Rhododendron is a beautiful fantasy of nature. Growing rhododendrons: nuances of planting and care, everything about propagation Programs about landscape design rhododendrons

Due to its unsurpassed beauty, rhododendron occupies a place of honor in landscape design. It is one of the most beautiful shrubs, which is equally beautiful both during the flowering period and at other times. Blooming compositions, headed by rhododendron, can amaze even the most extraordinary imagination.

If with appearance Everything is clear, but questions regarding care arise periodically. This is not surprising, because to get this specimen for your flower garden, you will have to pay a considerable amount. Having paid a lot of money, the main desire is to ensure favorable conditions for a green pet, thanks to which he will be able to please the eye for many years.

The main feature of representatives of this family is that they, like no other, prefer acidic soil. A constant acidity level should be maintained around 4-4.5 Ph. This requires a special soil composition, the essential components of which are acidic peat and coniferous soil. They are supplemented leaf humus and river sand. Tree trunk circle You can mulch with pine needles or bark. In addition to being highly decorative, this technique also has practical significance.

To achieve maximum decorativeness from use of this shrub on the site, you need to choose the right place to plant it. Of course, a single planting has the right to life, but planting in small groups of three plants looks much more impressive. Do not forget that the bush is quite spreading, so it requires significant space. For successful development, one copy requires at least 1 sq. meters of area. If planting material rather small, then planting can be done more closely to each other, but taking into account the fact that as they grow, a transplant will be made. If you manage to successfully compose the composition, then the continuous flowering period will be about 4 months. Agree, this is a heroic indicator, which only a few plants can compare with.

Rhododendron is also attractive for its color. The colors of its flowers are simply amazing in their palette. You can choose from lilac pink, white, red, yellow or orange. Each variety is mesmerizing, so when you see it bloom for the first time, you will probably stay with it for a long time. Given this feature, even beginners do not have problems when combining plants. Bright greenery can highlight spectacular flowering coniferous plants, which can be planted in the background. A good accompaniment to variegated flowers will be hostas, whose decorative foliage will slightly set off the look at yourself. A group of spring bulbous plants will look advantageous near small bushes.

As for the location, rhododendron in landscape design feels great on open sunny terraces. It can be grown in tub culture, which is another undeniable advantage. In general, this representative will easily decorate any corner of your garden, creating a unique atmosphere for a long time.

Word rhododendron(accent should be on the third syllable) means "rosewood". This word denotes a genus of plants belonging to the heather family.


In nature, this plant can be found in the middle and southern latitudes of the northern hemisphere. There is a huge variety of varieties of rhododendrons, they can be either deciduous or evergreen shrubs or trees, ranging in height from 0.5 m to 30 m. All of them are remarkable for their beautiful dark green foliage and especially for their magnificent flowers, which also have a wide variety of colors and shapes . Rhododenrons usually grow near bodies of water, in the foothills and mountains.

Surely many are familiar with azalea, which can often be found in apartments as indoor plant. Azalea also belongs to the rhododendron genus. During flowering, azalea produces lush, bright flowers various shades. Looking at an indoor azalea, it’s hard to believe that rhododendrons can be huge in size: up to 30 m high.

Rhododendrons can be either or plants. Rhododendrons can bloom in red, purple, blue, as well as yellow or white flowers. Rhododendron blooms in spring period, as soon as the weather stabilizes. The duration of flowering is the entire warm period.

Since rhododendrons love warmth, in mid-latitudes they should only be planted winter-hardy varieties. These varieties include, for example

Planting rhododendron

When plant rhododendrons? You can plant rhododendrons both in spring and in autumn period, but it’s still better in the spring.

Where plant? It is very important for the plant to choose right place for landing. The plant will feel most comfortable in the northern part of the garden, where there will be partial shade in daytime. Rhododendrons love acidic soil, which will have a lot of humus and no lime. Alkaline or neutral soil is detrimental to the plant. It is best to grow rhododendrons in soil consisting of a mixture of peat and clay.

The root system of rhododendron is superficial, so it will not grow well next to trees that have the same superficial root system, such as linden, elm, poplar, and maple. At the same time, oak, pine, apple, and pear trees, whose roots go deep, are good neighbors for rhododendron.

How plant? Planting occurs as follows:

  1. To begin with, a hole is dug with a depth of 30 to 35 centimeters. The width of the hole should be approximately 60 centimeters.
  2. Sand and pebbles should be poured into the bottom of the hole for drainage. The thickness of the drainage should be approximately 10-15 centimeters.
  3. The drainage layer is filled with peat and loamy mixture.
  4. Next, you need to compact the soil and make a small depression so that you can freely place the earthen lump of the plant.
  5. Then you need to lower the seedling vertically and fill it with soil up to the root collar. It is important that the root collar is level with the soil surface.
  6. After planting, the plant is watered.
  7. Next comes mulching. Both peat and leaves and moss are perfect as mulch.

To make the root system develop faster, you can resort to a little trick: during the flowering of the rhododendron, you should cut off the most magnificent buds. This will allow the shrub to redirect its forces to the development of roots.

Rhododendron care

When caring for plants, it is important to carefully monitor watering, weeding and pruning of the plant. It is also important to fertilize on time and ensure that rhododendrons are not infected with various diseases and pests.

You should loosen the soil around the plant carefully, because the root system of rhododendrons is in close proximity to the soil surface. When removing weeds, do not use either a hoe or a knife. Weeds are removed manually.


Rhododendrons are capricious about moisture. The plant does not tolerate overly waterlogged soil, but it responds very positively to constant spraying, as well as watering with pre-prepared water.

Watering should be regular, the water should be slightly acidified. To acidify the water, you need to dip several handfuls of peat into it for a day. It is best to use rain or settled water for irrigation.

Rhododenron does not tolerate stagnant water.

Pest Control Measures

Various pests can be found on the plant:

  • snails and slugs;
  • spider mites;
  • scale insects;
  • mealyworms.

To get rid of unwanted guests, it is necessary to treat the leaves and stems of the plant. For processing you can use either Tiram, or Karbofos.

If rot appears on the plant, it should be cut off completely.

Rhododendron in landscape design

Rhododendrons can be planted as single plants, but they are especially good in groups of 3-5 plants, as well as in compositions with other plants - for example, thujas, other conifers, or other types of shrubs. Rhododendrons will look good against the wall of the house, in borders around

Dahlias, poppies. In dachas and suburban areas in the middle zone and in the southern regions, it is much less common to find a very beautiful and unusual shrub that resembles the queen of the garden - the rose. The literal translation from Latin is “rose tree,” although rhododendron is a heather.

Exotic shrub – enough capricious plant, it is not easy to grow, but the magnificent flowers are so beautiful that you don’t regret spending time caring for them.

Most varieties of rhododendron grow well in the south, but some varieties, such as “Daursky” and “Canadian”, also do well in the northern regions. Everyone knows the house azalea - this is one of the types of this shrub; it often decorates our city housing, is distinguished by a variety of shades and lush color. “Relatives” of this plant with “registration” in Japan, the Himalayas and Tibet, and North America can reach sizes up to 30 meters in height. IN wildlife There are also low species of rhododendron; creeping bushes feel good in coastal areas and at the foot of the mountains. "Mountain" varieties the best way suitable for planting in. Rhododendron has an endless palette - flowers can be white and yellow, purple and red, flowering begins with the onset of spring and continues until autumn.

Planting rhododendron

Experienced gardeners recommend spring planting, which lasts from April to mid-May. The work can be carried out in another period, the main thing is to exclude the time of flowering and the ten-day period after flowering. Varieties planted early are already covered with flowers in early May against the backdrop of barely emerging foliage and grass.

Landing place

In the sun, rhododendron will feel uncomfortable, and in a shaded place it will not bloom abundantly. It is better to lay out a flower bed with shrubs on the north side so that at noon the plant is protected from the scorching sun. Not only the wall of the building can serve as a barrier from the heat, but also tall trees, fence. Rhododendron gets along well with trees with a deep root system: larches, oaks, spruces, apple trees, pears.

Soil requirements

The shrub does not tolerate neutral or alkaline soil, the soil should be acidic, rich in humus, without lime impurities, well aerated. Best cast- a mixture of clay and peat.

Disembarkation procedure

  • Dig a shallow hole up to 40 cm, width up to 60 cm;
  • drainage – sand and pebbles, layer 10 – 15 cm;
  • cover the pebbles with a mixture of high moss or sphagnum, with slight acidity, peat and loam, there should be twice as much peat;
  • compact the soil, make a hole for the seedling;
  • cover the seedling with soil up to the root collar; it should be flush with the soil;
  • water the plant;
  • mulch with peat, moss, rotted pine needles, crushed bark and oak leaves to a depth of 5 - 7 cm.

Before planting, the roots can be moistened by dipping them into a container of water. Hold until bubbles stop appearing. There is another piece of advice from experienced gardeners on how to achieve better development of the root system. If flowering plant cut off the most magnificent buds - the seedling will spend more energy on rooting as quickly as possible.


Many varieties of rhododendrons are not afraid of frosts down to -30 degrees. But it’s still better to play it safe and cover the plants with spruce branches, lutrasil or matting. Before the start of winter, the bushes are well watered. Bright spring sun can burn the foliage, it needs to be shaded.

The roots of rhododendron are close to the surface, you need to loosen the soil very carefully, digging is excluded. It is also best to remove weeds by hand; a hoe or garden knife can cause damage.

The shrub has two attitudes to moisture: it does not tolerate waterlogging, but at the same time it requires spraying and watering with specially prepared water. 12–20 hours before watering, sphagnum peat is placed in the container for acidification. The best optionrainwater, you can also use tap water, but it must first be defended. The need for watering will be “prompted” by the plant itself: as soon as the foliage loses its glossy shine, it’s time for water treatments. In the area where the rhododendron is planted, there should be no groundwater close to the surface, otherwise the roots may die.

Rhododendrons look impressive if they are arranged in groups. Shrub plantings can be placed near paths, paths, along the edges of lawns, near pools and fountains, where summer time air humidity is increased. The tallest plants are planted in the center of the group, the short ones - along the edges. Rhododendrons look good and grow next to conifers such as spruce, pine,. Solitaire plantings are good on park lawns; bushes can be used to create a hedge.

Plant pruning

The shrub does not need to form a crown, but sometimes it needs to be thinned out and old shoots removed. Trimming is done in early spring, before the start of sap flow. Strong and thick branches with a diameter of 3 - 4 cm are trimmed with garden shears, the wounds are treated with resin or garden varnish. In a month, the rejuvenation process should begin: dormant buds will begin to develop, new shoots will hatch.

Rhododendrons bloom unevenly: this summer they may delight you with lush flowers, but next year the results may be very modest. To minimize these processes, faded buds must be removed.

Feeding the bush

The plant must be maintained from the beginning of planting and throughout the flowering period. To maintain soil acidity, potassium sulfate, superphosphate, potassium nitrate, ammonium in a minimum concentration, calcium sulfate or magnesium are used. In early spring they add nitrogen fertilizers, second feeding - in July. The ideal way is to feed with a liquid solution. natural fertilizers: cow manure, horn meal. Rotted manure is diluted with water in a ratio of one to fifteen and left for four days.

A year or two after planting, the top layer of soil is renewed. Humus or compost is mixed with peat in equal parts and the mixture is sprinkled on the areas around the roots. You can add superphosphate, ammonium or potassium sulfate to the bedding.

Types of reproduction

There are three main ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • layering.

The first option is very labor-intensive. Healthy, dry seeds should be planted in boxes with moist peat or pots, add a little sand. The planting is placed in a lighted place, the plants should be under glass covers. Within a month, condensation is removed from the glass, and the soil is moistened.

For propagation by cuttings, take half-woody shoots and cut them into cuttings 7–8 cm long. The leaves are removed from the lower part, the end is placed in a container with a growth stimulator, the planting material is kept in the solution for 12 - 15 hours. Then it is placed in peat soil, the cuttings should take root within 2 - 4 months. The next procedure is transplantation into boxes with peat-coniferous soil; it is better to place them in a cool greenhouse. In the spring, rooted cuttings are planted together with other plants directly in boxes; after two years they can be transplanted to permanent place.

The fastest and convenient option propagation of rhododendron - pinning layering. The flexible lower shoot is placed in a dug groove 12 - 15 cm deep. The cuttings are watered, sprayed, the rooted plant is separated from the parent bush, dug up and transplanted to a permanent place. This method is best for deciduous rhododendron species.

Popular varieties

Daurian rhododendron grows 2 - 3 m in height, it is different abundant flowering. In a warm year, the plant can delight you with repeated flowering.

The eastern visitor, Adams's rhododendron, is accustomed to rocky soils. The flowers are pale pink, the height of the bush is up to 1.5 meters.

Caucasian rhododendron is not tall, spreads along the ground, the inflorescences are pale yellow and cream.

Japanese rhododendron is a deciduous variety with lobster-colored buds. The foliage turns red in the fall, the plant is unpretentious, winter-hardy, and reproduces well by any of the methods listed above. The bush is an excellent option for the middle zone.

Diseases and pests

Large bushes, dense foliage, and buds are an excellent habitat for pests. Half of them are capable of destroying the beauty grown with such difficulty in two weeks. The following measures are recommended to protect rhododendron:

  • manual collection of slugs and snails, they are located on the trunk and branches;
  • “Karbofos” is used to protect against bedbugs, scale insects, rhododendron flies, spider mites, and mealyworms;
  • To treat fungal diseases such as chlorosis, rust, spotting, an iron chelate solution is used, the affected shoots are cut out, and for prevention, the plant is sprayed with Bordeaux mixture in early April or late autumn.

Photos of different varieties of rhododendron

Azalea is a type of rhododendron.

  • Type: heather
  • Flowering period: April May June
  • Height: 0.3-1.5m
  • Color: white, pink, lilac, red, yellow, violet
  • perennial
  • Winters
  • Shade-loving
  • Moisture-loving

Hard to imagine suburban area without the usual permanent residents - peonies, roses, poppies, dahlias, decorating flower beds and flower beds with their lush caps throughout the summer. However, sometimes at dachas in the middle zone and southern regions you can find unusual beautiful bush, resembling a rose. This is a rhododendron, a rather capricious heat-loving plant. Finding an approach to it is not easy, but growing and caring for rhododendrons over time for some lovers of rare plants develops into a hobby - these magnificent flowers are so beautiful and exquisite.

Like most lush flowering crops, rhododendron is rarely found in the Russian wild, and grows exclusively under the supervision of gardeners.

Many species take root and feel great only in southern latitudes, so they can be safely grown in Crimea, Krasnodar region or in the Stavropol region. However, some varieties, for example, Daurian or Canadian, develop well in temperate climates, so if you live in the Moscow region, the Urals, or even in the Siberian outback, rhododendron can also decorate your country cottage area with its magnificent blooms.

Literally translated from Latin, “rhododendron” means “rose tree” - and indeed, in its appearance the plant is very similar to a rose, although it belongs not to the Rosaceae, but to the heathers

You are certainly familiar with one of the types of rhododendron - this is the well-known indoor azalea, often decorating the window sills of city apartments. It is distinguished by lush flowering and a variety of shades.

It is impossible to imagine how the relatives of this small plant can reach 25-30 meters in height, although in fact in the Himalayas, Japan, and North America some species grow to such gigantic sizes.

There are also low rhododendrons, which are individual bushes or creeping shrubs that feel comfortable at the foot of mountains and in coastal sea areas.

Mountain varieties are different small in size and are ideal for organizing alpine slides. For example, the Kamchatka rhododendron is unpretentious, grows only 35-40 cm in height and has a bright pink hue.

Among annuals and perennials (there are about 3 thousand species in total), you can choose a variety whose characteristics are suitable for growing in a particular region.

If you need a special shade - reddish, purple, white or yellow - this will also not be a problem, since the color palette of crops is almost limitless. The flowering of the crop begins in early spring and continues throughout the warm period.

Thanks to the luxurious color palette garden azalea can be combined with various types flowering crops and used for growing in columbariums, rock gardens, multi-tiered flower beds

Planting rhododendrons: time, soil, lighting

Following general recommendations, planting can be done both in autumn and spring, that is, in a growing season convenient for you, excluding flowering time and a short period after flowering - about 10 days. However experienced gardeners still insist on spring planting, which lasts, depending on the region, from April to May 10-15.

Varieties planted earlier than this period May holidays are already covered in thick color - against the background of barely hatched foliage and fresh herbal greenery, they look very impressive.

One of the early flowering rhododendrons is the variety P.J. Mezitt is a lush plant with pink-lilac buds. The beginning of its flowering occurs in the last ten days of April - the first days of May

It is important to choose the right planting location, since in the bright sun the plant will feel uncomfortable, and in a completely dark place it will not work. lush flowering.

It is best to place a flower bed with rhododendrons on the north side of the building, in a semi-shaded area, so that at noon, when Sun rays reach maximum strength, the plant was completely closed from them.

Not only the walls of a building, but also a fence or tall trees can serve as a shade barrier for a flower garden. Rhododendron gets along well with trees whose roots go deep into the soil and do not interfere with the development of the plant - oaks, larches, spruce trees, as well as fruit trees - pears or apple trees

Flowers absolutely cannot tolerate alkaline or neutral soil - it must be acidic, rich in humus, well aerated, without lime impurities. One of the best materials for cultivation is a mixture of peat and clay.

Rhododendron is planted in the following order:

  • dig holes that are shallow (35-40 cm) and wide enough (55-60 cm);
  • the lower part is drained with a sand and pebble layer (10-15 cm);
  • they are covered with a mixture of loam and peat (high-moor or sphagnum, with low acidity), and there should be about 2 times more peat;
  • lightly compact the soil inside the hole and make a hole in it the size of an earthen ball of a seedling;
  • lower the roots of the seedling into the hole and fill it with soil mixture up to the very root collar, which as a result should be flush with the soil surface;
  • water the plant abundantly if the soil is dry;
  • mulching is carried out (to a depth of 5-7 cm), for which peat, moss, rotted pine needles, leaves and crushed oak bark are suitable.

In order for the plant to better take root in a new place, before planting, thoroughly soak the roots with water - lower the seedlings into a container of water until air bubbles stop appearing on the surface.

Approximate rhododendron planting scheme: 1 – garden soil; 2 – drainage; 3 – soil mixture of peat, clay or loam; 4 – layer of pine needles

There is another trick that helps better development root system. Cut off the most luxuriant buds of a flowering plant - this way the seedling will spend more energy on rooting. Landing and further care for rhododendrons - important steps, following which, you will achieve amazing results.

It is better to start decorating the planted bush in a couple of weeks - after it is completely rooted. You can give the plant a certain shape and decorate the base depending on the style of landscape design of your site

Nuances of flower care

Norms proper care behind flowering bush do not differ from generally accepted standards: it is necessary to observe the watering regime, perform weeding and pruning on time, feed the plant with suitable minerals and ensure that pests do not infest.

There are also subtleties, for example, a careful approach when loosening. The roots of the plant are very close to the surface, so you need to loosen the soil very carefully, and you should not dig at all. When removing weeds, never use a hoe or garden knife; you can only do it manually.

Irrigation mode and features

Rhododendron's relationship with moisture is very interesting. On the one hand, it absolutely cannot tolerate waterlogging, on the other hand, it requires constant spraying and watering with specially prepared water.

Even when choosing a landing site, check whether they are coming close to the surface groundwater. The fact is that with a large amount of moisture in the soil, the roots will simply “choke” and the plant will die. That is why a drainage layer is needed to drain excess water.

It is especially important to follow the watering and atmospheric irrigation regime during the period of bud development and flowering - the better the watering, the brighter and more magnificent the inflorescences will be

Watering is carried out regularly, after acidifying the water - for this, 2-3 handfuls of sphagnum peat are placed in a container with water 12-20 hours before watering. It is better not to use tap water; in extreme cases, it must be allowed to stand. Perfect option- rain collections. The regularity of watering depends on the condition of the plant: as soon as the leaves have lost their glossy shine and changed turgor, it’s time to water.

When is the best time to prune a plant?

The concept of pruning is very conditional. Usually the plant develops evenly and forms a profusely flowering bush of regular shape, so lovers of lush flower beds do not need to prune. But sometimes it is necessary to thin out the bush, make it a little lower, or simply rejuvenate it.

Pruning is carried out in early spring, before sap flow begins. Select strong, thick branches with a diameter of 3-4 cm, carefully cut off the ends with garden shears and treat the cuts with a specially prepared garden varnish or resin. In about a month, the renewal process will begin, continuing throughout the year - new shoots will hatch and dormant buds will begin to develop.

Particular skill is required when pruning frozen or old bushes: thick branches should be cut at a distance of 35-40 cm from the ground alternately for 2 years: part this year, the second next year

Rhododendrons are characterized by uneven flowering. If this year they pleased you with a particularly wild color, expect more modest results next year. To prevent this from happening, remove faded buds immediately after flowering, and then the plant will have enough strength to gain as many buds as possible in the second year.

Protection from pests and diseases

Branched bushes with dense foliage and many buds are an excellent habitat for insects, half of which can destroy the beauty you have grown within a couple of weeks, so a number of measures must be taken to protect the bush.

Thick trunks and branches are a favorite place for mollusks. Slugs and snails are collected by hand. Beware of scale insects, bedbugs, spider mites, rhododendron flies, and mealyworms. Treat stems and branches with 8% fungicide "Tiram", "Karbofos" helps well.

It is more difficult to remove bedbugs, ticks, and especially weevils, to get rid of which diazonin is used. Remember, in order to say goodbye to a harmful guest forever, it is necessary to treat not only the plant itself, but also the top layer of soil around it

Along with insect pests, rhododendrons are threatened by fungal diseases - rust, chlorosis, spotting. The reason lies in insufficient aeration and non-compliance with the irrigation regime. Yellowness resulting from chlorosis is treated with an iron chelate solution. If rot appears, the affected shoots should be cut off completely. For prevention, seasonal treatment with Bordeaux mixture is carried out in late autumn or early April.

Feeding and choice of fertilizers

It is necessary to start feeding rhododendrons from planting and throughout the entire flowering period. To preserve the acidic environment important for the culture, superphosphate, potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate, magnesium or calcium sulfate, and ammonium are used, but in minimal concentrations.

Early spring feeding consists of fertilizers containing nitrogen (40-50 g of magnesium or ammonium sulfate per 1 cubic meter of liquid); it is also relevant in the period after flowering. In July, the dose of fertilizer should be reduced to 20 g.

The ideal fertilizer for rhododendrons is a liquid solution of natural fertilizers such as horn meal or cow manure. Rotted manure is diluted with water (1 part fertilizer to 15 parts water), left for 3-4 days and used during irrigation.

1-2 years after planting, it is necessary to update the top layer of soil. To do this, mix peat in equal parts with humus or compost and sprinkle the area around the roots. Along with natural ingredients, superphosphate, potassium sulfate or ammonium are added to the bedding (dry substances - 1 tablespoon each). Agricola can be used as a dry powder for flowering flowers. garden plants. Remember that only thoroughly watered bushes need to be fertilized.

Reproduction methods - which one to choose

Let's look at three of the most successful ways propagation of rhododendron in garden conditions:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • layering.

Growing plants from seeds is a long and labor-intensive task. Dry, healthy seeds are sown in pots or boxes with moist peat, a little sand is added, covered with glass caps and placed in a well-lit place. Within a month, it is necessary to moisten the soil and remove condensation from the glass.

The seedlings that appear after 4 weeks are planted in a greenhouse with a cool climate according to a 2 x 3 cm pattern. The seedlings will grow for a very long time, and only after 6-7 years you will see the first flowering

Not all gardeners can tolerate propagation by cuttings either. It is necessary to take shoots that are half woody and cut several cuttings about 7-8 cm long from them.

The leaves are removed from the bottom, and the treated end is placed in a container with heteroauxin, a growth stimulator, where it is kept for 12-15 hours.

Then they are placed in peat soil and covered, as is the case with seeds. Depending on the variety, the cuttings will take root in 2-4 months, after which they are transplanted into boxes with peat-coniferous soil and taken out to a cool greenhouse. Optimal temperature– 10ºС. They are planted in the spring along with other flowers, right in boxes, and only after a couple of years can they be transplanted to the main place of growth.

The most convenient propagation option is pinning layering. They take a flexible lower shoot, dig a groove 12-15 cm deep near it, and place the shoot in this groove.

To prevent it from rising, the middle part of the stem is pinned and peat is sprinkled on top. The upper part must be brought out and tied to a support - a wooden peg stuck into the ground

The cuttings are cared for in the same way as the entire bush - watered and sprayed. When it takes root (late autumn or spring), it is carefully separated, dug up and transplanted to a place of permanent growth. This method is especially good for propagating deciduous rhododendrons.

The most popular garden varieties

A 2-3-meter Daurian rhododendron will get along well in a coniferous garden. It is distinguished by abundant flowering buds reaching a diameter of 4 cm.

If the warm season drags on, then the Daursky variety will definitely please you with repeated autumn flowering, and next spring the winter-hardy plant will bloom as usual

Adams' rhododendron - eastern guest, accustomed to rocky mountain soils.

A beautiful plant with soft pink flowers grows up to one and a half meters in height. It is rare in our country, but in Buryatia it is listed in the Red Book

The low creeping Caucasian rhododendron is a real find for rock gardens.

The petals of the Caucasian rhododendron inflorescences are distinguished by an unusual soft yellow or cream shade, which will wonderfully dilute the more saturated, rich colors other varieties

Japanese rhododendron is a magnificent deciduous variety with flamingo-colored buds.

Japanese rhododendrons with delightful flowers and picturesque foliage that turns red in autumn are unpretentious, winter-hardy and reproduce well in any way - an excellent option for growing in central Russia

And finally, a short video about how to achieve lush flowering of rhododendrons.

Let's decide from the very beginning what DO NOT plant rhododendrons. Trees and shrubs with wide and dense (that is, with big amount fibrous roots) root system: large species and varieties of spruce, birch, bird cherry, mock orange, lilac, etc. Plants that form abundant growth and actively grow with the help of root shoots are also not suitable: mountain ash, silver oleagin, sumac, etc.

Rhododendrons themselves have a dense, compact root system located in top layer soil. The root ball has the shape of a tablet and is easily pierced by the stolons of aggressive neighbors, and also hopelessly loses in the competition for water and nutrition neighbors with a more powerful and deep root system. It is also not suitable to be in proximity to pronounced and calciphiles (tree peonies, almonds, etc.), since rhododendrons themselves prefer acidic soils.

Taking this into account, the requirements for the neighbors of rhododendrons are clear - “a friendly root system, similar preferences for soil characteristics, attitude towards moisture and light. Note that the above is equally true for herbaceous perennials and for trees and shrubs.

Woody rhododendrons

Let me note right away that best neighbors for rhododendrons, these are... rhododendrons. Almost all species and varieties look great and feel great when planted together, and when choosing bushes different periods flowering, we can get a group that blooms for more than 3 months.

For example: Ledebur rhododendron (April), Canadian (early May), varieties of the PJM group (early May), varieties of Caucasian rhododendron (mid-May), Yakushiman rhododendrons (end of May), deciduous varieties from the Knap Hill groups, Nofern Laite (end of May - early June), Katevba rhododendrons or Finnish varieties - (first half - mid-June), varieties of sticky rhododendron (mid-late June), Weston-azaleas (July). And the group, which contains both deciduous and evergreen rhododendrons, will be no less elegant in September and October than during the flowering period, since most varieties of deciduous azaleas have a remarkably bright and varied color (from lemon yellow and orange-red to purple and purple) autumn foliage color.

It's always good to be next to decorative varieties.

The most suitable varieties are mountain pine and dwarf cedar. They are photophilous, which means they are suitable for joint landing with deciduous rhododendrons and those evergreens that tolerate light well (Yakushiman rhododendron varieties). Thujas are very hardy, they will look good in a lighted place and quite decently in partial shade. For proximity to rhododendrons, in my opinion, it is better to choose varieties with a clear crown shape, then outside the flowering of rhododendrons the group will be interesting due to the contrasting shape of the crowns - the natural “freedom” of rhododendron and regular pyramid(Smaragd) or ball, egg (Danica, Golden Glob, Woodwardii).

For a semi-shaded place, as neighbors with evergreen large-leaved rhododendrons, you can invite chisel-shaped tuepsis, varieties of cypress (Filifera, Squarrosa, Buleward), Canadian hemlock (Jeddeloh, Pendula, etc.), yew. When choosing and planting a coniferous neighbor, it is necessary to take into account that thujas and cypress trees are transplanted quite easily, especially at a young age, while all other of the listed species tolerate transplantation painfully. This means that you should carefully choose the distances when landing. We can always replant rhododendrons, but moving a paved path on which our favorite mountain pine will eventually lie is much more difficult. For the same reasons, inviting into the composition dwarf varieties spruces, fir, larches, it is worth asking about the size of this dwarf at least at 10 years of age.

Dwarf varieties of rhododendrons ( Luisella, Ronny, Azurika, etc.) also over time grow into quite lush pillows with a diameter of 70-90 cm. The proximity to conifers will provide us with a late autumn and winter decorative composition, the contrast of texture and color of needles, leaves, flowers, the contrast of the shape of the crowns will create pleasant impression in summer, in addition, pine litter will naturally acidify and enrich the soil, which is beneficial for rhododendrons.

Among deciduous shrubs, the classic neighbors of rhododendrons are hydrangeas. For planting in a bright place, varieties of paniculata hydrangea are suitable, and in a more shady place - tree hydrangea. That is, we plant paniculate hydrangeas with deciduous azaleas, and tree-like hydrangeas with large-leaved evergreen rhododendrons (Finnish varieties, varieties of rhododendrons Katevbinsky, Smirnova, etc.).

There is an exception - hydrangeas tree varieties Bella Anna and Pink Annabel should also be planted in the light, because in the shade they develop very thin shoots and require garter. There is an exception on the contrary - a number of varieties of light-loving hydrangea paniculata bloom quite well in partial shade:

Precox (Praecox), Floribunda (Floribunda). Hydrangeas in a composition with rhododendrons fill the pause in the flowering of the composition in the second half of summer, and according to agrotechnical requirements they completely coincide with them. Hydrangeas require annual pruning of shoots, therefore, when placing them in a composition, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of a convenient approach to the bushes for this purpose.

“Workhorses” will also come in handy - such unpretentious shrubs as Japanese spirea, cut stephanandra, pressed broom, etc.

Often our composition with rhododendrons needs a background against which it could show all its advantages. Of the large shrubs that lend themselves well to shaping (we must be able to cope with the background if it decides to go beyond the desired boundaries), we can offer varieties of black elderberry, common hazel, chokeberry, Canadian serviceberry, etc. Elderberry in this role will also demonstrate expressive flowering and fruits, chokeberry and serviceberry - bright autumn color, against which evergreen large-leaved rhododendrons will look great.

When planning a composition with evergreen rhododendrons, it is difficult to do without ferns. Or rather, in no case should you do without ferns!

Ferns are graceful and elegant; their lacy foliage will add air to the composition, emphasizing the monumentality of large bushes and the luxury of their flowering. We plant in the foreground between and in front of the rhododendron bushes varieties of shield plants, female and nippon grass, maidenhair, and if the climate allows, then multi-row varieties. In small compositions, woodsias, spikeworts and Japanese derbyans will be good.

Many shade-tolerant crops will fit into a shady composition with rhododendrons: liverworts, mountain weeds, varieties of large-leaved brunnera, smilacina, varieties of oak anemone, etc.

Let's talk about perennials, which bloom at the same time as rhododendrons. It would seem that the flowering of the latter is already so luxurious that it does not need addition. However, just as graceful gypsophila, for example, is appropriate in a bouquet of roses, the flowering of suitable crops can successfully complement the lush “bouquet” of rhododendron. For partial shade, you can offer varieties of splayed and pressed phlox, hybrid heucherella and tiarella, shady saxifrage, and wood anemone.

Tiarella cordifolia can also be used as a ground cover plant in the composition; it gracefully blooms with white plumes at the same time as rhododendrons in late May - early June. But here you will have to make sure that the tiarella does not climb under the rhododendron bushes, into the uninhabited root layer, and remove the excess in time. Rhizomatous corydalis grows well in partial shade and light hybrid varieties Blue Panda, Craithon Blue, Spinners. It will add a piercing blue heavenly color to the composition with rhododendrons.

In a lighted place, in the foreground of a group of deciduous azaleas, you can also plant bushes of phlox subulate. Oddly enough, this mountain perennial successfully tolerates acidic soils, providing blooming azaleas with elegant “support” from below. The same applies to eight-petaled dryad, aubrieta, etc. Princes can be placed on the trellis in the background; most varieties bloom simultaneously with deciduous rhododendrons from the end of May.

For autumn flowering, Chinese ornamental and flipper gentians (sun or partial shade) are suitable. Varieties of heather will also decorate the composition in the fall (in a lighted area or very light shade).

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