Is it legal to charge for intercom every month? Disabling the intercom for non-payment of old debts How to disconnect from the intercom

Installed in entrances residential buildings Intercom systems provide good protection against intrusion by unauthorized persons. As a result, residents are guaranteed a certain degree of safety and cleanliness in the premises. The cost of maintaining the service is low, but if you do not pay money regularly, apartment owners may encounter unexpected obstacles. In such a situation, you should understand what to do if the intercom is turned off for non-payment, how to connect it yourself, and whether outside interference in the operation of the device is acceptable.

For what reasons does the shutdown occur?

Not having access to your own home is certainly an unpleasant situation. It is important to know why such a situation becomes possible and how you can correct the situation and prevent its recurrence in the future.

The intercom may not respond to calls for 2 obvious reasons:

  1. Tube fault. Unfortunately, the device may fail during active use. The service company must understand the causes of the breakdown, eliminate them or replace the equipment.
  2. Arrears of payment. The fee for using the intercom is small. However, debt not repaid on time may lead to system shutdown. At first glance, it is not clear how the intercom is turned off for non-payment. In practice, the debtor’s electronic key does not work, and calls to the apartment are not received.

Most often, the speaking tube breaks. Sometimes you can fix problems yourself. In some cases it will be necessary complete replacement devices.

Is it possible to connect an intercom yourself?

A non-working intercom is a consequence of a breakdown or late payment of the subscription fee. The best solution will call the service company to find out the reason. However, it will still be necessary to get into the entrance of a residential building until specialists arrive and fix the problem.

If the intercom is blocked for non-payment, then it is important to find out how to turn it on and bring it into working condition. Most of these devices require intervention electronic circuit. If you have confidence in your abilities, then you can try to take some actions yourself, taking into account the features of the models.

Failure to pay for the use of the intercom will result in its disconnection

Connecting the VIZIT intercom

The control of the device is concentrated in a block, a peculiar type of plastic box filled with microcircuits, which is located in the electrical panel of the lower floors. For further manipulations, you will need to open the block cover using a screwdriver.

Having gained access to the board, you should initially set the PASSWORD switch to the OFF position, which will allow you to disable the login password in the “Visit” service setting. After that, connect the device call directly to the right apartment It's easy, the steps are as follows:

  • Dial combination #999 twice and wait for the signal;
  • then button 8 is pressed and a signal is also produced;
  • after which the apartment number is dialed and #;
  • connect a call ―1, if you need to disconnect a call ― 0;
  • the * button will return the system to standby mode.

After completing the steps, you should return to the device block and switch the PASSWORD lever to ON mode. The operation is completed, calls should still be received to the apartment.

Cyfral intercoms

Residents often use such a popular model of device on their front doors as Cyfral intercoms. Following simple instructions, it is possible to enter the residential premises, even if the electronic key does not work as a result of non-payment.

In order to access service settings, you will need to press one of the following combinations of numbers - 1234, 123456 or 123400 and the call button. After which 5 is dialed, then an electronic tablet key is applied to the device to save previously erased parameters in memory.

If you are dealing with more complex system identification, for example optical, with holes, then the algorithm of actions is as follows: press 5, dial the code (1-3), insert the key and make a call.

In order for the device's handset to work without interruption, it must also be activated. To do this, you need to go to the service, select buttons 4, 1, apartment number and press call.

If necessary, you can connect the intercom yourself

Intercom "Forward"

If a “Forward” code lock from the manufacturer Rainmann is installed on the entrance door, then you should know that it will not be possible to change the access code from the common panel or reprogram the key. However, you can try to get into the apartment if the electronic key does not work.

To gain access, you first need to dial the combination 987654, and then after sound signal- 123456. If the screen shows the P icon, press 8, after which the door should unlock.

The above tips may not work if the service company has done more in-depth programming. In this case, normal actions will not be enough to unlock. A complete reset of the intercom memory can lead to unpredictable consequences, regarded as vandalism. Therefore, if you cannot connect on your own, it would be better to contact representatives of the service organization.

Payment for service maintenance not so significant, it is collected rarely, unlike utility bills. The problem of most citizens is non-payment on time due to elementary forgetfulness. Although at the same time, many people believe that there is no point in turning off the device or charging additional money after installing a combination electronic lock.

Actions within the framework of the law when the intercom is turned off

Thus, it becomes clear whether the intercom can be turned off for long-term non-payment and whether this is legal. The company installing the device may stipulate in the contract the need for regular payments. The amount of contributions is small, amounting to literally several hundred rubles per year. Therefore, few people want to perform additional manipulations at their own peril and risk, putting a blocked device into operation.

Don't forget about unexpected breakdowns. If they occur, service and calling a technician should be free of charge, without additional fees.

About writing off debt for public utilities will be explained in the video:

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Several years ago, to restrict the entry of strangers into the entrance, many owners rushed to install combination locks on their entrance doors. However, this measure did not live up to the residents’ hopes. The code instantly became known to a large number of interested parties. A new wave has begun - the installation of intercoms on entrance doors. In this case, the level of security increased, but among other receipts for housing services, another one began to arrive, which not everyone likes...

They even promise to paint the door

Usually the situation looked like this: an active resident of one of the apartments campaigned for the installation of an intercom for his neighbors in the entrance. For this, the installation of an intercom for the activist himself was free.

The first to be offended were “those who disagreed with the installation of an intercom”: often they were not even given magnetic keys for unlocking input device. However, the courts have ordered that everyone be provided with a magnetic key, because deprivation of the right to access a home is a violation constitutional rights citizens.

Another flurry of discontent among the “dissenters” arose after receiving a receipt for the subscription fee for the intercom: they didn’t have an intercom tube installed in their apartment, so what should they pay for? Intercom companies, as a rule, cannot clearly explain what is included in the tariff; they limit themselves to lengthy formulations such as “ensuring uninterrupted operation of the equipment.”

At the same time, the presence of the company’s warranty obligations in the first year after installation of the equipment somehow fades into the background. During this period, all repairs that fall under the warranty clause are performed by specialists free of charge. That is, if you follow this logic, there should be no subscription fee at first. However, intercom companies claim that more than half of all breakdowns occur in non-warranty cases. This is mainly due to improper operation, wire breaks by other services and by the residents themselves, all kinds of acts of vandalism and damage to equipment (mechanical damage).

“The intercom is complex electronic and mechanical equipment,- they explain to us in the “House Service”. - As for any complex device, for correct operation intercom must be carried out scheduled maintenance- diagnostics and repair. Any repair for our subscribers is free. Everything is included in the subscription fee." In addition to periodic inspection of the device for malfunctions and the need to lubricate moving mechanisms, scheduled maintenance includes seasonal adjustment of the closer. But, as a rule, companies go to the “address” only at the request of the subscriber (and only if there is no debt for payment for services).

And for some organizations, even troubleshooting a handset in an apartment is an additional paid service.

And only one intercom company (“Protection”) has posted an offer agreement for intercom maintenance on its website in the public domain. They even have a written obligation to “paint the doors as needed, at the request of the subscriber.” However, many people forget that maintaining the front door (not counting the electronics), including the door closer, is the direct responsibility of management company, which means in the tariff for housing maintenance and repairs of common property. Do you get double payment?

The meeting of owners cannot impose a ringing phone

The question of whether the intercom is included in the common property also remains controversial. apartment building. This year, the Ministry of Construction clarified that “an intercom, as equipment serving more than one premises, meets the criteria for common property in apartment building, and therefore belongs by right of ownership to the owners of the premises.”

But some lawyers do not agree with such a categorical reasoning: in order for the intercom to become part of the common property, a decision of the meeting of owners and amendments to the management agreement (with the establishment of a list and cost of maintenance work for the intercom) are necessary. The Tver Association of Homeowners' Associations and Housing Cooperatives explains on its website that “no one prohibits one, several or all owners from concluding an additional agreement for intercom maintenance with a management organization or other person. However, if the owner of any premises does not want to sign such an agreement and pay for the maintenance of the intercom, according to the Housing Code it is impossible to force him to do so by decision general meeting owners."

Residents have become more careful with their property

“If the maintenance and repair of the intercom belongs to the article “maintenance and repair of common property” (maintenance),- says the general director of the Ivanovo legal center “Fair Housing and Communal Services” Yuri Ogirya, - then the payment under this article should be charged in proportion to the area of ​​the owner’s premises, and not per apartment or according to the number of residents, as is sometimes the case.” However, there is still no clear understanding of what type of service an intercom belongs to.

There is a point of view that services for the maintenance and repair of intercom devices, as well as television antennas, do not belong to housing and communal services, but to household services. That is, their provision is regulated not by the Housing Code, but by the Civil Code and the agreement between the parties. “According to the Civil Code, you have the right to unilaterally refuse household services you do not need,- explains Ivanovo lawyer Mikhail Shubin. - To do this, you just need to notify the implementing organization.” “The issue of terminating the contract for servicing the intercom is quite controversial,- at the same time, the head of the Ivanovo department warns economic development and trade Natalya Lavrova. - Often, the consent of more than half of the owners is required to terminate the contract. However, neither the prosecutor’s office nor the courts have yet reached a consensus on this matter.”

- What happens? - our readers are indignant. - We installed an intercom in our entrance at our own expense, and now it is considered common property and we must ask the entire house for permission to refuse its service?

Meanwhile, in Ivanovo there are already examples of refusal of intercom maintenance services. “When four years ago we decided to install an intercom at the entrance, - says Vladimir Sorokin, - began to look for an option to install equipment without maintenance. Yes, it cost us a little more, but the intercom had a one-year warranty. In four years, our door closer broke down only once. Hydraulics require careful handling. You should not open the door all the way and keep it open for a long time. Not everyone knew this then. Replacing the door closer cost us a thousand rubles. And no more problems. So calculate how much we have already saved.”

The money raised is enough to replace the equipment annually

There are examples of individual subscribers refusing service. True, they often live in fear: will the intercom operators harm them, because the wires may unexpectedly break or, during reprogramming, the key will stop opening. Some companies have no qualms about threatening to “cut the phone.” But then, on the same basis, you can introduce a subscription fee, say, for the fact that the refrigerator freezes, and if you don’t pay, we’ll disconnect you from the outlet.

However, with the help of private technicians, a disabled intercom intercom can be restored in 10 minutes. And one of our readers even installed a handset in her apartment, bypassing the installer’s company. “We moved into an apartment, the owners of which at one time were against installing an intercom,- Nina Makhalova shares. - We contacted the intercom company with a request to conduct handset to the apartment. They asked for 3,600 rubles. We found a private technician who installed an intercom for us for 700 rubles, and now we have been using it for six years without any subscription fee.”

Now let's do the math. The average tariff in the region charged by intercom companies for “maintenance” of an entrance intercom is 50 rubles per month. This is 600 rubles per year from each apartment. The average number of apartments in the entrance of a typical five-story building is 20. Accordingly, the fee for “maintenance” of one entrance intercom is about 12 thousand rubles. At the same time, the cost of all equipment installed at the entrance costs about the same. It turns out that owners who pay for the maintenance of the intercom could theoretically replace the intercom with a new one every year. And if we also take into account the warranty period and the period of real “failure-free” operation of the equipment in the absence of an emergency, then the savings family budget would be more than significant.

You need to look at the contract signed during installation.
If the contract does not contain any words about monthly payment obligations, the actions are illegal.

In general, the actions are also illegal: if a receipt with this service is sent by a homeowners association or management company, protest, since according to the housing code, the maintenance of locking devices is included in the concept of “Maintenance and repair of housing stock,” which is necessarily present in your bill and maximum size which is established by regional authorities.
If they try to collect fees for “service” individually from everyone, then try to calculate the total amount of fees per month from one entrance of a 9-story building - you will get approximately the installation of a new intercom.

Conclusion: read the installation contract - and go to court.

no contracts were concluded during installation - why are you all (well, many) paying? (((:

P.S. Well, the sellers and installers of intercoms made a profit... now people have begun to come to their senses, but they have already skimmed the cream
and the most interesting thing is that the intercom does not add cleanliness to the entrance and even less security

If it breaks, we call it, they repair it, we pay, and until next time...

And why are they scared to turn it off? ((: did you pay for the installation?.. did you pay) did you sign a service agreement?.. no) with x.. should I pay someone something?.. on what basis?) because that’s what they want?) who will explain ? ((:
If it breaks, we call it, they repair it, we pay, and until next time...

I have this situation right now. They disconnected me because I didn’t pay, I started calling them and trying to get them to turn it on. They start to get stupid, then they said, call our specialist, he will turn it on for you. the panel is password-protected, we won’t tell you the password. (((I called another company here to install an intercom, they told me that in this case the entire panel is changed. - 4500 RUR

I have this situation right now. They disconnected me because I didn’t pay, I started calling them and trying to get them to turn it on. They start to get stupid, then they said, call our specialist, he will turn it on for you. the panel is password-protected, we won’t tell you the password. (((I called another company here to install an intercom, I was told that in this case the entire panel is replaced. -4500 RUR

Most likely you have a visit or metacom, the panels themselves with RF keys (without cameras and bells and whistles) cost a maximum of 2000 rubles
and everyone has the option of emergency password reset. usually a couple of wires inside that need to be closed, less often switches in the block

There was a similar situation 2 years ago: our front door did not serve, some paid regularly, others did not. Everything continued until the function of calling to the apartment broke down. They called the intercom and said you have debts; until you pay them off, we won’t repair them. We: yes, we will repair it ourselves, give us the main password, they: fuck you. We quarreled. The contract was not terminated, because and there is no legal need to tear it apart; it was drawn up with legal errors. They just scored. We tried to reset the password, but it didn’t work. We bought the “visit” ourselves, everything fit without any problems. They tried to solve the problem of servicing the closer: they wrote an application to ZHEU-4 to put the closer on the balance sheet for its subsequent servicing of ZHEU-4. ZhEU do not react particularly promptly to the repair of door closers; according to the conversation: “we’ll do it within a month.” This period does not suit us; the last 2 times we repaired the door closers ourselves. When I have time, I’ll figure out the timing of the ZhEU.
Model of the former intercom KS-2004TM. There was an agreement somewhere, if necessary, I can find it.
I wish you good luck in solving your problem.

because disconnecting the phone is quite an unpleasant thing, it prevents people from getting to you
and the amount is not enough to cause a showdown

then don’t be surprised if for non-payment of the bribe for “maintenance of the electric meter” the electricity is turned off, for the water meter - water, for the gas meter - gas. if someone puts their own lock on your door and demands a monthly maintenance fee - don't argue, but pay, pay, pay...
because the shutdown electricity, water and gas quite an unpleasant thing, and blocking the front door lock prevents people from getting to you.
and the amount is not enough to cause a showdown(IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Similar situation. We initially did not need this intercom, but it so happened that, under pressure from the neighbors in the entrance, they installed it (in the sense of financing this event). The tube was also installed, but since 99% of people didn’t use it, they stopped paying for so-called maintenance after some time. Of course, the debt began to grow.
Then boom... At some point we discovered that the call to the apartment from the intercom was not going through - that is, we were disconnected. Well, to hell with it, we don’t use it anyway. I wonder if you call them and leave a request to connect the handset, will they demand payment of the entire amount owed? Well, this is probably true, but only for the period of time when the service was actually provided but not paid for. And since the day the phone was disconnected, why should they be scared to pay for a service that was not provided?
That is, in theory, they should have some kind of document about the disconnection of the service from such and such a day due to debt.
Maybe I'll ask sometime.
Here is our agreement with the Intercom. Surely they have a typical one.

In order:
1. They have the right to disconnect in accordance with clause 2.2.2;
2. You are obliged to pay in accordance with clause 2.3.1;
3. You are required to provide a document about the disconnection, but you are not required to notify you of the disconnection. Therefore, do not be surprised if the disconnection certificate provided to you contains the date “yesterday” and, accordingly, you will have to pay in full. It will be very difficult to prove that the shutdown was actually carried out earlier - “There was a malfunction, but there were no calls - clause 2.3.2.”

Ladies and Gentlemen! Always read what you sign carefully!

P.S. And LLC "Domofon" with such an agreement, FUCK YOU AWAY!

From year to year we regularly paid the monthly fee for the intercom, and everything was fine. But then the intercom operators suddenly decided that they were the smartest and pretended that there had been no payment for the last six months.

Residents who still had receipts ran to prove the fact of payment. But I don’t even have receipts. I paid via the Internet. Of course, I tried to print something out there and show it to someone, but... they either don’t hear or don’t want to hear. In the end, I got tired of everything, and I decided not to pay until they sorted it out themselves.

And then one day a friend calls me and tells me that my intercom doesn’t work (it just doesn’t ring into the apartment). When you try to dial a number, everything is reset, an error signal sounds and “Err” appears on the indicator.

I came to the conclusion that there can only be one reason for this - the intercom operators turn off the intercom in such an original way for non-payment (they can do this for one apartment).

In general, of course, there may be other reasons, but I know exactly why my intercom doesn’t work. Apparently they think I have to pay for the same service twice.

Interestingly, I was still able to enter the entrance using my set of keys. You can't just open the door by pressing a button on the handset. If guests come, you have to go downstairs and open it manually.

It is clear that in this situation it makes no sense to contact a company that services the intercom. I had to figure out for myself how it turns on.

Let's first determine why the intercom may not work:

  1. The call to your apartment has been disconnected (an error sounds when dialing the apartment number). You cannot call from the street and you, accordingly, cannot open the front door by pressing a button in your apartment. The most common option.
  2. We have deleted your keys from the intercom memory. In this case, you cannot get into the entrance using your tablet keys. The other residents' keys work as always. This is not usually done, but there have been cases.
  3. Any technical malfunctions of the units, wire breaks (intentional or not), acts of vandalism, etc. These cases are always very individual and will not be discussed in this article.

Let's see what can be done using the Visit intercom as an example.

If the call to your apartment does not go through

Most likely, the so-called “intercom mafia” did this to force you to pay for a previously imposed service. They do this without entering the entrance, changing the intercom settings using the master key.

But, fortunately, this is easily fixable.

So, to connect the disconnected Vizit intercom, we proceed as follows.

That's all!

We make sure that the intercom was able to be unlocked (calling to the apartment works), and return the jumper on the ECU board to its place. Otherwise, the intercom operators will ignore your manipulations and come up with some other trick.

Once again, without further comment. To turn on the call, dial:

#999 1 8 00# 1 *

Instead of 00 you need to substitute your apartment number. Then return the jumper to the “WORK” mode, close the lid and quietly leave.

What to do if the key does not work

These are again the tricks of the “intercom mafia.” They simply erase information about your keys from the intercom and that’s it.

The problem can be solved in two ways:

  • ask your neighbors for one of the keys and go make a couple of copies for yourself and your family members. The city is full of craftsmen providing this service. The advantage of this method is that you will never be disconnected again;
  • record all your keys into the intercom memory again. To do this, you will again need access to the control unit (ECU) in order to switch it to programming mode (read how this is done a little higher).

Regardless of which method you choose, we proceed as follows.

We open the ECU, put the jumper in the PRG position, go down and switch the intercom to the service settings mode:

#999 (the signal will sound twice) 1 (single beep) 3 (squeak again) APARTMENT NUMBER#

After the apartment number and hash have been entered (if the number is 3-digit, then you do not need to press the hash), a single signal should sound. This means that everything is OK, the memory is free and ready to write the key. If you hear four beeps in a row and the word lights up on the indicator "FULL"- this means that you won’t be able to write down the keys; you will have to clear the memory first.

After a single beep, place your key on the reader. You should hear a double squeak and see the inscription on the indicator "YES". This means your key has been successfully written into memory. We apply the next key, then the next one, etc.
When you run out of keys, be sure to press the asterisk * (this is so that all settings are saved). And also be sure to return the jumper back to hide traces of tampering.

You can add another key in the same way. Let's say you want your friend to be able to freely enter the entrance using the key to his Visit intercom. In this case, you can simply enter the key recording mode as described above and add its key. All previously recorded keys will be saved (i.e., you do not need to record all the keys from the very beginning each time).

As you can see, there is nothing easier than connecting an intercom yourself that was disconnected for non-payment. Just download the instructions () and carefully read what is written there. For example, you can set your own individual code that will open the intercom without a key. Or you can write down your own master key so that you don’t have to go into the box and rearrange jumpers on the board every time :)

P.S. Am I the only one who finds it strange that our entire house has to pay someone for some mythical service? For example, I have never seen anyone do any work with our intercom (well, lubricate something, adjust it, paint it).

And the strangest thing is that some sharazhka office considers itself the right to prevent people from getting to their home. I also don’t understand on what basis they even interfere with the operation of the intercom? It belongs to the residents of our building, we bought it with our own money, so there’s no need to stick your fingers into it.

Nowadays, many homes are equipped with control systems. This is how residents protect themselves from unwanted guests and protect their property from petty scammers. The installation of intercoms is carried out by special organizations. Choosing a contractor is a responsible undertaking, since not only the operation of the device, but also its further maintenance depends on it. Security systems they work according to a given program, which means you can get into the apartment only by entering a code or magnetic key. However, there are situations when the intercom is turned off for non-payment, so it is important to understand who and in what cases can turn off an electronic device in the house.

What documentation is required when installing the device?

Rights and obligations are established by the housing code Russian Federation. All appliances, as well as devices that are located at the entrance and serving more than one room in the house, belong to the home owners (Article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). It turns out that the intercom is part of the property of the residents of the house.

As a rule, after installation, all relevant documents are transferred to the responsible person. In such a package the contractor is obliged to include:

  • Technical certificate;
  • User manual;
  • All necessary codes with full decoding.

Homeowners dispose of documents at their own discretion, and no one has the right to force them to sign an agreement for further maintenance. After the transfer of this documentation, the next stage of cooperation begins. The company installing the intercom enters into an agreement, with the consent of the residents, for maintenance and repairs. Often, some companies attach memos to the agreement in which they leave warnings that the user will be disconnected from the device for non-payment within several months.

If you are not sure whether you need to pay for an intercom, this video will help you:

However, it is worth studying the agreement itself maintenance device, since when dealing with a service company you need to rely on it. Here the user will not find a clause stating that if payment is not made, the intercom can be turned off.

The price includes regular repairs and maintenance of the electronic device in proper quality. If the owner is not satisfied with the quality of the company’s service, then he can terminate the contract for the provision of these services. In any case, every resident of the house should know that they have no right to turn off the intercom for non-payment.

What actions of the service company are considered unlawful?

The subscription service agreement is a voluntary agreement. Initially, each customer pays for installation and connection. An intercom in the apartment is also installed on the basis of the initial contract.

It is necessary to carefully study the proposed document. If the owner paid for the replacement of doors and installation of the system, then this should be reflected in the documents as proof of ownership. Only after signing the act of acceptance finished work a company employee proposes to conclude a written agreement on further cooperation. During operation, it would be useful to calculate how much is spent on maintenance and repairs, taking into account uninterrupted operation systems. It may make sense to skip monthly services and switch to repairs as needed. The owner makes a decision: agree, refuse and choose another organization, or independently monitor his device.

If a shutdown does occur, then in order to counter arbitrariness, the service company should be informed of the owner’s intention to contact the prosecutor’s office. Usually in such a situation the company has no desire to continue the conflict, especially since it understands that it is wrong. It would be useful to focus on the license to provide services. In a situation where the device is turned off not only in a separate apartment, it is better for the affected owners to unite - this way the conflict will be resolved faster.

Useful information for intercom owners can be seen in this video:

Forced shutdown of the device

Sometimes, when you find yourself in a difficult situation, the question may arise about how to turn off the device if you lose the key or the device breaks down. Such situations happen quite often, so it is worth resorting to the right action plan.

Everyone knows the principle of operation electronic device. You just need to bring the magnetic key to the field or enter required code, then a characteristic signal will be heard in the apartment of the desired resident. The device is programmed to perform certain actions and is connected to electricity. Understanding this subtlety, you can turn off the system for a short time. Usually, an intercom unit is installed in a common building panel. You just need to switch the lever to the desired position. This is useful when you move and you have to take things out. It is uncomfortable to work when the door is constantly blocked. How Alternative option, when using a control system with a magnetic lock on the door, you can insert a foreign object between the plates of the lock itself.

The manufacturer's company itself has an emergency button that turns off the intercom at the entrance for about ten minutes. Usually this item is stated in the documentation; every intercom user should be informed about this possibility.

The most common shutdown is a software failure; it is done by entering an algorithm in the menu window. The right combination known to the company that performed the installation. As a rule, this point is also indicated in the agreement and each of the owners can find out this combination if desired. In other cases, a special worker, using the system menu keyboard of the device located on the entrance doors, disables all operation of the protective device when entering a separate algorithm.

It is better to fix any complex breakdowns with the help of specialists, since they are the ones who turn off the intercom in exceptional cases. It doesn’t matter where the device is installed: entrance, private home or office space. U responsible person everyone should be there important documents with access codes and emergency shutdown of equipment. The contractor has no right to withhold this information, since this equipment after installation becomes the property of the residents. A correctly drafted agreement, included in the full package of documents, will help eliminate misunderstandings and manipulation by unscrupulous companies.
