View the horoscope for September 16 Libra. Horoscope - Libra. Love horoscope - Libra

Libra, be prepared for unusual situations - luck has become interested in you, and luck knows how to please you. First, you will have to deal with everyday issues and arrange general cleaning- this is what the household thinks and it is useless to argue with them. And in the evening, reboot - take a fresh look at your surroundings, and you will be pleasantly surprised.

Scales. Weekly horoscope from 12/26/2017 to 01/01/2017

Libra, unexpected circumstances will interfere with your plans, and you will have to look for workarounds, but in the end everything will work out even better than you thought. Any business - both holiday planning and current worries - will go better if you do not do it alone. Only another person's view, different from your own, will allow you to see the situation from all sides and find best option. Starts on Thursday Moon month, dedicated to home and family matters. But in New Year don't sit at home. Household members will still receive their share of attention in January, and on New Year's weekend you will find many interesting events and fun entertainment outside the house. And in any company, at any festive event, you will be the center of attention.

Scales. Financial horoscope for 12/26/2017 to 01/01/2017

Libra, you will have expenses for vacations, entertainment, cultural programs and dates. You won't be able to resist impulse purchases of luxury items. If you have children in your environment, gifts for them will be one of the main expense items. You will win prizes in competitions, participate in promotions, and if you don’t want to sit idle, you can make money from your hobby, and the work will not require much effort. You will be given many gifts, the most memorable are the gifts from your children and your loved one. First successful in financially the day will be Monday. Then luck will remind itself on Wednesday. On weekends, giving and receiving gifts, pleasant purchases and spending on vacation will be an integral part of the holiday.

Scales. Love horoscope from 03/11/2019 to 03/18/2019

Libras have fun without thinking about what it will lead to. Scenes of jealousy from your “other half” are not excluded, and arguments that you just met with old friends will not pass. Lonely Libras will give the opposite sex the impression of frivolous people with whom they should not deal.

Scales. Love compatibility from 02/22/2016 to 02/28/2016

Libra, the Stars advise you not to experiment, but to choose a partner from those signs that are well compatible with you. These are the signs of Fire and Air. If you choose a Fire partner, your relationship will be based on strong friendship and common interests. Both you and your partner will make a conscious choice, counting on a long and lasting relationship. Friendship and interest in each other will unite you with some representatives of your element. But here there will be less long-range focus and more desire to live “here and now.” Relationships with other Air people will be based on love, pleasure and sexual attractiveness of the partner. However, this will not prevent such a romance from being strong and long-lasting.

The horoscope does not advise Aries to shoulder the problems of other people on himself on this day. Unpleasant circumstances are possible, so be prudent. In the evening, Aries may have a conflict with one of his relatives, so try to spend this time in solitude. Not a very good day to participate in mass events.

On September 16, 2017, Taurus’s authority among his colleagues will increase noticeably. True, in the morning you will have to urgently deal with personal affairs. But there will be enough time to strengthen your financial position. Especially if Taurus has his own business and important meetings are planned. Take care of your health so you don't catch a cold.

The horoscope predicts a tough fight with competitors for Gemini. You won’t be able to cope without the support of influential people, so hide your pride and call the right person. Disputes and hassles are contraindicated for Geminis. You shouldn’t plan something big and new for the evening. There is only enough strength to get home and communicate with relatives.

There are a lot of questions that need to be resolved. The day is suitable for family matters. You will do an excellent job with anything you take on, just don’t rush into making final decisions.

Put things aside if you feel tired. This day will be relatively easy for those who know how to adapt to circumstances. You will have to communicate a lot with loved ones, relatives, friends and acquaintances. But this will not tire you at all.

To achieve success you will need insight and contact. During the day, be aware of the moods of those around you. Don't offend those you care about. Try to find time to meet people who understand you well. Their support will come in handy now. Try to please yourself with pleasant little things.

Life will be in full swing around you, and you will find yourself in the center of events. And the main thing here is to correctly calculate your capabilities. People who are dear to your heart will bring you many pleasant moments. You will gain positive emotions from communicating with them. Live for today and do not deny yourself small joys.

Nothing predicts the appearance of thunderclouds on your horizon. Most likely, peace of mind and good mood will be your companions throughout the day. This period should be devoted to making plans for the future. But here's to abuse serious physical activity Not recommended.

On this day you will be able to resolve quite serious issues, and you will be satisfied with both yourself and the work done. First, you need to correctly navigate the situation, and only then act. Seek qualified advice if necessary.

Don't miss the chance to chat with friends and those you like. On this day, new romantic adventures are possible, especially for lonely representatives of the sign. But don’t forget that relaxation and fun are, of course, good, but you need to show a sense of proportion in everything.

You should not sort things out with your loved one. And if you are not sure that you are ready to hear reproaches addressed to you, then it is better not to start an argument. Nowadays there are not enough spectacles to lift the mood. Choose what suits your heart.

There comes a time when you will have to work much more than you expected. And the return will not be too high. If the need arises, then take people you trust as your assistants. It is likely that you yourself will find it difficult to cope with the burden of problems that have piled up.

The day is favorable for starting new things. negotiations, meetings and making plans for the future. Try to keep him busy as much as possible. In terms of love, there may be changes in positive side. This is especially true for people who have not yet found their soul mate.

You will succeed in almost everything you plan to do on this day. Preference should be given to matters that do not require anyone's help, since assistants can be a hindrance. But even this will not be a significant hindrance for you.

Personal astrological forecast for September 16, 2019 for women and men born under the zodiac sign Libra. Do not be nervous. The morning may seem unlucky, especially if you made serious plans for this time. Many things are not going as expected, but this is not a reason to worry, because new opportunities are opening up, and in general the circumstances are going well. This the right time to solve family problems. It turns out that they are not as serious as you thought.

The day is very favorable for creativity. It is often possible to find some non-standard solutions, to come up with an unexpected way to cope with old problems. The trips go well, the change of scenery pleases and inspires. The evening promises romantic surprises.

Astrological forecast for today

The day is going well, although it does not allow everything that was planned to be accomplished. The influence of positive trends will be especially strong in the morning, so you should not put off important matters until the second half of the day. Business meetings are going quite successfully. You may not immediately be able to convince your opponent that you are right, but when you succeed, you gain a reliable ally.

In the second half of the day, vitality will decrease somewhat, overwork and malaise are possible. It is advisable to give up alcohol and heavy food. Take a walk before bed - this will help get unpleasant thoughts out of your head.

True horoscope for Libra

On September 16, Libra will tend to overly idealize their partner, considering him an example of beauty and the embodiment of your dreams. Such admiration is fraught with the fact that you will be ready to forgive your loved one for any sins, which can end sadly - they will simply stop taking you into account.

Personal horoscope for September 16, 2019

Controversial day. Success in personal affairs is likely, but material issues will not leave you alone. Perhaps you incorrectly assess the situation and do not try to find internal confirmation of the correctness of your actions. You need to take a closer look around. On this day, try to abstain from anything that can harm your body, especially alcoholic beverages.

Horoscope life zodiac sign Libra

For Libra, this day will be a difficult test, both morally and physically. There will be a lot of work to do summer cottage and worry about problems with children. But, if you take your will into your fist and gain wisdom, you will overcome all troubles. Libra should not take on large projects.

Horoscope house for today September 16, 2019

The environment favors entrepreneurs, those involved in science or any other individual activity. Any outside pressure can harm your work, so don’t let it interfere with your affairs.

The horoscope is especially good for romantic walks, new acquaintances and love: suddenly awakening bright emotions open up ample opportunities to impress the opposite sex and make dating easier, reports RIA VladNews with reference to 1001Horoscope. In addition, your intuition will be at its best. On such days, it is easier to perceive new information, study, search non-standard solutions, which is good to use to acquire new knowledge and skills. But the day is not very successful for business and work due to too strong emotions, so it is better to postpone all important decisions for later. If you do have an important meeting ahead, it is recommended to hold it in an informal setting, “without ties.”

Aries has a chance to receive an invitation to some pretentious event! Well, if he doesn’t receive such an invitation, it makes sense for him to make every effort to get out into the world. The horoscope stars on this day endow Aries with calm self-confidence, a clear head and sociability, so that he will be able to show himself in all his glory and make useful acquaintances. Those around you will be charmed by his gentle pressure, sense of humor and ability to influence the conversation.

Taurus may want to organize some kind of trip, but the situation will require his presence at home. The day inclines him to spend it on his usual territory, but to spend it not as always, but by showing ingenuity. Invite relatives and friends over, have a themed party, cook something stunning - Taurus will be able to brighten up their day with cheerful colors, without even leaving the threshold.

Gemini's wanderlust will reach its climax! They will be ready to use any excuse just to get up from their homes and run away. It will not be difficult for those around them to encourage them to take on any adventure, such as participation in an event, business trip, etc., if it involves a trip or a change of scenery. However, Gemini themselves will be inventive in this regard. They are able to come up with a lot of urgent matters that have nothing to do with sitting at work or at home.

The day inclines Cancer to adventure, preferably in the warm company of like-minded people. If those around him do not offer him options for having fun, Cancer’s talent as an organizer will awaken, and he will quickly figure out who, when and where he can go with. Fun party, a large family dinner, a trip to the park or a picnic - Cancer’s program can be extensive. But the best thing he can do is spend time with the one he loves.

It will be difficult for Leo to hide some thoughts and feelings within himself - they will all be written on his face. Moreover, Leo himself is not averse to voicing them out loud, regardless of whether it is worth doing or whether it is better to remain silent, saving others from unnecessary details. In general, there are practically no taboo topics for Leo. And you shouldn’t expect verbal mercy from him if he’s dissatisfied with something: he doesn’t intend to smooth out the rough edges!

Virgo is able to become infected by the emotions of others, especially positive ones. The day does not incline her to actively express herself, much less play to the public. But Virgo will be an excellent spectator, able to appreciate any performance unfolding around him. The horoscope stars advise Virgo to specially visit those places where life is in full swing and where she can thoroughly observe those around her.

Libra's curiosity knows no bounds! There is no point in holding back this impulse; on the contrary, it is high time for Libra to satisfy their curiosity on a number of issues. Whether it's about meeting someone or watching a new movie, getting a new hairstyle or sitting at a table in a new cafe - the horoscope stars advise Libra to take the opportunity and dare to experiment! Even if everything does not go so smoothly, they will not lose out, because their curiosity will eventually be satisfied.

Scorpio can literally be torn between what he has to do and what he would like. It will be difficult for him to maintain balance. On the one hand, urgent matters will require a lot of time and effort from him, on the other hand, Scorpio’s thoughts will be unimaginably far from these matters! He can send SMS to friends every now and then, make plans for his free time, or simply have his head in the clouds... Perhaps only by the end of the day will Scorpio be able to unwind a little and implement at least some of his plans.

Capricorn will be tough! Those around him will know about this as soon as they want to resolve any issue with him. He is able to turn even the most innocent objection into a discussion, putting pressure on the interlocutor and forcing him to agree with himself. The only thing that excuses Capricorn for such behavior is his sincerity: when starting an argument, he believes that he is trying to protect his opponent from mistakes. The most interesting thing is that in many ways this is true.
