We create with our own hands: original and functional little things for your kitchen. Kitchen ideas: DIY decor and kitchen tricks? DIY kitchen appliances

DIY kitchen accessories are fashionable direction in design. Many housewives, having looked at some interior designs, rush to repeat this in their own home. Fortunately, there is no shortage of ideas.

Many design ideas can be found on the Internet. The most different variants- from complex to simple. By repeating them, you can decorate the room and make it modern.

DIY crafts: useful ideas

Homemade products can be made from various materials and in different styles. The main goal in such decoration remains to create a beautiful space and increase its functional use.

An unusual solution for napkins will add a festive atmosphere to even the most ordinary dinner or lunch.

This decor of napkins will make any lunch or dinner festive.

The most popular crafts are:

  • cup stand;
  • potholders;
  • shelves for spices;
  • topiary.

Spice boards are usually made of wood, and potholders are made of fabric. Coasters for cups are made from CDs, which are decorated with various designs. Topiaries are made from foam plastic.

How to make a shelf yourself

In any kitchen there are a lot of little things that also require space. That is why spices and some utensils should be on small shelves. Basically, such devices are made from tree. It has a rectangular appearance and does not close with doors. This homemade product is a useful accessory. At the same time, you can store various kitchen items on it.

Materials, needed in the manufacture of shelves:

  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • jigsaw;
  • simple pencil, compass, tape measure;
  • Chipboard or board;
  • bracket;
  • paint and brush;
  • sandpaper.

Now that all the important little things for the shelf have been collected, you can begin the manufacturing process itself. The first step is to choose a place where the shelf will be attached. Making drawings, select brackets. After that, according to the drawings, we cut out the shelves using a jigsaw. Then you need to sand the ends and paint the shelf. Mark the mounting locations on the wall and hang the shelf.

If it is not possible to use wood, then you can replace it with chipboard. But after the sanding process, you need to seal the ends with veneer. The main thing is the reliability of the design, so choose fastening devices very carefully.

How to make beautiful potholders: sewing devices

You don't need to know too much to create a beautiful and bright grip. This makes the room not only beautiful, but also useful. To create a grip, you need to use natural or linen fabrics. Such rack materials tolerate high temperatures and will serve for a long time. The clamp is also made from drape. If you have never made tacks before, then first you can try sewing a tack square shape. To sew a tack you need:

When creating a gizmo, you can give free rein to your imagination and not be limited by standard shapes such as a circle or square.

  1. two pieces of fabric, approximately 20x20 cm;
  2. one piece of padding polyester of the same size;
  3. fabric strip, which is used for edging, size 4X90 cm;
  4. thread and sewing machine.

Cut a bias strip of fabric. Then you can start making the clamp itself:

  1. Fold the fabric squares in layers and place padding polyester between the squares.
  2. Secure the squares with pins.
  3. Machine stitch.
  4. Fold the narrow strip in half and iron. Fold the cuts inward and iron again.
  5. Make a border, leaving a small loop.
  6. Iron the resulting product.

Making a grip takes a little time. You don't need to know too much. This option is the simplest, but is not inferior in beauty to the most complex ones. The main thing is to be able to sew.

How to make coasters for cups

It should be noted that cup stands are the most simple products for the manufacture of. But at the same time they are not inferior in their functionality and beauty. Such a stand for cups will not only complement the main interior, but will also prevent unnecessary stains from appearing on the table.

The original product is a stand made of coffee beans . For manufacturing you will need the following materials:

  • CD;
  • glue;
  • coffee beans.

Take the disk and pour glue onto it. Then we begin to lay out the grains one by one. Once everything is dry, you can move on to the other side of the disc. Such products can be used not only as coasters for cups, but also for decoration. They can be hung on the wall or placed on shelves.

DIY topiary

Decoration can be made not only from grains, but also from other grains or materials.

There is a lot of material on the Internet on how to make topiary yourself. The most common options are made from foam plastic. They make products in the shape of a ball. This decorative decoration would be appropriate in the kitchen. It can fit into absolutely any design.

To craft a topiary, you need:

  • foam ball;
  • wood rod;
  • glue;
  • decorative elements;
  • stand, preferably floral.

The first step is to cut a hole in the ball. Then connect the ball to a wooden rod.

Then you need to put the ball on the stand. Cover the ball with paper, attach decorative elements and you're done.

Crafts in Provence style

Provence is a style that came from France. That is why its second name is “French fleur”. It is summery and cozy. Many designers choose it specifically for decoration. Complete the interior various crafts very easy.

It is characterized by natural natural colors, muted shades that are combined with additional lush floristry.

Lace always gives a touch of antiquity.

Starting to decorate in it, first we take chairs and stools. Sew capes on them light color. For creating chair covers you will need:

  1. textile;
  2. lace;
  3. rubber;
  4. chalk and centimeter;
  5. scissors;
  6. safety and sewing pins.

The first step is to measure the chairs, namely the seats. And add 10 cm on all sides to the edges. The seat is covered on all sides. Don't forget to insert an elastic band into the edges, which will create folds in the fabric.

Sew lace around the perimeter of the cape.

As for the fabric, you should choose satin or chintz with a small floral print in blue or purple color. Don't forget about muted colors.

An excellent addition to chair covers would be a tablecloth, which should be made in the same style.

Accessory ideas in Provence style

Crafts can be different. You can make them from fabric, from scraps. The main thing is that these accessories are made by yourself. Here are some options:

Provence loves everything related to nature. Natural motifs, colors and shades should be present in all details in this kitchen.

So, we figured out how to make crafts for the kitchen with your own hands. We found out that there are crafts that do not require special skills. It is enough to carry out the actions step by step, then everything will work out. We also talked about Provence, what details are needed to create this style, and found out that some elements can be made independently and in a very short time.

There are often situations when it seems like in the kitchen and New furniture, and fresh finishing of the walls and ceiling, but something is missing. Some kind of sincerity and warmth. And it is precisely the extraordinary and beautiful decor and kitchen crafts can change the entire atmosphere of the room, making it more cozy and comfortable.

Even just one painting or an unusual shelf can completely change the entire kitchen design, adding dimension and originality to it.

You can decorate any part of the room and appliances; the main thing, of course, is to choose materials that are resistant to kitchen conditions, that is, they are not easily flammable and are not afraid of moisture, since they will be subject to frequent cleaning.

Any decoration or craft for the kitchen can be made with your own hands; it is absolutely not necessary to buy them or resort to the services of professionals; the help of your family members or friends is enough.

Wall decor

If the wall in the kitchen is a single color, then stencils and ornaments are perfect for decorating it. You will definitely need to make markings in advance so that the drawings are positioned evenly. The stencil is attached with tape, and then the necessary places are painted. After this, it is advisable to varnish it so that the design retains its external qualities for as long as possible.

Perfect self-adhesive film. On back side the outline of the future figure is drawn and cut out. You should stick the decor onto the wall slowly, gently pressing down. rubber spatula to expel all the air.

If you don't want to cut it out, you can purchase ready-made stickers. Moreover, there are countless color and pattern options. They offer both the simplest and funniest, as well as the most complex and sophisticated. Stickers can be made in the form of silhouettes, butterflies, flowers, berries, inscriptions or vignettes.

Another advantage is that it is easy to replace old ones with new ones.

For those who have artistic talent, you can paint a landscape or other drawing on the entire wall, for example, near dining area. Can be used as acrylic paints, so decorative plaster. The latter is easy to use, you just need to dilute and decorate. Moreover, it is suitable for any surface: metal, plastic, concrete, wood, and so on.

Many people use ceiling rosettes as decoration for kitchen walls. Paint them in different colors spray paint and stick it on, arranging it in an interesting combination.

Important ! When choosing decor for the kitchen wall, remember that it must be combined with its overall style.

Great decor for the wall of any room - Wall Clock. The range of designs and colors of watches is huge, so find one for a certain style kitchen will not be difficult.

If the wall already has a pattern, for example, wallpaper with flowers, then it is better to hang paintings, panels or photographs. In the kitchen with classic design Still lifes, landscapes, herbariums and the like will look great. For a kitchen made in neoclassical style, black and white paintings or photographs are best. Rooms modern style decorated with posters, plaques or conceptual paintings.

But if the kitchen small size, then you should not hang it with many pictures. It is better if there is only one medium size or several small ones arranged in a vertical row. This arrangement will visually enlarge the room.

Rare dishes (plates, trays) or unusual colors are also ideal for wall decoration. When traveling around the world, purchase dishes with national designs. The result will be an interesting and original collection.

Wooden cutting boards look unusual. A small hole is drilled in them and hung on hooks.

It is not necessary to decorate the entire wall; it is enough to decorate either the apron, or the dining area, or part of the wall behind the stove or sink. Tiles can also be used as kitchen decor. Moreover, the choice of material is huge, ranging from patterns and ornaments to drawings or mosaics.

The tiles can be laid in a herringbone pattern or combined different sizes. In this case, you should draw a diagram in advance for error-free installation.

If you already have tiles, you can paint them with special paints that are resistant to heat and washing.

It is not necessary to paint all the tiles, especially if most of them are in excellent condition. Enough to paste over problem areas vinyl stickers or others interesting things, such as clippings from magazines or napkins. And the flaws are hidden, and the wall decor is excellent.

Another unusual way decoration is pasting different wallpapers, for certain zones or emphasizing only one of them.

For example, the dining area is covered with wallpaper bright shade, and the rest of the kitchen in a more neutral color.

The decor can also be photo wallpaper. Most often they are applied to the apron or to the wall near the dining area. In addition, they visually increase the space.

And for those who like to write and draw a lot, you can use chalk wallpaper. You can paste them over the entire room, or just a part, making, for example, in the form school board. Children will especially like this option. Or arrange it in the form of paintings. Then you can draw or write something original inside. For example, a declaration of love to household members or writing down an interesting recipe.

Chalk wallpaper is easy to wash and can even be re-glued from one place to another.

You shouldn’t cover the whole room with them if it has only one window or no windows at all. The dark shade of the material will make it dull and boring.

Another way is to decorate with mirrors. An unusual decorative mirror made in an original frame that matches the style of the kitchen looks especially good. Or mirror surface installed on the apron. This method also increases the space, adding freedom and comfort to it.

Window decoration

To decorate the window in the kitchen, you can use curtains and drapes. If the kitchen is small, then it is better to hang light and small curtains, but if it is large, then you can even use curtains; they will give the room a mood of chic and wealth.

Advice ! Bright and light colors of curtains or drapes will make the kitchen feel more spacious and add more space. positive attitude, A dark shades- tranquility and luxury.

Sewing curtains or curtains with your own hands will take a lot of time, but it's worth it. You can decorate the fabric with original bead patterns, butterflies, flowers, make drapery, or add only fringe and lambrequins.

Decoration of furniture and equipment

If the furniture has lost its original appearance and looks completely dull, then it can be decorated with decor. For example, paint it a different color and replace the handles. How beautiful and unusual a cabinet decorated with patterns or drawings made by yourself will look.

The glass in the cabinets can be painted with stained glass paints or the doors can be removed altogether, leaving the shelves open or with curtains. This option is especially suitable for a kitchen with a small area, because closed cabinets reduce space.

Equipment can also be painted or covered with stickers. Particular attention and thoughtfulness of details should be paid to the refrigerator, as it takes up a lot of space and is an integral part of the kitchen.

Advice ! Before you start decorating, decide whether you are working only on furniture or appliances. Because if you decorate everything together, the kitchen will become too colorful and busy.

Don't forget about the hood above the stove. You can paint it or draw patterns. We also do the same with gas stove, washing machine. Although, for the latter it is better to sew a cover.

The chandelier is outdated, don’t rush to change it, try making a new lampshade.

Accessories and kitchen items

If it is not possible to decorate furniture or appliances, then various little things and fakes will help.

Moreover, there are countless things that you can do with your own hands:

  • potholders, napkins, tablecloths;
  • heating pads;
  • dolls;
  • pockets, baskets, storage systems;
  • bottle holders;
  • topiary;
  • paintings;
  • cutting boards and much more.

There are many ways to create something new interesting techniques like decoupage, knitting, patchwork, burning, sawing and much more.

The photo below shows DIY kitchen crafts.

Using fabric using the patchwork technique, you can make chair cushions, tablecloths, and napkins. Decor made using the patchwork technique is perfect for a Provence style kitchen.

Any little thing can serve as material for creativity, even toothpicks or matches, cereals, napkins, grains and much more. It all depends only on the imagination.

Jars with different spices, cereals and beautiful bottles will be an excellent decor for any kitchen. They are placed on open shelves. Dishes or cans of preserves are placed in the same way. You can also make shelves yourself.

And if you have magnets, then with their help you can attach small jars of spices to the wall, making a panel.

Jars can be made from wood and decorated in required style. They must be placed in the most visible places: open shelves, a table, or hung from the refrigerator.

Transparent jars with bright cereals and vegetables can be filled with your own hands or purchased. In the latter case, they will maintain an aesthetic appearance much longer, since manufacturers use special technologies for their preservation. In addition, all the bottles are stacked with bizarre and unusual shapes.

Absolutely every housewife wants to make her kitchen as comfortable and unique as possible. Unfortunately, updating any room today is not a cheap pleasure. What to do if your budget is limited and your kitchen urgently needs to be remodeled? In our article you can find a lot of tips that will help you make repairs in a room that is important for every housewife and spend a minimum amount Money. DIY kitchen crafts are always unique and beautiful.

DIY wall decoration

If you want to completely change your kitchen, then first of all you need to start with the design of the walls. We strongly recommend changing the color. Thanks to this solution, your kitchen will change dramatically. You can decorate monochromatic walls with a pattern. To do this, you will need to cut out a special stencil from thick paper and outline it with a thin brush. It is worth emphasizing that not everyone will be able to do this carefully. If you are bad at drawing, we recommend that you seek help from an artist. By the way, you can also ask him to decorate the kitchen with some large pattern. Now this design is incredibly popular. It makes the kitchen modern and comfortable.

If you don’t know an artist and you don’t want to spend time and money on this, we recommend paying attention to special stickers. You can buy them at any major hardware store. As a rule, they are inexpensive, but at the same time they are quite easy to apply to the wall. Before purchasing a sticker, think in advance where you want to place it. Kitchen decorations (made with your own hands) should fit harmoniously into the overall interior.

Great solution for travelers

Recently, a large number of people prefer to spend their holidays abroad. It's no secret that every tourist undoubtedly brings home souvenirs. Usually all these things are best case scenario For years they gather dust on cabinet shelves, and in the worst case, they are disposed of. This is very big mistake. All brought items can easily be used to decorate the premises. For example, planks that can be purchased in any resort town will fit perfectly into the kitchen interior. A potholder, a painting with a landscape and much more - these are all things that you can use to complement the design of the room. When purchasing such things in a resort town, you can be sure that no one among your friends has the same ones.

How to save money on furniture?

It's no secret that replacing furniture today is not a cheap pleasure. Few people know, but kitchen chairs, tables and cabinets can get a second life. To do this, you just need to use the maximum of your imagination.

The simplest transformation of boring furniture is changing its color. To do this, first of all you need to clean it from old paint and cover with a new one. When the furniture is dry, you need to open it with varnish. If you want more dramatic changes, you can change the upholstery on the chairs and decorate the cabinet doors with the stickers we talked about earlier. If you know how to draw, you can paint them by hand. This design will look expensive and unique.

Beautiful DIY kitchen table

I believe almost everyone is interested in how to make their kitchen table beautiful. At first glance, this task seems impossible. However, it is not. If you are tired of your kitchen table, then you can easily update it. Its design will depend only on your preferences. Tables with frescoes, mosaics and drawings look most advantageous. For decoration, you can use whatever you can find on hand.

The simplest and most affordable table update is decoupage. In order to decorate furniture in this style, you will need to purchase transparent glue, paper napkins with a pattern and varnish for wooden products. First of all, you need to clean the furniture from the old coating and wipe it with a cloth soaked in alcohol. Then you will need to cut out a design from the top cover of the napkin and attach it to the table using glue. You can place the image on a kitchen chair or table as you wish. After a day, the product must be opened with varnish and wait until it is completely dry.

Another way to update the old one kitchen table- This is drawing a picture using a burner. Perhaps almost everyone is familiar with this technique from school. By the way, in this way you can transform not only the table, but also wooden cutting boards.

Kitchen work area

The work area is the part of the kitchen where the hostess spends most of her time large quantity of its time. As a rule, it is also the most polluted. It's no secret that experts do not recommend decorating it with wallpaper. It is better to use materials that can be easily cleaned. Designers recommend kitchen shelves located in work area, make them open so that the room seems more spacious. It is also advisable to decorate this part of the room with tiles. To give it a touch of uniqueness, you can safely paint it by hand or cover it with a special film.

Textiles in the kitchen

Textiles play a very important role in kitchen design. Making it beautiful and incredibly unique is not difficult. Kitchen apron is an important part home wardrobe of any housewife. He is always in sight. It is for this reason that it is necessary to pay attention to its decor. Special attention. It is worth paying attention that it must be harmoniously combined with the overall decor of the kitchen. An apron should be sewn only from thick fabric that dries quickly. You can decorate it with appliqués and embroidery. Don't forget about the pockets. They can be decorated with drawings or bows. A DIY kitchen apron will certainly delight your guests.

Curtains and towels are undoubtedly an important part of any kitchen. If you want to visually increase the space of the room, then you need to pay attention only to light tulle in a light tone. Curtains must fit into the overall interior. Designers recommend placing all textile elements in the kitchen in only one color. This will make the design thoughtful and harmonious. With the help of self-sewn covers, you can easily hide all the shortcomings of old furniture.

DIY kitchen crafts are something that always causes delight. The recommendations that are located in our article will allow you to create your own, unique design, which will not leave anyone indifferent.

Cutting boards that will help transform any kitchen

Updating a boring kitchen is quite easy. If you do not want to change the color of the walls or furniture, then the following recommendations are for you. made of wood is an excellent material for creativity. You can use a variety of decorating techniques to add some flair to them. The most in a simple way is decoupage. You can find the technique for applying it in our article. It's a little more difficult to decorate a board using a burner. However, it is no secret that almost every schoolchild was taught this. That’s why, if you don’t know how to decorate things using a burner, you can easily find among your friends someone who can decorate your cutting board using just this application technique.

The most in a complicated way Decorating a cutting board involves applying a design by hand. As a rule, this requires at least minimal skill in accurately applying an image. If you are not good at drawing, but want to use this particular technique, you can find and print a simple template. It will need to be transferred to the board, and then decorated with gouache and varnished. These cutting boards will definitely decorate any kitchen shelves.

Kitchen containers

In any kitchen, of course, there is a large amount of bulk products. To store them, housewives use bags, jars and other containers, which often look unaesthetic. Crafts for the kitchen (with your own hands), ideas for which can be found in our article, will allow you to make your kitchen unique.

In order to create a beautiful container for storing bulk products, you will first need to find a base. These could be banks or metal boxes from tea, and all kinds wooden crafts appropriate form. To convert them, you can use all the previously mentioned methods. To create a beautiful one, you can also cover the container with lace or sew a fabric cover for it. Such vessels can be placed not only in the closet, but also in a visible place.

Hot pot tray

A hot stand is a must-have attribute of any kitchen. Thanks to it you can save your furniture from exposure high temperatures. Little things you create yourself to decorate your kitchen can completely change the room without much expense.

Anyone can make a stand. Use the recommendations given in our article, and your kitchen will be transformed in just a couple of days. created, will not leave any guest indifferent. You can use anything to create it. We will present only a few of the most interesting options.

To create a stand from wine corks you will need about 10 corks, a base and glue. First of all, you will need to cut out a small circle from thick cardboard, which will be slightly larger in volume than the bottom of the mug. It will serve as a base. The corks must be cut into circles and glued onto previously prepared cardboard. When the product is completely dry, you can use it as a stand.

There is a little trick: when wood interacts with hot objects, it begins to release an aroma. It is for this reason that the best stand for hot food is the one made from juniper or spruce. Therefore, you can safely use such material for a future product. Such coasters will not only preserve your furniture, but also fill your kitchen with a unique aroma.

Painting plates

Today, ideas for crafts for the kitchen undoubtedly delight with their variety. To add a special charm to the design, you can hand-paint the dishes. To do this, you need to purchase stained glass paint. It adheres well to ceramics and glass, and does not wear off or fade over time. It is worth emphasizing that only completely plain and light-colored plates are suitable for this design. Unfortunately, the image is almost invisible on dark dishes.

This decoration option is suitable only for those who know how to draw. It is worth emphasizing that today many craftswomen even sell plates that they have painted by hand. Such products are in incredible demand.


For many people use paintings. You can post large photographs. They will make the kitchen more cozy and comfortable. One more great idea for wall decoration are embroidered paintings. They make the kitchen as unique as possible. You can safely embroider a still life and place it in a frame on the wall. This decoration will delight everyone. By the way, you can also add embroidered patterns to your apron and towels.

What are the benefits of homemade kitchen decor?

DIY kitchen crafts are something that will always delight your guests. There are many benefits to decorating your home yourself. Thanks to it, you will not only make your kitchen unique, but also save a lot of money. If you create crafts with the whole family, this will undoubtedly bring all its members closer together. The interior, which was created with your own hands, will definitely delight absolutely everyone. It is worth emphasizing that you can change and supplement it at least every day.

Let's sum it up

Recently, an increasing number of families prefer to decorate their home themselves. will not only save money, but also create a unique interior. Use the recommendations given in our article, and you will transform not only kitchen chairs and other furniture, but also the room as a whole. This design is sure to bring you joy for many years to come.

We make shelves, potholders, coasters for cups and irresistible topiaries with step by step instructions and photos from the masters.

Original DIY kitchen crafts will help correct this situation, since they take up very little space.

Use the available space effectively, arm yourself consumables and use your imagination - then the result will please you.

We decorate the space with our crafts

Crafts for the kitchen can be made in different style, using different techniques and materials. But the main goals when creating crafts remain decorating the space and increasing the efficiency of its use.

Based on this, the following homemade crafts should be considered the most popular:

  • Shelves for spices/utensils;
  • Potholders;
  • Topiary;
  • Coasters for cups.

Shelves for spices/utensils are preferably made of wood. Potholders are accordingly made from fabric - using the patchwork technique or using a homogeneous material.

To make crafts in the form of stands, it is convenient to use CDs on which decorative elements will be applied. Foam plastic is most often used as the basis for making topiaries.

We'll arrange small master class on making beautiful functional crafts and present a photo of each of them.

Shelves for spices/utensils

Shelves for spices, dishes and other small items are an indispensable attribute of any kitchen. They must be made spacious, durable, beautiful and well located from an ergonomic point of view.

For different cuisines production of shelves is allowed various shapes. But the simplest and most convenient craft to make is a rectangular wooden open shelf.

To make homemade kitchen shelves you will need:

  • Jigsaw;
  • Hammer;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Hammer;
  • Pencil, tape measure, compass;
  • Chipboard ( particle board) /boards;
  • Brackets;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Paint, brush.

The brackets will be used to hang kitchen shelves. You can make them yourself or buy them at a construction supermarket/furniture store. Sandpaper will be needed to sand the future craft.

In the basic version, kitchen shelves are simply painted. But, if desired, you can further decorate them.

The process of making wall shelves for the kitchen consists of the following steps:

  1. Choosing a place to hang the product;
  2. Creating a drawing of a craft (determining shape, size);
  3. Selecting brackets that are optimal in size;
  4. Cutting shelves with a jigsaw;
  5. End grinding;
  6. Painting the structure;
  7. Marking the wall at fastening points;
  8. Structure fastenings.

If you use chipboard to make kitchen crafts, then after sanding the ends you will have to seal them with veneer.

Please note that the kitchen craft must be securely fastened. If desired, you can also varnish the product. Photos of such interior items will make the owners proud.

Backlighting is a convenient option, but its installation requires more skill. Therefore, to make kitchen shelves with lighting, it is better to read our more detailed material about building shelves for your kitchen yourself.

Bright original potholders

Another useful kitchen craft is an oven mitt. Making potholders is not very difficult.

If you do not have enough practice in making such homemade products, sew a potholder in the shape of a square.

For this kitchen craft you will need:

  • 2 pieces of natural fabric (20*20 cm);
  • 1 piece of padding polyester (20*20 cm);
  • Narrow fabric strip for edging (4*90 cm);
  • Threads;
  • Sewing machine.

This procedure will take very little time. Due to the absence of complex decorative elements, making potholders for the kitchen does not require special skill.

Over time, you will be able to sew more complex fabric crafts for the kitchen and subtly decorate them.

Cup coasters

Various coasters for cups are perhaps the easiest homemade items to make. But this does not detract from their merits. Original stand It will not only enliven the atmosphere, but also prevent stains from appearing on the table.

To make such a craft for the kitchen, you will only need 3 items:

  • CD;
  • Coffee beans;
  • Glue.

It is advisable to take durable glue - “Moment” or “Second”.

When making a homemade substrate you:

  1. Take the disk;
  2. Gently coat it with glue on one side;
  3. Place the grains on the sticky side;
  4. Additionally, sprinkle the free space with coconut flakes;
  5. After drying, repeat the procedure on the other side of the disc.

The number of such crafts made in the kitchen can be unlimited.

You can use such homemade products not only as a stand, but also for general decoration premises. To do this, you need to place the discs on shelves or hang them on the walls. Then your kitchen in the photo will attract the attention of many people.

Original homemade topiary

There are many master classes on the topic self-made various topiaries.

The most common basis for making various kitchen decorative topiaries is a foam ball.

The round shape of kitchen crafts is easy to design and fits harmoniously into almost any interior, even into a New Year's style kitchen. In addition, polystyrene foam is lightweight, and various elements are easily attached to it.

To make your own topiary you will need:

  • Styrofoam ball;
  • Wooden rod;
  • Glue;
  • Various decorative elements;
  • Flower pot/stand.

In the process of making crafts, in the form of topiary for the kitchen with your own hands, you:

  1. Cut a hole in the foam;
  2. Connect the rod to the foam ball;
  3. Place the product blank on a stand/pot;
  4. Cover the ball with plain paper/fabric as a background;
  5. Decorate the surface of the ball using decorative elements.

If you have topiary in the future, wooden stand– first screw it to the rod, then connect the rod to the ball.

As decorative elements For self-made crafts for the kitchen, various quilling strips or fabric strips and beads can be used.

In the simplest version, roll a strip of fabric/paper into a ring and glue it to the crown of the topiary. You can insert a bead into the center of an imaginary flower.

Let's sum it up

Making each kitchen craft with your own hands requires a little patience and imagination. You might think that making a decorative item is a long and labor-intensive process. But once you start, many new ideas will immediately arise.

Try your hand at creativity, find a use for old unnecessary things and involve your loved ones in the activity. Then all family members will have the opportunity to spend free time with benefit and pleasure. Be creative!

Do you want your kitchen to be original and unique in its own way? Then it's time to create such a cozy atmosphere. And to do this, you don’t have to buy expensive accessories in the store; it will be enough to make crafts for the kitchen with your own hands using scrap materials that every housewife will probably have in her home.

Kitchen Crafts - Decor Ideas

There are many sources of inspiration, for example, you can get it by simply browsing finished works skilled craftsmen, taking note of the technique of their execution, or the general idea of ​​the composition. In this article we have prepared for you the most creative ideas DIY kitchen decor!

DIY kitchen crafts

DIY kitchen wall crafts

The wall of your favorite kitchen can be decorated with a variety of stencils and artistic painting to give her a new unique look.

Stencils for wall decor in the kitchen

And the kitchen apron can be transformed using the decoupage technique. Or by making interesting and very practical storage bags.

Decoupage kitchen apron with your own hands

You can also decorate the kitchen walls open shelves and crafts from old dishes, or homemade vases and decorated bottles.

DIY kitchen decor in Provence style

DIY bag for storing vegetables

To make such a bag for storing vegetables, fruits or plastic bags, we will need thick linen or cotton fabric, combined with the overall color scheme kitchen interior. And should be prepared: threads, needles, elastic bands and a metal fastener.

Materials for a bag for the kitchen

First, fold the prepared fabric in half and sew it from the wrong side, either by hand or by machine. Then we stitch the edges and insert the elastic.

We make bags for the kitchen with our own hands
DIY storage bags for the kitchen

It is important to remember that DIY fabric crafts for the kitchen require periodic washing, so it would be better to have several spare sets that can be sewn, for example, based on the seasons and changed according to a particular season.

DIY kitchen shelves

The simplest is a wooden shelf, square or rectangular shape. But it is also important to take into account the dimensions of the things that are planned to be placed on it. For example, oil and vinegar bottles require more robust design than other low capacities.

DIY kitchen shelves

We invite you to watch the detailed video instructions for making a kitchen shelf with your own hands.

Original do-it-yourself kitchen stands

Kitchen decor is not only about decorating the walls, but also about making accessories that will be an excellent addition to the overall composition. After all beautiful crafts for the kitchen with your own hands, an original find in the interior of every home.

DIY hot stand

This DIY wooden craft for the kitchen will be a wonderful decorative element. And wood is the best material for this.

Hot coasters in Provence style

To make such a craft we will need thin wooden cuts. Next, using either the decoupage technique or burning, we create a nice stand for hot drinks and dishes.

Tablet stand made from cutting board

To make a stand for e-book or tablet holder you need to prepare:

  • Wooden cutting board;
  • Plank;
  • A sharp triangle made of wood (a fragment of molding);
  • Paint in a color that matches the countertop or kitchen backsplash;
  • Brushes;
  • Saw or jigsaw;
  • Wood glue.

Using a saw or jigsaw, make a plank required size, focusing on the width of the board. Then sand its edges with sandpaper and attach it to the board.

We attach the bar to cutting board

Afterwards, we take a triangular stand, and also using wood glue, attach it to the base, as shown in the photo.

Attach the triangular stand to the base
DIY tablet stand

DIY vase for the kitchen

Vases are a wonderful element of interior decor in the kitchen. Using available materials, you can make a unique decorative accessory from an old vase. In order for the process itself to bring pleasure and the desired result, follow your creative intuition, boldly combine incompatible things, using a creative approach.

Decorate a vase with beads

You can decorate a vase using beads. This decor is quite simple to implement and will not take much time. And economical, because Beads from old jewelry are suitable for this.

Decorate the vase with beads

Decorate the vase with branches

Vases that are used in decoration are beautiful. natural materials, for example branches. This material gives a feeling of lightness and unobtrusiveness in the kitchen.

Vase decor with branches

Vases decorated with cord

Using thick threads or cord, you can make unique vases that will perfectly support the decor of your kitchen.

Decorate a vase with a cord

DIY shiny vase

A vase made with gold sparkles will be stylish and original.

DIY shiny vase

Vase made for a candlestick

The fastest and easiest way to decorate a vase is to create a candlestick from it.

DIY candlestick from a vase

DIY kitchen organizer

Every housewife needs bags, napkins, etc. in the kitchen. And, as a rule, the question arises: How to properly store napkins? The answer is simple, make an organizer for them. After all, it is with the help of it that you will be able to organize and save space in your kitchen, and, if necessary, instantly find them. It is important to note that the organizer itself looks very aesthetically pleasing and will fit perfectly into any interior. . Below we present to you detailed video instructions making such an organizer with your own hands.

DIY pot holder in the shape of a pig

The symbol of the coming New Year is a wonderful pig, so we have prepared for you a master class on making crafts for the kitchen with your own hands, in the quality of which there will be a potholder in the form of a funny pig.

In order to make such a potholder, prepare:

  • Cotton fabric;
  • Bias binding, size 18 mm;
  • Non-woven adhesive interlining;
  • Batting;
  • threads, scissors, pins;
  • scissors;
  • buttons for eyes.

Materials for potholders in the shape of a pig

First, you need to glue the fabric with non-woven material. Then, find a template for the future pot holder in the shape of a pig on the Internet and print it out. Then transfer the stencil to the fabric and carefully cut it out, taking into account all the allowances. Having received two parts of the potholder.

Cut out the pig's face using a stencil
Sew the piggy elements to the front side

We place the front part of the potholder on the batting and stitch it, then cut off the excess. We do the same with the second part of the potholder.

Sew the batting onto the potholder
Pot holder in the shape of a pig on New Year

Thus, it turned out wonderful craft symbol of the year in the kitchen with your own hands.

DIY felt pillows for kitchen chairs

Pillows for kitchen stools not only decorate, but also create comfort for household members, because it is pleasant and comfortable to sit on them.

DIY pillows for a stool

To make them, need to prepare: felt material, PVA glue and stationery scissors. Cut out strips of felt material equal in width to the thickness of the top of your chair. Then carefully roll it into a roll, simultaneously applying glue to inner side material. This twisting must be continued until you get a seat. round shape required size.

DIY chair cushions for the kitchen

It is allowed to combine felt of different colors. All that remains is to attach the applique to the seat. And we get original craft made of felt for the kitchen.
