Growing cucumber indoors. How to grow cucumbers in an apartment on a windowsill and get a decent harvest. Planting cucumbers on the windowsill

Growing garden crops at home allows you not only to save money on buying vegetables, but also to obtain an environmentally friendly product. People often grow cucumbers on their windowsill in winter. Our article today will tell you about all the nuances that are worth remembering in this situation.

Preparing for landing

It is quite possible to create a small garden of cucumber bushes on the windowsill of your apartment. But for this you need to properly prepare.

This procedure includes the following points:

  • selection of good planting material;
  • preparation of high-quality substrate;
  • selection of containers for planting;
  • choosing a place for growing (the window sill should be well lit, since cucumbers require at least 3-4 hours of light per day).

Remember that the further growth and development of cucumber bushes directly depends on how correctly the preparatory stage was carried out. In this case, the first harvest can be harvested just 1-1.5 months after the appearance of the first shoots.

The answer to the question of how to grow cucumbers at home on a windowsill in winter always begins with choosing suitable planting material. IN in this case It is worth giving preference to early ripening and bush varieties. This the best varieties which will give a good and tasty harvest. It is recommended to use only self-pollinating hybrids. Otherwise, without bees, which are in the apartment in winter period there is no question, it will be impossible to get a harvest.

Second no less important point preparatory stage is the choice of a quality substrate. It can be purchased at a specialty store. But many gardeners recommend preparing the soil yourself. To do this, you need to mix 2/3 coconut fibers and 1/3 vermicompost. Both components can be easily found over the counter. The result is an ideal substrate for growing cucumbers indoors in winter.

Growing cucumbers on a windowsill in winter is carried out in flower pots. Absolutely any container can be chosen. The main requirement is a volume of at least three liters.

It is also recommended to use a container made of food-grade plastic. It will definitely not release harmful substances into the soil during its operation. The bottom of the pot must have drainage holes For effective removal excess moisture. If these holes are not there, then there is a high risk of rotting of the plant’s root system.

After choosing planting material, preparing the soil and pot, at this stage it is necessary to prepare the seeds for planting. Their preparation for landing is carried out as follows:

  • The seeds should be placed in a plate and poured with a warm and weak solution of potassium permanganate. They should stay in this solution for several hours;
  • During this time, some of the seeds will float. They need to be removed, as they definitely won’t germinate;
  • the seeds that remain in the solution are ready for planting.

Now you can begin the actual planting.

Video “How to grow cucumbers at home”

In this video you will learn all the secrets of growing cucumbers on the windowsill.

Landing technology

To get cucumbers on the windowsill, a special growing technology is used, which is carried out in two ways:

The classic technology for planting cucumbers at home is as follows:

  • Fill the prepared container halfway with soil;
  • We place the seeds in the soil, which we sprinkle on top with a layer of earth (1-2 cm);
  • After the first shoots appear, soil must be added to the pot. It should not reach the edges by about 2-3 mm. Otherwise, watering the seedlings will be inconvenient;
  • Due to the addition of soil, not all shoots will be able to re-break through it.

After germination, plant care must be carried out correctly in order to get a good harvest.

The technology for growing bushes in winter at home through picking is carried out as follows:

Whatever method of growing cucumbers in the house in winter is used, the emerging shoots need proper care.

In winter, watering with cucumber is reduced. This is due to the short daylight hours. In this regard, it is in winter that overwatering will be most dangerous for plants. Here it is better not to add water than to overfill it and lose the harvest because of it. With the arrival of spring (late March), the intensity of watering is gradually increased. During summer period When the bushes bear fruit, the soil in the pot should not be allowed to dry out. During this period, water evaporates quite quickly due to the formation of ovaries and fruits. Therefore, in summer it is believed that dry soil is more harmful to cucumbers than waterlogged soil. Watering is carried out daily with water room temperature. It is also recommended to regularly spray the bush.

Another nuance of growing on the window of this vegetable crop is to create optimal for bushes light mode. Remember that plants on the windowsill should warm up evenly, while receiving the optimal amount of light.

To do this, the pot with the plant must be rotated 180 degrees every day. Optimal time The turnaround time is noon. This procedure should be done daily, at the same time. Otherwise, the shoots will begin to stretch greatly, becoming ugly and twisted.

Features of cultivation

In addition to watering, caring for cucumbers grown at home should include the following equally important points:

If you want to get a good harvest, you must add fertilizer to the pot. It is recommended to add vermicompost to the soil monthly. You can also use various special fertilizers (for example, “Growth” and “agrolife”) as top dressing. Seedlings need to be fertilized every 2 weeks. When the seedling appears, another feeding is carried out a week later. For watering, you need to prepare a special solution: 1 tbsp. l. Dissolve urea in 6 liters of water. For one seedling you need to use 1 glass of this solution. Once every 10 days, plants are fertilized with mineral fertilizers.

If the care of home cucumber plantings was correct and complete, then the first harvest on the bushes will appear in 1-1.5 months. Young cucumbers need to be picked from the bush every day so that the harvest is formed continuously.

Diseases and pests

At home, cucumbers can suffer from the following diseases:

  • powdery mildew. The disease is caused by a fungus. It manifests itself as a white coating that forms on the leaves. If they are detected, it is necessary to immediately take measures to combat it, otherwise the plant may die;
  • anthracnose or copperhead. Here, too, a fungus acts as a pathogen. But it already affects not only the leaves, but also the fruits. On them, the fungus appears as brown spots;
  • root rot. The disease is difficult to diagnose because it affects underground part plants;
  • sclerotinia or “white rot”. It appears on leaves, stems and fruits with a white coating.

In addition to diseases, homemade cucumbers often suffer from attacks by spider mites, whiteflies and aphids. Insecticides should be used to control them.

As you can see, growing cucumbers in your apartment is not so difficult. The main thing is to choose the right one planting material and take care of the bushes, and they will delight you with a tasty and abundant harvest.

Video “Caring for cucumbers”

In this video, experienced gardeners will share their secrets on how to choose the right seeds and how to care for them.

You can grow cucumbers not only in open ground, but also at home on the windowsill. It is worth starting to plant seeds in early January. For planting, varieties are used that do not require pollination by bees. Optimal temperature for seed germination it is 25 degrees, and when the first shoots appear it should drop to 20 degrees. The optimal humidity for growing cucumbers at home is 85–90%. Plants must be fed regularly using store-bought fertilizers. For these purposes, you can use an infusion of banana peels, egg shells, and tea.

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    Suitable varieties

    If it is not possible to go to the country and grow cucumbers in a greenhouse during the cold season, then this can be done at home on a window or balcony. In order for growing plants at home to be successful and bring a good harvest in winter, you should follow some recommendations regarding the choice of cucumber seeds.

    The following conditions are important for choosing the right cucumber variety:

    • Self-pollinating.
    • Short stature.
    • Ability to grow in shade.
    • Small fruits.

    Most suitable species– these are hybrids, in particular self-pollinating varieties:

    • Masha;
    • Natasha;
    • fontanel;
    • Mazay;
    • Stella;
    • Thumb Boy;
    • Miracle at the window;
    • Ant;
    • Khutorok;
    • Crunchy;
    • Shchedrik;
    • City pickle;
    • Showcase;
    • Courage;
    • Manul.

    How to prepare seeds and soil for sowing?

    In order to properly prepare the seeds for planting, you need to dip them in a saline solution at the rate of half a teaspoon of salt per glass of water. Then soak them for 3 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. You should pay attention to the fact that for planting you need to choose those seeds that have sunk to the bottom, since those that remain on the surface have a rather low germination rate.

    The soil for planting can be prepared independently. But you can use store-bought soil. In this case it should be as follows:

    • Loose.
    • Good air flow.
    • With an acidity of at least 6.6.
    • Good at absorbing moisture.
    • Contain all substances necessary for plant growth.

    For self-cooking For soil, you can use 2/5 of the soil from the nearest garden, 1/5 of humus, 1 of peat and the same amount of river sand. Fertilizers Agricola, Kemira, Azofoska can be added to the resulting composition.

    Planting cucumbers

    Before you start sowing vegetables, it is advisable to buy a lamp for seedlings. This will help extend the daylight. Planting can be done in early January. In this case, the first fruits will be already in April.

    In order to get fresh cucumbers for the New Year's table, you should plant the plants in late October or early November.

    For planting you will need soil, containers, and plastic caps. You can plant seeds in small cups or directly in a box. There should be a small hole at the bottom of the cup. This is necessary so that the water does not stagnate and the roots do not rot. Drainage should be placed at the bottom. For this purpose, you can use expanded clay and clay shards.

    It is important to consider that one plant takes up about 30 cm of space.

    To plant cucumbers, you need to go through the following steps:

    1. 1. The seeds must first be soaked.
    2. 2. The container must be filled with soil up to 2 cm from the edge.
    3. 3. Place the seeds to a depth of 1.5 cm. The distance between them should be about 2 cm.
    4. 4. Sprinkle soil on top of the seeds.
    5. 5. Next, you should thoroughly water the soil with the seeds.
    6. 6. The top of the cups should be covered with polyethylene or plastic caps for plants. This will create a greenhouse effect.
    7. 7. Plantings must be placed in a warm place with a temperature of at least 25 degrees.

    Plant care

    After the first shoots appear, the film must be removed and the seedlings placed on a windowsill where sunlight reaches well. You should not place them in the south, as the scorching rays of the sun will be difficult to avoid. The best option there will be a window on the eastern side of the world. You can place the sprouts under a lamp, which is best turned off at night. This will give the plants a chance to rest and not stretch out.

    It must be remembered that the room in which the plants are located must be regularly ventilated. But drafts should be avoided, as cucumbers do not like this. Therefore, during ventilation, boxes with sprouts should be removed from the windowsill. Windows must be insulated and sealed.

    To grow cucumbers on a windowsill in an apartment, the water temperature for watering the plants should be between 22–24 degrees. This should be done every other day. It is necessary to ensure that the soil is sufficiently moist. Air humidity should be at least 85–90%. To do this, you can periodically humidify the air using a spray.

    2 weeks after planting, you can start feeding the plants. For this purpose, you should prepare a solution with 10 liters of water based on components such as ammonium nitrate (10 g), double superphosphate (10 g) and magnesium sulfate (8 g). The first feeding should be carried out at the rate of 1 glass of solution per 5 plants. The next feeding is repeated after 10 days. However, this time 1 cup of fertilizer is designed for 2 plants.

    How is seedling transplanted?

    You can start replanting plants after two true leaves appear. To do this, it is necessary to use large containers with a capacity of at least 5 liters. If it is not possible to purchase special pots, then ordinary water containers are suitable for these purposes. There must be holes at the bottom of the dish to drain excess water.

    Algorithm of actions:

    1. 1. Pour into the bottom of the container a small amount of soil.
    2. 2. If the seeds were planted in small cups, then they should be watered generously and crushed on all sides. After this, you can easily remove the plant without damaging its root system.
    3. 3. A plant is placed in the center and sprinkled with earth. You need to leave a little space for adding.
    4. 4. The seedling is tied to a peg, the height of which should be about 80 cm.
    5. 5. The pots are placed in a tray filled with water. This is necessary to moisten the soil.

    How to care for seedlings after transplantation?

    After the third leaf appears, the seedlings must be pinched. After this procedure, the side shoots grow well. After the 5-6th leaf is formed on the side shoots, this procedure must be carried out again in order not to overload the bushes.

    Plants need staking to form bushes. This can be done as follows:

    • A wire is stretched above the plants at a height of 1–1.5 meters. It depends on what it will be maximum height plants. This information is usually indicated on the seed package.
    • A twine is tied to it, and the other end is lowered to the plants and neatly tied around them.
    • The twine must be lifted again and tied to the wire.

    This method of tying plants will ensure their safety and provide them with good support.

    Grown plants should be watered 1-2 times a week. In addition, cucumbers will increasingly need sunlight. Therefore, its deficiency can be compensated with the help of phytolamps. The use of ordinary fluorescent lamps is allowed. You can increase the lighting by using foil, a mirror, and other reflective materials on the windowsill.

    If there is not enough light, the plants may stretch.

    And also used organic fertilizers. For these purposes, you can use fermented infusion of banana peels. It should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. For watering, use warm water, but do not flood the plants. Once a week you can feed them using eggshells and tea.

    An important indicator that the plant needs to be fed is yellowing of the leaves. Once a month you need to add fresh vermicompost.

    When the fruits appear, they must be harvested every day. At proper care From each plant you can collect up to 20–30 cucumbers.

Kira Stoletova

Many gardeners grow cucumbers summer cottages. In this case, the crop harvests only in summer and early autumn. Growing cucumbers at home will allow you to enjoy them at other times of the year.

If you create the proper microclimate, the crop will feel good on the windowsill. Availability of a loggia with heating or glazed balcony will allow you to successfully grow vegetables in other places.

Description of indoor cucumbers

The agrotechnical process at home should begin with the choice of variety. Not all types are suitable for growing cucumbers in an apartment. It is better to choose self-pollinating hybrids (parthenocarpic). Among them are the following:

  • Masha;
  • Claudia F1;
  • Indoor;
  • Marinda F1;
  • Home;
  • Rytova;
  • Marfinsky;
  • Bianca.

These varieties with female type flowering, they do not have male flowers. They are well suited for planting on window sills, because they look like bushes and are medium-climbing. Their height is 1.5-2 m, they grow well on verticals. Disease resistant.

The fruits are 15-25 cm in size. They are distinguished by high taste. About 45-50 days pass from the emergence of seedlings to the start of fruiting. Productivity is high - with proper care, one bush can produce 30-40 fruits. Ripe vegetables must be collected on time, so new ones will grow faster.

You can cultivate varieties that require pollination. They produce male flowers first, female flowers later and smaller. Their crops alternate with self-pollinating ones. To pollinate cucumbers yourself, you need to pick the male flower and touch the middle of the female one.

Growing conditions

In the autumn-winter period, indoor plants do not have enough light, which should be provided 14-15 hours a day. Therefore, they are illuminated using a lamp. In cloudy weather it can be turned on all day. It is better to grow cucumbers at home on windows that face south.

The daytime temperature in the room should be 21-24˚С, night - 18-19˚С. In apartments in winter it is maintained at this level. If there is not enough heat, heaters are used.

Place a board under the vessels that stand on the windowsill. Then the roots will not freeze. The culture does not like cold air. This must be taken into account when it blows from the windows. In such cases it is better to tighten them plastic film or insulate. When ventilating rooms, you need to make sure that the bushes are not exposed to a draft.

Cultivation of seedlings

The process of growing cucumbers in winter consists of several stages. By following the rules of each of them, you can get a good harvest.

Preparing the soil and containers

Cucumbers prefer loose soil. The soil mixture can be purchased at the store. It is also prepared at home this way:

  • 4 parts compost;
  • 3 parts peat;
  • 2 parts of turf land;
  • 1 part sawdust.
  • 1 matchbox of urea per 10 liters of mixture;
  • 2 matchboxes of potassium sulfate and superphosphate for the same amount.

To prevent diseases, the mixture is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate while stirring. Then it is moistened with warm water and placed in vessels, leaving 5 cm at the top empty.

It is better to grow seedlings in cups or pots. They may be shallow because root system cucumbers superficial. It's worth processing them hot water(about 60˚С). Drainage is placed at the bottom - stones, broken bricks. Make 3 holes at the bottom. This is done for the purpose of withdrawal excess moisture to prevent the roots from rotting.

Seed preparation and planting

If the selected seed is in a shell, it is planted dry. Untreated seeds are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 15-20 minutes.

To grow cucumbers at home, you first need to germinate the seeds. To do this, water the ground with hot water. Let it cool down. The seeds are placed on top and covered with a bandage folded in two layers (gauze, cloth). Leave in a warm place, wetting all the time.

After the petioles appear (after about 3-4 days), one grain is planted in each glass. Deepen by 2 cm. The petiole should be directed downwards. All vessels are placed in one box so that their edges protrude. Cover with film.

Seedling care

Need to create optimal conditions, in which the seedlings will quickly develop and grow. The temperature in the room should be 25˚C. After the shoots appear, the film is removed and placed on a lighted windowsill. The temperature should be lower (about 20˚C) so that the seedlings do not stretch out.

Watering the seedlings is done moderately. If she is provided with artificial lighting, then moisturize her 2 times a day. Without additional light- 1 per day. Water for irrigation should be settled and have a temperature of 23-25˚C.

To grow high-quality seedlings for cucumbers, you need to feed them 2 times during the winter:

  1. Fertilizer is applied for the first time 2 weeks after emergence. Take 1 tsp. for 3 liters of water, dose 1 glass per sprout.
  2. The second time - a week after the previous one. The dressing is prepared as follows: 1 tsp. nitrophoska, 1 tbsp. l. wood ash diluted in 3 liters of water. Apply 1 cup per plant.


The process of growing cucumbers at home involves moving the seedlings into deeper containers. This is done when the sprouts have 3 true leaves. Boxes and pots are suitable for replanting, the main thing is that a sufficient amount of soil fits there. A box can contain 2-3 bushes, the distance between them must be maintained at 25-30 cm. The containers should be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate.

Growing fruits

To grow cucumbers at home in winter, you need to create the necessary conditions. Let's take a closer look at them.

Choosing a mixture after transplantation

When moving seedlings into large containers, you need to take care of filling them. You can grow cucumbers in winter in soil mixture or hydroponics. The mixture is prepared as follows: ¾ part turf soil, 1 part humus, 0.5 liters of wood ash. Drainage is placed at the bottom.

If seedlings are transplanted using hydroponics, take gravel 8-10 cm thick. Pour it into a tin can. A vessel without a bottom or with holes is placed on top. It is filled with moss, sawdust, peat. The sawdust needs to be steamed. The gravel is filled with complete mineral fertilizer. Its solution is absorbed by the filling from the vessel. Fertilizer is constantly added. They change once a week.

Complete fertilizer can be prepared at home. To do this, take 25 g of urea, 60 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium salt. You need to take 1.5 g of the mixture.

This method allows you to cultivate cucumbers even in the basement, where all conditions are met. Lighting is provided with energy-saving lamps.

Bush care

How to grow cucumbers correctly in winter fresh vegetables pleased with your taste? The secrets of agricultural technology are as follows:

  • bush formation;
  • garter;
  • watering;
  • feeding


When 4-5 leaves appear on the plants, you need to pinch the top. Then side shoots will begin to grow, which will produce more fruit. There are 2-3 of them left. When the lashes grow to 10 leaves, they are also pinched. Then new lashes will begin to form. The result is a bush that will give a high yield.


For the proper development of plants, you need to create a garter with the following design: at a height of 1.5-1.8 m above the vessels, a wire is pulled, and bushes are tied to it with twine. This is done a week after transplanting the seedlings. The plants are wrapped in a circle of twine, which is pulled into two threads. The tops of the bushes are allowed between them.


Water indoor cucumbers in winter it is necessary 2-3 times a week. To do this, use settled water with a temperature of 27-30˚C. When the fruits set, watering is done as the top layer of soil dries. Watering should be moderate so that the cucumbers do not become bitter.

Top dressing

It is necessary to care for plants by feeding them during the growing season. The first time fertilizer should be applied 15-20 days after planting. Take 1 tsp. urea per 10 liters of water. Consumption – 0.5 l per 1 bush. The second – 7-8 days after the previous one. Prepare a solution: 2 tbsp. l. the drug "Effekton" per 10 liters of water. Pour 0.5 liters onto each plant.

Diseases and pests

Growing cucumbers at home cannot protect plants from various diseases. The crop can be affected by aphids, whiteflies or spider mites. It is dangerous to use insecticides at home. Therefore, to combat pests it is worth resorting to folk remedies:

  • tobacco infusion will be effective against aphids and whiteflies;
  • tincture of garlic with the addition of antibacterial soap cope with spider mite.

The sprout fly is dangerous for cucumbers. Signs of damage may be yellow leaves plants. For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to disinfect the soil, because the pest larvae are preserved in it. If you notice it during crop growth, you need to change the soil.

Other problems may arise when growing vegetables at home. The reason is improper care of plants. For example, overwatering can cause root rot.


By growing cucumbers on a windowsill, you can all year round have fresh fruits at home.

Vegetable garden on the windowsill - Cucumbers in 50 days on the northern balcony

Growing cucumbers on a windowsill. Proven method. // Oleg Karp


Growing cucumber seedlings at home

If you follow all the rules of plant care, you can get a generous and healthy harvest.

Nowadays you won’t be surprised by fresh cucumbers in winter; if you wish, you can buy them in the store closest to your home. But everyone will agree that store-bought cucumbers are inferior in taste to their own, home-grown ones. Therefore, growing cucumbers on a windowsill in winter has also become commonplace. You can grow a good harvest if you follow all the subtleties of growing them.

If you already grow cucumbers in open ground or a greenhouse, then you already know the features of their cultivation. Growing at home or in a greenhouse and open ground is not much different from each other. When growing cucumbers at home, first of all they need to create conditions similar to natural ones.

Important conditions for receiving good harvest are availability

  • fertile soil,
  • sufficient illumination,
  • compliance with the watering regime,
  • optimal timing for sowing seeds,
  • selection of varieties suitable for growing in winter,
  • the optimal room temperature is within 20-22ºС.

Timing for planting seeds for winter cultivation

Cucumbers are plants that require long daylight hours. Based on this, it is better to sow seeds in the spring, when daylight hours are already getting longer.

It is quite possible to get a harvest of your fresh cucumbers for the New Year with additional lighting. If you want to get fresh cucumbers by a certain date, proceed from the ripening dates of the fruits, they are indicated in the instructions on the package with the seeds. How to do this will be discussed later in the article.

The best varieties of cucumber seeds for winter sowing

As you know, all cucumbers are divided into 2 groups: bee-pollinated and parthenocarpic. If everything is clear with the former, they are pollinated by insects, then the latter do not require pollination. They do not have male flowers - barren flowers. All flowers are female and all have the ability to set fruit.

Best for home grown the type of cucumbers on the window is suitable. They do not need pollination. Where can they pollinate if there are no insects in the apartment in winter? Pay attention to these varieties:

Openwork, Athlete, April, Courage, Bush, Connie, Real Colonel, Our Masha, Mertus, Meringue, Stella, At the behest of a pike, At my will, Prestige, Premium, Talisman, Chistye Prudy, Pharaoh, Indoor, Indoor miracle, Miracle on the window, Balcony, City cucumber, etc.

Preparing the soil for growing cucumbers in winter

When growing cucumbers at home, it can be difficult to provide the plants with enough nutrients in the soil. Of course, you can buy nutritious soil at gardening stores. Or you can prepare it yourself in the fall. To do this, take:

  • 1 bucket of garden or forest soil,
  • 1/3 fine sand,
  • ½ bucket of dry sawdust, the same amount of dry leaves and peat mixture,
  • 2 cups, and the same amount of crushed bird droppings,
  • half a plastic bag of rotted manure or 10-12 crushed cow cakes.

All ingredients are mixed in a large container (tub or barrel) until smooth.

Prepare containers in which you will grow cucumbers. Pots or buckets with a capacity of at least 5 liters are best suited. Several holes are made at the bottom of the container for the roots to breathe. Broken brick, expanded clay or ready-made drainage are poured onto the bottom. And only then add fertile soil.

Remember! Cucumbers never grow in small pots!

For soil disinfection, use either light pink.

Sowing seeds

Preparing seeds for planting has great importance and greatly affects productivity. First, the seeds must be soaked for 20 minutes in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate, then in a solution boric acid for 2 hours (1 g per glass of water). The trace element boron increases the number of female flowers by 50%. Afterwards, the seeds are kept for three hours in a solution of wood ash (1 tbsp per glass of water). Seed preparation is carried out immediately before planting.

Please note that if the package says that the seeds are processed, then pre-soaking is not necessary.

Before planting seeds, they must be germinated. Take a cotton pad, soak it in warm water, squeeze lightly, place on a saucer. Place the seeds on the disk and cover the top with another moistened and wrung out disk. Cover the top with another saucer and place in a warm place. Make sure that the discs do not dry out; moisten them with water every day. But don't let the seeds float in the water.

After 1-2 days, plant the hatched seeds in a small container with soil to a depth of 2 cm. Moisten the soil from above using a sprayer. Cover with film until the first sprouts appear.


On the 8-9th day after sowing, the first transplant of the sprouted sprout into a larger container is carried out. Plant one sprout per pot, as further growth will require more nutrients for multiple seedlings. The trunk is sprinkled with 5 cm of earth. The second transplant is carried out after 18-20 days. Transplant into an even larger container filled with soil prepared in the fall.

How to organize lighting for cucumbers

Cucumbers – light-loving plant. Therefore, in winter it lacks light. To balance the light, they resort to some tricks.

  1. It is advisable to plant the plant on windows facing south. But if this is not possible, then the following tips will help solve the problem with lighting on windows facing north.
  2. Illuminated with table lamp with an energy-saving light bulb (its light is more diffuse). Turn on the lamp at 6 o'clock in the morning and turn it off as soon as the plant begins to be illuminated by the sun. In the evening, the lamp is turned on as soon as it begins to get dark, and turned off at night. On a cloudy day you will have to turn on the lamp all day.
  3. To increase illumination at night, place a reflector (insulating material with a one-sided foil side) near the window. It also protects against the cold coming from the window in winter.
  4. Once a day, the plant is twisted around its axis so that the plant develops symmetrically. Even with additional lighting, the plant will still reach for the sun, since window side it's still more illuminated.

Care and feeding of cucumbers on the windowsill in winter


The cucumber plant likes moist soil, but not soggy soil. Watering is carried out daily with water at room temperature. Monitor the condition of the soil; you don’t need to water a lot. But the cucumber does not tolerate dry soil well. If the room where the cucumber grows is dry, then this is not very good for the growth of the plant. Place a damp cloth on the radiator under the windowsill and wet it every day.

You can spray the leaves with a spray bottle. Only a similar procedure is carried out early in the morning or in cloudy weather. The remaining droplets of water in the sun act like lenses and can cause burns on the leaves. But the plant should not be sprayed at night either, since it does not like excessive humidity at night.

Top dressing

The first feeding is carried out with a solution of nitroamophoska 3 weeks after the second transplant. Nitroamophoska is a complex fertilizer consisting of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, so necessary for the plant during the period of its development. The fertilizer is dissolved in water, poured into a tray at a level of 3 cm, then the pot is placed there.

When there are ovaries, then fertilizing is carried out more with potassium fertilizers. Potassium promotes fruit set and growth.


As soon as the first ovaries appear, but there is no flowering yet, the stepsons and the first three fruit ovaries are removed from the plant. They take a lot of energy, and nutrients are necessary for plant growth and strengthening the root system. Don't hesitate to clean them up. We also pinch the mustache, they are also not needed. We form the plant into one stem, remove all other side shoots.

As it grows, without waiting for the stem to fall to one side, apply a garter. It is carried out with thick string or twine. Closer to the base, tie a weak loop under bottom sheet. If you tie it with a thin thread, then as it grows the stem thickens, and the thin thread can cut it. The twine is wrapped loosely around the stem in a clockwise direction. The plant still reacts to the movement of the sun during the day and, turning, catches its rays.

Diseases of cucumbers grown in winter

By following all the requirements for growing cucumbers in winter, the plants will always be healthy and after about 2 months you will harvest the first fruits you have grown. However, this does not guarantee that the plant will not be affected by insect pests from nearby growing plants. indoor plants. In addition, plants can get sick if the rules of care are not followed.

If exposed to sudden changes in temperature or a draft, the plant may begin to wither and shed leaves, the formation and development of ovaries will be slowed down, and over time the vine may die.

What are the possible problems when growing cucumbers and how to prevent them?

  • With abundant watering and stagnation of moisture in the soil, root rot may occur - rotting of the root system. It is best to transplant the plant into another container with new soil;
  • Black leg on seedlings can be cured using;
  • Cucumbers are often susceptible to attack by insects: aphids, whiteflies, spider mites. To destroy aphids and whiteflies, treatment with a strong infusion of tobacco will help, and treatment with a tincture of garlic and antibacterial soap will help with spider mites;
  • Another pest is the sprout fly; it can be introduced with the soil, so especially when sowing seeds and replanting, disinfect the soil by calcining it in the oven, spilling it with boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate.

This is another problem when growing cucumbers at home. Why do the leaves on cucumbers turn yellow and what to do?

  • Improper or irregular watering, the soil is too damp or, conversely, dry. It is necessary to water once a week with water at room temperature. If the air at home is too dry, spray the plant in the morning or in cloudy weather;
  • Lack of nutrients and minerals. The deficiency affects the insufficient production of chlorophyll, due to which the leaves have a rich green color. Feed the plants with fertilizers that contain nitrogen, magnesium, iron and the problem will disappear;
  • Inspect the leaves and stem regularly; pests may appear on them. They can easily be brought in with soil, so use high-quality soil when planting cucumbers. And if pests appear, then treat with infusions of garlic or tobacco. It can be treated with ready-made insecticides, but in this case, if there are no small children at home;
  • Root rot is a fungal disease in which the root system begins to rot. To prevent disease, regulate watering and do not overwater the soil. cold water, do not place containers with plants on cold window sill. If the leaves begin to turn yellow, transplant the plant into another container. When replanting, dig the plant deeper into the soil, or plant the stem 5 cm higher to form other, healthy roots.

Video “How to grow cucumbers on a windowsill”

Growing cucumbers on a windowsill and reaping a good harvest is quite possible. Caring for a plant in winter will take more time and effort than in summer - a heat-loving crop requires certain conditions. But when correct execution With all the recommendations and tips for growing cucumbers at home, you can get ripe and juicy fruits for the dinner table.

Growing cucumbers on a windowsill at home all year round: where to start

Typically, cucumbers do not tolerate extreme heat and love water and sun. But plant care requirements may vary depending on the variety, indoor microclimate and soil composition.

Cucumber is a plant belonging to the pumpkin family.

The roots of cucumber vines are located near the surface. The soil for the windowsill should be mulched in the same way as for plants outside.

Choosing a variety of indoor cucumber

When choosing a seed variety, it is better to choose those that are intended specifically for our purpose. To grow cucumbers on a windowsill in winter, planting material must be appropriate for the season, unpretentious and disease-resistant. Can be used . They are resistant to weather changes and do not require much maintenance.

It is advisable to choose a medium or short ripening period. For this reason, they often take it. Preference should be given to self-pollinating or parthenocarpic - plants that do not require pollination. You can take bee-pollinated ones, but you will have to tinker with them additionally.

For growing in room conditions The cucumber seeds described in this article are suitable.

The varieties most suitable for planting in winter are:

  • "F1 Ekaterina"– smooth, long cucumbers that ripen in about 45 days. The flowers do not require pollination and tolerate heat and low light;

Cucumber variety “F1 Ekaterina”

  • "F1 Faust"– fruits of medium length with a pronounced characteristic taste and thin skin. The plant begins to bear fruit in 50-55 days, does not require pollination, is resistant to powdery mildew and cucumber mosaic virus;
  • "F1 Khrustik"– parthenocarpic, early ripening, generous in yield and resistant to common diseases. Cucumbers are short and medium, tasty and crispy;

Cucumber variety “F1 Khrustik”

  • "F1 Gift of the East"– the plant does not require pollination, is not affected by powdery mildew, has little climbing habit and bears fruit for a long time. From planting to the appearance of the first cucumbers, 50-53 days pass. The fruits are small, suitable for pickling and fresh consumption.

If you cannot make a choice yourself, consult a salesperson in a specialized store. Note that you need a variety suitable for growing on a windowsill during the cold season.

Landing dates

There are no specific dates for planting cucumbers on the windowsill. In any case, from November to February the plant will need additional lighting, the cultivation of crops is not tied to the weather or the length of daylight hours.

Be guided in this matter only by your own needs and desires. If you want to serve fresh homemade cucumbers for New Year's table, you need to sow the seeds in the last days of October. If you plan to harvest the crop in early spring, you need to start cultivating the plant from January 1-5.

The time for planting cucumbers depends on your needs and desires.

Selecting a location

The room in which you plan to place pots of cucumbers should be warm and bright. No drafts or significant temperature changes. It will be better if the room's windows face south. It is ideal to place plants on a windowsill in the kitchen or next to the bathroom. The humidity there is higher, the air is not overdried by heating devices.

When growing cucumbers in an apartment, you need to select a place with high humidity and not dry air.

To protect seedlings from winter cold, place foam or wooden blocks under the pots.

How to properly grow at home on a window: planting features

To plant each plant, you will need a 5-liter container with holes for water. The same goes for . It is filled with moist soil, depressions of about 1.5 cm are made in the ground and seeds are placed there - pre-sprouted or not. Before germination, it is better to cover the pot with film and place it in a room where the temperature does not drop below 25°. As soon as the first sprouts appear, the covering material is removed and the container is moved to the windowsill.

To begin with, the seeds can also be sown in small pots or cups and then replanted. But in this case, you will have to wait until the seedlings take root and hope that none of them die.

Initially, you can grow cucumbers in small cups, but later the plant will need to be replanted

Soil preparation

The easiest way to plant cucumbers is to buy ready-made soil - universal or designed specifically for pumpkin soil. If there is none, the soil is prepared as follows:

  1. Humus and forest or garden fertile turf are mixed in a 1:1 ratio. After that, add a handful of sand, ash, and rotted black sawdust to 5 liters of the mixture. The resulting loose soil needs to be fed with mineral fertilizers - a matchbox for 5 liters of soil. These can be additives designed for growing cucumbers or all pumpkin crops, or nitrophoska.
  2. Take 2 parts of garden soil, mix in 1 part of rotted sawdust, sand, humus and ready-made soil for growing seedlings. The mixture is disinfected, and then supplemented with ash, manure, crushed eggshell and chalk at the rate of a glass per 5 liters of soil and chicken droppings– 0.5 cups for the same volume.

Different types of soils

Read more about fertilizers and feeding cucumbers.

Homemade soil must be disinfected so that the seedlings do not get sick and are not eaten by flies. To do this, the soil is warmed up high temperatures- in the oven or on the stove.

Before planting seeds, 2-3 centimeters of drainage from coarse sand, small pebbles or broken bricks are poured onto the bottom of the container, and soil is laid on top. The day before sowing, the soil needs to be watered.

How to prepare the soil for planting cucumbers in greenhouse conditions read .

Seed preparation

You should buy seeds for growing cucumbers on the windowsill at least a month before planting. Then they are placed in a warm, dry place so that they dry out within 30 days. Afterwards, the planting material is sorted out, darkened or damaged seeds are discarded, and good ones are disinfected. This is done using a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate: the grains are wrapped in gauze and soaked in the liquid for 15-20 minutes. You can also put the seeds overnight in an ash solution, aloe juice, or in growth stimulants according to the instructions.

If you plan to use the planting material immediately, it needs to be dried again for 1-2 hours. But it is best to germinate the seeds in advance for winter cultivation. To do this, they are placed on a cotton pad or napkin soaked in water and left in a warm place for 2-3 days, moisturizing as necessary. As soon as the sprouts hatch, the cucumbers are planted.

Seeds must be germinated before planting

Seeds in a shell do not require germination or disinfection. Keep in mind that they germinate a little later than usual. If you want to grow cucumbers for a specific event, sow them a week earlier.


A plant on a windowsill in the cold season is deprived sunlight, moisture and temperatures that contribute to the development and formation of cucumbers in the garden. Caring for home seedlings involves recreating these same conditions.


Like garden varieties, cucumbers on the windowsill love water. Immediately after planting, the seeds are watered approximately every two days. This is done as necessary - the soil should be slightly moist, not dry and not too flooded.

Already developed plants are watered more often. If lamps are installed above the seedlings, the soil is gradually moistened twice a day. If there is no additional light, once a day is enough. Water for irrigation is used at room temperature, preferably filtered or at least settled.

Depending on the variety, cucumbers are watered from 2 times a day to 4 times a week.

To make it easier to care for cucumber lashes, stretch ropes over the container every 7-12 centimeters. So climbing plant will receive more light, and the fruits and ovaries will not be damaged.


The optimal temperature for growing cucumbers on a windowsill is above 18° and below 26°. It needs to be maintained at approximately the same level. To do this, the windows are insulated as much as possible and all cracks are closed - a winter draft can deprive the harvest or delay fruiting for more late date even in a warm room.


In order for the plant to develop properly, it requires 10 hours of daylight. In winter, the window sill will have to be equipped with additional lamps - special phyto- or fluorescent. They are placed above the containers at a distance of 15-20 centimeters with the ability to raise them a little higher when the lashes stretch out.

When growing cucumbers at home, they need additional lighting with fluorescent lamps

You can also attach foil to the plants on the side of the room. It will reflect light and increase the illuminated area.


Too much watering can cause blackleg disease. To prevent this from happening, it is better to add water a little at a time and maintain it around the plant high humidity. Optimal level– 85-90%. To humidify the air, you can use special devices or sprayers; in the old fashioned way, place a saucer of water next to the cucumbers or put wet towel on the battery under the windowsill.

How to properly water cucumbers is described.

Top dressing

Cucumber seedlings on the windowsill are fertilized twice. The first fertilizing is carried out approximately 2 weeks after seed germination. Ready-made ingredients are used as additives. mineral fertilizers for cucumbers or mixed independently from superphosphate, ammonium nitrate and magnesium sulfate. Take 5 grams of each ingredient and dissolve in 5 liters of water. The liquid is watered over the roots of the plant. 1 glass should be divided into 5 seedlings.

To obtain a large yield, add mineral and organic fertilizers to the soil

The second feeding of homemade cucumbers is carried out 7-10 days after the first. For watering, use the same mixture, distributing a glass of fertilizer over 2 plants. If you do not want to use mineral fertilizers, you can use organic matter for the second feeding. To do this, take the peels of 5 bananas, add a liter of water and leave for a week. The resulting concentrate is diluted with another 2 liters of water and used for root watering.

Try not to “hoard” the harvest. Remove the cucumbers as soon as they reach 8-10 centimeters. The more often you pick, the longer and more abundantly the plant will bear fruit.

Disease Prevention

To prevent cucumbers from getting sick, it is important to follow care recommendations, disinfect the soil and seeds, and use bactericidal solutions against pests.

Tobacco decoction helps against aphids and whiteflies. 30 grams of tobacco are poured into a liter of water and boiled for 8-10 minutes. The cooled liquid is diluted with another liter of water and the plant is sprayed with it. The most common cucumber aphid is found on cucumbers in greenhouses, and read how to fight it.
