Venerable Theodosius the Great (†529). Saint Theodosius of Chernigov Changes and trials

Theodosius of Chernigov.

In May 2013, I had the opportunity to visit Kyiv and Chernigov, venerate the relics of St. Theodosius and visit the places where St. Theodosius spent his life and prayer.

Born in the early 1630s in Right Bank Ukraine (according to the administrative division earlier - in the Podolsk province; now it is presumably in the Litinsky district of the Vinnitsa region of Ukraine). He came from an ancient noble family of Polonitsky-Uglitsky. His parents were priest Nikita and Maria. The name given to Saint Theodosius at baptism remains unknown.

Very little information has been preserved about the saint’s adolescence and youth. It is only known that he was “meek and obedient.”

former Epiphany Monastery

Educated in Kiev-Brotherly College at the Kiev Epiphany Monastery. This was once a monastery of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Destroyed by the Bolsheviks in 1935.

On the site of the Epiphany Cathedral there is now one of the buildings Kiev-Mohyla Academy. The academic Church of the Holy Spirit (restored in 2007), owned by the UOC-KP, regularly holds services.
The saint's colleagues at the college were future outstanding scientists and shepherds, one of whom, Saint Simeon of Polotsk.
The Kiev-Brotherly College was at that time the main center of the struggle of Orthodoxy against the pressure and attacks of the Catholic clergy - the Jesuits and Uniates.
Metropolitan of Kyiv Deonisy Balaban, appoints Saint Theodosius as archdeacon of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv . And Theodosius himself strives for monasticism and the Kiev Pechersk Lavra accepts monasticism.

St. Sophia Cathedral of Kyiv

However, the saint, “drawn by love for deeds of piety,” asked for blessings to settle in the remote Krupitsky monastery of the Chernigov diocese, near Baturyn, famous for the severity of its charter. There he was ordained to the rank of hieromonk.

In 1662 he was appointed abbot Korsun Monastery in the Kanevsky district of the Kyiv diocese.

Behind you is the Vydubetsky Monastery

In 1664, the saint was appointed rector of the Kiev-Vydubitsky Monastery. With zeal, energy and perseverance, Theodosius managed to bring the Vydubitsky St. Michael’s Monastery, which had recently been completely ruined by the Uniates, to proper improvement. Abbot Theodosius cared a lot about church splendor. He organized a wonderful choir in his monastery, which was famous not only in Little Russia, but also in Moscow, where Saint Theodosius sent his singers in 1685.
Concerned about the development of monastic life, being himself a strict ascetic, the saint founded a small monastery near the monastery, on the island of Mikhailovshchina, where monks could retire for feats of silence.

In those years, Saint Theodosius had to endure a difficult ordeal: together with other abbots, he was accused Methodius (Filimonov), Bishop of Orsha, in treason against the Russian government and in imaginary correspondence with traitors. On September 20, 1668, he was summoned to give explanations on this case. However, on November 17 of the same year, the slander was discovered, and the saint, along with others, was acquitted. He received a gracious letter from Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanova.
Soon, abbot Theodosius faced a new trouble - it was about the disputed lands of the Vydubitsky monastery. Theodosius zealously defended the monastery lands, for which came under a temporary ban from the priesthood .
In Kyiv, Saint Theodosius was “patronized” by the church and political figure of Chernigov Archbishop Lazar Baranovich.

Archbishop Lazar

He appointed Saint Theodosius as his governor in Kyiv. The future Saint Theodosius participated in the embassy of the Kyiv delegation to Moscow, the result of which was the reunification of the Kyiv Metropolis (which then belonged to the Patriarchate of Constantinople) with the Russian Orthodox Church .

In 1688, Abbot Theodosius was appointed archimandrite of the Chernigov Yelets Dormition Monastery .
Eletsky Assumption Monastery in the city of Chernigov - one of the first and richest monasteries of Kievan Rus. The construction of the cathedral Assumption Church is associated with the name of the founder of the Olgovich dynasty, the Chernigov prince Oleg Svyatoslavich(d. 1115). This monument has survived almost entirely to our time..The mountain on which the Yeletsky Assumption Monastery stands is pitted and riddled with many underground passages, caves and catacombs. Thus, an underground gallery 70 meters long connects the Assumption Cathedral and the Peter and Paul Church. Prominent figures of Russian and Ukrainian history and culture are buried on the territory of the monastery.

Chernigov Eletsky (now female) monastery

Such venerable saints lived in the Yeletsky Monastery as Saint Anthony of Pechersk, founder of Russian monasticism, as well as Holy Venerable Anthony of Chernigov, now in this monastery in the Assumption Cathedral his staff is preservedand there is the Yeletskaya icon of the Mother of God .
And the monastery was built back in 1060 on the spot where the icon of the Mother of God, which is now called Chernigov-Eletsk Icon of the Mother of God.

Yelets Icon of the Mother of God

Worship of the Yeletsk Icon of Metropolitan of Kyiv, Vladimir.

Thanks to the respect that Saint Theodosius enjoyed among the population of Chernigov, he was able to attract generous donations to the monastery, and within two years the monastery achieved prosperity that completely ensured its existence. Through the labors of Saint Theodosius, it was possible to achieve prosperity for the Yelets monastery over the course of two or three years, which completely ensured its existence.

The appointment as abbot of the Yelets monastery took place mainly at the request of His Grace Lazar (Baranovich), for whom Saint Theodosius became his closest assistant. Saint Theodosius helped Bishop Lazar in all his efforts to manage and improve the diocese.
Repeatedly, Saint Theodosius, while still a priest, traveled to Moscow and negotiated personally with Moscow Patriarch Joachim.

Patriarch of Moscow Joachim.

In 1690 he became Metropolitan of Kyiv Varlaam Yasinsky, who had previously been rector (archimandrite) of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, having become metropolitan, he appoints the future saint, and then Archimandrite Theodosius, as rector of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

Metropolitan of Kyiv, Varlaam Yasinsky.

However, Saint Theodosius remained the rector of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra for about two years.

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

In 1692, at the suggestion of the Right Reverend Lazar (Baranovich), a meeting was appointed, which was attended by Hetman I. S. Mazepa himself , the clergy of Ukraine (Little Russia) and representatives of the people, at which Archimandrite Theodosius was unanimously elected to the Chernigov See.

Hetman of Ukraine, Ivan Mazepa

On July 27, 1692, Archimandrite Theodosius arrived in Moscow. After some difficulties, his naming took place on September 9, and on September 11, in the presence of sovereigns Ivan and Peter Alekseevich Romanov, he was solemnly consecrated in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin as Bishop of Chernigov and elevated to the rank of Archbishop. At the same time, Saint Theodosius turned to the kings with a request for the issuance of an altar letter, which was presented to him on September 28, 1692. Archbishop Theodosius was given the right to perform divine services in the sakkos, which at that time belonged exclusively to the patriarch and metropolitans. The Chernigov archbishops were given this right, since their see stood first among other archdioceses. After this, Bishop Theodosius returned to Chernigov.

Saint Theodosius performed the duties of archimandrite of the Yelets monastery and managed all the affairs of the diocese, still considered an assistant to Archbishop Lazarus.
In December 1693, after the death of Right Reverend Lazar, he received a charter for independent management of the Chernigov diocese.

Trinity Cathedral of Chernigov

In 1695, the Trinity Cathedral was consecrated,built at the expense of Hetman Mazepa , on the top of Boldinaya Mountain, near the Elias Monastery, which became the cathedral of the Chernigov diocese.
The relics of Chernigov saints rest in the cathedral: Saint Theodosius of Chernigov , St. Lawrence (found in August 1993), St. Philaret (Gumilevsky) (found in 2009), particles of the relics of Michael and Theodore and some Kiev-Pechersk saints.

Trinity Cathedral

During his management of the Chernigov diocese, a special rise and strengthening of monasticism was noticed. The saint paid great attention to the clergy, and was strict and selective when choosing candidates for priestly positions.

Saint John Maximovich

The saint paid great attention to the clergy, and was strict and selective when choosing candidates for priestly positions. He patronized Chernigov theological schools, inviting learned monks from Kyiv, among whom was John (Maksimovich), the future Metropolitan of Tobolsk and all Siberia. Soon John (Maksimovich) became an active assistant and successor to St. Theodosius in the organization of theological schools.Feeling the approach of death and preparing a successor for himself, the saint summoned the abbot of the Bryansk Svensky Monastery, hieromonk John (Maksimovich), elevated him to the rank of archimandrite and appointed him vicar of the Chernigov Yelets monastery.

Distinctive features of Saint Theodosius there was condescension, peacefulness, strict justice, deep compassion for everyone who turned to him for help and advice - not only Orthodox, but also people of other confessions. " He was like a lamp that illuminated the entire Chernigov diocese with its quiet light and warmed everyone with the warmth of his loving heart».

Saint Theodosius died on February 5, 1696 And was originally buried in the Chernigov Boris and Gleb Cathedral, behind the right choir, in a crypt specially made for him. The cathedral at that time wastomb of the princes of the Davidovich family, built in 1120-1123. Subsequently, the main church of the cathedral monastery, liquidated by decree of the Russian Empress Catherine II in 1786.

Saint John (Maksimovich) built a brick vault over the tomb of Saint Theodosius, on which was a laudatory inscription in verse was made in gratitude for the miraculous deliverance from a serious illness. Numerous miracles at the tomb of Saint Theodosius confirmed everyone’s faith in the holiness of the deceased. Initially, these cases of gracious help lived only in the grateful memory of the people. It was only in 1835 that they began to be recorded. The question of the canonization of Saint Theodosius was repeatedly raised, but the Holy Synod was in no hurry to resolve this issue, and only in 1896, when, on behalf of the Synod, up to fifty cases of later miracles were carefully examined and verified, when the complete incorruption of the body of the Chernigov archpastor was established, Saint Theodosius was solemnly canonized.

Metropolitan of Kiev Ioannikiy Rudnev, who glorified Saint Theodosius as a saint

The celebration of the opening of the holy relics was performed by Metropolitan of Kiev and Galicia Ioannikiy (Rudnev) on September 9, 1896 in the concelebration of six bishops, many clergy and with the prayerful participation of the believing people who gathered in Chernigov from all over the country. And the relics were transferred to the Trinity Cathedral of Chernigov, where they are now located.

Reliquary with the relics of St. Theodosius

The memory of Saint Theodosius is celebrated twice a year: February 5 (February 18, new style) (day of death) and September 9 (September 22, new style) (day of glorification) .

Relics of St. Theodosius of Chernigov

A lot of miracles have been performed and are being performed from the relics of Saint Theodosius of Chernigov. Having left earthly ministry, he did not leave people coming to him for help. The first miracle of healing was recorded by Archbishop Ioan Mximovich himself, who could not serve due to illness, but the saint appeared to him at night and said, “Serve tomorrow and you will be healthy!” Then the saint appeared in dreams to many sick men and women and said that they would be healthy if they went to church and ordered a prayer service. And in 1824, at the tomb of the saint, the merchant Gorbunov, who was an Old Believer, was healed of a terrible illness. But after healing, he not only converted to Orthodoxy, but also, at his own expense, built a new tomb for St. Athanasius for the incorruptible relics.

Consecrated to the rank of bishop, Saint Theodosius, /
You were the light of your flock, /
You also reposed in the eternal Abode. /
Beg from the Throne of the King of Glory to free us from the evils that befall us /
and our souls will be saved, holy one, by your prayers.

Saint Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov, was born in the early 30s of the 17th century. in Podolsk region. He came from an ancient noble family of Polonitsky-Uglitsky. His parents were priest Nikita and Maria. The name given to Saint Theodosius at Baptism remains unknown. As a young man, he entered the theological school, the so-called Kiev Brotherhood College, at the Kiev Epiphany Monastery. The end of the 40s of the 17th century was the heyday of the college.

After receiving his education, the future saint took monastic vows at the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and was named Theodosius in honor of the Monk Theodosius of Pechersk (May 3).

In 1664 he was appointed rector of the famous Kiev-Vydubitsky Monastery. This monastery had recently been in the hands of the Uniates, who led it to complete ruin.

In those years, Saint Theodosius had to endure a difficult ordeal: together with other abbots, he was accused by Methodius, Bishop of Mstislav and Orsha, of treason against the Russian government and imaginary correspondence with traitors. On September 20, 1668, he was summoned to give explanations on this case. However, on November 17 of the same year, the slander was discovered, and Saint Theodosius, along with others, was acquitted.

In 1688, Saint Theodosius was appointed archimandrite of the Chernigov Yelets Monastery in place of the deceased Archimandrite Ioannikis (Golyatovsky). There he had to work hard to improve the monastery, which was also destroyed by the Jesuits and Dominicans.

He participated in the drafting of the Council's response to Moscow Patriarch Joachim regarding the attitude of the Kyiv Metropolis to the Florence Council and the question raised at it about the time of the transubstantiation of the Holy Gifts.

In 1692, on September 11, Saint Theodosius was solemnly consecrated in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin to the rank of Archbishop of Chernigov.

While administering the Chernigov diocese, Saint Theodosius took special care of the spiritual enlightenment of his flock and supported the existence of a printing house in Chernigov, which produced many printed editions of liturgical books.

Under Saint Theodosius, a special rise and strengthening of monasticism was noticed in the Chernigov Diocese. The saint paid great attention to the clergy and was strictly selective in choosing candidates.

In 1696, on February 5, Saint Theodosius died and was buried in the Chernigov Boris and Gleb Cathedral, behind the right choir, in a crypt built for that purpose.

Saint John Maksimovich built a brick vault over his tomb with a laudatory inscription in verse, in gratitude for the miraculous deliverance through the prayers of Saint Theodosius from a serious illness.

The discovery of the relics and glorification of St. Theodosius as a saint. Memoirs of the Hieromartyr Anatoly Avdeevich Pravdolyubov (recorded by his grandson, Archpriest Anatoly Sergievich Pravdolyubov (1914-1981)

In 1896, Father Anatoly made a trip to the city of Chernigov in order to take a direct part in the glorification of St. Theodosius of Chernigov and the discovery of his relics on September 9 (Old Style).

Father Anatoly participated in re-dressing the incorruptible relics of the saint of God in new clothes.

We priests, my grandfather said, could not help but cry when his incorruption became visible. His beautiful graying beard, which can be seen on his icon, was completely preserved, only every hair at the root was separated from his chin. And as if as a sign that here God had performed a miracle over a body similar to ours and capable of decay, the heel on one of the Saint’s feet fell off, but the rest of his body was as if he had just died.

They dressed him in outer garments and all the bishop's vestments. During the service in the tomb, he was placed almost vertically on a high place. At first the service was a funeral service, they sang the same funeral hymns that are sung over each of the deceased, and at the litanies the deacons read: “We also pray for the repose of the servant of God, the ever-remembered Archbishop Theodosius...” and so on. For the last time, everything was proclaimed over him that, until the time of his glorification, had served as the only way of prayerful communication between people and him.

But after the Six Psalms, when the time came to sing “Praise the Name of the Lord...”, the bishops and clergy raised the shrine with the relics of the Saint, carried it into the middle through the Royal Doors, lit candles and sang: “We magnify Thee, Holy Hierarch Father Theodosius...” It was very touching .

The saint of God, who began many years before his glorification to miraculously heal the illnesses of those who came to him, still does not cease by the power of God to heal the sick.

Father Anatoly always revered Saint Theodosius, and the small plate that he placed on the honest relics of the newly glorified Saint and which he brought with him to the city of Kasimov, he applied during illnesses to the heads of his children and grandchildren. And through the prayers of their parents, sick children very soon received healing.

Priest Sergius Pravdolyubov

, Vinnitsa, Kyiv and Chernigov saints

Born in the early thirties of the 17th century in the Podolsk province. He came from the ancient noble family of Polonitsky-Uglitsky; His parents were priest Nikita and Maria. The piety that reigned in the family of the future saint beneficially contributed to the spiritual development of the boy. From childhood he was distinguished by meekness and diligence in prayer. The young man’s natural abilities were revealed at the Kiev Brotherhood College at the Kiev Epiphany Monastery. The Kiev-Brotherly Epiphany School was at that time the main center of the struggle of Orthodoxy against the attacks of the Catholic clergy, Jesuits and Uniates. During his years of study, Saint Theodosius’s calling to monastic feat was finally confirmed: he devoted all his free time from studies to prayer, contemplation of God and reading the Holy Scriptures.

It can be assumed that the saint did not complete the full course of the college, since after the destruction of Podol by the Poles, it ceased its activities for several years. The saint throughout his life retained deep gratitude to the Kiev-Brotherly Monastery that raised him. In the synodikon of the Kiev-Vydubitsky Monastery the following remark was made about Saint Theodosius: “He was a prudent man and benefactor to the Kyiv Brotherhood Monastery.”

After receiving his education, the future saint took monastic vows at the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra with the name Theodosius, in honor of the Monk Theodosius of Pechersk (his worldly name is unknown).

When Saint Theodosius was hegumen of the Kiev-Vydubitsky Monastery, he had to go through difficult days. Together with other abbots, he was accused by Methodius, Bishop of Mstislav and Orsha, of treason against the Russian government and in imaginary correspondence with traitors to Russia. On September 20 of the year, Saint Theodosius had to give explanations on this matter. On November 17 of the year the slander was discovered, and Saint Theodosius, together with other abbots, received forgiveness.

In the year Saint Theodosius was appointed archimandrite of the Chernigov Yelets Monastery. From that time on, all the activities of the saint were transferred from Kyiv to Chernigov. This appointment took place mainly at the request of the Right Reverend Lazar. Saint Theodosius had to work hard to improve the Yelets monastery, since this monastery, which had not yet recovered from the devastation by the Jesuits and Dominicans, was very poor and unsettled. Through the labors of Saint Theodosius, it was possible to achieve prosperity for the Yelets monastery over the course of two or three years, which completely ensured its existence. The saint, even in his new position, provided every possible assistance to His Grace Lazarus in all important matters. He participated in the drafting of a conciliar response to Moscow Patriarch Joachim to his question letters about the attitude of the Kyiv Metropolis to the Florence Council and in discussing the question of the time of the transubstantiation of the Holy Gifts, raised at this Council. When the Patriarch was not satisfied with these answers and at the beginning of the year the Baturinsky abbot, Saint Demetrius of Rostov, was sent to Moscow, Saint Theodosius traveled with him as a representative from the Right Reverend Lazarus. He was instructed to deliver a response letter to the Patriarch and clarify any misunderstandings.

On September 11, he was consecrated Bishop of Chernigov and elevated to the rank of Archbishop in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

Little information has been preserved about the administration of the Chernigov diocese by Saint Theodosius. He took care of maintaining old and establishing new monasteries and churches. At the very beginning of his priesthood, with his blessing, the Pecheniksky nunnery was created, and he himself consecrated the temple of this monastery in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the year, with his blessing, the Lyubetsk monastery was founded 2 versts from Lyubech; in the year the saint consecrated a temple in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos in the Domnitsky Monastery, and in the summer of the year - a majestic temple in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos, built on the top of Mount Boldinskaya, near the ancient Ilyinsky Monastery. Under Saint Theodosius, a special rise and strengthening of monasticism was noticed in the Chernigov diocese.

The saint also paid great attention to the clergy and was strictly selective when choosing candidates for the priesthood. He especially patronized the Chernigov theological schools, invited learned monks from Kyiv to them, among whom was Saint John (Maksimovich), the future Metropolitan of Tobolsk, who later became the saint’s assistant and successor and the organizer of the Chernigov theological schools. Strict justice in relation to the clergy and flock, deep compassion, forbearance and Christian peacefulness were the hallmarks of the activities of Saint Theodosius. Not only Orthodox Christians, but also people of other faiths often turned to him for help and advice. But Saint Theodosius did not care for the Chernigov flock for long. Feeling the approach of death, he summoned the abbot of the Bryansk Svensky Monastery, St. John (Maximovich) to Chernigov and elevated him from hieromonk to archimandrite of the Chernigov Eletsky Monastery. As a new archimandrite, he prepared his successor in advance.

He died on February 5th. He was buried in the Chernigov Cathedral of St. Boris and Gleb, behind the right choir, in a specially made crypt.

Relics and veneration

The successor of Saint Theodosius at the Chernigov See, Saint John (Maksimovich), built a brick vault over his tomb with a laudatory inscription in verse in gratitude for the miraculous healing from a serious illness. The glorification of Saint Theodosius took place

Saint Theodosius is one of the heavenly patrons of our monastery.

In 1897, under Abbess Valentina, with the blessing of the Right Reverend Gury, a chapel was built in the name of St. Theodosius of Chernigov the Wonderworker in the warm Trinity Church on the left side, which was consecrated by Gury, Bishop of Samara on September 13, 1897, on the fiftieth anniversary of the existence of the monastery.

Rukovichka, consecrated on the relics of St. Theodosius was brought from Chernigov in 2010 and transferred to the monastery by Abbot Vitaly (Klimov). Holy Hierarch Father Theodosius, pray to God for us!

In September 2004, I was lucky enough to visit Chernigov with a small group of pilgrims returning from Mount Athos. Having venerated the relics of St. Theodosius of Chernigov and St. Lavrentiy, we headed to the Chernigov Yeletsky Assumption Monastery. The future great saint once lived here. The abbess of the monastery, Abbess Ambrosia, received us with love and told us about how the monastery was being restored. She also showed the house in which Saint Theodosius lived. During the conversation, mother told us the now practically unknown story of the return of the relics of St. Theodosius to Chernigov. I will give my mother’s story in writing.

I was 20 years old when the relics of the saint were brought to Chernigov. From that time on, my entire life passed under the prayerful protection of the heavenly intercessor and patron of our ancient city. However, only recently I was able to find out how his relics returned to his hometown. The first time I was able to touch on this topic was during a trip to the Valaam Monastery. We were sailing on a ship on Lake Ladoga, there were many pilgrims and tourists around. Everyone was expecting a meeting with the ancient monastery, which Orthodox people call our Northern Athos. And suddenly I heard a conversation of people standing next to me. One of them said: “Do you know that the path through Ladoga leads not only to the holy island of Valaam.” Once upon a time, the “road of life” for besieged Leningrad passed through the waters of the lake and on the ice. It was also called “the road of St. Theodosius.” I was surprised by these words, but then the temples of Valaam appeared, everyone began to gather, and I was not able to find out in more detail what relation Saint Theodosius had to the blockade “road of life.”

A few years later, another meeting took place, of course, sent by the thought of God, after which it was revealed to me why the “path of life” was forever associated with Saint Theodosius and how his relics returned to the believers. On May 9, 2004, many veterans of the Great Patriotic War came to Chernigov to celebrate Victory Day. On a holiday, I was walking down the street and suddenly I heard several veterans asking an ice cream saleswoman where the relics of St. Theodosius were located. She couldn’t really answer. I turned to the veterans and said that I could take them to the cathedral to the relics of the saint. That’s how I heard from one of these veterans the story of the return of the relics. I'll tell you what I remember. In the late autumn of 1942, at one of the meetings, a group of military officials in a besieged city discussed what could be done in the current situation. The situation seemed completely hopeless. And suddenly everyone present heard a voice: “Pray to Theodosius of Chernigov, he will help you.” Everyone was surprised and amazed. The senior officer asked if others had heard this voice, and received an affirmative answer. Of course, none of them knew who Theodosius of Chernigov was. They reported the incident to the highest authorities, after which they turned to Leningrad Metropolitan Alexy (Simansky), the future His Holiness Patriarch. Metropolitan Alexy replied that Saint Theodosius is a great saint and protector of our land, and if he gave such an instruction, then in order to save the city we need to pray to him. And for this it is necessary to return his holy relics to the church, which at that time were in the Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism, in the former Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg. After short negotiations, Stalin’s permission was obtained, and the relics of St. Theodosius were transferred to the St. Nicholas Cathedral. After this, our troops began and completed the victorious Tikhvin operation, driving back the enemy, and thus a railway connection was opened with the shore of Lake Ladoga, from where weapons, ammunition, food and other cargo arrived in besieged Leningrad along the “road of life”. The residents of Leningrad who were dying of hunger were taken back along the same road. That is why believers called the Ladoga highway (water and ice) “the road of St. Theodosius,” and the saint himself began to be especially revered in Leningrad.

And today a constant stream of Orthodox people comes to the remaining shrine with the image of the saint, people stand and pray to the saint who saved their city from destruction, there are many candles. In 1946, Vladyka Alexei, who became His Holiness the Patriarch, summoned Bishop Boris of Chernigov to Moscow and instructed him to prepare the necessary documents for the transfer of the relics of the saint from Leningrad to Chernigov. The consent of the authorities was obtained, all necessary documents were prepared. The relics of the saint were brought to Chernigov on September 15, 1946. I remember this day very well. Our elder and spiritual father Lavrenty of Chernigov met the relics. My sisters and I sang and cried with joy and tenderness. It was a national celebration. The people were visible and invisible. Three liturgies were served that day. Since then, the relics of the saint have been constantly in our city. How many miracles are performed through his prayers. And recently the relics were carried throughout the city in a procession of the cross - how could anyone have thought that such a thing could happen!

But gradually people began to forget about the great joyful day of the return of the relics of our beloved saint. I want to tell you how the Lord miraculously reminded me of this date. On September 14 of this year, they called me with a request to allow two buses with pilgrims who wanted to pray at the relics of St. Theodosius to come to the monastery. At this time, the relics were in our monastery, in the lower church. I said let them come. When the pilgrims arrived, it turned out that there was a priest and deacon with them. Prayer began: an akathist was read and sung, prayer services were served. I thought that I would stand for a while and leave, because I felt unwell and very tired. Minutes passed, hours passed, the prayers continued, all the weakness disappeared somewhere. I had Easter in my heart, I wanted to sing Easter hymns. Such joy shone on people's faces. We stood praying at the relics all night. There was an amazing spiritual upsurge. With one mouth and one heart they turned to the saint. Nobody wanted to leave. I could not understand why such grace visited us sinners on such an unmarked day. And suddenly I remembered: today is 25 years since the day when the relics of the saint returned to Chernigov. So the Lord arranged for us the holiday of the return of the relics, reminding us that this is the day of our common celebration and it should be celebrated especially, including it in church calendars, as the day of remembrance of the saint.

Recorded by Alexander Trofimov
Chernigov - Poyarkovo, September 2004


Saint Theodosius of Chernigov came from the Trans-Dnieper noble family of the Uglitskys, who received this surname for the exploits of his ancestor during the defense of the city of Uglich. His father, Nikita, was a priest, his mother's name was Maria. After graduating from the Kiev-Brotherly School (which later became the Theological Academy), he took monastic vows at the Pechersk Lavra and was given the name Theodosius, in honor of the monk whom he especially revered. The first years of his monastic life were difficult for him: he was looking for a concentrated feat of prayer, but he had to bear the responsibilities of the vicar of the metropolitan house, and the worldly bustle of the noisy city involuntarily invaded his life.

More consistent with his ascetic mood was life in the deserted Korsun monastery, where he was then appointed abbot, but he was soon transferred to the Kiev-Vydubitsky monastery, which was completely devastated by the war. He restored and improved it, but here he had to endure a lot of undeserved grief, and he showed his deep wisdom and monastic humility. Archimandrite Theodosius traveled to Moscow with Abbot Demetrius (St. Demetrius of Rostov; his memory is September 21) on an important church assignment. Such instructions were given to persons capable of higher positions in order to present them to the Tsar and the Patriarch. As a result of this trip, the southern and northern parts of the Russian Church were reunited after a 200-year division. And in 1691, Archimandrite Theodosius - then already the abbot of the Yelets Chernigov Monastery - was appointed, at the request of the elderly Archbishop of Chernigov Lazar (Baranovich), as his assistant. On this second trip to Moscow, Patriarch Adrian, who respected him greatly, detained him for two months for joint conversations and concelebration.

Archbishop Lazarus was called by Saint Demetrius of Rostov “the great pillar of the Church”; thus, the Chernigov diocese began to be immediately governed by two pillars of the Church. Their relationship, full of love and trust in each other, was that of father and son. Two years later, Archbishop Lazar died, and Saint Theodosius became an independent archpastor of the Chernigov diocese. He carefully selected his collaborators from the clergy, strengthened their pastoral and educational activities, established monasteries, fought against Uniate influence and knew how to calm the hot outbursts of the willful Cossacks. He was merciful and compassionate towards the poor.

Anticipating his imminent death, Saint Theodosius ordained Hieromonk John (Maximovich) to the rank of archimandrite, preparing a worthy successor for himself. Saint Theodosius died on February 5, 1696 and was buried in the Chernigov Boris and Gleb Cathedral.

Manifestations of God's grace through the prayerful intercession of Saint Theodosius were often accompanied by his appearances in dreams. They began with the healing of his successor in the department, Archbishop John (his memory is June 10). At the very height of his illness, Saint Theodosius appeared to him and said: “Serve tomorrow and you will be healthy.” To the amazement of those around him, the Right Reverend John ordered Vespers to be served in his chambers, the rule to be read for him, and the next morning everything to be prepared for his service in the cathedral, and the next day, completely healthy, he served the Divine Liturgy. “Go to the cathedral, send a prayer service - and you will be healthy,” St. Theodosius said to the mute in a dream. The next day the mute spoke, and in the portrait of the saint he recognized his healer. “I forgive and give permission,” he said to the priest, who confessed his sins to him in a dream, and promised him the healing of his sick son, and the next day the baby recovered. “You did not fast, this is not good,” St. Theodosius said in a dream to the sick woman who was praying to him during Great Lent, “you will be unworthy to taste Easter. Try to take communion on Holy Saturday.” “Don’t cry, I’ll pray to God and your husband will get well,” he told another woman. And her husband recovered. With one word, “calm down,” he stopped the moral suffering of one patient. It is impossible to describe all his miracles. His holy relics were found incorrupt in 1776; A new coffin was built for him in 1824 by the schismatic Gorbunov, who was healed by him, and immediately converted to Orthodoxy. The correct recording of his miracles began in 1850.

The ceremonial opening of the relics of St. Theodosius took place on September 9, 1896, and 49 cases of healing were examined under oath. The Chernigov celebrations attracted more than 150 thousand people and were accompanied by numerous miracles.

The piety of his parents contributed to the spiritual development and good inclinations of the boy: from childhood he was diligent in prayer and was distinguished by a meek character.

As a young man, he entered the theological school, the so-called Kiev Brotherhood College, at the Kiev Epiphany Monastery. The end of the 40s of the 17th century was the heyday of the college.

During his years of study, the saint’s calling to monastic feat was finally determined. He devoted his free time from studies to prayer, reading the Holy Scriptures and contemplation of God.

After receiving his education, the future saint took monastic vows at the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and was named Theodosius in honor of the Monk Theodosius of Pechersk (May 3).

In 1664 he was appointed rector of the famous Kiev-Vydubitsky Monastery. This monastery had recently been in the hands of the Uniates, who led it to complete ruin. Saint Theodosius set to work with zeal, and, thanks to his energy and hard work, quickly restored monastic life in the Vydubitsky Monastery. Taking care of the church's splendor, he organized a wonderful choir, which was famous not only in Little Russia, but also in Moscow, where Saint Theodosius sent his singers in 1685.

In those years, Saint Theodosius had to endure a difficult ordeal: together with other abbots, he was accused by Methodius, Bishop of Mstislav and Orsha, of treason against the Russian government and imaginary correspondence with traitors. On September 20, 1668, he was summoned to give explanations on this case. However, on November 17 of the same year, the slander was discovered, and Saint Theodosius, along with others, was acquitted.

When Bishop Lazar was appointed locum tenens of the Kyiv Metropolis, he appointed Saint Theodosius as his vicar in Kyiv, while he himself remained in Chernigov. In this title, Saint Theodosius took an active part in many church events.

In 1688, Saint Theodosius was appointed archimandrite of the Chernigov Yelets Monastery in place of the deceased Archimandrite Ioannikis (Golyatovsky). There he had to work hard to improve the monastery, which was also destroyed by the Jesuits and Dominicans.

In 1692, on September 11, Saint Theodosius was solemnly consecrated in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin to the rank of Archbishop of Chernigov.

While ruling the Chernigov diocese, Saint Theodosius was especially concerned about the spiritual enlightenment of his flock. He supported old and created new monastic monasteries, among them: the Pecheniksky convent, where he himself consecrated the temple. In 1694 he founded the Lyubetsk monastery, in the same year the saint consecrated a temple in the Domnitsky Monastery, and in 1695 - a majestic temple in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos, built on the top of Boldinskaya Mountain, near the Ilyinsky Monastery.

Saint Theodosius supported the existence of a printing house in Chernigov, which produced many printed editions of liturgical books.

Under Saint Theodosius, a special rise and strengthening of monasticism was noticed in the Chernigov Diocese. The saint paid great attention to the clergy and was strictly selective in choosing candidates.

The distinctive personality traits of Saint Theodosius were forbearance, peacefulness, strict justice, deep compassion for everyone who turned to him for help and advice, not only Orthodox, but also people of other confessions.

In 1696, on February 5, Saint Theodosius died and was buried in the Chernigov Boris and Gleb Cathedral, behind the right choir, in a crypt built for that purpose.
