Test for the ratio of geometric shapes. Psychogeometric personality typology: test “5 figures”

So, a test for personification of oneself with a geometric figure. You need to look at them carefully, compare them with yourself and choose what suits you best, what best represents you. After this, they must be placed in order from the most suitable to the most unsuitable. I’ll give you an explanation of what each figure means after you decide.

Rectangle. Square. Circle. Triangle. Zigzag.

UPD: Descriptions


If your main figure turns out to be a Square, then you are a tireless worker. Hard work, diligence, the need to complete the work started, perseverance to achieve the completion of the work - these are the main qualities of true Squares. Endurance, patience and methodicality usually make Kvadrat a highly qualified specialist in his field. This is also facilitated by the insatiable need for information.

All the information they have is systematized and organized. The square is able to provide the necessary information instantly. Therefore, Squares are deservedly known as erudites, at least in their field. If you have chosen a Square for yourself - a linear figure, then most likely you are a “left-hemisphere” thinker, i.e. those who process data in a sequential format: a-b-c-d...

Squares “calculate the result” rather than guess at it. Squares are extremely attentive to details and details. Squares love established order once and for all. Their ideal is a planned, predictable life, and they do not like changing the usual course of events. He constantly “orders”, organizes people and things around him. All these qualities contribute to the fact that Squares can become good specialists- technicians, excellent administrators, but - rarely - they are good managers.

Excessive predilection for details and the need for clarifying information for decision-making deprive the Square of efficiency. Accuracy, adherence to rules, etc. can develop to a paralyzing extreme.

In addition, rationality, emotional dryness, and conservatism in assessments prevent Squares from quickly establishing contacts with different people. Squares do not work effectively in an amorphous situation.


This shape symbolizes leadership, and many Triangles feel their purpose in this. The most characteristic feature of a true Triangle is the ability to concentrate on the main goal. They are energetic, strong personalities. In the Luscher test they often prefer green color and draw a Christmas tree when asked to draw a tree.

Triangles, like their relatives Squares, are linear shapes and tend to be left-brain thinkers, capable of analyzing situations deeply and quickly. However, in contrast to Squares, who are detail-oriented, Triangles focus on the essentials, the essence of the problem.

Their strong pragmatic orientation guides their mental analysis and limits it to the search for a solution to a problem that is effective under given conditions.

Triangle is a very confident person who wants to be right in everything! The need to be right and the need to manage the state of affairs, to decide not only for oneself, but also, if possible, for others - makes the Triangle a person who is constantly competing, competing with others. Triangles have great difficulty admitting their mistakes! We can say that they see what they want to see, do not like to change their decisions, are often categorical, and do not recognize objections.

Fortunately (for them and those around them), Triangles quickly and successfully learn (absorb useful information like a sponge). True, only what corresponds to their pragmatic orientation contributes (from their point of view) to achieving the main goal. Triangles are ambitious.

If it is a matter of honor for Square to achieve highest quality work performed, then the Triangle strives to achieve a high position, acquire a high status, in other words, to make a career.

Triangles make excellent managers. Main negative quality"triangular" personality: strong egocentrism, focus on oneself. On the way to the heights of power, they do not show particular scrupulousness regarding moral standards. Triangles make everything and everyone revolve around them... Maybe without them, life would lose its edge.


This figure symbolizes a state of transition and change. This is a temporary form of personality that the other four relatively stable figures can “wear” at certain periods of life. These are people who are not satisfied with the lifestyle that they lead now, and therefore are busy looking for a better position.

The reasons for the “rectangular” state can be very different, but they have one thing in common - the significance of the changes for a particular person. The main mental state of the Rectangle is a more or less conscious state of confusion, confusion in problems and uncertainty about oneself at a given time.

Most character traits Rectangles - inconsistency and unpredictability of actions during the transition period. They tend to have low self-esteem. They strive to become better at something, looking for new methods of work and lifestyles.

Rapid, abrupt and unpredictable changes in the behavior of the Rectangle usually confuse and alarm other people, and they may consciously avoid contacts with the “person without a core”. For rectangles, communication with other people is simply necessary, and this is another difficulty of the transition period.

However, the Rectangle also has positive qualities that attract others to it: curiosity, inquisitiveness, keen interest in everything that happens and... courage! During this period, they are open to new ideas, values, ways of thinking and living, and easily learn everything new. True, the flip side of this is excessive gullibility and suggestibility. Therefore, Rectangles are easy to manipulate.

"Rectangularity" is just a stage. She will pass!


The circle is a mythological symbol of harmony. Anyone who confidently chooses it is sincerely interested primarily in good interpersonal relationships. The highest value for the Circle is people.

The circle is the most benevolent of the five shapes. It most often serves as the “glue” that holds both the work team and the family together, that is, it stabilizes the group. Circles are the best communicators primarily because they are the best listeners. They have high sensitivity and developed empathy - the ability to empathize.

Circles perfectly “read” people and in one minute are able to recognize a pretender, a deceiver. The circles “cheer” for their team and are popular among work colleagues. However, they tend to be weak managers and business leaders. First, Circles are people-oriented rather than action-oriented. In an attempt to maintain peace, they sometimes avoid taking a “firm” stand and making unpopular decisions.

For the Circle there is nothing more difficult than entering into an interpersonal conflict. They try to avoid it at all costs. Sometimes - to the detriment of the cause. Secondly, Circles are generally not distinguished by decisiveness; they often cannot present themselves properly. Triangles tend to easily take over them. However, the Circles are not too concerned about who holds the power.

In one area, the Circles show enviable firmness - when it comes to issues of morality or violation of justice.

The Circle is a non-linear shape, and those who confidently identify with the Circle are more likely to be “right-brain” thinkers. “Right-brain” thinking is more imaginative, intuitive, emotionally charged, more integrative than analytical. Therefore, the processing of information in the Circles is not carried out in a sequential format, but rather in a mosaic manner, in breakthroughs with the omission of individual links. This does not mean that Krug is at odds with logic. It’s just that formalism is not given priority in solving life’s problems.

The main features in their thinking are an orientation towards the subjective factors of the problem (values, assessments, feelings, etc.) and the desire to find commonality even in opposing points of view. We can say that Krug is a born psychologist. However, he is often a weak organizer - he lacks the “left-hemisphere” skills of his “linear brothers” - Triangle and Square.


This figure symbolizes creativity, creativity, if only because it is the most unique of the five figures and the only open figure. If you have firmly chosen Zigzag as your main form, then you are most likely a true “right-brain” thinker, a dissenter.

You, like your closest relative - the Circle, only to an even greater extent, are characterized by imagery, intuitiveness, integrativeness, and mosaicism.

Strict, consistent deduction is not your style. The Zigzag’s thought makes desperate leaps from “a” to “z”, which is why many “left-hemisphere” people find it difficult to understand Zigzags.

“Right-brain” thinking is not fixated on details, therefore, by simplifying the picture of the world in some ways, it allows you to build holistic, harmonious concepts and images, and see beauty. Zigzags usually have a developed aesthetic sense.

The dominant style of Zigzag thinking is most often the synthetic style. Unlike Circles, Zigzags are not at all interested in consensus and achieve synthesis not through concessions, but, on the contrary, by sharpening the conflict of ideas and building a new concept in which this conflict is resolved and “removed.” Moreover, using their natural wit, they can be very sarcastic, “opening the eyes” of others.

Zigzags simply cannot work in well-structured situations. They are irritated by clear vertical and horizontal connections, strictly fixed responsibilities and constant ways of working. In their work they require independence from others and high level stimulation in the workplace. Then the Zigzag “comes to life” and begins to fulfill its main purpose - to generate new ideas and methods of work.

Zigzags are idealists, which is where their traits such as impracticality and naivety originate.

Zigzag is the most excitable of the five figures. They are unrestrained and very expressive, which, along with their eccentricity, often prevents them from putting their ideas into practice. In addition, they are not strong in working out specific details and are not too persistent in bringing things to the end (since with the loss of novelty, interest in the idea is also lost).

Music: Radiohead - You

- what qualities are inherent in him,

And all this is very quick; you will need a pen and paper for the test.

INSTRUCTIONS: Look at the attached picture and choose a figure about which you can say: “That’s me!” Try to feel your form. If you're stuck, choose the one that first attracted you. Write down its name under number 1.


The leading function of life activity is logic, which determines his tendency to plan, search and establish cause-and-effect relationships. Hard work, diligence, the need to complete the work started, perseverance to achieve completion of the work - these are the main qualities of true Squares. Endurance, patience and methodicality make Kvadrat a highly qualified specialist in his field. This is also facilitated by the insatiable need for information. All the information they have is systematized and organized. If you have chosen a square for yourself - a linear figure, then most likely you are a “left-hemisphere” thinker, that is, those who process data sequentially... They rather “calculate the result” than guess about it. They are extremely attentive to details, details, and love order. Their ideal is a planned, predictable life. They constantly “order”, organize people and things around them, and sometimes provoke conflicts with overly harsh measures of discipline or too strict regulation.

the leading function is intuition. The figure symbolizes leadership, and many Triangles feel their purpose in this. Feature true Triangle - the ability to concentrate on the main goal. They are energetic and strong. Triangles focus on the essence of the problem. Their pragmatic orientation guides mental analysis and limits it to the search for a solution that is effective under given conditions.

Triangle is a very confident person. The need to be right and control the state of affairs, to decide not only for oneself, but also for others, makes the Triangle a person who is constantly competing with others. Triangles have a hard time admitting their mistakes! They see what they want to see, do not like to change their decisions, and are often categorical. Fortunately (for them and those around them), Triangles learn quickly and successfully (absorb useful information like a sponge), however, only that which corresponds to their pragmatic orientation contributes to achieving the main thing.

Triangles are ambitious. They make excellent managers. But! The Triangle's intuition sometimes plays a cruel joke on his subordinates - having set a goal for his department and intuitively seeing the solution to the problem, the Triangle boss says absolutely nothing to his colleagues, assuming that everything will develop according to his ideas, and then he is very “surprised” why not result or everything went wrong somehow.

a figure symbolizing a state of transition and change. This is a temporary form of personality that the other four relatively stable figures can “wear” during certain periods (for example, the Square, who realized the uselessness and inconsistency of his logical conclusions, or a teenager during the period of self-identification). These are people who are not satisfied with the lifestyle they lead now and are busy looking for a better position.

The main mental state of Rectangles is confusion, entanglement in problems. The most characteristic features are inconsistency and unpredictability of actions during the transition period. They often have low self-esteem. They strive to become better at something, looking for new methods of work and lifestyles. Unpredictable changes in the behavior of the Rectangle usually confuse and alarm other adaptive and already established personal forms, especially the Triangle and Zigzag, which can consciously avoid contacts with the “person without a core.”

symbolism of relationships or et and k. Anyone who confidently chooses this form is sincerely interested in good interpersonal relationships. The highest value for the Circle is people. He stabilizes the group. Circles are the best listeners. They have high sensitivity and empathy. Circles perfectly “read” people and in one minute are able to recognize a pretender, a deceiver.

Circles “support” their team and are popular among work colleagues, which ensures the beginning of their rise up the career ladder as activists, “their guys,” most often through public organizations(author's note). However, they tend to be weak managers and leaders. First, Circles are people-oriented rather than action-oriented. In an attempt to maintain peace, they avoid taking a “firm” position and making unpopular decisions. For the Circle, there is nothing more difficult than entering into an interpersonal conflict caused by overvalued ideas about the relationship of one’s former colleagues, and today’s subordinates (“You became a boss, you think a lot about yourself... You turned your nose up early! Where you came from, I forgot!”) (approx. ed.). Secondly, Circles are generally not distinguished by decisiveness; they often cannot present themselves properly. However, they are not too concerned about who holds the power. In one area, the Circles show enviable firmness - when it comes to issues of morality or violation of justice.


This figure symbolizes creativity and creativity. If you have firmly chosen the zigzag as your main form, then you are most likely a true “right-brain” thinker, a dissenter.
“Right-brain” thinking is not fixated on details, therefore, by simplifying the picture of the world in some ways, it allows you to build holistic, harmonious concepts and images, and see beauty. Zigzags usually have a developed aesthetic sense. The dominant style of Zigzag thinking is most often the synthetic style. Zigzags are not interested in consensus and achieve synthesis by sharpening the conflict of ideas and building a new concept in which this conflict receives its resolution and is “removed.” Moreover, using their natural wit, they can be very sarcastic, “opening the eyes” of others. Zigzags simply cannot work in well-structured situations. They are irritated by clear vertical and horizontal connections, strictly fixed responsibilities and constant ways of working. In their work, they require independence from others and a high level of stimulation in the workplace. Then the Zigzag “comes to life” and begins to fulfill its main purpose - to generate new ideas and methods of work. Zigzags are idealists, which is where their traits such as impracticality and naivety originate. They are unrestrained and very expressive, which, along with their eccentricity, often prevents them from putting their ideas into practice. In addition, they are not strong in working out specific details and are not too persistent in bringing things to the end (since with the loss of novelty, interest in the idea is also lost). Only for Zigzag, perhaps, modulation of any of the figures is uncharacteristic.




Psychogeometry as a system developed in the USA. The author of this system, Susan Dellinger, is a specialist in socio-psychological training of management personnel. The diagnostic accuracy using the psychogeometric method reaches 85%.
She worked with staff for many years and generalized her experience in psychogeometry. Now this system is used by almost every personnel officer in the USA and many in Russia.

This personality analysis technique allows you to determine:
- what type of personality does the person belong to?
- what qualities are inherent in him,
- predict what actions he will take in the current situation.
And all this is very quick; you will need a pen and paper for the test.

INSTRUCTIONS: Look at the attached picture and choose a figure about which you can say: “That’s me!” Try to feel your form. If you're stuck, choose the one that first attracted you. Write down its name under number 1.

Now, in order of your preference, number the remaining four shapes.

Number 1 is your basic figure or subjective form. It makes it possible to determine the dominant character traits and behavioral characteristics.


The leading function of life activity is logic, which determines his tendency to plan, search and establish cause-and-effect relationships. Hard work, diligence, the need to complete the work started, perseverance to achieve completion of the work - these are the main qualities of true Squares. Endurance, patience and methodicality make Kvadrat a highly qualified specialist in his field. This is also facilitated by the insatiable need for information. All the information they have is systematized and organized. If you have chosen a square for yourself - a linear figure, then most likely you are a “left-hemisphere” thinker, that is, those who process data sequentially... They rather “calculate the result” than guess about it. They are extremely attentive to details, details, and love order. Their ideal is a planned, predictable life. They constantly “order”, organize people and things around them, and sometimes provoke conflicts with overly harsh measures of discipline or too strict regulation.

Squares can become good specialists - technicians, excellent administrators, but they are rarely good managers. Excessive predilection for details, the need for clarifying information for decision-making deprives the Square of efficiency. In addition, rationality, emotional dryness, and conservatism in assessments prevent Squares from establishing contacts. Squares do not work effectively in an amorphous situation.

the leading function is intuition. The figure symbolizes leadership, and many Triangles feel their purpose in this. A characteristic feature of a true Triangle is the ability to concentrate on the main goal. They are energetic and strong. Triangles focus on the essence of the problem. Their pragmatic orientation guides mental analysis and limits it to the search for a solution that is effective under given conditions.

Triangle is a very confident person. The need to be right and control the state of affairs, to decide not only for oneself, but also for others, makes the Triangle a person who is constantly competing with others. Triangles have a hard time admitting their mistakes! They see what they want to see, do not like to change their decisions, and are often categorical. Fortunately (for them and those around them),

Triangles learn quickly and successfully (absorb useful information like a sponge), however, only what corresponds to their pragmatic orientation contributes to achieving the main thing.
Triangles are ambitious. They make excellent managers. But! The Triangle's intuition sometimes plays a cruel joke on his subordinates - having set a goal for his department and intuitively seeing the solution to the problem, the Triangle boss says absolutely nothing to his colleagues, assuming that everything will develop according to his ideas, and then he is very “surprised” why not result or everything went wrong somehow.

The main negative quality of Triangles is strong egocentrism and self-focus. On the way to the heights of power, they do not show much scrupulousness; sometimes they use everything to achieve results. possible means, neglecting the interests of other people and making enemies. Triangles make everything and everyone revolve around them... Maybe without them, life would lose its edge.

a figure symbolizing a state of transition and change. This is a temporary form of personality that the other four relatively stable figures can “wear” during certain periods (for example, the Square, who realized the uselessness and inconsistency of his logical conclusions, or a teenager during the period of self-identification). These are people who are not satisfied with the lifestyle they lead now and are busy looking for a better position.

The main mental state of Rectangles is confusion, entanglement in problems. The most characteristic features are inconsistency and unpredictability of actions during the transition period. They often have low self-esteem. They strive to become better at something, looking for new methods of work and lifestyles. Unpredictable changes in the behavior of the Rectangle usually confuse and alarm other adaptive and already established personal forms, especially the Triangle and Zigzag, which can consciously avoid contacts with the “person without a core.”

Rectangles need communication with other people. This is another difficulty of the transition period. The Rectangle also has positive, attractive qualities: curiosity, inquisitiveness, interest in what is happening and... courage! They are open to new ideas, values, ways of thinking and living, and easily learn everything new. Downside This is due to excessive gullibility and suggestibility. Rectangles are easy to manipulate because their logic is subordinate: when asked why he does this, the answer is with the first words “yes, because...”. Rectangles gravitate towards authoritative, strong personalities, which sometimes leads to dependence on their opinions and imitation.

symbolism of relationships or et and k. Anyone who confidently chooses this form is sincerely interested in good interpersonal relationships. The highest value for the Circle is people. He stabilizes the group. Circles are the best listeners. They have high sensitivity and empathy. Circles perfectly “read” people and in one minute are able to recognize a pretender, a deceiver.

The circles “support” their team and are popular among work colleagues, which ensures the beginning of their rise through the ranks as activists, “their guys,” most often through public organizations (author’s note). However, they tend to be weak managers and leaders. First, Circles are people-oriented rather than action-oriented. In an attempt to maintain peace, they avoid taking a “firm” position and making unpopular decisions. For the Circle, there is nothing more difficult than entering into an interpersonal conflict caused by overvalued ideas about the relationship of one’s former colleagues, and today’s subordinates (“You became a boss, you think a lot about yourself... You turned your nose up early! Where you came from, I forgot!”) (approx. ed.). Secondly, Circles are generally not distinguished by decisiveness; they often cannot present themselves properly. However, they are not too concerned about who holds the power. In one area, the Circles show enviable firmness - when it comes to issues of morality or violation of justice.

A circle is a non-linear shape, and those who confidently identify with a circle are more likely to be “right-brain” thinkers. “Right-brain” thinking is more imaginative, intuitive, and emotionally charged than analytical. Therefore, the processing of information in Circles is not carried out sequentially, but rather in a mosaic manner, in breakthroughs. This does not mean that Krug is at odds with logic. Just main feature their thinking is focused on the subjective factors of the problem (values, assessments, feelings) and the desire to find commonality even in opposing points of view. Krug is a born psychologist, but a weak organizer.

symbolism of feelings and emotions is the most unique of the five figures and the only open one.
This figure symbolizes creativity and creativity. If you have firmly chosen the zigzag as your main form, then you are most likely a true “right-brain” thinker, a dissenter.

“Right-brain” thinking is not fixated on details, therefore, by simplifying the picture of the world in some ways, it allows you to build holistic, harmonious concepts and images, and see beauty. Zigzags usually have a developed aesthetic sense. The dominant style of Zigzag thinking is most often the synthetic style. Zigzags are not interested in consensus and achieve synthesis by sharpening the conflict of ideas and building a new concept in which this conflict receives its resolution and is “removed.” Moreover, using their natural wit, they can be very sarcastic, “opening the eyes” of others. Zigzags simply cannot work in well-structured situations. They are irritated by clear vertical and horizontal connections, strictly fixed responsibilities and constant ways of working. In their work, they require independence from others and a high level of stimulation in the workplace. Then the Zigzag “comes to life” and begins to fulfill its main purpose - to generate new ideas and methods of work.

Zigzags are idealists, which is where their traits such as impracticality and naivety originate. They are unrestrained and very expressive, which, along with their eccentricity, often prevents them from putting their ideas into practice. In addition, they are not strong in working out specific details and are not too persistent in bringing things to the end (since with the loss of novelty, interest in the idea is also lost). Only for Zigzag, perhaps, modulation of any of the figures is uncharacteristic.

Numbers 2, 3, 4 are unique modulators that color the leading melody of your behavior. The greatest influence on the basic form of personality is undoubtedly exerted by the figure located in position 2.

I hope this quick and effective test is useful to someone :)

During an interview, promptness in obtaining information about the applicant is important. The results of psychological testing are usually secondary in comparison to professional skills and work experience, but they can provide a factual basis for discussing the candidate’s personal and business qualities, and also provide guidance on what to pay attention to during further conversation.

A simple and fairly popular psychogeometric test is aimed at diagnosing personality type. The accuracy of the results of this method reaches 85%. A sheet with the image 5 is placed in front of the applicant geometric shapes(square, rectangle, triangle, circle and zigzag). The applicant is asked to select shapes in order of attractiveness. That is, the first figure is the one you like the most and so on.

The most important thing is which of the figures the respondent places first - this is the so-called subjective form of a person, which allows you to determine the dominant character traits and behavioral characteristics. The last figure in the row indicates the shape of a person, interaction with which can cause conflicts and misunderstandings.


Tatiana Markova, HR consultant: “Psychogeometry is now popular in many countries. In my work I often use this technique. Each person always has a certain proportion of the properties of these figures. But looking at the first and last figure, we can talk about both the dominant personality traits and those that are in the minority.”

Those who put the square first are punctual, precise, neat and attentive to detail. Their ideal is a planned, predictable life. They constantly “order” and organize people and things around them. “Squares” can become good specialists and technicians, excellent administrators, but they are rarely good managers. Excessive predilection for details, the need for clarifying information for decision-making deprives the Square of efficiency. In addition, rationality, emotional dryness, and conservatism in assessments prevent Squares from establishing contacts.

Psychological properties of Square


Such people are characterized by leadership and the ability to concentrate on the main goal and get to the heart of the problem. The need to be right and control the state of affairs, to decide not only for oneself, but also for others, makes the Triangle a person who is constantly competing with others.

Psychological properties of the Triangle


A transitional state of personality, which is reflected in confusion and uncertainty about oneself at a given time. The most characteristic features of Rectangles are inconsistency and unpredictability of actions during the transition period. At the same time, during this period they are open to new ideas, values, ways of thinking and living.

Psychological properties of the Rectangle


One who confidently chooses the circle as his primary form is sincerely interested, above all, in good interpersonal relationships. The highest value for the Circle is people and their well-being. It most often serves as the “glue” that holds the work team together and stabilizes the group. They have high sensitivity, developed empathy and the ability to empathize and sympathize. However, they tend to be weak managers and business leaders. They try to maintain peace and for this purpose sometimes avoid taking a “firm” position and making unpopular decisions, fearing to enter into interpersonal conflict.

Psychological properties of the Circle

Positive Negative
Friendly, benevolent Soft-bodied, undemanding, yielding
Sympathetic Talkative, likes to gossip
Able to persuade and motivate others Plays on the feelings of others
Calm, not internally tense Lazy, poor concentration, low achievement motivation
Conflict-free, stabilizing Weak "politician"


This figure symbolizes creativity and creativity. Zigzags simply cannot work productively in well-structured situations. They are irritated by clear vertical and horizontal connections and strictly fixed responsibilities. In their work, they require independence from others and a high level of stimulation in the workplace. Then the Zigzag comes to life and begins to fulfill its main purpose - to generate new ideas and methods of work.

Psychological properties of Zigzag

Of course, none of the figures are better or worse. The only question is how important, in the employer’s opinion, are these or those for this particular position? personal qualities applicant. And if best psychologists are obtained from Circles, then the Triangle may well become an excellent leader of regional development.

The psychogeometric test is a projective personality research technique that was introduced in 1978. Its author is a well-known person - Susan Dellinger, a specialist in social and psychological training of management personnel, who works with such large companies as General Telephone and Electronics, Chevrolet Motors, Honeywell, etc.

In 1984, Susan Dellinger opened her own training company on leadership, team building, and the development of interpersonal and group communication skills based on the psychogeometric test she developed, which is now successfully used in universities, non-profit organizations, law firms, multinational companies and government agencies for the last 30 years.

The psychogeometric test was published in 1989 and 1996 in 7 languages, including Russian, was presented in 24 countries, and was read by more than 100 thousand people - college students, division managers, department heads, company managers, co-founders, owners and etc.

Short description

The stimulus material of the psychogeometric test consists of five geometric figures - square, triangle, rectangle, circle and zigzag. The subject is asked to “feel his shape” and choose the figure about which one can say: “this is me,” or the one that first attracted attention. The remaining pieces are ranked in order of preference. According to Susan Dellinger, personality is often described as a combination of two or even three forms, however, it is important to find out which of them is dominant and which is subordinate.

The theoretical premises underlying the science that Susan Dellinger defines as psychogeometry are the teachings of Carl Jung about mental types and ideas about the functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres.


Look at the five shapes: square, triangle, rectangle, circle, zigzag. Choose the one that first attracted your attention. Write down its name under No. 1. Now rank the remaining four figures in the order of your preference and write down their names under the corresponding numbers.

Whatever figure you place first is your basic figure or subjective form. It makes it possible to determine your main, dominant character traits and behavioral characteristics. The remaining four figures are unique modulators that can color the leading line of your behavior. The strength of their influence decreases with increasing serial number.

However, it may turn out that not a single figure suits you completely. Then you can be described by a combination of two or even three forms. The meaning of the last figure is also important - it indicates the shape of the person with whom interaction will pose the greatest difficulties for you.

Brief psychological characteristics of the main forms of personality of the psychogeometric test

Square. If your main shape turns out to be a square, then you are a tireless worker! Hard work, diligence, the need to bring the job started to the end, perseverance to achieve the completion of the work - this is what, above all, true Squares are famous for. Endurance, patience and methodicality usually make Kvadrat a highly qualified specialist in his field. This is also facilitated by the insatiable need for information. Squares are collectors of all kinds of data. Moreover, no matter where this collection is stored - in the head or in a special file cabinet, it is always in complete order. All information is systematized and organized. The square is able to provide the necessary information instantly. Therefore, Squares are deservedly known as erudites, at least in their field.

Mental analysis - strong point Square. If you have firmly chosen a Square for yourself - a linear figure, then most likely you are a “left-hemisphere” thinker, that is, those who process data, in the language of computer science, in a sequential format: a - b - c - d and t etc. Squares “calculate” the result rather than guess about it. They do not miss a single link in the chain of reasoning, and when others do this, they experience difficulty in understanding and, as a result, discomfort. Squares are extremely attentive to details and details. It is Squares who are able to work out all the specific details of those grandiose ideas, projects and plans that are often proposed by bearers of other geometric shapes.

Squares love established order once and for all: everything should be in its place and happen in its own time. True Square firmly believes in the saying: “A mess on the table is a mess in the head.” The ideal of the Square is a planned, predictable life, and he does not like “surprises” and changes in the usual course of events. He constantly “orders”, organizes people and things around him.

All these qualities contribute to the fact that Squares can become (and do become!) excellent administrators and performers, but... alas, they are rarely good stewards and managers. Naturally, the above-mentioned advantages of the Square peacefully coexist with a number of its weaknesses. We are all not without sin!

Excessive predilection for details (“can’t see the forest for the trees”), the need for additional, clarifying information to make a decision deprives the Square of efficiency. Neatness, order, observance of rules and decorum can develop to a paralyzing extreme. And when the time comes to make a decision, especially one associated with risk, with a possible loss of the status quo, Squares, wittingly or unwittingly, delay its adoption. In addition, rationality, emotional dryness and coldness prevent Squares from quickly establishing contacts with different people, which also does not contribute to success in managing people. The square operates ineffectively in an amorphous situation in which “ right hand doesn’t know what the left one is doing.” However, in well-structured situations where deadlines are established, access to information and equipment is defined, clear requirements are formulated and clear instructions for action are given, the Square is superior to all other forms!

Continuation of the psychological characteristics of the personality of the psychogeometric test:

TEST 6 "Which are you: square, triangle, circle, rectangle or zigzag?"

The psychological test allows us to determine a number of important characterological traits.

Here are five geometric shapes: square, triangle, circle, rectangle and zigzag. After looking at them, determine which sign is closest to you. You shouldn’t think and make a decision for a long time; your intuition will tell you the answer. Having determined your sign by significance, put the number “1” under it. Having covered it, select in the same way among the other remaining geometric shapes. All figures must be numbered by you from “1” to “5”.

So, determine your priorities.

Now find out about your dominant psychological characteristics and qualities.

1. Square

The main values ​​in life: order, work, traditions, reputation.

Basic psychological qualities"

pros Minuses
Organization "Black and white" thinking, one-sidedness
Discipline Inflexibility, pedantry
Punctuality Excessive severity
Neatness, cleanliness Meticulousness, pettiness
Law-abiding Excessive seriousness
Hard work Waiting
Patience Delaying decisions
Tenacity, perseverance Stubbornness
Firmness in decisions Conservatism
True to word, honesty Resistance to the new
Prudence, rationality Risk aversion
Calm Poor fantasy
Thrift Closedness
Practicality Stinginess

2. Triangle

Main life values: power, leadership, career, status, victory, income.

pros Minuses
Successful Leadership Egocentrism, selfishness
Ability to take responsibility The desire to control everything that happens
The ability to see the essence is the main thing Intolerance of dissent
Ability to concentrate forces Complete absorption in business
Setting up for victory Philosophy "the end justifies the means"
Self confidence Categorical
Determination Impulsiveness
Courage, risk taking Ruthlessness
Energy Impatience
Directness, frankness Harshness, cruelty
Strength of feelings, passion Outbursts of anger, rage
Wit Acrimony

3. Circle

Main life values: service to people, happiness and well-being of family, children, communication.

Basic psychological qualities:

pros Minuses
High need for communication Dependence on public opinion
Communication skills, accessibility Unpunctuality
Goodwill Softness
Caring Undemanding
Devotion Obsessiveness
Developed social intuition Indecisiveness
Empathy, generosity Extravagance, negligence

4. Rectangle

It is characterized by a revaluation and change of the main life values ​​as a result of significant events in life. A rectangle is a person in the process of transition from one value system to another, from one way of life to another.

Basic psychological qualities:

pros Minuses
Search orientation Inconsistency
Positive attitude towards new things Uncertainty
Curiosity Internal discord
High learning ability Gullibility
Sensitivity Suggestibility
Trust and empathy Emotional instability
Unambitious Naivety
Courage Low self-esteem
Playfulness Forgetfulness

5. Zigzag

Main life values: freedom, creativity, change.

Basic psychological qualities:

The above tests allow you to consolidate your self-analysis skills, reveal yourself more deeply and, on this basis, provide the opportunity to change yourself.

These are, of course, not fully professional tests that can be used to determine basic personality characteristics. Such a task is not set. Like any other, these tests are material for further work.
