The ficus is dying, what should I do? The ficus is slowly dying and I don’t know what to do. Leaf fall in small-leaved ficus

Problems with ficus arise as a result of improper care and location, and extremely rarely as a result of bacterial or viral damage. A characteristic feature Insufficient or excessive care results in yellowing of the leaves and, as a result of the disease being prolonged, their falling off.

A ficus can “burn out” before our eyes in a matter of days, so it is recommended not to delay treatment until better times, but to begin updating and restoring the ficus immediately!

Check how dry the soil is in your ficus peas. If the earthen lump is dry, and the roots are deprived of moisture and vitality, probable cause The fact that the ficus is sick is because it was not watered enough. The optimal amount of water for a ficus depends on its volume, but you need to water it regularly and small quantities so that the soil mixture is moistened, but not too much.

If the ficus clearly shows negative vital signs and after the resumption of normal watering a miracle does not happen - we still have a bare tree without leaves and the slightest sign of bud formation - we urgently need to change the strategy. You need to quickly remove the ficus from the soil mixture, purchase new pot and transfer the diseased plant to fresh soil mixture. IN in this case Active fertilizers and regular watering will help us, which should resume the normal life of the ficus and save it, even if all the leaves have fallen.

Another reason why the leaves have fallen and how to deal with it lies in the incorrect placement of the ficus in an apartment or in a greenhouse. Ficus loves active sunlight, but not in excess, enjoys the coolness from the window, but drafts are destructive for it, it can live in standard room temperature with a level of air humidity familiar to people, but it cannot tolerate dry air masses or an overly tropical climate. In this case, try to make the situation in the apartment as close as possible to the natural conditions of ficus development (read ficus care), and also go through all the parameters mentioned and bring them to perfection in the case of growing this plant - ideal and ficus are approximate concepts, even interdependent .

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How to revive ficus is a question of interest to those who, for one reason or another, this plant begins to gradually wither and die. Unfortunately, a common mistake made by frivolous flower growers is the false opinion that the rubber plant does not require any special care, replanting, or fertilizer, but will grow on its own and nothing will happen to it. This opinion most often leads to serious and “neglected” cases of disease.

When a tree begins to die before our eyes, a person’s conscience awakens and he begins to think about how to save the ficus and whether it can be done at all. The possibility of salvation directly depends on how deep the disease process has gone and on the owner’s desire to help the wasting green “patient.”

How to save ficus

How to revive a ficus that has begun to rapidly lose leaves? This process begins due to many reasons: a sudden change of location, draft, cold and errors in care, or even lack of care. With a regular lack of lighting, too dry air or waterlogging, “leaf fall” and rapid death of the plant will not take long, so measures should be taken immediately.

If the leaf falls off in large quantities, the first step is to spray it with the maintenance drug Epin. Restoring the viability of a plant directly depends on the reasons that caused its disease. Sometimes it is possible to restore the beauty and healthy appearance of a rubber plant with the help of basic measures, without even resorting to scrupulous replanting and lengthy processing.

The main conditions for the normal life of a tree are diffused light, moderate and timely watering, air humidity from 50 to 70 percent and spraying. The soil should dry out a little between water procedures, and the need for watering can be easily determined by checking the condition of the soil in the pot. If its top layer has dried out a little (by two to three centimeters), it’s time to water the ficus. You cannot frequently move the pot from place to place, as this will cause leaf fall to become regular, and it may happen that the plant completely loses its foliage, without even suffering from fungal diseases.

The scorching sun is contraindicated for ficus trees. It would be a mistake to believe that if we're talking about O tropical plant, then he won’t care about sunlight. The foliage of most rubber plants is dense and thick, which means it contains a sufficient amount of moisture (which cannot be said about tenacious cacti) and will suffer from its lack.

If a gardener gets a tree with a classic, dark green foliage color, such varieties are more unpretentious in care and can acclimatize well even under conditions of regular shading. As for bright variegated leaves, the situation with them is much more complicated: they are capricious, and if the owner does not pay special attention to them, they can quickly die. Variegated varieties are especially sensitive to lack of lighting: they can wither even if they are placed in the shade for a short time.

Air temperature is no less important. In summer, its optimal values ​​are from +25 to 30C, and if it rises, the plant should not only be watered and shaded, but also sprayed. Heat can also cause leaf drying and subsequent rubber disease. In the cold season, the roots should not be allowed to overcool. If possible, it is better to place the pot on a stand or windowsill, wrapping it in a warm cloth. Do not allow the room temperature to drop below +15C.

So, the issue of resuscitating a fading pet can be resolved by following the usual and simple measures to care for it, as well as choosing a permanent and most suitable growing location, with diffused light and the absence of drafts.

Optimal conditions for ficus resuscitation

The tree can also be removed in more severe cases. It also happens that, due to total leaf fall, only the trunk remains. It is necessary to check how much vitality is still left in it: if it remains flexible and has not had time to dry out, there is a chance to save the rubber plant. If rot and plaque appears on the soil in the root zone of the trunk, you should also not despair: this will require immediate replanting with a scrupulous examination of the root system for damage by nematode pests.

The wilting of a tree can be caused by the intensive growth of its root system, which simply no longer fits into the previous container. A transplant will also help here, and the new container should be two to three centimeters larger than the previous one. There is no need to use a pot that is too large.

After transplanting, regular watering will be required, but not earlier than after two days. Fertilizing is carried out only after reliable rooting, after a month. As for the intensity of leaf fall, in autumn, a loss of about twenty percent is the norm, and it is not associated with any diseases or errors in care.

Common mistake a gardener who wants to revive a ficus - the desire to feed it as abundantly as possible. This cannot be done, since a weakened plant is simply not able to absorb the complex substances contained in mineral fertilizers, and they will only harm it.

Experienced plant growers on numerous forums are happy to share their experience of caring for the most “difficult” patients among the ficus plants they received. In their practice, there are cases when they had to deal with an almost flown-off flower, on which no more than five leaves remained. For the dried out plant, the soil was completely changed to a suitable nutrient composition and the roots were washed in a manganese solution.

If there were signs of rotting, the diseased roots were removed with sharp pruners and sprinkled wood ash. After transplantation, a little fertilizer was added, the flower was placed in appropriate place and shaded it so that the bright sun would not shine on it. Of course, the watering and spraying scheme was adjusted. In most cases, “neglected” rubber plants came to life after a few weeks and began to produce new healthy leaves.

As practice shows, it is quite possible to revive a ficus - even in a very “neglected” state, but in order not to resort to such measures, it is best to properly care for it and take care of it. Then he will not get sick and will always delight the owner with his healthy appearance.

Reviving Ficus:

Have you recently been given a ficus tree or has it been occupying a place in your home and heart for a long time? Then you need to find out in advance why the ficus sheds its leaves. This will prepare you for all unpleasant surprises and illnesses.

Most often, home plant owners are concerned about the question: why do they turn yellow? How to prevent this at home?

Many gardeners are interested in the question why. Scientists have been looking for an answer to this question for a long time, and found out that there are several reasons for this.

Most often, the shedding of leaves occurs in the fall or early winter. That is, with the onset of cold weather, ficus plants begin a period of dormancy and renewal of foliage. For example, the ficus "Benjamin" sheds its leaves constantly in winter and autumn, and new ones grow almost immediately.

Why does ficus shed its leaves?

To understand how to help your pet, you must first find out what the cause of the disease is. When it is clear, it is very easy to determine treatment.

The main causes of ficus disease:

A sharp change in usual conditions. Most houseplants react painfully to any changes: moving, changing habitat, air temperature or humidity level.

Ficus plants react to all these external stimuli by shedding their leaves. Better highlight the flower permanent place habitat where he will have enough warmth and sun. And don't forget about regular watering;

It's time for an update. Often, owners of houseplants begin to panic as soon as they see the leaves falling on their pets. But it is worth remembering that there are also natural reasons for this, especially in the cold season;

Too cold or hot. This may also be an important reason why the ficus sheds its leaves at “non-traditional times.” Also, a cold stone floor or shelf can negatively affect root growth. The most suitable temperature is +18 +20 degrees;

External factors. Houseplants are very sensitive to external stimuli. For example, if a flower stands in the scorching sun or in the shade, sooner or later it will shed its leaves;

When feeding is evil. Often gardeners forget that any plant needs feeding. As a result, the plant does not receive enough micro and macroelements and begins to shed its leaves. Or vice versa.

Wanting to feed the plant, people do not correctly calculate the dose of the drug or add it to the flower too often, as a result it also begins to hurt and lose foliage;

The wrong size pot. If it is too small, the roots will become crowded and the plant will not receive enough nutrients. If it is too large, then moisture stagnation will form and the roots will begin to rot;

Pests have appeared or the plant is sick. If you see spots, swellings or insects on the leaves of the ficus, it means that your plant urgently needs attention.

The selection of a treatment method also depends on the correct identification of the root cause. After all, ficus suffers from various factors, and medications do not always help.

What to do if the plant suddenly begins to lose leaves

Have you already determined the reason why the flower sheds its leaf cover, but don’t know where to start treatment? Here are some tips that will be useful for both experienced gardeners and beginners:

The first thing you need to do is check the soil in which the ficus is planted. If it is wet and gives off an unpleasant odor, then watering should be reduced. Ideally, the ficus needs to be replanted by cutting off the rotten roots. Also make sure that the substrate does not dry out. Fertilize at the right time, based on the instructions for the preparations.

Perhaps it is a lack of nutrients or the plant is stressed due to a change in its permanent location. Then it is recommended to use drugs for better plant resistance, for example, Epin or Zircon. But remember that they need to wipe the leaves of the ficus, and not water the entire plant.

If no advice helps and falls off, then perhaps the reason is in the roots. You need to remove the plant from the pot and carefully examine the roots to see if they are damaged or rotten, or if there is a pest infestation. If the roots have been trimmed a little, be sure to treat the cut areas - sprinkle with crushed charcoal or activated carbon. Do not forget that the ficus pot must be selected according to size.

If the plant has begun to grow and lacks nutrients, it will also signal this by dropping some of the foliage.

Feeding should be selected for a specific type of plant; it is better not to use universal fertilizers. In winter, give preference to liquid solutions of vitamins, and in summer - dry fertilizer.

The effectiveness and result of treatment depends on the speed and correctness of your actions. Sometimes one transplant is enough, and sometimes it is necessary to process the plants more significantly.

Ficus disease. How to recognize and treat

If the habitat and care of the plant are correct, but the leaves still fall off, then look for signs of disease.

Due to insufficient nutrients, ficus leaves become small;

If there is frequent overflow, then over time small yellow spots appear on the plant. A lot of moisture - and the leaves are already beginning to turn yellow completely;

Are there black spots on the leaves? This means you have added too much fertilizer. The foliage began to sharply turn black and fall off - you are feeding the flower too often. If there is not enough nutrition, the leaves fall off first in the lower part of the plant, and then at the top;

The most dangerous plant disease is rot, caused by fungus. It's very difficult to fight her. It can be seen on the leaves in the form of mold, a reddish or black coating, as well as on the stems of the flower. If the ficus is not treated in time for these diseases, it will die very quickly.

It will help to establish a diagnosis appearance plants, and an immediate response is to save your pet in time.

When a plant is attacked by a spider mite, the first sign is yellowing and then falling leaves. If you look closely, you can see a thin web on the above-ground parts of the flower. The ticks themselves can also be seen, although they are very small. To the naked eye they resemble red or yellow dots.

First, you need to increase the humidity in the room where the described flower is located. After all, it is in dry air conditions that spider mites reproduce most actively. To do this, you can spray the flower, especially considering that ficus loves this procedure. It is important to use lightly warm water.

We recommend covering the soil at the base of the stem with film or other protection during the procedure. If the soil becomes excessively moist from frequent spraying, the risk of putrefactive or fungal diseases will increase. Especially considering that the plant’s immunity is weakened due to pests.

You can also bathe the plant. This will reduce the tick population. Sometimes before bathing, the leaves are wiped with soap, soda or an ash-based solution. If the damage is not too severe, this measure can help.

If the infection is serious, we recommend using the drug Neoron or some analogue. It is important that the agent used affects not only adults, but also larvae. Otherwise, completely getting rid of the pest will be difficult and time-consuming.

During treatment, it is better to move the ficus into quarantine, away from other plants. The place where it was previously needs to be disinfected. If the flower was on the window, then it is better not to limit yourself to the window sill, but also to iron the curtains.

In case of attack by scale insects, you can prepare a solution based on alcohol and liquid soap. Then use a cotton swab or other instrument adapted for local application to lubricate the pests. After applying the described product, use a toothbrush, which is used to clean off the scale insects.

If the lesions are too strong and local methods of exposure do not help, we recommend using the drug Actellik or Fosbecid.

When attacked by aphids, you can spray with a dry solution boric acid. You can use a solution of soap with ash. Of the drugs, Aktara works well.

If affected by a fungal disease, you can water the plant with Magnicur Energy. It is effective, suitable for prevention, and also improves the general condition of the plant.

First aid for a plant

What to do if a flower loses its leaves and disappears? Proper care will protect your flower from stress, but if it is attacked by diseases and pests, then it is necessary to provide timely treatment, otherwise the plant will die.

Leaves that need to be cut (photo)

If you notice that the disease has just appeared on the leaves of your pet, then you can do some simple procedures to stop the development of the problem.

  • Peel and squeeze a few cloves of garlic;
  • Mix the porridge with 1 liter of just boiled water;
  • Close the container with a lid and let it brew for an hour;
  • Strain the infusion, cool and spray the plant every day until improvement occurs.

Another effective remedy, which you can prepare with your own hands, is an alcohol-based soap infusion.

  • Pour 1 liter of clean warm water into the bottle, add 1 tsp. grated laundry soap and 1 tbsp. l. alcohol;
  • Shake the bottle thoroughly until the soap is completely dissolved;
  • Spray all the leaves and stems of the plant with the solution, and after 12 hours the ficus should be rinsed under running water;
  • Then use the product once every 3-4 days, but after each procedure the solution must be washed off after 12 hours;
  • Also, do not forget to carefully cover the roots with a bag before the procedure;

Leaves after treatment (photo)

The treatment period is at least two weeks.

Also in pharmacies and flower shops there are a large number of effective drugs that simply need to be diluted with water and used according to the instructions on the package. But first you need to install, and there may be several of them.

If the treatment is carried out promptly and correctly, the result will be positive and the flower will be saved. If the solution to the problem is delayed, then the plant will be difficult to save and then it will take a long time to resuscitate it.

While watching the video you will learn about growing ficus.

In order for the plant to always be healthy, it needs proper care and a permanent bright place of residence without drafts. Then it will constantly delight you with a green and lush cap of young leaves.

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  1. Reasons for blackening of ficuses and their shedding of leaves

Causes of blackening of ficuses and their shedding of leaves, care at home

Scientific research has established the fact that ficus can shed leaves in two ways:

  1. naturally;
  2. as a response to unfavorable external factors.

Why do ficus leaves fall off?, although he was properly provided with appropriate care?

During the process of renewal and growth from old age, ficus leaves may also fall off, and this is a generally accepted factor within normal limits. As for the rapid and fairly active loss of green mass, it can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • errors in the mode of fertilizing and watering;
  • low air humidity:
  • drafts and hypothermia;
  • changing the conditions and location of plants;
  • sudden changes in temperature caused by sudden changes;
  • soil poisoning with pesticides;
  • unbalanced soil composition;
  • plant pests;
  • various flower diseases

By the way, if you have a large flower garden, we have many useful articles about diseases of various plants. Here is one of them - “why the leaves of an orchid turn yellow.”

Methods of preventive control of leaf fall in ficus benjamina

To begin with, we will take a closer look at the reasons for leaf falling using the example of ficus benjamina, as well as methods of prevention and measures to combat this phenomenon.

Ficus benjamina looks luxurious in any interior; perhaps, with its presence, it is able to emphasize and focus attention on the social status or material well-being of its owner, thereby increasing the level of the above-described factors in the eyes of others. At the same time, beginning flower growers immediately experience an overwhelming feeling of confusion, because they simply give up when the crown thins out before their eyes. Beginners in the field of floriculture absolutely do not know what measures need to be taken to provide all possible effective assistance your favorite plant... If you are faced with a similar unpleasant problem, what should you do if the ficus benjamin leaves fall off?

  1. Initially, the most likely cause of the flower disease should be identified and eliminated, and all external conditions and symptoms should be taken into account;
  2. Take into account the peculiarities of keeping specific varieties and varieties, on the basis of which it is necessary to ensure correct and competent care of the ficus. Flower leaf fall can occur year-round, but most often such an incident occurs in the fall and in winter period. Three main aspects are directly dependent on each other - temperature, air humidity and proper lighting: if the value of one indicator increases, therefore, others should also increase at the same time. However, in winter the diametrically opposite situation occurs, which is characterized by short daylight hours, too high temperatures and dry air. It is possible to correct such an imbalance using available means and methods. For example, to take preventive measures against absolute dehydration, the ficus is forced to shed its leaves on its own when intense evaporation of moisture occurs in the warm room with dry air. Given the low humidity, necessary measures are regular spraying, air humidifiers, mini-greenhouses, pallets with raw expanded clay or water. Sources of artificial light, the role of which is successfully performed by tubular or compact fluorescent lamps, are actively used when there is a lack of sunlight.

  3. To increase the level of resistance and resilience to external adverse factors and irritants, it is recommended to use anti-stress drugs such as Zircon or Epin. It is recommended to prepare a solution for spraying the crown immediately before the procedure. A similar recommendation can also be found in the manufacturer's instructions.
  4. Reduce the application of fertilizers to a significant extent or even stop applying fertilizers (the exception is the case when a flower disease arose due to a deficiency of fertilizer). A weakened plant lacks strength for further vegetation, so additional nutrients are a stimulus for it.
  5. Treat the plant with appropriate suitable chemicals protection when diseases or pests are detected. In this case, you should carefully read the recommendations on the packaging.
  6. If the disease progresses and the ficus leaves en masse, the condition of the root system should be checked, since in some cases the ficus leaves not only fall off, but also turn black. When performing the above procedure, carefully remove the bush from the container and carefully inspect the underground part. Soft and rotten (blackened) or wrinkled and dried roots are cut to healthy tissue (its main characteristics are density and milky or white color), it is important to powder the sections with charcoal (you can use a tablet of crushed activated carbon), after completing the “therapeutic” procedures the ficus should be transplanted into a smaller pot, in which the soil must be completely or partially replaced.

Is it possible to save a ficus if it is completely naked?

How to save a ficus if its last leaves fall off and it remains completely bare?

Even when the last leaves of the ficus benjamina fall off, you shouldn’t get upset, become sad or depressed, and hang your nose! Even a tree that does not have a single leaf has every chance to successfully grow new shoots, thanks to the restorative function of the living microorganism, the necessary effective preventive and therapeutic measures taken in a timely manner, and the ongoing, never stopping efforts to save it.

In order to determine the state of “health” of ficus flowers, you do not need to use any special effort, everything is quite simple and banal: if the appearance of milky sap is visible on the trunk cut and you can determine by touch that the branches are flexible, barely touching them, therefore, the plant is alive and its “health” is in perfect order, which means that the owners have no not the slightest cause for concern.

And the ficus is actually a magical, homely flower, it can fulfill any home improvement desires. It helps in setting up family relations, supports the health of home owners. If you want to have a child, bring a ficus into the house, maybe a solid one, or maybe just a twig.

Ficus varieties: foliage problems and diseases

There may also be a number of problems when leaves fall in rubber ficus, which reproduces by air layering or cuttings and forms in the form of a bush or tree. To avoid heavy leaf fall of plants, you need to keep in mind, taking note general information regarding conditions of detention and methods of caring for him.

18-25 degrees above zero is optimal temperature maintenance of rubber ficus (avoid overcooling of roots and drafts). Pay attention to lighting (for variegated varieties, find a bright place in summer period ficus needs protection from direct rays of the midday sun. Water the plants correctly, using filtered or warm, settled water, but do not allow the soil to become waterlogged. Rational fertilizing (application into the soil nitrogen fertilizers from early spring to early autumn every one or two weeks). Monitor the air humidity in the room (regularly wipe or spray the leaves with soft water at room temperature, especially the above procedure must be carried out in heating season with functioning central heating). Replant the rubber-bearing ficus every 1-3 years, when the roots entwine the entire ball of earth, in spring or early summer. Carry out hygiene procedures: take a warm shower every month, and clean the leaves from dust with a damp sponge weekly.

As the next variety of ficus, consider the ficus kinki, which, having medium-sized leaves, resembles a tree in its appearance. Ficus kinki is more elegant compared to its large-leaved compatriots. A properly formed crown is important factor when growing this type of ficus. Sometimes several plants are planted in a pot to keep the bush upright. Young shoots intertwine with each other as they grow, and over time, the trunks grow together at the point of contact. Help in this procedure will be provided by a support peg, to which a young shoot must be tied to give a vertical position to the plant with the prospect of its further growth. Once the shoot, which must become thick enough, reaches the required height to hold the crown, the peg can be removed. Ficus kinki can be cut without any problems, since it tolerates cutting quite easily, and a beautiful curly crown can be formed, and the small foliage of the ficus will be a concomitant factor for its formation.

The main reason for the massive leaf fall of the Kinki ficus is a change in the usual living conditions or lack of light.

Ficus bonsai sheds its leaves due to a number of reasons:

  • excessive watering, which causes dark spots or root rot to appear on the leaves;
  • insufficient watering, which serves as a factor weakening the general condition of the plant and leading to the shedding of leaves;
  • low air humidity, causing heavy leaf fall and infection spider mite;
  • insufficient level of lighting quality, watering with cold water or keeping the ficus bonsai at a temperature that is too low (below +17 degrees) or too high (above +23 degrees) for it;
  • flows of both cold and warm air along with drafts;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • moving to a new place of residence.

Ficus nitida is one of the varieties of Ficus Benjamin. This species can be classified as an artificially created plant, planted in tubs, with oval-oblong glossy dense leaves that have a rich and juicy dark green color. The trunk of the ficus nitida has graceful smooth curves, and the crown of the described tree is lush and dense. Due to the dark green color of the leaves, this ficus is resistant to temporary lack of light.

However, ficus nitida can shed leaves due to waterlogged soil conditions, sudden climate changes, watering with cold water, low indoor air temperatures, cold penetrating drafts, or excess amounts of nutrients in the soil.

Dear readers, if you are seriously interested in decorating your home, we have an excellent photo gallery of “living room interior design”.

Problems with ficus arise as a result of improper care and location, and extremely rarely as a result of bacterial or viral damage. A characteristic sign of insufficient or excessive care is yellowing of the leaves and, as a result of the fact that the disease is prolonged, their falling off.

A ficus can “burn out” before our eyes in a matter of days, so it is recommended not to delay treatment until better times, but to begin updating and restoring the ficus immediately!

Check how dry the soil is in your ficus peas. If the earthen ball is dry, and the roots are deprived of moisture and vitality, the likely reason that the ficus is sick is that it was not watered enough. The optimal amount of water for a ficus depends on its volume, but you need to water it regularly and in small quantities so that the soil mixture is moistened, but not too much.

If the ficus clearly shows negative vital signs and after the resumption of normal watering a miracle does not happen - we still have a bare tree without leaves and the slightest sign of bud formation - we urgently need to change the strategy. You need to quickly remove the ficus from the soil mixture, purchase a new pot and transfer the diseased plant to fresh soil mixture. In this case, active fertilizers and regular watering will help us, which should resume the normal life of the ficus and save it, even if all the leaves have fallen.

Another reason why the leaves have fallen and how to deal with it lies in the incorrect placement of the ficus in an apartment or in a greenhouse. Ficus loves active sunlight, but not in excess, enjoys the coolness from the window, but drafts are destructive for it, it can live in standard room temperature with a level of air humidity familiar to people, but it cannot tolerate dry air masses or an overly tropical climate. In this case, try to make the situation in the apartment as close as possible to the natural conditions of ficus development (read ficus care), and also go through all the parameters mentioned and bring them to perfection in the case of growing this plant - ideal and ficus are approximate concepts, even interdependent .


Hello Natalia! My friend had a ficus growing, everything was fine, but when she moved to another apartment, the living conditions changed, the ficus did not have enough light, it stood in the back of the room, it was not possible to place it closer to the window, and as a result, the leaves began to dry, curl and fall off. The plant was almost bald, there were a few leaves left on the side at the top and a few on the branch below (the ficus is about a meter high). I felt very sorry for it, I took the plant for “reanimation.” I examined the lump, there is no smell of rot, the roots seem to be alive. I wrapped the lump in newspaper, it seemed that the lump was damp, but the newspaper didn’t even get wet, so I planted it straight into a pot without drainage, mixed peat-Bionica with perlite, sprinkled it with zircon. I cut off the dry branches, left the bending ones, but didn’t see any juice, put on the bag, I sprayed it with epin. I put the ficus in bright, diffused light. I spray it with plain water every day and ventilate the cap. 1 week has passed, so far no changes. During this time, 3 more leaves have fallen off, but they are already whole and green. Am I doing everything right? Or maybe remove the bag, spray it with plain water more often and gradually expose it to the sun? I understand that the plant will not recover so quickly, it will take a long time, but will it recover? I would really like to know your opinion. Thanks in advance.

Irina, if the roots have not been disturbed, if they are not damaged, then it is now more important for the ficus to receive bright light than to be under a hood. Place in the sun, remove the cap, but if possible, spray frequently with plain warm water.

Good morning Natalia! I didn’t disturb the roots, I carefully transferred them to another pot. Let’s hope that the ficus will recover. Thank you for all the advice. Thank you

Good evening, Natalia. I come to you again for help. Something is quite bad for the ficus, I do everything as you said: I took off the cap, put it in the sun, sprayed it with water 5-6 times a day, and added light in the evenings LED lamp(pink light) at 15 W, I water it with zircon once a week. Today I noticed that the bark was coming off on the trunk in one place, I picked it up, and there was something greenish (the color is like mold), I scraped it, everything was gone, the trunk was hard, light. I tried cutting the branches again, but still no juice. Almost all the leaves have fallen off, only a few remain at the bottom, and even those are limp and frail. Maybe take it out of the pot again and inspect the roots? Is there any point in spraying it with water so often if the bark is already peeling off? or spray with epin again? (sprayed 2 weeks ago). Maybe saw off the trunk to the place where the leaves are? What do you recommend? Is Ficus even alive? I really want to “come out” of him. What else can you do? Thank you in advance.

Irina, very little time has passed. Do not over-moisten the soil, otherwise you don’t have to look at the roots. There is no need for their unnecessary worry now. You can shorten the trunk, but not exactly according to the existing leaves, but simply by cutting the trunk by about half. Plants are inert, they endure for a long time, but then they recover for just as long. And they have a point of no return, when the plant seems to be still alive, but cannot recover from the disease even after treatment with stimulants. Let's hope this point hasn't been crossed yet.

Thank you, Natalia for your necessary advice and recommendations. I also really hope that the ficus will pull through. I’ll let you know what happens next. Thank you

Irina, most likely, only this branch survived; everything above it had dried up. You can saw off the top part if everything is clearly dry there. It’s unlikely that it will start to go down, it’s just that what’s died will dry out completely. Often you get a clear boundary on the treeline, and it doesn’t go any lower. When you trim, be careful not to loosen the stem.

Hello, Natalia! Unfortunately the plant died. As you advised, I sawed off the trunk; there were already 33 leaves on the branch. But at the end of May I noticed that the branch had stopped growing, I began to feel the remaining trunk (stump), and its bark, just as before, was coming off the top from the trunk itself. I also wanted to water it with zircon, but in a hurry I confused it with epin and watered it. After 10 days, the entire branch was dry, I peeled off the bark, and underneath it there was mold on the trunk of the plant. When I took it out of the pot, the lump was damp and the roots were black. Maybe I flooded it? Although watering was once every 10-12 days with 200-250 ml. It's a shame that I didn't save you.

Thank you Natalia for all your advice and help!

Irina, the ficus had little chance of survival. There is always a balance between the roots and the crown. If the roots suffer, the crown sharply decreases. If the crown suffers, then the roots will also sharply decrease.

The first signs of unhealthy leaves

It is believed that a minimum shedding of leaves in the amount of up to 10 pieces per month is normal, especially for small-leaved flowers. However, if the development of the plant at some point in time began to be accompanied by abundant leaf fall, there is reason to wonder why the leaves of the ficus turn black and fall off.

If you notice that the flower not only loses dry leaves, but that the leaves of the ficus turn black before falling, then now is the time to decide how to save the ficus. Minimal blackening is already a cause for concern, since no seasonal changes are accompanied by such an indicator. However, determining why ficus leaves fall is a rather difficult task. As a rule, there is not one reason for such a condition, there is a whole complex of them.

However, before deciding how to revive the ficus, it is necessary to highlight all the existing signs of the unhealthy state of the flower’s foliage. Among these signs are brown and whitish spots on the leaves, which cause the leaves to drop.

Ficus Benjamin's leaves also fall off after the appearance of such signs as white fluff, brown putrefactive spots, white-gray bloom and the presence of small larvae and midges living on greenery. All of the above signals foreshadow the yellowing of almost all leaves and the probable disappearance of your plant without the possibility of its resuscitation.

Another omen of the unhealthy state of the ficus is that old leaves turn yellow and crumble, and new ones are born of irregular shape and size.

All of the above marks should inform the owner of the ficus that his plant needs serious proper care, which will help save the plant from possible death.

Natural causes of shedding

There is a natural reason why ficus benjamina leaves turn yellow and fall off. This reason is that this type of ficus is foliage plant, which needs to shed old leaves for rejuvenating purposes. This measure is characteristic of all trees in the autumn and winter, which, in fact, are Benjamin’s ficuses. Therefore, you should not worry if the plant sheds its lower old leaves during cold weather.

If the ficus disappears in summer or spring, then the prerequisites should be sought in improper care of the indoor tree.

Unhealthy leaf shedding

Unhealthy yellowing of leaves and further loss of ficuses is observed in the following cases:

  • frequent change of plant position. Ficus is a rather sensitive tree that does not want constant disturbances. Constant changes in its location in the house and turns to the sunny side for uniform development of the crown will cause unnecessary waste of nutrients to adapt to new conditions, which causes the plant to lose its greenery;
  • unsuccessful transplant. After transplanting ficuses into suitable soil, they may lose a few leaves in the first weeks - this is normal. But if the plant loses greenery in excessive quantities, then this indicates unsuitable soil used for replanting. In addition, it is forbidden to frequently replant the tree, since such a measure becomes a regular source of stress for the plant;

  • incorrect lighting. Benjamins need good, long-term light, but they do not tolerate direct sunlight. As a result of sunburn, the leaf will turn black, become dry and tough, and with constant exposure to aggressive sun, the foliage will begin to disappear en masse. Ficus benjamina loves diffused light about a meter from the window. Leaves also darken or turn yellow in case of insufficient lighting. In addition, the greenery of a shaded plant runs the risk of appearing misshapen;
  • drafts. Ficus care includes choosing the right place for the plant pot. This place should not be in open drafts, especially in summer, when windows in apartments are constantly open. An even worse option, which will cause the greenery to fall off and turn yellow, is to place the plant under an air conditioner;
  • non-compliance with temperature conditions. To prevent the leaves from falling off, efforts must be made to create the correct temperature regime for the tree. In winter, the temperature should not fall below +18, and in summer it should not rise above +25. The greenery of a plant that is too cold or hot will begin to become covered with abundant white or dark spots, after which the flower will shed it;
  • low air humidity. Ficuses, for the most part, are very sensitive to low air humidity, and clearly signal about it - the leaves darken and disappear. Benjamins born in tropical climates need to maintain humidity at 60–70%;

  • watering. Ficus Benjamin does not require too much care, but the frequency of watering should be decided immediately. Deformation of the foliage, its poor development and covering with brown spots indicate that the roots are rotting due to excess moisture. Dry foliage indicates insufficient watering;
  • lack of nutrients. Often, the shedding of greenery can be observed in the case of insufficient nutritional value of the soil, as a result of which the plant tries to get rid of excess “consumers” of nutrients;
  • diseases and pests. If the flower not only begins to shed its leaves, but also generally loses its vitality, most likely pests have infested the soil. In addition, the detection of white plaque, larvae, midges, worms, white drops, black putrefactive spots and cobwebs on the leaves is also a clear signal of the painful state of the tree.

What to do if ficus benjamina sheds leaves abundantly? Reviving a plant is a difficult task, so it is better to do something right away to improve the condition of your flower. This is easy to do: you should once again go through all the points of caring for the plant and pay attention to which of these does not meet the requirements of the ficus. This point is especially important in the first year of a tree’s life.

In case of insufficient lighting, artificial lighting is used, and in case of excess sunlight, the plant is removed deeper into the room. Does excessive moisture make the flower sick? It is enough to reduce the frequency of watering. In case of insufficient moisture, Benjamin is sprayed 1-2 times a day, depending on the season.

Feeding and replanting the tree in fertile soil that is neutral in acidity will help revive the plant, and improving the temperature and getting rid of cold air masses will relieve the flower from stress.

If the first signs of disease appear on a flower, it is important, without delay, to make efforts to rid the ficus of the pest. For this, there are insecticides and traditional methods, which include commonly available laundry soap and ammonia.

Transplants and rearrangements will impair the viability of the plant. The root system of the tree does not develop quickly enough to replant it every six months, and the leaves will not grow more evenly from daily turning the pot towards sunlight. You can rotate the pot once every 2-3 months, and replant as the roots grow.

Video “Ficus Benjamina sheds its leaves”

From this video you will learn why the Benjamin variety drops its leaves and how to fix it.

Cases when leaves turn yellow for natural reasons

Immediately after purchase

Ficus does not tolerate sudden changes in growing conditions and reacts to any stress factors by defoliation, that is, “drops ballast” in the form of leaves. In nature this makes sense, but at home it looks depressing. To help the plant adapt faster, replant it in store-bought ficus soil. Be sure to put a good layer of expanded clay drainage on the bottom, and check that the holes for water drainage are quite large (at least 1 cm in diameter).

Ficuses love well-drained soil, which allows air to pass through, sufficiently retains moisture, but at the same time dries out, so take care of drainage in advance. It is better to place the pot in a place away from drafts and direct sunlight, but so that there is sufficient lighting. For example, southwest, southeast windows.

This is especially important for variegated forms, which lose color without light and fade in bright light.

Attention! If the tree was purchased in cold, stormy weather and spent some time in the cold, the recovery period may be longer. When the green pet acclimatizes, the crown will begin to grow again.

Be sure to read the rest of the points so you know what to do when your ficus benjamina leaves turn yellow and fall off, and how to avoid it. The comments described below apply to those specimens that have been living in the house for a long time and suddenly began to lose their leaf cover.

Natural leaf fall

Ficus tends to lose leaves when not only the environment changes, but also the growing conditions. When the season changes (winter - spring, autumn - winter), when the temperature regime changes, the air becomes drier due to heating or, conversely, humidity increases, natural defoliation can occur. The tree loses a maximum of ten leaves per week, but it is clear that fresh, bright green, healthy leaves are growing.

This is a typical case when Benjamin's ficus begins to shed its leaves. Try to keep the temperature and humidity as stable as possible during these periods. Do not turn on air conditioners or fans near the plant; cover heating pipes with a damp cloth. Accustom to new conditions gradually.

Another case when defoliation is natural is when the lower branches and middle tier of an already mature plant are exposed. In nature, ficus, just like domestic apple and pear trees, tends to grow upward. As a result, the tree steadily grows a crown on the upper shoots and at the ends of the branches, but the lower tiers become bare and the branches gradually die off. If you don't want to grow an untidy tree with an ugly crown, try to help the plant.

Perform light pruning annually as needed. in early spring: remove branches that spoil the shape of the crown, cut every third branch at the top into two leaves, every third branch on the middle tier into 4-5 leaves, do not touch the lower ones if they do not spoil the shape. As a result, the tree will begin to grow additional branches, and the crown will become more elegant. Defoliation will stop, as the apical shoots will be pruned, the lower branches will again receive enough nutrition.

Soil and watering

Improper watering and alkalization of the soil is the third reason for leaf loss. Moreover, the symptoms are the same both with overwatering and with underwatering: the leaves turn yellow, fall off, the branches gradually become bare, the tree feels as if it is drying up, although the soil is constantly moist.

Insufficient watering

Use a wooden stick to pierce the soil layer as deeply as possible and determine how wet it is (should it become dirty). Overdried soil is dusty, does not absorb moisture well, and breaks up into small fractions that do not absorb water. To help the tree, you first need to saturate the substrate with moisture. Raise the pot if drainage holes the roots are visible, the plant should be transplanted into a larger pot and filled with fresh soil.

To restore the normal moisture level of the substrate, take a deep container, place the flowerpot inside and pour in enough water to cover the soil. Leave until no more air bubbles appear above the ground. On average, the procedure takes about half an hour.

Then remove the pot from the water and allow excess moisture to drain. If you are worried that the roots may rot, take a paper towel, roll it up and place it deeper in the soil, with the edge of the towel hanging out of the pot. As a result, unnecessary moisture will drip into the pan.

Another method is suitable for those plants that have already entwined a ball of earth with roots. Simply remove the ficus along with the soil (if it cannot be removed, press on the walls of the pot, as if to “remember” it), then place it on a layer of newspaper or other paper, and wrap the exposed roots with a paper towel. After a few hours, return the tree back. Such a “bath procedure” will help restore the structure of the earth and saturate it with moisture.

Excessive watering: the tree is “flooded.”

We are accustomed to thinking that if the leaves begin to turn yellow, it means that the plant does not have enough water, and we diligently pour it. Of course, ficus loves water, but cannot stand stagnation. As a result, when improper watering the roots begin to rot and die, and since water is absorbed mainly through the root system, the crown begins to lack moisture. We see yellowing, are upset that the branches are “drying,” we water even more, and in the end, the tree dies. To help your pet, the substrate needs to be dried in one of the following ways:

  • remove the plant from the pot along with the lump of earth, inspect the roots, carefully cut out the brown, soft-looking, unhealthy roots, sprinkle the sections with crushed activated carbon. Place the tree on a layer of newspaper, wrap it in paper that absorbs moisture well and change it when it gets wet. Then carefully place it in a pot, add fresh soil;
  • just don't water;
  • use a paper towel.

Soil alkalization

Improper watering leads to another problem, which is not as obvious as the first two, but the result is the same - the leaves fall off for no apparent reason. When a tree is watered in the usual way, moistening only the top layer of the earth, but not to such an extent that water appears from the drainage holes, all the salts that were dissolved in the water settle in the soil.

There is an accumulation of salts in the substrate, its alkalization. When there is more salt outside the roots than inside the cells, the normal process of moisture absorption stops, and the earth draws water from the roots. This is observed with “fertilizer burn” and that is why it is recommended to soak the soil before adding fertilizers.

In order to avoid alkalization and wash away excess salts, you need to water in two steps. The first time you water as usual, just to wet the ground, after half an hour you add so much water that it begins to pour out of the holes in the flowerpot. Ficus Benjamin needs to be watered approximately 1-2 times a week, and even less often in winter.

Attention! The main sign of the need for watering is dryness of the top layer of soil and drainage holes. Never water a flower “on a schedule”; try to do it only “on demand” when the tree needs it. If you take such watering as a rule, the question of why the leaves of the Benjamin ficus are falling so much will cease to worry you for many years to come.


Benjamin really likes high humidity, spraying, when the pot is placed on a tray with small pebbles containing water. If the air becomes too dry, the tree sheds its leaves and pests appear on it.

Scale insects, spider mites and other small creatures suck the juices from the leaves. The leaf blades become marbled, with yellow and white dots, which gradually grow and the leaves die. Determining the presence of pests is quite simple. Mites leave behind a thin web, scale insects look like white “scales” stuck to the leaves, leaving behind a sticky coating.

The easiest way to get rid of pests is with a soap solution (wash or spray the leaf blades with a solution of fragrance-free laundry soap) or insecticides if the damage is severe.


If a leaf, before dying, becomes covered with spots of yellow, red, Brown, the spots get wet, grow, perhaps a fungus has grown on the plant. It is quite difficult to deal with it, this is the most difficult case of all, so we will not talk about it in this article.

So, if there are problems with foliage, check:

  • are there any drafts;
  • are there any temperature changes;
  • whether you watered correctly;
  • whether the tree was burned with fertilizers or maybe it was alkalization;
  • are there any pests?

Then proceed according to the recommendations. And may your green pets be healthy.

Symptoms of diseases

Ficus turns black

The leaves are covered with small black dots and specks, mainly on the inside.

This is how Cercospora fungal infection manifests itself. Subsequently, the leaves may change color, lose turgor and fall off.

How to revive a ficus?

To save the plant, it is necessary to remove all the affected parts and treat the plant and soil with fungicides - Fundazol, Kurzat, Oksikhom.
The entire surface of the leaf turns black, then it falls off.

An oversight in care is to blame - the ficus suffers from excessive watering and constant soil moisture. In this case, you should change the humidification mode, reducing it by at least 2 times.

Darkening edges indicate burns from direct sunlight.

Another reason is that the ficus is hot. He stands close to heating devices or on a windowsill under the scorching sun.

It is enough to move the pot with the plant to the western or eastern window and remove it from heat sources.

The appearance of asymmetrical, varied black spots indicates improper soil or excess nutrients.

The ficus "Benjamina" should be replanted in a fresh substrate and the addition of mineral complexes should be reduced.

Yellowing of leaves

Why do ficus "Benjamin" leaves turn yellow and fall off? What to do? If the ficus "Benjamina" drops its lower leaves and they begin to turn yellow en masse soon after transplantation, then the plant is experiencing stress from a sudden change in conditions.

New soil, moving flower, pot bigger size than the previous one - these are the reasons for the development of stress in ficus.

A change in the color of leaf blades may indicate excess moisture in the soil. Benjamin's ficus cannot tolerate frequent and too much watering and begins to turn yellow. In this case, you should stop watering for a couple of weeks to allow the flower to recover.

If the yellowing process does not stop, the ficus must be transplanted into new soil. All rotten roots are cut off and the remaining ones are dried.

Yellow spots of different shapes and sizes can appear from exposure to direct sunlight or excessive fertilizer.

White plaque

White specks and droplets of white wax may appear on the plates on the inside, especially at the base.

In this case, you shouldn’t be afraid - the ficus releases excess moisture after watering the soil or spraying.

How to save ficus "Benjamina" if it appears on the surface of the leaves white coating? This is a sign of a powdery mildew attack. A fungal disease that can be easily cured by the timely use of fungicidal agents (Oxykhoma, Rovralya, Khoma, Kurzata).

Brown spots

Why did spots appear on the leaves of the ficus "Benjamina"? Uneven brown blotches with yellow circles around them indicate that the leaves have been burned by the aggressive rays of the sun. The plant needs shading or moving to a western window.

Another reason is the attack of pathogenic fungi. The disease is manifested by the formation of specks and blots of brown or chestnut color.

If left untreated, the disease progresses, the spots grow and begin to merge until they cover the entire leaf, which then falls off.

The reason for the falling leaves of the ficus "Benjamina"

Why does the Benjamin ficus fall off? What to do? Most often it reacts to any problems and oversights in care in this way - it begins to shed leaves in large quantities. As a result, you may be left with a bare trunk. WITH

It is possible to graze such a plant, but to do this it is necessary to correctly determine the cause of the phenomenon.

There may be several of them:

  • A sudden change of scenery.

    Transportation from a store to an apartment, moving from one place to another, pruning the crown, replanting, and even water procedures can trigger the onset of stress state and loss of foliage.

  • Incorrect watering regime - too frequent or, on the contrary, insufficient.
  • Poor lighting. Keep cool at temperatures below 15°.
  • Keeping the plant in drafts.
  • Root burn with concentrated fertilizers applied to dry soil.

What to do if all the leaves of the ficus "Benjamin" have fallen off? It has been noticed that massive leaf fall begins when there are at least two reasons at once. Having found out the cause, you can begin resuscitation measures.

First of all, they eliminate unfavorable factors and maintain normal living conditions for the ficus, trying to prevent the repetition of old mistakes.

The application of microelements is reduced or temporarily stopped so as not to accelerate the growth of branches. A weakened bush will not be able to develop both green mass and stems at once.

If such measures did not help, how to revive the Benjamin ficus? You will have to examine the root system after rinsing it in warm, soft water.

Damaged roots that have rotted and dried out are completely cut out, leaving only healthy white tissue with a dense structure. Sections are disinfected with charcoal or activated carbon, crushed into powder.

After drying, the ficus is placed in a new pot smaller than the previous one, completely replacing the soil.

Even if the ficus managed to shed all its leaves, it may well grow new ones. Compliance is enough correct mode and eliminating unfavorable environmental factors.

Sticky and dry leaves

Why does the Benjamin ficus drop dry leaves? What to do? The most obvious reason is an acute lack of moisture in the air and intense heat. The leaves begin to dry from the tips, gradually increasing the affected area. If you do not take action, the leaves will dry out entirely and fall off.

Then the shoots and roots will dry out and the ficus will die. It is not difficult to fix this problem. It is enough to increase the humidity in the room by regularly spraying the above-ground parts of the plant.

The sticky coating on the leaves of the Benjamin ficus, which is unpleasant to the touch, is the secretion of sucking insects that have attacked the ficus. It is pests that leave such traces of their activities.

The sooty fungus likes to attack the sweetish sticky discharge, as a result of which the colorless coating gradually turns black and the leaf begins to rot.

It is necessary to carefully examine the plant and identify the pest. Then select insecticides to eliminate it.

Plant pests

Large succulent leaves of ficus are attractive to many harmful insects. Pests of ficus "Benjamina" are: fungus gnats, true and false scale insects, nematodes, spider mites, thrips, mealybugs and aphids.

Spider mite

It is almost impossible to see microscopic pests without magnifying devices. But traces of their activity are very characteristic and easily recognized.

Light-colored dotted specks form on the leaves of an infected ficus, and all above-ground parts are covered with many fine cobwebs. Such plants stop developing, lose their decorative value due to yellowing and falling leaves, and begin to wither and become sick.


Looks like an oval plaque that is beige, chestnut or gray. It can be picked off with a needle from the surface of the sheet. Since the body is protected by a waxy shield, it can only be destroyed by systemic insecticides that penetrate the body through plant sap.

Photo: scale insect on ficus "Benjamina"


Small pests with an oval body that resemble flies. They are difficult to notice due to their inconspicuous coloring - steel, black or brown. They settle in large colonies and feed on the sap of the plant, severely inhibiting its growth.

In addition, they carry many viral diseases and stain the ground parts with their secretions, attracting fungus.


Small pests with an oval body covered with a whitish coating, reminiscent of starch or flour. They leave two types of discharge - a sweetish liquid that attracts sooty fungus and cotton wool-like lumps in which the eggs are placed.

Ficus benjamina: leaves fall - what to do

Why does the ficus shed its leaves and is this not a death sentence for the plant? How to save a tree and what exactly did it not like? Such questions torment many happy owners of Benjamin ficuses, because this problem, alas, is not uncommon. So we will talk about the possible causes of leaf falling and methods of combating this extremely unpleasant phenomenon.

Why does Ficus Benjamina shed its leaves?

The reasons that the ficus is “freed” from foliage can be very different; in Ficus benjamina they are very similar to the Rubber-bearing Ficus. The main thing in this situation is to determine the cause of this phenomenon in time and take timely measures to prevent it.

Possible reasons:

  • Ficus does not like the temperature regime, which in summer should be in the range of 25 - 35 °C, and in winter it should not fall below 15 °C.
  • The plant is in a draft.
  • Dry indoor air. Relative humidity should ideally be 70 - 75%. The situation will be corrected by placing a pot (tub) in a tray filled with expanded clay or pebbles, filled with water (the roots of the plant should in no case reach the surface of the water - otherwise rotting will begin). Also, from mid-spring until the end of summer, the plant needs to be frequently sprayed with water and, due to intense evaporation, watered more often.
  • The soil is very wet (overwatering) or, on the contrary, too dry (underwatering).
  • Not enough sunlight - The plant loves a lot of light, but not open sunlight is not for it. More variegated varieties need more light, and varieties with a single color feel fine in darker places.
  • Perhaps you have recently rotated your ficus or even moved it to another place? Then it is advisable to return it to its old, familiar place - ficus trees do not like such movements.
  • The leaves may be affected by red spider mites - then they need to be sprayed on all sides with Aktara, Akarin or a similar preparation from a specialized store. A sign of damage is small white spots on the leaves and possible entwining of them with small cobwebs.
  • Perhaps Benjamin's ficus is shedding its leaves due to lack of nutrients. In spring and summer, during the period of active development, the plant needs feeding once every 2 weeks, alternately with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Leaf affected by red spider mite

As you can see, there can be many reasons why leaves fall from the Benjamin ficus, and sometimes it is quite difficult to determine which one is the case. Therefore, when growing ficus, try to strictly follow the recommendations in order to minimize the possibility that your home tree will wither and disappear.

Why do the leaves of ficus variety Benjamin fall off?

One of the top indoor plants- this is Benjamin's ficus. Most gardeners are interested in it because of its appearance, as well as the variety of varieties. Each variety is beautiful in its own way, so any connoisseur of floral beauty can choose exactly the one they like.

As they say, beauty requires sacrifice. It’s the same with ficus. He demands a lot of attention and is very capricious. Caring for it is a lot of trouble.

First of all, this plant most often needs to be disturbed by its owners. It sheds its leaves more often than any houseplant. This is primarily due to the fact that the side parts of the shoot, although attractive, are very weak. They practically cannot tolerate exposure to air, light, or their environment in general.

Ficus, as we said above, quite often sheds its leaves. Why might leaves dry out in winter? But can this be prevented or is this normal for this flower? As experts say, there is no need to worry about the leaves falling. On average, this occurs more often in winter and autumn periods of the year.

If a plant has lost about ten, for example, leaves, then, as a rule, in the places where they were, new, stronger ones will appear, which will also eventually change to young ones. But if the leaf first turns yellow and then falls off, this indicates that it is important to reconsider the watering schedule. Ficus is picky about this. To eliminate the “baldness” of a flower, you need to clearly find out what amount of water will be the norm for your particular “handsome”.

Remember, if you water too often, you will most likely encounter another problem - root rot may occur, this will lead to weakening of the shoots and the leaves will fall off. At the same time, if you go too far with reducing the amount of watering, then this will not lead to anything good. In this case, the danger is much greater. The plant will try to maintain soil moisture and the leaves will become increasingly weaker. The plant will simply decide to get rid of them in order to save more energy for existence.

This does not mean the “end of the world”, since the flower will be able to recover after just a few waterings, but fouling of the leaves may take a long period.

First of all, you need to monitor the soil moisture level. There is a secret that we will reveal to you now. So, for your flower to thrive, the soil must have time to dry out between waterings. Of course, not completely, but only 1.5 cm deep from the top. And if the plant is already mature, then it is better to let the soil dry out by 3 centimeters.

In winter, the frequency of watering should not exceed once a week. In general, the lower the temperature, the less often we water the ficus. And under no circumstances should you water with hot or cold water. The temperature should be such that the water is warm.

Yellowed leaves: what could be the reason

This problem occurs quite often. Most often it is associated with a lack of iron in the plant. In this case, it is advisable to encourage the plant with fertilizing. How to do it?

  • take ferrovite or iron chelate;
  • moisten the soil in the pot
  • the next day, not earlier, we begin feeding.

Yellowing may also occur in winter time. This has more to do with the lack of sunlight. That is, photosynthesis stops as a result, the roots absorb moisture less than in the summer. It is better to reduce watering during this period, then the condition of the plant will be much better, and the leaves will delight you with their green. In addition to yellowing, the leaves of Ficus Benjamin can be distressing because they can curl or shrink, but at the same time retain their natural green color.

Do not under any circumstances do this to ficus.

It is important to say that you cannot place ficus in drafts or where cold wind can hit your flower. That is, it is better to place the pot as far as possible from the windows; you should not decorate the balcony with it. Ficus does not tolerate cold and heat well. Choose the place where the flower will “live” with temperature conditions, which is equal to 18-25 degrees Celsius. In hot conditions, the ficus suffocates, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. If the room temperature is less than 18 degrees Celsius, then the roots become overcooled and irreversible processes occur, visible in the foliage.

What is the reason that the leaves of Ficus Benjamin can dry out in winter or summer?

Dry air will cause leaves to fall off. If this phenomenon is still observed indoors, then the best way out of the situation and salvation for the ficus will be regular spraying with water. This is best done with a fine spray from a distance of about 20 cm. But if you have the opportunity, place the plant in a room where there is a humidifier. Then there will be a one hundred percent guarantee that your flower will live a long time.

Transplantation is an important part of the life of a ficus

This plant needs to be replanted once every two years. This is precisely the period that experts established for the reason that during this time the roots will completely entwine the soil in the pot.

Let's look at the transplant process step by step:

  • take the plant out of the container;
  • shake off excess soil;
  • place the plant in a larger pot;
  • cover the bottom of the pot with a drainage layer;
  • then spread the soil mixture
  • when you see a small gap between the walls of the flowerpot and the ficus, fill it with soil and fertilizer;
  • We complete the procedure by watering.

It is important to say that if ficus Benjamin grows for a long period in the same soil without replanting, then over time it depletes the soil, and the plant begins to suffer and die. Just like men, the way to the heart is through the stomach, so if you don’t feed and cajole the ficus, it will stop pleasing you and die. That is, in order to avoid death, constantly feed your pet. For this purpose use liquid fertilizers for decorative deciduous crops. In addition, regularly add fresh soil to the pot.

Enemies of ficus

However, the most dangerous thing in this case is that tick eggs can be viable for several years. It will be difficult to get rid of it, but possible. In this regard, carefully monitor the condition of the plant, and if you notice any signs, immediately take protective measures.

Lack of iron. If the soil has insufficient iron levels, young leaves will suffer the most. They will turn yellow and fall off. To prevent a lethal outcome for the plant, feed the ficus with ferrovite or iron chelate. Fertilizing is best done during the growth period, he teaches from the beginning of March to the end of September. The day before the procedure, be sure to water the plant. For what? This will protect against burns to the root system.

Let's summarize how to care for a ficus:

  • its location should not be changed frequently;
  • protect from sunlight;
  • monitor the air humidity in the room;
  • proper watering;
  • protect from drafts;
  • feed and fertilize.

Attention, TODAY only!

Help save Ficus Benjamin!

Help save! The plant is dying before our eyes, was purchased in September. They transplanted it about a month later, it seems to have taken root, and even grown a little. The first photo is how he looked in mid-January (sorry better photo no, I didn’t take a photo of it on purpose) then the leaves began to fall abundantly. The rest of the photos are from today. One branch had to be cut off because the leaves had completely fallen off - it became bald. There is one small branch left and a little more, their leaves are also falling. there is an assumption that it was overwatered, I reduced watering, but today I checked the soil, I thought it was damp, but 4 cm dry, I decided to water it. Maybe it doesn't have enough watering? Is it overwatered and the roots have rotted? I don’t know what to do! the leaves wither, turn pale, curl and fall off, some do not curl - they just turn pale and fall off! He always stands in this place, he liked everything, I don’t allow drafts, I spray him with water at room temperature. Thank you!


There are several options in my opinion. 1) Poured. Check the roots by removing the plant from the pot with a lump, if there is a corresponding smell and appearance, then dry it, remove the rotten one and do not overwater. 2) Dry air. But you said you were spraying. How often?

3) Lack of sunlight. The photos are dark, which gives the impression that he lacks lighting.

I spray it every day. a shelf with flowers right next to the window. and the first photo was taken late in the evening, a small lamp was burning. Yes, it seems that other flowers-neighbors on the shelf do not complain, so to speak, about the low light. but it’s scary to check the roots, in case it kills the barely alive plant ((but I’ll probably decide to do it anyway.. or is it okay if I take it out and see what’s inside the pot?

Of course, check the roots, don’t pull. Having a window does not mean there is sufficient lighting; the neighbors may be shade-tolerant, and the ficus is not one of them. Which side do the windows face?

The soil may be half dry, but underneath there is very rotten unpleasant smell, I was personally convinced. Take it out, change the substrate, there must be good drainage and it requires light. Mine has grown, I transplanted it into a larger pot, put it on a stand from the windowsill, a little further, it also began to shed leaves. Returned it to the windowsill - everything is fine.

I have had this ficus for more than 10 years. When I was little, in the summer we took it out to the balcony in the sun and sprayed it twice a day. It became 2 meters high - it stands near the window, we water it as needed - if the soil on top is very dry. Be sure to feed with fertilizers, spray, especially generously in winter, and moisten the trunk. In addition, we have three trees planted at once. We didn’t know that when they were young, it was possible to combine them into one by intertwining the trunks. So there was a small grove of ficuses in the pot. Your ficus is clearly dark and boring.

Photo No. 3 clearly shows a leaf drying up due to overflow. To dig it up or not – decide for yourself. Dry, dry the soil well, despite all the warnings, ficus plants normally tolerate drying out of the roots. The main thing is to spray (shower) well along the crown. Remove the top layer of soil, or, if you dig, expose the top of the roots when planting later. Check the stems in the root collar area. In case of rotting (soft trunk), cut the plant at the level of healthy wood and root again. In principle, the best option for resuscitating a sick Benjamin. There is a lot of information on the Internet on rooting ficus cuttings.

Soak in water so that the milky juice comes out, dry and again in warm water. All ficus trees take cuttings very well, including figs, Benjamins, rubber plants, etc. The main thing is that it is warm and humid.

don't water it at all for two weeks

Better yet, if the process has gone so far that the leaves are falling off in bunches, carefully remove them from the pot and dry the earthen ball with napkins, paper and leave it like that (without the pot) for a couple of days, then carefully insert it back into the pot and do not water it !

You will water when the soil in the pot is completely dry - insert a wooden stick into the ground right to the very end (you will periodically remove it and check whether the wood is dry or wet). If the stick is completely dry, then carefully pour it, not before! then put the stick back and thus regulate watering until the end of winter; in summer you can water more abundantly

All the time while the soil in the pot is drying, spray the leaves of the ficus in the morning and evening - this will make it feel good and comfortable.

In winter, ficus trees die from the flood

My ficus was dying... I cut off what I could and put it in water... I threw out the rest... I changed the soil... after a while my piece took root... and the ficus is growing again... six months have passed... I’m happy eye... try.. otherwise it will disappear..

What kind of ficus do you have? If this is Benjamin's ficus, it began to shed its leaves, then it is very capricious, it cannot be turned, in general, all ficuses do not tolerate drafts, waterlogging of the soil and direct sun. The ficus plant does not like when it is planted in a container much larger than its root system, therefore, it requires replanting only when it fills the entire pot with its roots, usually in the spring. Ficus grows quite quickly, so the soil must be sufficiently nutritious. The optimal mixture consists of 2 parts of leaf soil and 1 part each of peat and humus; from March to August it is good to saturate it with fertilizers. The top layer of soil is replaced when a white crust appears on it - salt coating. Some growing problems: - appeared on the leaves yellow spots or their edges turn yellow and the leaves fall off - excessive watering, it is necessary that the soil has time to dry out;

The leaves are dry and wrinkled - drying out of the soil and air, sunburn;

Sudden loss of leaves - can be caused by different reasons in different species, for example, lack of light or a sudden change in climate in ficus benjamina;

Decay lower leaves considered a natural phenomenon, especially in room conditions, but the trunk should not be completely exposed. Complete exposure of the trunk can occur due to untimely transplantation or transplantation into poor soil, violations of temperature and light conditions.

Brown spots on the edges and tips of leaves - too high a room temperature, dry air or overfeeding with fertilizers.

New leaves have shredded, old ones have turned yellow and fallen off - the plant lacks nutrients and requires replanting.

So it’s not your destiny to have such a flower! Then don’t take such a flower!

I have the same story, more than a dozen healthy leaves fall out a day, and he has already grown more than a meter (it’s pathetic (I’ve raised him from a small leaf since 2004, and now he’s going bald, I moved him to another room about a month ago and he It stood there for two weeks and then the leaves began to fall (

Brevity is the soul of wit. Nobody can give you any useful advice based on such scant information. Or do you just want to cry?)

This fall, my ficus began to actively shed leaves, in dozens... My actions - first of all, I didn’t water until the soil was completely dry, secondly, I spilled Epin-extra, in the intervals between waterings I loosened the soil so that the earth “breathed”. It seems that he has moved away :). Benjamin does well with green leaves, but even the slightest draft is contraindicated for variegated leaves. In general, they told me that in the spring he will regain his lost foxes, I will look forward to this, so good luck to you!

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