Practical ideas that will make even a tiny kitchen comfortable. How to make your kitchen convenient and comfortable: functional furniture and practical ideas Very comfortable and practical kitchen

When cooking or cleaning in the kitchen, we often wonder: could things be easier for us? What do I need to do? We know that a kitchen can not only look great, but also be intuitive to use; It should be easy to cook and easy to clean. Of course, the easiest way to solve the problem is with a new, smart kitchen, but even small changes can be a big improvement. What can be done?

1. How to make your kitchen cozy and beautiful: a good kitchen apron

Painted, brick and panel kitchen backsplashes look very nice, but when it comes to cleaning, the problems begin. In an environment where elevated temperatures, splashes of fat, sauces and water are common conditions, you'll need a really hardy one kitchen apron. Ceramic tile, strained glass or a stainless steel panel will do an excellent job.

2. Garbage problem

A large and smelly trash can in the middle of the kitchen is not the most pleasant sight, is it? Unfortunately, kitchens often forget to provide enough space for a large trash can, which you will need if you cook a lot. The most convenient location for the trash can is still the space under the sink. You can hang the bucket on the door with inside to ensure easy access. A bucket in a drawer is also a very functional solution, especially if you collect waste separately. A garbage disposal in the sink is often underestimated, but in vain: with its help you can get rid of all organic matter and, therefore, unpleasant odors.

3. Functionality comes first

The temptation to make a kitchen exactly like the one in your favorite picture from the Internet is very great. But are you sure that this design will be comfortable for you and will adapt well to the shape and size of your kitchen? Is this kitchen even suitable for cooking? Features like natural marble countertops, a soapstone sink, wood floors, and no upper cabinets may seem sophisticated, but they can make your kitchen more difficult to maintain. For example, marble is easily scratched, it is difficult to remove stains, and you cannot place hot dishes on it - such is the price of luxury. It's best to find a happy medium between something that looks great and something that will function perfectly.

4. Embrace the gray

Black countertops may look great, but anyone who has ever driven a black car on winter streets understands that it is not the most best idea. Any imperfection - dirt, dried drops of water or a scratch - will be visible on the black surface. The problem is that white is also not an option, since it is very difficult to keep it perfectly clean. When it comes to countertops, take a closer look at gray options, preferably matte or with a stone pattern.

5. Practical cleaning

Choose your sink wisely. First of all, pay attention to the properties of the material: "". Some sinks may crack from boiling water, others are easily scratched, but you can always choose optimal solution. The number of bowls is also important: if there are two, you can accumulate dirty dishes in one bowl and wash food in the other, but if this means sacrificing the size of each, it will make washing the dishes more difficult. Depth - one important parameters: A deep sink is easy to hide dirty dishes, but washing them can give you a back ache.

6. Pull-out shelves are your friends

Drawers instead of ordinary lower cabinets are a real revolution in the approach to storage and cooking: you can get to any thing you suddenly need in one movement, without squatting and without first pulling out everything that lies in your way. At the same time, you don’t have to change the furniture: you can hang fittings for pull-out baskets or shelves in your old cabinet.

7. Good speakers

An unexpected item for the kitchen, in your opinion? But it turns out that many people can’t cook without music at all, so if you’re not among them yet, we recommend giving it a try. Perhaps it’s the kitchen that’s good acoustic system you will need more than in any other room in the apartment.

8. Seats for spectators

If your kitchen is located at some distance from the dining room, then provide seating for those who want to keep you company while cooking. If you have a bar counter or kitchen island, choose comfortable chairs of the right height (yes, they are different for the counter and for the island) or place a small chair (and ideally a table for one for a quick breakfast) for your interlocutor or for a pleasant wait for the boil water, for example.

The kitchen is one of the small but frequently used rooms in the apartment (if we talk about standard Khrushchev apartments). Many housewives wonder how to properly organize her interior so that everything is at hand, nothing gets in the way and visually looks decent. There are a few tricky tricks, as well as convenient devices that will make life much easier and make spending time in the kitchen enjoyable!

U-shaped layout

Making the most of space is the main rule when decorating a small kitchen. The most effective in a small room will be a U-shaped layout, when all the necessary zones occupy three walls. In one there is a sink, in the other there is a stove, and the third serves as work surface. In such a room everything is at hand!

To get rid of the feeling of crampedness, use glossy surfaces. This could be a metal countertop, a glass kitchen splashback or lacquered cabinet doors. They will increase the light falling from the window and additional sources lighting. This will make the room seem visually larger than it actually is.

Hidden backlight

The secret trick to transform your kitchen in the evening. Hidden lighting is usually hidden under hanging cabinets. It creates a feeling of weightlessness and lightness in the interior. It makes the kitchen look very modern, sometimes even cosmic. And there is also a backlight practical function– you will be much more comfortable working in the kitchen with it than without it (this way there will definitely be fewer cuts on your fingers!).

Lots and lots of artificial light

There is never too much light in a small room, and it doesn’t matter whether it is artificial or natural. And in small kitchens Often the window is either tiny or completely absent, so make sure that the interior is as bright as possible. Use point light sources, add lighting to hanging cabinets, and mark areas that are important to you. stylish lamps. You will immediately notice how the room will transform and become more comfortable.

Good old roof rails

Perhaps millions of housewives around the world are grateful to the inventor of roof rails. This storage system is so versatile that it fits into any interior style, any layout and area of ​​the room. And how much can be placed on just one roof rail! What can I say if there are several of them. If you install it at the sink, then everyone can easily fit here necessary items to clean the room.
Place the railing near the stove and all your ladles, whisks and spatulas will always be in front of your nose. Choose the configuration of the accessory depending on your desires and the tasks it must perform.

Practical use of empty space

No matter how strange it may sound, but even in small rooms there is space that is not used in any way, but it could bring a lot of use, for example, corners. Here you can place open shelves, put a compact dining table or install a corner kitchen cabinet.

Storage systems in kitchen cabinet doors

When jars of spices do not have a specific place, it takes a lot of time to find them. To keep them in order, organize several stylish systems storage directly in the kitchen cabinet doors. All necessary details for this you can find it in any furniture store and they are inexpensive.

Miniature shelves

Open shelves in the kitchen are good, but not everyone can accommodate them. Large and full-fledged, yes, but miniature ones would be appropriate in a tiny kitchen. They can be placed by a window, by a hood, in a corner, or even by a hanging cabinet on the side. They are great for storing spices, cups and other small items that are most often needed.

Compact table

A small area is not an obstacle to placing a compact dining table. You can get by without it in the kitchen, but how convenient it is when you have somewhere to sit and calmly drink tea or eat a plate of borscht. Choose compact folding models or folding options.

Flatplan is a service for creating interior design projects. When working on a project, Flatplan designers consult with specialists: they know how to make an apartment convenient for sports, and an experienced one knows how to arrange a study. In a joint project, we seek advice from experts from different fields.

This time we asked restaurateur William Lamberti to talk about how to make the kitchen convenient for cooking and relaxing.

Moscow restaurateur, chef and TV presenter. He worked in Milan, Naples, Florence and London.

1. Let more light into your kitchen

Cook in dark room tiring. Your eyes will quickly get tired if you cut fish or sort through rice in the dark.

It’s good if the kitchen is big panoramic windows or exit to the balcony. Do not cover the windows with thick curtains and do not fill the balcony with shelves for jars of jam: the more light, the more spacious the kitchen seems.

Flatplan project "Jacques Clouzot": even the kitchen in the kitchen has a large window dark colors doesn't look gloomy

If there is a lot in the kitchen sunlight, its size doesn't really matter. It's good to cook in, even if it's tiny.

To visually enlarge the kitchen with the help of artificial lighting, hang it on the ceiling above the work area. Spotlights. The area for washing and cutting food can be additionally illuminated using LED strip or individual lamps under cabinets.

Flatplan Halle Golightly project: the kitchen looks spacious thanks to light colors

2. Separate the cooking area from the dining area

The most important thing is to arrange the washing, storage and cooking areas so that everything is at hand. Together these zones form the work triangle.

An ideal working triangle should be isosceles, with sides of at least one and a half meters. This rarely happens in life, because modern apartments very different cuisines.

  • In small or narrow long kitchens, a linear arrangement of furniture is recommended. There must be at least one empty tabletop between the zones of the triangle.
  • In L- and L-shaped kitchens, it is better to place the sink in the corner, and the stove and refrigerator in different sides from her.

On the left is an example. linear layout(Flatplan project "Jordan Belfort"). On the right is an example of an L-shaped layout (Flatplan project “Walter Mitty”)

Even if you cannot fit the canonical work triangle into your kitchen, you need to separate the cooking area from the dining area. The cook should have his own territory, which does not need to be shared with family members who decide to have a snack.

3. Make the kitchen socially friendly

All the most important conversations happen in the kitchen. When do you big family or you often have guests, you probably communicate while cooking. It is inconvenient to maintain a dialogue with your back to the interlocutor.

If space allows, place an island or bar counter in the shape of an G in front of the kitchen unit. In a small kitchen, place the dining group not opposite the kitchen furniture, but slightly diagonally from it.

Tip from Flatplan

Now the trending concept is “ open kitchen" Make the kitchen as visible as possible so you can communicate and cook at the same time.

The dining table should be such that it is comfortable for everyone to gather around it. It is important that everyone can see and hear each other. A round or oval shaped table is better suited for this. If it is oblong, then without sharp corners. The dining area is best placed by the window.

Flatplan project “Napoleon Dynamite” with a comfortable dining area by the window.

4. Get rid of the web of wires

On modern kitchen a lot of devices. Refrigerator, oven, dishwasher, extractor hood, blender, coffee maker - all this is connected to the network.

In the kitchen, sharp objects are constantly used and water is spilled. Therefore, untidy wires, adapters and carriers are not only unsightly, but also unsafe: you can trip or get an electric shock.

Think about where the switches will be and where you will put them kitchen appliances, better still at the planning stage. It is always better to calculate the number of sockets with a reserve and make them in different points workspace.

Tip from Flatplan

When the sockets are conveniently located, the wires will not intertwine and interfere. Here is a diagram that will tell you exactly where to place sockets in the kitchen.

If the number of extension cords is off the charts, but there is no way to cut out walls and make new sockets, collect the wires in special boxes or hide them in baseboards and cable channels on the wall.

Tip from Flatplan

5. Avoid sharp corners

Imagine carrying a heavy, hot pan to the sink, tripping and hitting a sharp corner of a cabinet or countertop. If this angle is sharp, serious injury may occur. Therefore, it is better if all corners in the kitchen are rounded. Especially on hanging cabinets and shelves.

6. Consider a storage system

How smaller kitchen, the more rationally you need to use its area. All elements should not only be in harmony with each other, but also be useful. At the design concept stage, think through as much as possible convenient storage: where the dishes will be, and where the spices and food will be.

A well-thought-out storage system solves the problem of kitchen clutter.

You can make your kitchen apron functional: hang magnetic knife guides or rails on it to keep spices and small kitchen utensils at hand and unload the cabinets.

Tip from Flatplan

Lids from pots and pans, which take up a lot of space in cabinets, can be stored on the doors or interior walls of cabinets. At the same time, they will all be visible - it will be easier to find the one you need.

If you have a corner kitchen, then provide a so-called magic corner - a design that will help increase usable area closet Instead of regular doors, it is better to choose roll-out mechanisms.

7. Hang a clock in the kitchen

We are used to checking the time on our smartphone, and Wall Clock in many homes they become a decorative element. But not in the kitchen: when your hands are covered in flour, it’s better to put your smartphone away. And in order not to overcook the meringue in the oven and not miss the boiling soup, hang a large clock with a second hand in a visible place. This will make it convenient for you to time the required time according to the recipe and keep track of how much time is left before the guests arrive.

Flatplan project "Chris Gardner" - an example of an interior with a clock

If you love to cook pies, and floral curtains and carved cabinets bring tears of tenderness to your eyes, you are unlikely to feel comfortable in a high-tech kitchen. Most likely, your option is country or Provence.

The interior is part of the cooking process. Choose what you feel most comfortable around.

Regardless of the style, try to avoid facades overloaded with details and excessive eclecticism. Otherwise, even a cleanly tidied kitchen will look cramped and cluttered.

Don't use too many colors. It’s better to choose three shades (two close to each other and one contrasting) and use them to decorate the entire interior.

Flatplan project “Lira Belakva”: Warm yellow contrasts with white and makes the kitchen both bright and cozy

Before starting renovations, everyone looks at magazines and Internet portals with examples of interiors. Sometimes this helps in choosing, but it can confuse someone. We offer our customers to take a test that reveals preferences in style and colors.

Tip from Flatplan

9. When arranging your kitchen, remember the overall style of the apartment

In order for the kitchen to be cozy, its style must be in harmony with the appearance of the entire apartment as a whole. This does not mean that all rooms need to be finished with the same materials. It is enough to find some unifying decorative element.

Flatplan project "Amelie Poulain" - glossy kitchen facades are repeated in the bathroom.

10. If you are uncomfortable cooking in your kitchen, don’t suffer, just remodel it

You can have the most ordinary cups and spoons, and instead of a tablecloth - a bright oilcloth. This will not make the food any less tasty. But for cooking to be a pleasant experience, the interior must be thoughtful. Even a small kitchen can be convenient.

The main thing in the kitchen is comfort. Everything should be done in such a way that preparing food does not cause any hassle, and you can relax and unwind while dining. Flatplan will help you arrange your kitchen so that it is comfortable to cook, eat and receive guests. The price does not depend on the complexity of the project and the size of the apartment: for 29,900 rubles you can get a ready-made flat plan of the entire room with drawings, estimates and tips for builders.

To get started, you need to take a short test and choose the interior you like from the selection offered. Flatplan adapts it to your wishes and characteristics of the apartment. Then the designer will come, measure everything, and in a week you will have a detailed design project in your hands.

Do you want the cooking process to be comfortable and easy? Then you need to know how to properly organize working space with your own hands, where to store kitchen utensils and how to use every centimeter of the kitchen. Read about all this in our article.

Convenient kitchen accessories make the cooking process more comfortable

About the need for proper kitchen arrangement

Despite the rapidly developing progress, work in the kitchen today remains manual labor.

If you believe research, then if the kitchen is not properly arranged, a person can run several kilometers along it in one day, constantly returning to the workplace, bending and squatting. At the same time, cooking and washing dishes lasts for hours, although this time can be easily reduced by wisely using the kitchen space.

The correct arrangement of cutlery and utensils can reduce the time spent on cooking

Naturally, mobility is not a bad thing if you are struggling with excess weight. However, the kitchen is not a gym.

Experiments have shown that if you plan your kitchen space correctly, you can save 30% of time and 60% of travel. Therefore, these days it is important not only to choose the right kitchen equipment, but also to arrange it rationally so that the necessary kitchen utensils were always at your fingertips.

Arrange kitchen equipment and furniture ergonomically, and you won’t have to walk around the kitchen as much

Efficient use of space

Both large and small kitchen spaces can create significant problems. For example, in large kitchens, the distance between objects can be so large that the owners must make rather tedious movements between the sink, stove, countertop, refrigerator and dining table.

The headset should be positioned so as not to interfere with your movements

Buying a multi-sectional headset (the price of which is quite impressive) in many cases also does not solve anything. So, you still have to move around the kitchen carefully so as not to touch or knock over anything.

It turns out that the money was spent on all kinds of lockers, but there was no convenience, as there never was. IN in this case will be a real salvation practical ideas, because the key to comfort and coziness is a reasonable attitude towards every square centimeter of space. And precisely in this case modern materials and technology will become your assistants.

Sequence of jobs

Professionals first of all advise paying attention to the correct sequence of jobs based on the cooking technology itself. Since it is convenient to arrange a kitchen, or rather, it work area?

Make sure that a so-called “work triangle” is formed in the kitchen (refrigerator, sink, stove)

  • Fridge. Products are stored in it, and accordingly, this is where the cooking process begins.
  • Workplace. It is usually used for cleaning and preliminary preparation products.
  • Washing. A waste container should also be placed in the same area.
  • Final cutting. It includes shredding, cutting and other procedures.
  • Heat treatment, cooking.
  • Serving.

Designate several areas in the room for food preparation, washing and cooking.

Cabinet height

Besides correct location working area, you need to carefully consider the size and height of the cabinets.

Since every housewife wants to make her kitchen comfortable, the last thing you need to pay attention to is storing available tools in convenient places. Research results have shown that only 20% of people store everything they need in the kitchen and do it correctly.

To be one of these lucky ones, you need to follow the suggested recommendations

The photo shows the accessibility zones of kitchen utensils

The total height of the headset is conventionally divided into 4 zones.

  • Very low. It is located at a height of up to 40 cm. Since it is poorly visible, it is quite inconvenient to use. In the lower zone you should store heavy, medium-sized items that you rarely use.
  • Low. An area located 40-75 cm from the floor. Install drawers or shelves in it for large dishes or small household appliances.
  • Average. The zone is at a height of 75-190 cm from the floor. The most practical and easily visible place. On such shelves you should store dishes, cereals, cutlery - everything that you often use.
  • High. The area located above 190 cm. Since to get to it you will need to use a stepladder or a chair, it is not worth storing anything frequently used there. The upper shelves can become a place to store expensive tableware or other accessories.

It is better to place the most used appliances at a height of 75–100 cm from the floor

Ergonomic space tools

Regardless of the size of your kitchen, every centimeter of it should be put to good use. For these purposes, you can use the following items:

  • Cabinets with pull-out sections. It is a real find for both large and small kitchens. Small cabinets contain everything you need, and lattice containers can be used to store food supplies. Thanks to the guide rollers, this section rolls out easily, allowing you to see all the supplies and access them from any side. For those who love full-wall cabinets, you can make them multi-tiered.

Retractable structures allow for efficient use of space

Roller guides make it easy to reach even the most distant objects

  • Storage systems. Modern, comfortable kitchens also mean innovations in the area of ​​fixtures. These days, kitchens are provided huge selection various systems storage, allowing maximum use of all hard-to-reach corners, voids and niches. For example, there is such an innovation as a three-level microlift, which lowers the shelf with all its contents.

Modern storage systems make it possible to use every centimeter of space

Various kitchen furniture manufacturers offer many options for the lower tier, which include pull-out baskets presented in different sizes and forms.

Open shelves do not take up much space, but conveniently store cans of cereals

  • Corner sink. Many people are interested in the question: is a corner sink convenient in the kitchen? If it is installed correctly, then yes. Corner sinks appeared relatively recently and are gaining popularity due to their compactness. Owners of small kitchens will certainly appreciate them.

Corner sink – practical option for small rooms

  • Bar counter for kitchen. Not a bad solution for a small kitchen. In some cases it can be an excellent alternative kitchen table. At the same time, it saves space significantly. Comfortable chairs for the kitchen in this case can be hidden under the counter and not take up extra space, limiting your work space.

A compact bar counter can be a complete replacement for a large dining table

  • Railings in the working area. The space between the countertop and hanging cabinets can be occupied by a narrow shelf or a railing system. They house kitchen utensils, which take up a lot of space.

When talking about convenient things for the kitchen, one cannot fail to mention roof rails

The rails make it convenient to store large utensils that would otherwise take up a lot of space

This simple instruction will allow you to free up kitchen space and use it more ergonomically. If you pay attention to every little detail and take into account every detail, then even the smallest kitchen can be made comfortable and cozy, not to mention large rooms.


Comfortable and practical kitchen– a place where you want to spend as much time as possible. From this article you learned how to make your kitchen comfortable. , at what height should this or kitchen utensils be placed, how to set up the work area and what accessories to use. Follow our recommendations and you will soon notice that cooking in the kitchen has become much more enjoyable.

Be sure to check out the video at the bottom of the page for some more helpful tips.

Purchase new kitchen– this is a super-important event that requires thorough preparation. After all, its service life can be 10-20 years and what it will be will, to some extent, even affect the image and quality of life of the family. In this material we will tell you how to choose the right kitchen set, in the format of a step-by-step guide with a selection of photos for inspiration.

10 stages of choosing and designing a kitchen set

Stage 1: Determine needs and requirements

Before you start planning your headset, think about what exactly you need from it. For example, if you often organize home celebrations and parties, then you should provide a place to store cutlery and a minibar in the kitchen. Do you love baking? Note to yourself that in the future set there should be a place for all kinds of shapes, molds and bread maker.


It would be great if you made a list the necessary equipment, large utensils and dishes, as well as features such as a shelf for cookbooks, a bottle holder, a module for storing a dustpan and a broom, and more.

Stage 2. Looking for ideas, deciding on color and style

Do not neglect the stage of searching for ideas, because it has a lot of practical significance– the more carefully you think about the details of your future headset, the less chance you will have of making mistakes and missing opportunities. Just look at the pictures on the Internet (for example, on our website :)) and take note good decisions By:

  • Module configurations;
  • The location of the “work triangle”: stove/oven, sink and refrigerator;
  • Location household appliances– built-in and stationary, small and large;
  • Materials and design of facades (shapes, styles, combinations of colors and textures);
  • Materials and design of countertops and splashbacks;
  • Fittings design;
  • Furniture lighting;
  • Location dining area regarding the cabinet itself.

Stage 3. Planning the design of the kitchen set

Design kitchen set depends mainly on its facades rather than on the frame, which is practically invisible. What should they be? Here are some key tips for choosing their color:

  • If the kitchen is small, rely on light colors (white is best) and possibly a glossy finish. Then the kitchen facades will reflect light, and the set will seem much less bulky.

White kitchen set in a small kitchen in a one-room Khrushchev building

  • Also, the color of the facades can be matched to the tone of the walls - then the set will seem to “dissolve” in them.
  • If your kitchen windows face south or southwest, then you can choose almost any color for the facades, and cool shades will be especially good - blue, indigo, turquoise. But if there is not enough light, then facades will help replace the sun warm shades– beige, yellow, red, pink, lilac and others.
  • Do you want to spend as little time as possible cleaning the kitchen? Then beware dark colors(including in the choice of apron and tabletop), and especially in combination with gloss. There is nothing more tedious than wiping off fingerprints, tiny crumbs and water droplets from dark surfaces.

Now let's talk about kitchen furniture styles. Conventionally, kitchen sets can be divided into classic and modern.

  • Classic headsets are, of course, suitable for traditional interiors, starting from “palace” and ending with “village” ( Provence , country etc.). Their main feature is paneled facades made of wood (or imitation wood). Otherwise, they can be very different - decorated with cornices, carvings, patina, glass inserts, stained glass, etc.

A set with panels, decor and cornice in the Art Deco style in a kitchen in Khrushchev

Choosing classic facades, remember that too elegant facades risk overloading the interior and complicating cleaning. For small kitchens, units with decorative elements and are completely contraindicated, panels and glass inserts will be quite enough.

  • Modern headsets, as a rule, are solid and often even without handles (with a push mechanism). They can compensate for their laconicism with color or unusual texture, for example, glossy, matte, satin surface, finish exotic tree, photo printing, etc. Due to their smoothness, they are easier to clean and “split” the space less, which is good for small kitchens.

Stage 4. Room measurements

Before designing a set, you need to measure and mark on the plan:

  • Length and width of the room;
  • The height of the walls from floor to ceiling;
  • Distance between walls;
  • Distance from corners to door;
  • Doors and windows, as well as the distance from their edges to the floor, ceiling, corners. Don’t forget to measure the amount of space needed to open windows and doors;
  • Dimensions of all protrusions;
  • Distance from the wall and from the floor to the exhaust vent;
  • Dimensions and location of pipes, ventilation shafts, radiator, geyser, if it exists;
  • Sockets and switches. If you are at the renovation stage, then indicate on the plan the location of the sockets at the moment, as well as their desired location and number in the future kitchen;
  • If you already have household appliances, then you need to measure them too.

It is extremely important to measure all parameters correctly. An error of even 0.5 cm can cause you a lot of problems at the assembly stage


Before going to the store, measure all the parameters yourself. However, we recommend that you do not refuse the service of a full-time surveyor, which the seller will offer you after drawing up the project. After these “control” measurements, the project is once again clarified, approved, and only then they begin to manufacture your future kitchen.

Stage 5. Independent kitchen design (preliminary), layout of modules, placement of equipment

Now we have come to the most important step - preliminary design a headset that you will focus on when creating a final version of the project together with the designer of the furniture salon.

So, take graph paper or a checkered piece of paper, or best of all, use a simple online planner like Planner5D or SketchUP Pro, draw your kitchen with all its features and, finally, assemble “brick by brick” the project of the future set, following these simple tips:

  • The main principle that must be adhered to when arranging the set and arranging equipment: the three vertices of the “working triangle” - the food preparation area, the food storage area and the sink - should be in reasonable proximity to each other and form a conventional triangle.

This diagram shows how to properly plan a kitchen set to make it as convenient as possible.

  1. Linear – the most not convenient layout, since all operating points are placed in a row, and not according to the triangle principle. But this option is the most compact and suitable for very small kitchens.

  1. Double row - suitable for narrow and elongated kitchens. The passage between rows of furniture must be at least 1 meter.

  1. L-shaped (corner)- most universal type layout, since it is compact, but at the same time comfortable and roomy due to the use of two walls and a corner.


  • The short part of the headset must be at least 1 meter in length. In such a module just fits the washing machine .
  • If you want to save space, the side of the corner kitchen can be made narrow. In such a module you can build a narrow washing machine or boxes for vegetable storage/utensils.

  1. U-shaped is the most convenient layout, but it “eats up” a lot of space and greatly clutters it up. In small kitchens, a U-shaped set is possible provided that a window sill is built in. Important condition– the passage between the sides of the kitchen should be at least 1 meter, but no more than 180 cm, otherwise it will become inconvenient.

  1. Island - another super-convenient type of layout, which involves the presence of a remote module, and therefore requires large area premises – from 18 m2. The most simple tables are equipped only with a bar counter and shelves; the most advanced ones are equipped with a sink, stove, minibar, and oven. The island should follow the shape of the kitchen, and the passages around it should be at least 1 meter.

  1. Peninsular - a kitchen with a module, the end of which rests against the wall or furniture, making the layout more compact.

Read more about the types of kitchen layouts in specialized articles on our website:

  • You should start planning your kitchen from the dishwashing area, since the sink is usually a stationary point. Mark it in your plan. Above the sink, of course, there will be a place to store dishes and utensils, and under it it is convenient to hide a trash can and household products. On the right or left, sinks can be built in if necessary dishwasher .


If you are right-handed, then the dishwasher should be placed on the left, since with your left hand you will hold the plate, and with your right hand you will clean the dishes from leftovers, and then put them into the machine with your left hand. For left-handers, accordingly, placement on the right is recommended.

  • Then you can determine the location of the hob/stove. As a rule, it is located near the sink, vent And gas pipe, if it exists. Between the sink and the stove it is advisable to place a food preparation area and, therefore, a storage area for utensils and groceries.


The distance between the sink and the stove should be at least 60 cm and no more than 180 cm, otherwise the kitchen will not be comfortable. Especially if you plan to place a cutting area in this gap.

  • Ideally, on the other side of the sink you should place a food storage area and a refrigerator. The minimum distance from the sink to the refrigerator should be at least 40 cm.
  • Then think about the location of the oven, microwave, dishwasher and washing machine. Keep in mind that oven can be placed at eye level and separately from the hob, for example, next to the refrigerator.


If your kitchen is small, you should use smaller appliances. For example, a dishwasher 45 cm wide, hob for 2-3 burners, a washing machine 45 cm deep, a narrow refrigerator 55 cm wide. Multifunctional appliances such as an oven-microwave will also help save space. By the way, all types of equipment that can be built into the headset are preferably built in.

Narrow Dishwasher will satisfy the needs of a family of 2-3 people

  • You can increase the number of storage spaces by adding an additional third or even fourth tier, even if it reaches the ceiling. There you can hide not only rarely used utensils, but also an air duct.

  • If there are small children in the house, or some corner of the cabinet protrudes awkwardly into the aisle, then it can be made rounded or beveled as in the photo below. This wish must be communicated to the designer.

  • It is advisable that the height of the set correspond to the height of the most active cook in the house. If it is not high, then you should abandon the high apron, choose floor cabinets with a height of 70-85 cm and refrain from door closers, lifting the doors up. Although it is convenient to open upper cabinets, but to close them back, you will need to use a stool. In addition, over time, such fittings become loose and stop holding the door.
  • A cabinet or a whole block of cabinets (see photo below), into which you can build a microwave oven, oven, refrigerator and drawers for utensils/groceries, will help to increase your kitchen storage system.

  • Remember that today many furniture manufacturers can make everything exactly as in fashionable design magazines, so get rid of old templates and feel free to ask consultants about the possibility of implementation non-standard solutions. For example, drawers can be built into the base, as in the photo below, and even a stand for pet food.

So, the idea of ​​your future kitchen has become clearer. Show your plan to the designer in the store so that he can draw up a project in a special program taking into account your wishes, perhaps adjusting something, adding or removing unnecessary things.

Stage 6. Selection of materials for facades, countertops, apron

Comparison and selection of materials is a separate and important topic that requires detailed consideration. We recommend that you study it in more detail, but for now we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a brief summary of the materials of the facades, as well as the countertops and apron.


By “kitchen materials” we most often mean facade materials, since the kitchen frame is usually made of laminated chipboard (LDSP). This is reasonable, because the frame is practically invisible.

Front panel materials come in a variety of varieties, most often:

  • Laminated/veneered chipboard;
  • MDF laminated/veneered/varnished or other types of finishing;
  • Solid wood of any kind (today completely wooden facades– this is a rarity, usually under “ wooden kitchen» means veneered facades);
  • Glass (most often in the form of inserts or overlay panels);
  • Metal (finished).

You should choose the material of the facades based on your planned design of the set, budget, practicality and wear resistance.

The most economical, but not reliable option– facades made of chipboard. The most common and average-priced facade material is MDF. It is practical and reliable. Veneered or wooden doors are the most beautiful and expensive, but not the most practical in everyday life.


The tabletop should be as wear-resistant as possible and, ideally, seamless. The tabletop materials are as follows:

  • laminated chipboard;
  • Chipboard with top layer made of wood;
  • Solid wood;
  • Porcelain tiles and lithoceramics;
  • Fake diamond;
  • Natural stone - marble, basalt, granite.

If the company manufacturing your kitchen does not have a suitable countertop, order it separately from another company.


Apron materials can be the following:

  • Ceramic tile;
  • laminated chipboard;
  • Mosaic from different materials;
  • Mirror coating.

  • Glass (skinned or triplex);
  • Plastic;
  • Metal panels;
  • Artificial/natural stone;
  • Wood (in combination with protective glass, For example).

Stage 7. Selection of internal filling, fittings and accessories

The convenience and spaciousness of the kitchen depends on the contents of the kitchen set. Here are some useful tips:

  • For easy access to contents, it is recommended to use drawers instead of cabinets with shelves. So the necessary things will always be visible and easily accessible. The largest drawers are located at the bottom of the kitchen and are intended for storing large and heavy utensils/supplies.
    • Handles are not an obligatory part of facades, because they can be equipped with a push mechanism and can be opened only with a light touch.
    • To ensure that the corners of the kitchen are used to the maximum, it is recommended to equip them retractable systems– baskets (for example, for garbage), shelves, bookcases, and also rotating carousels.
    • In order to drawers there was always order, it is worth equipping them with special dividers. So you can conveniently organize storage with compartments for lids, for pots, for molds and other things.
    • Stainless steel trays and dividers are best suited for storing cutlery.

    Stage 8. Purchase of equipment and plumbing

    At the stage of planning the headset, you have already thought about what household appliances and plumbing fixtures you need and approximately where they will be located. Now it's time to think about how to buy this equipment:

    • Complete with a set, that is, through a furniture showroom– this method is good because it allows you not to worry about size compatibility, delivery and quality of installation of equipment/plumbing. In addition, companies often give a discount for a combined purchase. Unfortunately, the choice of models will be limited.
    • Separately - equipment is purchased before or after ordering a kitchen from another store. When purchasing appliances before ordering a kitchen, the furniture will be designed to fit its dimensions. When purchasing equipment, after ordering, you will have to buy it yourself in the dimensions already specified by the project and deliver it home at the time of assembly.

    Stage 9. Selecting a furniture showroom

    Now you can proceed to the decisive stage. Be prepared for the fact that finding the kitchen of your dreams will not be easy and the search will not be limited to one day, especially since the market is now very large.

    • Don’t be lazy and ask your friends or on the Internet real reviews about furniture companies, specifying production times, build quality and prices.
    • When communicating with design designers (this should be done not with one company, but with several), do not hesitate to ask them for all the details and ask them to work out several options for the layout of modules.
    • Visit manufacturers' websites and compare prices, materials offered, and assembly options. Manufacturers often organize promotions, offering, for example, free assembly or measuring services, holiday discounts, etc.
    • If you really like the kitchen, but its price does not fit into your budget, do not hesitate to ask for a discount. In order not to lose a client, companies often meet and provide a discount of 5-10%, which is always useful.

    Stage 10. Kitchen assembly

    Finally, the set and equipment have been chosen, all that remains is to assemble everything into a single whole.

    • Do not skimp on assembly and do not assemble the headset yourself if you are not 100% confident in your skill. The assembler service costs about 10% of the cost of the headset, but it will save precious nerves and time.
    • It is also better to entrust the installation of plumbing and installation of household appliances to a specialist.
    • Be patient. Assembling a kitchen set takes about 6-8, and sometimes more hours. After everything is done, carefully check how all the drawers and doors open, whether the appliances work, whether the seams and joints of the modules are neat, and whether all surfaces are free of scratches and damage.
    • If you have any complaints, you must report this immediately to the collector. Then the company will conduct an examination, and as a result, most likely, they will make a discount or correct errors at their own expense.

    We hope this guide to choosing the perfect kitchen unit really helped you. We wish you successful shopping, may your kitchen delight all household members and guests with its beauty and convenience for many years to come!
