Standard trees and shrubs. Formation of coniferous plants How to grow a standard plant

Most natural pine species are fast growing plants, which in adulthood reach huge size(20-50 m in height with a trunk diameter of up to 1.5 m). Such trees are too large for garden plots and landscaping. But as a result of many years of breeding work and targeted selection from wild species there were more compact plants with varied crown shapes and needle colors were obtained(dark green, blue, golden, variegated), which made them extremely desirable in our gardens. At the same time, the varieties have retained their unpretentiousness and resistance to unfavorable factors from their wild ancestors - heat and frost, lack of watering and poor soil.

Today you can choose varieties of pine trees to create any artistic composition: columnar, pyramidal, spherical, prostrate and even weeping. Over the course of several hundred years, the assortment has been replenished with varieties with a crown size ranging from several meters to dwarfs 30-40 cm in diameter, which can be grown in a container or on an alpine hill, in a flower garden or on the shore of a reservoir.

Varietal characteristics of pine trees transmitted only vegetatively. Pine trees practically do not take cuttings and the only way to propagate varietal planting material is grafting. Grafted plants require especially careful care, watering, fertilizing and protection. Wherein compact varieties, forming beautiful, dense balls or “pillows” in the spring give only a few centimeters of growth per year, so it takes 3-5, or even a dozen years to grow a grafted plant in a nursery before sale. Therefore, grafted plants in garden centers are more expensive than species (wild) grown from seeds, which grow much faster and can reach a height of several meters in a couple of years, but do not have valuable decorative characteristics.

Pine on a trunk

The most common and beloved type of grafted pine trees is "ball on a leg". In this case, a highly branching variety with exceptionally short increments, forming a dense cushion, is grafted with one or more often several cuttings onto a tall, straight standard of a species pine, grown and specially shaped by pruning without side branches, to make the crown symmetrical. U low standard In plants, the place of grafting can also be distinguished, since the bark of the scion and rootstock may have different textures and shades, and one can see how the grafted cuttings are “enveloped” by the scar tissue of the rootstock. Also grafted plants more compact, have small increments and needle coloring characteristic of this variety.

Scots pine

One of the most popular varieties of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) can be called ‘Watereri’, growing in the form of a dense, almost round, multi-stemmed bush with a diameter of 3-4 m. The needles are a rich shade with a gray-blue tint. This variety looks very beautiful both individually and in groups, especially well in composition with stones, in rock gardens and heather gardens, as well as in terraced gardens and containers. It lends itself well to molding. It is necessary to monitor the appearance of recurrent (not characteristic of this variety) shoots, which should be cut out.

For a vertical accent or row planting, you can use a variety with a beautiful columnar crown shape ‘Fastigiata’, reaching a height of 6-8 m. Moreover, by pinching the side branches you can form a denser, beautiful column. Very beautiful varieties ‘Glauca’ And 'Blue Sky'- varieties with silver-blue needles. There is also a variety with a compact crown, colored with golden needles for the winter. 'Aurea'.

Black pine

If you need a plant for a tall hedge, alley planting, or as a vertical accent in a composition, choose black pine ‘Pyramidalis’ with a narrow columnar crown shape. Mature tree can reach 10-15 m with a width of up to 3-5 m. A more compact column is formed by black pine ‘Fastigiata’, growing up to 7-8 m in height and up to 2-3 m in diameter. U young tree annual growth in height is 40 cm, in width - 20 cm, with age the growth rate decreases. For a small area, slender columns with rich green needles are suitable 'Green Rocket' And ‘Sinfonia’- slow-growing, compact varieties reaching a height of 3-5 m.

Mountain pine

The most popular and sought-after varieties of mountain pine, such as 'Mops' And 'Mini Mops', grow in the form of a dense pillow. These varieties grow only a few centimeters per year, therefore, without pinching or cutting, they retain a dense, rounded crown, and from their ancestors they have inherited exceptional unpretentiousness, drought and frost resistance. In the assortment of most nurseries you can find a very old, but still popular variety 'Gnom', at first it looks like a dense pillow, and with age it becomes a cone up to 1.2-1.5 m high. Its needles are short, dense, dark green, shiny.

Of particular interest to landscape designers are varieties with variable and multi-colored needles. Pay attention to varieties with needles turning yellow in autumn 'Winter gold', 'Golden Glow', ‘Carstens Wintergold’. Bright golden prickly pillows look very unexpected and at the same time colorful, attracting everyone's attention. In the variety ‘Kokarda‘ on each needle there are two yellow spots, as if there were two gold rings on each needle. In the variety 'Paul Maleter' young needles of a beautiful white-cream shade.

Planting and care

Most pines are light-loving, unpretentious plants. They can be planted solitary, as accents and groups, in composition with other conifers, but they look especially wonderful with spring bulbous and beautifully flowering trees and shrubs, emphasizing their beauty, as well as against the background of stones and water. The plant can be grown in a flower bed with perennials, in container culture. Dwarf varieties of pine trees look great in a composition with stones on alpine slide.

They don't like pine trees deepening of the root collar during planting, as well as waterlogging and high groundwater. When planting in a planting hole, it is better to arrange drainage from stones, fragments of brick or crushed stone. To combat possible pests, preventive spraying is used. insecticide solutions(“Aktelik”, “Konfidor”, “Aktara”, “Marsh”, etc.). To combat fungal diseases - sprayed with fungicides(“Topsin”, “Ridomil”, “Fundazol”) 3-4 times a season. It is advisable to avoid thickening of plantings and stagnant waterlogging.

Standard plants have nothing similar to the new breeding products. The main thing is to choose the right culture and plant it.

The original decoration of the yard can be:


Weeping willow.

You can also try coniferous trees.

Fig.1 Standard tree

2. Formation of a plant trunk

It is better for novice gardeners not to undertake the complex formation of a trunk. You should start with the usual pruning of the growing crown and shaping the trunk of the plant.

1. When choosing planting material, pay attention to the trunk of the plant; there should be no knots or bends on it. It’s impossible to align them; the result is zero attractiveness.

2. Drive a strong stake or other support next to the planted tree; it is necessary to fix the crown of the plant. Monitor the growth of the plant and trim the side shoots in a timely manner.

3. Once the tree has reached the desired size (ideally no more than 1.5 m), remove the top.

4. We begin to grow the crown by pinching young shoots. The procedure interval is at least once a month. Depending on the growing season, the process can drag on for a period of six months to one and a half years. There is no need to be afraid, the work is not labor-intensive, but the voluminous, dense crown will please the eye.

Fig.2 Standard tree

3. Grafting a standard tree

The grown plant is the optimal rootstock for many plants. The selected scion should be stronger both in terms of genetic indicators and vegetation. Read about rootstock and scion.

For example, pear - rowan, cedar - pine.

Vaccinate standard trees It’s better in the spring season, at the very beginning of the plant’s awakening. And how to do this correctly is described.

Fig.3 Standard tree

Select a scion cutting with several buds. Vaccination activities must be carried out strictly in compliance with agricultural technologies. Read more about garden grafting. The results of the work will be visible only in a month to a month and a half. The active awakening of the buds and the growth of young shoots is an opportunity to smile and rejoice in victory.

If desired, the plant can not be grafted. Having chosen one central shoot, gradually prune away excess branches. This is a simple but time-consuming method.

Place near standard tree can be refined. This way the handsome miniature will look even more attractive. Add a small green lawn similar in color to the plant's foliage. The result will surpass expectations.

You can see how to form a standard by blinding the buds in

Standard trees planted in symmetrical compositions or in a zigzag pattern are becoming more and more popular.

What is the essence of a plant of this form? How to make a standard tree with your own hands? What planting materials should I use? What are the secrets for growing and caring for them? Let's find out.

Description of the species

A standard tree is a plant with a long trunk, the top of which is decorated with a fluffy spherical crown or falling foliage. Such plantings look original and impressive.

Standard trees differ from each other in size and height. Typically their length varies from one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty centimeters.

In addition to an attractive aesthetic appearance, they have other advantages and disadvantages:

  • save space;
  • facilitate harvesting;
  • promote comfortable service.

Basic forms

How to grow a standard tree in your garden? This is not difficult to do. The main thing is to decide on the choice of form.

According to the appearance of the crown, standard plants are divided into:

  • weeping;
  • spherical.

TO crying include willow, rowan, elm, some types of apple trees, as well as creeping shrubs: climbing rose, juniper, cotoneaster.

In most cases, these plants are grafted artificially so that their branches fall down. This can occur vertically, in an arc, at an acute angle or umbrella.

TO spherical forms include maples, acacias, larches, thujas and others.

There are several ways to form a standard tree - by grafting and by pruning. Let's talk about these two methods in more detail.

In the meantime, let's find out general rules planting a suitable seedling.

Before landing

Above, we determined which specific types of plants are best suited for standard trees and shrubs. Now let's find out how to choose the right seedling.

First and most importantly, the trunk of the plant must be straight and even. Remember: if planting material knots and bends are detected, then during the growth process they will not go anywhere, which means the tree will lose its originality and attractiveness.

Moreover, when choosing seedlings, you need to pay attention to the healthy appearance of the bark and root system.

And one more thing - immediately after planting, the young tree needs support. Secure its trunk together with a wooden peg placed next to it.

Method one: pruning

This method involves the gradual formation of a standard tree by trimming side shoots and branches. Although this process may take a long time, the final result will be simply amazing and will exceed all your expectations.

The first thing you will need to do is monitor the growth of side shoots, removing them in a timely manner. As soon as the planted tree reaches the required height (usually about one and a half to two meters), its top should be cut off. From this point on, the crown will need to be pinched using young shoots.

This procedure is labor-intensive and painstaking, since it is recommended to wait one month between each pinching. In addition, new ones will need to be added to the already pinched shoots.

However, do not be afraid of difficulties. The result is worth it.

How can you grow a standard tree with your own hands using grafting? This will be discussed below.

Method two: vaccination

The grafting (or transplantation) method is much more complicated than the pruning method, but the results of the manipulations will be visible within a few months. What is needed for this?

First of all, you need to take two seedlings, one of which will act as a rootstock (or standard), and the second will act as a scion (from which the crown will be formed).

It is better to harvest scions in the fall. To do this, young shoots (one centimeter thick and up to half a meter long) are cut from the fruit tree, packaged in plastic film, wrapped in coniferous branches and buried. Such actions will help the cutting retain the necessary energy for establishment in a new place and subsequent development.

It is best to plant two identical crops. Sometimes related plants are used for this (for example, pear and rowan), due to which the trees begin to bear fruit faster.

The main points of grafting

What rules must be followed in order to grow a beautiful standard tree that is pleasing to the eye and harmoniously fits into the design? Here's a quick step-by-step guide:

  1. Grow the base (or standard). The young seedling is tied to a support and allowed to develop to a certain height.
  2. Take a healthy cutting with two to four living buds.
  3. Make an oblique cut above the upper bud of the cutting (scion), and in the lower part, using two cuts, create something like a wedge.
  4. Using a pointed section (wedge), carefully insert the scion into the trunk so as not to damage the latter.
  5. Treat the junction area with garden varnish and tie it with a plastic bandage or electrical tape, which can be replaced with new ones over time, and after a year completely removed.
  6. After a month, the cutting should take root and new buds will appear on it. Freshly baked shoots will soon form, and as soon as they grow twenty centimeters, they will need to be pinched properly.

Manipulations with vaccinations should be carried out in the spring, in dry sunny weather, so as not to introduce bacteria, fungi or infections into the junction.

What to do if the grafted shoot does not take root? It’s okay, you can try again soon, but it is recommended to do this a year after the unsuccessful vaccination.

Recently, gardeners have begun to use not only standard trees, but also shrubs. What does this actually look like?

Growing standard shrubs

Forming a trunk from bush plants is very popular. This makes it easier to care for garden crops and also facilitates convenient harvesting.

A standard shrub, like a tree, can be formed in two ways - by grafting or pruning. However, it should be remembered that such extraordinary bushes need constant support, since even ordinary gusts of wind can break thin long branches. Therefore, it is recommended to tie each shoot to a wooden or metal peg.

From which garden crops Is it possible to form standard bushes? First of all, these are raspberries, currants, gooseberries, serviceberries and others.

Let's talk briefly about standard raspberries.

Raspberry bush in the form of a trunk

The standard raspberry tree, unlike its other relatives, does not need support. Under the weight of a sweet harvest, its branches may bend, but not break. Such a plant can reach two meters in height, but still it cannot be called a full-fledged tree. Standard raspberry is a shrub artificially grown in the form of a tree.

How can this be done?

At the initial stage, all fruiting branches should be removed, and the upper part of the young shoot should be pinched.

If you don’t want to bother with the formation of a raspberry bush, then you can purchase an already grafted standard tree, but this must be done not in the market, but in nurseries, gardening stores, or from hand - when you see the mother bushes from which they will cut you a cutting.

How to care for standard raspberries?

Planting a “raspberry tree”

First of all, raspberries should be planted correctly. To do this, use well-fertilized soil. Choose a place that is not humid, slightly shaded, without drafts and groundwater.

Shrubs are planted close to each other, preferably a meter from the fence, on its southern side.

The method of planting standard raspberries is very unusual. Here is the approximate operating principle:

  1. Dig a deep trench, at the bottom of which place humus, peat, compost, ash and other mineral fertilizers.
  2. Cover the fertilizer with soil.
  3. Prepare a hole for each shoot: form cells with a diameter of 40 by 15 cm at a distance of one meter and line them with slate.
  4. Trim raspberry seedlings to a height of forty centimeters and plant them in cells. The root system should be deepened by four centimeters.
  5. Every two to three days, the bushes must be watered with water using liquid fertilizers.

Standard raspberries are an unusually tasty large berry. With the right good care its yield per season can reach two kilograms per bush.

Advantages of standard trees

As you can see, a standard tree is not just decorative element gardening design. This is a very convenient crop to grow and care for, which you can form with your own hands without using expensive or hard-to-find means and methods.

You just need to put in a little effort and skill, and then your standard tree will definitely please you with its spectacular appearance, unusual design and large tasty fruits.

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​necks 8-10 mm. Dig up, shorten the roots to 15 cm, and the above-ground part to 8-10 cm and plant again 30 cm apart and about a meter between the rows. Such planting will help the growth of annual shoots, which are then used as a standard and will become future stems.​

​standard rose

Rule 1. With or without grafting - we listen to experienced gardeners

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​Everyone's favorite Christmas tree with prickly needles located close to each other creates fluffy branches. The tree reaches amazing beauty in the spring, during the period of growth of young, soft green shoots. The existing varieties of prickly spruce, eastern spruce and Canadian spruce (gray) are considered dwarf with slow growth. This quality is the first advantage, the second is good cold resistance, the third is easy processing and cutting. On new year holidays Such trees are decorated with garlands, which creates a fabulous atmosphere around the house.​

  • ​Magnificent trunks are obtained from bushes:
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​You can also find trunks in nature, for example in young birch trees. Where snow-white trunks, due to lack of light, rise into the sky in slender columns and only form a crown at the very top.​

​Miniature trunks are a trend in garden fashion. But all their beauty will only be emphasized by correctly chosen undergrowth. Its task is to hide the soil near the stem. The undergrowth looks elegant, repeating the color of the leaves or flowers of the standard plant itself. If it matches the shape of the leaves or inflorescences, the result will be amazing. This beauty will also be a magnificent decoration of the garden.​

Common privet

However, you can do without vaccination. In this case, correct formative pruning will help out. We grow the trunk again, having previously selected one central shoot (you can have two, of course, or even three braided). Excess branches will be gradually trimmed off regularly. This is done more than once a year, and the standard we need will be formed in more than one year. If necessary, the stem is tied to the support. The crown is formed using pinching. This means that the tops of the shoots are pinched.

​We form the crown gradually: every three to six weeks the shoots are shortened, because of this new branches will grow. Perfection of form is one of the main characteristics of true beauty. This statement is also true in the issue of site design. The standard form of shrubs is gaining more and more popularity: there is probably not a gardener today who would not want to see this innovation on his site.​

​For a trunk, a one-year shoot that grows from a dormant bud at the base of the bush for 2-3 years is suitable. Choose the tallest and straightest one, cut off the rest at the root collar. If you want to acquire several standard roses of different heights, then it is worth remembering that on low standards the crown is usually formed at a height of 0.8 m, medium - 1.2 m, high - from 1.5 m.​

Some gardeners form a standard plant from an existing adult bush. The method is simple - all excess is cut off. But you need to do this if you don’t feel sorry for the bush at all, because the first experience may not be so successful. This tree is quite interesting.​

Judge for yourself - an exquisite plant, full of triumph and natural elegance, with a rounded shape on a thin stem. Such beauty will delight the eye of both the owner of the site and his guests. Four rules for creating standard plants and caring for them - below.​

Spiral shape of the trunk (video)

Rule No. 3. We do everything consistently

  • ​If you have one shoot, measure its height and act in accordance with this recommendation. Take cuttings from varietal rose bushes that you like the day before grafting. To prevent the buds from drying out, wrap the cuttings in a wet cloth or film. However, it is worth keeping in mind that cuttings can be stored in the refrigerator for about a month.​
  • Standard roses are still rare in gardens. It's a pity - they resemble graceful bouquets on a long stem. In addition, rose trees bloom profusely and for a long time, winter better and suffer less from diseases than ordinary bush ones. In other words, the advantages are obvious.​
  • ​The easiest way to trim and maintain shape is the American one. Having covered the crown with a mesh formed in a certain configuration, the branches that extend beyond its boundaries are trimmed. Once the volume is filled, the mesh is removed; the accumulated experience of working with pruning shears helps to maintain the formed shape.​
  • ​Juniper is considered more capricious in the conifer family; only experienced specialists can afford to grow it.​
  • ​rosehip;​

​Modern designers, using standard trees, achieve exclusive type local area. Many owners of private houses try to outdo their neighbors in the unusual appearance of the site. When growing a standard plant, it is easy to get carried away by this activity and decorate your property not only outdoors, but also indoors. Winter gardens with such exotic forms take on the appearance of luxury foreign homes.​

In the spring, select the central shoot of a young shrub grown from cuttings. This will be the main trunk, and remove all the buds on the main stem. Leave just a little on the top. Also eliminate the basal shoots from this shoot.

Rule No. 4. Follow fashion - more miniature trunks on the site

  • The usual method of grafting is the so-called budding, or bud-eye grafting. For reliability and better development you need to make two vaccinations on opposite sides of the stem, one 3-4 cm higher than the other.
  • ​Here are some boring, but useful tips. First of all, you should take care of the rootstock, that is
  • ​The thuja can be called a magnificent specimen. Abroad, they learned how to cut different shapes from thuja stems. Our decorating lovers unusual trees their homes have adopted the experience of foreign designers and, using the property of thuja to grow slowly, they begin to plant it in beautiful pots, followed by replanting it in already landscaped landscape compositions.​

Standard roses and other trees - how to form a standard | Country Design - fresh ideas from all over the world

​Standard trees will help you create your own unique design plot.​

Then, as the stem grows, tie it to a support. When the trunk reaches the required height, cut off the top of the shoot. This will be a signal for the plant to grow in breadth. The crown of the remaining buds will grow to the sides.​

Which shrubs are suitable for forming trunks?

​So, to get an elegant standard plant - a real decoration of the site, you need:

How to form a standard

With simple pruning you can get a standard plant from:

The process of forming a standard plant is a rather labor-intensive process. Typically, it will take a gardener five years to achieve the desired result. How to do this using vaccination?​

The standard is usually grafted with one variety of roses, but you can also take several varieties with flowers of different colors. A week before the operation, if the weather is dry, the rose hips should be watered generously.​

Feeding and pruning

​about the plant

It is impossible to ignore such beauty, so more and more summer residents are inclined to grow standard shrubs. The advantage of such compositions is that the area is not occupied, and the height of the bush, not exceeding 1.5 m, allows you to see other unusual compositions on the territory.​

​With the help of juniper bushes you can make a wide variety of shapes on personal plot.​

With a small plot area, housewives who grow berries for jam manage to create trunks from fruit-bearing shrubs. Receiving a harvest of berries, they decorate their garden beautiful compositions, which attract the eye throughout the spring-summer period. At first, the plants bloom with delicate foliage, then they bloom, and after flowering the fruits appear. Each bush has its own time and its own colors, which makes it possible for compositions from bushes on a trunk to constantly please the eye.​

​Sphere workers landscape design When planning, they explain the rules for planting standard trees. Using zoning rules, they create cascades of exotic plants, flower beds, large flowerpots, alpine slides, and standard trees easily fit into the created surroundings.​

Once a month, pinch out all the side branches, this action will make the plant grow even more abundantly. Each type of plant has its own pinching time, but you can use a month as a guide.

​Select a young plant with a central straight shoot, remove all running shoots, tie the trunk (trunk) to a support;​

If the shoot deviates from the vertical, tie it to a peg. Be sure to remove side shoots. You can also pinch them after the third leaf and then remove them after a year.​


​The algorithm is not so complicated:​

​In two weeks the results will be visible. A green, swollen bud and an easily falling leaf petiole indicate that everything is going well. If the grafted eyes turn black, you will have to repeat everything, but lower down the stem. After a month, the bandage holding the grafted buds must be removed, and the shoots that have begun to grow should be pinched and carefully torn off with your fingers at the very top. Remove the first buds that appear. But that’s not all - cut off the rosehip shoots above the grafting site.​

​for grafting roses. Rose hips are suitable as such, but not any, but only those that are resistant to frost, pests and diseases, with a strong root system and tall, flexible shoots from the base of the bush. On three-year-old bushes they grow up to 1.5-2 m.​

Each bush, tree or vine has its own crown shape. Man has learned to change the eternal appearance of plants. Also in Ancient Rome a kind of plant architecture was born - topiary. One of the first topiary works, Japanese larch is very popular. Peculiar pine needles falling leaves does not reduce its popularity. The even horizontal branches and multi-peaked larch trunk make it easy to shape it into a ball. Despite the mandatory condition of maintaining a distance of 3-4 m from the larch trunk, the opportunity to decorate the area with bright colors with other trunks is not missed by any professional designer. Coniferous plants also participate in the trunk, such as:

  • ​The standard look gives the recreation area a classic look. Trees with an even trunk and an unusual crown have such an extraordinary name, borrowed from German designers, meaning “trunk.”​
  • ​Slightly shorten all the branches and your standard will form quite quickly under your supervision. As a rule, results can be seen already in the second season. Well, starting from the third season, you will have a beautiful standard ball on your site.​

​In three to four years, a trunk one and a half to two meters high will grow from the seeds. A standard of young seedlings will grow a year, or even two earlier.​

Multi-colored coniferous trunk


​The first step is to grow the standard, meaning the tree trunk itself. This can be either a native column or taken from a taller plant.​

  • ​And one more piece of advice​
  • ​Usually a rosehip called Rosa canina is used for the rootstock. Its fruits resemble acorns. They begin to be collected as soon as they turn brown - the seeds are already ripe, and the shell has not yet had time to harden. Gutted seeds are immediately covered with sand or peat in a ratio of one to two and stored in the basement, stirring at least once a week and moistening as needed.
  • ​landscape design​

​Pendula weeping larches are widely used in decoration. These include conifers, broom, elm and others deciduous trees. One of the main representatives of pendula can be called broom.​

​Currant bushes have long been used to create boles on the site.​

​Rose hip bushes will be an excellent material for making boles.​

​Feed after each tree pruning. Feed the plant according to the recommended methods for each type. Regularly remove newly emerging shoots from the trunk and from the root zone.​

Bright originality

​After mid-April, it is best to get vaccinated. To do this, take a cutting with 3-4 buds. In four weeks (or maybe three), buds will appear on the graft that has taken root. By autumn they will already become annual growths.​

​Bird cherry

​After two years, the desired plant can be grafted onto this standard post. Creeping shrubs are often grafted onto the trunk - this creates unusual, beautiful weeping forms.​

​After the first frosts, you should carefully bend the plant to the ground, cover the grafting sites from below and above with small coniferous branches and cover them with a 15-20 cm layer of earth. In the spring, as soon as the soil thaws, the roses are raised a little; later, when the buds are bent, the trunks must be installed vertically . Check the safety of vaccinations - what if something is wrong?

Planting and caring for coniferous trunks

Sow the seeds in October or November in moist soil. You can do this and in early spring. Sow into loose soil to a depth of up to 7 cm. On heavy soils, the depth is less - 2-3 cm. After germination, thickened crops are thinned out.

​appeared in the villa of the famous Pliny the Younger, where his name was written using trimmed boxwood.​

​Pendula broom, or, as it is popularly called, goat willow, is incredibly beautiful. Delicate branches flow downwards, using this property, you can give an interesting shape to the trunk. Rakita pendula will help decorate any chaotic pile of rocks near a small pond. The standard form of the weeping pendula has rapid growth and in a short time reaches 3 m. The dense crown makes it possible to show imagination and make the landscape of any dacha or country house mysterious. This plant variety is frost-resistant and does not require special conditions conservation in winter, but in warm times the strict requirement of abundant watering should in no case be neglected.​


Care and formation of the trunk

​Land decorators, turning to famous gardeners for advice, learned about a new direction in plant growing. Thanks to this, boles have become popular in landscape designs. The main advantage of the trunk is the ability to grow it both in open ground and in beautiful large ceramic pots. This advantage helps to easily transfer the plant into the house during the cold season, decorating the interior of the living room and preserving the tree until warm days. The ability to create groups of topiary is given by the different heights of the standard plants participating in the ensemble.​

​Remove the support holding the fragile trunk when it can support the thick spherical crown without distortion. According to gardeners, this will happen by the third season.​

​We form the crown gradually: every three to six weeks the shoots are shortened, because of this new branches will grow. This will gradually create a spherical crown.

​Next spring you will need to cut them back into several buds in order to branch better. Subsequent care will be the same as for ordinary seedlings.​

Standard rose

Rose: neither tree nor bush

​Juniper​​Grafting onto a standard former is an interesting and uncomplicated method. The trees obtained as a result of this method will decorate any garden, they will be beautiful and healthy.​ ​As time goes by, you keep an eye on your ward tree, the standard rose. When cultivated shoots above the 3rd to 5th leaf or buds appear, pinch them several times to form a branched crown, similar to the crown of a tree.​

​In autumn or early spring of next year from annual seedlings​

​The gardens of Rome were famous for their wonderful compositions of different types of trees, bright flowers, rose gardens, powerful fountains, elegant gazebos and sculptures. And of course, topiary art. The owners of the gardens were proud of their evergreens, trimmed to resemble balls, cubes or pyramids. Ships and bizarre figures of animals were “sculpted” from plants.​

​Pruning of trunks is done with special garden shears.​ ​pine;​​Do not consider the trunks exotic.​

​On my site I am also trying to form several trunks. I’m not ready to show it yet - I’ll have to wait a few more seasons for the result.​

Growing a standard rose is not so difficult

​Successful transformation of the site!​​Berry yew​

​Until mid-summer, young rose plants should not be tied to a support - gusts of wind can break the grafts that have not yet grown together firmly. But in the second half of summer, support is simply necessary. After all, under the weight of the developed crown, the plants begin to bow to the ground.

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​Standard trees will help you create your own unique site design.​

​Thuja occidentalis ‘Govea’​

Coniferous arches

​Soft cuff ​At the bottom of the cutting, cut off the needles, exposing the cutting by 2-2.5 cm.​

Conifers on a trunk

​Decorative garden compositions​​Plants in this composition are selected in such a way that all the main existing forms crowns and particularly pronounced types of crown color. Placement on a scree of gray gravel allows you to fully demonstrate the decorative qualities of plants in full. The use of some ground cover plants is the connecting link of the entire composition and only emphasizes the individuality of the conifers. The main criterion for creating groups was the color of the needles, and in groups they are placed in accordance with the shape of the crown. Virginia juniper "Glauca" (Juniperus virginiana "Glauca") Virginia juniper "Skyrocket" ) Common juniper "Columnaris" (Juniperus communis "Columnaris") Common juniper "Hibernica" (Juniperus communis "Hibernica") Chinese juniper "Kaizuka" (Juniperus chinensis "Kaizuka") source​ ​and​ ​Text: Alexander Sapelin​​When planning, landscape design workers explain the rules for planting standard trees. Using zoning rules, they create cascades of exotic plants, flower beds, large flowerpots, alpine slides, and standard trees easily fit into the created surroundings.​ ​Echinacea purpurea​​Juniper rocky 'Blue Arrow'​ ​3​ ​Soft (in most species) needles of various colors, delicate aroma, undemanding to growing conditions - these are the reasons why gardeners and designers are attracted to junipers.​ ​cossack juniper​Source​

Conifers as ground cover

Coniferous shrub with a spiral shape.​fir​ ​Conifers, garden composition​​The standard look gives the recreation area a classic look. Trees with an even trunk and an unusual crown have such an extraordinary name, borrowed from German designers, meaning “trunk.”​ ​Ottawa barberry ‘Superba’​​Spiraea Boumalda​​In a pot filled with soil mixture, use a pencil to make holes. Place the cuttings in these holes at an angle of 30-45 degrees. Then press and compact the soil with your fingers. Water and close plastic film. Source Source Junipers are planted in alleys, grown on alpine roller coaster and in rockeries. At any time of the year they are good in garden compositions with other conifers: spruce, pine, thuja, fir, hemlock. And in spring and summer, their dark greenery emphasizes and sets off the beauty of rhododendrons and hydrangeas, mahonias and heathers and numerous bulbous plants: tulips, daffodils, hyacinths... Despite its unpretentiousness, juniper from the forest does not take root well in the garden; if it has taken root, it means you have light hand and gardening happiness. But it’s better not to tempt fate, but to immediately plant a seedling of an already cultivated species. Moreover, there are a great many of them. Junipers are planted in sunny places. In the shade they can grow shapeless and loose and lose all their decorative advantages. Only common juniper can tolerate some shading. The distance between plants should be from 0.5 m for medium-sized and short ones to 1.5 - 2 m for tall forms. Before planting, all container plants must be soaked in water by keeping the earthen ball in a container of water for about 2 hours. Depth landing pit depends on the size of the earthen coma and the root system of the plant. Usually junipers are planted in a hole, the size of which is 2-3 times larger than the coma. For large bushes - 70 cm deep. At the bottom of the hole, you definitely need to make a drainage layer of broken brick and sand 15-20 cm thick. And cover the roots with a soil mixture consisting of peat, turf soil and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1. Large plants planted so that the root collar is 5-10 cm above the edges of the planting hole. In young plants it should be at ground level. The optimal soil acidity is from 4.5 to 7 pH, depending on the type and variety. Liming is useful for Cossack juniper - before planting on heavy soils, apply dolomite flour or fluff lime (80-100 g per hole measuring 50 x 50 x 60 cm). Junipers are undemanding to soil. All they need is the application of nitroammophoska (30-40 g/m2) or “Kemiry-universal” (20 g per 10 liters of water) in April-May. Junipers are watered only in dry summers, and then infrequently - 2-3 times per season. Watering rate - 10-30 l per mature plant. Once a week it can be sprayed, certainly in the evening. Common and Chinese junipers do not tolerate dry air. Juniperus virginiana is drought-resistant, but grows best in soils of average moisture. Young plantings of junipers require loosening - shallow, after watering and weeding. Immediately after planting, the soil is mulched with peat, wood chips, pine bark or pine nut shells, the thickness of the mulch layer is 5-8 cm. Heat-loving cultivars are mulched for the winter, and in early spring the mulch must be raked off, as it can cause rotting of the root collar. Due to their slow growth, junipers are pruned very carefully. Dry branches are mainly removed at any time of the year. Only young plants are covered for the winter, and then only in the first year after planting. Juniper can be propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Coniferous hedges and topiary

​1.​​Source​ The crown is dense, the shoots are branched and twisting. Height up to 4-5 m. Diameter up to 1.5 m, etc.). Cubes and parallelepipeds are the same fence, but divided into parts, which means the same assortment. The same thing with cones, balls, hemispheres and other simple geometric shapes. Even spirals and multi-tiered pyramids strung on a standard can be obtained, for example, from such dense varieties. So much has been written about the types and varieties of conifers, their combinations with other plants, and agricultural technology that it is time to talk about the details. In particular, about the use of conifers in the garden. Try to take a broader look at seemingly simple things, and you will definitely discover something new.​ ​Rose hip bushes will be an excellent material for making boles.​​Brunnera sibirica​ ​Juniper rocky 'Blue Arrow'​

Coniferous verticals

​Diseases and pests of juniper​​At first glance, this may seem like science fiction. But those weeping forms of conifers, from which arches can be made, could well become hanging plants. Often their shoots grow significantly longer than the trunk and spread along the ground if they are not pruned by the garden owners. It is this circumstance that suggests the idea of ​​using them as hanging plants. The types and varieties of conifers can be the same, but the grafting must be done either on a very low trunk or in the root collar. Then the plant is planted, for example, on a terrace, and its branches hang from the retaining wall. In this case, you need to take into account how much this retaining wall freezes. If it is severe, then the assortment is reduced (for example, among spruce trees we will give preference to the common one rather than the Serbian one), and the plant itself is planted as far as possible from the edge.​ ​2.​ ​1. Black pine - Pinusmugo‘Mops’ (below, near No. 10)​ The needles are bright green. ​thuja occidentalis​​This is a very expressive technique, common in Europe and America. In our conditions, it is also possible to make a coniferous arch, but it will not look as strict. It is necessary to build a stable metal or wooden arched structure and plant weeping coniferous forms on both sides. In our case, these can be forms of common spruce ("Inversa", "Reflexa", etc.), Serbian spruce ("Pendula", "Pendula Bruns", etc.). While the top is young and flexible, it is tied to a support. Over time, it will become lignified and remain in this position. Falling side branches need to be trimmed if necessary. Theoretically, weeping varieties could also be used. Land decorators, turning to famous gardeners for advice, learned about a new direction in plant growing. Thanks to this, boles have become popular in landscape designs. The main advantage of the trunk is the ability to grow it both in open ground and in beautiful large ceramic pots. This advantage helps to easily transfer the plant into the house during the cold season, decorating the interior of the living room and preserving the tree until warm days. The ability to create groups of topiary is given by the different heights of the standard plants participating in the ensemble.​ ​Heuchera blood-red​ ​Sedum Kamchatka​​These questions are asked by life itself. Based on extensive experience, she gives answers. Planting in groups depends on their purpose. If we plant a group with the aim of covering an object or creating a background, then the planting should be dense. When setting the goal of demonstrating the decorative qualities of a plant, the planting should be loose so that the plants can be seen. The number of plants is determined by the same factors. The question of combining plants is not an easy one, and the answer to it depends on creativity and imagination, where harmony is the evaluation criterion. Based on experience, we can recommend groups such as spruce and larch, pine and juniper, mountain pine, Scots pine and larch, juniper and thuja. For common spruce, a background of maples, chestnuts, ash and walnuts is suitable, and cypress trees look good against the background of light trunks and foliage of birches and aspens. The combination of decorative forms is excellent coniferous plants with shrubs such as henome-forest, lilac (especially the standard form), weigela, mock orange, hydrangea, silver oleagin (clipped), etc. The beauty of conifers is well emphasized by ground cover plants, sedums, carnations, periwinkle, etc. ​​The most common disease of junipers is rust. Among the pests, the most dangerous are spider mites, juniper leaf miners, aphids and juniper scale insects. Against aphids, spray twice with “Fitoverm” (2 g per 1 liter of water) with an interval of 10-14 days. Mining moths are afraid of “Decis” (2.5 g per 10 l), which is also sprayed on the plant twice and also after 10-14 days. Against spider mite use the drug "Karate" (50 g per 10 l), against scale insects - karbofos (70 g per 10 l of water). To stop rust, the plant will have to be sprayed four times with an interval of 10 days with a solution of arceride (50 g per 10 liters of water). It is clear that in our gardens there are trimmed coniferous walls and figures. But still they are not the same as in Europe. The question is the degree of detail of the cropped figure. A simple hedge? No problem, and quite a large assortment of plants (​

Conifers a la bonsai

​3.​​2. Juniper medium “Gold Star” - Juniperus pfitzeriana ‘GoldStar’​ Light-loving. Prefers well-drained soil. Drought-resistant.​​, like "Smaragd". But the idea of ​​making coniferous chess pieces or horses in a harness will end in failure. Alas, we do not have suitable plants for this, especially evergreens. You can, of course, buy a ready-made version, but it will freeze in the open ground.​ ​common juniper​ ​Do not consider the trunks exotic.​

Lemon-smelling thyme ‘Golden Draft’ Plants with unusually colored needles should be planted in single plantings. Golden forms prefer sunny places.​ ​Juniper varieties​ ​thuja​​4.​​3. Thuja occidentalis “Teddy” - Thujaoccidentalis ‘Teddy’​​Hard verticals​

​Russian gardening professionals have found ways to grow trunks from trees and even shrubs available to any private owner.​

​Fragrant violet

​, some​
​Magnificent trunks are obtained from bushes: ​Thuja occidentalis ‘Govea’​​1. Serbian spruce ‘Nana’ The plants in this composition are selected in such a way that all the main existing forms of the crown and especially pronounced types of crown color are present. Placement on a scree of gray gravel allows you to fully demonstrate the decorative qualities of plants in full. The use of some ground cover plants is the connecting link of the entire composition and only emphasizes the individuality of the conifers. The main criterion for creating groups was the color of the needles, and in groups they are placed in accordance with the shape of the crown. Tall junipers with a pyramidal and columnar crown:
​6.​ ​5. Five-leafed maiden grape - Parthenocissusquinquefolia(L.)​​A fast-growing, spreading variety of juniper, having upright branches up to 1 meter high, which lie on the ground at their base as they grow and increase in size. The needles are scaly and needle-shaped, bluish-green with a characteristic odor when rubbed. It is not demanding on soil fertility and moisture. The source organizes the space of Italian gardens, and these are stable accents. IN middle lane In Russia they can be partially replaced by some narrow-vertical forms of conifers: occidental thuja ​gooseberries;​ Hosta angustifolia ​2. Serbian spruce ‘Pendula’​​Collection of dwarf conifers: / - Lawson cypress “Minima Glauka”; 2 - common juniper Hibernika; 3 - rocky juniper “Springbank”; 4 - mountain pine “Hampi”; 5 -* Norway spruce “Little Jam”; 6 - pea-bearing cypress “Filifera Nana”; 7 - thuja occidentalis “Globoza”; 8 - thuja occidentalis “Danika”; 9 - thuja occidentalis “Globoza Nana”; 10 - black spruce “Nana”; 11 ~ thuja occidentalis “Ericoides”; 12 - common spruce “Re-pens”; 13 - horizontal juniper “Adpressa”; 14 - horizontal juniper “Prince of Wales”; 15 - horizontal juniper “Viltoni”; 16 - mountain pine “Mugus”; 17 - mountain pine “Mini Pug”; 18 - pea-bearing cypress “Nana”; 19 - common spruce “Maxwelly”; 20 ~ microbiota; 21 - scaly juniper “Blue Carpet”; 22 - scaly juniper “Meyeri”; 23 - Chinese juniper “Plumosa Aurea”; 24 - juniper scaly “Blue Star”; 25 - Weymouth pine “Pumila”​ ​Glauca juniper (Juniperus virginiana "Glauca") Virginia juniper "Skyrocket" (Juniperus virginiana "Skyrocket") Common juniper "Columnaris" (Juniperus communis "Columnaris") Common juniper "Hibernica" (Juniperus communis "Hibernica") Juniper nickname Chinese "Kaizuka" (Juniperus chinensis "Kaizuka") source​ ​and​

​Text: Alexander Sapelin​​6. Toothed buzulnik ‘Othello’ - Ligularia dentata​

Medium-sized junipers:

​common juniper

​and dwarf forms​


​Echinacea purpurea​


Coniferous shrub with a spiral shape.


​Conifers, garden composition​

​Chinese juniper "Blue Alps" (Juniperus chinensis "Blue Alps") Cossack juniper "Tamariscifolia" (Juniperus sabina "Tamafiscifolia")​


​common spruce

Elecampane sword-leaved

​1. Black pine - Pinusmugo‘Mops’ (below, near No. 10)​

The crown is dense, the shoots are branched and twisting. Height up to 4-5 m. Diameter up to 1.5 m.​

​etc.). Cubes and parallelepipeds are the same fence, but divided into parts, which means the same assortment. The same thing with cones, balls, hemispheres and other simple geometric shapes. Even spirals and multi-tiered pyramids strung on a standard can be obtained, for example, from such dense varieties

​So much has been written about the types and varieties of conifers, their combinations with other plants, and agricultural technology that it’s time to talk about the details. In particular, about the use of conifers in the garden. Try to take a broader look at seemingly simple things, and you will definitely discover something new.​

​8. Early thyme - Thymus praecox​

​Chinese juniper "Blue Alps" (Juniperus chinensis "Blue Alps")​

​juniper virginiana​

​(Pygmaea) and​

With a small plot area, housewives who grow berries for jam manage to create trunks from fruit-bearing shrubs. Receiving a harvest of berries, they decorate their garden with beautiful compositions that attract the eye throughout the spring and summer. At first, the plants bloom with delicate foliage, then they bloom, and after flowering the fruits appear. Each bush has its own time and its own colors, which makes it possible for compositions from bushes on a trunk to constantly please the eye.​

Lavatera Thuringiensis

​2. Juniper medium “Gold Star” - Juniperus pfitzeriana ‘GoldStar’​

The needles are bright green.

​thuja occidentalis​

​This is a very expressive technique, common in Europe and America. In our conditions, it is also possible to make a coniferous arch, but it will not look as strict. It is necessary to build a stable metal or wooden arched structure and plant weeping coniferous forms on both sides. In our case, these can be forms of common spruce ("Inversa", "Reflexa", etc.), Serbian spruce ("Pendula", "Pendula Bruns", etc.). While the top is young and flexible, it is tied to a support. Over time, it will become lignified and remain in this position. Falling side branches need to be trimmed if necessary. Theoretically, weeping varieties could also be used

​Juniper medium "Hetzii" (Juniperus x media "Hetzii")​

​prickly spruce

Coniferous plants also participate in the trunk, such as:

Lobularia marine

​6. Chinese lilac

​3. Thuja occidentalis “Teddy” - Thujaoccidentalis ‘Teddy’​

Light-loving. Prefers well-drained soil. Drought resistant.​

​, like "Smaragd". But the idea of ​​making coniferous chess pieces or horses in a harness will end in failure. Alas, we do not have suitable plants for this, especially evergreens. You can, of course, buy a ready-made version, but in the open ground it will freeze.​

​common juniper

How to use conifers in the garden

​10.Evergreen sheep - Helicototrichon sempevirens​

​Juniperus squamata "Holger")​

​thuja occidentalis​

Coniferous arches

​("Glauca Globosa"), grafted onto a standard typical forms. Used to a lesser extent ​Currant bushes have long been used to create boles on the site.​

Conifers on a trunk

​7. Mock orange Lemoine ​4. Berberis thunbergii ‘Atropurpurea Nana’​Very decorative, used in single plantings, in Japanese gardens.​ ​Hard verticals​​("Horstmann", etc.), but it does not always and not always reach the size of a standard arch.​​Low-growing junipers:​ ​with a vertical crown shape,​​junipers​ ​spruce;​​Hemlock ‘Jeddeloh’​ ​Weigela flowering ‘Purpurea Nana’​​5. Five-leafed maiden grape - Parthenocissusquinquefolia(L.)​

Conifers as ground cover

​Rock juniper "Springbank" (Juniperus scopulorum "Springbank") Cossack juniper "Erecta" (Juniperus sabina "Erecta")​ ​cypress​​Abroad, entrances to a house or garden are often flanked with standard forms - often these are coniferous and deciduous evergreen “balls on a stick”. In our country, for these purposes, it is possible to use only conifers -​ ​prickly spruce​and​ ​pine;​​Thuja occidentalis ‘Globoza’​

Conifers as hanging plants

​Cypress pea ‘Filifera Aurea Nana’​

Coniferous hedges and topiary

​6. Toothed bozulnik ‘Othello’ - Ligularia dentata A fast-growing, spreading variety of juniper, having upright branches up to 1 meter high, which lie on the ground at their base as they grow and increase in size. The needles are scaly and needle-shaped, bluish-green with a characteristic odor when rubbed. It is not demanding on soil fertility and moisture. The source organizes the space of Italian gardens, and besides, these are stable accents. In central Russia they can be partially replaced by some narrow-vertical forms of conifers: ​thuja occidentalis​​With golden needles:​​,​​fir​​thuja.​

Coniferous verticals

Elecampane sword-leaved ​Cinquefoil shrub ‘Princess’​​7. Great plantain “Rubra” - Plantagomajor ‘Rubra’​ Medium-sized junipers:​common juniper ​and dwarf forms​​Juniper virginiana "Aureospicata" (J. virginiana "Aureospicata")​​common juniper​​. In all cases, regular shaping is required. You also need to keep in mind that if the plant is not shade-tolerant enough, then in low light, sooner or later the “ball” turns into an “umbrella”, which also looks good. Perfectly suitable for molding on a standard​ ​Looking at the expanses of Russia, we can safely talk about the easy way stamping coniferous species. The ability to create an extraordinary look for your site is achieved by growing evergreen trees in the form of a trunk.​ ​Serbian spruce ‘Nana’​

Conifers a la bonsai

​8. Early thyme - Thymus praecox​ Chinese juniper "Blue Alps" (Juniperus chinensis "Blue Alps") Cossack juniper "Tamariscifolia" ​common spruce​Juniper medium "Gold Coast" (J. x. media "Gold Coast") (on the edge)​

​larch​​Everyone's favorite Christmas tree with prickly needles located close to each other creates fluffy branches. The tree reaches amazing beauty in the spring, during the period of growth of young, soft green shoots. The existing varieties of prickly spruce, eastern spruce and Canadian spruce (gray) are considered dwarf with slow growth. This quality is the first advantage, the second is good cold resistance, the third is easy processing and cutting. On New Year's holidays, such trees are decorated with garlands, which creates a fabulous atmosphere around the house.​
​European larch ‘Repens’​ ​Perennial daisy ‘Etna’​​9. Phlox subulata​ ​Chinese juniper "Blue Alps" (Juniperus chinensis "Blue Alps")​​juniper virginiana​ ​(Pygmaea) and​

​Landscape experts advise planting pine trunks along the edges of the site. The advantages of these varieties are infrequent watering and ease of care. The mountain pine tree trunk is in greatest demand due to the extraordinary qualities of changing the color of the needles throughout the year. It is bright green in summer, bright yellow in autumn, copper in winter, and golden in spring. Such changes in the palette make the site unusual at any time of the year.​
​Thuja occidentalis ‘Globoza’​

​10.Evergreen sheep - Helicototrichon sempevirens​

​Juniper medium "Hetzii" (Juniperus x media "Hetzii")​​“Skyrocket” or “Blue Arow”, etc. Even from conifers that are not “slender” enough, you can get narrow columns by regularly forming them - it is important to do this from the very beginning, cutting the needles further from the trunk from year to year. Rigid molding of an adult plant will produce a trunk with half-bare branches, which will take a long time to be overgrown, and in the worst case, will remain bare forever. Varieties are suitable for such operations
​prickly spruce
​With gray or blue needles:​ ​junipers​ Skeptics will say that you cannot walk on coniferous surfaces. But even among herbaceous groundcovers, not all tolerate trampling. Meanwhile, Juniper is considered more capricious in the conifer family; only experienced specialists can afford to grow it. Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’
​Viburnum foliage ‘Diabolo’​
​1. Scaly juniper - Juniperus sguamata ‘BlueStar’​ ​Juniperus squamata "Holger")​​thuja occidentalis​ ​("Glauca Globosa"), grafted onto a standard form. Used to a lesser extent​Juniper rock "Blue Arrow" (J. scopulorum "Blue Arrow") Juniper medium "Blaauw" (J. x. media "Blaauw") Juniper scaly "Blue Carpet" (J. squamata "Blue Carpet") Juniper scaly "Blue" Star" (J. squamata "Blue Star")​ ​problems begin soon after planting, with​ ​cross-paired microbiota​The thuja can be called a magnificent specimen. Abroad, they learned how to cut different shapes from thuja stems. Our lovers of decorating their homes with unusual trees have adopted the experience of foreign designers and, using the property of thuja to grow slowly, begin to plant it in beautiful pots, followed by replanting it in already landscaped landscape compositions.​ ​Barberry thunberga ‘Atropurpurea nana’​​Rhododendron yellow​

​2. Thuja occidentalis ‘Golden Glob’​​Low-growing junipers:​

​with a vertical crown shape,​


​Juniper cuttings.​

​Weymouth pine​

​With the help of juniper bushes you can make a wide variety of shapes in your garden plot.​

Heuchera blood red

​Common mackerel ‘Royal Purple’​

​3. Cossack juniper - Juniperus sabina ‘Variegata’​

​Juniper virginiana "Kobold" (J. virginiana "Kobold") Juniper virginiana "Nana Compacta" (J. virginiana "Nana Compacta") Dwarf forms of juniper: Juniper horizontalis "Blue Pygmea" (J. horizontalis "Blue Pygmea") Juniper horizontalis "Wiltonii" (J. h. "Wiltonii") Horizontal juniper "Glauca" (J. h. "Glauca") Horizontal juniper "Hughes" (J. h. "Hughes")​

​prickly spruce

​common spruce

​Japanese larch is very popular. The fall of leaves characteristic of coniferous needles does not reduce its popularity. The even horizontal branches and multi-peaked larch trunk make it easy to shape it into a ball. Despite the mandatory condition of maintaining a distance of 3-4 m from the larch trunk, the opportunity to decorate the area with bright colors with other trunks is not missed by any professional designer.​

​Juniper virginiana ‘Skyrocket’​

​Mountain pine​

​4. Black pine - Pinus mugo ‘Mops’​

​With golden needles:​



  1. ​mountain pine trees
  2. ​Pendula weeping larches are widely used in decoration. These include conifers, broom, elm and other deciduous trees. One of the main representatives of pendula can be called broom.​
  3. ​Viburnum foliage ‘Diabolo’​
  4. ​Korean cedar pine ‘Glauka’​
  5. ​5. Thuja occidentalis ‘Globosa’​

  1. ​Juniper virginiana "Aureospicata" (J. virginiana "Aureospicata")​
  2. ​common juniper
  3. ​. In all cases, regular shaping is required. You also need to keep in mind that if the plant is not shade-tolerant enough, then in low light, sooner or later the “ball” turns into an “umbrella”, which also looks good. Perfectly suitable for molding on a standard
  4. ​1. Serbian spruce ‘Nana’​

​common juniper

​Pendula broom, or, as it is popularly called, goat willow, is incredibly beautiful. Delicate branches flow downwards, using this property, you can give an interesting shape to the trunk. Rakita pendula will help decorate any chaotic pile of rocks near a small pond. The standard form of the weeping pendula has rapid growth and in a short time reaches 3 m. The dense crown makes it possible to show imagination and make the landscape of any dacha or country house mysterious. This plant variety is frost-resistant and does not require special preservation conditions in winter, but in warm times the strict requirement of abundant watering should never be neglected.​

​Juniper virginiana ‘Glauca’​

​Juniper Cossack​

​6. Thuja occidentalis ‘Hoseri’

  1. ​Juniper medium "Gold Coast" (J. x. media "Gold Coast") (on the edge)​
  2. ​. The latter can “burn” in the sun after cutting especially strongly - growing young shoots are more vulnerable.​
  3. ​larch​
  4. ​2. Serbian spruce ‘Pendula’​
  5. Junipers (Juniperus) are old-timers of the earth's flora; they appeared about 50 million years ago. They belong to the cypress family. The types of junipers are very diverse. Among them there are giants up to 30 m tall and bizarre elfin trees that rise from the ground barely 10-15 cm. Now over 60 species and 150 decorative forms of junipers are known, of which 22 species and 25 cultivars are cultivated in Russia. Soft (in most species) needles of various colors, delicate aroma, undemanding to growing conditions - these are the reasons why gardeners and designers are attracted to junipers. Junipers are planted in alleys, grown on alpine hills and in rockeries. At any time of the year they are good in garden compositions with other conifers: spruce, pine, thuja, fir, hemlock. And in spring and summer, their dark greenery emphasizes and sets off the beauty of rhododendrons and hydrangeas, mahonias and heathers and numerous bulbous plants: tulips, daffodils, hyacinths... Despite its unpretentiousness, juniper from the forest does not take root well in the garden; if it takes root, it means you have a light hand and gardening happiness. But it’s better not to tempt fate, but to immediately plant a seedling of an already cultivated species. Moreover, there are a great many of them.​
  6. ​("Repanda", "Hornibrookii" etc.) etc.
  7. ​Pruning of trunks is done with special garden shears.​
  8. ​Juniper Cossack ‘Tamariscifolia’​
  9. ​Ottawa barberry ‘Superba’​
  10. ​7. Norway spruce - Picea abies​
  11. ​Juniper medium "Old Gold" (J. x. media "Old Gold")​

  1. ​They have little to do with the classics of the genre - they are more like bonsai haircuts. There are many of them on the market, they are not cheap, and not all of them have performed well. Even species that winter tolerably in our country, clipped as bonsai, begin to suffer: with
  2. , and of any kind. But this plant is not evergreen, although it is a conifer.
  3. ​3. Acer maple ‘Flamingo’
  4. ​At the bottom of the cutting, cut off the needles, exposing the cutting by 2-2.5 cm.​
  5. Juniper: planting and care
  6. ​cossack juniper
  7. ​Having examined the varieties of standard plants, we will become familiar with the method of planting coniferous standard trees. When purchasing a plant from a nursery, it is considered mandatory to remember the location of the cardinal directions. It is worth tying a ribbon on a branch on the south side of the tree so that when planting it in the ground on your site, you can maintain this position. By observing this condition, you can speed up the adaptation of the plant in a new place.
  8. ​Mountain pine​
  9. ​Barberry thunberga ‘Atropurpurea nana’​
  10. ​8. Thuja occidentalis ‘Brabant’​

  1. ​With gray or blue needles:​
  2. ​junipers​
  3. Skeptics will say that you cannot walk on coniferous surfaces. But even among herbaceous groundcovers, not all tolerate trampling. In the meantime
  4. ​4. Common juniper 'Hibernica'
  5. ​Soft (in most species) needles of various colors, delicate aroma, undemanding to growing conditions - these are the reasons why gardeners and designers are attracted to junipers. Junipers are planted in sunny places. In the shade they can grow shapeless and loose and lose all their decorative advantages. Only common juniper can tolerate some shading. The distance between plants should be from 0.5 m for medium-sized and short ones to 1.5 - 2 m for tall forms. Before planting, all container plants must be soaked in water by keeping the earthen ball in a container of water for about 2 hours. The depth of the planting hole depends on the size of the earthen ball and the root system of the plant. Usually junipers are planted in a hole, the size of which is 2-3 times larger than the coma. For large bushes - 70 cm deep. At the bottom of the hole, you definitely need to make a drainage layer of broken brick and sand 15-20 cm thick. And cover the roots with a soil mixture consisting of peat, turf soil and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1. Large plants are planted so that the root collar is 5-10 cm above the edges of the planting hole. In young plants it should be at ground level. The optimal soil acidity is from 4.5 to 7 pH, depending on the type and variety. Liming is useful for Cossack juniper - before planting on heavy soils, add dolomite flour or fluff lime (80-100 g per hole measuring 50 x 50 x 60 cm). Junipers are undemanding to soil. All they need is the application of nitroammophoska (30-40 g/m2) or “Kemiry-universal” (20 g per 10 liters of water) in April-May. Junipers are watered only in dry summers, and then infrequently - 2-3 times per season. Watering rate is 10-30 liters per adult plant. Once a week it can be sprayed, certainly in the evening. Common and Chinese junipers do not tolerate dry air. Juniperus virginiana is drought-resistant, but grows best in soils of average moisture. Young plantings of junipers require loosening - shallow, after watering and weeding. Immediately after planting, the soil is mulched with peat, wood chips, pine bark or pine nut shells, the thickness of the mulch layer is 5-8 cm. Heat-loving cultivars are mulched for the winter, and in early spring the mulch must be raked off, as it can cause rotting of the root collar. Due to their slow growth, junipers are pruned very carefully. Dry branches are mainly removed at any time of the year. Only young plants are covered for the winter, and then only in the first year after planting. Juniper can be propagated by seeds and cuttings.
  6. The planting depth should correspond to the height of the formed root system with a margin of 15-20 cm. The margin is made to create a bottom cushion consisting of mixed pine sawdust and river sand in a 2:1 ratio. This pillow can also be used to cover the side edges of the roots. Black soil is sprinkled on top for compaction and nutrition. Careful attention to watering (as the soil dries, the soil should be moistened, but not flooded) will help any coniferous trunk quickly take root. Do not forget to cover the crown of the conifer for the winter, so as not to expose the delicate needles and cut edges of the branches to the sun.

  1. ​Thuja occidentalis ‘Columna’​
  2. Heuchera blood red
  3. ​9. Blue Molinia - Molinia coerulea
  4. ​Juniper rock "Blue Arrow" (J. scopulorum "Blue Arrow") Juniper medium "Blaauw" (J. x. media "Blaauw") Juniper scaly "Blue Carpet" (J. squamata "Blue Carpet") Juniper scaly "Blue" Star" (J. squamata "Blue Star")​
  5. ​problems begin soon after landing, with​
  6. ​cross-paired microbiota

  1. ​5. Common juniper
  2. ​In a pot filled with soil mixture, use a pencil to make holes. Place the cuttings in these holes at an angle of 30-45 degrees. Then press and compact the soil with your fingers. Water and cover with plastic wrap. Source Source​
  3. Diseases and pests of juniper
  4. ​At first glance this may seem fantastic. But those weeping forms of conifers, from which arches can be made, could well become hanging plants. Often their shoots grow significantly longer than the trunk and spread along the ground if they are not pruned by the garden owners. It is this circumstance that suggests the idea of ​​using them as hanging plants. The types and varieties of conifers can be the same, but the grafting must be done either on a very low trunk or in the root collar. Then the plant is planted, for example, on a terrace, and its branches hang from the retaining wall. In this case, you need to take into account how much this retaining wall freezes. If it is severe, then the assortment is reduced (for example, among spruce trees we will give preference to the common one rather than the Serbian one), and the plant itself is planted as far as possible from the edge.​
  5. ​Return to contents​

  1. ​Source​
  2. ​Miscanthus sinensis ‘Variegata’​
  3. ​10. Hosta fortunei - Hosta fortunei​
  4. ​Juniper cuttings.​

  1. ​Weymouth pine​
  2. ​tolerates shade, forms good mats that turn green immediately after the snow melts. It looks especially impressive on a slightly textured surface. Weeping forms are also suitable
  3. ​6. Chinese lilac
  4. ​What is the best way to place plants in groups, in what combination do they look most impressive?​

The most common disease of junipers is rust. Among the pests, the most dangerous are spider mites, juniper leaf miners, aphids and juniper scale insects. Against aphids, spray twice with “Fitoverm” (2 g per 1 liter of water) with an interval of 10-14 days. Mining moths are afraid of “Decis” (2.5 g per 10 l), which is also sprayed on the plant twice and also after 10-14 days. The drug “Karate” (50 g per 10 l) is used against spider mites, and karbofos (70 g per 10 l of water) against scale insects. To stop rust, the plant will have to be sprayed four times at an interval of 10 days with a solution of arceride (50 g per 10 liters of water).​

It is clear that in our gardens there are also trimmed coniferous walls and figures. But still they are not the same as in Europe. The question is the degree of detail of the cropped figure. A simple hedge? No problem, and quite a large assortment of plants (​

​On next year After planting the tree to a standard, you can begin to form the desired crown. To prepare for working with pruners, it is worth taking several lessons on trimming hedges. Having removed the lower branches 1/3 from the ground, then you need to work very carefully. You should cut off the branches and foliage little by little and periodically inspect in a circle for the uniformity of the volume reduction. Pruning is carried out only until August to give the plant, full of strength, the opportunity to go to winter. In the spring you need to cut off old dried branches and shorten the main part of the crown.​


​Juniper chinensis ‘Chaetia’​


It is almost impossible to obtain decorative forms of juniper from seeds, so they are propagated vegetatively - by cuttings.

​and some others - a little later. However, forming such a tree is a fascinating activity, and it is quite possible to do it yourself from seedlings

​common spruce

​7. Mock orange Lemoine

​These questions are asked by life itself. Based on extensive experience, she gives answers. Planting in groups depends on their purpose. If we plant a group with the aim of covering an object or creating a background, then the planting should be dense. When setting the goal of demonstrating the decorative qualities of a plant, the planting should be loose so that the plants can be seen. The number of plants is determined by the same factors. The question of combining plants is not an easy one, and the answer to it depends on creativity and imagination, where harmony is the evaluation criterion. Based on experience, we can recommend groups such as spruce and larch, pine and juniper, mountain pine, common pine and larch, juniper and thuja. For common spruce, a background of maples, chestnuts, ash and walnuts is suitable, and cypress trees look good against the background of light trunks and foliage of birches and aspens. The combination of decorative forms of coniferous plants with shrubs, such as chaenome forest, lilac ( especially the standard form), weigela, mock orange, hydrangea, silver oleagin (clipped), etc. The beauty of conifers is well emphasized by ground cover plants, sedums, carnations, periwinkle, etc. ​Juniper varieties​​thuja​

  • ​The easiest way to trim and maintain shape is the American one. Having covered the crown with a mesh formed in a certain configuration, the branches that extend beyond its boundaries are trimmed. Once the volume is filled, the mesh is removed; the accumulated experience of working with pruning shears helps to maintain the formed shape.​
  • ​Decorative garden compositions​
  • ​Sheep evergreen​

​Verbena Buenos Aires​

Multi-colored coniferous trunk

​mountain pine trees

  • ​("Virgata", "Inversa", "Reflexa", etc.), grafted into the root collar or on a very low trunk, and its prostrate forms (Repens, etc.). To some, this may resemble scattered spruce branches, but many people like it. With conifers with a crown raised above the ground that tolerates cutting, you can do phytoplasty: cut their upper edge, creating the desired relief. Creeping varieties are suitable for these purposes
  • ​Source​
  • Plants with unusually colored needles should be planted in single plantings. Golden forms prefer sunny places.

Over 60 species and 150 decorative forms of juniper are now known, of which 22 species and 25 cultivars are cultivated in Russia. Cultivar is a term adopted by the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants, meaning "an ornamental form of woody plants."​

​, some​


​Sedum sedum ‘Lidakenze’​

Bright originality

Heuchera blood red

​With scissors, carefully trim the narrow end of the “heel”, as if rounding it and removing the exfoliated bark on the handle.​

​common juniper

Planting and caring for coniferous trunks


​Conifer lovers will certainly be interested in an interesting composition called “Collection of dwarf conifers.” It contains a large number of different coniferous plants located in a small area.​

Tall junipers with a pyramidal and columnar crown:


Care and formation of the trunk

It is impossible to ignore such beauty, so more and more summer residents are inclined to grow standard shrubs. The advantage of such compositions is that the area is not occupied, and the height of the bush, not exceeding 1.5 m, allows you to see other unusual compositions on the territory.​

​Modern designers, using standard trees, achieve an exclusive look for the local area. Many owners of private houses try to outdo their neighbors in the unusual appearance of the site. When growing a standard plant, it is easy to get carried away by this activity and decorate your property not only outdoors, but also indoors. Winter gardens with such exotic forms take on the appearance of luxury foreign homes.​
