Kindergarten graduation script “Hurray, we're going to school. Graduation in kindergarten “Adventures at the School of Young Vasilis”

Elena Grushitel
Scenario High school prom“Shapoklyak visiting graduates”

Leading: The sun is shining tenderly in the sky,

The wind plays, the leaves rustle,

The kindergarten is seeing off the children today,

And everyone is sad, of course.

Leading: IN last time let's have fun with you,

For the last time we will play and sing.

For the last time on holiday you are with us,

Well, now we give you the floor.

1 child Today we came to a bright hall,

Today is a special day for us,

Graduation begins,

We'll be going to school soon for 1st grade!

2 children With tender sadness "Goodbye!"

Let's tell the group we are dear,

You and I never parted

Only on the weekend!

3 child We know in the group at the window,

Each indoor flower -

Carefully planted in the ground,

Delicate thin sprout.

4reb. We set the table for dinner, learning etiquette,

And they drew in the album: house, trees and dawn!

5reb. In September, other children will come to the good group,

Well, we'll close the doors,

Great things await us!

6reb. Hello school! Hello school!

Open the doors wider,

And greet first-graders with flowers and bells!

Song "Preschool childhood".

1 child It's time to say goodbye to toys

But how difficult it is to part with them,

What games did we play together?

Sometimes they didn't break them on purpose.

2 reb. Goodbye little bear and little bunny,

New notebooks and books are waiting for us.

We have all become students now,

Other children will become friends with you.

Dance with toys "Piglet".

Leading: Guys, now it’s even difficult for us to imagine that just recently you were very small. You were like the kids who came to take you to school, welcome them. (music “Top - stomp the baby stomps”)

Reb. ml. gr.: You are going to 1st grade, maybe take us?

But we still have to grow, it’s too early for us to go to school.

Reb. ml. gr.: Let us congratulate you again and dance for you now.

(Dance "How we dance merrily")

The kids are given a treat and they leave.

Leading: Probably everyone, both adults and children, loves fairy tales, adventures, and magic. And today we are going on a journey through a fairyland.

And the song will help us (We're going, going, going...)

Leading: And we found ourselves in a city of useful activities. Who is meeting us?

The Fairy comes out to the music.

Fairy: I am a fairy from the city of useful activities. Only good and useful things are done in my city. I see you are getting ready for school? Do you want to study? (children's answers) This is very good. I suggest you guys play a little so that you can study at 4 and 5. Listen carefully, don’t interrupt, answer my questions together.

1) Black birds on every page,

They are silent, waiting, who will guess them? (letters)

2) The white pebble melted and left marks on the board. (chalk)

Fairy: Now listen carefully. My task is difficult and you won’t understand it right away. At the beginning is the word and at the end you will find the letters. Now guys, guess my difficult riddles.

The mother mouse whispered to the little mouse - naughty girl,

You make noise, rustle, chatter, you're disturbing my sewing.

Which letter is repeated more often? (children answer Sh)

Kwa-kwa - the cuckoo screams, ku-ku - the cuckoo screams.

The whole day through the forest kva-kva and ku-ku. (letter K)

Stork repeats to stork: loss of appetite

I would like to try the taste of pineapple or watermelon. (the letter a)

Fairy: Well done, it’s not boring with you, you’ll be professors. We will continue the celebration, I invite everyone to play. (Game, tambourines, spoons, rattles....)

Fairy: It was interesting with you, very fun, wonderful, but it’s time for us to say goodbye, goodbye, kids!

Suddenly a roar and noise is heard in the hall. Barmaley enters to the music.

Barmaley: Here I am, welcome to the city of bad luck and disobedience! I haven't had one for a long time guests! Everyone wants to be exemplary and does not want to get acquainted with the old robber. But I am the evil robber Barmaley, and I don’t need either chocolate or marmalade, but only small children. Let your kids get bad grades, don’t listen to their mommies and daddies, then they will grow up to be real Barmaleychiks, like me!

Leading: Guys, do you really want to become Barmaleychiks?

Children: No.

Leading: And you, Barmaley, did you go to school as a child?

Barmaley: Yes, I didn’t go anywhere! Your teaching is just a hassle and there is no sense or use in it.

Leading: And the science of mathematics, how can one live in the world without it? We'll test your skill, how can you add up the numbers?

3 were sitting on a branch sparrow: mom, dad, son - family! A neighbor sparrow flew to them, and with him three more of his sons. Quickly count how many!

Barmaley: I'll take a slingshot, that's the whole riddle. Feathers will fly away, fluff, there were 3, there won’t be two.

Leading: Well, this is no good, you’ll have to learn from the children.

How many ears do four babies have? (8)

How many tails do five roosters have? (5)

Three daisies - yellow-eyes, two cheerful cornflowers - were given to mother by the children, how many flowers are in the bouquet? (5)

Mom put five little bear cubs to bed. One can’t sleep, but how many people have a good dream? (4)

Leading: Are parents ready to help their children at school? Then guess puzzles:

We counted two + three = in the hole (5)

I found five berries in the grass, I ate one, there were left (4)

What can you cook but can't eat? (lessons)

Barmaley: This is great, I’m interested, can I play with you, I really want to run around and play pranks, like in childhood.

Leading: Let's respect Barmaley and play a game "Merry Count" (with hoops and numbers).

Barmaley: Oh, I’ve played enough and my mood has improved.

Leading: And we will cheer you up even more and sing funny ditties.

Barmaley: You are nice, friendly children. I realized that I was wrong. But I promise that I will improve and learn something good! Goodbye friends!

Leading: We continue our journey. (music - children are driving)

Leading: We have found ourselves in the country of our favorite fairy-tale characters, who will come to us?

Music from the cartoon plays and comes out Shapoklyak with a briefcase(grabs the children’s noses, pulls their bows, scares them with Lariska).

Shapoklyak: Hello, my dears! Children are stumps, mischievous and playful. Did you recognize your beloved grandmother? Yes, yes - it's me, grandma Shapoklyak, what are you doing here?

Leading: We are taking the kids to school.

Shapoklyak: I am the most important teacher, I am a professor of all sciences. Who loves ugliness, my best friend. The kids are going to school and they need our advice. After all, they don’t have any stakes or deuces in their portfolios yet. Where are my girlfriends, the frisky twos? Get enough sleep quickly and give your children advice.

Deuces enter (three)

1 door Don't trust anyone, kids.

There is no mark better than a two.

2 doors You can't live without us.

All: All lazy people are our friends!

Deuces sing: Girls and boys, tear up your books - 2 times.

Children: Tili-tili, trawl-wali,

Only we were always taught to love books.

Deuces: You guys don’t do exercises in the morning - 2 times

Don't go to school, it's better to sleep longer.

Children: Tili-tili, trawl-wali,

Only we were always taught to get up earlier,

Taram, pam, pam, param, pam, pam.

Deuces: Take it, guys, stain your notebooks - 2 times.

Children: Tili-tili, trawl-wali,

Only we were always taught to write purely.

Taram pam, pam, param, pam, pam.

Deuces: You don’t want to follow our advice.

Then you will have to get straight A's.

Shapoklyak: And who gets A's? Shapoklyak doesn’t play with that.

Leading: By the way, dear Shapoklyak, what’s in your briefcase, can you show us?

Shapoklyak: Okay, so be it, I’ll show you (takes it out of the briefcase). Here is a funny toy called a rattle, an elephant with a hole in its side lies here to spite the enemy. I'll pour water into it, I'll shower all of you at school (sprays children and parents). Beads to dress up and a slingshot to defend yourself with. Buttons to put on chairs and Lariska to scare.

The presenter quietly hides the briefcase.

Leading: Granny, aren’t you tired of harming and bothering everyone? Maybe it’s better for you to sit quietly and read a newspaper?

Shapoklyak: that you, I don’t read them, but I know everything better than you.

Leading: Well, then, please answer, is the bear a wild or domestic animal?

Shapoklyak: The bear is domestic, small, shaggy. He looks like a monkey, guys. He eats carrots and potatoes and can eat soup with a spoon.

Leading: Do you guys agree? (Children's answers)

Leading: Yes, grandma Shapoklyak, you shouldn't be proud of yourself. You need to go to kindergarten and learn from our children.

Shapoklyak: Well, here’s another thing, I don’t mess with you. You laugh at grandma. By the way, where is my briefcase, where did it go?

Leading: And our children know the game "Who will collect the briefcase first". Let's play and show grandma Shapoklyak, what items should be taken to school, maybe grandma’s briefcase will be found. (relay race with briefcases)

Shapoklyak: Well, the guys surprised you, it was not in vain that they taught you. Just don’t go to school, you’ll be lost at school. There is only science, ugh, melancholy! Eh, boredom!

Child: And we are a joyful people, we drive boredom out of the gates,

If we just want, we’ll cheer everyone up in an instant,

And now we really want to dance your childhood dance.

Dance "Childhood"- disk by Yu. Shatunov

The presenter praises the children.

Leading: Guys, let's show what else we have learned in kindergarten.

Child: Musical science is not an easy thing,

To sing and to play, you need to study sounds.

Child: To make it interesting, we will play it all together for you.

We have the tools, let's get started? Good morning!

Orchestra "Sudarushka".

Shapoklyak: They played games merrily, danced together, and played Sudarushka, but the briefcase was not found.

Look for Lariska! (finds it, but the children pass it from hand to hand, finally she has it in her hands)

Shapoklyak: But I don’t need a briefcase at all. I'm giving it to you forever because it has what you need. (takes out a five). Look, there are only A's here. This briefcase brings happiness.

Two deuces come out.

1st: We whispered a little, deliberated slowly and decided without embellishment - you guys are just class!

2nd: Feel free to step into the school world and get straight A’s. We wish you well.

Twos and Shapoklyak: Goodbye, kids! (They leave to change clothes)

Presenter: We congratulate all the children who are leaving kindergarten. And we wish you from the bottom of our hearts that you learn with pleasure. The grades were good and the teachers were not angry. And wherever you go afterwards - at home or abroad - you would never forget our kindergarten 1330.

Children come out with flowers.

1 child: We are parting with our garden,

Summer will fly by, and we will go to 1st grade,

Thanks to everyone who was there all the time,

Who took care of us, took care of us.

2 child: Our kindergarten Goodbye,

The time has come to part with you,

And let us say goodbye

To confess my great love for you.

3 child: Magic word "Thank you",

We want to tell everyone today,

Good luck in your noble work,

I wish you good luck in your business.

4 child: Thanks to everyone who taught us,

Who fed us, who treated us,

And to those who simply loved us!

All children: Bow to you and thank you! (children give flowers)

1 child: Preschool childhood goes away one day,

And everyone felt it today,

The toys are leaving: cars, rocking chairs,

And baby books and squeaky dolls!

2 child: But we cannot forget this colorful world!

And our kindergarten is kind, cozy, welcoming,

AND warm hands, and a gentle look….

All children: Thank you, thank you for everything kindergarten!

Farewell song.

Presenter: And now let's listen to the parting words of our head Olga Ivanovna.

A word to the parents.


FANFARE SOUNDS– the HOST comes out.

LEADING. Here we go again, dear cozy room

I gathered all my friends for the holiday.

But we gathered here for the last time,

After all, your children have grown up,

They are going to first grade.

Well, what can you do? The children have grown up.

Let the sun shine on them everywhere,

And we solemn holiday we open ours

And we invite future schoolchildren to the hall.


Boys, with bouquets in their hands, enter the hall, walk along the side wall, pass through the middle of the hall, disperse into different sides, run along the side walls of the hall and line up in a semicircle near the central wall.

The HOST calls the first and last names of two students, they pass through the middle of the hall, bow, disperse in different directions and stand at the side walls of the hall, leaving free place at the central wall.

LEADING. And now we invite the most charming and attractive

graduates of our group

The HOST calls the girls' first and last names.

Girls with bouquets in their hands, go out to the middle of the hall, bow and stand at the central wall.

LEADING. Dear, sweet, beloved guys, you are going to school to study, to make friends,

We wish you health and success,

And never forget your kindergarten.

1. Our kindergarten is decorated in the morning,
Today is graduation day.

And we are proud of our garden,
After all, it is like a home for us.

2. We lived here so much fun,

We sang and played.

And they didn't even notice
How suddenly they became big.

3. We just need to say goodbye

With dear kindergarten,
The school will be very happy

4. We will go to school

But believe us, friends,

We will not forget kindergarten

I know this for sure!

5 The cheerful bell will ring,

He will invite the guys with him.

Let's say together:

ALL: Hello school,

Goodbye, kindergarten!

First graders like that.

SONG “WE ARE NOW DISCIPLES”(music by G. Struve)

CHILDREN. 1. Today we say goodbye

With your favorite kindergarten.

We've grown, we've grown,

We need to go to school.

2. Thank you, teachers,

Thank you many times

For what, teachers

You did it for us!

4. And we will say thank you to the speech therapist,

For teaching us to speak

I will speak for all the guys,
Everyone is happy to work with you!

5. Thanks to the doctor, nurse,

What do they think about the kids?

Everyone treats us, gives us medicine

And they take the temperature.

6. Thanks to those who taught us

Sculpt and draw.

Thanks to those who taught us

And sing and dance!

7. Thank you, nannies, cooks

For your kindness and greetings,

For tea, for breakfast in the morning,

For dinner and lunch.

8. We will also say thank you

Our manager.

We will never forget

Take care of us!

9. To everyone who is close to us

was, raised us,

ALL. Thank you all, thank you all,

We say thank you to everyone!

SONG "GOOD HOUR"(music by T. Popatenko)

CHILD. Our kindergarten staff

From noisy and loving children

Please accept these awards -

Our smiles and these flowers!


Children sit on chairs.

LEADING. Dear guys, thank you for the flowers and good words, and now the head of the kindergarten will speak to you with her wishes.


LEADING. How quickly time flies! Just recently you were kids, and now you are already leaving for school. In kindergarten you learned to count, sing, read poetry, and tell fairy tales. And at school you will learn many, many new things. But first, I want to check how you prepared for school.

(there's a knock on the door)

Shapoklyak enters the hall:

SHAPOKLYAK. No no! I will check the children today!

Hello, kids - stumps!

LEADING. Guys, who is this? Who came to our holiday?

(children guess)

LEADING. Dear Shapoklyak, hello. But it’s somehow strange that you said hello to the guys.

It won't do.

SHAPOKLYAK. It doesn't matter! I can do it differently. Hello, arrogant boys! Hello frog girls!

LEADING. Wrong again.

SHAPOKLYAK. What's the right way?

LEADING. Hello boys and girls!

SHAPOKLYAK. Oh, okay. I can and rightly so. But it is not important. What matters is why you are here and what you decided to check?

LEADING. We decided to check how our children prepared for school.

SHAPOKLYAK. I'll check them myself quickly. Are they healthy?

(takes out a phonendoscope from her bag)

Come on, breathe, now don’t breathe. Breathing is normal - they puff like locomotives.

Is your head in place? Well, we turned to one side, and now to the other, and now turn around! Okay, they will have time to write off.

Now I'm checking my hands. The right hand was raised and lowered. The left hand was raised and lowered. And now quickly right-left. This is to have time to answer all the teachers’ questions. After all, teachers always know nothing, all they do is ask children.

But the main thing in school is not the head and not the hands. The main thing in school is legs. Run in place - march! Okay, you’ll make it to your first lesson in time and run around during breaks.

Well done! The children's health is fine.

Now let's check mental capacity.

(addresses the teacher) Do your children know what to take with them to school?

I have prepared very difficult questions for you that need to be answered quickly.

If you go to school, you take with you in your briefcase:

In a squared notebook?

New slingshot?

Broom for cleaning?

Diary for five?

Album and paints?

Carnival masks?

ABC in pictures?

Torn boots?

Markers and pen?

A bunch of carnations?

Colored pencils?

Air mattresses?

Eraser and ruler?

A canary in a cage?

SHAPOKLYAK. Well, kids, I checked you. The arms and legs are moving, the head is thinking about something.

Everything is fine!

And now, hurray-holster, there is a hole in my trousers,

It's time for everyone to go to school.

Goodbye, I'll go check on the children in another kindergarten.


(from the film “Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena”, music by V. Shainsky)


HOST... We, friends, have gathered in this hall

On this good spring day,
So that you can hear for the first time,

How the school bell rings for you.


LEADING. Our dear graduates, today I invite you to play “SCHOOL”.

But first, guess my riddle:

Who walks with a bag of books

In the morning to school.....

CHILDREN. Student!

LEADING. What should a student be like?

CHILDREN. Smart, quick-witted, independent.

LEADING. That's right, the most important thing is that the student must be independent. And if he is not independent, the following story will happen to him, which we will tell you now. Listen.


LEADING. It's Petrusha's holiday today:

Our Petrusha is a first grader!

(Petrusha appears, he walks around the hall with a brisk step, waving his arms)

He's walking down the street

Surprising all the people.

Only... Petya is not alone.

Who is behind Petya? Let's see.

Adults and children are watching

And for Petya... the train is coming.

Appear: mom with a bouquet, behind mom dad with briefcase, for dad grandmother with string bag and pie, And grandfather with a stick.

LEADING. Who is in a hurry for Petenka? CHILDREN. Mommy!

LEADING. Who is running after Petenka? CHILDREN. Daddy!

LEADING. Who is hobbling after Petya? CHILDREN. Grandmother!

LEADING. Who groans, but catches up? CHILDREN. Grandfather!

(addresses mom, dad, etc.)

Tell us why you clung to him?

Is Petya a locomotive who carried the carriages?

MOTHER. Who will button the shirt?


DAD. Who will carry the briefcase?


GRANDMOTHER. Who will butter the bun?


GRANDFATHER. Who will tie the shoes?


MOTHER. But he's still small!

DAD. But he's still weak!

GRANDMOTHER. He's so pampered!

GRANDFATHER. He's so painful!

MOTHER. Have pity on him, my first-grader!

DAD. I took time off from work to take care of him!

GRANDMOTHER. My grandson is getting thin - I'll give him a pie!

GRANDFATHER. Skip to class - I'll tie his shoelace!

(2 children approach Petya)

1 CHILD. It's just nonsense

No good. 2 CHILD. We'll take it from you,

Come on, Petrusha, to class!

TOGETHER. Soon Petya will be there for you

Answer everything...

PETER. Me myself!

LEADING. Who knew the story?

He got it on his mustache!

Don't be alike, children,

Look at Petya like that!

LEADING . (rings the bell) Let's start playing "School"! The call invites you to RUSSIAN LANGUAGE LESSON(lesson taught by Speech Pathologist TEACHER)

SPEECH THERAPIST. I am glad to welcome you to the first lesson. And we will start it, as always, with sounds.

There are many sounds in the world:

The rustle of leaves, the splash of waves.

And there are speech sounds,

We should know them too

Please call me school words to the sound Ш .(children answer), and now school words with the sound U (children answer) last task for sound P (children answer)

(3 children come out)

CHILD. We don't just know letters -

We make words from them.

We don't pester mothers

We will read the fairy tale ourselves.

CHILD. We'll go to school

Let's start making friends with the ABC book.

They will soon say: “This class

The most literate we have!”

CHILD. (holds the Primer in his hands)

Here is the primer - the beginning of all sciences,

After all, words are born from letters.

It will help you remember important words forever: MOTHER, SCHOOL, MOTHERLAND, MOSCOW.

- But now we’ll check how literate and smart you have become.

I have cards with syllables written on them.

I will now hand out the cards to you, and you will have to make up the words.


(Children make up words from the syllables: SHKO-LA, RO-DI-NA, ROD-NI-CHOK, LU - HO - VI - TSY)

LEADING. (rings the bell)TURN ! You can relax and dream.



Three friends on a spring day

Were in a nice mood

They cooed on the bench

And they dreamed about the future.

1 girl:

That's when I grow up

I'll get married right away

I will choose a husband, like dad,

To meet me at the gangway.

Oh, I forgot to say:

I'll be flying in the sky.

I want to become a flight attendant

I'll go on the plane.

2nd girl:

1 girl:

And then I will become a mother,

And I'll tell you straight.

What about your children, Natasha,

I won't stuff myself with porridge,

I will take them to the cinema,

Buy them popsicles!

2nd girl:

Would I like to become your daughter?

1 girl:

You can only dream!

2nd girl:

I want to become an artist

To perform on stage,

So that flowers are always given,

They only talked about me.

So that I can be filmed,

The main roles were given,

I received a lot of money

I bought everything I wanted!

(addressing girl 3)

Why are you silent?

Are you saying anything?

3rd girl:

I will study at school,

I promise not to be lazy

Because when I grow up,

I want to become a scientist.

And study the computer

Be friends with mathematics

Own geography

To see the whole world.

Geometry and Russian,

Biology, French

You need to study at school

To be the smartest!

LEADING. This is what our children are like!

Everyone wants to know the world,

Let's wish them good luck

So that all problems are solved.

Our girls dream, and our boys invite them to dance.


LEADING . (rings the bell) The break is over, the bell invites you to


(lesson taught by TEACHER)

TEACHER. Listen carefully to the fun challenges!

A mouse with a sweet tooth was walking, carrying three nuts to his sister,

True, I couldn’t resist it myself; I ate one on the way. The sister asks a question: “How much did you bring in total?”

Petya has two cars, and Vasya has exactly five.

How many will it be if the children start playing them together?

Once a hedgehog was walking through the forest and found mushrooms for lunch. Two - under the birch, two - under the aspen,

How many will there be in a wicker basket?

May beetles lived under the bushes near the river:

Daughter, son, father and mother, who can count them?

There is a tub against the wall, and in that tub there is a frog.

If there were seven tubs, how many frogs would there be in them?

I give you a FIVE.

LEADING. (rings the bell) TURN! At recess we are with you We will find out what grades our children will receive at school.

CHILD reads the poem “Calls” by A. Barto

I recognize Volodin’s notes without the diary:

If a brother comes with a troika, three bells ring,

If suddenly a ringing starts ringing in our apartment,

So he got five or four today.

If he comes with a deuce, I hear from afar:

Two short, hesitant rings are heard.

Well, if it’s one, he knocks quietly on the door.


Two children are playing. On the table, on a tray, there are numbers 2,3,4,5 cut out of thick cardboard. (each figure in triplicate). Children with their eyes closed, by touch, must choose and put in front of them the numbers that correspond to a good level of knowledge)

LEADING. (rings the bell) We continue to play school.

Third lesson - DRAWING LESSON.(lesson taught by ART TEACHER)


I'm at Drawing, guys.

The door was opened for you.

Moms have been here

And grandparents

You will all be given an answer,

What’s better than “Drawing”

There is no country in the world!

The country of “Risovaliya” is huge, you, dear guys, have taken the very first steps on it. But you and I have learned not only to draw, we can imagine and fantasize. Now we will show what we have learned.


Two teams play. Three easels stand at some distance in front of them. Sheets of whatman paper with drawn mysterious figures are attached to the easels.

Children are given the task of completing the figure to create an ordinary object.

LEADING. (rings the bell)TURN!

I have a flower in my hands, a white daisy.

You'll be going to school soon,

You will be first-graders.

You will learn and grow up quickly.

But who will you work with? We want to know.

I propose to guess what our graduates can become when they become adults.


LEADING. (rings the bell)


(The lesson is taught by the MUSIC DIRECTOR)



How beautiful our children are

The teachers are good

Thankful ditties

We'll sing from our hearts.

Music is playing in the hall, songs are being sung

The group of “Merry Droplets” is going to school.

We are very sorry for “Rodnichok”, we are very sorry to leave it.

But we hope that we will bring our grandchildren to you again.

In “Rodnichka” all the teachers are more beautiful than the other.

Thank you all so much for our children.

We went out to sing “Thank you” to our teachers

After all, they have countless costs, nerves and anxieties.

Rest, dear ones, gain new strength,

So that your work, so hard, only brings joy.

We sang ditties for you - to everyone’s surprise

Now you clap for our performance.

There is a knock on the door, screams, noise. - Save me! Help! The presenter opens the door.

A large bag appears and moves, and screams come from it.

WIZARD. (from the bag) Oh, save me! Help! Get me out of here! I can't sit in this bag anymore!

LEADING. Children, look, some miracles. Someone is sitting in the bag and screaming loudly. Who's inside? Who should I help? How to help? And the bag is kind of strange, it’s nowhere visible that it’s tied.

WIZARD. (from the bag) I can't say anything until they get me out of here. And for this I need very smart children who know real magic spells. I was in a hurry to get to the children's performance and forgot the magic words.

LEADING. Children, can we help this man? Who knows the magic words?

CHILDREN. (say familiar magic words from fairy tales) Let's celebrate! Akhalay-makhalay!

(melody of the song of the Wizard Suleiman from the film “Little Muk” music by M. Minkov)

The bag opens and the WIZARD comes out.

WIZARD. Oh, thanks a lot! Oh, the most beautiful of the teachers of all kindergartens in Europe, Asia, America and the Cape Verde Islands!

Thank you, the delight of my eyes, for deliverance from severe and painful suffering!

Long, long years I spent time imprisoned in this damned bag!

Let me kiss the edge as a sign of deepest gratitude

of your robe, O queen of my heart.

(He wants to fall to his knees, but the presenter prudently moves away.).

LEADING. Who are you, mysterious old man?

WIZARD. My name is Suleiman Ibrahim Rahat ibn Lukum! I am the most honorable wizard of all wizards. I greet you, oh most precious youths, and you, esteemed guests.

LEADING. Dear, how did you end up in this bag?

WIZARD. The evil dwarf sacks me

He ordered it to be sealed.

Two hundred years in this bag

I, poor fellow, sat there!

Ah, queen of my heart, tell me where I ended up?

LEADING. There is a kindergarten here. Today is a holiday for us, we are seeing off the children from kindergarten to school.

WIZARD. What is “school”?

LEADING. Our children will tell you now.

(3 children come out)

1 child: This is where all the children rush in the morning.

What a strange question if you are already grown up?

If it's seven, then it's time to get ready for first grade!

WIZARD. What is school? Who will answer me?

Child 2: This is where you learn about everything in the world:

About the multiplication table, about verbs and addition,

About planets and seas, about the fact that the Earth is round!

WIZARD. What is school? Who will answer me?

3rd child: Changes and calls, buns in the buffet,

And marks in the diary, and tasks on the board...

You will learn and understand everything if you come to school!

WIZARD. Oh, school is wonderful! School gives so much knowledge! At school, children learn a lot of new and interesting things! Are you sure, dear one, that these children have everything they need to study in their heads?

LEADING. Certainly. Our children grew up big and learned to read and write.

WIZARD. I'll check it now. I have Magic wand, almost like Harry Potter. He also studied at a school for wizards. He told me that this magic wand is called a pointer.

It determines the level of knowledge that is in the child’s head. Begin …

(The wizard touches the child’s head with a pointer - sounds are heard: the mooing of a cow, the howling of a blizzard, the singing of birds, the crow of a rooster, the sound of an ambulance siren, etc.)

WIZARD. No, their heads are not right, do you hear what it sounds like?

And it should sound like this.

(touches his head, the sound of a triangle is heard)

LEADING. Well, stop joking, dear. Better work your magic for real and make sure that our children all study well.

WIZARD. Well, okay, so be it.

For the good deed that you did for me, I will also repay you with kindness.


Let all these children get straight A's!


Let them behave well at school!

Now let’s check it with a magic wand-pointer!

(touches children. the sound of a triangle is heard)

Well, you hear, it’s a completely different matter how pleasant it sounds.

HOST Thank you very much, dear Wizard. Our children will now definitely study only for good grades.

WIZARD. I am very glad that you helped me and I helped you. Now I need to get ready for a long journey; there are people waiting for me who need help. Goodbye!


(melody of the song of the Wizard Suleiman from the film “Little Muk” music by M. Minkov)


HOST Guys, let's stand in a semicircle so that your parents can admire you again.

Children stand in a semicircle, teachers are at the edges, two children come to the center.

CHILDREN. We are leaving you

Our glorious kindergarten!

Heartfelt thanks

To you from all the guys.

Let the years pass

We can't hold them back

But I love kindergarten

We will remember!

1 TEACHER. Our concert is over

And the time has come

Say goodbye, let us part,
Even though it's not easy.

2 TEACHER. Farewell to the garden

Let's sing a friendly song.

Never, nowhere, guys,
Don't forget about him.


LEADING. And now the solemn moment has come to present gifts to our graduates.

Your parents will offer congratulations.


Authors: Gennady Antonovich Pavlovsky – music director, teacher of the highest qualification category;

Krylova Svetlana Nikolaevna
educator, teacher of the highest qualification category;

MBDOU kindergarten combined type № 5

Lukhovitsy city, Moscow region

Musical director: Dear parents! The time has come for the last holiday for you and your children within the walls of our kindergarten.

The presenters enter to the music

1 Presenter: Hello, mothers.

2 Presenter: Hello, dads.

1 Presenter: Grandparents

2 Presenter: Boys and girls.

Together: And that's it, that's it, that's it.

1 Presenter: We are starting the most important holiday.

2 Presenter: School graduation.

1 Presenter: Have you stocked up on scarves?

2 Presenter: What about smiles?

1 Presenter: But the graduates are in a hurry.

2 Presenter:

Don't spare your hands.
Clap, clap more cheerfully!

To the music, children enter the hall and change lines

1 Presenter:

Always in the last days of May
There is a commotion in our garden.
And the kindergarten sees off
Your graduates.

2 Presenter:

The spacious hall is so crowded
You can't let an apple fall here.
Send your kids to school
Parents and friends came.

1 Presenter:

And then came such a cheerful
Still, it's a sad day for us.

2 Presenter:

Our boys are going to school
And for the first time and in the first grade.

Song “First Grader”

1st child:

How many years have passed since then?
How the kindergarten greeted the kids,
When we all came here -
Either dolls or children!

2nd child:

That's what kids are like
Entered kindergarten
They didn’t know how to put on shoes
They held the spoon somehow!

3rd child:

We cried in the morning and afternoon
We cried loudly, we wanted to see our mother.
The kindergarten staff came running to us
And everyone carefully wiped away the tears.

4th child:

Since then, our kindergarten,
It has become like a home for us,
We've become big now -
And we say goodbye to you.

5th child:

Let's start the farewell ball,
The lamps in the hall are lit,
We are being seen off today
From kindergarten country!

6th child:

Our games, our songs
We will dream about it more than once,
Let's remember how we all are together
We performed for you.

Song “Top-top” with soloists

7th child:

We are ready to learn
And become schoolchildren.
Ready to get good grades.
We school lessons
We are waiting with great excitement,
And I will meet with a smart book,
And with the first primer.

8th child:

Meet me soon, school,
You are new preschoolers,
Look how impatiently
Our eyes are burning.

Song with soloist “I’m seven today”

Children go to their seats to the music

1 Presenter: Guys, today we can’t stop admiring you. How big and beautiful you are, how elegantly the hall is decorated for the holiday. Oh, what is this?

Children: Hat.

1 Presenter: Guys, did you leave your hat?

Children: No!

2 Presenter: Who could have left her here?

Hat: Yes. I am not an ordinary hat, I am a magic one.

1 Presenter: So much for you !

Hat: What do you have?

2 Presenter: And we are seeing the kids off to school today.

Hat: Well, I won’t interfere with your holiday.

1 Presenter: And strength, strength, what is yours?

Hat: I will fulfill any wish!

1 Presenter: I want to travel, I want it to always be summer, I want...

2 Presenter: Stop, stop, stop... Let's ask, what do the guys want?

1 Presenter: Guys, what do you want?

Children answer...

Presenter 2: Great! You will become big anyway, and today’s holiday should be simply fabulous.

1 Presenter: That's right, so let's try to get into a fairy tale.

2 Presenter: Dear parents, do you believe in fairy tales? So our children argue and argue about this.

Song “Dispute”

1 Presenter: Well, what do you want in a fairy tale?

Apparently it was not in vain that this magic hat came to us. I'll try to pick it up (raises his hat, finds a note)

Text of the note: Take your hat by the brim and say your wish.

1 Presenter: Now we will take everyone with us to a fairy tale. Come with us.

2 Presenter: No, we’ll probably stay here with our parents, otherwise we don’t know what kind of fairy tale you have there. Please know that we are always ready to help.

1 Presenter: Well, okay, the guys and I are going (the children take the hat with one hand, lift it up and lower it with the words: “One-two-three (2p.) take us to a fairy tale”)

Children run to their seats

Shapoklyak appears to the music from another entrance

Shapoklyak: Oh, who was it in the fairy tale, well, well!

1 Presenter: Grandma, who are you, how did you get here?

Shapoklyak: Oh, girls are spinners, boys are stumps! Didn't recognize me? Yes, it’s me - your favorite granny Shapoklyak! How are you, how are you doing? Fine? This is bad! I don't like good ones. Do you think I'm the only one? I also have a lot of friends, I’ll call them now. (Blows the whistle, children run in - One and Two)

Shapoklyak: These are my favorite grades, I wish you not to offend them and get them more often.

One and Two: We are two sisters Two and One.

Unit: Whoever yawns in class does not succeed in anything.

Deuce: We find such guys and keep up with them.

Together: Make friends - if you are with us, we will not disappear anywhere!

Ditties of Twos and Ones

No work, no worries,
We live for a whole year.
Don't study, don't work,
And be lazy, be lazy!

Rubbish, rubbish, rubbish - 2 rubles.
We don't want to study,
And you’re not too lazy to sing ditties!

We will live together with you,
Let's all be strong friends.
With Two, One,
You don't have to study.

1 Presenter: Guys, do we really need One and Two?

Children: No.

1 presenter: Then let’s clap our hands, stamp our feet, scream loudly, we don’t want to get you!

Two and One run away.

Shapoklyak: Just think, what...

1 Presenter: Of course, our boys are just worth it!

Rhythmic dance at the choice of the music director

Shapoklyak: Just think how good everyone is. And who will be friends with me?

Host 1: No, we are not your friends.

Shapoklyak: What, no one... Well, then beware!

Shapoklyak runs away

1 presenter: Well done, guys, you didn’t fall for Shapoklyak’s tricks.

Mary Poppins enters to the music

Mary Poppins: I hope you recognize me? I'm Mary Poppins. I love polite, smart, well-mannered children.

Mary Poppins:

Recently they told you: “baby”
Sometimes called “prankster”
Today you will surprise all the guests
And give a fairy tale for the holiday!
You played in the theater in the city of your childhood,
Let's see what kind of artists they have become!

Fairy tale “Naughty kids”

Mary Poppins: Indeed, the fairy tale was shown simply wonderful.

Yes, time flies by quickly
Our children are growing up.
And we can’t hide our excitement
Gentlemen, invite the ladies.

Shapoklyak runs in to the music

Shapoklyak: Oh, who are you?

Mary Poppins: How are you talking to me?

Shapoklyak: I talk the way I can. They appeared here, smart and reasonable. This is all the tricks of this Hat, now I’ll throw it out of here!

Mary Poppins: Put the Hat back in its place, otherwise I'll have to remove you.

Shapoklyak: Give it back! Delete! Scared me!

M.P: Yes, you are completely ill-mannered, I’ll have to go find the rules of behavior and good manners. And you guys, don't fall for this old lady's tricks.

Shapoklyak: Just think, I scared you. I'm not afraid of anyone. But now you will definitely be scared.

Whistling, Zmey Gorynovich flies out

Z.G: Ugh, ugh, it smells like the Russian spirit.

1 Presenter: And we are Russians.

Z.G: How to check?

1 Presenter: Guys, what country do we live in?

Children: in Russia

1 Presenter: We play, read and sing in Russian.

Game or instrumental ensemble or ditties

Shapoklyak: They are Russians, Russians, listen, Gorynych, they decided to scare me. Challenge them to a fight, they don’t want to be friends with me or you!

Z.G: I challenge you to a fight.

Presenter 1: Well, we agree, but not fist, mental. If you don’t answer the questions, your head will fly off your neck!


Shapoklyak: Don’t be afraid, agree. They don't go to school yet. They don't know anything.

Z.G: Yes, I'm ready. Three heads, not just one like yours.

1 Presenter: Here's a warm-up question for you. Will ask him (child's name)

Child: Name a word with 6 letters “Y”

Z.G: “Y”Y”Y”

Shapoklyak: Well, think, think, I was “torn apart” here.

Z.G: I know, I know, count, count the letters “Y”

You are LySyPyDys You

1 Q: Yes, there is no such word. Guys, how to say it correctly.

Children: CYCLISTS

1 Q: And here is the first task (invites the child)

Child: We want to know why the water in the sea is salty?

Z.G: Phew, yes, all 3 of my heads know that. Because herrings live in it.

The first head flies off

1 Presenter: You said the wrong thing Snake, have pity on the other heads!

Z.G: Just think, there are 2 more heads left - ask!

Child: Now tell me, what do they teach at school?

Z.G: I know that: they teach you to fight, tease, bite. To offend the little ones, and to tear up the books, tear them up, tear them up!

2 heads fly off

1 Q: Yes, you have no idea about school at all. Here's your last task.

Z.G.: No, no, no. To complete your tasks, you can lose your last head. This should not happen! One-two-three - children with a teacher - freeze!

Everyone freezes, the Serpent flies away, Mary Poppins appears

Mary Poppins: What is it, what happened?

Shapoklyak: I didn’t want this, I didn’t want it.

M.P: I know that this is Gorynych’s tricks. Need to do something. The closest people will be able to help the guys out. In order to continue the holiday, the children must be disenchanted. Wake them up, cheer them up, We need to make them laugh.

2 Presenter: Dear parents! Let's help our children. Let's put on a fun attraction, maybe it will make them laugh.

Attraction for parents “Twins”

M.P: It worked, it worked. The children all had fun.

Shapoklyak: That’s good, I won’t be mischievous anymore. Sorry, forgive me.

M.P: Don’t do this again, study the rules of etiquette.

Gives the book “Rules of Etiquette”

Shapoklyak thanks and leaves

M.P: Guys, stay in our fabulous country.

1 Presenter: Thank you, no matter how good it is in a fairy tale, it’s better at home. It's time for us to go to kindergarten and the Hat will help us return.

Children approach the Hat: One-two-three (2 r). - take us home.

2 Presenter approaches the children:

Our joyful holiday,
We need to finish it.
And we'll line up now
To say goodbye to kindergarten.
And take you to first class.

Children become pairs, freely positioned around the hall

We came to kindergarten as kids,
Couldn't even hold a spoon
And now you see everything for yourself,
We have grown wiser here and grown up.

For you today, kindergarten,
We say “thank you”
And all your workers
Thank you a hundred times!

Farewell song

Eremina Tatyana Leonidovna

musical director of MBDOU D\S No. 47, Zlatoust



The presenter enters to the music of Paul Mauriat.

ED: Dear moms and dads, dear grandmothers and grandfathers! Today we are all

We are a little sad because the time has come to part. Very soon

The first school bell will ring for our graduates. A

Today they, solemn and excited, are rushing to the first graduation in their lives. So let's support them with our applause!

To the music of the waltz, children enter the music room in pairs and stand on the carpet in a checkerboard pattern.

RESIDENT 1: Some were sitting on the bench, some were looking at the street.

REB 2: Lyova sang, Dima was silent, and Artyom shook his leg.

REB 3: Masha and Anya are mischievous, chirping like tits

REB 4: Everyone was sitting, relaxing, without any worries.


BOY: I woke up early and picked a bouquet of flowers.

And I drew a goodbye picture for the kids.

Why are you brothers sitting here and looking around?

After all, today is graduation!


REB 5: As always, we came to the holiday on this day to have fun

But why does everyone have a shadow of sadness on their faces with a smile next to them?

REBODY 6: How long ago did we come here as kids, snuggling with our mother?

Kindergarten, you made us friends, gave us warmth and joy.

REB 7: It was good to live here: draw, sculpt, work

We learned to be friends, and now let's go study.

REB 8: I have to go to school soon, even though it’s not seven yet

It’s a pity the toys won’t work; they’ll go to younger children.



After the dance, the children put the toys on the stand and stand in a checkerboard pattern.

REB 9: The hour of farewell has come, we invited so many guests

Graduates gathered in our garden for the last time beautiful hall.

REB 10: You and I will never forget our kindergarten,

The years have flown by here, our golden childhood!

REB 11: We'll go to school soon, we'll sit down at our desks in September

And now we’ll sing for you about our favorite kindergarten!


After the song, the children stand in pairs in a circle and go to their seats to the music of the waltz.

VED: Dear graduates, the kids have come to congratulate you. Meet!

Children come in to applause middle group.

REB 1: We are kids, we came to congratulate you all

Enroll in first grade, don't forget kindergarten!

REB 2: We are funny, funny, you were like that too

When we grow up a little, we’ll also come to school with you!

REB 3: You were little kids when you came to kindergarten.

You've grown wiser, grown up, it's time for you to go to school.

REB 4: Your teachers spent a lot of effort

They taught you to try, to take on any task,

Don’t offend kids, but respect your elders!

REB 5: But the time has come to say goodbye, school is waiting, it’s time to study

ALL: We want to wish you only A's!


To the applause of the children, Wed. gr., go to the group


VED: This is not a school bell yet, it’s the alarm clock that sang and fell silent.

TO THE CHILDREN: Can I tell you a story about how Masha was afraid that she wouldn’t




MASHA (looks into the briefcase):

So I've become big, I have to get up for school tomorrow

What to take with me, I don’t know how to wake up and not oversleep!



Why are you Masha, don’t bother, just order me

I'll wake you up and take you to school tomorrow

I'll be on alert in the morning, I'll shout: cuckoo!

CHICKEN: Petya will sing loudly, Mashenka will go to school.

He will wake up the entire neighborhood and people will go to work.

Our cockerel sings so much, even the sun rises!

MASHA: Oh, thank you, dears (petting the chicken)

You helped me with Cockerel!

I’ll go to bed in the evening and now I’m not afraid to oversleep!


Cat: I am a fluffy red cat, it’s my turn

Help our Masha pack her backpack for school.

DOG: (to Masha) But first, wash your face, braid your hair beautifully,

You have to be neat in class. In clean form, neat!

MASHA: What should you take with you, a pencil, a pencil case, a notebook?

CAT: Take ham, sausage, and milk toffee,

Grab some more cutlets - suddenly the buffet closes!

DOG: I’ll give you advice in a serious matter: you always need a bone in your briefcase

You can treat a friend and have a snack yourself.

MASHA: You're all talking about food, because I'm going to study!

At school, the main thing is objects, not sausages and cutlets

CAT: There are a lot of children at school, both girls and boys.

DOG: And then there are bullies. Quarrels and fights start.

If anything, call me. They will run away like from fire!

CAT: It’s better to be friends, it’s more interesting to live like that!

MASHA: Okay, thank you, my devoted friends!


Masha: Where is my motley parrot, you help me too.


PARROT: Here I am Mashenka, I’m flying, I really want to help!

To remember all the words, write them down in a notebook.

And then repeat them at home in order.

Don't be lazy and repeat numbers, syllables, letters

And then play with dolls all evening.

Here's another secret, it will save you from troubles.

We have eyes and ears, in class we need to listen

And look at your notebook to solve all the problems.

MASHA: I’ll take all the advice into account, I’ll read good books

And I’ll thank you, my beautiful parrot!

I will become a student on the first morning of September!


REB: Today is a holiday, graduation, it’s the first in our lives

We will dance a cheerful, catchy dance for all guests!




SHAP: (blows the whistle) Okay, everyone, stand still, don’t move!

Don't laugh, don't smile! Lariska, to your feet!

By the way, why are you here, meeting me?

How kind of you!

VED: Wait, wait! Who are you and why are you bothering us?

Can't you see that the children graduation party. Our children

Say goodbye to children. garden and go to school.

SHAP: (affectionately) Oh, the kids! Ah, graduation!

(menacingly) So what! It's their holiday, they're going to school!

I'll throw a party for you! Hee-hee-hee!

VED: Wait, who are you?

SHAPOKLYAK sings to the tune of “Tired Sun”:

Oh, I'm a poor old lady, I was loitering around

And suddenly I admitted to myself that life is sad!

All the children are clean, but not at all dirty

They don’t want to follow Shapoklyak’s example!

(speaks): I’ll cover up all the letters in the notebooks and I’ll dirty up the diary for you!

I want children to be naughty and to be loved

Me alone! Here!

VED: So you are Shapoklyak?

SHAP (proudly): Yes!

VED: So you like to play all sorts of dirty tricks?

VED: So it’s you who harm children before school?

SHAP: Yes! Oh, No!

VED: Sorry, but you will have to leave. Nobody invited you here.

Harmfulness, laziness and whims are not friends for future students!

Really, kids?

VED: I heard you, so get out of here!

SHAP: Oh-oh-oh! Scared! How I splatter ink! (sprays on

children with a water pistol)

I will teach the children everything myself.

VED: What can you teach children?

SHAP: Like what? I can do a lot! And dirty notebooks and books

tear. You can play football with a briefcase. I gave it a kick...

immediately goal! Is it possible to skip classes or let the teacher go to school?

bag to plant a frog. Life will be - you'll laugh!

Well, will you be friends with me?


SHAP: Why not?

VED: Why did you decide that our children will be friends with you?

SHAP: Yes, because they are so small and stupid. Nothing is

they know, they don’t know how to do anything. Who should they be friends with if not me?

VED: That's not true! Our children can do many different things:

SHAP: Sing? Let's check it now. Sing me a song about school.

VED: With pleasure! The song “What they teach at school”!


SONG “THE TEACH AT SCHOOL” music. Shainsky - sat down

Shapoklyak conducts

VED: Then read this word.

The presenter brings in a magnetic board with the word “MOM” written on it.

VED: Yes, you don’t read, you moo like a calf.

SHAP: Just think! Your letters are somehow incorrect.

VED: Guys, help Shapoklyak, read the word.


SHAP: I immediately said that it was mom.

VED: Listen to how our children read.


VED: So are the kids in kindergarten. garden can. But try to decide

task. Count!

EDUCATION: 1) It’s Irina’s birthday, Ira is all grown up.

Who can tell me the solution, it was six, but it became... (seven)

2) During a lesson in class, Slavik writes numbers and words

Add one to one, it turns out exactly... (two)

3) Three bees are sitting on a flower, but only one has rushed off.

Who can answer me exactly, there are now only two left... (two)

4) Three sparrows were sitting on a branch: mother, father, little son - a family.

A neighbor sparrow flew to them, and with him were three more of his sons.

How many are there, quickly count them.

(Shapoklyak bends his fingers, gets confused, spits).

SHAP: I'll take a slingshot, that's the whole answer.

Feathers will fly away, fluff, there were three, there are no more two.


VED: And you, Shapoklyak, need to learn from children how to behave like this

SHAP: You know a lot! You’ll go to school and find out... Wow, how

Difficult! And even your parents will start swearing at you! Wow, how

scary! Then remember me. You'll regret not doing it

be friends with me!

CHILD 1: Yes, why are you scaring us! Our parents don't scold us at all!

If you are grumbling, angry parents

If you are parents - scolders, shamers

People who don't let go for walks, people who don't allow dogs...

You know, parents, you are just crocodiles!

CHILD 2: And if you are parents - caresses, praisers

If you are parents - forgivers, lovers

If permitters, buyers, donors

Then you are not parents, but simply delightful people!

SHAP: We'll see about that now. What amazing parents you have.


2 teams: mom, dad, child

table, briefcase, textbook, paints, juice, yogurt, bag – 2 pcs.

ball – 4 pcs., beacon – 2 pcs.

at the alarm: mom collects breakfast in a bag and puts it in


dad - inflates the balloon and gives it to the child

reb. - collects the briefcase, takes the ball,

runs around the beacon and returns to


play – 2 times

SHAP: Lariska, look, we did it. Well, it’s okay, I’ll give them one more

harmfulness has prepared, it’s called “sunstroke”

GENERAL GAME “SUN STROKE” (conducted by Shapoklyak)

Children stand in a circle, after the game they sit down

SHAP: Who are you laughing at, me? Yes I love you! Yes I do!

Now I’ll spray you from my magic inkwell, from you

Only blots will remain!

VED: Don’t scare us, we have excellent remedy from blots. Here

The presenter takes out a second water pistol, on which it says “stain remover,” and shoots Shapoklyak.

SHAP: Guard! Save! (runs in circles)

VED: Will you no longer be mischievous and play all sorts of nasty tricks on the guys? SHAP: No, I won’t! Your guys are already big and smart, I can’t scare them

and don't cheat. I'll go to another kindergarten, maybe there are stupid kids there

I'll find it. Farewell! Lariska, come to me!

Shapoklyak takes the rat and leaves the hall on a scooter.

School waltz music sounds.

EDIT 1: Well, the time has come for us to say goodbye,

We are sorry to part with you!

We loved you all very much,

We want you to not forget us!

QUESTION 2: There is a school road in front of you

And although it's a little difficult

We wish you all the way

Easy and joyful to go!

To the music of the school waltz, the children come out and stand in a checkerboard pattern.

REB 1: Our graduation celebration, we were waiting for you

But I don’t have the strength to part with the garden

We will not forget those we recognized

Who loved us, educated us, raised us!

REB 2: Teachers and nannies, nurses and cooks

And to our manager, we say: “thank you”!

REB 3: Adult men and women come to work in the garden every day

They strictly maintain order everywhere, we wish them success in their work.

REB 4: So that everything always works out, doesn’t short-circuit, and doesn’t get clogged

Ironed, sewed, counted, cleaned,

Warmed and protected!

Rhythm for the song “I WISH” by E. VAENGA

After the dance, the children stand in pairs in a large circle and go to their places to the music.

Word from the head and presentation of diplomas.

Word to parents (congratulations to employees)

Giving gifts to children from parents and kindergarten.

Scenario for the graduation party at the preschool educational institution. Scenario of farewell to kindergarten.

An interesting prom scenario for a kindergarten.

A smartly dressed boy enters with a stick - a staff (the manager of the ball).

Master of the Ball.

The messengers convene the honest people -

Our prom is starting!

Children go out to the “Polonaise” (music by F. Chopin) in pairs, holding flowers.

Leading. Dear parents, guests present here! Our pupils, your children, are finishing their stay in kindergarten. Today we are proud to release them in great life. Let's wish them a happy journey!

1st child.

Met many times

Celebration in this hall

But one like this one

We didn't know yet.

2nd child.

The best holiday

Sad and cheerful.

Today we are in kindergarten

Accompanies you to school.

Song “Wonderful days have come” (music by A. Kuznetsova, lyrics by 3. Petrova).


1. Wonderful days have come,

Let's go to first grade

And a lot of interesting things

Let's find out for the first time.

2. We have important concerns:

We are schoolchildren now

And we all have

Both the uniform and the briefcase.

First desk, first call,

First textbook, first lesson!

3. We sing a funny song

Let's sing about first grade.

Everything is important, everything is new,

We have everything first.

3rd child.

To us with love and attention

Our nannies did.

The cooks tried to feed us more deliciously.

Doctors treated us - We were not afraid of them.

4th child.

We know how to dress

Brush your teeth, wash your face.

We learned the bed

Clean up carefully.

5th child.

To everyone who was next to us,

He raised us, raised us,

He took care of us

Did different jobs.

To everyone who every minute

Worried about us -

Let us bow now!

(They get down on one knee. With their heads bowed, they stand up.)

6th child.

We thank the adults

All. We say thank you.

Children give flowers to teachers, nannies, cooks, the head of the kindergarten, and the caretaker and return.

7th child.

We just need to say goodbye

With an expensive kindergarten.

The school will be very happy

First graders like this

Strong, brave and cheerful,

The friendliest of the guys.

All. Hello, holiday!

Hello school!

Goodbye kindergarten!

Song “Farewell, our kindergarten” (Hungarian folk melody, arrangement by T. Popatenko, Russian text by N. Naydenova).


1. Goodbye, our beloved kindergarten,

Wait for other guys to join you,

Farewell, our beloved kindergarten!

2. For the first time we are leaving for first grade.

The teacher will meet us there, (2 times)

For the first time we are going to first grade.

3. The door to the school house is now open for us,

The door to the school house is now open for us.

The children take their seats. There is a knock on the door.

Leading. We have guests at the ball. Who's knocking on our doors? We'll check this now. (Approaches her.) Yes, these are our kids. We came to congratulate the graduates.

Children from the middle group come in with flowers.

We have come to say goodbye to you and want to wish you

Only get B's and A's in classes.

They sing the song “Our Simple Song” (music by A. Alexandrov, lyrics by M. Evensen).


1. In the morning we get up, sing a song,

A simple song

Here's what:

La la la la la,-

That's the whole song. (2 times)

2. In harmony with everyone, the cat closes its eyes and sings

A simple song

Like this:

Meow, meow, purr, -

That's how I got used to singing (2 times)

3. Chizh hasn’t slept for a long time,

He sings and whistles

A simple song

Here's what:


That's how I sing. (2 times)

4. Everyone sat down next to each other

Everyone sang well

A simple song

Here's what:

Meow, chiv, chiv, la-la, -

That's the whole song. (2 times)

They give flowers to children in the preparatory group.


What will we answer?

Thank you all very much,

That they came to congratulate us.

We promise to try

Work so diligently

To be the best at school

It turned out to be first class.

Well, dear kids

Our best toys

We will give it to you now.

Children in the middle group are given toys. The kids are leaving.


The year rolled by like a motley ball,

It was not in vain for us -

How many holidays have we celebrated?

How many songs have you sung, friends!

Hall manager.

We continue the farewell ball,

We offer you a medley.

From our favorite songs,

Sing along with us.

Performing a medley of your favorite songs. They take one verse at a time of songs that the children have been learning throughout the year.

“Song Shapoklyak” sounds (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by E. Uspensky) in the recording. Old woman Shapoklyak comes in.

Shapoklyak. Hello my dears. Hello, my beautiful ones. How I love little children: they play pranks so much and break toys. They shoot with slingshots, break windows, and don’t listen to adults.

Leading. No, Shapoklyak, you are mistaken. These are completely different children: they have grown up and are going to school, and therefore they have become serious and no longer play pranks. Really, guys?

Shapoklyak. Where are they going, to school?

Leading. To school, to study.

Shapoklyak. You have nothing to do in this school, study and study lessons all day long.

Leading. How do you know that?

Shapoklyak. I once spent two years in first grade. And since then (proudly) I haven’t learned anything anywhere. Here!

Leading. So that's why you're so...

Shapoklyak. So smart and sensible.

Leading. No, I wanted to say - unread, illiterate and uncultured.

Shapoklyak. What?! Would you think your school is so interesting?!

Leading. It is very interesting to learn everything that is unknown. The guys will tell you about this now in a song.

A group of children sings an excerpt from the song “Terribly interesting...” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by G. Oster). Shapoklyak sits down and listens, at the end he sings along and claps his hands.


1. There is a lot in the world that, in, in,

What they don’t know anything about, oh, oh,

Neither adults nor children.

Of course, neither adults nor children!

And this is not a secret at all, it flies, it flies,

When there is no secret at all, no, no,

Everyone in the world is bored.

But why? Yes because!..

2. The earth ends with water, la, la.

And there is a beginning at the stream, whose, whose,

Summer will begin in spring.

Of course, summer will begin in spring!

And where should I, I, I begin?

And where should I end, I, I -

I don't know about this

But why?

Yes because!..

Everything that is unknown is terribly interesting!

Everything that is interesting is terribly unknown!

Shapoklyak. Wonderful song. You sang so well that I wanted to go to school too. Is it possible for me to go to first grade with you?

Leading. If you want to join us -

We'll test your knowledge. Let's check, guys, what does Shapoklyak know? Zhenya, tell me your task.

1st child.

Come on, tell us all,

What is 2 + 3?

Posted on flannelgraph.

Shapoklyak(scratching head). It will be... It will be... Around six.

Leading. Children, is the correct answer? Children. No.

1st child.

2nd child.

I'll take four letters

And from them I will make a word.

(Posted by “mom.”)

Now everything is ready.

Take a closer look

Read this word to us.

Shapoklyak. Is it soap or something?

Leading(to children). What is written here?

Children. Mother.

Leading. And one more question for you.

3rd child.

Can you answer us:

To always be healthy,

What should we do in the morning?


Everyone should know this

Everyone needs... to sleep longer.

Leading. Children, is the correct answer?

Children. No.

Leading. What should you do, what should you do?

Children. Physical education.

Song “Charging” (music by Yu. Sorokin, lyrics by N. Fifrina).

Children sing while standing, accompanying the singing with movement along the text. Shapoklyak tries to repeat the movements.


1. So that we don’t get sick

And don't catch a cold

We are always charging

Let's study.

2. Even if not everything is fine

It might work out. -

Don't be sad, my friend,

We have to learn.

Have fun walking, raising your hands,

Squat and stand up, run and jump.

One, two, one, two!

Leading. It’s too early for you, Shapoklyak, to go to school, you don’t know much!

Shapoklyak. You gave all the assignments for fifth grade!

Leading. Okay, the easiest test. Can you pack your briefcase?

Shapoklyak. Oh, it's very simple, you need to take the most necessary things that will be useful at school.

Attraction "Collect a briefcase".

The first option is that Shapoklyak collects alone, then calls the children. The second option is Shapoklyak in the center and two children on the sides. Shapoklyak’s portfolio includes musical instruments, slingshot, toys, etc.

Leading. What should I do with you? Who knows?

Two grandmothers enter - Ivanovna and Stepanovna.

Ivanovna and Stepanovna. We!

Ivanovna. We are old grandmothers, inseparable friends.

Stepanovna. Inseparable girlfriends, we live in the same hut!

Ivanovna. I am Grandma Ivanovna!

Stepanovna. I am Grandma Stepanovna.

Together. And we do everything perfectly!

Ivanovna. Let's write!

Stepanovna. Let's draw!

Ivanovna. Let's eat!

Stepanovna. Let's dance.

Recorded music is playing. Dance "Old Grandmothers". Old ladies are dancing.

Shapoklyak. They danced well, so what?

Ivanovna. Here's what! We are taking you on bail.

Shapoklyak. How is that?

Together. And like this!

(They take them by the arms.)


Sing songs and dance.


And tell poems,

And tie your shoelaces.

Stepanovna and Ivanovna take Shapoklyak away.

Leading. This is the kind of guest who attended our ball.

The manager of the ball.

Well, we continue the ball.

I invite everyone to “Waltz”.

Waltz by J. Strauss.

Leading. Guys, you learned a lot in kindergarten, you know and can do a lot. And today, at our graduation party, we invited a person who can determine the knowledge of each of you, he will tell us which of you can really go to school.

Vasilisa the Wise comes out (an adult in a Russian sundress, with a kokoshnik on her head).

Vasilisa. Hello, good fellows and beautiful girls, and small children! (Bows.) Oh, you’re already quite big! How they have grown and become stronger. Perhaps you've gained some sense?

Leading. Guys, do you recognize our guest?


Now I will help them.

I live in Russian fairy tales,

I am reputed to be very smart.

Children. Vasilisa the Wise.

Vasilisa. You guessed right. But that’s what I came for - to check if all the kids were well prepared for school.

I love mathematics, it is an exact science.

To add correctly, you need to be familiar with numbers.

Leading. Guys, are you ready?

Children. Yes.


Five magpies flew to the gray heron for a lesson,

And of these, only three magpies prepared lessons.

How many lazy forty people came to the lesson?

Children. Two deadlines arrived for the lesson.


Well done, right.

Once a neighbor friend came running to the little squirrel for lunch.

So they sat on a branch and ate five nuts.

Just count how much those little squirrels ate, guys.

Children. The baby squirrels ate ten nuts.


Well done, it’s not boring with you,

Here's another task -

Make up a word quickly.

Children are divided into two groups and make up puzzles using cubes.

Game “Make a Word” (second option - guess the riddles orally, without dice).

Vasilisa. It must be studied, it teaches everyone to read.

Children make up

He was born very long,

But he grew up and became shorter.


That's it, you checked us,

Is everyone ready for first grade?


No, one more task

Music competition:

Give me dessert

Wonderful concert.

Song-dramatization “Unusual Concert” (music by V. Dementyev, lyrics by I. Vekshegonova).


1. In a clearing under a pine tree

The forest people gathered:

Teddy Bear, Piggy Piglet

And the Frog - hop-hop.

2. The green forest is surprised,

An unusual choir these days.

The bear got excited

He only wants to sing solo.

La la la la la la,

Oink oink oink,

Kwa, kwa, kwa.

What dances, what songs!

Sing along with us.

3. Summer rain is just a miracle,

What a good concert.

We are on our holiday

Let's all dance and sing!

Decorations: bush, tree with leaves, stumps, etc.

Children in hats settle down among the decorations.

1st verse. The guys playing the roles of Piggy and Frog come out and convey the characteristic movements of their characters.

Chorus. They dance. Everyone is clapping.

2nd verse. A child named Mishka comes out and behaves comically. Chorus. Dancing awkwardly. Everyone is clapping.

3rd verse. All the children and animals walk scattered around the hall, catching raindrops with their palms.

Chorus. They stop and sing, performing modern movements.


Well done, we surprised everyone.

They taught you everything here.

Well, it's time for me to say goodbye,

It's time to part ways.

Don't be sick, don't be bored,

Get knowledge at school.

Be curious

They are always diligent in everything.


Our graduation party is over,

And everyone suddenly became more mature...

Baby, be brave on your school journey,

Into the world of light, knowledge, friendship.

Be persistent and kind.

You will need everything.

1st child.

We are parting today

And we're a little sad.

We would have stayed with you in childhood,

But we want to be students.

2nd child.

Kindergarten is our second home,

We were happy in it.

Here they taught us, tried,

We worked diligently.

3rd child.

We will remember again and again

Childhood is ringing for you too!

Song “Farewell” (music by S. Yudina, lyrics by an unknown author).


1. We are for the last time today

Old reliable friends.

Our song flies to the stars,

It's time for us to say goodbye to kindergarten!

2. We are still in each other's eyes

let's take a look

We will still go to see the sunrise.

Let's get lost in the morning fog,

Let's meet something that doesn't exist in the world.

Natasha, Alyoshka, Irinka, Seryozhka,

A tear rolled down from her eyelashes.

Believe me guys, it's not our fault

That the time has come for us to part.

3. In the meantime, let's have fun,

Giving each other joyful laughter.

It's good to have someone to part with,

Who to date and who to love.

Everyone leaves to the recording of the song “Dawn the Sorcerer” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Tanich).
