Tikhon (male name). The name Tikhon in the Orthodox calendar (Saints)


The male name Tikhon has not been popular for a long time, although during the existence Soviet Union was in demand throughout its territory. Today it belongs to the category of “rarest” and is extremely rare. But it has good compatibility with most Russian-language names, has a meaning that has a positive effect on the character of the name, and gives rise to a unique nature in it...

History and origin of the name

Despite its once great popularity in countries with a Russian-speaking population, in fact, the origin of the name Tikhon, like its meaning, is not Russian, not Slavic, but ancient Greek, and conceals a connection exclusively with Greek culture.

According to the main version of leading research specialists, translated from ancient Greek language it means “fate”, or less known, “chance”. Unfortunately, no one can say with 100% certainty which version of the translation is most accurate. It owes its origin to the goddess of luck Tyukha. According to legend, the boy named by this name form will be haunted all his life by “luck”, “fatal accident”, and “the power of chance” - this is what modern researchers suggest.

Concerning modern Russia, then it came to its culture in Byzantium, like most of the now known name forms. In our culture he has a patron - Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk the Wonderworker.

Well, it is also known that with its significance this name of a boy and his character can endow him with a huge list of truly rare qualities, the combination of which forms a really interesting character...

The meaning of the name Tikhon

This ancient Greek name, derived from the name of a Greek deity, has influential significance. According to legend, the meaning of the name Tikhon can provide the person named with a huge list of most interesting characteristics. Well, the main ones among them are such as originality, efficiency, activity, energy, frankness, sincerity, openness, goodwill and integrity. But this is not a complete list, and all of the above will appear gradually, as the representative of the male half of humanity named in this way grows up...

At a very young age, this is the name of a newborn boy, such traits as sensitivity, impressionability, friendliness, eloquence and talkativeness, self-indulgence and open-mindedness. He usually pleases his parents with his own achievements, learns everything new with great pleasure, the unknown attracts him, and playfulness and inconstancy brighten up his childhood life. This spoiled man has many friends, but among their large number, traitors and ill-wishers, selfish children will often be found, taking advantage of his openness and inability to hide personal shortcomings and weaknesses. But for his honesty and fairness, his peers will often call him a role model - and indeed, his behavior is more than diligent, despite his self-indulgence. He listens to his parents, respects their opinion, does not argue, perceives any punishment as due and deserved, but in the future everything may change, and complaisance may be replaced by arrogance, adherence to principles, and disobedience. He prefers to spend time with those closest to him, because with them he can open up without fear and behave as his soul desires.

Tisha is a teenager, she is a completely unique personality, and all thanks to the influence of her patron planet. Always acts in accordance with his own moral principles, which he will never violate in any case, accepts exclusively right decisions, having previously weighed all the pros and cons, does not take advantage of its advantages and strengths for “black purposes”, does not accept intrigue and cunning.

He is honest to himself and others, never deceives or flatters, it is preferable for him to tell the truth face to face, even if it hurts. In studies, everything is quite good - academic performance is at a satisfactory level, but lack of concentration prevents me from achieving great success. Loves fun and chatting in class. The big minus is gullibility and naivety, shyness, and the inability to discern their true colors in people. Frequently attributing qualities to others that are not available will make him vulnerable; deceiving him is not a problem.

Determination, hard work, perseverance - all these are the virtues of an adult man, named in this way, and under the influence of the protective element. It would seem that he can achieve incredible success in professional activity and promotion career ladder, but no - restlessness, absent-mindedness, and lack of discipline interfere. This requires learning consistency, perseverance, patience and perseverance. Otherwise, he will spend his whole life working under someone else...

People often associate the masculine address - Tikhon - with such characteristics as calm and silence, mistakenly believing that this nickname is derived from the word “quiet”. In fact, the name is translated differently: “chance” or “fate.”

Origin of the name

It is little known that the goddess Tyukha herself, who personified good luck for the ancient Greeks, owes her appearance to the name Tikhon. The meaning of a name for a child predicts well-being and protection of higher powers throughout his life’s journey.

general characteristics

Little Tisha has a rich imagination and insatiable curiosity about everything that happens around him. He bombards adults with countless questions, trying to understand how it works the world. The boy’s modesty prevents him from starting a conversation with his peers, so his friends are mostly girls and younger boys.

Tihonchik enjoys a quiet pastime reading fairy tales and adventure literature. When reading adventure stories and novels, he always imagines himself in the place of the main character, and is mentally transported to where the actions unfold.

Tikhon studies well at school, but self-doubt and excessive modesty prevent him from becoming the best. Every time he answers at the board, he becomes timid, lost in words, and that’s why he gets low marks.

Closedness and fear of being ridiculed do not give Tisha the opportunity to participate in various school events. And although the boy sometimes wants to show off in public, the boy lacks the determination to express such a desire.

To prevent Tikhon from growing up as a weak-willed and passive person, his parents must instill in him a strong-willed spirit and a sense of confidence from the cradle.

Tisha rarely chooses a profession according to at will. Often his parents make the choice for him. Subsequently, the owner of the name does not strive for promotion; he is quite satisfied with a small salary and a low position.

Positive character traits

Tikhon is modest. Even living in material well-being and prosperity, he tries not to show it: he dresses elegantly, but without pretentious frills, and does not buy expensive accessories and gadgets.

The guy does not like the fuss around him and does not seek to attract attention, but there are always many friends around him who know how to appreciate his kindness and ability to smooth out conflict situations.

Negative character traits

Outwardly, Tikhon is always calm and unperturbed. However, at heart he is suspicious and worries after a wrong word or wrong deed. When making a decision, he doubts for a long time and cannot dare to act.

The young man is afraid to defend his opinion. He is ready to turn a blind eye even to serious grievances, just to avoid a scandal and prevent a serious quarrel.

In love, Tikha also does not risk taking the initiative. He will never speak first to the girl he likes, his behavior will not reveal that she has charmed him, and he will wait for the first step from the lady. Tikhon will not be a leader in the family; he is quite capable of being content with the role of “henpecked”, indulging his beloved wife in everything.

Zodiac sign

  • The sign of Cancer is most suitable for the modest Tikhon; it will instill confidence and strength of character in the boy.
  • Neptune, responsible for spiritual development and the development of fantasy, patronizes Tikhon.
  • Gray and blue colors clothes will reward the guy with luck.
  • Chalcedony will protect the owner of the name from the envy of others and damage.


Quiet, Quiet, Quiet, Tisha, Quiet, Tishik, Quiet, Quiet, Quiet, Quiet.

Name options

Tiko, Tsihan, Tykhin, Tikhoneg.

Historical figures

  • 1546 – ​​1601 – Danish astronomer and alchemist Tycho Brahe.
  • 1644 – 1719 – statesman in Rus' during the time of Peter I Tikhon Streshnev.
  • 1864 – 1935 – Russian journalist Tikhon Polner.
  • 1900 – 1970 – Russian writer Tikhon Syomushkin.
  • 1900 – 1984 – Soviet scientist Tikhon Boldyrev.
  • 1901 – 1991 – Soviet Major General Tikhon Abramov.
  • 1902 - 1980 - People's Commissar of the USSR and statesman Tikhon Mitrokhin.
  • 1902 – 1984 – Soviet ophthalmologist Tikhon Eroshevsky.
  • 1904 – 2000 – Russian geobotanist Tikhon Rabotnov.
  • 1910 – 1941 – Soviet partisan Tikhon Bumazhkov.
  • 1913 – 1944 – senior sergeant, hero of the Second World War Tikhon Litvinenko.
  • 1913 – 2007 – composer Tikhon Khrennikov.
  • 1917 – 1993 – son of Princess Olga Alexandrovna Tikhon Kulikovsky-Romanov.
  • Born 1987 – radio host and television journalist Tikhon Dzyadko.
  • Born 1983 – football player from Estonia Tikhon Shishov.

Name day

  • January 09
  • March 05
  • 07 April
  • May 27
  • June 16, 29
  • 09 July
  • 01, 02, 26 August
  • 09, 17, 18 October
  • December 09.

A name is the only thing that does not change for a person throughout his life. With a name, a person comes into our world as a baby. With a name, he goes through life, experiencing joy and pain, experiencing luck and failure. His name is pronounced by relatives and friends when commemorating the deceased at his grave. Nowadays it has become quite popular to give unusual, old and forgotten names children. A great variety of collections are offered to us various options. From this article you will learn a lot about the name Tikhon: the meaning of the name, the character and fate of its bearer.

A very important role in a person’s life is played by the mystery of the name, its meaning, what has been ingrained into it by time and the past centuries. Now you will learn a lot about the meaning of a person’s name, its secret, how a name can influence the character of its bearer, making it unique in its totality of qualities.

After Orthodoxy was adopted in Rus', this name was adopted into everyday use, like many other Christian names. For its euphony and some melody, it immediately became very popular in Rus'. Both in terms of the energy of the pronounced sounds and the associations that arise during pronunciation, the name cannot be called loud. It is really quiet, very balanced, and its energy is directed not at relationships with the outside world, but into the inner world of its owner.

Mystery and meaning

There are two different legends about the origin of this name.. One of them says that it comes from Greece and is translated as “fate” or “chance.” According to the second legend, this name was formed on behalf of the ancient Greek goddess Tyche, symbolizing luck, and it is translated as “lot”, “chance”, “fortune”. And it sounded like “Tyukhon”. The cornucopia and the wheel, which are the personification of this goddess, symbolize the changeability of Tyche. This is where, according to some researchers, the expression “Wheel of Fortune” came from.

Many ancient Greek scientists argued that Tyche is the personification on Earth of the constellation Virgo. It is believed that the bearer of this name, no matter what he undertakes, will always be accompanied by luck and good fortune.

The meaning of the name is this:

This name is common throughout the world. On different languages it sounds slightly different, but always in tune:

  • in Belarusian - Tsihan;
  • in Bulgarian - Tihan;
  • in Greek - Tahvi;
  • in Danish - Tuicho;
  • in Spanish - Taiko;
  • in Serbian - Tikhon;
  • in Ukrainian - Tikhin;
  • in Czech - Tichon.

There are also diminutive forms, for example:

The secret of Tisha is that he has an explosive character.. But he demonstrates it extremely rarely, knowing how to control himself and spending energy for peaceful purposes. However, sometimes it still explodes. Seeing this, many people think that he has limitless patience. But this is not so, and for those testing the strength of his nerves, everything can end quite disastrously.

Meaning for the boy, his fate

So what does the name Tikhon mean?? This name has nothing to do with silence. The child grows up to be a rather noisy and very loud-voiced boy. The natives of this name have great mobility, they are very self-sufficient and very independent.

This boy devotes most of his time to studying the world around him. Any object encountered on his way is tested for strength, literally tested by the tooth.

At the same time, the child is artistic and quite expressive. He very subtly senses changes in attitude towards himself, changes in the moods of the people around him. He really likes role-playing games, fabulous productions, all kinds of performances. The kid gets used to any role perfectly, he is a welcome participant in any productions and amateur performances. The boy enjoys listening to various fairy tales and learns to read quite early. He almost always has a rich imagination, and, having read adventure books, he likes to imagine himself as a scout, a noble robber, saving people from injustice. IN real life He also has quite enough adventures.

The Tikhons are very kind and quite generous children.. They often make concessions to their comrades not because they consider themselves weaker, but simply out of generosity. Peers always like to communicate with them, and therefore he has quite a lot of close friends. However, Tikhonki cannot boast of great successes: the lack of perseverance and purposefulness affects it.

At the same time, the boy is very proud and tries to create his own image among others. In childhood, there is little hassle with the child; he grows up not at all whiny, a rather calm and obedient boy. When he is still capricious, you should not give in - this is fraught with consequences.

If parents treat upbringing patiently and wisely, this period in the child’s life quickly passes, and he becomes more balanced, whims disappear without a trace. Overall he is healthy, obedient, not whiny and calm child. Being just a baby and growing up, he gets sick infrequently.

Name Tikhon

Oddly enough, this name has nothing to do with words such as “quiet”, “silence”, “quietly”. And if in ancient times the name was popular among the lower classes, then already at the end of the nineteenth century it often began to be used in monastic circles. Often the meaning of the name is interpreted with the words “Happiness” or “Bringer of Happiness.” It has in Orthodox faith as many as fifteen patron saints. The most famous of them is the Holy Wonderworker Tikhon of Zadonsk.

Character traits

Quiet people are also characterized by positive features character, and negative. From positive qualities It should be noted:

  • independence;
  • equanimity;
  • excellent peace of mind.

Since Tishechka is an introvert, all his mental energy is directed not outward, but inward. He is very modest in his behavior and in his statements. He dresses discreetly, but with taste. This manner of behavior is characteristic of him regardless of his level of income.

Quiet can disarm even a very uncontrollable and aggressive person and completely pacify him with his calmness. From a young age, Tishechka was very reasonable and thoughtful beyond his age. Studying comes easy to him, and he studies very successfully.

Marked and negative traits character:

  • isolation;
  • detachment;
  • phlegm;
  • absent-mindedness.

He can often find himself in a very awkward situation due to excessive self-absorption, he may not hear some important messages, he may miss the news of impending danger.

Quiet is always busy solving deep philosophical problems, complex issues, but often cannot solve their everyday problems.

Quiet is quite gentle and very friendly, he has practically no enemies. He quickly achieves a good position in life, and it never changes. Other people's troubles and misfortunes are deeply indifferent to him; he avoids any fuss and worries. If someone gets in his way, he will soon repent of it. The quiet one will take revenge mercilessly and very quickly, but she will try to do it with the wrong hands.

Tikhoshenka's house is a full cup, they love guests there. For close relatives, this is the judge of last resort; he loves to give advice. His life runs smoothly, there are no ups, but no downs. If there are any secret, hidden passions or desires, they are hidden so deeply in the subconscious that they can only be released in dreams.

Tishka's goodwill attracts people to him, many then become good friends who are ready to help at any time. Somehow it turns out that dishonest people do not stay around him.

Choice of profession

Since Quiet is very diligent, very serious, wants and can understand the essence of many things, he can become successful:

  • scientists;
  • historian;
  • innovator;
  • archaeologist;
  • work in related areas.

A well-developed imagination and remarkable creative abilities give him the opportunity to express himself in art. Tisha admires desperate and extremely brave heroes, especially those qualities that he does not have. Secretly, he constantly dreams of adventures, long journeys, and records in sports.

At the same time, Tishenka is afraid of experiments in real life; he does not have that healthy drop of adventurism that is necessary to achieve truly great heights. He can become a very rich man only by receiving an inheritance or by some other lucky chance. After thirty years, Tikhonka often shows the ability to invent.


Tihosha is very smiling and quite emotional. Each new passion seems to him to be the only, best and unique, which means that he can fall in love with a girl so much that he asks for her hand in marriage, without thinking at all about the consequences. Often this impulsiveness becomes the cause of a rather early, fleeting marriage, the collapse of which is felt very painfully. He lacks prudence and seriousness in the sphere of personal relationships; he is too often in a hurry to impose any obligations on himself. Unfortunately, Tikhoshechka often makes mistakes in this area.

The first marriage occurs early, out of great love. Quite quickly, this marriage ends in a natural divorce, and the young man does not want to have an affair for a very long time, because the divorce was a severe blow for him. He enters into his next marriage, becoming more mature. The second marriage differs from the first in being more thoughtful and balanced, although it also does not always turn out to be successful.

The thing is that in marriage Tikhoshenka does not stop paying attention to other women and constantly starts relationships on the side. This often leads again to the next divorce, which he also perceives as a terrible tragedy.

Our hero has the highest probability of strong and long-term relationships with women named: Alevtina, Glafira, Victoria, Daria, Zinaida, Claudia, Irina, Clara, Olga, Lydia, Nina. On the contrary, the least likely possibility of real long-term relationships is for women with the names: Vasilisa, Karina, Ekaterina, Lyubov, Larisa, Lyudmila, Ulyana, Olesya, Emma.


The characteristics of his family life are simple, although somewhat peculiar.. Tishka will be considered a “mama’s boy” for quite a long time, which will not benefit his relationship with the fair sex. He is a little shy and prefers to start many of his acquaintances on the Internet. Most of all, he likes girls who are as quiet, gentle, and flexible as he is.

However, Tishunya almost always chooses a lively, self-confident woman as his wife, often somewhat older than herself, especially if she likes to look after Tikhonya. In many cases, the advice of relatives plays an important role in choosing a bride.

His family life is going smoothly. As a rule, the wife is in charge of everything, and our hero always tries to please her. If we talk about intimate life, he thinks more about his partner’s feelings than about his own. He quietly loves children, is kind and gentle with them, however, there is also a danger here - children can be spoiled by him.

Attention, TODAY only!

Short form of the name Tikhon. Quiet, Quiet, Quiet, Quiet.
Synonyms for the name Tikhon. Tico.
Origin of the name Tikhon. The name Tikhon is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Tikhon translated from Greek means “fate”, “chance”. This name was formed from the name of the ancient Greek goddess of luck Tyche, which literally translates as “accident, lot, luck.” Therefore, the owner of this name will always be lucky, no matter what business he undertakes.

This name came to Russia from Byzantium. This name has nothing in common with the word “quiet”. The patron saint of this name is Tikhon of Zadonsk, who is also called Saint Tikhon and the Wonderworker of Zadonsk. They believed that he could work miracles, which is why they called him the Wonderworker of Zadonsk. People believed that it helped to get rid of various burdens, troubles and adversities. The name Tikhon was common among the common classes, but since the 1920s it has increasingly become used among monks.

The name Tikhon gives its owner independence, thoroughness and good-naturedness. Outwardly, this man looks calm and calm, but in his soul he lives a life full of feelings. As a child, Tikhon likes to imagine himself as a robber or pirate, and as he grows up, adventures appear in real life. Tikhon never makes decisions rashly; he is a proud man who does not consider it necessary to impose his society. Tikhon, born in the summer, has an optimistic and cheerful disposition. “Winter” Tikhon is the most emotional, kind and never remembers insults.

Thanks to Tikhon’s inherent patience, he will make an excellent worker. He has a developed imagination, so he can realize himself in the creative profession of an artist, musician, actor, sculptor. At about thirty years old, Tikhon may discover his talent as an inventor, but he rarely brings his ideas to life. Tikhon’s inherent invisibility prevents him from realizing his life plans, so he needs to learn to be more active and bright.

If Tikhon manages to maintain his balance, then there will be no problems family relationships he won't have it. Family life it flows measuredly and calmly. Thanks to his patience, Tikhon will be an excellent owner. His house will always be noisy from guests, while Tikhon himself does not like to visit. In general, this man is extremely slow to move; he can be called a homebody. To relax, Tikhon likes to collect healing herbs and often practices healing. Tikhon, born in the summer, enjoys going fishing, but is not interested in the process, but in the result.

Throughout his life, Tikhon always has many comrades and acquaintances, although none of them can be called a true friend. However, Tikhon does not like to communicate; his phlegmatic character gives him prudence and thoughtfulness. As a rule, Tikhon's friends become people who are prone to adventure, or who are like himself, dreamy people who create the most incredible pictures in their imagination. Tikhon loves to share his fantasies with friends. This “quiet” person at first glance may be completely different at heart, and you can understand whether this is true or not only by calling him to openness. In the “still pool” of his inner world there may be completely unimaginable “devils”, which, nevertheless, will probably forever remain in Tikhon’s soul.

Tikhon's name day

Tikhon celebrates his name day on January 9, March 5, May 27, June 16, June 29, July 9, August 1, August 2, August 26, October 17, October 18, December 9.

Famous people named Tikhon

  • Patriarch Tikhon, Saint Tikhon of Moscow ((1865 - 1925) in the world - Vasily Bellavin; bishop of the Orthodox Russian Church, since November 21 (December 4), 1917, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, the first after the restoration of the patriarchate in Russia. Canonized by the Russian Church in the guise saints by the Russian Council of Bishops Orthodox Church October 9, 1989.)
  • Tikhon Boldyrev ((1900 - 1984) a major Russian Soviet scientist epidemiologist, an outstanding specialist in disinfection, anti-epidemic protection of troops and civilian population, prominent health organizer)
  • Tycho Brahe ((1546 - 1601) Danish astronomer, astrologer and alchemist of the Renaissance; the first in Europe to conduct systematic and high-precision astronomical observations, on the basis of which Kepler derived the laws of planetary motion)
  • Tikhon Kulikovsky-Romanov ((1917 - 1993) son Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna (1882 - 1960) and Colonel N.A. Kulikovsky (1881 - 1958), grandson of the emperor Alexandra III and Empress Maria Feodorovna, nephew of Emperor Nicholas II)
  • Tikhon Bumazhkov ((1910 - 1941) one of the first organizers of partisan detachments during the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union (1941))
  • Tikhon Khrennikov ((1913 - 2007) Soviet composer, People's Artist of the USSR (1963), Hero of Socialist Labor (1973))
  • Tikhon Polner ((1864 - 1935) Russian journalist, historian, publisher)
  • Tikhon Syomushkin ((1900 - 1970) Russian Soviet writer, laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1949))
  • Tikhon Abramov ((1901 - 1991) participant in the Polish campaign of the Red Army (1939), Hero of the Soviet Union (1945), major general (1955))
  • Tikhon Mitrokhin ((1902 - 1980) Soviet statesman, people's commissar, minister of the rubber industry of the USSR (194 - 1948))
  • Tikhon Streshnev ((1644 - 1719) Russian statesman, confidant of the first Russian Emperor Peter I, Moscow governor, senator)
  • Tikhon Alekhine ((1913 - 1970) Hero of Socialist Labor)
  • Tikhon Kiselyov ((1917 - 1983) Soviet statesman and party leader, Hero of Socialist Labor (1977))
  • Tikhon Rabotnov ((1904 - 2000) world-renowned Russian geobotanist, together with L.G. Ramensky and I.V. Larin, was one of the most famous specialists in the field of meadow science and grassland management)
  • Tikhon Eroshevsky ((1902 - 1984) Soviet ophthalmologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, Hero of Socialist Labor, head of the department of eye diseases of the Kuibyshev Medical Institute, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences)
  • Tikhon Shishov (Estonian football player)
  • Tikhon Tikhonov ((1875 - 1932) professor at the department mechanical technology metals of the Tomsk Technological Institute (now Tomsk Polytechnic University). One of the founders of the science of metal cutting. Tikhonov’s main brainchild is the TTI mechanical workshops, which served as the basis for the creation of the Metallist plant (now TEMZ named after V.V. Vakhrushev). Tikhonov’s scientific developments in mechanical technology were the first in the Siberian region, many of the scientist’s ideas were developed in their works by his students: I.N. Butakov, Yu.V. Grdina, A.N. Dobrovidov, A.M. Rosenberg, etc. He has the title : State Councillor.)
  • Anthony ((1889 - 1976) in the world - Tikhon Golynsky, archbishop (?), leader of the Catacomb Church in Russia)
  • Tikhon Litvinenko ((1913 - 1944) participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union, senior sergeant)
  • Tico Torres (real name - Hector Samuel Juan Torres; permanent drummer of the American group Bon Jovi, is the oldest member of the group)

The origin of the name Tikhon has two legends. According to the first story, it first appeared in Greece, where it meant “fate”, “chance”. The second legend says that the name Tikhon comes from the goddess Tyukhe, symbolizing good luck in Ancient Greece, and is translated as “chance”, “lot”, “luck”. It came to the Russian peoples from Byzantium. Oddly enough, the word “silence” has nothing to do with it. Children were usually called Tikhon in low classes, but at the beginning of the last century the name began to be used among monks.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Cancer
  • Patron Planet: Moon
  • Talisman stone: almandine
  • Color: red
  • Plant: lily
  • Animal: pigeon
  • Favorable day: Monday

Character traits

The secret of the name is revealed when meeting Tikhon. Throughout his life, he shows himself to be a non-offensive and independent person. At first glance, he seems unshakable, but in fact, passion and emotions are boiling in his soul. As a child, he loves games where he plays the role of a pirate boy, and as he grows up, adventures find him in Everyday life. He grows up to be a proud and independent man who never accepts important decisions spontaneously, without thinking them through. He does not impose his opinion and his society on anyone.

He has many comrades in life, but rarely has real friends. Despite the large number of acquaintances, he does not really like communication. By temperament, he is rather a phlegmatic person who wants to think alone. He has two types of acquaintances: the first are adventurers by nature, the second are dreamers like himself. Tikhon loves to share his fantasies, but is a distrustful guy. Therefore, in order to get some information from him, you need to provoke him into frankness.

The summer representative of the name is very optimistic and cheerful. And those born in winter are emotional, kind and unforgiving.

Interests and hobbies

Tikhon is outwardly balanced and calm person, but inside he is full of ideas, adventurism and the desire to lead an active life. He loves fishing. Many people think that he likes to sit and wait for the fish to bite. However, in reality, only a few people know that this activity tires him; the guy prefers to bring his catch home and see the enthusiastic glances of loved ones.

Profession and business

Thanks to the patience that Tikhon has, he becomes a good and conscientious worker, whom his superiors value and respect. He has a very developed imagination, so professions from the creative sphere are not alien to him - musician, director, actor, artist.

At the age of 30-35 years, the talent of an inventor may awaken in him, but it appears unexpectedly and fades away. A man with this name is very modest and reserved, so he rarely manages to bring his ideas to life. Only if there is a person who is able to encourage and support him, he will be able to reach heights.


At Tikhon's physical health very strong. As a child he is not afraid of anything viral diseases. As an adult, he may have stomach problems. Therefore, you should monitor your diet and adhere to healthy image life.

As for psychological health, he may experience problems in the form of depression, stress and rapid physical fatigue. However, this is all the result of his too uptight character, which forces him to keep all his emotions to himself.

Sex and love

Tikhon is not prone to external manifestations of violent feelings and emotions, although his sexual energy is very strong. For relationships, he usually chooses strong and bright women who can appreciate his inner world.

Family and marriage

Based on the characteristics of the name, Tikhon is a calm and peace-loving person. He good family man, a very faithful husband and a kind, sensitive and understanding father. He chooses a woman once and for all. She loves children and believes that a family has no right to exist without them.
