How long can tomatoes be stored? How can you keep tomatoes fresh? Shelf life of tomatoes at room temperature

Are tasty and juicy tomatoes a seasonal product? I assure you that they can be successfully stored at home for quite a long time. I'll tell you how to keep tomatoes fresh for the winter using simple and affordable methods.

General rules

The right variety

For long-term supplies, it is best to choose certain varieties of tomatoes. For these purposes, medium-late and late varieties. For example, varieties:

  • "New Year" will be perfectly preserved until the New Year;
  • « Giraffe" and "Long Keeper" In general, you can store it until spring.

When purchasing, ask how the vegetables were grown. Tomatoes grown on open ground, can be stored much longer than greenhouse ones.

Storage conditions

Optimal for long-term storage Tomatoes are considered to have a temperature of +8... +10 °C and a humidity of 80%.

The thing is that these vegetables are very sensitive to temperature. This is due to volatile substances that provide a characteristic rich taste and react very sensitively to decreases or increases in temperature. When the heat balance is disturbed, tomatoes become lethargic and lose their flavor.


Where to store tomatoes is a very important question. Cool, dark places are best for this: the basement, pantry, vegetable rack in the refrigerator, space under the bed.

Preparing vegetables

Before sending vegetables for long-term storage, they must be carefully sorted. Select only whole fruits, preferably of milky ripeness - almost green tomatoes that have already grown to the size characteristic of the variety and are just beginning to turn red.

To destroy all harmful microbes on the surface of the fruit, wipe each vegetable with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol or vodka.

How to preserve tomatoes

Fresh tomatoes can be stored in different ways.

Method 1. In boxes

  1. Take wooden or plastic boxes with lattice bottom. Boxes must be clean and dry.
  2. Cover them with paper.
  3. Place the vegetables with the stems facing up, intersecting each row with paper.
  4. For a better effect, you can wrap each fruit in paper.
  5. Fill the box with sawdust or wood peat.

Method 2. Tomatoes for the New Year's table

  1. Select milk-ripe tomatoes.
  2. Wrap each vegetable in black paper.
  3. Place it in a box.
  4. Cover with straw.
  5. Store tomatoes in a dark, well-ventilated area at a temperature of +8... +10 °C.
  6. To ripen, expose required quantity tomatoes in a bright and warm room for 5-10 days.

Method 3. Gradual ripening

  1. Place the tomatoes, stems side up, in a cool place with good lighting.
  2. Wait until the vegetables are ripe and ready to eat.

Method 4. In banks

Image Description

Method 1

Pour the vegetables with a solution of water, salt and vinegar in a ratio of 8:1:1.

Method 2

Pour over the tomatoes sunflower oil, which should cover the vegetables by 1 cm.

Method 3

Place clean and dry fruits in a jar, sprinkling each layer with a spoonful of mustard powder.

A three-liter jar should take at least 6 tablespoons of mustard.

Method 5. In a saucepan

  1. Sort the fruits by ripeness and size.
  2. Cut overripe vegetables into large pieces.
  3. Lay out vegetables in layers: a layer of chopped tomatoes, salt, a layer of whole fruits, table salt.
  4. Repeat the operation until the container is completely filled.

Regardless of the method you choose, be sure to periodically inspect your supplies. If a tomato begins to spoil, it must be removed immediately so that it does not infect the others.

Method 6. In the refrigerator

Alas, the refrigerator is not the best the best place for storing tomatoes. Here the shelf life of tomatoes reaches a maximum of 7 days:

  • To prevent vegetables from spoiling, wrap each fruit in paper and keep it at a distance from each other.
  • It is best to place the tomatoes on the bottom shelf or in the vegetable tray in a single layer to prevent the vegetables from choking.
  • The plastic bag retains moisture and can cause premature spoilage of the tomatoes.

Storing heat-treated tomatoes

Tomatoes are beautiful not only when eaten fresh. Sun-dried, canned and home-pickled tomatoes can be an excellent addition to any dish. Instructions for storing heat-treated tomatoes will help you understand all the intricacies.

Image Instructions

Sun-dried tomatoes:
  1. Store sun-dried tomatoes in a thick cotton bag.
  2. Place the vegetables in a plastic container and pour over them olive oil. Store the container in the refrigerator.
  3. Place the sun-dried tomatoes in the freezer. But be prepared for the vegetables to lose color when defrosting.

Dried tomatoes:
  1. Dried tomatoes can be stored like dried fruits - in a cotton bag.
  2. Place the vegetables in a jar and cover it with wax paper. Fill the paper with wax or resin.
  3. You can store dried tomatoes in a dark and cool place. To do this, take any container, cover its bottom with paper and add tomatoes.
  4. Place dried tomatoes in sterilized jars. Add any spices there (salt, pepper, dill, garlic) and fill with refined oil. Cover with a nylon lid or polyethylene.

Canned and pickled tomatoes:

This will be news to many, but canned tomatoes can be stored for no more than 12 months. Pickled tomatoes can stay in a barrel for no more than 8 months.

Preservation is well stored at room temperature(a pantry will do), and pickled tomatoes - at low temperature (in the basement, refrigerator).

Tomatoes can be stored in the freezer. This option is suitable for preparing various dishes. Except for salads, of course.


As you understand, you can store tomatoes correctly if you know the best way for certain fruits. There's plenty more waiting for you in the video in this article. useful tips for processing tomatoes.

If you know any other ways to store tomatoes, I’m waiting for them in the comments.

Growing tomatoes is under the constant control of every vegetable grower. Very often, ripe or unripe fruits have to be removed en masse from the bushes. Let's look at how to store tomatoes at home in an apartment so that they remain juicy and fresh for a long time.

There are many reasons that can force you to pick unripe tomatoes from the bush.

There are many reasons for harvesting tomatoes in quantities exceeding the current needs of the vegetable grower:

  • Theft.
  • The plant is overloaded with fruits.
  • The fruits are too heavy and break branches.
  • The tomatoes have ripened en masse.
  • Threat of frost, signs of serious tomato diseases.

Collection rules

It is important not only to harvest tomatoes on time, but also to do it correctly so that the fruits are well stored.

Unripe tomatoes can be stored much longer than ripe ones.

The collection rules apply to all tomatoes, regardless of the degree and timing of their ripeness.

Important to remember: Not all varieties of tomatoes are intended for storage.. Early ripening thin-skinned or so-called “salad” tomatoes should be used for food or processed into sauces and lecho first of all.


Transportation of ripe tomatoes must be very careful, as there is a high probability of crushing the fruits. Ripe tomatoes can be stored at home without loss of taste for about 3–8 days.

For long-term storage, tomatoes that are harvested at the stage of milky ripeness, have reached the size characteristic of their variety, but are green, are preferred.

The fruits of milky ripeness are practically green tomatoes, just beginning to turn red.

Tomatoes at the stage of partial ripening - blanzhe ripeness , will ripen in 1.5-2 weeks. Therefore, you should not put them in the “distant drawer”.

These tomatoes are already ripe and won’t last long!


Optimal storage conditions:

After harvesting, all fruits are carefully inspected and sorted by size, varietal early ripening (mid-ripening, late-ripening), and by visual signs of ripening (green, white, brown, pink).

You should not harvest from the bushes.

Diseased plants

The harvest from diseased plants is collected separately, in the absence of signs of disease on the fruits themselves (rot, pigmentation).

Cracked tomatoes will not last long and are eaten first.

Tomatoes are lowered onto 1.5-2 minutes hot (about 60°C) water and wipe dry. You can try to prevent it by wiping the fruits with vodka or a pinkish solution of potassium permanganate.

Unfortunately, if a tomato is infected, then no type of treatment will be effective. You need to get rid of the tomato immediately.

Accelerate the ripening of tomatoes

Tomatoes will ripen as quickly as possible if you place them on a radiator.

It’s nice to pamper yourself and your loved ones with fresh ripe tomatoes until late autumn or even winter, but not everyone has such an opportunity to create optimal conditions for long-term storage of a rich harvest of tomatoes. Unripe tomatoes contain poison - solanine, which can cause serious poisoning in humans and lead to death. Therefore, gardeners have a need to quickly produce tomatoes for processing.

Secrets accelerated maturation tomatoes:

Tomatoes find a second life in preparations for the winter. There are a lot of methods for pickling, pickling, drying, drying and other processing, but only shock freezing in the freezer keeps ripe tomatoes “fresh”.

Can tomatoes be stored in the refrigerator?

In the refrigerator, tomatoes are stored in a special vegetable compartment.

Scientists have proven that storing ripe tomatoes in the refrigerator worsens their taste.. Green tomatoes will never ripen on the refrigerator shelf, and ripe ones will become tasteless.

If there is an urgent need, you can store tomatoes in a refrigerator, but no more than a week (up to 8–12 days). To do this, you must follow a number of rules:

  • Store in the designated compartment (area). At a temperature not lower than +5–8 °C Heat-loving crops get frostbite and quickly spoil.
  • Do not seal or tie airtight plastic bags.
  • Store separately from other vegetables and fruits.

Tomatoes need to be removed from the refrigerator in 12–24 hours before use and let them warm up at room temperature, then the lost aroma will be partially restored and the taste will improve.

Tomatoes in cans without preservation

Recently, some methods of preserving ripe tomatoes without heat treatment in various containers (mainly 3-liter jars) have become very popular.

The vacuum method does not always work and has many negative reviews.


Successful storage of tomatoes largely depends on the right choice varieties.

If stored properly, late (especially hybrid) tomatoes can gradually mature until February, maintaining its freshness. Cultivated tomatoes require constant monitoring: selection of actively ripening and spoiling fruits.

If a vegetable grower has managed to independently grow a rich harvest of tomatoes, then he will have the patience to preserve it until the right moment or ripen it for processing, following simple, time-tested rules for storing tomatoes at home.

Video on how to prepare tomatoes for the winter without canning

  • Shelf life: 1 month
  • Best before date: 1 month
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: 1 month
  • Freezer life: 12 months
Storage conditions:
In a cool, dry place at a temperature not exceeding +12 ° C

Tomatoes are the most popular product sold worldwide. They are so popular not only because of their taste, but also because of their usefulness. Tomatoes, of course, are a storehouse of a huge amount of minerals, vitamins and nutrients. This product contains vitamins B2, A, B6, E, PP and even the rare vitamin K.

There is currently a lot of controversy surrounding how to store tomatoes. Many people claim that tomatoes cannot be stored in the refrigerator, but only at room temperature. Of course, this statement is not entirely true; it is better to store tomatoes not in the refrigerator, but also not at room temperature.

How to store tomatoes

When choosing a method for storing tomatoes, it is better to choose the lesser of two evils. The best storage temperature for this product is from 12 to 20 degrees. The problem is that the room temperature, especially in summer, is much higher than 20 degrees. That is why, to preserve the product, it is better to put it in the refrigerator. Of course, ideally, it is better to store tomatoes in a cellar or in wine cabinet. If there are none, the choice is either high room temperature or too low in the refrigerator. If the tomatoes are already ripe, it is better to store them in the refrigerator.

If you don’t like cold tomatoes and don’t want to wait until they reach room temperature after refrigeration, it’s better to buy already ripe tomatoes and small quantities, as much as you can eat in a few days. In this case, they can be stored at room temperature and it is better that they are on a flat surface.

If you bought unripe tomatoes, it is better to store them for some time at room temperature until they ripen. After the tomatoes are ripe, they can be put in the refrigerator.

If you do not have a cool place, then all tomatoes that have not been eaten in a few days should be transferred to the refrigerator. If you nevertheless decided to store this product in the refrigerator, then it is better to place them on the door or the very last shelf, since it is usually warmer there than in the entire refrigerator.

How to store green tomatoes

If the tomatoes are left for further ripening, it is necessary to provide them with a bright place with a temperature within +15+18 degrees. Vegetables are acquired in the light bright colors and ripen evenly, while in dark places their color will be light pink.

To make the fruits ripen faster, add a few red ones to the green tomatoes.

Green tomatoes can be preserved for a very long time, however, not all varieties are suitable for this. For long-term storage, the fruits must be medium in size, with thick skin, without dents or damage. Large tomatoes suitable only for rapid ripening; small ones can be left for long-term storage, but this is not better side will affect their taste.

Unripe green tomatoes are placed in baskets, boxes, boxes or placed on shelves. For long-term storage, it is advisable to sprinkle the fruits with sawdust.

Shelf life of tomatoes in the refrigerator

Many people still debate whether to store tomatoes in the refrigerator. Let's figure it out.

An indisputable fact in favor of the refrigerator is the suspension of metabolic processes in fruits, which contributes to their longer freshness. However, in the refrigerator, a tomato can quickly wilt due to the high moisture content in its composition. Owners of old-style refrigerators that do not maintain constant humidity have often faced and continue to face this problem. Those who have at their disposal modern refrigerators, such problems are not known, since they maintain optimal parameters of temperature and humidity conditions.

Without a doubt, tomatoes will be stored many times longer in the refrigerator than at room temperature. The shelf life of tomatoes in the refrigerator is up to 2 weeks, at a time when tomatoes stored in the room will last only a couple of days.

Shelf life of tomatoes in the freezer

Freezing tomatoes is in a great way keep them for as long as possible. However, even when storing tomatoes in the freezer, you need to follow some rules:

  • choose medium-sized vegetables without dents or damage;
  • wash the fruit thoroughly before freezing;
  • To help them dry faster after washing, dry them thoroughly with paper towels.

You can freeze tomatoes in several ways, at your discretion:

  1. freezing whole vegetables.

    At this method vegetables will be stored quite well for a long time, and will also retain most of the vitamins and beneficial properties. In addition, after defrosting, whole fruits can be used in salads or cut into slices.

    For such freezing, select medium-sized tomatoes, without damage, wash and dry them. Then place the vegetables in shallow containers and place in the freezer to pre-freeze. After 6-7 hours, remove the vegetables and put them into bags or containers, and then put them in the freezer again, but for long-term storage. You can store tomatoes in the freezer during a year.

  2. freezing chopped tomatoes.

    Pre-washed and dried vegetables must be cut into slices or pieces. Then arrange the resulting elements on a plate, leaving small gaps, and put them in the freezer. After 3-4 hours, pour the contents of the plate into a container convenient for storage and place in the freezer for long-term storage.

  3. vitamin balls.

    This method requires a little more time to prepare, unlike others, but in the future it will save a lot of time. Any tomatoes are suitable for this freezing. First, wash them, and then peel them and cut them into small pieces.

    For variety, you can add and, which also need to be pre-washed and cut.

    Grind the resulting mixture of vegetables using a blender or meat grinder. No need to add salt. Pour the finished product into molds and place in the freezer to freeze. After 5-6 hours, remove the molds, separate the resulting semi-finished products from them and place them in containers or bags for freezing. This vitamin mixture can be added to any dish during preparation.

Shelf life of tomatoes at room temperature

To store tomatoes at room temperature, you need to find a dry and ventilated room. For unripe tomatoes, the temperature in the storage area should not exceed +20°C, otherwise they will become overripe and begin to rot. For ripe tomatoes, it is necessary to maintain the temperature within +5+7 degrees.

During the entire storage period, check the fruits every 1-2 weeks for spoilage and dispose of them in a timely manner so that they do not affect the storage of the rest.

It is also necessary to promptly separate overripe fruits from others.

If all conditions are met, tomatoes can be stored within a few months.

A fresh tomato is delicious, but once it sits in the refrigerator, this wonderful fruit turns into a dull tastelessness. Why is this happening? Science answers.

Chemistry of tomato

The taste of a tomato is the result of a combination of sugars, acids and volatiles (compounds perceived by our senses as aromas). It is in volatile substances that the cause lies. They are extremely sensitive to temperatures, and it is exposure to these substances that kills the wonderful flavor of tomatoes.

The French know a lot about food, and it was their scientists who conducted research on the effects of temperature on the taste of tomatoes. In particular, the effects of storing fruits at room temperature and in the refrigerator were compared. The result is:

At a storage temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, a ripe tomato not only does not stop the release of volatile fragrant substances, but also enhances their production. Simply put, the tomato became even more aromatic.

A completely different situation was observed at a storage temperature of 4 degrees Celsius. The fragrant substances not only ceased to be released - similar compounds already contained in the tomato began to break down. Moreover, at different connections different resistance to low temperatures. First of all, and more than others, the substances that give the taste of the fruit the so-called “herbaceous” or “green” tint were destroyed. This is what we perceive as a sign of a fresh tomato, and the substances responsible for this quality are destroyed in the refrigerator first.

The problem here is not just chemistry. The structure of the fruit also plays a role. Tomatoes are delicate, and not only sub-zero temperatures can harm them. Cool enough environment up to 10 degrees Celsius, and the fruit begins to collapse at the cellular level. In fact, it's a massive frostbite that results in a bland, tasteless tomato.

Exceptions: soups and sauces

Against such a backdrop negative influence refrigerator on fresh tomatoes It seems strange that soups and sauces based on the same tomatoes, when stored in the refrigerator for a short time, not only do not lose their taste, but often even become even better. Why?

The fact is that in the case of a mixture, we are no longer talking about the pure taste of one product, but about a mixture of tastes, and, in fact, the taste of tomatoes is no longer there.

Harold Klee, a professor at the University of Florida, studies flavor compounds in vegetables, fruits, berries, and especially tomatoes. He explains everything clearly.

In processed tomatoes, water is first removed. Naturally, during heat treatment there is no talk of any volatile fragrant substances - they are not there. So why don't manufacturers isolate these substances before processing and then put them back into the finished product (tomato paste)? This is done with orange juice, and why not do a similar process with tomato products? It turns out that manufacturers simply don't rely on the true taste of tomatoes. Taste is added using herbs and spices. The paste doesn't taste like fresh tomato. There's just a mixture of seasonings + the residual taste of the tomatoes themselves. Just add fresh grated tomatoes to the tomato soup at the very end - and you will feel the difference with tomato paste.

If you still need to cool it down

Tomatoes should be stored at room temperature, but if you really need to refrigerate them, consider the following fact:

Even if the tomato had been in the refrigerator for 6 days, after it was placed at room temperature for a day, a renewal of the activity of releasing fragrant substances was observed. Of course, in a smaller volume, but still.

Scientists are trying to develop special varieties of tomatoes that are resistant to low temperatures. To do this, wild varieties of plants that successfully grow in the Andes are being studied.

Reader, have pity on the tomato, it suffers in the refrigerator!

Our favorite tomato -
This is simply a miracle vegetable.
We have known for a long time
Adds health to everyone.
It grows in the fields in the beds
Red-red, sweet and sour.
We miss him in winter,
Well, let's savor the fall.
Canned and salted
So that you can eat to your heart's content afterwards.
This way all year
A tomato is waiting for us!

Juicy TOMATO made his way to us from a distant continent South America . It appeared on our table only in the 18th century, and was initially considered a decorative crop. there are different shapes and colors, which make them an excellent addition to light green salads, and their characteristic juiciness will add a refined touch to both meat and fish culinary masterpieces.
, have become a universal component in cooking; they are pickled, salted, dried, fried, stewed and boiled. Ketchup and tomato juice are also made from tomatoes.

Secrets of storing tomatoes:
1. It is recommended to store the tomato with the stem facing up (the skin in this area is more delicate, so the weight of the tomato may cause it to deteriorate faster)
2. Home-grown tomatoes last longer than store-bought ones.
3. Tomatoes with the hardest possible skin (with no mechanical damage or signs of disease) are subject to long-term storage.
4. Overripe tomatoes cannot be stored
5. There are a lot of tomatoes, it is better to store them in wooden boxes
6. For long-term storage of tomatoes in boxes, the bottom should be covered with paper, and it is better to sprinkle the tomatoes themselves with sawdust
7. It is not recommended to wash tomatoes before storing; their surface must be completely dry
8. It is not recommended to store tomatoes in plastic bag or in the refrigerator (condensation in the bag will cause signs of rotting, and low temperature will accelerate it)
9. If tomatoes are picked along with their branches, it is better not to remove them (this will extend the shelf life)
10. Alcohol will help preserve the freshness of tomatoes a little longer (with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, you need to thoroughly wipe each tomato and wait until the substance evaporates, after which the tomatoes are placed in a place of potential storage)

Way to preserve tomatoes for 3-4 months:
The tomatoes must be thoroughly washed and placed in a jar so that they do not fit tightly together and remain free place. Add a few tablespoons of alcohol or mustard to a jar of tomatoes, and then close the lid tightly. After this procedure, the jar must be thoroughly shaken so that the additional ingredient completely covers the skin of the tomatoes. If alcohol was added, then it must be carefully set on fire and the lid rolled up. traditional way. The jars must be pasteurized and the tomatoes clean. In this state, the tomatoes will retain their freshness and after a few months they will still remain juicy and ripe.

+Beneficial properties of tomatoes:
Green tomatoes, when pickled (without vinegar), retain almost all the vitamins, acids and antioxidants found in fresh fruits
Frequent use tomato juice reduces the risk of thrombosis, intestinal obstruction, varicose veins and improves overall well-being
If you eat fresh tomatoes, remember that they are digested better and faster with vegetable oil
Tomatoes in the diet help prevent cancer (tomatoes contain Lycopene, an antioxidant that prevents the growth and development of cancer cells. Lycopene is better absorbed when tomatoes have been heat-treated. The constant presence of tomatoes in the diet will reduce the risk of developing breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men
Tomatoes improve performance of cardio-vascular system. The presence of vitamins C, PP and lycopene in tomatoes explains the benefits for the heart and blood vessels
Tomatoes are recommended for the prevention of atherosclerosis
Tomatoes improve immunity (they are a source of phytoncivodas and vitamin C, which have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. This helps the body resist viral infections)
Tomatoes remove toxins and toxic substances from the body
!!! Tomatoes are especially valuable for smokers and those who have recently quit smoking. Caffeine and linoleic acids break down nicotine tar, remove it from the lungs and get rid of dark plaque on teeth
The B vitamins contained in tomatoes control the functioning of nervous system, relieving irritability and depression. And the serotonin (the hormone of joy) that is part of it improves mood and helps cope with increased psychological stress.
Since tomatoes are low calorie product, then they can be used by obese people and those watching their figure
Tomatoes also give a long-lasting feeling of fullness, which helps to refrain from frequent meals.

-Harmful properties of tomatoes:
It is not recommended to eat tomatoes if you have high acidity.
Those who suffer from cardiovascular pathologies should not get carried away with canned tomatoes.
Avoid eating tomatoes with eggs, fish and bread. Together they slow down digestion, leading to a feeling of heaviness and bloating.
Never eat unripe (green) tomatoes fresh - they contain a dangerous poison - solanine. When poisoned with solanine, a person experiences weakness, nausea, and headache. Shortness of breath may occur
Tomatoes cooked in hot water may be harmful aluminum cookware, since the acids of the vegetable react with the surface of the metal
Gastritis, pankeratitis and stomach ulcers - reasons for excluding tomatoes from the diet

Interesting facts about tomatoes
1. The name tomato comes from Italian. pomo doro - golden apple. The Aztecs had the real name - tomatl, the French remade it into French. tomate (tomato).
2. The world's largest tomato was grown in the state of Wisconsin in the USA. He weighed 2.9 kg.
3. There are at least 10,000 varieties of tomatoes. The smallest tomato is less than 2 centimeters in diameter, and the largest reaches a weight of almost 1.5 kilograms.
4. Red tomatoes have more nutrients than yellow ones. The tomato is a biological relative of the potato and tobacco - all three plants belong to the nightshade family.
5. In the Ukrainian city of Kamenka-Dneprovskaya there is a monument to Glory to the Tomato.
6. Tomatoes are not only red, pink and yellow, but also black.
7. Approximately 95% of a tomato's weight is water.
8. Heat treatment does not worsen, but improves beneficial features tomatoes.
