Modern thermal insulation. Choosing insulation for the outside walls of a house: price, types and review of manufacturers Modern house insulation systems

Thermal insulation works not only in winter, but also in summer. If done correctly, the house will be much warmer in cold weather and cooler in hot weather. Manufacturers today offer a huge range. There are not only traditional products, but also new modern materials. Construction insulation materials come in rolls, in mats, in granules, in the form of powder, cylinders, similar to blocks and bricks, or slabs.

Types of thermal insulation

The most important characteristic of a thermal insulation material is thermal conductivity. The lower it is, the better. Essentially, this indicator determines how much heat the material can transmit through itself.

The main classification of insulation materials divides them into two groups:

  1. Reflective type. Reducing heat losses when installing this type occurs due to a decrease in infrared radiation.
  2. Prevention type. Their main quality is their low thermal conductivity coefficient.

Thermal insulation of the preventive type is the broadest category. Let's look at the most popular samples and analyze their characteristics.

It is made from polyethylene granules, to which a foaming agent is added when heated. The result is a porous material with good soundproofing and vapor barrier properties.

The characteristics include:

  • thermal conductivity of the material – 0.043-0.05 W/m K;
  • 25-50 kg/m³;
  • withstands temperatures ranging from -40 °C to +100 °C;
  • the degree of water absorption is low;
  • resists biological and chemical stress well.

Some manufacturers produce foamed polyethylene with a foil outer layer (a new modern analogue); this option already belongs to the second category. And another product made of polyethylene foam - heat-insulating cylinders for insulating pipes.

Many people confuse expanded polystyrene with polystyrene foam. That's two different insulation, where the first completely replaced the second, which had been used in construction for many years. Distinctive characteristic foamed polystyrene - its porosity. So 98% are pores filled with gas. And only 2% is the material itself. But at the same time, the insulation itself is very dense.

Here are its characteristics:

  • thermal conductivity – 0.024-0.041 W/m K;
  • vapor permeability (water absorption) – 0.017;
  • bending strength 0.5-1.1 kg/m² (comparable to foam plastic - 0.03-1.9 kg/m²);
  • in construction, material with a density of 15-35 kg/m³ is most often used.

Let us add that this insulation is used for all types of building structures: floors, facades, roofing, foundations. They can be insulated from the inside or outside.

The Penoplex brand is especially popular today. Foamed polystyrene is also used to produce cylinders for pipe insulation.

This material is a mixture of water, polyester, emulsifiers, diisocyanate. Catalysts are added to this mixture, a chemical reaction occurs and polyurethane foam is obtained. It's foamy liquid substance, which is applied to building structures by spraying.


  • density – 40-80 kg/m³ (above 50 kg/m³ the insulation becomes moisture resistant);
  • thermal conductivity – 0.018-0.027 W/m K;
  • water absorption up to 0.05.

In private construction, polyurethane foam is rarely used, but for large volumes of work it is a popular material.

This insulation belongs to the group of inorganic heat-insulating materials. It is made either from slag or from rocks. The second option is more common. The raw materials for production are basalt, limestone, dolomite and others. The binder is either urea or phenol. By the way, phenolic mineral wool is used in construction. It has a high coefficient of moisture resistance.


  • thermal conductivity – 0.031-0.05 W/m K;
  • density – 75-150 kg/m³;
  • withstands temperatures up to +600 °C;
  • moisture resistance is not very high.

Let us add that this is an excellent sound insulator. Insulation is produced in rolls and mats. Manufacturers also offer cylinders made of this material. Is not flammable material.

It is made from the same raw materials as glass itself. Compared to mineral wool, this insulation has higher strength due to elongated fibers. Doesn't light up chemicals passive


  • density – 130 kg/m³, no more;
  • thermal conductivity of insulation – 0.028-0.52 W/m K;
  • withstands temperatures up to +450 °C;
  • high water absorption.

This material is made from waste paper and cardboard. Waste paper is also used, but in this case the quality drops significantly. This insulation is most often used to insulate crowns in wood construction.


  • thermal conductivity of ecowool – 0.031-0.042 W/m K;
  • material density – 30-75 kg/m³;
  • vapor permeability – 0.3;
  • insulation belongs to the group of moderately flammable materials;
  • sound absorption with a layer thickness of 50 mm 63 dB.


Construction felt is an insulation material of animal origin. Most often it is used in wooden construction, where this material is used to cover external walls, window and door openings. It is often used as a heat-insulating layer under plaster. wooden ceilings, and also, mixed with clay, as insulation for chimneys.

To prevent felt from becoming a breeding ground for moths and other insects, manufacturers treat it with a three percent solution of sodium fluoride.


  • thermal conductivity of the material is 0.06 W/m K;
  • density – 150 kg/m³;
  • tensile strength – 2-5 kg/cm².

This is new thermal insulation material, the production of which is based on sawdust or shavings, finely chopped reeds or straw. Cement acts as a binder. Chemical additives must be added ( liquid glass, alumina sulfate and calcium chloride), which increase the technical qualities of the material. The finished insulation in the form of blocks is treated with a mineralizer.


  • wood concrete density – 500 -700 kg/m³;
  • thermal conductivity of the insulator – 0.09-0.13 W/m K;
  • compression pressure – 0.6-3.6 MPa;
  • bending – 0.5-1.2 MPa.

This fibreboard insulation board is very similar to chipboard. But not only wood is used in its production. Instead, you can use straw, corn cobs with the addition of waste paper. Synthetic resins are added as a binder, plus antiseptic and anti-foam solutions, as well as water repellents. Manufacturing form: plate.


  • density – 250 kg/m³;
  • thermal conductivity – 0.07 W/m K;
  • bending strength no more than 12 MPa.

Insulation is usually done by installing slabs on the sheathing. Most often used for interior work.

This insulation is called differently. One of the names of mipore. Why? Because in the process of making insulation there is an intermediate stage, this is when an aqueous solution of urea-formaldehyde resin is strongly beaten with the addition of sulfonic acid. This foamed solution is mipora. Then glycerin is added to it, which gives the material strength and organic acid, which acts as a catalyst for hardening the mass.

Penoizol is sold in the form of blocks or powder. The powder must be diluted with water and poured into the cavities. At room temperature hardening occurs.


  • density – 20 kg/³;
  • thermal conductivity – 0.04 W/m K;
  • starts to burn at a temperature of +500 °C;
  • high water absorption;
  • low passivity to chemicals.

Comparative analysis

With such a variety of thermal insulation materials, it is difficult to choose the one that will be needed specifically for certain purposes. We must pay tribute to the manufacturers who began to separate products by model. For example, insulation made of expanded polystyrene brand Penoplex. Models available only for internal use, for facades, for roofs and so on. As indicated on the packaging.

Let's compare some insulation materials with each other, after which it will become clear which one is best to choose for thermal insulation.

For example, let's take the famous brand Penofol - this is insulation made of foamed polyethylene. Let's start with the fact that the manufacturer supplies this heat insulator with a double-sided foil layer. Penofol 4 mm thick can replace 80 mm of rolled mineral wool, 30 mm of expanded polystyrene board. In addition, there is no need to install hydro- and vapor barriers.

But it cannot be used under plaster. In this plan polystyrene foam boards win. You just need to apply it to them plaster mesh and alignment can be carried out.

Mineral wool is the cheapest insulation on the market. But its cheapness is imaginary, because for installation you will have to build wooden frame, which must be treated with an antiseptic. That is, all these expenses will negate its cheapness.

Plus, mineral wool is afraid of moisture, and this means two more layers of protective materials. And yet, together with polystyrene foam boards, it is a leader in the category of modern insulation materials.


As for polyurethane foam, it is rarely used in private housing construction. This pleasure is too expensive. It is impossible to apply it with your own hands. Special equipment and permission to carry out work are required.

Arbolit and penoizol

These materials are most often used for insulating balconies and loggias. Both insulation materials today compete with cellular concrete blocks.

Unfortunately, they are still losing due to the lack of promotion of the brand. Although thermal insulation characteristics they will not yield to foam blocks. But for thermal insulation of facades, wood concrete is a good option.


These are the most popular thermal insulation materials in private housing construction. Of course, the insulation market has not exhausted its range of products. There are completely new materials, for example, from foamed polyvinyl chloride.

There are long-used ones, for example, the same chipboard or fiberboard. Or combined option- honeycomb insulation, the shell of which is layered plastic in the form of hexagonal honeycombs (hence the name), and paper, fabrics, fiberglass, cellulose, and so on are used as fillers.

Preserving heat in the room and creating a microclimate are the main priorities during construction residential buildings. To achieve these goals use A complex approach in thermal insulation measures. Efficiency of subsequent work, incl. the result is determined by the choice of insulation. To decide which insulation to choose, you should be guided by a number of criteria.

Three methods of thermal insulation protection are used as external wall insulation - well, wet and ventilated facades. Each of these methods involves the use of separate materials.

However, despite this, each of them must have common properties:

  • thermal conductivity - W/(m×K);
  • heat capacity - KJ/(kg×K);
  • porosity;
  • density - kg/m³;
  • vapor permeability;
  • water absorption;
  • flammability - from G1 to G4 (non-flammable - NG);
  • flammability and smoke generation;
  • strength limit;
  • acidity - pH.

In addition to these characteristics, the choice of insulation is influenced by: environmental safety, sound insulation, waterproofing, resistance to environmental influences and biological damage. Also in construction, the parameters of durability and cost are taken into account.

The most popular thermal insulation materials on the market are mineral wool, polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam and liquid material. Next, in the article we will figure out which insulation is better, based on their properties.

Pros and cons of mineral wool

Thermal conductivity (0.070 W (m*K) per 200 kg/m³) and vapor permeability (0.490 per 200 kg/m³) of mineral wool indicate that this material most effective. However, its resistance to moisture is low. In view of this, during the repair reliable protection Guaranteed only in conjunction with waterproofing.

The form of release of mineral wool is convenient for use. So, for cladding the surface of a wall or roof, slabs are chosen. Mats are optimal for floor thermal insulation. It is noteworthy that the texture can imitate sand, stone chips and other natural materials. In this case, which mineral wool is better, the user must decide.

The advantages include:

  • operational life - 30 years;
  • environmental Safety;
  • resistance to temperatures from −260°С to +900°С;
  • chemically neutral to alkaline and other acids;
  • optimal cost.

The main disadvantage is low moisture resistance, which significantly increases the price tag, because... additional waterproofing must be used.

One of the best insulation materials is polystyrene foam.

Foam plastic is the best thermal insulation material, according to consumers. This is due to the affordable price tag, quality performance indicators and load resistance. In view of this, foam plastic is used both in the construction of residential buildings and in the construction of public buildings.

Heat transfer from 0.031 to 0.042 W/(m*K) is one of the highest. This parameter is achieved due to the structure of the foam: the foamed polystyrene mass is produced in layers, between which there is gas. It is because of this that the density of the raw material initially increases.

The scope of application of this type of insulation is attics, utility rooms, outbuildings, where the walls are sensitive to temperature changes.

However, for thermal insulation of the foundation, polystyrene foam must be used in combination with other protection (brick, wood). This is caused by changes in the soil depending on the season.

Positive properties of polystyrene foam:

  • water-repellent;
  • mildew resistance;
  • light weight;
  • maintains performance regardless of the weather.

But unlike mineral wool, polystyrene foam quickly collapses when exposed to nitro paint. To avoid this situation, it is recommended to select the glue correctly. Another disadvantage is low mechanical stability. Therefore, after cladding, the foam must be additionally protected.

The difference between polystyrene foam and this material is only in the production method. However, its foaming is higher. Moreover, extruded polystyrene foam is additionally processed through high-strength molds (dies). Due to this, water resistance is achieved. The material is also able to withstand mechanical and atmospheric loads.


  • withstands temperatures from −500°С to +750°С;
  • used at industrial facilities;
  • involved in road construction;
  • used as insulation for wells and roofs.

However, extruded polystyrene foam was banned in Europe and America. This decision was influenced by the lack of this insulation - high level flammability. This parameter has repeatedly caused the destruction of buildings after renovation in several European countries. To protect its products, the manufacturer began to add substances that prevent combustion. But this was also subject to extensive criticism, because... During smoldering, dangerous toxins were released. Therefore, it is impossible to assign this material the title of “best insulation”.

A new method of thermal insulation - liquid insulation

Liquid insulation has relatively recently appeared on the building materials market. Its practicality and ease of use are the main selection criteria. Compared to other thermal insulation materials, it does not take up space.

The scope of application is very wide - facades, internal walls, pipelines, metal roofs and garages, basements. It is also actively used in the fight against condensation formation.

  • application to the base, incl. hard to reach places;
  • minimum level of thermal conductivity (0.001 W/(m×K);
  • a surface of up to 100 m² can be treated per day;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • reduction in heat costs by 27%;
  • does not change appearance;
  • there is no preparatory stage;
  • fireproof

The disadvantages of insulation are sensitivity during transportation and high price range. In addition, there are no formulas for accurately calculating the need, which can subsequently increase the budget.


The article discusses popular insulation materials: positive and negative sides. The consumer must make his own conclusion about which thermal insulation is better. This is due to the fact that each of the representatives of isolation is good in its own way. Therefore, when choosing a suitable insulation, you should rely on technical parameters and prices. This is true both for houses under construction and for those that have already been put into operation.

Wide selection of insulation materials for wooden houses, they can be used to insulate a house outside, and some even inside the house. What types are suitable for frame house? Which is the best, let's look at their characteristics in this article! If carried out correctly, it will not be superfluous in any climatic conditions.

When it is done correctly, then under its “protection” the house will not only be warmer in winter, but also noticeably cooler in summer.

Installation of insulation will create a comfortable microclimate in a room for any purpose - in a residential building, office or production workshop.

In addition, saving heat means obvious financial savings. It is completely unreasonable to heat the street, despite the fact that the technologies used today provide an opportunity to start saving energy resources already at initial stage construction work. Most of all, those parts of the building that are most adjacent to the external environment need to use insulation -, and.

The material produced in this way has excellent properties; moreover, it is not flammable and therefore does not pose a fire hazard. But a huge part of the wonderful qualities of insulation can be irretrievably lost when it gets wet. This should be taken into account.

Stone wool

Stone wool

This is a fibrous material that is sold in the form of rolls and portioned slabs, and has an extremely low thermal conductivity.

The highest quality product is made from rocks called gabbro-basalt. This non-flammable material is used with equal success in the construction of private facilities and the construction of various industrial facilities. The wide range of uses is also explained by the possibility of its use at extremely high temperatures, reaching one thousand degrees.

The insulation's complete immunity to fire is complemented by its excellent resistance to moisture. This is a hydrophobic material, the peculiarity of which is that it does not absorb water, but repels it.

This ensures that the insulation remains dry even after a long period of time. This, in turn, will allow her to maintain her high performance qualities. Unique properties basalt wool allows it to be used even in boiler rooms, baths and saunas, where high humidity and high temperature are combined. Strength in in this case is not directly dependent on the density of the material.

It's pretty soft material, having at the same time a sufficient margin of safety. Its structural stability is determined by the special arrangement of the individual component fibers - chaotic and vertical. The material has high anti-corrosion properties.

It can coexist quite peacefully with concrete and metal, without the occurrence of all sorts of chemical reactions. High biological stability provides it with immunity to various biological pests: damage by insects and rodents, the occurrence of fungal diseases,

Combustion test basalt insulation survived, but the organic insulation burned out

Basalt rock is the main raw material for the production of this type of wool.. Treatment with formaldehyde resins gives the material a sufficient level of strength, and the materials used modern technologies guarantee the complete elimination of harmful phenols at the production stage of the material.

The final product reaching the consumer is a harmless and environmentally friendly material with high insulating qualities.

It is actively used for insulating floors of residential and production premises, for thermal insulation of roofs and facades, including as external insulation.

It has found wide application in rooms with extreme levels of humidity and temperature. The best basalt insulation, stone wool made from rocks is a guarantee of high quality for a long time.

Glass wool

The missing 7% comes from specially added flame retardants. Insulation fibers contain lignin, which becomes sticky when humidity increases. All elements included in the insulation are non-toxic, absolutely non-volatile and harmless to health. Cellulose insulation is resistant to combustion and rotting, and has excellent sound and heat insulation properties.

Can hold approximately 20% humidity while maintaining its performance. The material releases moisture to the outside and dries quickly, maintaining all its performance qualities. The disadvantage of ecowool can be considered its difficulty manual application to the surface, as well as the impossibility of arranging a “floating floor” due to its inherent softness.


Another name for the material is urea foam. This is a modern material with high sound and heat insulating characteristics, which is a cheap insulation material. This is a cellular organic foam with particularly low density and low thermal conductivity. The material has high fire resistance, resistance to microorganisms, and a low price. It is easy to process, its air content reaches 90%.

Insulating the attic with foam insulation

The tests carried out demonstrated the capabilities of the material. It turned out that the time of its operation, as the middle layer of a frame structure, is actually unlimited. Tests of its fire resistance showed that the material can be safely classified as low-flammable.

This is the only thermal insulation material of a polymer nature that is not at all suitable for self-combustion. Its fire resistance index places it in the G2 flammability subgroup.

Even when highest temperature in the event of a fire, when the metal begins to melt, the carbide foam will simply evaporate, without releasing toxic or harmful substances.


This is a special foil material (on both sides or only one). It is made of polyethylene foam fabric, covered on the outside with highly polished aluminum foil. This is a multilayer vapor-sound- and heat-insulating material that combines completely different qualities.

With a minimum thickness of the insulating layer, it provides excellent properties for reflecting heat flow, successfully combined with the highest (almost maximum) thermal resistance indicators. Correctly installed material is characterized exclusively by effective thermal insulation buildings along its entire contour.

It's harmless environmentally friendly material, which does not pose a threat to the ozone layer. It does not contain glass or other fibers that are unsafe for the health of people and animals.

Without changing its exceptional properties, it serves for about 50 years, without deforming or being damaged during all this time.

Installation is quite simple and very convenient: it does not require special equipment. Excellent protection against steam and moisture. It is used almost everywhere.

When building houses, our ancestors paid little attention to thermal insulation. Because of this, a lot of energy had to be spent on keeping the rooms warm. Yes and find suitable material with good thermal insulation qualities it was not easy before. Today, all homeowners understand the need to insulate their homes, as energy prices are constantly rising. Thanks to development chemical industry on construction market Many affordable and effective thermal insulators have appeared. They differ in price, installation method, technical parameters. Therefore, the choice has become richer and more complex. What properties should the consumer pay attention to first?

  1. To create a cozy microclimate inside the building, you can insulate the external or inner part building. For a private home, insulation from the outside looks optimal, but apartment owners are often forced to install thermal insulation inside the premises.
  2. The main criterion good insulation is low thermal conductivity. The lower the coefficient, the better material retains heat inside the house. However, few people want to live in a warm, but damp room. Therefore, a heat insulator is selected with good air permeability, but at the same time it should not allow moisture inside.
  3. When choosing a material, do not forget about safety. The insulation must be fire-resistant, resistant to biodestruction and environmentally friendly.
  4. The price factor often plays a decisive role. Sometimes you have to sacrifice some qualities due to a limited budget.

Our review includes the best insulation materials for the home. When compiling the rating, the following criteria were taken into account:

  • affordability;
  • specifications;
  • scope of application;
  • expert opinion;
  • user reviews.

The best insulation in the form of plates and rolls

The most popular insulation materials are still traditional slabs and rolls. They allow you to independently create a thermal insulation layer outside and inside the house, saving on the work of builders. At the same time, you should remember about the joints and cold bridges through which cold can penetrate into the house.

5 Foam glass

The highest thermal insulation properties
Average price: 985 rub. (0.27 sq. m., 0.027 cubic meters.)
Rating (2019): 4.6

Foam glass is one of the most modern and effective heat insulators. Solid cellular panels are suitable for insulating foundations, walls and roofs. In some Western countries, foam glass blocks are becoming the main building material, which is used to build walls. In our country, panels are usually attached externally to brick or concrete foundations. Thanks to the set beneficial properties foam glass not only protects the house from the cold, but also from noise. The noise absorption level reaches 56 dB. The material does not absorb moisture, is not subject to biodestruction, and is resistant to large temperature changes.

Builders note such positive properties foam glass as excellent thermal insulation qualities, environmental friendliness, strength, fire resistance, chemical and biological resistance, durability. However, due to the high price, the material is not often used in private housing construction.

4 Glass wool

The most famous insulation
Average price: 795 rub. (15 sq. m., 0.75 cubic meters)
Rating (2019): 4.7

Glass wool has been used in construction for a very long time. This thermal insulation material is obtained by melting minerals such as sand, dolomite, soda, limestone, and waste from the glass industry. Glass wool was especially popular in the construction of wooden houses. This is due to reliable protection against rodents. And now they are insulating wooden or frame buildings using glass wool. The material is sold in the form of slabs and rolls. When working with this heat insulator, it is important to follow safety precautions, using goggles, a respirator and gloves.

Despite the somewhat archaic nature of glass wool, professional builders use it because of several advantages. These are fire resistance, excellent insulating ability, versatility, low price and ease of installation. The disadvantages of the material are the fragility of sharp fibers, severe shrinkage and danger to the body.

3 Extruded polystyrene foam (sandwich panel)

Modern insulation for slopes
Average price: 573 rub. (1.25 sq. m., 0.0125 cubic meters.)
Rating (2019): 4.8

A lot of heat loss in the house occurs through window units. Therefore, when installing windows, builders insulate the slopes. A very effective heat insulator is a sandwich panel made of extruded polystyrene foam. It not only prevents heat loss, but also gives window block finished look. The panel consists of two thin layers PVC, between which there is 10 mm thick polystyrene foam. Slopes made from such sandwich panels are not afraid of moisture, and fungus or mold does not appear on them. For builders, the use of sandwich panels is the best option in terms of speed of window installation. Turnkey windows with slopes can be delivered within one day.

Extruded polystyrene foam in the form of sandwich panels has become a popular thermal insulator. Installers note such advantages as the speed of design of window blocks, moisture resistance, environmental friendliness and durability. The disadvantages include the high price.

2 Foam

The most popular and affordable insulation
Average price: 300 rub. (2 sq. m., 0.2 cubic meters.)
Rating (2019): 4.8

Foam plastic is extremely popular in private housing construction. This is explained by the availability of the material and good insulating qualities. White and light panels are obtained by steam foaming polystyrene. Experts consider water resistance to be one of the important advantages of polystyrene foam. Therefore, over the years, mold or mildew will not appear in the insulator. In addition, the thermal insulation does not shrink over time, installing the panels is convenient and simple, and further finishing is quite easy. When choosing polystyrene foam, it is necessary to take into account the density of the proposed product. The material can be used for insulating wooden, brick, gas silicate walls, and also lay it under the siding.

The advantages of polystyrene foam for builders include moisture resistance, a light weight, low thermal conductivity and ease of installation. Obvious disadvantages are flammability, fragility and poor sound insulation.

1 Mineral wool

The best universal insulation
Average price: 480 rub. (3 sq. m., 0.15 cubic meters)
Rating (2019): 4.9

The most versatile thermal insulation material, according to professional builders, is mineral wool. Insulation can be used for both external and internal insulation. This heat insulator is used to finish walls, partitions, floors and roofs. Mineral wool is made from metallurgical slag or basalt by pressing and heat treatment. Therefore, the material is often called stone or basalt wool. Thanks to the fibrous structure, which is filled with air, reliable protection against the penetration of cold masses into the house is obtained. Mineral wool is available in the form of rolls or slabs.

Over the long period of its existence, mineral wool has found many adherents. They note such advantages of the material as affordable price, low thermal conductivity, durability, environmental friendliness and fire resistance. One of the disadvantages of insulation is hygroscopicity.

The best spray insulation

Continuous thermal insulation is gaining popularity. It can be created using sprayed materials. This type of insulation has no joints or cold bridges. Only special equipment is required to apply the heat insulator.

3 Penoizol

Vapor permeability, no expansion
Average price: 1500 rub. (1 cubic meter)
Rating (2019): 4.7

One of the popular liquid insulation materials became penoizol. It is a urea-formaldehyde foam, which is sold in cylinders. When applied to building construction it hardens at temperatures above +15°C. Experts consider vapor permeability to be one of the most valuable qualities of penoizol. Moreover, unlike polyurethane foam, this heat insulator does not expand when it hardens. Therefore, the material is often poured into brick walls, frame buildings or under siding. Experts also highly appreciate the fire safety of penoizol; it does not burn, but melts without emitting toxic substances.

Builders consider the main advantages of liquid heat insulation to be a good thermal conductivity coefficient, high vapor permeability, fire safety. However, the porous structure must be protected from moisture penetration; over time, the heat insulator shrinks, and application requires a special apparatus.

2 Polyurethane foam

Easy to apply, reliable installation
Average price: 450 rub. (1 l)
Rating (2019): 4.8

The two-component liquid compound is polyurethane foam. It is easy to apply and is reliable in installation. The heat insulator is produced in two modifications. Closed-cell polyurethane foam has a lower coefficient of thermal conductivity and water absorption. And the open-cell variety has greater vapor permeability. Therefore, depending on the thermal insulation option, you should choose the most suitable sprayed insulation. The material can be applied both to a brick wall and to wooden beam thanks to excellent adhesion. It is important to consider the expansion coefficient, which is 1 in 30 for closed type and 1 in 90 for open-cell polyurethane foam.

Experts include good adhesion to the advantages of the material. different surfaces, low heat and sound conductivity, environmental friendliness and durability. But unlike penoizol, the cost of this insulation option is much higher.

1 Ecowool

The most environmentally friendly insulation
Average price: 535 rub. (15 kg)
Rating (2019): 4.8

Ecowool has now become the most environmentally friendly and fashionable heat insulator. It can be used to insulate floors, walls and ceilings. Ecowool is produced from waste paper and paper waste, which makes the material absolutely harmless. Although it should be noted that some manufacturers add antiseptics and fungicides to protect against microorganisms. Therefore, the environmental friendliness of products may differ. When insulating the floor, ecowool can simply be spread in an even layer, and special equipment is used to apply it to the walls. TO paper based paste is added, and when sprayed onto a brick or wooden wall The heat insulator adheres reliably.

Ecowool has a number of important advantages. These are environmental friendliness, breathability, vapor permeability, the formation of a homogeneous coating without cold bridges. The disadvantages include caking and the need to use special equipment.

Insulation for interior walls at home - this is a fairly pressing issue for country houses, because their walls are usually quite thin and do not retain heat well. To reduce heating costs country house, it is necessary to properly insulate the structure. If external insulation impossible due to design features buildings, then thermal insulation is carried out from the inside. When choosing insulation for walls inside a country house, not only the price of the material is taken into account, but also its characteristics and installation features.

The choice of insulation for interior work is huge, but not all materials can be used for thermal insulation of walls Source

Advantages and disadvantages of internal insulation

This type of insulation has a number of disadvantages:

  • Due to the size of the insulation it is reduced effective area rooms - for small rooms this is especially critical.
  • Due to a shift in the dew point (condensation), if the technology is not followed, condensation and mold may appear on the walls.
  • The premises cannot be used for living while work is being carried out.
  • Cheap wall insulation can negatively affect human health.

But this is the method that many people prefer, which is explained by positive aspects internal insulation:

  • Work can be carried out regardless of weather conditions, which allows you to insulate a room several times faster.
  • Internal insulation technology is cheaper than external insulation.
  • It becomes possible to align the walls and change the interior of the room.

A shift in the dew point during internal wall insulation leads to the accumulation of condensation Source

The formation of condensation on the walls is the main problem of internal insulation. There are several methods to solve this:

  • use a high-quality vapor barrier membrane;
  • choose thermal insulation material with minimal thermal conductivity;
  • as finishing material It is better to use moisture-resistant drywall;
  • organize additional ventilation in the room.

How to choose the right insulation

To choose from heat-insulating material influenced by the characteristics of the premises and the budget for upcoming work.

Most often used for interior work:

  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • penoplex;
  • ecowool;
  • sprayed materials.

When choosing a material for internal insulation country house A number of parameters should be taken into account:

  • Thermal conductivity of insulation– the lower this indicator, the better.
  • Frost resistance– country houses are heated in winter period not constantly, so the insulation will inevitably be affected by low temperatures.
  • Durability– having saved on insulation, you may be faced with the need to replace the insulation in 4–5 years.
  • Environmental friendliness– the material for internal insulation should not emit harmful substances.

In addition, the compatibility of the insulation with the material from which the walls are made is also taken into account. The thickness of the insulation is calculated based on the thermal conductivity of the material itself, as well as the thickness and type of insulated walls.

There is often a temptation to choose the cheapest insulation for the walls inside a country house, without delving too deeply into the study of its characteristics and carrying out preliminary calculations. This approach leads to disappointment with the results of thermal insulation, the appearance additional problems in the form of mold, mildew, condensation.

The main problem with improper internal insulation is the formation of mold Source

But it doesn’t make sense to purchase the most expensive insulation or make several additional layers to insulate the walls in your dacha. Professionals who deal with such work regularly will help you find the golden mean and make competent calculations. Competent choice of insulation for interior work, adherence to technology - that’s it the real way save.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool for insulating walls inside the house is one of the most popular and widespread materials.

Mineral wool is the most popular material for insulation Source

It is a fibrous material. The fibers are formed by atomizing certain types of slag or basalt. Thanks to this production technology, the material is environmentally friendly and natural.

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer house insulation services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Properties of mineral wool

Cotton wool does not burn, which is important when used in wooden houses.

Characteristics different types mineral wool Source

This insulation has several more advantages:

  • Resistance to biological organisms. Does not contribute to the formation of fungus and mold.
  • Good soundproofing characteristics. Mineral wool fibers randomly superimposed on each other perfectly retain sound waves.
  • It is not subject to shrinkage, which retains the properties of this type of insulation throughout its entire service life.
  • The ability to allow air to pass through, which allows you to maintain a healthy indoor microclimate.

Proper functioning of the insulation is only possible in combination with additional moisture-proofing materials. When exposed to water, mineral wool loses some of its thermal insulation properties. Over time, mineral wool can disintegrate into fibers, which requires replacing the thermal insulation

It should be taken into account that mice and other small rodents can make nests and passages in glass wool. That's why country house Before insulation it is necessary to protect it from rodents.

Mice have chosen glass wool for making nests Source

Features of mineral wool insulation: the need for additional materials

It is necessary to work with cotton wool using means personal protection– small particles of fibers can get on the mucous membranes and cause irritation.

With such insulation, the finishing material for finishing the walls is plasterboard. To attach it to the wall, a metal profile and hangers are used. Warming is carried out in the following order:

  • Waterproofing is fixed to the wall - any will do roll material. By using construction stapler The waterproofing is attached to the wall; at the joints the material is laid with an overlap of about 15 cm.
  • Vertical markings are applied to the wall in increments of 60 cm for ease of fastening sheets of drywall (its standard width 120 cm).
  • After marking, metal hangers are attached to the wall - dowel-nails are used for this.
  • Mineral wool is placed on the hangers and the entire wall is sequentially filled.
  • After this, metal profiles are attached to the hangers, and a vapor barrier film is attached to them.
  • Drywall sheets are attached using self-tapping screws, and the joints are puttied.

The result is an insulated wall, ready for finishing. This can be either puttying and painting, or wallpapering.

Cost of mineral wool

Mineral wool is a relatively cheap insulation material. Sold in slabs or rolls. Standard sizes slabs:

  • 800x600 mm;
  • 1,000x600 mm;
  • 1 200x600 mm;
  • 1170x610 mm;
  • 1250x610 mm.

The material in rolls can be selected in various lengths - from 5 to 12 m.

Cost per 1 sq. m of mineral wool is:

  • 50 mm thick – from 50 to 100 rubles;
  • 100 mm thick – from 105 to 210 rubles.

When choosing mineral wool, it is necessary to take into account not only the size of the slabs, the thickness of the insulation, but also the need for additional materials necessary for carrying out installation work.


Budget material, almost 98% consisting of air. 2% comes from the main component of the raw material – polystyrene. Can be used as insulation for walls outside and inside a country house.

Specifications foam plastic Source

Properties and advantages of polystyrene foam

Among the advantages of this material:

  • Versatility and ease of installation. This material is used for insulation of any structures. It is easy to cut and installation does not take much time.
  • Low price. One of the cheapest insulation materials.
  • Safety. During operation, it does not generate dust or harmful fumes. You can work with it without protective equipment.

However, polystyrene foam is a flammable material; in direct contact with fire, the sheets easily catch fire and the release of harmful substances begins.

Advice! Insulate with polystyrene foam wooden buildings undesirable.

Does not allow steam to pass through and practically does not absorb moisture. A significant disadvantage is its attractiveness to rodents. Rats and mice easily make passages in the foam and create holes.

One of the disadvantages of polystyrene foam is flammability Source

Features of wall insulation with foam plastic

Instead of guides metal profiles can be used wooden blocks. This method is very convenient when working with foam. The thickness of the foam sheet should be equal to the thickness of the bars, which will be guides for attaching the insulation between them.

Depending on the width of the foam, the step of fixing the bars to the wall is selected. Waterproofing is fixed over the surface of the entire resulting structure. Sheets of foam plastic are tightly inserted into the resulting recesses between the beams - this allows you to avoid additional fixation. If necessary, the joints are filled with polyurethane foam.

Video description

In this video we will take a closer look at insulating a house with polystyrene foam. How safe is polystyrene foam?

After filling the entire wall with insulation, it is covered with a protective vapor barrier. Sheets of plywood are fixed on top, the joints are puttied - the surface is ready for finishing.

Wall insulated with foam plastic Source

Cost, foam sizes

Standard sizes of foam sheets:

  • 1000x600 mm;
  • 1200x600 mm.

Thickness can vary from 20 to 100 mm. The cost of polystyrene foam depends on the density of the material, manufacturer and region.

You can buy foam plastic 50 mm thick in Moscow from 50 rubles per 1 sq. m. m.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Thermal insulation material, the basis of which is polystyrene, as in polystyrene foam. But thanks to manufacturing technology, penoplex, technolex and other similar materials have the best performance characteristics than their counterpart.

Comparison of the characteristics of polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam Source

Main advantages:

  • perfectly retains heat in the room;
  • due to its small thickness, when insulating walls indoors, it practically does not reduce the usable area;
  • light weight and ease of installation - properties similar to polystyrene foam;
  • environmental friendliness - does not emit toxic substances and does not require protective equipment during installation work;
  • accessibility - the material is relatively inexpensive.

This material is universal, used as insulation for walls outside a country house, inside, for floors and ceilings.

Video description

The video shows tests of penoplex for strength and fire safety in real conditions:

Penoplex insulation

Another popular insulation for walls inside the house is penoplex, the price and quality of which attract buyers with its good ratio.

This material can be attached to the wall without additional training. It does not need waterproofing because it does not allow water to pass through, but some experts say that the film will not be superfluous. Due to its small thickness, it can be attached using glue or dowel nails with large heads. After filling the wall with insulation, it is plastered.

This method of insulation is suitable for smooth walls. If there is a need to level the plane, then you cannot do without guides.

Walls insulated with penoplex Source

Penoplex cost

Standard sizes of extruded polystyrene foam sheets:

  • 1200x600 mm;
  • 1185x585 mm;
  • 1180x580 mm;
  • 1180x600 mm;
  • 2360x580 mm;
  • 2500x600 mm.

The thickness of the insulation is from 10 to 100 mm (depending on the brand of material).

The price of insulation packaging depends on the size, thickness of the material, manufacturer and number of slabs in the package.

For example, Penoplex Comfort will cost:

  • 1254 rubles for 18 slabs measuring 1185x585x20 mm;
  • 1252 rubles for 12 sheets – 1185x585x30 mm;
  • 1234 rubles for 9 slabs - 1200x600x40 mm.


Cellulose-based insulation, which is made from waste paper and paper waste. The bulk of the insulation is 80% cellulose fiber. There are additives that prevent combustion and proliferation of microorganisms - boric acid and borax. These additives are practically not harmful to humans.

Ecowool - safe insulation Source

Ecowool is a good thermal insulation material, which in its properties is practically not inferior to others. But it has much more significant disadvantages:

  • Loss of thermal insulation properties over time - ecowool is subject to shrinkage.
  • Costly installation. Spraying is carried out using special equipment. Basic skills in working with the material are required to obtain the correct layer of insulation.

Features of application

Various technologies are used to insulate ecowool:

  • dry backfill;
  • wet spraying;
  • wet-adhesive plaster.

Each method has its own characteristics. To insulate walls, the wet method is most often used, which requires the use of special equipment, as well as an adhesive.

The use of special equipment for working with ecowool Source

Cost of ecowool

Ecowool is packaged in sealed bags of 13–15 kg. The price for 1 kg of insulation is 30–40 rubles.

But material consumption depends not only on the desired thickness of the thermal insulation layer, but also on the skills of the performer and compliance with insulation technology.

Price issue

Mineral wool and polystyrene foam are the most inexpensive insulation materials for walls inside a house; the price will depend on the size of the insulated area and the method of installing the insulation. Penoplex is a more expensive material, but you don’t have to build a frame to attach it to the walls.

Choosing the type, size, thickness of insulation without specific experience and knowledge is not easy Source

Insulation process mineral wool and polystyrene foam are almost identical, and penoplex can compensate for its price with economical installation work.

The price of ecowool is small, but carrying out thermal insulation works will require the use of special equipment, which will increase costs.


The choice of insulation method and materials depends on many factors. Before starting work, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons between internal and external insulation, think about which thermal insulation material is suitable in a particular case, determine the thickness of the insulation, and the need for additional materials. Therefore, it is advisable to entrust the purchase of insulation to a competent contractor who will take into account all the features of the internal insulation technology and the wishes of the customer.
