Replacing tiles in the bathroom with your own hands. How to update bathroom tiles with your own hands? Complete seam replacement

Tile in the bathroom correct operation may last for decades, but it gradually loses its aesthetics and attractiveness. Replacing tiles in the bathroom due to various reasons, lack of time and money is not always possible. How to update old tiles so that there is no need to destroy anything and rebuild? What to replace tiles? An idea comes to the rescue partial repair. It includes updating the seams between the tiles and replacing individual tiles. In 90% of cases this is enough, because it is the wear and contamination of the tile joints that causes main reason aging and untidy tiles in the bathroom.

Bathroom tiles can serve quite well for a long time, however, over time it loses its attractiveness and aesthetic appearance.

Replacement of damage

If the old tile has serious flaws (potholes, chips, cracks), it must be replaced. How to replace tiles? You can use a similar tile, choose one that is more or less suitable in appearance, or, conversely, play with contrast.

Replacement of damaged tiles: a - removal of loose tiles; b - breaking damaged tiles; c - removal of old solution; g - applying glue; d - installation of new tiles; e - grouting joints.

The most difficult stage of the work is removing the damaged tiles. First you need to completely remove the grout between the tiles (the process will be described below). Removing old tiles must begin from the middle; this does not require drilling several holes around the perimeter. After removing the freed central part, the remaining tiles can be carefully removed using a chisel, moving from the center to the edges.

After removing the remnants of old glue, the surface should be treated with a deep penetration primer. After it dries you can apply new glue, then lay and level the tiles. To leave the required gap, special crosses should be used. Upon completion of installation, the tiles must be glued to the adjacent ones using tape. This will allow you to fix its position. It is better to mark new tiles so as not to accidentally touch them while drying. The last step is to fill the empty seams with grout.

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Renewing seams

On preparatory stage it is necessary to clear the floor and remove everything unnecessary from the room (cabinets, hangers, hooks). The simplest and quick method restoration of tile joints involves whitewashing and painting them. The disadvantage of this method is the short duration of the effect, which often lasts no more than six months.

One more the easy way renovation of joints is the application of new grout over the old one. This method is used only if the old seams are deep enough and there is at least 2 mm free space for new grout.

To avoid scratching the tiles, use a special rubber spatula to grout the joints.

You can use paint to restore the color of the tile joints. The algorithm of actions is elementary: first the surface is cleaned of dirt and mold, then paint is applied to the seam. After a few minutes, any remaining paint that gets on the tiles is removed with a damp sponge.

The greatest effect can be achieved by completely replacing the old grout with a new one. To remove the old composition, you must use a seam remover or any other suitable item. You need to work carefully to avoid damaging the edge of the tile itself.

Sometimes the seams are sealed cement composition. To soften it and make it more pliable, you need to use an acid cleaner. According to safety rules, work should be carried out with rubber gloves and safety glasses. You need to apply the cleaner to the seams with a brush and wait a while. After this procedure, the old grout will be easily removed.

To remove dry residues of old grout, the surface should be vacuumed and washed with soapy water. Subsequent work should be carried out only after the seams have completely dried. Usually it takes at least a day.

At the next stage, the seams are treated with a penetrating primer and new grout is applied. Grouting solutions set quickly enough, so it is better to carry out the work quickly and make the composition quite liquid. Using a rubber spatula, carefully rub the grout inward, filling the entire space.

Remove excess grout from the tiles with a sponge or spatula. The tiles should be washed when the composition dries, but completely. Otherwise it will be very difficult for her to clean.

Vinyl film not only decorates the walls in the bathroom, but also hides all the defects of the old tiles.

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Cosmetic update

  1. Vinyl film. Inexpensive, waterproof vinyl coating is available in stores in a huge assortment. In addition, vinyl film perfectly hides all the defects of old tiles. The surface for gluing is prepared with an ordinary mild detergent. Then the film with the adhesive layer is transferred to the tile. If the pattern is large, you need to glue it from the middle, gradually smoothing the film towards the edges to avoid wrinkles.
  2. Full painting of tiles. First you need to clean the tiles using detergent and degrease the surface with acetone, vinegar or alcohol solution. Next, you should sand the tile with a fine sanding sheet to remove the gloss and treat it with an epoxy primer to ensure the paint has strong adhesion to the surface. Leave the surface to dry for 24 hours and sand it again with sandpaper. After this you can start painting. You can use either special paint for tiles or an epoxy compound. The paint must be applied with a roller. After finishing the work, the tiles need 12 hours to dry. If a 2nd or 3rd layer is needed, apply them only after the previous one has dried. The paint will dry completely only after 3 days. Only after this can you arrange furniture and accessories.
  3. Drawing patterns. You can paint old tiles with patterns using a ready-made stencil. You can buy it or make it yourself from cardboard paper or a plastic binder. A can of automotive paint works well, as it has strong adhesion and the surface does not require prior priming. Before painting, it is necessary to thoroughly degrease and clean the surface.

Since the bathroom is the room that we visit most often, the need for its renovation increases sharply. However, many people wonder why bathroom tiles fall off? Over time, various defects appear on the surface of the tiles, and therefore restoration of the tiles in the bathroom will be required. This is often due to the fact that the entire surface is exposed to constant humidity, as well as sudden changes in temperature, which causes the tiles in the bathroom to crack.

If the tiles in the bathroom are swollen, this indicates that moisture got under them during use or that errors were made during its installation.

If your bathroom tiles are coming off or they just start to crack, this indicates the need for restoration.

At the same time, enough people ask experienced experts, how to restore the tiles in the bathroom without having to renovate the entire bathroom. Let's take a look at what replacing tiles in a bathroom is and how it can be done.

How to repair tiles in the bathroom if cracks have appeared in some places? This can be done as follows. First you need to clean out the dirt in the cracks with water. Then mix the glue with paint that matches the color of the tile. After this, we seal all the defects with the resulting composition. Note that restoration of old tiles in the bathroom, such as painting the walls, is practically not used at present, since this is not eliminating the causes of the problem, but only “hiding” the shortcomings. But at the same time this option is budget-friendly. With this solution to the problem, the old tiles in the bathroom will continue to crack. Therefore, replacing the tiles in the bathroom is the only correct solution all problems.

Tile repair – where to start?

Repairing bathroom tiles is a process that requires care and attention. In this article, we will look at the components involved in restoring tiles in the bathroom. And also, in fact, how to change the tiles in the bathroom with your own hands.

Repairing tiles in the bathroom, for starters, includes preliminary work, which are associated with preparing the surface for tiles.

Before changing the tiles in the bathroom, you should clean the ceiling and walls of the previous coating.

We change the tiles in the bathroom using special tools. For convenience, we recommend that you use a mechanical hammer drill (with a spatula attachment), construction hairdryer(which softens the paint), with a putty knife or even a chisel (this can easily be used to update old bathroom tiles). After complete removal of the previous coating, it should be treated work surface before the next stage of bathroom tile restoration. To do this, just use a soap solution.
The next stage of restoring bathroom tiles includes the priming process. regular glue, which is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1.

After which you can already install door frame for future doors. If necessary, at the same stage, the procedure for leveling the ceiling surface is carried out - for which it is necessary to putty the surface. Final stage renovation is, strictly speaking, replacing the tiles in the bathroom. Experienced craftsmen know how to update bathroom tiles without resorting to complex and expensive methods. For example, to prevent the tiles in the bathroom from cracking, the ceiling and walls must first be reinforced with a special mesh.

Basic rules when laying tiles

Before you start laying tiles, you need to take care of all the necessary tools that will make repairing bathroom tiles much easier:

  • level;
  • mastic, glue and solutions;
  • spatula;
  • set of distributors.

Next, we make a complete marking of the walls using a vertical level. You should also determine where to start replacing the tiles in the bathroom, since a symmetrical pattern should start from the central part of the wall or other surface.

If the tiles have a uniform texture, then they should be laid from the lower left corner. To prevent cracks from appearing on the tiles in the bathroom, it is necessary to secure plastic crosses between the tiles. The thickness of the crosses will depend on the size of the tile - the larger the tile, the thicker the crosses should be.

Please note that to prevent the tiles from falling off in the bathroom, they must be laid as follows. The very first tile is located at the intersection of the horizontal and vertical marking lines. Next, glue the second tile next to it. The third tile must be placed slightly higher than the first, so that the tiles in the bathroom do not crack. This method of laying is a kind of steps, which we continue to lay up and to the side. In the photo below you can see how to do it correctly.

After 20-25 days, we rub the seams with a special solution. Grouting is not only a great way to update bathroom tiles, but also a necessary procedure.

Replace broken tiles

Very often you may encounter the fact that one of the tiles on the cladding is cracked or damaged. IN in this case nothing will help except replacing the damaged tiles with new tiles. This can be easily done with your own hands, quickly and simply. The first thing to consider is the strength of the glue on which the damaged tile was installed. After all, the stronger the glue, the more difficult it will be to dismantle the damaged tile.

If the tile is not held tightly, a light blow will be enough to make the tile fall off, but if the damaged tile is firmly attached to the glue, you will have to use a chisel. Simply chipping the tile piece by piece, breaking it into pieces makes it easier to peel off.

When the damaged tile has been removed, before gluing a new one in its place, you need to prepare the surface. The first thing to do is to clear the area of ​​the slightest fragments and remnants of the previous glue. When the surface is completely cleaned, you need to prepare a new tile. Carefully check the matching tile size and shade nuances. If there is a pattern on the tile, make sure that it matches the pattern of the previously laid and glued tile.

In this article, you learned how to restore bathroom tiles with your own hands, without resorting to complex and costly procedures. Let us also note that updating the tiles in the bathroom is an excellent opportunity, in addition, to refresh your home.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to change the design of old ceramic tiles in the bathroom without carrying out overhaul. It happens that the pattern on the tiles has faded due to limescale, and individual elements the coating has defects in the form of small potholes or cracks. They also resort to decorating the cladding when it is necessary to change the style of the interior. You can update the tiles in the bathroom without changing them yourself in several ways.

Damaged cladding is corrected by partially replacing the tiles. Contrasting tiles or decor are glued to the vacant space.

Dismantling begins with opening the seams. To do this, the tiles are outlined along the contour with something sharp. Then ceramic tiles pry with a chisel. After this, the wall is cleaned of the old mortar and glued necessary element. Don't apply a lot of glue. The tiles should not rise above the rest of the cladding.

You can update your bathroom even more simple method- using vinyl stickers. This method is less labor intensive. It is recommended to stick stickers on walls, because there they will not be subject to mechanical stress.

The tiles are also decorated using contour paints. The simplest option is to apply dot painting or depict geometric figures. The bathroom walls are also being completely repainted.

Vinyl tile stickers

Decorating tiles with stickers does not require much time. Damaged tiles are not reconstructed beforehand. Vinyl stickers will hide chips and cracks.

To decorate your bathroom, you should use stickers that are resistant to moisture, steam and cleaning agents. It is not necessary to cover the entire cladding with them. You can update old tiles in the bathroom using stickers by arranging them in a checkerboard pattern. To do this, you should choose stickers of the same size as the tile.

Another option for updating the cladding with stickers is to create decorative panels. They are placed above the sink or in the central part of the wall. You can buy a ready-made panel or assemble it from individual small stickers yourself. The second option is more preferable when creating large compositions.

Self-adhesive bathroom film is available in rolls. It is a little more difficult to work with than small stickers, as bubbles and folds may occur during decoration. Therefore, when gluing the film, you need to stretch it well. If bubbles do form, they can be pierced with a needle.

Applying patterns

The pattern on the tiles should be chosen taking into account the design of the room. For the bathroom modern style Geometric patterns are suitable. They are easily applied using stencils that are glued to the tile. In this case it is worth using spray paint. It is convenient to spray on a stencil.

Work with tiles comes down to to the following principle:

  1. Repairing defects.
  2. Preparing the base.
  3. Painting.
  4. Application of a protective composition.

Before decorating the tiles, you need to repair all chips and cracks. It is best to use putty for wet areas. Restoring the tiles is a mandatory step, since the paint will highlight existing defects.

Potholes and cracks in old tiles are repaired using a small spatula. The dried putty is rubbed down to make the surface of the tile more uniform.

Before applying the designs, the tiles must be thoroughly washed. After drying, it is degreased with acetone. If ceramic paint is used to draw patterns, the tiles should not be treated with fine-grained sandpaper and a special primer. Similar decorative compositions fits perfectly on smooth substrates. When using all other types of paints, it is worth increasing the adhesion of the tiles.

To apply a picture, you can also use improvised means, such as masking tape. It is used to apply a pattern of triangles. This modern solution suitable for square tiles. The location of the triangles needs to be thought out in advance. The easiest way is to make a sketch on paper.

To apply the pattern, you need to divide the tile in half diagonally. Thin tape is glued around the desired triangle. Then the figure is carefully painted over with a small brush.

Instead of patterns, you can resort to continuous painting of the tiles. This is the most universal option for decorative cladding, since plain tiles will fit into any style.

Complete painting without removing

With continuous painting, the entire surface of the cladding is treated, including the seams between the tiles. The work is carried out with a roller and brushes. The paint is applied thin layer. Special attention is given to the seams. They are carefully painted over with a brush.

It is not possible to update bathroom tiles with solid paint everywhere. It is better not to touch areas of the cladding that are often exposed to steam. After some time, the paint in these places begins to peel off and move away from the tile.

The tiles are painted near the sink, toilet and on the floor. If desired, the walls around the bathroom are finished with panels that are resistant to steam. They are mounted on top of old tiles. Before finishing, the walls are cleaned and degreased. Then special glue or liquid nails are applied pointwise to them. The panels should be pressed firmly against the wall so that they adhere well to the tiles.

With the help of continuous painting they zone the space. For example, you can make the shower walls a contrasting shade. Another option is the distribution of color accents. The space in this case should catch your eye immediately upon entering the bathroom. You can paint the wall near the washbasin a different color.

Basic Rules

Before carrying out work, all cladding must be cleaned of dirt, otherwise the paint will lie unevenly on the surface of the tile. To combat dirt, it is recommended to use abrasive cleaning agents.

The tiles must be treated with fine-grained sandpaper and an adhesive primer. This will increase the adhesion of paint to smooth tiles in the bathroom. When processing, special attention should be paid to the seams between the tiles.

It is worth using paint intended for ceramics or earthenware. Latex and alkyd compounds have proven themselves well. You should paint a small area of ​​the cladding, located in an inconspicuous place, and then check the durability of the coating.

You should start painting only a day after applying the primer. During this time, the product will dry accurately and form a durable film.

The paint is applied in several layers. This will result in a more uniform and durable coating. The previous coat of paint must be completely dry.

Required Tools

To update the tiles you will need the following tools:

Do-it-yourself voluminous decor

Helpful tools to update bathroom tiles include beads, small shells and pebbles. Decorative elements are glued to the tiles. They should be small so as not to fall off. Better position volumetric decor in places that are slightly dirty, because textured elements are more difficult to wash.

Renewing seams

It is not necessary to update old tiles. You can give the cladding a fresher look by cleaning the grout. Over time, the seams darken, change color and become dirty. This is due to high humidity in the bathroom. You can cope with the darkening of light grout using various means. To restore color, it is recommended to use special pencils or markers. You can also restore the grout using paint. For cement mixtures Fuga Fresca from Mapei will do. The advantage of this paint is its wide range of colors.

Special products do not always help to cope with darkening of seams and dirt on them. Light shades are especially difficult to restore. In addition, it is not recommended to apply paint to cracked seams. The only way out in this case is to replace the grout.

Rules for cleaning damaged areas

  1. The damaged area is removed using any sharp object.
  2. To better clean the seams, use a vacuum cleaner.
  3. In case of minor damage, the grout is replaced locally.

Complete replacement

The grout is completely removed mechanically. To do this, you can use a special scraper-stitcher. They need to work carefully so as not to damage the tiles. Old cement-based grout should be pre-treated with an acid cleaner. This will help speed up its replacement.

Very often there is a need to update tired tiles in the kitchen or bathroom, but it is not always possible to completely replace the covering. In this case, you can make some changes to it yourself. This way you will get a new, bright and repaired surface without changing the tile itself.

Despite the high strength and wear resistance of the material, over time any tile requires updating

Why do this

How do you know when it’s time to make changes to your tile cladding? This question is rather individual. Everyone decides for themselves when it is necessary to carry out redecorating or change the decor in your home. However, it is possible to deduce several general situations that lead to such a decision:

  • Pollution. The tile is covered with streaks, plaque or grease. The stains are difficult to remove and the seams change color.
  • Obsolescence. The colors have faded and the design is no longer relevant. In addition, over time, the same design gets boring.
  • Change of style. For example, you decided to change the bright fusion to a calmer and more romantic style. Bright tiles can be decorated in pastel colors.
  • Repair. Replacing furniture leads to the need to select a new apron, floor and walls for it, but it is not always possible to lay new tiles.
  • Defect. Chips, scratches and cracks on one or more elements.

It is not necessary to wait for the coating to wear out or repair; you can take personal initiative and update the tiles at any time.

Pollution and loss of attractiveness are the most common reasons tile updates


Before you decide to update the tiles with your own hands, you need to perform a number of manipulations. Improve without proper preparation appearance you are unlikely to succeed in coverage.

In order for the new design to look aesthetically pleasing and adhere securely to the tiles, the following steps must be taken:

  1. Grade. First, inspect the tiles, note visible defects and think over possible options their elimination. Consider several design methods.
  2. Cleaning seams. Remove dirt from the joints between the tiles and, if possible, whiten the grout or remove its damaged layer.
  3. Removing dirt. Wash off all dirt and stains that can be removed from the tile surface. naturally: limescale, rust, greasy splashes, etc.
  4. Degreasing. Using solvent or alcohol, go over the surface to remove any greasy film. This stage is required for any type of decor.
  5. Grinding. Performed as needed. Cleaned from tiles upper layer glaze, and also removes unevenness and frozen dirt.
  6. Padding. Coating the surface with a primer is mainly used before painting.

Removing dirt is an important factor in preparatory work

Replacing grout

The most common option for updating ceramic tiles, especially in the bathroom, is replacing the grout. Through this operation, you can give the coating a more tidy appearance, remove dirt, fungus and mold clogged in the seams, and simply change the external design.

You can do the following:

  • locally update the grout;
  • completely replace the grout with the same one as it was;
  • change the color of the seams;
  • draw patterns using colored mastic.

Using a scraper you can remove old grout from tile joints

Let's look at how to update old tiles in the bathroom and kitchen using this method:

  1. Wet the joints with water and let the grout soak slightly.
  2. Using a blade, make cuts along the edges of the joints.
  3. Using a scraper or similar tool, remove the old mastic from the seams.
  4. Clean out the recesses.
  5. Treat the seams with an antiseptic.
  6. Prepare a new mass and fill the seams with it.
  7. Remove excess and wash the tiles after drying.

Coating repair

There are also such unpleasant situations when, for one reason or another, some cladding elements become unusable. Defects spoil the appearance of the tiles, but this problem can be solved by making minor repairs.

If the tile is cracked, chipped or scratched, or simply begins to come away from the mortar, as often happens in the bathroom, you should replace it with a new one. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Clean the grout from the seams around the perimeter of the damaged element.
  2. Pour water into the joints and wait until the solution soaks.
  3. Carefully pry up the tile with a putty knife or screwdriver and remove it. Try not to touch neighboring fragments.
  4. If you plan to put it back in place, you need to clean it off. reverse side the whole solution. The wall must be cleaned of glue in any case.
  5. Prepare the solution and apply it to the new tile.
  6. Place the tile in its proper place and press. Set the level, seams and tap with a mallet.
  7. Once dry, seal the seams.

Sometimes it may be necessary to dismantle a fairly large piece of cladding

You can use the same tile, buy a similar one, or stick on a completely different fragment, for example, with a pattern. This way you can replace several parts even without any apparent reason related to damage.


Very interesting option, allowing you to update ceramic tiles in the kitchen or bathroom with your own hands - using paint. Since tiling surfaces involves constant contact with water, it is best to use waterproof acrylic mixtures.

In order to paint the tiles you will need:

  • dye;
  • primer;
  • roller or brush;
  • masking tape or template.

First you need to thoroughly clean the surface and degrease it. If you plan to completely expose the tile with paint, then you need to sand and prime it in advance.

You can update the tiles and freshen up the interior by painting

It is more convenient to apply paint with a roller, but you can create a texture with a brush. Painting should be done in two layers, allowing to dry slightly. To avoid smearing other items or painting only part of the tile, use masking tape. To create patterns, you can lay out contours with it or attach prepared templates to the tile.


Another way to effectively update old tiles in the kitchen involves using PVC film with an adhesive backing. Otherwise it is called self-adhesive. This material is suitable for finishing almost any surface, and it is also very convenient and easy to work with.

You can create a unique apron in the kitchen by using a film with a photo print, an ornament, or simply combining several colors in one composition. You can also decorate the walls in the bathroom. You can cut it out decorative elements or buy ready-made vinyl interior stickers.

In order to secure the film to the tile, it is necessary to remove any protrusions on its surface and degrease the coating. Cut the self-adhesive into pieces required sizes, peel off the protective paper slightly and start gluing from the corner, smoothing it out rubber spatula to remove bubbles.

If you need to cover voluminous or embossed tiles with film, you can use a regular hairdryer for this. First, moisten the tile with water and stick the film on, so you can adjust its position. Turn on the hairdryer and gently heat the self-adhesive in the place where it is adjacent to the volumetric element. It will begin to take the shape of the base. After this, drive off excess water around the edges and cut off excess film.

It is important not to overheat the PVC material, otherwise it will melt; keep the hairdryer at a distance or reduce the heating intensity.

By using self-adhesive film you can create a rather unusual and original interior

Volumetric decor

Very interesting way update simple boring tiles in the bathroom or kitchen - use different small parts to create three-dimensional compositions. For this purpose you will need:

  • beads;
  • stones and rhinestones;
  • shells;
  • buttons;
  • coffee beans;
  • glass and other parts.

Volumetric decor can not only decorate a bathroom, but also disguise a damaged surface

With their help, you can selectively decorate areas of the room or individual tiles. You can attach this decoration with superglue, acrylic lacquer or hot glue. This way you can create a nautical theme in the bathroom, complement kitchen apron etc. The specific type and composition of the composition depends solely on your imagination.

All methods of updating tiles are great for both kitchen and bathroom surfaces. Such in simple ways you can radically change the appearance, style and perception of the interior, add fresh notes and comfort to it. With the help of improvised means, you can carry out cosmetic repairs to a room with your own hands. minimal costs both money and your own efforts.
