You just don't like download pdf. Greg Behrendt - He Just Doesn't Like You: The Whole Truth About Men. From Greg's archives


Greg Behrendt - He just doesn't like you. The whole truth about men

ISBN: 5-17-042513-9
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Year of manufacture: 2007
Greg Behrendt, Liz Tuccillo
Genre: Psychology
Publisher: Harvest, AST, PUBLISHING HOUSE, Guardian
Number of pages: 85
Description: I had to write about this.
Someone should have explained to women what really lies behind the actions and words of men!
You are waiting for a call, but the phone is silent.
He is busy?!
You expect to receive a marriage proposal year after year.
He just wants to “sort out his feelings”!
You are in the mood for a serious relationship - but for him it all comes down to a “light affair”.
Is he afraid that he will get hurt again?!
You come up with excuses for him.
You take the first, and the second, and the tenth step...
To no avail!
Or maybe you're just wasting time?
Of course, sometimes men have a subtle and complex nature, but more often than not, they are simply too cowardly to express the simple truth: I don’t like you that much!


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Publisher: OnlineTV
Performer: Sergey Korzun and guests of the program
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The Whole Truth About... Part 1 (Sergey Korzun (Host))

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Publisher: OnlineTV
Performer: S. Savelyev, A. Levich, K. Miroshnikov, M. Kukushkin, A. Markov, A. Kalinkin, N. Antipova
Duration: 09:03:45
Description: Professionals' views on the main mysteries of our time. Are you interested in the mysteries of the universe or are you simply interested in the scientific aspect of everything that happens around you? We will help you find out the whole truth about... pain, sexual selection, genius, harmony, time, insomnia, etc. Contents1. The Whole Truth About... Pain 2. The Whole Truth About... Sex...


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Greg Behrendt is an actor, screenwriter, and performs solo comedy acts.

Liz Tuccillo is the executive script editor for Sex and the City and has been published in Off Broadway publications.

Complexity of presentation

The target audience

Girls and women who want to understand how to behave with men, even if they are not that interested in them.

This unique women's encyclopedia talks about why some women do not like some men, what arguments they look for to justify such male behavior, and why they cannot end non-existent relationships. The authors assure: if a man is really passionate about a woman, he will definitely let her know about it.

Let's read together

Since childhood, we have been ingrained in the belief that we need to look for positive aspects in every phenomenon and be optimistic. But this does not always work for men who do not like women and will never be interested in them. A woman tries to explain strange male behavior and sometimes finds ridiculous reasons, although the problem lies in only one thing: he does not fall for her. He can come up with a million excuses that he was busy with work, just ended an unsuccessful relationship, quarreled with his parents, or wants to immerse himself completely in his career, but he will keep silent until the last moment that the woman is not suitable for him. Even if these words are not spoken, this is clearly demonstrated in the attitude towards the woman.

1. The man is not eager to meet you. This does not indicate that he is afraid of being left without your friendship or does not want to rush into a relationship or is afraid of initiative. He will always talk about personal reasons that do not allow him to take certain steps, because he will be afraid of disappointing you. Setting up a date is an exclusively male initiative, and that’s when he makes an excuse - he’s not very interested in you.

2. The man doesn't call you. The man you captured can call ten times a day, especially if he made a promise. The word “busy” instantly destroys any relationship, this excuse is lame. A man will definitely have a couple of free minutes to dial your number. If he doesn't call you after the first date, it means he doesn't think about you anymore.

3.The man denies meeting you, thinking he was just passing the time. True friends are those who do not upset the people close to them. An interested man wants you to belong to him entirely; he wants to see you as often as possible, if this sympathy grows and gradually turns into love. Anyone who says they don't want a serious relationship is not interested in you as a woman.

4. A man does not want to have an intimate relationship with you. It is obvious that you are absolutely not his type, but he will never admit it to you. He will come up with the fact that he is worried, afraid, suffering from a cold or tired, but the truth is one: he is not attracted to you sexually. Perhaps he loves you with friendly love or has really just ended a difficult love relationship and is afraid to enter into a new one. But you shouldn't be satisfied with a relationship without sex anyway. It is important to find a man who will desire you madly.

5. A man prefers to sleep with another woman. No betrayal has a worthy justification. Even if there are certain problems in your relationship, this does not give a man the right to go left. He does this deliberately, knowing that he is risking your relationship. If he sleeps with someone else, the woman of his dreams is clearly not you. You shouldn't date a guy who can't clearly explain why he does such an act. People should always be able to talk openly about sexual topics and think about what they can do for mutual pleasure, but this does not mean jumping into bed with other women. Betrayal hits the conscience only the first time, then everything moves along a well-trodden line.

6. A man is only happy to see you when he is intoxicated. You can’t give in to the beautiful words spoken by a drunk man. A normal guy does not try to turn off his brain with alcohol while in your company; this smacks of a desire to avoid responsibility. The words “I love you,” spoken while drunk, mean absolutely nothing in real life. Wanting to see you and have sex when he's drunk is not love, it's a sport.

7. The man is not eager to take you to the registry office, afraid of obligations. He convinces you that he will never marry, although in fact he means that he does not want to see you as his wife. A man in love will always be busy thinking about how you feel. It is worth finding out what exactly is hidden behind the reluctance to get married: dislike for the marriage bond or specifically for you. A man may not be sure that you are the woman of his dreams.

8. The man broke up with you without explanation. A loving person will never do this if he is responsible for feelings and cannot imagine life without you. If he sleeps with you after breaking up, he simply didn’t find anyone better and returned “home.” If you love yourself, leave him yourself, don’t look for an excuse to continue being with him. Sex after a breakup can be bright and daring, but for you there should be no division between love and bed. A breakup is always fraught with finality and irrevocability, and sex after it means nothing.

9. The man disappears from your life forever. He lets you know how much you are not his option, but he absolutely does not have the courage to say it to your face. Draw conclusions and move on with your life, choosing a new partner more thoughtfully.

10. The man is married! And it’s difficult to call feelings mutual if he cannot answer them directly and openly. If his marriage had been truly difficult, he would have separated from his wife long ago. You want a man who won't hide his feelings because he will never want to lose you.

11. The man brags a lot, behaving like a complete egoist. People who are truly in love want to care, be attentive to each other, and not humiliate their partner in order to feel superior to him, especially not to do this in public. A man will never hurt a woman he truly likes.

Noting all the above reasons, a woman should not date such men.

Best Quote

"If we really care about a woman, we can't bring ourselves to stop - we want more."

What the book teaches

- There is no need to pay attention to an unworthy man, otherwise when you meet the only one, you may regret that so much effort and time was spent on unpromising candidates.

- A worthy man will always consider meeting the woman he loves to be a real event.

- A woman should find a man who likes the things that she considers important to her and to both of them.

- By getting rid of unnecessary men, a woman gets in return a lot of free time for things that give her pleasure.

- A man truly in love with a woman is not afraid of intimacy, sincerity, openness and promising feelings.

From the editor

Dating sites are now the very place where, despite all the seemingly huge choice, finding “your” person is not so easy. You may have already tried to register, but after hundreds of messages from all sorts of incomprehensible personalities, disappointment set in. Psychologist Olga Yurkovskaya tells how to approach the search so that it has maximum effect with minimal time and effort: .

How to interest the man you like? Vedic gurus suggest using some almost sacred knowledge about “female energy”, “female purpose”, “female responsibilities”. What is this knowledge based on and do students receive the promised benefits, says the writer, author of courses on love and marriage Stella Chirkova: .

The book is dedicated to all the charming ladies whose stories inspired us to create it.

There are several people without whom this book would not have been possible. First of all, we thank the extraordinarily talented Sex and the City writers Cindy Chapek, Jenny Beaks, Aimee Bea Harris, Julia Sweeney, Julie Rottenberg, and Eliza Zaritsky (who wrote the amazing episode that first gave us the idea for the book), and, of course, our wonderful boss - Michael Patrick King. We have the warmest feelings for these people and are grateful to them for their help, generosity and ability to look at any situation with humor.

We thank everyone who actively supported the crazy idea of ​​​​writing this book - John Melfi, Sarah Condon, Richard Oren, and those who collaborated with H.B.O. Super-agent and just a friend, Greg Cavik, who works at ICM, helped us publish the book. Many thanks to Julia James for her moral support. Our deepest gratitude goes to press agent Andy Barzvi: he was the one who first took this book seriously, and then managed to sell it profitably. We say "thank you" to our editor, philologist Patrick Price, a true gentleman.

Thanks also to the men and women who filled out questionnaires, told stories from their lives, asked questions and did not allow us to lie when writing the book. We are truly grateful to all our friends and family, especially Shirley Tuccillo and Kristen Behrendt for their tireless support and enthusiasm.

Finally, we thank Amiira Ruotola Behrendt for her collaboration: this woman's fire, humor, talent, love, and sex appeal are what made this book so amazing.

The stories told in this book serve as illustrative examples. They are not based on events from the lives of specific people. Despite what you may think, we were not trying to publicly ridicule our friends, enemies or ex-partners.

(However, we do not deny that such a thought may have crossed our minds.)

Foreword by Liz

This day started as usual. We all sat in the writers’ office of the series “Sex and the City” and exchanged opinions, told each other about our personal lives, transferring our experiences to the fate of the on-screen heroines. And, as has already happened, one of the employees asked to explain the behavior of the man she liked. He behaved somewhat contradictory, and this confused her. We happily got down to business and began to discuss what his actions might mean. And, as before, after a tense analytical discussion, we concluded: our colleague is amazing, and he must have been scared, because he had never met such a wonderful woman, and therefore he trembles and trembles; she just has to give him time. But that day there was a man in the room with us - a consultant working on the script. He appeared in the studio twice a week, helped develop storylines and looked at the series from a purely male point of view. It was Greg Behrendt. That very day, Greg listened carefully to the woman's story and our comments, and then approached her. “It looks like,” he said, “he doesn’t like you that much.”

His words caused us shock, indignation, furious laughter, horror and, above all, bewilderment. However, we immediately felt that perhaps this man was telling the truth. A truth that was never revealed to us, despite a total of a hundred years of shared experience in relationships with men, and which we certainly never tried to talk about. “Okay, maybe he’s right about something,” we reluctantly agreed.

“But Greg is unlikely to understand why my future husband, a very busy and complex person, behaves the way he does.”

I had to write about this.

Someone should have explained to women what really lies behind the actions and words of men!

You are waiting for a call, but the phone is silent.

He is busy?!

You expect to receive a marriage proposal year after year.

HE just wants to “sort out his feelings”!

You are in the mood for a serious relationship - but for him it all comes down to a “light affair”.

IS HE afraid that he will get hurt again?!

You come up with excuses for him.

You take the first, and the second, and the tenth step...

To no avail!

Or maybe you're just wasting time?

Of course, sometimes men have a subtle and complex nature, but more often than not, they are simply too cowardly to express the simple truth: I don’t like you that much!

On our website you can download the book “He Just Doesn’t Like You: The Whole Truth About Men” by Liz Tuccillo, Greg Behrendt for free and without registration in epub, fb2, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

One of the actors working with me met a girl while performing on some aircraft carrier. But ten minutes after they met, she disappeared from his sight. However, she turned his head so much that he managed to find her in the ranks of the Armed Forces. Now they are married.


Leslie, 29 years old

Greg! I managed. I went to a party and met a young man. We started talking while sitting together in the corner. He asked if I had anyone and seemed happy when I said no. Every time we stopped talking to chat with other people or go get drinks, he always seemed to be keeping an eye on someone else. It was really nice. I was literally trembling with excitement. “Oh God,” I thought, “I think I’ve finally met a decent guy!” He didn’t ask me for my phone number, but we have other mutual friends in this case, so I decided that he just didn’t want to show me his sympathy. But he never called! And guess what? Previously, I would have started calling our mutual friends, making inquiries, trying to find out what had happened, and perhaps thinking about how to see him again. But instead I'm going to move on! What difference does it make what happened there?! If he doesn't ask me out on a date, then why should I be crazy about him? Just this evening I'm going to go out and try to meet someone while eating.


We conducted a completely unscientific survey. It was attended by twenty of our male friends (from twenty-six to forty-five years old), who had long since found their soul mates. None of these men's romances began with the woman asking you out on a date first. One guy even said, "If she did that, it wouldn't be as interesting."


1. Any excuse essentially means that you are of little interest to him. Men are not afraid to “ruin friendships.”

2. Don't fall for his tricks and don't ask him out. If he likes you, he will invite you himself.

3. If you can find him, then he can find you. If he wants to find you, he will do it.

4. Just because you like to play musical instruments doesn't mean he'll want to dance to your tune. Some behavior patterns emerged from nature itself and remain relevant to this day.

5. “Hey, let's meet at such and such a party/at some bar/at a friend's house” does not qualify as a date invitation. Even if you live in New York.

6. A man remembers well whether he liked you when he met. So hang up.

7. You are good enough to be asked out.

Our super cool and really useful workbook

Well, how can you do without a workbook when reading a book about how to improve your life? All the chapters we've written are so bold and contain so much useful information that we want to make sure that after reading the book you will retain all our wise recommendations in your memory. For anyone who wants to convey their problems to a regular pencil, this notebook will provide invaluable help. Just try it.

With love,

Greg and Liz

Remember how at school you were forbidden to write in your textbooks? Now get it out of your head! Take a pen and list five compelling and compelling reasons why you think you should definitely call him.

Put the book down for an hour. Or at least for ten minutes. And then ask yourself: “Do I look pathetic? Do I look like a person who doesn’t trust his innate sensuality?” Yes, that's exactly it! Now put your index finger in your pocket, which you usually use to dial a phone number, go somewhere and unwind.

P.S. You just completed an exercise in your workbook about the guy who didn't even bother to call you. And why do you need him like that?


Men know how to use the phone

Of course, they claim that they are very busy. It was such a crazy day at work that they didn’t have a single free minute when they could pick up the phone and call you. What a crazy day it was. Nonsense. In the era of cell phones, when there is such a wonderful invention as speed dialing, it is simply impossible don't call to you. Sometimes, when my cell phone is in my pants pocket, it starts dialing numbers of people I didn't even intend to call. Although we sometimes try to convince you otherwise, we men are in many ways similar to you. We like to take a break from the routine of the workday and talk with a nice person. It makes us happy. And the desire to be happy is not alien to us. Same as for you. If I really liked you, the conversation would color my terribly busy day with all the colors of the rainbow. And despite a lot of things to do, I would find time to call you and hear your voice.

An excuse like “But he’s on the road so often.”

Dear Grog!

I recently started dating a very nice young man. He is gentle, he is affectionate, he is attentive. But lately our relationship has turned into a long distance romance because of his work. Firstly, the problem is that he still calls me, despite the fact that he promised to call me. And in general, I can’t say that he calls me often. A week passes, then I call him, then, four or five days later, he calls me himself. And when we talk on the phone, he calls me “sunny”, “baby”, says: “I miss you so much” - and asks: “When will we see each other again?” Maybe he's just not that into me? Or should this relationship be classified as a crazy long-distance romance?


From Greg's archives:

Hey, Lady Crazy-Long-Distance Romance!

The only distance you need to take into account is between you and actual reality. (I admit, this is not very nice of me.) Give an example? I quote, at the beginning of the letter you said: “He is gentle, he is affectionate, he is attentive.” But after a few sentences we read: “He does not call me, despite the fact that he promised to call. And in general, I cannot say that he calls me often ". This low-down does not look like affection. There is also no trace of tenderness here, but there is a well-trodden path leading you to a sign on which it is written in large letters: “I just don’t like you that much.” Then you ask, why is he so nice when he calls? Because most men are cowards and would rather wait until the end of the world than give you bad news. Take note: a man who is interested in you wants to spend time with you. And he will be satisfied with five phone calls only if he can’t catch the plane to rush to you.

Don’t let them fool you with “bunnies” and “crumbs”. These cute words - just shake them out of the air. Saying them is much easier than saying, “You’re just not my type.” And remember: people are judged by their actions, not by excuses like “The cell phone doesn’t work where I’m going.”

An excuse like “But his head is busy with completely different things”

Dear Greg!
