The most interesting house projects. Beautiful houses: projects with successful design and interior layout

More and more consumers are choosing residential projects that are unusual for many country cottages. The reasons for this may be different - to move away from standard forms, the realization of an old dream, an attempt to save money through non-standard layout and use different materials. On portals and in life you can find a lot of examples that not only look atypical in appearance, but are also examples of architectural art.

RUB 9,096,840

California 298.8 m2 14.0x17.0 m

RUB 4,782,390

Pagoda 183.3 m2 13x13 m

RUB 4,237,440

Elvi 214 m2 9x11 m

RUB 3,228,910

Yakhont 133.2 m2 8.8x11 m

RUB 2,005,880

Senezh 57.9 m2 6.8x10 m

The demand for such structures is only increasing due to the fact that customers are tired of standard ideas and want something more in line with modern trends. Conspicuous forms, which previously could only be seen on the pages of specialized publications, are steadily conquering the minds and consciousness of the current generation of homeowners. Non-standard projects are chosen by modern and energetic people who have a subtle sense of style and taste, and are not afraid of creative experiments.

Why do many choose to design differently from others?

A thoughtful and balanced approach to the project is the most important criterion for proper construction. When implementing any house, including an unusual one, the functionality of the building and its practicality should be at the forefront. Often, in pursuit of external effectiveness and brightness, many gradually forget that a house is a place in which you and your family will live for decades.

Creating custom buildings does not always start from scratch. In some cases, changes are made to existing standard solutions. It happens that these adjustments are the very key link that will the right decision. Why is choosing an atypical project the only correct outcome:

  • Not all requests are satisfied by a standard structure. There are often cases when a client wants the layout of the first floor from one project, the second - a different style, and the appearance of the third is radically different from the first two. In this case, individual planning will allow you to combine all existing ideas and create a non-standard design that will embody all the plans of the future resident. In this case, the architect will be able to create a project that will meet the conditions of the existing site.
  • The customer himself had already come up with and thought through the schemes and layouts. In this case, the specialist can make some adjustments, adapting the exclusive idea to the features of the relief.
  • The site has an atypical shape. A disproportionate piece of land can be a serious stumbling block for the construction of structures with a standard plan. In this case, an individual approach will help to make the most of the usable space. The following areas fall into the category of difficult areas:
    1. With small dimensions:
    2. Difficult terrain:
    3. Proximity of neighboring buildings.

It is then that individual solutions will help place the building on the site as conveniently as possible.

  • The need for exclusivity. If you dream of getting the house of your dreams, but one that does not repeat any of the existing buildings– it’s a matter of designing an unusual structure. This is the only way to get what you want.
  • Highlight your position. In some cases, it is the design of a non-standard house that allows the client not only to realize his ambitions, but also to emphasize his status.

Construction of non-standard buildings

There are many reasons why people choose unusual-looking houses outside the city. The main one is the desire to live close to nature, plant a garden and enjoy solitude. In addition, it has now become easier to register construction; the state has simplified the registration procedure necessary documents: You can build the mansion of your dreams even today.

It is important to choose professionals in their field who can be entrusted with such an important event. Only rational planning, taking into account the features of the relief, terrain, soil and landscape, will help you get an unusual but comfortable cottage, combining comfort, coziness and a bright appearance.

During construction, climatic factors play an important role. Humidity, average annual temperature, wind strength and other geophysical indicators can significantly affect the location of your building and determine the choice of construction technology. Experts say that the service life of residential premises and auxiliary buildings directly depends on the main load-bearing structures. These are foundations, walls, floors, roofs. Each stage of construction requires certain knowledge, qualifications and skill - especially if we're talking about about the atypical implementation of the idea. Only by using the involvement of specialists will you avoid fatal mistakes, eliminating the likelihood of deformations, cracks and collapses.

Unusual designs also require a unique approach. That is why a single team of highly specialized specialists should be engaged in implementing the task. It is worth ordering drawings, diagrams and construction work from one company. A full range of installation, construction and finishing services from experienced craftsmen - a guarantee excellent result. In addition, such companies are responsible and provide a guarantee for all types of work.

The homeowner's desire to live in the original building is understandable and understandable. To be unlike anyone else, to receive emotional pleasure from the surrounding beauty are signs of an energetic and modern man. But not everyone will be able to independently create a dream come true, simply without having the necessary knowledge and skills. Unusual house designs - simple and affordable way achieve the desired result.

Project No. 36-24. Four-story house in Art Nouveau style

Features of unusual house designs

The originality of the building is created different ways. The most common use is considered unusual ideas during development architectural solutions. Often the designs of original houses are structures that are difficult to correlate with modern housing, for example, a hut building or an aquarium. The number of options is limited only by the developer's imagination.

The second way to make a building unusual is to use non-standard materials or a combination of them during construction. The level of modern technology makes it possible to create unusual house designs, the walls of which are mostly made of glass or plastic. The number of material combinations is large, and their diversity gives scope for creativity. All of the above also applies to the work of a designer who is able to come up with original designs for houses and cottages, using modern finishing technologies and a variety of decorative elements.

"Dancing House" in Prague. The originality of the architecture is achieved through smooth forms and a combination of glass, metal and stone

The simultaneous use of several ways to give a building originality allows us to develop unusual projects of non-standard houses and cottages for every taste, equally beautiful and technologically complex.

Unusual villa in Egypt: a combination of modern and Arabic styles

Examples of original design

If desired, build unusual house, the future owner is not obliged to independently develop a building project. There are many projects posted on specialized resources that can satisfy the most sophisticated tastes of customers. An example of such a site is our resource “Cottage Projects”. It contains unusual house designs with photos, collected in an extensive catalog.

Project No. 40-88L

Project No. 40-88L. Two-story house in high-tech style made of brick.

An unusual project of a two-story house, created in the high-tech style, surprises with its original combination of laconic architectural solutions and stylish appearance. It uses modern technologies ( panoramic windows, jacuzzi, hammam) and original design solutions(a combination of dark facing brick and light fiber cement siding on the façade).

Project No. 34-46

Project No. 34-46. Two-story brick house, medieval stylization.

The use of medieval motifs in architecture and design in combination with modern technologies and materials allow you to create non-standard buildings. An example of such a solution is the project two-story house made in the style of a castle. The interesting architecture and unusual designs of the structure give the impression of a massive defensive structure despite its small size.

Unusual layout of a two-story house

The layout of a two-tier house should be thought out especially carefully. Such structures, as a rule, do not have too much large area, and therefore the location of the zones in them is often not very convenient. One way or another, it is affordable and in many ways good option for people who want to acquire their own home, but have limited funds. And with a reasonable approach to design, its interior can become a real design masterpiece. Especially if the house is equipped with large windows, which can solve most lighting problems.

The best way to visually increase the space of a room is to use light materials in the decoration. And the construction of compact plywood partitions between zones and glass sliding doors will create conditions for a rational organization.

Interior partitions

The sleeping area of ​​the apartment is presented small room with a minimum amount of furniture. The bed is arranged on a low podium. The built-in wardrobe is skillfully disguised with sliding doors that replicate the wall cladding.

Sleeping area

Enough space was allocated for the bathroom, which made it possible to compactly place a toilet and shower in it. Transparent doors make the space feel less enclosed, transforming the bedroom into a modern suite.


The abundance of corners and protrusions only emphasizes the uniqueness of the interior. Usage natural wood As the main material for wall cladding, it adds warmth and coziness to the space. The transition between tiers is decorated with low wooden steps.

Corridor and steps

The second tier of the room also demonstrates the dominance of natural materials in the decoration, especially light brick and wood. The floor is laid out light laminate, which supports the design idea. For so much small area By rationally organizing the space, an office, a living room and a kitchen corner were placed.

Decoration of the second tier

The interior of the office is formed by a large wardrobe, which has enough space for work tools, household supplies and clothes. In the niche under bookshelves an office was equipped, which, if necessary, is hidden behind sliding door, so that the computer equipment does not introduce dissonance into the composition.

Additional storage space is provided drawers, which are disguised in the steps leading to the second tier.

Additional shelves

Before you start decorating this kind of premises, you should study in detail and determine the parameters of the available space, and then think about a compact and convenient placement of zones.

First tier plan

In the article you can find dozens of photographs depicting beautiful houses: building designs in modern, classical and other styles. Unusual design solutions are considered and interesting ideas for construction country houses with one or more floors. Here are collected popular options for buildings using different materials, buildings with open layouts, attic floors and other architectural features.

A country house is the best option for those who dream of living away from noisy neighbors and city bustle

Planning is the most important stage of construction country house. Before you begin purchasing materials and constructing a building, you should have a clear idea of ​​the future construction. Moreover, this applies to the layout of premises and each stage of construction.

In addition to external beauty, the building must meet the design characteristics:

  • long service life;
  • reliable and durable design;
  • comfortable living conditions for all residents, taking into account their number and needs;

  • safe operation;
  • the ability to make adjustments to the design of the façade and interior.

A correctly drawn up project for a private house makes it possible to correctly distribute buildings on the site, as well as successfully organize the layout of the premises, eliminating conflict situations with neighbors and regulatory authorities due to violations of regulations.

Helpful advice! The construction of a country house according to the project will reduce costs, shorten and optimize the building construction process, rationally approach the consumption of materials, eliminate emergency situations and increase safety.

Where does the implementation of a beautiful country house and cottage project begin?

From the right choice A building plot depends on freedom of action when creating a beautiful structure.

Choice land plot carried out according to several criteria:

  • direction;
  • distance from a city or town

If possible, you should select flat areas, preferably free from green spaces, since clearing the site for construction will entail additional costs and delay the work. It is preferable to build a house on a hill. Moisture will constantly accumulate in the lowlands, negatively affecting the building.

A house located on a hill has the best performance indicators:

  • there is no need to take into account the height of groundwater;
  • improved air exchange;
  • high level of insolation;
  • beautiful view of the surrounding area from the windows.

A cottage located on a hill, provided the rooms are properly laid out, will allow you to achieve significant savings on heating and electrical energy. Sufficient penetration level sun rays the premises will provide constant comfort. Having installed solar panels, natural energy can be collected and used to heat the building.

Creating a beautiful house project: the most practical layout taking into account the cardinal directions

The layout of a practical and beautiful house largely depends on the location of the site in relation to the cardinal points and the orientation of the building itself on it. The type of roof and the shape of the structure are also important.

If you plan to build a cottage with a pitched roof, you should turn the open part of the facade to the south and turn the slope to the north.

Helpful advice! It is better to direct the central façade to the south side. This nuance will allow you to add a terrace, veranda or massive porch to the project. Located on the south side, these architectural elements can be used by residents as a place to relax in the fresh air.

It is recommended to locate the house in the north-eastern zone of the site. Due to this, the necessary level of illumination of the rooms is ensured, minimizing the presence of shadows in the garden area, which often acts as a deterrent when arranging a recreation area near the building.

Related article:

Description of the advantages and disadvantages of each project. The most common layout options. Features of buildings with two floors.

When the site and place for construction have been selected, as well as the nature of the placement of the box in relation to the cardinal points, the layout of the house is drawn up:

  1. East and southeast direction - suitable for placing guest rooms and parent bedrooms.
  2. Western and southwestern direction - used for arrangement family room, living room and dining room.
  3. South and southeast direction - most often the living room, bedrooms and children's rooms are located here.
  4. Northern direction - suitable for arranging non-residential utility rooms, halls, kitchens and areas intended for storage.

It is better to place rooms intended for leisure and relaxation so that their windows face a beautiful landscape, for example, a natural landscape, patio With decorative design or garden. Installation of solid fences in front of these premises should be avoided.

  • passage areas and rooms intended for common use - hall and corridor, hallway, bathrooms and staircase space;
  • utility block - an area for arranging a garage, boiler room, and storage rooms;
  • additional premises - sauna, swimming pool, gym, music room, cinema, their presence is optional.

The layout of premises can be based on the principle of horizontal or vertical zoning. The choice of principle depends on the number of storeys of the building. If construction is planned big house, the layout of the rooms can include both of these options.

How to design a beautiful one-story house

It is advisable to carry out the construction of one-story cottages in cases where a large plot with a smooth surface. Due to this, the costs of constructing the building and earthworks will be minimal. Such houses are suitable for families with elderly people, small children and people with disabilities. disabilities. Due to the absence of a second floor and stairs, such residents will be comfortable, convenient and safe.

In the photo, beautiful projects one-story houses may look like old estates or ultra-modern cottages. The design of a building depends on several factors:

  • box shapes;
  • exterior;
  • roof type and design;
  • materials and technologies used in the construction process.

The layout of the premises in one-story cottages has a horizontal orientation and is practically no different from city apartments. One part of the house is allocated for residential rooms. For this purpose, eastern and southern zone. The western and northern parts of the building are occupied by utility rooms.

Helpful advice! If the house is small in size, some rooms can be combined. For example, a layout combining the living room, dining room and kitchen space. Zoning rooms according to their purpose in this case can be symbolic - small nepartitions,special arrangement of furniture, or visual (separation due to different finishes, differing in color or material).

How to design a beautiful house: photos of two-story buildings

Projects of two-story houses are used to create large cottages, country houses and buildings on a small plot.

The layouts of two-story buildings allow the use of architectural decorations with functional meaning in the project:

  • garages;
  • balconies;
  • verandas;
  • bay windows;
  • terraces.

At the same time, the layout can be modest and represent a regular box with the simplest division of rooms, or it can have complex design with many façade details and a roof with broken lines.

Most often, public spaces are located on the ground floor, for example, a kitchen, dining room and living room, as well as a recreation room. Service areas can also be located here:

  • laundry;
  • furnace;
  • panel room;
  • boiler room;
  • pantry.

To Entrance door did not become a source of heat loss, it is recommended to build in front of it in the form of a vestibule.

The proximity of the hallway and dressing room would be rational. A bathroom is also needed on the ground floor. To the number additional rooms The ground floor includes a guest room and a bedroom for elderly family members, as well as an office.

The second floor is most often used to equip children's rooms, bedrooms, and in rare cases, offices. Taking into account the living rooms, it is organized required amount bathrooms and toilets. Often found among two-story beautiful houses projects with an attic.

Projects of beautiful houses with an attic: photosand riversRecommendations for arrangement of premises

When designing country houses, they strive to make maximum use of the living space of the attic under the roof. The height of such rooms can sometimes reach five m, and at the ridge seven m or more.

Two-story cottages with an attic floor are in high demand, although there are also beautiful designs of one-story buildings.

Helpful advice! Construction one-story house with an attic will cost much less than building a two-story cottage.

The attic floor is a single space under the roof, most often used for recreation rooms.

Often in the photo, Beautiful design bedrooms in private houses and other combined premises are supplemented with zoning and transformation elements that allow you to save space and avoid the construction of walls:

  • curtains - thick or translucent curtains perfectly delimit space. They bring coziness to the interior and are used for quick zoning (most often in bedrooms);
  • partitions sliding type– installed in special openings inside the walls. The structures move on rails and are mainly used to separate the kitchen with its specific odors from other rooms. Use on the attic floor is allowed.

  • Modern partitions can be made from different materials. Particularly popular is electrochromic smart glass (laminated translucent material), which can turn matte white by pressing a control button;
  • lighting – lighting can become not only part of the interior and set its mood, but also visually divide the space of the room;
  • podium – used in children's rooms as a place to store things.

In the interior of bedrooms, screens can be used as partitions separating the bed area from desk or places to change clothes.

Functional design of beautiful houses: photos of buildings with a bay window

In accordance with the designer's idea, the bay window can have a semicircular, rectangular or trapezoidal shape. The area of ​​this element, within acceptable limits, can be minimal or relatively large. The upper part of the bay window is brought under common roof building. At the same time, the number of storeys of this element designed taking into account the number of floors of the cottage or may be different from it.

Note! The bay window design is used as the basis for a balcony. If the number of floors differs from the number of floors of the building according to the project, this nuance is solved in the architecture of the house by forming a bay tower.

Advantages of cottages with a bay window:

  • unique design - this one architectural element used as exterior decoration, bringing elegance to the facade of the house;

  • actual and visual extension space of the room - a well-lit bay window is suitable for placing dining table or recreation areas - looks advantageous in combined living and dining rooms or internal staircases (saving living space by moving the structure to the bay window area);
  • level increase natural light– thanks to the panoramic glazing of the bay windows, an increased amount of sunlight enters the room;

The bay windows look quite impressive outside and inside the building. However, the construction of such cottages is not cheap.

Country house projects: beautiful pictures of buildings with a garage

Availability vehicle should also be taken into account by the building design. If construction is planned country house for seasonal living, it is enough to build a parking lot or a carport in the yard.

In cottages intended for permanent residence, a permanent garage should be provided. Moreover, in the building design it can be built-in or presented as an extension.

A garage with a built-in room can be unheated or heated. The basement or first floor is most often used for its placement. The design of the cottage may provide for different ways of access to the garage, for example, through a gate, entrance gate(from the street) or from the house (through the hallway, hall).

Helpful advice! If there is an entrance to the garage from the house, the driver will not have to go out into the rain, snow, hail, or endure other manifestations of bad weather.

The price of a house project with a garage built into the building is significantly higher than the cost of constructing a separate building. Here we mean a room installed on the same foundation as the cottage, placed under its roof and having adjacent walls. But the high price is justified by reliability, functionality and additional features services that a detached garage cannot offer.

It is imperative to provide for the presence of a small parking lot, which can be used for temporary placement of cars and reception of guests arriving by personal transport.

Projects of the most beautiful houses: photos of cottages with second light

Second light is often used as an effective architectural addition. Moreover, the presence of this element is reflected not only in the architecture of the house, but also in the interior layout. The second light is formed if the building plan lacks part of the floors between floors. In this case, a volumetric space is formed inside, and on the outside there is a space on the facade. For this purpose, windows measuring about 6-8 m are used.

Most often, second light is found in beautiful projects wooden houses However, it is possible to use it in cottages and from other materials. In breading the organization of this element, as a rule, the living room is used. The recommended room area is at least 120 m2. In small houses it is possible to use panoramic glazing, but combining floors is not encouraged.

Such a living room usually has two entrances: on the first and second floor. A ladder is used to go upstairs. The design can be marching, screw or decorative.

Note! Similar projects require careful design of the heating system, since conventional batteries will not be enough, and heat loss through the second light will be large. In addition, in layouts of this type, the principles of heat movement differ from standard projects.

Beautiful building designs made from popular building materials

The building material also influences architectural features buildings and interior layout. On the Internet you can find many projects of beautiful houses made of timber. They are environmentally friendly and easy to use, but require shrinkage throughout the year.

Buildings made of foam block or aerated concrete do not require such breaks during the construction process. The construction of frame cottages can take no more than 3 months. These features are due technical parameters materials.

Not every soil type allows the use of a certain building material. Plus, restrictions may be imposed on the construction of certain types of foundations, etc. For this reason, building designs made from different building materials have their own characteristics.

Project of a modern two-story

Features of beautiful wooden house projects: photos of interesting buildings

Nuances of wood house projects:

  • a log or beam has standard sizes(length – 6 m), so construction big houses becomes more complicated. The layout may consist of small rooms, otherwise you will have to join the logs at the cutting points. The consumption of insulation will increase;
  • In order for the frame of the house to be rigid and have the correct shrinkage, the joints of the logs should be placed in a checkerboard pattern, which cannot but affect the layout. Additional distribution between adjacent cuts will be required;

  • construction technology requires an even number of corners;
  • the distribution of loads must be approached with special care;

projects are limited in design. Otherwise, during construction a large amount of waste is generated and costs increase.

Note! You can't build a ladder on attic floor against the wall wheredisp.dueroof slope support.

Features of developing projects of beautiful frame houses

Frame technology gives a certain freedom regarding the size of the house, its number of floors and design. Among finished projects You can find one-story summer cottage buildings intended for seasonal stay, and full-fledged residential cottages with 2-3 floors for permanent residence. Frame technology for the construction of residential buildings differs significantly from construction work using wood, concrete or brick.

Such buildings have many advantages:

  • easy to redevelop premises;
  • the layout can be any, since there are no restrictions regarding the placement of rooms or their sizes;
  • building box due technical properties The material turns out to be light, so the development of the project is not complicated by the distribution of loads.

Combining space “second light” will look best in big house area from 200 square meters

The material is malleable enough to realize even the most daring country house projects, however, all frame construction standards must be taken into account.

Features of developing beautiful brick house designs

Projects of brick buildings, despite their high cost, provide significant freedom in relation to the exterior of the house and the organization of its internal space.

Living room with fireplace in modern style

Due to the increased fire resistance of the material, brick wall you can build a stove or fireplace. In this case, the façade of the cottage will not require additional finishing.

Possible combination with other materials:

  • natural stone;
  • wood covered with stain;
  • brick having a different texture or color.

Using brick as building material makes it possible to include in the project. On its basis, a boiler room or an outbuilding, a garage, etc. can be built. Brick projects are distinguished by the comfort of the premises and support the highest design requirements.

Modern projects country houses and cottages may include other architectural additions, for example, flat roof, terrace, veranda, large porch, balconies, basements, rotunda. The presence of a real fireplace is also reflected in the architecture, ventilation system and requires special planning.
