Women's body types and workouts. Training programs for women depending on the type of female figure. Increases calorie consumption

Body types in women are variants of the normal human constitution. This means that the constitution determines the features appearance and the health status of its owner. Basically, the structural features of the female body are hereditary in nature, but initially knowing your body type, you can early age make timely adjustments.

Variations of the female figure

There are several systems for grading the appearance of the female body. The most common is a very simple and understandable way to determine body shape:

  • asthenic (or hyposthenic);
  • normosthenic;
  • hypersthenic.

If you think that knowing your body type is not particularly important, bet. Certain body types have different problem areas, which you can “sweat” in the gym, change your diet, rhythm of life and choose the best clothes.

Wrist size is an indicator of body type

Sometimes you don’t want to bother or it’s difficult to decide on your own silhouette, but there is an easy way to determine a woman’s body type by just measuring her wrist. The Solovyov index is a parameter that will help you decide on the type. It is equal to the circumference of the wrist in centimeters.

Calculation of the indicator:

  • Less than 15 - asthenic;
  • In zone 15-17 - normosthenic;
  • More than 17 is hypersthenic.

Asthenic body type in ectomorph women

  • According to generally accepted opinion, these are the very happy owners of slender and thin figures. According to other ladies, these women are witches who eat a lot and practically do not gain weight. Note that there are two sides of the same coin. In their youth, asthenic ladies are slender, but with age, fat is still deposited in the most unattractive places: on the back and waist, which forms an untidy and disproportionate image.
  • In the matter of maintaining good physical fitness It’s easier for such women, because their lipids accumulate slowly. Of the minuses, we note that although these girls are wiry, thin and energetic, untrained young ladies have the lowest level of endurance and strength indicators.

  • Muscle development turns into pure torture for ectomorphs. Since growth processes are slowed down not only in fat, but also in muscles. That is why it is very difficult to give a sporty, pumped-up look to the silhouette.
  • The appearance of such ladies is not particularly popular among men, because they are angular, lack pleasant roundness and look like teenagers. Any model on the show - shining example of this body type.
  • The shortened “upper” part of the body and long limbs create the illusion of “legs from ears”. Poorly developed lipid tissue often affects the size of the bust, and sometimes causes its absence.
  • Narrow shoulders and chest, narrow feet and hands and a narrow waist! The Solovyov index, which helps determine your body type based on your wrist, is less than 15.
  • As for training, it is easier for such ladies, since they almost never have to struggle with excess weight. An ectomorph woman can immediately begin strength training in the form of a split, avoiding aerobic counterparts.
  • After achieving the desired results, you should definitely undergo an unpleasant but effective “drying” procedure.
  • With possible weight loss, these young ladies first begin to “lose” their muscles, so calorie restriction will not help with figure correction. Panacea- special diet and strength training.

Normosthenic body type - mesomorphs

  • No matter how fickle youth fashion dictates the demand for skinny young ladies, the figure of a mesomorphic (normosthenic) woman is considered the classic ideal of beauty. They don't appear emaciated or compass women. Their body is proportional, with well-developed muscle tissue and a minimum of fat. Such girls are naturally athletic and sculpted.
  • Mesomorph instantly loses fat reserves if desired and gains muscle mass at lightning speed. By nature, their metabolic rate is high, but with age, in the absence of adequate physical activity, metabolic processes slow down significantly, and the weight rapidly creeps up.

  • The part of the body at the top is slightly smaller than the one at the bottom, i.e. the legs are not too big, but they are not short either. At the same time, the sizes of the chest, hands and feet are average.
  • Solovyov index for wrist size 15-17.
  • Often the figure resembles the notorious hourglass, and if you are overweight, it resembles a pear or an apple.
  • Young ladies with similar parameters can achieve records in sports in the shortest possible time.
  • The problem of a “wasp waist” is quite acute in this case, because curvy ladies will have to sweat in the gym to achieve the desired shape. Among sports disciplines, it is worth paying attention to game types: basketball, volleyball, aerobics and tennis.

Hypersthenic body constitution - endomorphs

  • Endomorphs (people with the hypersthenic type) are precisely those individuals whom sculptors and artists lovingly praised in their works. “Venus de Milo” by Botticelli, “Danae” by Titian, modern beauty icons Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe, Beyoncé and other ladies “in the body” are bright personification this type of “body structure”. Curvy young ladies are famous for their femininity and sensuality.

  • These girls justify their excess weight heredity, the fact that good man There must be a lot to be said for the fact that men do not throw dice, but there is a fundamental difference. From birth, endomorphs have more adipose tissue than muscle tissue, but this does not mean that such ladies are doomed to eternal obesity. This variation of the fair sex should only be given more time and effort to bring the figure back to normal. Only laziness prevents such girls from being pumped up and elastic.
  • Transverse dimensions predominate over longitudinal ones (legs and arms are short). The chest is wide, the waist is the same, massive hips, large joints, feet and hands.
  • The Solovyov index is more than 17 positions.

  • Fat mass predominates over muscle mass.
  • The combination of feminine curves and good muscle tone will give trained endomorph ladies a seductive and exciting image.
  • But if such a young lady suddenly decides to lose weight and turn into a withered roach, she will have to make titanic efforts, which are unlikely to be crowned with success.
  • Even if losing weight is successful, the girl’s appearance will turn out to be painful and disproportionate. In such individuals, muscles grow beautifully, but they are difficult to see under a dense layer of fat, which must first be burned. The latter is problematic, since metabolic processes in this form are significantly inferior in speed to the previous two.
  • Stored fat is difficult to lose, and for training we advise you to choose intense cardio workouts with moderate load and change your diet to low-carbohydrate. Remember that breakdowns and relaxations will lead to an immediate return of lost kilos.

Have you learned the basics? female types physique, we described their features, advantages and disadvantages. As you may have noticed, there is no “bad” or “good” physique, each has its own flavor. But note that there is general feature for everyone - beauty and women Health directly depends on the regularity of her visits to the gym.

Remember, no matter what your silhouette is, only proper nutrition and increased physical activity will preserve female attractiveness for a long time.

Video: Typology of female physique

Many women are faced with the fact that they have been on diets for years, working out in the gym, but the annoying centimeters do not go away. in the right places. The editors of Woman's Day and Elena Sanzharovskaya, a popular fitness trainer and nutrition consultant, as part of the Oriflame Wellness Pumping program, found out how to determine your body type and select workouts for it.

Before you start serious work on your body, you need to determine your body type. This test should appeal to all girls: it is simple and requires you to take three selfies, you need to pick up your phone, place it at navel level and take three photos (front, back and side) in tight clothes/swimsuit. After the photo shoot, you must carefully analyze the photos according to the following graphics.

It is necessary to identify from the photo the places that need to be corrected. To do this, you need to draw straight lines from the shoulders to the hips. The side view and its lines will tell you what to do with the stomach, chest and buttocks (if they are full). Such three-view photographs will help you quickly determine problem areas and understand what needs to be adjusted and what needs to be worked on first.

So, follow these steps: measure your waist circumference and height in cm (1 inch = 2.54 cm); for example, measurements were obtained: waist = 30 inches, height = 64 inches; divide your waist by your height: 30/64 = 0.47.

This means that: less than 0.4 - you are too thin, you need to increase weight;

4−0.5 – “correct” pear;

0.51−0.6 – moderate apple. Store excess fat around the midsection;

above 0.61 – enlarged apple;

triangle – hips are more than 5% wider than shoulders. For example, shoulder circumference is 80 cm, waist circumference is 85 cm or more;

inverted triangle - the opposite of a triangle, shoulders/chest wider than hips by more than 5%. For example, with a shoulder circumference of 85 cm, the hip circumference is 80 cm;

rectangle - shoulders, chest and hips have similar anthropometry, there is no waist. For example, shoulders 85 cm, chest 85, hips 89 cm (differences up to 5%), waist 70 cm and above;

hourglass - shoulders, chest and hips have similar anthropometry, the waist is clearly defined (60−65 cm).

Please be aware that this is very common mixed types!

And now more about the most common types

PEAR– differences in this body type: narrow shoulders, wide hips, small breasts, and most often a flat stomach. Perhaps the most feminine body type. But few people are pleased with powerful thighs, which are also very often decorated with cellulite, since the main accumulation of fat is in this area.

How to train

Your main attention should be paid to the top - back, shoulders, arms, chest. Don’t be afraid to pump up these muscles; it’s unlikely that you will succeed; on the contrary, by improving your proportions, you will hide your heavy bottom. We work on these zones at least 2 times a week, in the mode of 10-12 repetitions, 3 approaches. We select the weight wisely. You need to “dry” your feet as much as possible. Avoid heavy weights, work only in multi-repetition mode (25-30 times). Focus not on basic exercises, but on isolating exercises (swings, abductions, etc.). The advantage of your physique is that your abs quickly acquire athletic shape.

As for cardio, absolutely exclude the stepper and regular bike (cycling is fine, but don’t use resistance). Only high-intensity cardio with minimal resistance (ellipse, treadmill) in interval mode for 40 minutes or more, after strength training or on days free from strength training. Don't expect very quick results, but if you are consistent, persistent and don't forget about proper nutrition, your very feminine figure will become fit and harmonious.

In body type HOURGLASS your problem areas: triceps, outer/inner thighs, lower abdomen. Do circuit training for the whole body 3-4 times a week. Use your body as a weight, CrossFit and plyometric exercises are great. Work your legs with multi-repetition basic exercises: squats, jump squats, lunges, stepping onto a bench. For abdominal exercises, use cross crunches (bicycle), plank, side plank. Stick to a high number of repetitions - from 15 to 30. For cardio, use a jump rope, running on a treadmill without an incline, jogging for 30-35 minutes 2-3 times a week. Do not use a stepper, bicycle, or running on an inclined track, this will add volume to your legs.

How to train

EXAMPLE OF TRAINING (for a home gym): type – circular, number of exercises performed in 1 circle – 5, number of circles – 4-5, number of repetitions – as many as you can do in 40 seconds, rest between exercises – no; rest between circles – 1 minute.


Jump Squats

Push-ups from the floor/knees/feet

Squats with a weight plate in your hands and hold for 2-3 seconds at the bottom point

Side plank

Standing row of a rubber shock absorber (dumbbells) to the belt

INVERTED TRIANGLE- This is a body type that is typical for men, but is also found among women, especially among athletes involved in rowing or swimming. Characteristic signs: broad shoulders, developed chest, smoothly turning into a waist and narrow hips. Despite the fact that the structure of the skeletal system in the android body type is similar to the male body type, nature often gives them big breasts, which, when used skillfully, allows you to create very attractive feminine images. Excessive volume of the upper body can be balanced by visually widening the hips with the help of clothing, while the waist will look much narrower.

Slender long legs are the second undoubted plus; their high stature makes them stand out from the crowd. More often they have a slender figure, but there are also overweight ones among them. Fat is deposited in the shoulder girdle, upper arms and chest, making the figure even more masculine.

With obvious obesity, the stomach begins to enlarge, and then the figure begins to resemble an apple in shape. Regardless of weight, women's thighs and legs remain slim.

How to train

The main goal of training is to balance the lower and upper body. Therefore, when doing cardio, it is best to use a stepper. It gives a good load on the hips and legs, increases their volume a little, but burns calories. Can also be used treadmill, setting a strong slope uphill. But it’s better to avoid the ellipsoid. Its main goal is to rid the legs of volume, and women with massive tops need the opposite result. When it comes to strength training, you need to add volume to your legs. First, you should perform complex exercises for large muscle groups: squats, presses, and then do all kinds of lunges, flexions, extensions, abductions of the legs. Pre-exert your upper body to burn fat and avoid building muscle mass. The training should be exclusively high-repetition: 20-30 repetitions in 4-5 approaches.

The journal "Omsk Scientific Bulletin" published an interesting study regarding the influence various means fitness training for indicators physical development and strength abilities of women 25-35 years old. We are sure that many professionals may be interested in this.

The article presents the specific influence on the motor sphere and physical development of women 25–35 years old by such means of strength-oriented fitness training as the Pilates system (exercises performed in a static-dynamic mode) and athletic gymnastics (exercises performed in a dynamic mode). Features in manifestation are shown strength abilities and their dynamics in the process of fitness training when using various means and modes of work with women 25–35 years old.

ProblemThe research lies in the lack of data on the influence of various types of strength-oriented fitness training on indicators of physical development and the manifestation of strength abilities of mature women.

Introduction.An analysis of scientific and methodological literature has shown that recently various areas of fitness have been gaining popularity, such as aqua aerobics, slide aerobics, step aerobics, strength aerobics, Pilates, fitness yoga, bodyflex, body pump, etc. However, , despite positive influence classes for health, you need to keep in mind that fitness unites people of different gender, age, level physical fitness and health, which requires deeper theoretical and experimental justification different types fitness for various groups of exercisers.

The results of our own research showed that when comparing adaptation effects during training various types fitness (aerobics, step aerobics, fitness yoga, Pilates), the most significant positive changes in strength abilities and the condition of the musculoskeletal system were noted in young and mature women who practice Pilates and athletic gymnastics with a mini-barbell.

Despite the fact that today almost all fitness clubs in our country conduct strength training using the Pilates system and athletic exercises with a mini-barbell, there is still very little data in the scientific and methodological literature on the specific influence of these types of strength training. fitness for development physical qualities and functional state of mature women.

Objectresearch is a process physical training women 25–35 years old engaged in various types of strength-oriented fitness training.

SubjectThe study is the dynamics of indicators of physical development and strength abilities of women 25–35 years old under the influence of exercises with a mini-barbell and the Pilates system.

Purpose of the studyis to determine the characteristics of the influence of various means of fitness training (the Pilates system and exercises with a mini-barbell) on the indicators of physical development and strength abilities of women 25–35 years old.

Hypothesisresearch: studying the specifics of the influence of various types of strength-oriented fitness training on indicators of physical development and strength abilities of women 25–35 years old will make it possible to substantiate the most effective means, methods, methodological techniques in fitness classes, depending on individual characteristics physical condition, interests and needs of those involved.

Research objectives:1. To identify the organizational and methodological features of conducting fitness training using the Pilates system and exercises with a mini-barbell for women 25–35 years old. 2. Conduct comparative analysis the influence of various types of fitness training on indicators of physical development and strength abilities of women 25–35 years old.

Research methods:testing (to assess the level of development of absolute strength and strength endurance of large muscle groups in exercises of a static and dynamic nature); pedagogical observation; pedagogical experiment; methods of mathematical statistics.

Organization of the study.The study was conducted at the KuCobra fitness club in Omsk for 9 months. The study involved 60 women aged 25–35 years. One group included 30 women who trained using the Pilates system, the second group consisted of 30 women training with a mini-barbell.

Research results.To solve the first objective of the study, a comparative analysis of methods for conducting fitness classes with women using the Pilates system and athletic gymnastics with a mini-barbell was carried out. general characteristics methods are presented in table. 1.

The Pilates system includes isotonic exercises performed in a static-dynamic mode of operation. The specificity of isotonic exercises is to maintain muscle tension for a sufficiently long period of time (until failure or pain in the working muscles), which helps reduce the fat component; creating a general, so-called “anabolic” background to ensure positive changes in the body; reflex and mechanical effects on internal organs in order to normalize their work; training vascular reactions and improving tissue nutrition, trophism of intervertebral discs, reducing hypertonicity of the deep muscles of the spine, creating a “muscle corset”.

When practicing the Pilates system, the frontal method of organization was used, and the training was accompanied by musical accompaniment. The tempo of the musical accompaniment was 90–112 beats/min. The intensity of the load according to heart rate ranged from 90 to 130 beats/min. The classes were aimed at improving functional state musculoskeletal system: increasing the strength of the trunk muscles and increasing the elasticity of the joint-ligamentous system. The weekly cycle alternated means of fitness training: exercises of the Pilates system, isotonic exercises with fitball, flexiball, rubber shock absorber, which were performed in a static-dynamic mode in a continuous manner. In the final part of the lesson, stretching, elements of hatha yoga, and relaxation were used.

The main means of fitness training with a mini-barbell were exercises of a dynamic nature, which were performed in overcoming (when lifting the barbell) and yielding (lowering
rod) modes. Working with weights in a dynamic mode in the shortest possible time allows you to fight excess body weight. Strength exercises, like no other, lead to significant structural changes in muscles. During training with a mini-barbell, it increases muscle mass and the fat component is reduced, which makes it possible to improve body parameters and improve the activity of the cardiorespiratory system of those involved.

In classes with a mini-barbell, the interval method was used, the tempo of musical accompaniment was from 125 to 135 beats/min (heart rate ranged from 120–150 beats/min). The main focus of the classes was the development of strength endurance of large muscle groups. The means were strength exercises, exercises with a mini-barbell (weight from 5 to 15 kg), and in the final part of the lesson - stretching. Classes on these types of fitness training were held three times a week for 60 minutes each for nine months.

To solve the second objective of the study, testing was carried out on the anthropometric indicators and strength abilities of women who came to strength training classes. The average group indicators of physical development of the tested women corresponded to the age physiological norm; there was an increase in body weight and, accordingly, values Quetelet index (Table 2).

Indicators of static and dynamic strength endurance are presented in table. 3.

Analysis of data on the level of development of strength endurance in women showed that, in general, the values ​​are at a low level for all subjects.

At the end of the pedagogical experiment, a re-evaluation of anthropometric indicators and testing of the strength abilities of women 25–35 years old engaged in various types of strength fitness training was carried out. Women working out in both groups showed statistically significant positive changes in most of the studied indicators of physical development. A significant decrease in weight and body girth was noted. The most significant changes occurred in the group of women involved in athletic gymnastics with a mini-barbell. At the same time, during Pilates exercises, the subjects showed a significant increase in chest excursion, probably as a result of the use of specific breathing.

A positive, statistically significant change in strength abilities was revealed in women of both groups, which was noted in almost all the studied indicators, with the exception of static strength endurance of the back and abdominal muscles in the group training with a mini-barbell.

The specificity of the influence of different types of health-improving strength training was manifested in the following: in women involved in the Pilates system, in contrast to those involved in athletic gymnastics with a mini-barbell, the most significant changes in the indicators of static strength endurance of the abdominal and back muscles were noted; the increase was 58% and 80%, respectively. In those training with a mini-barbell, the dynamic strength endurance of the muscles of the arms, back, and abdomen increased to a greater extent (an increase of 43–47%). It should be noted significant positive changes (P<0,05) в абсолютной и относительной силе спины и кисти (от 42 до 66 %), произошедшие у женщин обеих групп.

Conclusion.The results obtained in the experiment indicate that women aged 25–35 years who were engaged in strength-oriented fitness training for nine months experienced normalization of body weight, improvement in the condition of the musculoskeletal system, and an increase in the level of development of strength qualities to “average” and “ above average” in accordance with age characteristics. The identified features of the dynamics of physical development and strength abilities of women in the process of strength fitness training using different modes of work (isotonic and dynamic) can be used in the construction and organization of classes depending on the level of development of physical abilities, body features, interests and needs of mature women.

There are ✅ six types of female figures for which completely different physical exercises are suitable. The recommendations below will help you determine YOUR FIGURE TYPE and correct your problem areas as effectively as possible.

Women, in their desire to lose weight or simply correct certain features of their figure, begin to fanatically engage in sports, however, they do not achieve the desired result. Why is this happening? The thing is that there are six different types of female figures, for which completely different physical exercises are suitable. But physique is not a death sentence. Everything can be changed. Fortunately, without resorting to the help of plastic surgeons.

Determine your body type. What exercises are right for you

  • "Pear" or A-shaped type
  • Apple or O-shaped

To determine your body type, you need to stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself objectively. Having honestly determined your type, you can easily choose the fitness direction that suits you.

The recommendations below are general in nature, however, following them will help you correct your problem areas as effectively as possible. If you want not just to correct your figure, but to change radically, then you should seek advice from a professional fitness trainer who will develop for you an ideal training program that can change your body almost beyond recognition.

"Rectangle" or H-shaped type

This is your body type if:

  • your shoulders, waist and hips are approximately the same width;
  • you have slender legs, but practically no butt;
  • a strong lean body, but small breasts and an indistinct waist.

The main advantage of this type is strong muscles that quickly respond to exercise, and leanness. In other words, girls with a rectangle body type gain excess weight with difficulty, but gain muscle mass easily. A distinctive feature of this physique is strong muscles from birth, which allows you to achieve an almost ideal body with the help of strength training.

True, to create seductive forms, you will have to work hard, namely:

  • Tilts and turns will help you form those very exciting curves. Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended above your head. The tilt is performed alternately to each leg, with your hands touching the toe and keeping your back straight. The number of repetitions is at least 20 times on each leg.
  • For an H-type figure, it is worth emphasizing the need to perform additional exercises aimed at working the abdominal muscles and reducing fat deposits in this area. The most suitable exercises for this are exercises with a gymnastic hoop, a rotating circle and, of course, various crunches designed to work the abdominal muscles. The exercise should be done at least 3 sets of 20 times.
  • Strength classes such as BODY SCULPT are also helpful. Strength exercises should be performed with fairly large weights, since your muscles will only respond adequately to intense and even exhausting training. They will give a load to the whole body and help create a strong muscle corset. Strength training should be done at least 3 times a week, and in between, be sure to do aerobics, running, race walking, swimming or dancing. The duration of strength training should be 1.5–2 hours, aerobic training - about an hour.

"Rectangle" (skinnier) I-shaped type

This is your body type if:

  • you have narrow hips and shoulders;
  • flat stomach, poorly defined waist;
  • almost complete absence of breasts and any roundness in the buttocks area.

Women with an H-shaped figure can come close to achieving a similar physique if they manage to seriously lose weight. Despite all the advantages of an I-line figure, its excessive elegance often borders on a certain angularity and a complete absence of feminine seductive forms.

To correct the shortcomings of this type of figure, you should:

  • Do strength exercises as often as possible, ideally 4–5 times a week for 2–2.5 hours. In order to build muscle volume in the missing places, you should choose long-term strength training with heavy weights and small numbers of repetitions. Of all the possible exercises, preference should be given to those that are aimed at working all muscle groups. Such exercises include squats with dumbbells or a barbell, flexion, extension and extension of arms with dumbbells in different directions, block press from the chest, pulling a block from behind to the upper and lower back, leg swings with weights, lifting and lowering legs on exercise machines, lunges with a barbell on the shoulders, crunches from a lying position, side twists while hanging on a horizontal bar and raises on your toes. When performing such exercises, it is very important to focus on thoroughly working each muscle until you feel a slight burning sensation.
  • Between strength training, you should leave one day of rest, since muscles grow in a calm state.
  • Aerobic exercise should also be present, but in a much smaller volume. Of all types of aerobic exercises, you should choose the smoothest and calmest: race walking, swimming, water aerobics, leisurely exercise on exercise bikes. Aerobic training should be done 2-3 days a week, and its duration should not exceed 20-30 minutes.
  • Women with an I-shaped figure can very quickly develop beautiful, sculpted abs, since they have almost no abdominal fat. To do this, you should devote at least 20 minutes a day to abdominal development exercises, 5-6 times a week. Intensive pumping of the abdominal muscles will allow you to boast of sculpted abs after just a few months of regular training.

"Triangle" or V-type (sometimes called T-type)

This is your body type if:

  • your shape resembles that of an athlete or professional swimmer;
  • you have long slender legs;
  • thin buttocks and narrow pelvis;
  • the lines of your body taper from the shoulders to the waist;
  • you manage to gain weight “from above” - first your arms and face become fat, then your chest and stomach, and only then your buttocks and thighs.

Such a figure would be ideal for any man, but it gives women excessive angularity and masculinity. In addition, women with a V-shaped figure tend to have large breasts, which provokes the habit of slouching, which makes the figure even more monumental. To achieve an ideal figure, you should pump up your lower body well and lighten the entire shoulder girdle.

You can achieve a similar result:

  • With the help of strength and aerobic exercises, which should be alternated. Strength exercises should be given 1–1.5 hours 3–4 times a week. Aerobic workouts should be selected in such a way that they load all major muscle groups. These parameters include walking with weights, running, exercising on a treadmill or ski machine, climbing stairs or jumping rope. Aerobic training should be 40-50 minutes 3-4 times a week. You should also try to move as much as possible during the day.
  • At home, you can perform wide squats - 2 sets of 15-20 times. If desired, you can increase the load by picking up a fitball or dumbbells. When performing the exercise, do not forget to ensure that when squatting your knees do not go further than your toes - only in this case the load is optimal;
  • It is also useful to do swings (10-12 repetitions on each side) and lunges (three sets of 15-20 times);

Please note that women with a T-shaped figure are strictly contraindicated for any physical exercises associated with increased stress on the shoulder girdle: swimming, rowing, kickboxing and other martial arts in which the main emphasis is on punches.

"Pear" or A-shaped type

This is your body type if:

  • you have very “steep” hips;
  • you have a thin waist and a flat stomach;
  • you have narrow shoulders and a small bust;
  • excess weight is deposited exclusively below, on the hips and abdomen.

The undoubted advantage of your figure is a clearly defined waist and elegant top, but you will have to work hard with the bottom. The more you tend to be overweight, the more pronounced the discrepancy between a lush bottom and a narrow top becomes. Our task is to tighten the hips and stomach, and keep the shoulders toned.

The following training will help us achieve this:

  • It will be useful to do push-ups at home. Two sets of 8-10 repetitions. But strictly every other day.
  • For the lower body, you need to choose exercises such as squats, lunges, calf raises, leg raises in various positions, leg curls, hip extensions and lying torso raises. All exercises aimed at working the lower body should be performed with light weight, but a significant number of repetitions, which will allow you to quickly reduce the volume and tighten the muscles.
  • We should not forget about the shoulder body. An exercise such as a “pullover” or dumbbell rows from behind the head, as well as pull-ups on uneven bars, bending arms with dumbbells in various body positions, lifting dumbbells, bench press lying or standing, turning the upper part will also help to keep the muscles of the arms and chest in good shape. body and block pull to the upper abdomen and back. Remember that all upper body exercises must be performed with heavy weights and low repetitions, which will effectively build muscle mass that is missing in these areas.

Apple or O-shaped

This is your body type if:

  • you have fairly thin hips and shoulders;
  • slender or thin legs and proportional buttocks;
  • protruding tummy.

This body type is the most difficult to work with, and achieving the desired shape can be challenging. However, if there is a desire, then there is a way:

  • Intense aerobic exercise - step, tai-bo or dance classes - will help burn excess fat deposits. You should attend classes at least three times a week.
  • Don't be afraid of strength exercises. For example, you can do bench presses, dumbbell squats, or bent-leg deadlifts. Each exercise should be performed in 3-4 sets of 10-12 times. In this case, the abs will tense statically, and the stomach will tighten in “automatic mode.”
  • At home, you should perform sit-ups with a twist, in two rounds of 20 repetitions, and front and side planks on your elbows. The time for performing the plank should be gradually increased and brought to 1.5-2 minutes.

Hourglass or X-shaped type

This is your body type if:

  • you are the owner of rounded hips and bust;
  • when you gain weight, your buttocks and lower thighs get better, but you still maintain your waist;
  • you have rounded arms and legs.

Slender women with this type of figure look incredibly attractive, and even with a slight weight gain, a figure with an X-silhouette does not lose its seductive proportions and looks very harmonious, since fat deposits are deposited in the chest, shoulders, hips and buttocks, while the waist remains practically unchanged.

Therefore, when doing fitness, your main task is to maintain feminine forms, without letting them “blur”:

  • To keep your muscles toned, you should do cardio training, for example, exercise on an exercise bike, step aerobics, running, race walking, dancing, swimming, water aerobics, jumping rope. The duration of the lesson is 35-40 minutes.
  • Almost all strength exercises are suitable for you, with the exception of weight training exercises aimed at working the abdominal muscles. You can create a complex workout from various squats, bends in different directions, bending and extending the legs, leg swings, flyes and curls of the arms with dumbbells, barbell presses, leg lifts on the machine, pelvic lifts from a lying position, block rows to the lower and upper back , as well as various types of twists. All types of strength exercises should be performed with medium weights, since over-pumped muscles can deprive your figure of its natural smooth lines. The exercises listed above will allow you to strengthen your muscles and maintain the seductive proportions of your figure for many years.
  • In the gym you can perform classic circuit training. For example, 40 seconds of aerobics (an exercise bike, running or jump rope), then pull-ups on a bar, abdominal exercises on an incline bench, back lunges with dumbbells in your hands. Each exercise should be performed 10-12 times. We recommend performing several circles per workout. published.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

We are born with a “ready-made” form of muscless; nature determines in advance where the muscle begins, where it ends (attached to the bone), where its “belly” is located and how it is built.

Everything is predetermined - even the features of the structure and structure of muscle fibers. This is why it turns out that some people have very good muscles from a bodybuilding point of view, while others have “bad” muscles. In fact, every body type has both “winning” and “losing” muscles. You can have a good muscular body with any genetics, but different people really have different potential for muscle development. It means that To get the same results, some people will need more effort, others less. Of course, this is unfair, but you can’t argue with nature.

The fact is that muscle fibers come in two types - red and white. If the red ones mainly “work” in an aerobic mode (for endurance), then the white ones are designed by nature for anaerobic (strength) loads.

Each of us has fibers of both types unevenly distributed. If your muscles are predominantly red cells, then you will achieve success in martial arts, swimming, marathon running; if your muscles are predominantly white cells, then you need to do bodybuilding, powerlifting, weightlifting. If there are more white cells than red cells, it is easier for the athlete to increase “mass”, since white fibers increase their volume and mass faster.
An athlete “deprived” of nature should take into account three important points:
Genetic features of muscle structure are significant only for those athletes who strive for great results. Only then can the smallest differences in muscle structure decide the fate of championship titles. Not every athlete can become Mr. Olympia or Miss International, but Everyone can achieve correction of their body.
With any fiber ratio, you can extremely increase muscle volume and transform your figure, it all depends on how much effort you put into training.
The main factor for achieving success is optimal choice of training exercises.
Scientists believe that the shape of muscles is formed with the correct selection of exercises (70-75%). Even those with “good” genes need to work hard to find the optimal training program for themselves.

Body type is mainly determined by the structure of the skeleton and the amount of fat and muscle tissue that covers it.

For adult men of average height:
a wrist circumference of 15 to 17.5 cm indicates a fragile bone foundation;
a wrist circumference of 17.5 to 20 cm indicates an average bone foundation;
a wrist girth of more than 20 cm indicates a strong bone foundation.
It is counterproductive to set a goal that is incompatible with your natural type. It is much more effective to develop your natural abilities. So define , what is your body type and what results can you really expect?
With the help of diet and exercise, you can change the appearance of your body beyond recognition, but after you cancel the diet and stop exercising, it will return to its original appearance.
According to the typology of M. V. Chernorutsky (1938), it stands out three types of constitution: asthenic, normosthenic, hypersthenic. According to the theory of Dr. William H. Sheldon, there is three most common body types: endomorphic, ectomorphic and mesomorphic.

Most women partially correspond to each of them, however, in the end, the signs of one of the body types dominate.

Endomorphs (hypersthenics)- have rounded, smooth shapes and large bones, hips wider than shoulders; the lower part of the body spectacularly outweighs the upper part. “Being in shape” for them means having elastic, sculpted, sexually attractive forms. Strength training makes such bodies more resilient and athletic, while maintaining the charm of femininity. With their slow metabolism and tendency toward obesity, endomorphs have a strong tendency to convert digested food into body fat. They need to eat enough protein, but keep the calorie content of other foods to a minimum. This means that no more than 20% of your total calories should come from fat. About 20% of endomorphs have low thyroid function, which makes the problem worse; They need to protect themselves from obesity, they build muscle mass relatively easily and gradually burn fat through diet and strength exercises. Endomorphs usually suffer from excess fat, and they are shown targeted training to improve their “weak spots.” As a result of training, an increase in muscle mass will balance the weight of the upper and lower parts of the body and speed up the metabolism, which will lead to the dynamic burning of fat deposits. Representatives of this body type have difficulty achieving success in male bodybuilding.

Ectomorphs (asthenics)- differ in narrow shoulders and hips, approximately the same size. Their figures are somewhat angular, and their height is usually no higher than average. They cause everyone's envy with their ability to get rid of excess fat. The most common defect in the ectomorph figure is poorly developed muscles. Strength exercises will allow you to achieve body shapes and proportions that classically match your body type, the elegance and attractiveness of a rounded silhouette. Ectomorphs have fast metabolisms. Their bodies easily convert food into energy. They need to take high-protein foods and increase the overall calorie intake of the diet. Because they need more calories, they may include more fat in their diet than other body types. A pronounced ectomorph is least predisposed to bodybuilding. As a rule, ectomorphs have features inherent in other body types, which gives them the opportunity to “pump up” mass.

Mesomorphs (normosthenics)- have a more athletic, sporty appearance, muscular, rectangular, broad-shouldered silhouette. Typically, the upper body is even with the lower body, but the shoulders are wider than the hips. Due to natural athleticism, this type is more predisposed than others to quick and effective results from strength training. Developing muscles while losing fat will allow you to achieve the shape you want. Being "out of shape", mesomorphs are more stocky than obese. However, they have impeccable symmetrical proportions even before classes. This body type achieves the most effective results in strength training. Mesomorphs, whose bodies quickly convert food energy into muscle tissue, also need a lot of protein, but they can consume the usual number of calories for their weight or even slightly less than usual (for more efficient fat burning).


Every woman wants to have a slim figure, but not everyone has the patience and willpower to achieve this goal.

Weight-bearing exercise not only prevents osteoporosis, but also protects against cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other diseases. By nature, a woman’s subcutaneous fat layer is thicker than a man’s. So, the more fat a woman consumes, the more it will be deposited under the skin. On the other hand, a woman should not completely give up fats, but give preference to vegetable fats.

The physique is determined by the sizes, shapes, proportions and features of the location of different parts of the body relative to each other.

However, when it comes to correcting physical fitness through an exercise program, the three body types described are no longer enough, since there are several mixed body types, where the characteristics of some body types overlap with others.

Due to the fact that there are often cases of mixed female body types, in the West a division was born into 6 types, conventionally named after the letters of the Latin alphabet: T, A, O, H, I and X.


By performing exercises with weights, we develop not only muscles, but also strengthen bone joints. In connection with childbearing function, it is extremely important for women to strengthen the hip joint; various exercises with weights will help solve these problems much more effectively.

Scientists have found that All women gain weight differently. They find an explanation for this in the different ratios of male hormones in representatives of different body types. The development of their body occurs according to the male type: women’s shoulders are usually wider than the pelvis or equal to it. Such women also gain weight “like a man.” Fat is deposited in them, like most men, on the upper part of the body; their secretion of female hormone is also high. In addition, scientists have found that cellular receptors in different parts of the body work differently: in some places they are overactive, and in others they barely work. So, in women, the activity of alpha-2 receptors is higher in the buttocks than in the abdominal area. (Perhaps this is why fat on the buttocks is so difficult to get rid of). In men, the activity of alpha-2 receptors is higher in the abdominal area, and it is likely that it is for this reason that fat deposits are located here.

Another theory by scientists claims that the pattern of distribution of fat deposits is inherited. In other words, it is believed that we are born with genetically predetermined body shapes, that there is no escape from genetics. There is some truth in these words, but to a certain extent. The human body has the ability to change shape. You can easily make your figure more beautiful: remove the “extra” in some places, and add muscle in others. Of course, to implement such a task, regular training is required, taking into account specific problem areas. This is what is called fitness, or figure correction. The main goal is to achieve a symmetrical and proportional relationship in the figure.

Different body types cannot train the same way!

Therefore, we bring to your attention specially selected programs for each body type. The results of training cannot be lightning fast - you need to be patient, and your body will thank you, because the heart has increased its performance, small capillaries in the muscles have opened, otherwise the stomach, liver and kidneys have started working. The main thing is to have patience! Some time will pass, and the number of physiological changes will translate into the quality of your figure. Before you start working on problem areas, you need to determine what body type you are, train and train persistently, so that you can then demonstrate your achievements either to your acquaintances and friends, or to successfully compete in fitness and body fitness classes.


Body Features:
“boyish” appearance;
tendency towards thinness;
broad shoulders;
small breasts;
tendency to gain weight in the upper body;
slim waist;
narrow hips;
thin legs, small calves.

Women with a T-type body type need to focus on the lower part of the body. Intensively train your buttocks so that they become more convex - this volume will help remove the impression of “flat” shapes and give the body an attractive roundness.

Exercises for T-type

Squats (outer thighs)
Stand on a 2.5 cm wide board or two discs from a barbell. The distance between the feet is 10 cm. The toes are pointed straight forward. Perform four sets of 10 repetitions each.

Forward lunges (for inner thighs) performed with dumbbells
Stand on a platform 10 cm high.
Perform three sets of 15-20 repetitions on one leg, then on the other leg.

Lying leg curl
Lie down on a leg curl machine bench. Bend your legs with maximum amplitude until your thighs touch the machine's roller. During leg extension, do not relax the muscles.

Standing calf raise (for inner calves)
Stand on a stand 15-20 cm high, turn your socks at an angle of 45 degrees outward. Rise as high as you can to stand on your toes, then slowly lower yourself, bringing your heels closer to the floor.

Additional exercises:

These upper body exercises will help you gain the volume that this body type usually lacks.

Pulldown on the block (for the latissimus dorsi muscles)
Grasp the bar of the block with an overhand grip (about 80 cm wide). Bend your back slightly and pull the bar of the block down until it touches your chest.
Perform three sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Lifting dumbbells in front of you (for the front parts, deltoids)
Stand with your feet apart, lift the dumbbell with both hands up to head level, and slowly lower it to the starting position.
Perform three sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Incline dumbbell press (for chest muscles)
Lie on a bench with an incline of 30 degrees (dumbbells to your shoulders). Straighten your arms, “squeezing” the weight, then slowly lower the dumbbells down.

Diet features
Never skip breakfast.
Chew food thoroughly and slowly.
Don't overeat.
Don't entertain yourself with food out of boredom.
Eat little and often.
Do not consume refined sugar.
Eat more fiber.
Avoid using preservatives
Don't eat to relieve stress.
Consume foods rich in beneficial elements.
60% of calories come from carbohydrates, 30% from proteins, 10% from fat.
Plan your diet carefully.

Fitness training program

Aerobic exercise
After an athletic workout, do aerobics for 20-30 minutes on any of the machines: rowing machine, stair machine, ski machine, exercise bike, or just walking with weights.

Tuesday Friday
Aerobic exercise
After athletic training, perform aerobic exercises for the leg muscles for 20-30 minutes on a treadmill or stair machine.

Goal: burning fat
Aerobic exercise
Do 45-60 minutes, including various types of aerobics, 15-20 minutes each.
This could be walking, a treadmill, a stair machine, an exercise bike, or a rowing machine. Don't forget to lighten up, do breathing exercises, or take a slow walk.



Body Features:
“pear-shaped” body shape;
“non-athletic” muscles;
narrow chest, narrow back;
protruding belly;
tendency to accumulate fat in the pelvic area;
wide pelvis, large buttocks.

This body type is the most common. The most difficult areas are in the pelvis and hips, where excess fat is most often deposited. Another disadvantage is the low tone of the muscles of the shoulder girdle. To compensate for the “unathleticism” of the upper body, it is necessary to focus on exercises for the shoulder girdle, pectoral muscles and triceps.

Exercises for type A

Alternate leg raises while lying on a bench
Lying on your right side with support on your forearm on a horizontal bench or on the floor. Raise your left leg as far as possible to the side; lower to the starting position, slowly tensing the muscles. To increase the load, you can put weights weighing from 2 to 3 kg on the ankle joint.
Perform the exercise 15-20 times for four sets, then perform the exercise on the other leg.

Incline leg press (to remove the “breeches” - loose parts of the thighs)
Place your feet on the top of the platform (legs apart) at a distance of 20 centimeters parallel to each other. Squat down slowly; when going up, do not stop, lift your pelvis off the machine (you can also lift your heels off the platform).
Perform three sets of 15-20 repetitions.

Dumbbell press in a supine position (for the sides of the chest)
Raise the dumbbells forward, lower them down to your shoulders (until the muscles are tense), hold your hands in this position for one count, then slowly raise them forward.
Perform three sets of 10 repetitions.

Lateral dumbbell raises (for shoulder girdle muscles)
Raise the dumbbells to the sides, round your elbows, and turn your palms down. Slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position.

Hanging knee raises (for abdominal muscles - lower fascicles)
Hanging on the bar, bend your legs as much as possible (knees to chest)
Perform three sets of 15 repetitions.

Additional exercises

Arm extensions in a supine position (for triceps)
Raise the dumbbells forward, then, slowly bending your arms, lower the dumbbells to your shoulders and straighten them to their starting position.
Perform three sets of 12-14 repetitions.

Leg extension on the machine (for the lower thighs)
In the simulator, turn your toes slightly inward and straighten your legs. Stay in this position for 1-2 counts. While bending your legs, additionally strain the working muscles.
Perform three sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Seated dumbbell press (for the shoulder girdle)
The back must be straight. Raise the dumbbells straight up, without straightening your arms, until they touch each other above your head, then slowly lower them to the starting position.

Diet features

Your success will depend on what and how you eat. Eat natural, healthy, low-fat foods and your journey to a lean, symmetrical body will be shorter. Here are some tips:

Choose healthy foods:
replace egg yolks with whites;
use ground chicken instead of ground beef;
take sour cream, mayonnaise, and yogurt with low fat content;
Replace whole milk with skim milk.

Cooking food
Vegetables should not be stewed in fat, but in a small amount of broth or water.
If possible, do not fry foods, but stew, boil, bake or steam them. Remember that prolonged heat treatment destroys vitamins and enzymes necessary for proper digestion.

Fitness training program

Monday Thursday
Target: upper torso (emphasis on shoulders)
Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of walking (at a walking pace)
Training style: working with heavy and light weights (6-8 reps)
Aerobic exercise
After strength exercises, move on to aerobic exercises: dance aerobics, step, ski or stair training, stationary bicycle or gliding machine.

Tuesday Friday
Goal: slim bottom

Training style: moderate weight and higher repetitions (12-15 times)
Aerobic exercise
After strength exercises - 20-30 minutes of walking at a brisk pace.


Goal: burning fat in any way possible
Aerobic exercise
5 minutes of walking (warm-up), 30-45 minutes of intensive training:
10-15 minutes on an exercise bike;
10-15 minutes on the rowing machine;
10 -15 minutes on a “ski” or “stair” machine.
After training, restore your breathing.

If the listed exercise equipment is not available, you can perform weight walking, race walking or running.


Body Features:
pronounced fullness;
large breasts;
rounded back (due to excess weight);
full hands;
protruding belly;
rounded hip lines;
the hamstrings and buttocks are not separated;
massive calves.

Women of this type usually do not exercise at all and do not monitor their diet, which leads to disastrous results. But no matter how hopeless your figure may seem to you, you cannot despair. Hard and regular training will definitely bring success.

Exercises for O-type

Lying leg curls (for hamstrings)
Bend your legs with maximum amplitude, perform leg extensions with resistance at a slow pace.
When repeating the exercise for the second time, bend your legs only to half the amplitude, and perform leg extension with resistance at a slow pace.
Alternate full and incomplete repetitions, but count only complete ones.
Perform three sets of 15-20 repetitions.

Leg press (for buttocks)
Stand in the center of the platform of the vertical press machine (the distance between the feet is 30 cm, toes outward), transfer the weight to the heels.
Perform the bench press for three sets of 12-15 reps.

Torso rotations in a sitting position (for the waist)
Perform torso turns to the right, then to the left, while sitting on a horizontal bench or sitting on the floor with your legs bent (keep your knees together).
Perform three sets of 50-75 repetitions (a repetition is considered to be turning the body to the right and left).

Abdominal retraction (for the waist)
Standing on your knees, take a deep breath, pull in your stomach as much as possible, hold this position for 15-120 seconds, then relax your abdominal muscles and restore your breathing. Rest for a minute and repeat the exercise two more times.

Additional exercises

Smith machine squats
Half squat (legs together, parallel to the floor)
Perform three sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Standing leg curl
Bend the working leg with maximum amplitude and extend the toe in the upper position. As you move down, resist your weight, gradually returning your toes to a neutral position.
Perform three sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
Lie on a bench with an incline of 30 degrees, arms bent, dumbbells to your shoulders. Extend your arms forward, then slowly bend them back to the starting position.
Perform three sets of 10 repetitions.

Fighting excess weight
The main goal is to reduce body fat.

If possible, train in the morning; weigh yourself no more than once a week; Perform corrective exercises three times a week, or more often if you have time to rest from a previous workout.

Aerobic exercise
Be sure to include aerobic training (running, swimming, exercise bike) in your program - at least 3 times a week.
For beginners: start with 12 minutes and increase the duration of exercise by 2 minutes each week until you reach a half-hour workout without rest at your optimal heart rate.

How to speed up weight loss
Get most of your calories in the morning.
Do not eat food at night.

Fitness training program

Monday Wednesday Friday

Training style: medium to heavy weight, 10-12 reps.
Light weight, 6-10 reps.
Aerobic exercise
After each workout, do aerobics for 20-30 minutes. The following are quite suitable for this: brisk walking, swimming, an exercise bike, “stair” or “ski” machines.

Tuesday Thursday Saturday
Aerobic exercise
As your fitness improves, try to do aerobic exercise more often.
Ideally, aerobic training should be done four or more times a week for 30-45 minutes.


Program No. 2 - circuit training

Monday Wednesday Friday
Goal: speed up metabolism, lose weight and strengthen muscles
Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of leisurely walking
Training style: moderate weights with an average number of repetitions 10-12 times.

Aerobics, 30-45 minute workout: brisk walking, swimming, exercise bike, stair or ski machine.


Program No. 3 - “advanced”

Four days of training / one day of rest
Goal: strengthen muscles and lose weight
Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of leisurely walking
Training style: moderate weights with high reps
Day 1: legs, abs
Day 2: back, abs Aerobic exercise 30-45 minutes of walking, walking with weights, running, jogging or training on the Crossrobics simulator.
Day 3: chest, shoulders, abs Aerobic exercise 30-45 minutes of walking, walking with weights, running, jogging or training on a treadmill.
Day 5: rest or aerobics 30-45 minutes of walking, weight walking, running, jogging or treadmill training
Day 6: start of a new cycle

H-shape characterized by wide or medium bones, small chest, full legs. The visual impression is that the width of the shoulders, waist and pelvis is approximately the same. In women of this type, there is a tendency to form fat deposits in the thighs and abdomen, and the metabolic rate is moderate. Your muscles, which are naturally strong, respond very quickly to formative exercises with weights. The first task is to get rid of fat deposits. Belly fat is naturally given to you, so it is not so easy to remove it, since the fat cells on the waist are the largest and most fat-hungry. Exercise alone will not help here - you also need to adhere to a low-calorie diet, aerobics and a training program aimed at the abdominal muscles. Certain types of aerobics (45 minutes several times a week) specifically make the waist area “lose weight”!

The training program is built on the principle of separate training: on Wednesday and Saturday - exercises for the abs, and on Monday and Friday - for other parts of the body. As usual, aerobic training is included in the program to burn fat.

Fitness training program

Monday Friday
Goal: Strengthening and “balancing” the upper and lower body
Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of walking
Training style: moderate weight with high reps (12-15)
Aerobic exercise
After strength training, you need to walk, run, or work on a treadmill (30-45 minutes). If you can’t do aerobics on one of your strength training days, move the class to a free day from training - Thursday.

Goal: getting rid of excess fat
Aerobic exercise: 45 minutes of walking, jogging or running on a treadmill.

Wednesday Saturday
Target: abdominal area Aerobic exercise After athletic training, you can do walking, jogging, or running on a treadmill (30-45 minutes).


I-shape They are characterized by thin bones and weak muscles. Representatives of this type have almost no fat deposits and have a high metabolic rate. This figure needs to be added to its roundness, for this you need to combine a well-thought-out training program with a specially selected diet that will help you increase weight without “gaining fat.” You could have inherited such thinness or due to intense exercise, lack of appetite, or various diseases. A calorie deficit combined with high-intensity training depletes the body. Excessive thinness is associated with too high a metabolic rate; gastrointestinal diseases, when nutrients are not fully absorbed; diabetes, which sometimes leads to weight loss.

It is recommended to adhere to the following rules during training: lift heavy weights, but a relatively small number of repetitions. Sports science has clearly established that for anabolism (muscle tissue growth) it is necessary to perform 6-10 repetitions per set with heavy weights. The length of rest between sets depends on your goals. If you need to “burn” fat, rest should be short. The more often you train your muscles, the faster they will acquire the necessary roundness, but do not allow daily training - you only need to do bodybuilding no more than three times a week. To begin with, train once a day for at least two months, then try switching to a twice-daily training system. After three weeks of this schedule, return to one-time training. You also need aerobics to strengthen your cardiovascular system. It is recommended to walk briskly for 20-30 minutes or swim (three times a week).

Fitness training program

Monday Wednesday Friday
Goal: muscle building
Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of leisurely walking
Training style: heavy weight and low repetitions (6-10 times)

Tuesday Thursday Saturday
Goal: strengthening the cardiovascular system Take walks for 20-30 minutes at a brisk pace or go swimming.


An X-shaped figure is characterized by medium bones, a narrow waist, a full chest, the width of the shoulders is approximately equal to the width of the hips, fat deposits are formed on the buttocks and thighs, and an average metabolic rate.

The classic female physique is the hourglass. The main task is to maintain your physique, protect it from excess fat deposits, and not lose the elasticity of your body, and for this you need to do physical exercise and eat wisely, combining bodybuilding with aerobic training.

Fitness training program:

Monday Wednesday Friday
Goal: maintaining shape or burning excess fat.
Warm up: 510 minutes of leisurely walking.
Training style: moderate weights, high reps (12-15)
Aerobic exercise
If you need to burn excess fat, do aerobic exercise (30-45 minutes) after strength training. This could be: brisk walking, walking with weights, jogging, regular running, dance aerobics, aerobic exercise equipment.

Goal: burning fat, strengthening the cardiovascular system.
On these days, free from strength training, do aerobic exercise (30-45 minutes). If you have accumulated a lot of excess weight, do aerobics more often: 5-6 times a week.

Relaxation or aerobics

How to speed up weight loss
Increase the frequency and duration of aerobic exercise to 4-5 times a week for 45 minutes.
Get most of your calories in the morning. Do not eat food at night.
If possible, separate aerobic workouts from body shaping workouts (plan one workout in the morning, the other in the evening).

Women are habitually intimidated by carbohydrates. They supposedly turn into subcutaneous fat. However, those who consume few carbohydrates have almost no chance of improving their figure. Any types of “hard” diets with a specific share of carbohydrates of no more than 20% almost stop the process of glycogen formation in the muscles, therefore, they lose their performance. As a result, a woman cannot perform exercises with the intensity that gives full, elastic forms.

Here are the results of specific studies:

Women who preferred a low-calorie diet (19% carbohydrates of the norm) were able to do the following during training:
in the first set only 1/3 of the repetitions of squats;
in the second set, less than 1/3 of the squat repetitions;
in the third set the results were completely disastrous.

It turns out that trying to “improve” bodybuilding with a diet has no reason. Not only will fat burning not increase, but the overall effectiveness of the training will also decrease.

Factors that determine body composition

Your body composition at any stage depends on a number of factors.

What is your body type? Are you thin like ectomorphs, muscular like mesomorphs, or tend to be overweight like endomorphs?

Are you able to fully digest all the foods you eat? This is another hereditary factor. Some people suffer that they cannot lose weight no matter how much they eat, while others complain that they gain weight even when they look at food.

Calorie consumption
Do you like to eat well? How many calories do you consume during the day? If you consume more food energy than you need, whether in the form of protein, carbohydrates or fat, your body will store the excess as body fat.

Food quality
Do you monitor the quality of your products? Does protein come in the form of lean meats and fish? Are carbohydrate foods rich in vitamins and minerals? Do you keep your diet relatively low in fat or do you indulge in pizza, hamburgers and other foods high in fat and sugar?

Types of exercises
Are you doing a serious bodybuilding program that converts food energy into muscle tissue? If so, are your workouts regular and intense enough?

Volume of exercises
How many calories do you burn during daily exercise? Are you doing enough aerobic exercise to burn off excess calories, or are you forcing your body to burn calories stored in body fat?

In general, if you want to transfer protein to muscle tissue, you must train with weights. If you want to burn off excess energy, you should do a high volume of aerobic exercise.

Scientists have made a discovery that is destined to refute all our previous ideas about sports. It turned out that information about future muscle mass and the number of muscle fibers in the muscles is imprinted into our genes. Moreover, scientists have learned to influence the part of chromosomes that affects muscle growth. If we repeat the results of animal experiments on humans, we will get babies with ready-made muscle mass! The proportion of muscles in their body composition will be the same as that of professional bodybuilders after decades of training!
