
the result of all the adventures and misadventures? As a rule, the patient
you answer this question: . become stronger? After all, he simply acted according to the situation!> - you can
say you. , - the patient can answer.
This statement already contains the key to accepting trauma.
ical situation, and the patient suggested this clue to himself. Here
an amazing fairytale therapy paradox! The man turned
who goes to a psychologist for help, at first glance, is in
weaker position. However, the fairy tale teaches that tests are given
only to the strongest. To the one who can withstand them, realize,
use for good. The test is given according to one's strength. So who is it
weak here? Understanding this simple truth often produces
psychotherapeutic effect: a person suddenly
knows the source of strength within himself. It is still unknown what and how
do, but it’s already clear - I CAN. And in this case, the fairy tale-
Pia is the process of activating the resources and potential of the individual.
For many, fairy tales are associated with magic. What is vol-
mischief? Paracelsus also asked himself this question. Magic
the world, according to Paracelsus, is an invisible spiritual analogue of the
wild Nature, inhabited by hosts of curious creatures,
called nature spirits. Paracelsus divided them into four
groups in accordance with the elements by which they are generated and
Chapter 1. General principles of working with fairy tales
in which they live. Spirits of the earth - gnomes, spirits of water - undi-
we, the spirits of fire are salamanders, the spirits of air are sylphs. Paracelsus
taught that spirits are actually living creatures, according to
shaped like human beings. It's difficult for people
know the magical world of natural spirits due to underdevelopment
our feelings, unable to penetrate beyond the boundaries of gross elements
cops. Behind these reflections is the idea of ​​spirituality
the surrounding world. Many people note that it is at the
kind of, they are overcome by a feeling of magic and they feel happy
shy. Isn’t this about communication with nature spirits?
speech?.. One way or another, the idea of ​​Living Nature gives us a rich
tools for personality development. If we tell the re-.
benku about amazing little invisible creatures that live
in every tree, bush, flower, blade of grass, would it be desirable?
Are you mindlessly breaking branches and picking flowers? On the other hand, the world
plants (related to the spirits of the earth) created for a loving person
catcher. The plants gladly give him their fruits, and the innocent
Smoked spirits can transfer to another plant. If the child will
to know that in every stream, lake, river there lives its own undine who wants
does he want to pollute the water? After all, spirits cannot live in dirty water.
and she will become dead. If the child knows that even in
A salamander lives in a small fire, he wants to play with
matches, mindlessly scattering frightened salamanders around the house?
If a child knows that there are small forces in the air,
sylphs and sylphs bringing good dreams and smiles, really?
will it pollute the air with suffocating gases in the future?
In this aspect, fairy tale therapy is an ecological process
education and upbringing of the child.
But magic is associated not only with the inhabitants of the magical
peace. It is associated with creativity, creation, faith in good
strength and new opportunities. However, we must remember that
witchcraft is often invisible to the eye, but felt by the heart...
The little girl received a magic scarf as a gift,
who can transform her into anyone she wishes. She's right there
wants to turn into a horse. turn into a horse, but you remember that if after the transformation
If you look in the mirror, you will see not a horse there, but yourself?>
- the child drawls disappointedly. horses, you enter the kitchen, what will happen to grandma?> 13
Workshop on fairy tale therapy
rock will fall>. mo?.. Of course, so as not to frighten the people close to you. But inside
turning yourself into a horse, you will acquire its strength, beauty,
endurance. How will these qualities be useful to you in life?>
So, magic is also transformation. In a fairy tale -
real, but in life not outwardly noticeable to everyone. Magic pro-
comes from within us, gradually improving the world. IN
In this sense, fairy tale therapy is a process of improving internal
nature and the world around.
Of course, fairy tale therapy is also environmental therapy, especially
fight in a fairy-tale setting in which potential
tional parts of the personality, something unrealized, maybe ma-
terialize dream; and most importantly, a feeling appears in her
security and aroma of Mystery...
People have always dealt with fairy tales. True, they called
it's different. Today we distinguish four stages in the development of fairy tales.
therapy. It is noteworthy that none of the categories we have identified
The story did not end, giving way to a new one. Therefore, each stage
marked the beginning of a certain process.
The first stage of fairy tale therapy is oral folk art.
Its beginning is lost in the mists of time, but the process of oral (and later
her and written) creativity continues to this day.
The second stage of fairy tale therapy is collecting and researching tales.
zok and myths. Study of myths and fairy tales in psychological,
in a deep aspect it is connected with the names of K.-G. Jung, M.-L. von Franz,
B. Bettelheim, V. Propp and others. It's nice to note that
the terminology of psychoanalysis is based on myths... The process of cognition
The study of the hidden meaning of fairy tales and myths continues to this day.
The third stage is psychotechnical. Probably there is not a single
dagogical, psychological and psychotherapeutic technology
gy, in whichever technique is used. Modern
Various practical approaches use the fairy tale as a technique, as
a reason for psychodiagnostics, correction and personality development.
The fourth stage is integrative. This stage is associated with the for-
development of the concept of Complex Fairytale Therapy, with spiritual
new approach to fairy tales, with an understanding of fairy tale therapy as a
genealogical, organic to human perception
nutritional system, proven by many generations
our ancestors.
Chapter 1. General principles of working with fairy tales
Today, fairy tale therapy synthesizes many achievements of psycho-
logy, pedagogy, psychotherapy and philosophy different cultures -
all this in a fabulous form, in the form of a metaphor. You just can’t think of a way to get back to yourself!> - they joke to fairy tales -
rapists. One could call it fairytale therapy, but, you must admit, it doesn’t sound so beautiful or close.
In the fairytale therapy process, we currently use
five types of fairy tales are created, which are constructed accordingly
with the current situation and are presented under various methods: analysis, storytelling, composing, rewriting, puppetry
therapy, image therapy, drawing, psychodynamic meditation
tions, staging fairy tales in the sandbox and much more (and this is not
fairytale therapy itself, but its fascinating context).
So what is fairy tale therapy? Contemplation and revelation
internal and external world, comprehension of lived experiences, models
development of the future, the process of selecting each client his own special
a fairy tale... The process of Cognition in the most consonant with our
Soul-shaped form. Perhaps this is precisely why many things
What wisdom of humanity sent us a Fairy Tale?..
Tatiana Bolshakova
Once upon a time there was a fairy tale. She lived a happy life because she was nearby
There were always good and faithful friends. Together they could dare
rejoice and rejoice; and sometimes they felt a little scared, but
everything always ended well.
And then one day I met a Fairy Tale Man.
- Do you like people? - he asked.
“Yes,” she answered. She really did love everyone.
- Then come with me, and I will teach you to help people,
save them from diseases.
- Can you take your girlfriends with you?
“It’s possible,” the Man allowed. And then she agreed:
After all, it’s not scary anywhere with friends.
The man brought the company to great heights beautiful house. There was
a lot of people, and they all listened to fairy tales, stories,
jokes, parables. Then people started talking heatedly about something not
very understandable, and they began to pronounce different learned words.
Workshop on fairy tale therapy
Only the Fairy Tale understood that strange people gather from it
with girlfriends there is some sense in extracting and various medicines de-
She was scared at first, but didn’t run away: her friends were nearby - it was a shame,
and it’s interesting how this meaning will be extracted. Yes, and people like
I wanted to be able so that they, the poor ones, would not get sick. After all, when
good, I want others to live happily too.
And the life of the Fairy Tale began at the Institute of Fairy Tale Therapy.
At first, indeed, many things seemed strange. After all, she
I’m used to everyone smiling when listening to fairy tales, but here they listened
seriously, then they argued for a long, long time, sometimes they even frowned,
but as they left her, everyone spoke evenly.

The guide to fairy tale therapy is addressed to psychologists, teachers,
psychotherapists, doctors, philologists, parents and all those who feel
There is a closeness to the fairy tale genre. In the popular form of the story-
talks about what types of fairy tales exist, how they can be
used in the process of psychological, pedagogical and educational
body work; techniques for creating specialized
fairy tales that help learning, relieve inadequate emotional
manifestations that correct behavior and promote therapy
PI in acute stressful situations. The publication is textbook
character: fairy tales for practical work with commentary are given
information and recommendations for use.

There is probably no person who does not love fairy tales. Those from
us who are not interested in classic versions of fairy tales
stories, watch action films, horror films, read detective stories,
romance novels and fantasy. But what is this if not modern?
fairy tales?
People tend to exchange stories. In order to
tell and listen to them, we are going to have a festive hundred
crowbar, we watch a show on TV.
Sharing stories, like sharing life experiences, is natural
formal form of interaction between people. Therefore, we believe
I eat fairy tale therapy - a natural form of communication and transmission
experience, an organic system of educating new generations.
At fairytale therapy seminars we explore fairy tales.
times, we try to reveal the secrets of storytelling. And often, in
On the first day of classes, I hear the participants ask:
We usually answer: you write and choose the best fairy tales yourself>. at least guidelines!> - the seminar participants ask. In response to
this request you hold in your hands our leadership. This book
will also be useful for those who prefer to work with ready-made
rial, and for those who like to write fairy tales themselves.
So, we have an exciting journey ahead of us through the diversity
different fairy tales. Something can make you smile, something
will push you to think, and something will stimulate creativity.
Many of the tales given here were written by people who
who have never done this before, and yet, on one
breathing created a unique fairy tale story. May be
and you, dear reader, will be inspired by this experience and trust
on paper the fairy tale of your Soul?..
Workshop on fairy tale therapy
You will learn how to work with artistic fairy tales; How
Create your own stories to help children learn and
harmoniously change behavior; how to use fairy tales in ra-
work with situations in which, at first glance, psycho-
the log is powerless... But, most importantly, the Fairy Tale living inside you,
will unfold before you the treasures of your soul.
Recently, the term has become increasingly popular
publishes special and popular publications. True, there is also
(a term that for some reason is loved
teachers are supposed to use), but it is not known whether there is between these
there is a fundamental difference in terms. , perhaps
sounds nicer.
I remember one incident. At the bank we were stopped by
armed guards. They carefully examined our
documents and suddenly asked in surprise: fairy tale therapy? What is this?> I got ready to explain,
took more air into her lungs, but the guards didn’t wait for an answer.
she asked: .
Yes, probably, in our urbanized world, saturated
information and stress, the Soul asks for Fairy Tales...
The soul asks for fairy tales or that special state that alone
called Happiness, others - the expectation of a Miracle, others - Feeling
childhood, fourth - ...
So what is fairy tale therapy? The first thing that comes to
head - treatment with fairy tales. Knowledge has been passed on from time immemorial
through parables, stories, fairy tales, legends, myths. And what does it have to do with it here?
treatment? Does knowledge multiply sorrows or does it still heal the Soul? On
This question probably has and will have many answers. Knowledge of the secret
eternal, deep, not only about yourself, but also about the world around you,
definitely heals. And precisely today, at the end of the millennium
people are intuitively drawn to him. Reread and interpret
the Bible, looking for hidden meaning in fairy tales, legends and myths,

maybe also in order to rediscover what is in the depths
souls have long known?.. Therefore, when we talk about what
fairytale therapy is treatment with fairy tales, we mean combined
intimate discovery with the client of the knowledge that lives in the soul
and are currently psychotherapeutic.
Some people think that fairy tale therapy is a me-
tod. Yes and no. in the sense that it is addressed
to the living creative creative open mind in man - yes. in the sense that it is limited
By age - no. her,” the chairman sarcastically remarked to us, without understanding the essence,
founder of the board of one large Latvian university. - Fairy tales
after all, only for children!> Excuse me, what are fairy tales?
If it’s a figment of the imagination, then why aren’t modern children’s fairy tales?
novels, thrillers, fantasy, romance and adventure novels
us? But adults read them! If ancient knowledge is encrypted
new in attractive images and intriguing situations, then
Is this information only for children? We believe that the story
ka - this. Each layer has its own meaning. When we
we read a fairy tale, follow a fascinating plot, our unconscious
the underwear is already out-
he eats for himself. That is, that, that meaning,
which is most in tune with the worldview at the moment,
one that can answer an internal question. In that
the secret of fairy tales - at any age in them
You can discover something intimate and exciting.
Therefore, fairy tale therapy is a process of searching for meaning,
encryption of knowledge about the world and the system of relationships in it.
The process of deciphering knowledge... Indeed, when you start
you can look at a fairy tale from different points, at different levels
yah, it turns out that fairy tales contain information
about the dynamics of life processes. In fairy tales you can find half-
a list of human problems and figurative ways to solve them
sewing. Listening to fairy tales in childhood, a person accumulates in the unconscious
telno some symbolic. This
can be activated if necessary, rather than
There will be a situation - it will remain passive. In the process of psycho-
we address logical consulting as a vital
both the patient’s experience and his fabulous situations>. This often allows you to find the right solution.

A fairy tale can provide a symbolic warning about how
the situation will unfold. But do we always have ears to
hear him? As a rule, the meaning of events is clear only in hindsight.
in number and then adults. Therefore, fairy tale therapy for
children is associated, first of all, with an awareness of the meaning of fairy tales
ties and their relationships with real life situations. If a child with
at an early age will begin to realize, respond to
question: , correlate the answers with
his behavior, then he will become an active user of his
. And I want to believe that there will be wiser
rym and creative. By the way, this is a response to those who criticized us
for taking children from reality to fairy tales. Vice versa,
fairytale therapy is the process of forming a connection between fairy tales and
ny events and behavior in real life. It's a process
transferring fairy tale meanings into reality.
For example. The guys and I read and analyze the fairy tale by R. Kip-
linga about Keith. Its plot is as follows. In the ocean there lived a whale and
he had a big mouth. And indiscriminately he ate every kind of
new fish, opening its large mouth each time. He ate and
herring, and herring aunt, and beluga, and stellate sturgeon, every time
doing AM, AM, AM. Finally, the moment came when he ate all
fish. And I was hungry for some time. However, it turned out that
the little prickly fish remained alive. She swam nearby
with Keith's ear. She told him: some person?> Keith didn’t know who it was, so he asked for
send him a couple. But Rybka explained to him that the man was sick
shoy, and it’s enough to eat one to stay full for a long time.
She undertook to show Keith the site of the shipwreck. Meanwhile-
silently, the shipwrecked sailor sat on the raft, light
dipping his feet in the water and smoking a pipe. Keith, as always, without thinking,
swallowed the Sailor along with the raft, snorkel and suspenders. Mo-
The roar in Keith's belly began to dance, which caused fear in the latter.
new hiccups. Keith asked Rybka for advice on how to get rid of hiccups.
You. And I received the answer - to release the Sailor. hungry!> - Keith was indignant. or be hungry,” answered Rybka. Keith chose the latter
and opened his mouth. But the Sailor refused to go out. Only if Keith
will take him to the shores of England, the Sailor will leave the poor fellow alone. U
Keith had no choice and took the Sailor to England. A Sailor
split the raft, tied the splinters with suspenders - it turned out to be a lattice-
Workshop on fairy tale therapy
ka. Coming out of the Whale's belly, the Sailor shoved the grate down his throat
Keith. Since then, Keith can only eat small food. And Rybka,
Thinking that Kit would be offended by her, she swam deep to the bottom and
buried in the mud... This is such an instructive story.
We usually start the discussion by answering the question: what is this fairy tale?> Next, we remember that in fairy tales there is always an encrypted
We have received a lot of information that is important for us and are starting some exciting lessons>. Its essence is as follows. Using the example of fairy tale heroes
wants to teach us something important and we have to guess -
what exactly? Take Keith for example. By the way, do you think-
those, did the story end well for him? Many children (and
even adults) say that the Sailor treated Keith badly:
Is it humane to put a bar down your throat? please, we ask the guys, what would happen to Keith,
if the Sailor had not inserted a grate into his throat?> earlier, a fish>, they answer. ate all the fish, because that’s why he had to “try
"> The guys think about it and answer: I would die of hunger>. I inserted a grate into Keith's throat, poor Keith would have died of hunger, -
we repeat thoughtfully. - It’s strange, how is it possible, for the first time
Looks like an unpleasant event that turned out to be vital for Keith?
What did the fairy tale want to teach us?>
The most important thing for us is to create a situation in which children
nok can think about the meaning and ambiguity of the situation
tions. At this moment the child learns the philosophy of life: there is no one
significant events, even a seemingly unpleasant situation can
after a while it will turn out to be a blessing. Some reading now
these lines can tell whether it’s too early for a child to think about
things like that, does he understand it? Maybe he doesn’t understand
Therefore, it is important for us to explain to children in what specific life-
In certain situations they can use this fairytale lesson.
complained that you were offended; you may have been angry with the offender,
They figured out how to repay him. We remembered such situations -
tions? Now let's try to use our saying
a powerful lesson: the whale, offended by the Sailor, received a new one for
yourself the opportunity to get food. Think about what is possible
You received this from your offender. Answer this question
not easy, especially if it was very painful. But the tale of us
Chapter 1. General principles of working with fairy tales
teaches that there are no only bad events. Some are offended
ki help us think about what we can’t do,
that we can’t do it, or do it badly, or are friends with the wrong people, or...>
So the fairytale lesson came into real life and directed the
child on the way to understanding the events happening to him. Okay, why did the Sailor make and insert this grille, because he already
ended up at home?> If we didn’t talk to the children about the consequences
for Whale of this action of the Sailor, then many children can answer that
The sailor inserted a grate into Keith's throat to punish him. In our
situation, it turns out that care is hidden behind the punishment.
Now we can remember whether there were situations in our life
ations, when caring was hidden behind punishment. So gradually
we will come to an explanation of those actions of parents who are not
understandable or offend the child. And he will have the opportunity not to
just express your resentment or anger, but also comprehend the situation
tion in a new way, using fairy tale lessons. On the other side,
The sailor performed the action we are analyzing because he
little about the future. In the future he could go to sea again and
meet the cannibal whale. This, naturally, was not included in
his plans. Besides. The sailor was interested in breeding
fish, and this would be difficult in the presence of the Fish-Eating Whale.
And finally, he thought about Keith's future. you would be called a person who thinks about the consequences of his
actions?> Smart, good, wise - children usually say.
And we can introduce a new concept - .
This is the one who sees not only what is nearby, but also what is in the distance.
visionary, and when parents and teachers were visionary>.
This is not an easy task for an adult, but it is very important for
formation of the child’s self-concept. This means that the person is also SMALL-SEEKED. Who is our
heroes of the fairy tale was short-sighted and when?.. What did this lead to?
lo?> Probably our main task is to pose the question this way:
so that it encourages thinking, and is not just a test for
memorization. In the future, if we notice negative manifestations,
behavior in a child, we can always turn to fairy tales
to new heroes: You don’t find anything in common between what’s happening now
and what the fairy tale warned us about and taught us about?.. Think about it, please...
luista>. Of course, this is not the whole meaning of the story about Keith,
Workshop on fairy tale therapy
Sailor and Fish. This is just one example of how
the principle of understanding the relationship between the meaning of a fairy-tale situation and the re-
al life. I would like to believe that many parents, teachers and
psychologists not only read fairy tales to their children, but also together
reflect on them. After all, often
renews itself like a shrushka in the hands of circumstances... So, fairy tale therapy -
it is also a process of objectifying problematic situations.
Objectification of problematic situations... What is behind this, on
at first glance, a complex phrase? What's going on inside
person? And is everything possible? Probably expensive
Dear colleagues, in your practice there have been many cases when
were treated with acute mental pain. How to objectify
losing a loved one, misfortunes that have befallen. Such
There are more and more questions in our living conditions.
However, analysis of early childhood experience is clearly insufficient.
exactly, when a person obsessively asks himself and you the question - why?
Let's turn to fairy tales. Why on the main one
the hero has so many trials? And what happens in re-
the result of all the adventures and misadventures? As a rule, the patient
you answer this question: . become stronger? After all, he simply acted according to the situation!> - you can
say you. , - the patient can answer.
This statement already contains the key to accepting trauma.
ical situation, and the patient suggested this clue to himself. Here
an amazing fairytale therapy paradox! The man turned
who goes to a psychologist for help, at first glance, is in
weaker position. However, the fairy tale teaches that tests are given
only to the strongest. To the one who can withstand them, realize,
use for good. The test is given according to one's strength. So who is it
weak here? Understanding this simple truth often produces
psychotherapeutic effect: a person suddenly
knows the source of strength within himself. It is still unknown what and how
do, but it’s already clear - I CAN. And in this case, the fairy tale-
Pia is the process of activating the resources and potential of the individual.
For many, fairy tales are associated with magic. What is vol-
mischief? Paracelsus also asked himself this question. Magic
the world, according to Paracelsus, is an invisible spiritual analogue of the
wild Nature, inhabited by hosts of curious creatures,
called nature spirits. Paracelsus divided them into four
groups in accordance with the elements by which they are generated and
Chapter 1. General principles of working with fairy tales
in which they live. Spirits of the earth - gnomes, spirits of water - undi-
we, the spirits of fire are salamanders, the spirits of air are sylphs. Paracelsus
taught that spirits are actually living creatures, according to
shaped like human beings. It's difficult for people
know the magical world of natural spirits due to underdevelopment
our feelings, unable to penetrate beyond the boundaries of gross elements
cops. Behind these reflections is the idea of ​​spirituality
the surrounding world. Many people note that it is at the
kind of, they are overcome by a feeling of magic and they feel happy

T. D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva


Publishing house "Rech"

Saint Petersburg

T. D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva

Workshop on fairy tale therapy. - St. Petersburg: Rech LLC,

2000. - 310 p. ISBN 5-9268-0022-6

The guide to fairy tale therapy is addressed to psychologists, teachers,

psychotherapists, doctors, philologists, parents and all those who

feels close to the fairy tale genre. In popular form

talks about what types of fairy tales exist, how

they can be used in the process of psychological, pedagogical and

educational work; techniques for creating

specialized fairy tales that help learning, remove

inappropriate emotional manifestations that correct behavior and

facilitating therapy in acute stressful situations. Edition

is of a textbook nature: fairy tales are given for practical


There is probably no person who does not love fairy tales. Those from

us who are not interested in classic versions of fairy tales

stories, watch action films, horror films, read detective stories,

romance novels and fantasy. But what is this if not modern?

People tend to exchange stories. In order to

tell and listen to them, we are going to celebrate

table, watching a show on TV.

Sharing stories, like sharing life experiences,

a natural form of interaction between people. That's why we

We consider fairy tale therapy to be a natural form of communication and

transfer of experience, an organic system of educating new


At fairytale therapy seminars we explore fairy tales

images, we try to reveal the secrets of storytelling. And often, in

On the first day of classes, I hear the participants ask:

“Give us fairy tales to work with!” We usually answer: “The most

you write and choose the best fairy tales yourself.” "But give us

at least landmarks! - the seminar participants ask. In response to

this request you hold in your hands our leadership. This book

will also be useful for those who prefer to work with ready-made

material, and for those who like to write fairy tales themselves.

So, we have an exciting journey ahead of us.

various fairy tales. Something can make you smile, something...

some will prompt you to think, and some will stimulate creativity.

Many of the tales given here were written by people

who have never done this before, and yet

in one breath they created a unique fairy tale story. Be

maybe you, dear reader, will be inspired by this experience and

entrust the fairy tale of your Soul to paper?..

You will learn how to work with artistic fairy tales; How

Create your own stories to help children learn and

harmoniously change behavior; how to use fairy tales in

dealing with situations in which, at first glance,

the psychologist is powerless... But, most importantly, the Fairy Tale that lives inside

The treasures of your soul will unfold before you.





Recently, the term “fairytale therapy” has become increasingly popular,

publishes special and popular publications. True, there is also

“fairy tale correction” (a term that for some reason

teachers like to use), but it is not known whether there is between these

there is a fundamental difference in terms. “Fairytale therapy”, perhaps

sounds nicer.

I remember one incident. At the bank we were stopped

armed guards. They carefully examined our

documents and suddenly asked in surprise: “What institute are you from?..”

fairytale therapy? And what is it?" I'm ready to explain

took more air into her lungs, but the guards didn’t wait

answer, they asked: “Please treat us with fairy tales.”

Yes, probably, in our urbanized world, saturated

information and stress, the Soul asks for Fairy Tales...

The soul asks for fairy tales or that special state that alone

call it Happiness, others - waiting for a Miracle, others -

The feeling of childhood, fourth -...

So what is fairy tale therapy? The first thing that comes to

head - treatment with fairy tales. Knowledge has been passed on from time immemorial

through parables, stories, fairy tales, legends, myths. And what does it have to do with it here?

treatment? Does knowledge multiply sorrows or does it still heal the Soul? On

This question probably has and will have many answers. Knowledge

intimate, deep, not only about oneself, but also about the environment

the world certainly heals. And today, at the end

For millennia, people have been intuitively drawn to it. Re-read and

interpret the Bible, look for hidden meaning in fairy tales,

legends and myths, maybe maybe also in order to rediscover what is in the depths

souls have long known?.. Therefore, when we talk about what

fairytale therapy is treatment with fairy tales, we mean

joint discovery with the client of the knowledge that lives in

soul and are currently psychotherapeutic.

Some people think that fairy tale therapy is “for children”

method. Yes and no. "Childish" in the sense that it is addressed

living creative creative open "children's

"to the beginning" in a person - yes. "Childish" in the sense that it

Age limited - no. “Yes, you would name your method

baikoteraii-ey,” he sarcastically remarked to us, without understanding

in fact, the chairman of the board of one large Latvian university.

Fairy tales are only for children!” Excuse me, so what is it?

fairy tales? If it’s a figment of the imagination, then why not fairy tales?

modern detective stories, thrillers, fantasy, romance and

adventure novels? But adults read them! If

ancient knowledge encrypted in attractive images and

intriguing situations, is this information only for

children? We believe that a fairy tale is a “layer cake”. IN

Each layer has its own meaning. When we read a fairy tale, we follow

with a fascinating plot, our unconscious is already

“sniffs” the “layer cake of meanings” and chooses the most

“delicious” for yourself. That is, that “layer”, that meaning that

most in tune with the worldview at the moment, the one

which can answer an internal question. This is the secret

"eternal youth" fairy tales - at any age you can

to discover something intimate and exciting.

Therefore, fairy tale therapy is a process of searching for meaning,

deciphering knowledge about the world and the system of relationships in

German The process of deciphering knowledge... Indeed, when

you begin to consider the fairy tale from different points, on different

levels, it turns out that fairy tales contain

information about the dynamics of life processes. In fairy tales

can be found full list human problems and figurative

ways to solve them. Listening to fairy tales as a child, man

accumulates in the unconscious a certain symbolic “bank”

life situations" This "bank" can be activated in

if necessary, but there will be no situation - it will remain so

passive. In progress psychological counseling We

address as life experience the patient and his

the fabulous “bank of life situations.” This often allows

find the right solution.

A fairy tale can provide a symbolic warning about how

the situation will unfold. But do we always have ears to

hear him? As a rule, the meaning of events is clear only in hindsight.

in number and then “advanced” adults. Therefore, fairy tale therapy for

children is associated, first of all, with understanding the meaning of fairy tales

events and their relationship with real life situations. If

the child from an early age will begin to understand the “fairy tale lessons”,

answer the question: “What does a fairy tale teach us?”, correlate

answers with his behavior, then he will become an active user

your “bank of life situations”. And I want to believe there will be more

wise and creative. By the way, this is a response to those who criticized

us for “leading” children away from reality into fairy tales.

On the contrary, fairy tale therapy is a process of forming a connection

between fairy-tale events and behavior in real life

life. This is the process of transferring fairy tale meanings into


For example. The guys and I read and analyze the fairy tale

R. Kipling about Keith. Its plot is as follows. There lived a whale in the ocean

and he had a big throat. And indiscriminately he ate everything

different fish, each time opening its large mouth. He ate and

herring, and herring aunt, and beluga, and stellate sturgeon, every time

doing AM, AM, AM. Finally, the moment came when he ate all

fish. And I was hungry for some time. However, it turned out that

the little prickly fish remained alive. She swam nearby

with Keith's ear. She told him: “Listen, have you ever eaten...

any person? Keith didn't know who it was, so he asked

bring a couple to him. But Rybka explained to him that a person

big, and it's enough to eat one to stay for a long time

well-fed She undertook to show Keith the site of the shipwreck. Them

while a shipwrecked sailor was sitting on a raft,

dangling his feet in the water and smoking a pipe. Keith, as always, without thinking,

swallowed the Sailor along with the raft, snorkel and suspenders.

The sailor in Keith's belly began to dance, causing the latter to

terrible hiccups. Keith asked Rybka for advice on how to get rid of

hiccups. And I received the answer - to release the Sailor. "But then I

I’ll stay hungry!” - Keith was indignant. "You choose what's best

Hiccup or be hungry,” answered Rybka. Keith chose

the last one and opened his mouth. But the Sailor refused to go out. Only

if the Whale takes him to the shores of England, the Sailor will leave the poor fellow in

peace. Keith had no choice and took the Sailor to England. A

The sailor split the raft, tied the splinters with suspenders - it turned out

sieve- ka. Coming out of the Whale's belly, the Sailor shoved the grate down his throat

Keith. Since then, Keith can only eat small food. And Rybka,

Thinking that Kit would be offended by her, she swam deep to the bottom and

buried in the mud... This is such an instructive story.

We usually start the discussion by answering the question: “About

a lot of important information for us is encrypted and we begin the game

"Fairytale Lessons" Its essence is as follows. Using the example of heroes

the fairy tale wants to teach us something important and we must

guess what exactly. Take Keith for example. By the way,

Do you think the story ended well for him?

Many children (and even adults) say that Sailor is bad

treated Keith: is it humane to insert it into the throat?

grate? “Please tell me,” we ask the guys, “what

what would have happened to Keith if the Sailor had not inserted it into his throat

bars? “I would eat fish, as before,” they answer. "But in

the fairy tale says that he ate all the fish, because that’s why he

I had to “try the man.” The guys think and

They answer: “Then Keith would have died of hunger.” “That is, it turns out that

if the Sailor hadn't put a grate down Keith's throat, poor Keith

“I would die of hunger,” we repeat thoughtfully. - It's strange how

and so, at first glance, an unpleasant event turned out to be vital

important to Keith? What did the fairy tale want to teach us?

The most important thing for us is to create a situation in which

the child can think about meaning and ambiguity

situations. At this moment the child learns the philosophy of life: no

unambiguous events, even an apparently unpleasant situation can

after a while it will turn out to be a blessing. Some reading now

these lines can tell whether it’s too early for a child to think about

with such things, does he understand this? Maybe he doesn’t understand

Therefore, it is important for us to explain to children in what specific

life situations they can use this fabulous

lesson. “Guys, there have probably been times in your life when you

felt that you were offended; you might have been angry at

offender, they thought about how to repay him. Remembered

such situations? Now let's try to use

our fabulous lesson: the whale, offended by the Sailor, received

a new opportunity to get food. Think about which one

You received the opportunity from your offender. Reply to this

The question is not easy, especially if it was very painful. But

tale of us

teaches that there are no only bad events. Some

offenders help us think about what we don't have

it turns out that we don’t know how or do it poorly, or with the wrong thing

Let's be friends, or..."

So the fairytale lesson came into real life and directed

child on the way to understanding the events happening to him.

“I wonder why the Sailor made and inserted this grille, because he

so you ended up at home?” If we haven't talked to our children about

consequences for Keith of this action of the Sailor, then many children

may answer that the Sailor inserted a grate into Keith's throat to

punish him. In our situation it turns out that punishment

care is hidden.

Now we can remember whether in our lives there were

situations where caring was hidden behind punishment. So

gradually, we will come to an explanation of those actions of parents,

which are incomprehensible or offend the child. And he will receive

an opportunity to easily express your grievances or anger, but also

comprehend the situation in a new way, using fairy tale lessons. WITH

on the other hand, the Sailor performed the action we are analyzing,

because I was thinking about the future. In the future he could again

go to sea and meet the man-eating whale. This,

Naturally, this was not part of his plans. Moreover, the Sailor was

interested in fish farming, but this would be difficult,

in the presence of a fish-eating whale. And finally, he thought about the future

Kita. “Guys, what would you and I call a person who

thinks about the consequences of his actions? Smart, good,

wise - children usually say. And we can introduce something new

concept - “FAR-VISED”. This is the one who sees not only

what is nearby, but also what is in the distance. "Now guys, let's

Let's remember situations when you were far-sighted, and when you were

far-sighted parents and teachers.” This is not an easy task and

for an adult, but it is very important for the formation of the self

child concept. “If there is a far-sighted person, it means

there is also a shortsighted one. Which of our fairy tale heroes was

short-sighted and when?.. What did this lead to?” Probably ours

The main task is to pose the question in such a way that it prompts

reflection and was not simply a memory test. IN

in the future, if we notice negative behavior in

child, we can always turn to fairy-tale characters:

“Do you remember Keith (Fish, etc.) from our story? You do not

you find nothing in common between what is happening now and what

What did the fairy tale warn us and teach us about?.. Think, please.”

Of course, this is not the whole meaning of the story about Keith, Sailor and Fish. This is just one example of how it "works"

the principle of understanding the relationship between the meaning of a fairy-tale situation and

real life. I would like to believe that many parents, teachers and

psychologists not only read fairy tales to their children, but also together

reflect on them. After all, “a person who is not aware” often

becomes a toy in the hands of circumstances... So, fairy tale therapy

This is also a process of objectifying problematic situations.

Objectification of problematic situations... What is behind this, on

at first glance, a complex phrase? What's going on inside

person? And can everything be “objectified”? Probably expensive

Hey colleague, in your practice there have been many cases when

were treated with acute mental pain. How to objectify

the loss of a loved one, misfortunes that came “out of nowhere.”

There are more and more such questions in our living conditions.

more. However, the analysis of early childhood experience turns out to be clearly

It’s not enough when a person obsessively asks himself and you the question -

for what? Let's turn to fairy tales. Why on

the main character is subjected to so many trials? And what

happens as a result of all the adventures and misadventures? How

As a rule, patients answer this question: “It becomes

stronger." “Did he want to become stronger? After all, he was simply acting according to

situation!" - you can say. “That’s how life turned out,”

the patient can answer. This statement already contains

the key to accepting a traumatic situation, and this key is the patient

I told myself. Here is an amazing fairytale therapy

paradox! A person who turns to a psychologist for help

At first glance, he is in a weaker position. However, a fairy tale

teaches that challenges are given only to the strongest. To the one who

can withstand them, realize them, and use them for good.

The test is given according to one's strength. So who is weak here? Understanding

this simple truth often produces psychotherapeutic

effect: a “wounded” person suddenly realizes inside himself

source of power. It is still unknown what and how to do, but it is already clear

I CAN. And in this case, fairy tale therapy is a process

activation of resources and personal potential. For many

fairy tales are associated with magic. What is magic? This

Paracelsus also asked himself the question. The magical world, according to

Paracelsus, this is the invisible spiritual analogue of visible Nature,

inhabited by hosts of curious creatures called

natural spirits. Paracelsus divided them into four groups in

in accordance with the elements by which they are generated and

in which they live. Spirits of the earth - gnomes, spirits of water -

undines, spirits of fire - salamanders, spirits of air - sylphs.

Paracelsus taught that spirits are actually living

creatures shaped like human beings.

It is difficult for people to understand the magical world of natural spirits due to

underdevelopment of our feelings, unable to penetrate beyond

limits of gross elements. There is an idea behind these thoughts

spirituality of the surrounding world. Many people note

that it is in nature that they are overcome by a feeling of magic and they

feel happy. Isn't it about communication with natural

Are we talking about spirits here?.. One way or another, the idea of ​​Living Nature

gives us a rich toolkit for personal development. If

we will tell the child about amazing little invisible

creatures living in every tree, bush, flower, blade of grass,

Will there be a desire to mindlessly break branches and pick flowers? WITH

on the other hand, the world of plants (relating to the spirits of the earth)

created for loving person. Plants are happy to give

him his fruits, and invisible spirits can move on to another

plant. If a child knows that in every stream, lake,

The river has its own undine, would it want to pollute the water? After all, in

Spirits cannot live in dirty water and it will become dead. If

the child will know that even in a small fire he lives

salamander, he will want to play with matches, mindlessly

scattering frightened salamanders around the house? If the child will

to know that little sylphs and sylphs live in the air,

bringing good dreams and smiles, will he really become

in the future to pollute the air with asphyxiating gases?

In this aspect, fairy tale therapy is an ecological process

education and upbringing of the child.

But magic is associated not only with the inhabitants of the magical

peace. It is associated with creativity, creation, faith in good

strength and new opportunities. However, we must remember that

magic is often invisible to the eye, but felt by the heart...

The little girl received a magic scarf as a gift,

who can transform her into anyone she wishes. She's right there

wants to turn into a horse. "It's great what you want

turn into a horse, but you remember that if after

transformation, look in the mirror, you will see not a horse, but

myself?" "Why?" - the child drawls disappointedly. "Imagine if

you will enter the kitchen in the form of a horse, what will happen to your grandmother?” "She in

obmo- rock will fall." "Now you understand why magic

invisible?.. Of course, so as not to frighten people close to you. But

within yourself; turning into a horse, you will gain its strength,

beauty, endurance. How will these be useful to you in life?


So, magic is also transformation. In a fairy tale -

real, but in life not outwardly noticeable to everyone. Magic

occurs within us, gradually improving the world around us.

In this sense, fairy tale therapy is a process of improvement

inner nature and the world around.

Of course, fairytale therapy is also environmental therapy,

a special fairy-tale setting in which they can manifest themselves

potential parts of the personality, something unrealized,

a dream may materialize; and most importantly, it appears

a feeling of security and the scent of Mystery...

People have always practiced fairy tale therapy. True, they called

it's different. Today we distinguish four stages in the development of fairy tales.

therapy. It is noteworthy that none of the

stages did not end, giving way to new ones. Therefore everyone

the stage marked the beginning of a certain process.

The first stage of fairy tale therapy is oral folk art.

Its beginning is lost in the depths of centuries, but the process of oral (and

later and written) creativity continues to this day.

The second stage of fairy tale therapy is collecting and researching

fairy tales and myths. Exploring myths and fairy tales in

psychological, deep aspect is associated with the names of K.-G. Cabin boy,

M.-L. von Franz, B. Begtelheim, W. Propp and others. Nice

It should be noted that the terminology of psychoanalysis is based on myths...

The process of learning the hidden meaning of fairy tales and myths

continues to this day.

The third stage is psychotechnical. Probably there is not a single

dagogical, psychological and psychotherapeutic technology

gai, in which the “Write a fairy tale” technique is used.

Modern practical approaches use the fairy tale as

technique as a reason for psychodiagnostics, correction and development


The fourth stage is integrative. This stage is associated with

formation of the concept of Complex Fairytale Therapy, with

spiritual approach to fairy tales, with an understanding of fairy tale therapy

as natural, organic to human

perception of the educational system, tested by many

generations of our ancestors.

Today, fairy tale therapy synthesizes many achievements

psychology, pedagogy, psychotherapy and philosophy of various

cultures - all this is “packed” into a fabulous form, into the form

metaphors. “Whatever you can think of to get back to yourself!” -

fairy tale rapists joke. One could call it fairytale therapy

“metaphor therapy”, but, you see, it’s not so beautiful and

sounds close.

In the fairytale therapy process at the moment

five types of fairy tales are used, which are constructed in

according to the current situation and are presented under various

“sauces”: analysis, storytelling, writing, rewriting,

doll therapy, image therapy, drawing, psychodynamic

meditations, telling fairy tales in the sandbox and much more (and

This is not fairytale therapy itself, but its fascinating context).

So what is fairy tale therapy? Contemplation and revelation

internal and external world, understanding of life,

modeling of the future, selection process for each client

your special fairy tale... The process of Cognition in the most

a figurative form consonant with our Soul. Maybe exactly

for this purpose the centuries-old wisdom of mankind has sent us


Tatiana Bolshakova

Once upon a time there was a fairy tale. She lived a happy life because she was nearby

There were always good and faithful friends. Together they could

laugh and rejoice; and sometimes they felt a little scared,

but everything always ended well.

And then one day I met a Fairy Tale Man.

Do you love people? - he asked.

Yes, she answered. She really did love everyone.

Then come with me, and I will teach you to help people,

save them from diseases.

Can you take your girlfriends with you?

“It’s possible,” the Man allowed. And then she agreed:

After all, it’s not scary anywhere with friends.

The man led the company to a large beautiful house. There was

a lot of people, and they all listened to fairy tales, stories,

jokes, parables. Then people started talking heatedly about something not

very understandable, and they began to pronounce different learned words. Only the Fairy Tale understood that strange people gather from it

with girlfriends there is some sense in taking different medications

She was scared at first, but didn’t run away: her friends were nearby - it was a shame,

and it’s interesting how this meaning will be extracted. And to people too

I wanted to help so that they, the poor ones, would not get sick. After all, when

good, I want others to live happily too.

And the life of the Fairy Tale began at the Institute of Fairy Tale Therapy.

At first, indeed, many things seemed strange. After all, she

I’m used to everyone smiling when listening to fairy tales, but here they listened

seriously, then they argued for a long, long time, sometimes they even frowned,

but, leaving her, everyone said evenly: “Thank you!” And what

were taken out of her, it also seemed to strangers as if not from her

But then the Tale realized that people had discovered something new in it.

talent, and now she can not only please, but also heal.

Treat what is most needed - the human soul!

And having learned to heal, fairy tales went around the world again,

continuing to tell their stories, only now they have for

everyone has their own special...


Each fairy tale has its own uniqueness. However, the look

for fairy tale therapy as an educational system involves

general principles of working with fairy-tale material.

I eat today, creating new fairy tales. Living things, creatures,

Natural phenomena are capable of acting independently. Ancient

consciousness tended to find personalities human

feelings and relationships Love, Grief, Sorrow, etc. This phenomenon

we also use in psychological and pedagogical practice

Folk tales are extremely important to us

1. The world around us is alive. Anything can happen at any moment

talk to us. This idea is important for the formation of careful and

meaningful attitude towards what surrounds us. Starting from

people, and ending with plants and man-made things.

2. Animated objects of the surrounding world are capable of action

to live independently, they have the right to their own life.

This idea is important for developing a feeling of acceptance of another.

3. Separation of good and evil, victory of good. This idea is important for

maintaining good spirits and developing the desire for the best.

4. The most valuable thing comes through a trial, and what is given

for nothing, it can go away quickly. This idea is important for the formation

mechanism of goal setting and patience.

5. There are many helpers around us. But they come on

help only if we can't cope

situation or task themselves. This idea is important for the formation

a sense of independence, as well as trust in the world around us.

All these philosophical ideas can be discussed with our

pupils and clients.

Our life is multifaceted, therefore the plots of folk tales


Tales about animals, human relationships and life

nykh. Children under five years old identify themselves with animals, a hundred

they strive to be like them. Therefore, tales about animals ray

Most of all, they will pass on life experience to young children;

Everyday tales. Those who say that everything is finished in fairy tales

ends with a wedding and no one says what will happen next, mistake

are. Everyday tales tell about the vicissitudes of family

life, show ways to resolve conflict situations,

form a common sense position and healthy feeling humor

in relation to adversity, they talk about small family

tricks. Therefore, everyday fairy tales are indispensable in family con

counseling and when working with adolescents aimed at

formation of an image of family relationships;

Scary tales. Tales about evil spirits: witches, oops

reys, ghouls and others. In modern children's subculture

There are also horror stories. Apparently here we have

dealing with the experience of children's self-therapy: repeatedly modeling and

by living through an alarming situation in a fairy tale, children are freed from

stress and acquire new ways of responding;

Fairy tales. The most fascinating fairy tales for

those over 6-7 years old. Thanks to fairy tales in the unconscious

a person’s body receives a “concentrate” of life wisdom

and information about human spiritual development.

Working with fairy tales begins with analysis and discussion. When

fairy-tale meanings will be worked out and connected with real ones

life situations, you can use others

forms of working with fairy tales: making dolls, dramatization,


Examples of PSYCHOLOGICAL work


"Chicken Ryaba"

Interestingly, the shorter the tale, the more

it has a concentrated meaning. Let's try

reflect together with our students and clients:

1. What is this fairy tale about?

About the gift of fate (“golden egg”) and what they do with

unprepared people;

About stereotypes human behavior(if an egg, then by

it needs to be beaten, regardless of the quality of the shell);

About accidents that usually happen naturally

(“the mouse ran, waved its tail, the egg fell and broke”);

Love for your neighbor (“don’t cry grandpa, don’t cry grandma, I’ll take it down

you have another testicle, not a golden one, but a simple one");

About a broken dream or hope (a broken egg); and about

many other things.

It seems that this is not a children's fairy tale at all. Of course more

it is suitable for discussion with adults and teenagers

philosophies of life situations and lessons that we


2. What does the fairy tale teach us?

Of course, keep your house clean, don't let it get too dirty

appearance of mice. In this case, there is hope that the golden egg

ko will not be broken;

Flexibility when dealing with new or difficult situations. If

If Grandfather and Baba had approached the problem flexibly, they would not have

They began to hit the golden egg, but they found it The best way note

opinions. By the way, which one?

Do not give to your neighbor what he is not ready to receive (in

question about what gifts we choose for others, and what

we want to get it ourselves); and much more.

All this can be a topic for discussion.

3. Please explain why Grandfather and Baba cry when

the egg broke, because they themselves wanted it to happen,

when they hit him.

Indeed, why are Grandfather and Baba so inconsistent?

Maybe they wanted to break the egg themselves, without anyone else

help? Maybe they're crying because of what they saw inside

Are the eggs not what you expected? Maybe what they really wanted was

so that the egg remains intact?

When discussing a fairy tale, our main task is to summarize

child or adult to the fact that all the phenomena of our life

ambiguous. To do this, we “turn” the fairy tale

the situation as a crystal, and consider its edges.


It may seem that this is a tragic fairy tale - after all,

At the end, its main character dies. However, let's wait

premature interpretation.

Who is Kolobok? This is bread, a pie. What is it for?

was born? So that Grandfather and Baba could eat it.

Kolobok is born to be eaten. At the end of the fairy tale

It happened. He fulfilled his purpose.

It is often said that this fairy tale shows the child

consequences of violating the ban. But it's probably more correct

would be talking about a loss of vigilance and stereotyping

behavior. Kolobok naively believes that the behavior model

successful in most cases, always effective. Life teaches

us flexibility, a variety of ways to solve problems, search.

Kolobok was “resting on his laurels,” which is why he lost his vigilance.

Another topic for discussion (especially with

teenagers) is a desire to test oneself. Find out your

resource opportunities. Feel how far you can

reach. Kolobok constantly increases the difficulty level

tasks, and this game draws him in, he was unable to

stay. For whom will this topic of discussion be relevant?

So what does the fairy tale “Kolobok” teach us? Accepting your

purpose; ability to stop during the process

testing yourself; awareness of the consequences of violating the ban;

creative approach to problem solving?..

"By magic"

The tale about Emelya is ambiguous. On the most superficial

level this tale can be superficially criticized

Mikhail Zadornov. Indeed, who is Emelya, how?

not a “freeloader”?! He is so lazy that he does nothing himself.

Everyone knows the aphorism: “Laziness is the engine of progress.”

The desire for comfort gives rise to amazing engineering

solutions. So, perhaps, the self-propelled stove and the sleigh reflected

the dream of our ancestors about a car?

If we consider more deep meaning fairy tales, then you can

remember the saying “we do without doing, and everything turns out

done." But is it possible to “do without doing”? Turns out

Yes, if you perform the action mentally.

Emelya is a thinker, and the fairy tale shows us how people come to life

thoughts and ideas, what you want becomes real.

In order to create a mental image, a person needs

concentrate, disconnect from everyday activities and worries,

to be left alone. But such a person makes an impression

lazy Unfortunately, at the level of events and behavior there is no

You can always tell a thinker from a lazy person...

Emelya is distinguished by enormous inner wisdom. He is not

makes “unnecessary movements”, does not fuss, lies on the stove (accumulates

strength for the main thing), but when he feels his chance, he becomes

active in maintaining it.

So what can the fairy tale about Emelya teach us, dear


Working with a fairy tale:

"The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water"

(Russian folktale)

“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king,

and he had three sons: the eldest was called Fedor, the second -

Vasily, and the younger one - Ivan. The king is very outdated and

his eyes became impoverished, but he heard that distant lands, in

in the thirtieth kingdom there is a garden with rejuvenating apples and

well with living water. If you eat this apple for an old man -

will become younger, and wash the eyes of a blind man with this water - it will be

The king gathers a feast for the whole world, invites princes and boyars to the feast

and he says to them:

Who, guys, would get out of the chosen ones, get out

one of the hunters, traveled to distant lands, to the thirtieth kingdom

I wish I could bring you rejuvenating apples and a jug of living water about two

eleven stigmas? I would give this rider half the kingdom.

Here the larger one began to be buried behind the middle one, and the middle one behind

less, but from less there is no answer. Tsarevich Fyodor comes out and

There is no desire to give up the kingdom to us people. I'll go on the road

ku, I’ll bring you, Father Tsar, rejuvenating apples and water

a pitcher with twelve stigmas.

Tsarevich Fyodor went to the stable yard and chose a horse...

the bruised one, bridles the unbridled bridle, takes the unwhipped whip,

puts twelve girths with a girth not for the sake of beauty, but for the sake of

fortresses... Tsarevich Fyodor set off on the path. We saw that

sat down, but did not see in which direction he went.

Whether he rode close, or far, low, or high, he rode to

in the evening - the sun is red until sunset. And he came to a crossroads

three roads. There is a stone slab lying at the crossroads, and on it there is an inscription


to be married."

And he turned onto the path where a married man should be. I drove and drove and

reaches the tower under the golden roof. Here the red one runs out

the girl says to him:

Tsar's son, I will take you out of the saddle, come with me some bread

eat and sleep and rest.

No, girl, I don’t want bread and salt, but I don’t have time for sleep

while away the time. I need to move forward.

you love it.

Then the beautiful maiden took him out of the saddle and into the mansion

led. She fed him, gave him something to drink and put him to sleep on the bed.

As soon as Tsarevich Fyodor lay down against the wall, this girl quickly

turned, and he flew underground, into a deep hole.

How long or short - the king again gathers a feast, princes and

boyars and says to them:

Here, guys, who would get out of the hunters I was young

apples and living water, a pitcher with twelve stigmas? I

I would give half the kingdom to this rider.

Here again the larger one is buried behind the middle one, and the middle one behind

less, but from less there is no answer. The second son comes out

Vasily Tsarevich:

Father, I don’t want to give the kingdom into the wrong hands. I

I’ll go to the road, bring these things, and hand them over to you.

Tsarevich Vasily goes to the stable yard, chooses a horse

the bruised one, he bridles the unbridled bridle, takes the unwhipped whip;

puts twelve girths with a girth.

Vasily Tsarevich went. They saw him sit down, but didn’t see him,

which way did he roll off... Now he reaches the crossroads, where

The stone slab lies and sees:

“If you go to the right, you will save yourself, but you will lose your horse. Left

you go - to save the horse, to lose yourself. You'll go straight -

to be married."

Vasily Tsarevich thought and thought and drove straight along the road where

to be married. I reached a tower with a golden roof. Came out to

a beautiful maiden asks him to eat some bread and lie down

put to rest

Tsar's son, do not rush to go, but hurry to do what

dear to you...

Then she took him out of the saddle, took him to the mansion, fed him,

gave her something to drink and put her to bed.

As soon as Tsarevich Vasily lay down against the wall, she turned again

bed, and he flew underground.

And then they ask:

Who's flying?

Vasily the Tsarevich. Who's sitting?

Fyodor Tsarevich.

There you go, bro!

How long or short - for the third time the king gathers for council

princes and boyars:

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