Duck story vampilov summary. Duck hunting, Alexander Vampilov. Memories of a housewarming party

The early death of the author, albeit tragic, makes readers, one might even say, more than one generation of literature lovers, somehow treat works whose creators left too early in a special way. Regrettably, but one of them is A.V. Vampilov. "Duck hunting" (summary) is the topic of this article.

Funeral wreath. Action one. Picture one

For people, everything usually ends with a wreath, but for Zilov it all started with him. The protagonist of the play wakes up from a phone call with a terrible headache. Zilov picks up the phone, but there is silence in it, the connection is cut off at the other end.

He hardly gets out of bed, touches his jaw (it hurts), goes to the kitchen, gets beer from the refrigerator, returns back to the hall and starts doing exercises, not letting go of the bottle. Another call is heard, but history repeats itself exactly: on the other end of the wire they again do not want to talk.

Zilov finishes his beer and dials the number himself. It turns out that he is calling his classmate Dima, who now works as a waiter at the Forget-me-not cafe. Zilov usually likes to visit the latter very much. Dmitry is surprised that Vitya is calling him (that's the name of the main character), since from their conversation it becomes clear: according to rumors, Zilov died. The hero laughs and says that he is alive and well. He also informs a classmate of his firm intention to go duck hunting with him. Also from the same conversation, Zilov learns: yesterday there was a terrible scandal in a cafe. Without missing a moment, he asks: “Didn’t anyone beat me in the face? My jaw hurts a lot." To which he receives a negative answer. This ends the conversation, he is interrupted by a knock on the front door.

A boy arrived with a funeral wreath, which he gives directly to Zilov. But what is more interesting, it is dedicated to the main character of the play. In the process, on the one hand, there is a rather amusing, on the other hand, a little strange and scary dialogue with a boy, a young man (and Zilov is about 30 years old) cannot really figure out anything.

This is how A. V. Vampilov begins the work in such an exciting way. "Duck Hunt" (a summary is presented in the article) is a very intriguing play.

He says goodbye to the boy and first imagines (fantasizes) how his wife (Galina), the “new bride” (Irina), friends would be killed for him if the death were genuine, and then he recalls the events of the last days.

Cafe "Forget-Me-Not"

During the lunch break, Zilov and Sayapin decided to refuel with wine, it cannot be said that it was a habit for them to drink during a break in work, it was just that this time there was a reason - Zilov got an apartment. Friends decided to "warm up red" on the eve of the main event - an evening celebration on the occasion of a housewarming party.

They also invited their boss, Vadim Andreyevich Kushak, to the "warm-up". But before him came Vera - Zilov's mistress. Victor said that their boss is a man of high moral standards and does not accept any such hazing, so it's better for her to pretend to be a classmate. The girl, verbally playing and teasing Zilov, agrees.

Faith does not change her frivolous demeanor, which attracts Kushak and involuntarily endows him with certain hopes. And Sash recently (very opportunely) took his wife south and is now temporarily free.

Even relying only on the summary of Vampilov's play "Duck Hunt", we can say that it is extremely pleasant to read.

Zilov would not want to push his wife and mistress in the same room (albeit a new apartment), but nothing can be done, he has to invite Vera to a housewarming party too, in order to justify the boss's hopes in a certain sense.


The housewarming scene is remembered primarily by the fact that everyone drinks there, as in Remarque's novels, i.e. lots and taste. Also, new characters appear in it: Sayapin's wife - Valeria, another friend of Zilov - Kuzakov. He gives young spouses for the holiday Everyone laughs, everyone has fun. Vera brought a soft plush cat with her. And Sayapin and his wife gave Zilov equipment for hunting: wooden ducks, a bandolier, a knife, which greatly respected the owner of the house, because he loves this type of leisure very much.

Also, the first picture of the first act is remembered by the inept and at the same time cheeky attempts of the boss - Vadim Andreevich - to seduce Zilov's mistress Vera.

The first picture ends with a conversation between Zilov and his wife, the subject of which is the child. She wants, but he does not want. At the end of the conversation, a frustrated Vadim Andreevich comes running and says that he missed Vera in the most direct, physical sense: she disappeared from his field of vision.

The story begins rather graciously Vampilov. "Duck Hunt", a summary of which is presented here, keeps some kind of mystery and intrigue, which are vaguely guessed by the reader.

The wreath continues to evoke memories. Act one, scene two

The important thing here is that Zilov and Sayapin are at work. They have to turn in a report, but they don't have anything. They work in some central bureau of technical information. Zilov offers Sayapin to "rub points" to the authorities and write a report "from the bulldozer", but he hesitates for a long time and does not dare. Zilov offers to throw a coin, the comrades throw it, it somehow falls, but they still don’t know the fate’s decision, because at the very moment when the coin lands, an 18-year-old girl, Irina, enters their office. She wants to print an ad. The girl believes that she got into the editorial office of a newspaper or magazine. Zilov immediately makes a stance, like a hunting dog, and tries to win the girl over to him. Then Kushak comes in and ruins everything. He asks about the report and tells the girl that the editorial office is not here for her, she, offended, leaves. Zilov jumps out after her and, apparently, manages to arrange a meeting. This hero gave the features of a real womanizer Vampilov. "Duck Hunt" (the summary cannot contain all the details) only benefits from this.

The picture ends with a call from Galina to her husband at work and the news that she is pregnant. Zilov is not very happy about this news, so his wife hangs up. The memory ends. Zilov is back in his room. There are two of them - he and a wreath.

Zilov's early arrival home. Memories of the "youth" of Viktor and Galina. Action two. Picture two

The word "youth" is in quotation marks, because the heroes at the time of the story are 29 and 26 years old, respectively. There can be no talk of any old age.

Zilov is still there - in his new apartment. First, he calls the weather center, tries to find out something about the weather (it's raining, but it should be partly cloudy), then he decides to just talk to the voice on the other end of the line. He is denied. He hangs up and begins to remember.

Zilov comes home early in the morning and finds that his wife has fallen asleep at the table over notebooks (she is a school teacher). The arrival of her husband wakes her up. Zilov begins to lie that he was on a business trip, but his wife stops the flow of lies and says that he was seen at the grocery store yesterday, which means that he did not go anywhere.

Here he indulges in the standard explanations of all the unfaithful husbands who are caught: they say, you need to believe me, and not other people, we will even have a child. Galina says that there will be no child anymore. She was in the hospital and had an abortion. Zilov pretended to be indignant, threatening that next time she would not even take a step without his word. Galina says: "There is no need for a performance, everything is over between us."

Zilov, in order to save the situation, is trying to recreate the very beginning of their relationship. Galya and Vitya have to "play love" again. At first everything goes well, then it turns out that Zilov does not remember well what happened 6 years ago. Spitting on everything, he tries to force his wife to intimacy, but she breaks out and cries.

The memory ends. Zilov lies on the couch.

An unattractive character was created by Zilova Vampilov ("Duck Hunt"). A brief summary of the chapters of the story leaves just such a feeling. Although, of course, there are no chapters in the play, there are only actions and pictures, but the narrative itself has reference points. They can be conditionally called heads. Nevertheless, it still seems that Zilov hides some kind of personal tragedy and sadness, which is expressed in his chaotic behavior.

Evidence of the hero's loneliness

When Zilov again finds himself in a dull and rainy present (although it cannot be said that his past sparkles with joy), he calls Dima at Forget-Me-Not and tells him that he was left completely alone and that the waiter is his only friend. Zilov suddenly realized that he would be abandoned by everyone.

The conversation briefly distracts the owner of the new apartment, but then he again floats on the waves of his memory.

The death of the hero's father and the evidence of Zilov's infidelity

The next memory concerns everything at once: both work and Victor's family. They are sitting with Sayapin. Kuzak comes up to them and shakes them in front of their faces with what the workers decided to “rub glasses” on the boss (a report on a fake porcelain factory). Vadim Andreich is getting more and more ruined. Zilov takes all the blame on himself, and Sayapin denies this report, saying that he signed without looking and that's it. Kuzak threatens Zilov with dismissal, but he doesn't care.

Then Sayapin's wife appears, she tries to alleviate the situation and takes the boss to football. Zilov and Sayapin remain in the office. Viti's friend and colleague makes excuses for putting all the blame on him. Zilov does not listen. At this time, a telegram arrives and the hero learns about the death of his father. He quickly packs up and leaves the office. Previously, Zilov, of course, called Galina and told her the sad news. They agreed to meet at the Forget-Me-Not because Victor needs a drink before going to the funeral.

In a cafe, a scene happens again between the spouses: Galina says that everything is over between them and talks about the letters of her old admirer. Victor is furious, although he has already made an appointment with Irina today in this institution a little later. Then they reconcile, then Galina leaves. Irina enters the cafe. Zilov confesses that he is married and his father has died, so they will not see each other for the next week. Zilov's wife finds the young people behind this explanation (she brought her husband a raincoat and a briefcase on the road). Without saying a word, the hero's wife leaves the institution.

Zilov decides to go tomorrow. The memory ends. Zilov is back in his apartment.

Conversation with wife. Picture the third of the same action

Zilov calls Irina at the hostel - she left, then calls the institute, and they tell him that she has left. But the main thing happens not in the hero’s apartment, but in his head. The next memory is on the way.

Galina leaves for relatives and packs things. Zilov is in another room collecting hunting equipment. Then he says he will be back in a month. Zilov immediately calls Irina and invites her to visit.

Suddenly, Galina returns and admits that she is leaving not for relatives and not for a month, but for “former love” and forever. Here Zilov becomes furious, calls her the last words. Chases after her, but she manages to lock him in the room. He falls into the abyss of self-disclosure, which is sweet for a Russian person, says that he has no one but Gali and that he needs no one besides her. He promises her "golden mountains and rivers full of wine", but it turns out that the performance was not for Galya, who left the apartment a long time ago and even unlocked the door of Zilov's room, but for Ira. It was she who freed him.

The moral decay of Zilov reaches its climax. Action last

In the play, it is casually said that the main character is a bad shooter, but he is a first-class accuser and buzzer! At the beginning of the action, the reader sees that Zilov is going hunting, and in full uniform he recalls his last boorish behavior.

It turns out that yesterday was a holiday at which he gathered all his friends and the "new bride" - Irina. On it, Zilov began to blurt out the truth in all directions indiscriminately. It ended up that he got drunk to insensibility, the waiter “lit up” him in the jaw, and his friends left. True, after a while they returned (their male part) and carried him out in their arms. Then the idea was born to send him a wreath and telegrams, because he is like a dead man (dead drunk).

This is how the chronicle of Zilov's life turned out before his awakening at the beginning of the first act. A brilliant master of dialogue - "Duck Hunt" (a summary, we hope, makes it feel at least a little) - a masterpiece of world drama.

Remembering all this, Victor decides to bring the matter to an end and commit suicide. Previously, he calls his friends and invites them to a wake right now and says that he is not going hunting.

He himself prepares everything for suicide and even writes a suicide note. Everything is as it should be. Friends manage to save him. Then, after a long argument, they leave him alone. Zilov falls on an ottoman and shakes his whole body for some time. Whether he is crying or laughing, it is impossible to understand. At this time, the phone rings periodically. The hero falls asleep in the same position, then wakes up. He goes to the phone, calls Dmitry and says that he will still keep him company on the hunt.

What is this piece about, if you look over or deep into the lines?

We examined the play that Vampilov wrote, "Duck Hunt" (summary). Its analysis boils down to stating the fact that this is an essay about the tragedy of human loneliness. For Zilov, only one thing was important: to be understood. He did not want love or friendship, he was looking only for a deep, spiritual connection with another person, and since he did not find it, he tried to replace this need with rudeness and debauchery.

This is how the review of the play presented to the world by A.V. Vampilov. “Duck Hunt” (a brief summary of actions and phenomena) was analyzed by us in detail, perhaps even too detailed for a brief retelling.

The action takes place in a provincial town. Viktor Alexandrovich Zilov is awakened by a phone call. Waking up with difficulty, he picks up the phone, but there is silence. He slowly gets up, touching his jaw, opens the window, it's raining outside. Zilov drinks beer and, with a bottle in hand, begins physical exercises. Another phone call and another silence. Now Zilov calls himself. He is talking to the waiter Dima, with whom they were going hunting together, and is extremely surprised that Dima asks him if he will go. Zilov is interested in the details of yesterday's scandal, which he caused in a cafe, but which he himself remembers very vaguely. He is especially worried about who hit him in the face yesterday. As soon as he hangs up, there is a knock on the door. A boy enters with a large mourning wreath, on which is written: "To the unforgettable untimely burned down at work Zilov Viktor Alexandrovich from inconsolable friends." Zilov is annoyed by such a gloomy joke. He sits down on the couch and begins to imagine how things could be if he really died. Then the life of the last days passes before his eyes. Memory first. In the Forget-me-not cafe, Zilov's favorite pastime, he and his friend Sayapin meet during a lunch break with Kushak, the head of work, to celebrate a big event - he got a new apartment. Suddenly, his mistress Vera appears. Zilov asks Vera not to advertise their relationship, sits everyone at the table, and the waiter Dima brings the ordered wine and barbecue. Zilov reminds Kushak that a housewarming party is scheduled for the evening, and he, somewhat flirtatious, agrees. Zilov is forced to invite Vera, who really wants this. He introduces her to the boss, who has just escorted his legal wife south, as a classmate, and Vera, with her very relaxed behavior, inspires certain hopes in Kushak. In the evening, Zilov's friends are going to his housewarming party. In anticipation of the guests, Galina, Zilov's wife, dreams that everything between her and her husband will be like at the very beginning, when they loved each other. Among the gifts brought are items of hunting equipment: a knife, a bandolier and several wooden birds used in duck hunting for replanting. Duck hunting is Zilov's greatest passion (except for women), although so far he has not managed to kill a single duck. As Galina says, the main thing for him is getting ready and talking. But Zilov does not pay attention to ridicule. Second memory. At work, Zilov and Sayapin must urgently prepare information on the modernization of production, the in-line method, etc. P. Zilov proposes to present as an already implemented modernization project at a porcelain factory. They toss a coin for a long time, do - do not do. And although Sayapin is afraid of exposure, nevertheless they are preparing this "fake". Here Zilov reads a letter from his old father, who lives in another city, whom he has not seen for four years. He writes that he is ill and calls to see him, but Zilov is indifferent to this. He does not believe his father, and he still does not have time, since he is going on vacation to go duck hunting. He cannot and does not want to miss it. Unexpectedly, an unfamiliar girl Irina appears in their room, confusing their office with the editorial office of the newspaper. Zilov plays a prank on her, introducing himself as a newspaper employee, until his boss enters and exposes his joke. Zilov starts an affair with Irina. Remembrance the third. Zilov returns home in the morning. Galina does not sleep. He complains about the abundance of work, about the fact that he was so unexpectedly sent on a business trip. But his wife bluntly says that she does not believe him, because last night a neighbor saw him in the city. Zilov tries to protest, accusing his wife of excessive suspicion, but this does not work on her. She endured for a long time and no longer wants to endure Zil's lies. She tells him that she went to the doctor and had an abortion. Zilov pretends to be indignant: why didn't she consult him?! He tries to soften her somehow, remembering one of the evenings six years ago when they first became close. Galina protests at first, but then gradually succumbs to the charm of memories - until the moment when Zilov cannot remember some very important words for her. She ends up sinking into a chair and crying. The memory is the following. At the end of the working day, an angry Kushak appears in the room of Zilov and Sayapin and demands an explanation from them about the brochure with information about the reconstruction at the porcelain factory. Shielding Sayapin, who is about to get an apartment, Zilov takes full responsibility. Only Sayapin's wife, who suddenly appeared, manages to extinguish the storm by taking the ingenuous Kushak to football. At this moment, Zilov receives a telegram about the death of his father. He decides to urgently fly to catch the funeral. Galina wants to go with him, but he refuses. Before leaving, he stops at the Forget-Me-Not for a drink. In addition, here he has an appointment with Irina. Galina accidentally becomes a witness of their meeting, who brought Zilov a raincoat and a briefcase for the trip. Zilov is forced to confess to Irina that he is married. He orders dinner, postponing his flight until tomorrow. The memory is the following. Galina is going to visit relatives in another city. As soon as she leaves, he calls Irina and calls her to him. Suddenly, Galina returns and announces that she is leaving forever. Zilov is discouraged, he tries to detain her, but Galina locks him up. Once in a trap, Zilov uses all his eloquence, trying to convince his wife that she is still dear to him, and even promising to take her hunting. But it is not Galina who hears his explanation, but Irina who appears, who perceives everything Zilov said as referring specifically to her. Last memory. In anticipation of friends invited on the occasion of the upcoming vacation and duck hunting, Zilov drinks at the Forget-Me-Not. By the time the friends gather, he is already quite drunk and starts talking nasty things to them. Every minute he disperses more and more, he carries him, and in the end everyone, including Irina, whom he also undeservedly insults, leaves. Left alone, Zilov calls the waiter Dima a lackey, and he hits him in the face. Zilov falls under the table and "turns off". After some time, Kuzakov and Sayapin return, pick up Zilov and take him home. Remembering everything, Zilov really suddenly lights up with the idea of ​​committing suicide. He doesn't play anymore. He writes a note, loads his gun, takes off his shoes and gropes for the trigger with his big toe. At this moment, the phone rings. Then Sayapin and Kuzakov quietly appear, who see Zilov's preparations, attack him and take away the gun. Zilov drives them. He screams that he doesn't trust anyone, but they refuse to leave him alone. In the end, Zilov manages to expel them, he walks around the room with a gun, then throws himself on the bed and either laughs or sobs. Two minutes later he gets up and dials Dima's phone number. He is ready to go hunting.

Frame from the film "Vacation in September" (1979)

The action takes place in a provincial town. Viktor Alexandrovich Zilov is awakened by a phone call. Waking up with difficulty, he picks up the phone, but there is silence. He slowly gets up, touching his jaw, opens the window, it's raining outside. Zilov drinks beer and, with a bottle in hand, begins physical exercises. Another phone call and another silence. Now Zilov calls himself. He is talking to the waiter Dima, with whom they were going hunting together, and is extremely surprised that Dima asks him if he will go. Zilov is interested in the details of yesterday's scandal, which he caused in a cafe, but which he himself remembers very vaguely. He is especially worried about who hit him in the face yesterday.

As soon as he hangs up, there is a knock at the door. A boy enters with a large mourning wreath, on which is written: "To the unforgettable untimely burned down at work Zilov Viktor Alexandrovich from inconsolable friends." Zilov is annoyed by such a gloomy joke. He sits down on the couch and begins to imagine how things could be if he really died. Then the life of the last days passes before his eyes.

Memory first. In the Forget-me-not cafe, Zilov's favorite pastime, he and his friend Sayapin meet during a lunch break with Kushak, the head of work, to celebrate a big event - he got a new apartment. Suddenly, his mistress Vera appears. Zilov asks Vera not to advertise their relationship, sits everyone at the table, and the waiter Dima brings the ordered wine and barbecue. Zilov reminds Kushak that a housewarming party is scheduled for the evening, and he, somewhat flirtatious, agrees. Zilov is forced to invite Vera, who really wants this. He introduces her to the boss, who has just escorted his legal wife south, as a classmate, and Vera, with her very relaxed behavior, inspires certain hopes in Kushak.

In the evening, Zilov's friends are going to his housewarming party. In anticipation of the guests, Galina, Zilov's wife, dreams that everything between her and her husband will be like at the very beginning, when they loved each other. Among the gifts brought are items of hunting equipment: a knife, a bandolier and several wooden birds used in duck hunting for replanting. Duck hunting is Zilov's greatest passion (except for women), although so far he has not managed to kill a single duck. As Galina says, the main thing for him is getting ready and talking. But Zilov does not pay attention to ridicule.

Second memory. At work, Zilov and Sayapin must urgently prepare information on the modernization of production, the in-line method, etc. Zilov proposes to present as an already implemented modernization project at a porcelain factory. They toss a coin for a long time, do - do not do. And although Sayapin is afraid of exposure, nevertheless they are preparing this "fake". Here Zilov reads a letter from his old father, who lives in another city, whom he has not seen for four years. He writes that he is ill and calls to see him, but Zilov is indifferent to this. He does not believe his father, and he still does not have time, since he is going on vacation to go duck hunting. He cannot and does not want to miss it. Unexpectedly, an unfamiliar girl Irina appears in their room, confusing their office with the editorial office of the newspaper. Zilov plays a prank on her, introducing himself as a newspaper employee, until his boss enters and exposes his joke. Zilov starts an affair with Irina.

Remembrance the third. Zilov returns home in the morning. Galina does not sleep. He complains about the abundance of work, about the fact that he was so unexpectedly sent on a business trip. But his wife bluntly says that she does not believe him, because last night a neighbor saw him in the city. Zilov tries to protest, accusing his wife of excessive suspicion, but this does not work on her. She endured for a long time and no longer wants to endure Zil's lies. She tells him that she went to the doctor and had an abortion. Zilov pretends to be indignant: why didn't she consult him?! He tries to soften her somehow, remembering one of the evenings six years ago when they first became close. Galina protests at first, but then gradually succumbs to the charm of memories - until the moment when Zilov cannot remember some very important words for her. She ends up sinking into a chair and crying. The memory is the following. At the end of the working day, an angry Kushak appears in the room of Zilov and Sayapin and demands an explanation from them about the brochure with information about the reconstruction at the porcelain factory. Shielding Sayapin, who is about to get an apartment, Zilov takes full responsibility. Only Sayapin's wife, who suddenly appeared, manages to extinguish the storm by taking the ingenuous Kushak to football. At this moment, Zilov receives a telegram about the death of his father. He decides to urgently fly to catch the funeral. Galina wants to go with him, but he refuses. Before leaving, he stops at the Forget-Me-Not for a drink. In addition, here he has an appointment with Irina. Galina accidentally becomes a witness of their meeting, who brought Zilov a raincoat and a briefcase for the trip. Zilov is forced to confess to Irina that he is married. He orders dinner, postponing the flight until tomorrow.

The memory is the following. Galina is going to visit relatives in another city. As soon as she leaves, he calls Irina and calls her to him. Suddenly, Galina returns and announces that she is leaving forever. Zilov is discouraged, he tries to detain her, but Galina locks him up. Once in a trap, Zilov uses all his eloquence, trying to convince his wife that she is still dear to him, and even promising to take her hunting. But it is not Galina who hears his explanation, but Irina who appears, who perceives everything Zilov said as referring specifically to her.

Last memory. In anticipation of friends invited on the occasion of the upcoming vacation and duck hunting, Zilov drinks at Forget-Me-Not. By the time the friends gather, he is already quite drunk and starts talking nasty things to them. Every minute he diverges more and more, he carries him, and in the end everyone, including Irina, whom he also undeservedly insults, leaves. Left alone, Zilov calls the waiter Dima a lackey, and he hits him in the face. Zilov falls under the table and "turns off". After some time, Kuzakov and Sayapin return, pick up Zilov and take him home.

Remembering everything, Zilov really suddenly lights up with the idea of ​​committing suicide. He doesn't play anymore. He writes a note, loads his gun, takes off his shoes and gropes for the trigger with his big toe. At this moment, the phone rings. Then Sayapin and Kuzakov quietly appear, who see Zilov's preparations, attack him and take away the gun. Zilov drives them. He screams that he doesn't trust anyone, but they refuse to leave him alone. In the end, Zilov manages to expel them, he walks around the room with a gun, then throws himself on the bed and either laughs or sobs. Two minutes later he gets up and dials Dima's phone number. He is ready to go hunting.


The action takes place in a provincial town. Viktor Alexandrovich Zilov is awakened by a phone call. Waking up with difficulty, he picks up the phone, but there is silence. He slowly gets up, touching his jaw, opens the window, it's raining outside. Zilov drinks beer and, with a bottle in hand, begins physical exercises. Another phone call and another silence. Now Zilov calls himself. He is talking to the waiter Dima, with whom they were going hunting together, and is extremely surprised that Dima asks him if he will go. Zilov is interested in the details of yesterday's scandal, which he caused in a cafe, but which he himself remembers very vaguely. He is especially worried about who hit him in the face yesterday.

As soon as he hangs up, there is a knock on the door. A boy enters with a large mourning wreath, on which is written: "To the unforgettable untimely burned down at work Zilov Viktor Alexandrovich from inconsolable friends." Zilov is annoyed by such a gloomy joke. He sits down on the couch and begins to imagine how things could be if he really died. Then the life of the last days passes before his eyes.

Memory first. In the Forget-me-not cafe, Zilov's favorite pastime, he and his friend Sayapin meet during a lunch break with Kushak, the head of work, to celebrate a big event - he got a new apartment. Suddenly, his mistress Vera appears. Zilov asks Vera not to advertise their relationship, sits everyone at the table, and the waiter Dima brings the ordered wine and barbecue. Zilov reminds Kushak that a housewarming party is scheduled for the evening, and he, somewhat flirtatious, agrees. Zilov is forced to invite Vera, who really wants this. He introduces her to the boss, who has just escorted his legal wife south, as a classmate, and Vera, with her very relaxed behavior, inspires certain hopes in Kushak.

In the evening, Zilov's friends are going to his housewarming party. In anticipation of the guests, Galina, Zilov's wife, dreams that everything between her and her husband will be like at the very beginning, when they loved each other. Among the gifts brought are items of hunting equipment: a knife, a bandolier and several wooden birds used in duck hunting for replanting. Duck hunting is Zilov's greatest passion (except for women), although so far he has not managed to kill a single duck. As Galina says, the main thing for him is getting ready and talking. But Zilov does not pay attention to ridicule.

Second memory. At work, Zilov and Sayapin must urgently prepare information on the modernization of production, the in-line method, etc. Zilov proposes to present the modernization project at the porcelain factory as already implemented. They toss a coin for a long time, do - do not do. And although Sayapin is afraid of exposure, nevertheless they are preparing this "fake". Here Zilov reads a letter from his old father, who lives in another city, whom he has not seen for four years. He writes that he is ill and calls to see him, but Zilov is indifferent to this. He does not believe his father, and he still does not have time, since he is going on vacation to go duck hunting.

The protagonist of the play, Viktor Aleksandrovich Zilov, wakes up in the morning in his own house, located in a small town.

Victor is awakened by a sharp phone call. He picks up the phone but hears only silence in response. This situation is repeated 2 times. Waking up, Zilov himself begins to call. He is answered by an old friend - the waiter Dima, who is extremely surprised by this call. After all, he believed that Victor was dead. During the conversation, the hero tries to find out the details of the past evening, but does not receive any answer.

As soon as Victor ends the conversation, someone knocked on his door. On the threshold, he saw a boy with a funeral wreath addressed to Zilov. Such a gloomy joke did not please the main character. He sits on the bed and begins to fantasize about how things would turn out if he really died. At the same time, he begins to remember what happened in his life in the last days.

The first memory is connected with a meeting of friends in a favorite cafe "Forget-Me-Not". Zilov, along with friends Sayapin and Kushak, are planning to celebrate the purchase of a new apartment. The closest friends come to visit the main character. Victor is given various gifts, including equipment for duck hunting.

Duck hunting is the main passion of the hero. According to his wife, Galina, Zilov never hit a duck. He likes the process itself and talking about hunting more.

After this memory, the hero calls his friends at work, but no one answers there. He remembers work, a half-finished report, and a telegram from his father. In the message, the father writes that he is seriously ill and is waiting for his son to visit. Unfortunately, this news does not touch Zilov in any way.

In addition, the main character is also indifferent to the news from his wife Galina that in the near future he will become a father. Viktor Zilov is more interested in meeting a young girl, Irina, who by mistake went to work with them.

These relationships are so captivating for the hero that he forgets about his wife. The couple are arguing. Zilov's excuses do not bring results.

After that, Viktor Zilov recalls the following fragment from his life. Together with his friend Sayapin, he solves work problems. Suddenly, the hero receives a telegram with the news of the death of his father. He decides to go to the funeral immediately, however, before leaving, he goes to the Forget-me-not cafe. There Victor meets with Irina, who is very nice to him. Their wife Galina becomes a witness to their meeting.

Galina leaves her indifferent husband. The main character connects his life with his mistress Irina.

The play ends with a reminiscence of the last evening. Zilov meets with friends and mistress Irina in a cafe. Victor is rude to his friends, insults Vera and Irina. The waiter, wanting to stand up for the girls, strikes Zilov. Friends deliver the hero home.

Remembering everything and analyzing his life, Zilov decides to commit suicide. He is ready to shoot, but his friends manage to stop him.

The play shows the "spiritual degradation" of a person. The protagonist exists without any values. He easily betrays the closest people: father, wife, mistress, friends. As a result, he is so confused in himself that he is ready to commit suicide.

The play teaches that it is impossible to exist without deep spiritual values. An unspiritual life is empty and vicious.

Picture or drawing Vampilov - Duck hunting

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

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