Outdoor and sports games in the pool for children. Water games for children Outdoor water games for children

There are many different outdoor water games played by those who can swim. How .
I will describe some of them in this article.

Water catch-up

Players of at least 3 people count and choose a driver who must catch up; whoever among the players catches up, he drives. You can play both at depth and near the shore. The most important thing is that everyone knows how to dive and swim.
According to the terms of the game, while running away, players can swim, dive, run in shallow water, but it is strictly forbidden to run onto land; if you touch land, that means you are driving.


Players enter waist-deep water, stand in a circle and play like regular volleyball; when one of the players does not catch the ball, he goes into the center of the circle and squats down. Participants in the game can return the potato to the circle if they hit the ball and hit the driver of the potato. If a player trying to hit a potato misses, then he sits next to the potato and also becomes a potato. The whole point of this active game on the water is to punish the potatoes for bad game and hit it as hard as possible with the ball.
If the game is played at depth and the players are swimming, then the potato simply swims into the center of the circle and tries to dodge the fast-flying ball.

Outdoor water game, volleyball

Water volleyball differs from volleyball only in that it is played in water and without a net. The players are not divided into teams, but swim in a circle and are afloat, and this makes the playing conditions very difficult.

Riders' duel

Another of the outdoor games on the water is the horseman game. Players of 6-10 or more people gather and divide into pairs. Those players who are stronger put those who are lighter on their shoulders, go into the water up to their waists and the battle begins. According to the terms of the game, the player who is sitting on the shoulders must be thrown into the water. The team whose player was dropped is considered the loser and leaves the water.


An approximate place for diving is determined. The players turn away and whoever throws a pre-agreed object that sinks into the water; when the object sinks, a search command is given and everyone begins to search by diving under the water. The one who finds it first is the winner and receives a prize.


All games in water are associated with risk, so you need to be very careful about the participants in the games, and if someone needs rest or help, provide it immediately.

What's summer without some mischievous splashing in the water? A river, a sea, a swimming pool, and even a basin of water - how much pleasure wallowing and being in the water element will bring to your baby! It’s hardly worth talking about the need and benefits of water procedures - this is a well-known truth.

But, the main thing that many parents forget is that a lot can be taught to a child in a playful way. This is also relevant in in this case. Afraid to go into the river? Don't want to dive? Afraid to swim? Why not offer a fun game in the water, you see, a child, passionate about the process, can easily do something that he consciously could not or was afraid of. What can we say about the fact that exercise stress in water perfectly replaces intense exercise and keeps muscles toned.

Rules of conduct on the water

Having decided to go to the nearest body of water with a little person, it is important not only to think carefully about how to provide him with leisure time, but in no case should you forget about safety. It doesn’t matter whether you go to the pool or to the river, whether your child is 3 years old or 10 - the rules of behavior on the water are the same for everyone.

1. Children are in the water only under the supervision of adults.

2. The maximum permissible depth is up to the baby’s waist.

3. Swim only on equipped beaches.

4. Stay in the water for no more than half an hour or no more than 5 minutes if the water is cold.

5. Be sure to wear a hat in the sun.

6. You cannot swim on a full stomach immediately after eating.

Now let's look at the most exciting games on the water for different age groups.

What to play with a baby under 2 years old

Even little toddlers really like to sit in the water and study its properties. Games for this age are more educational and educational in nature. Try to captivate the child, show him what water can do. But remember that small children are not able to concentrate on one activity. for a long time. Break your workouts into 15-minute sets with breaks.


The game is good to play in a children's pool or in a coastal area. We will need several small and bright toys, or if there are none, we can take small pebbles on the shore, for example, pebbles. These will be our fish. We put them on the bottom, but so that the baby can easily reach them. You can say: “Let’s go, let’s go fishing, what, what will we catch? Catch the fish, small and large!” As we say, we help the child reach our “fish” with his palms, let him look at them carefully, and describe them. At the end, when all the “fish” are caught, they can be counted as a fun little count.


Remember how you loved to float a plastic ball across the surface of the water as a child! Your little one will probably like this idea too. Pick up some pebbles various sizes and throw them one by one into the water, making sure to comment on everything that happens. Tell your child that heavy pebbles fall louder and make a lot of splashes, while small stones are almost silent. Be sure to let the fidget try to cope with such an important task yourself, 100% delight is guaranteed!

Niagara Falls

Great way to tell little man about the properties of water. While sitting in the water, you can use almost any object as a container. It could be an empty bottle, a sand mold, or anything.

Your task is to show your child that water behaves differently if it pours from different heights. By raising an improvised “watering can” you can achieve a noisy waterfall with splashes, and if you pour water low, you will get a small, modest waterfall. Let your child pour the water himself and let him see the difference. This is also a great way to reinforce the words “high” and “low” with an example.

We play with children 3-5 years old

With older children, you can already play active games with elements of swimming and even diving. It is important that the baby is in the mood to fool around a little and willingly supports the game. If a child refuses, for example, to dive or is afraid, then it is better to leave it for later.

Dwarfs and giants

It can be played by both a friendly group of children and parents with a child. The players are at a waist-deep depth (of a child). The presenter names two teams in random order: “dwarfs” and “giants”. When you hear the command “dwarfs”, you need to stand in full height, and the “giants” - squat down. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated or becomes the leader.


While in the water, the leader depicts any action, and the baby (or the team, if there are many players) must repeat it, for example, pat his stomach or clap his hands under water. Actions must be chosen so that the child can easily repeat them himself.


This game teaches children to hold their breath underwater, but you need to make sure that the child knows how to hold his breath correctly and is not afraid to do it.

The inflatable ring is in the water at a depth of approximately the baby's chest. The child’s task is to “hide in the house” at the leader’s signal, while diving inside the circle. The scenario can be anything, for example:

“The ducks were walking, walking, evening came, the fox was sneaking, hop, caught/didn’t catch the duck! Duck in the house!

Games for children over 6 years old

At this age, developing team playing skills is very important, and it’s great if there are several children. You can come up with anything, the main thing is active games in the water with a lot of body movements, a competitive touch and a fun pastime.

Grandma sowed peas

Remember this game? Why not frolic with a friendly group of children, and at the same time practice holding your breath under water.

The team stands in a circle at waist depth. The presenter says the words: “Grandma sowed peas... oh!”, after which everyone holds their breath and dives. The one who stays underwater the longest wins.

Fishermen and fish

A team game that develops dexterity and reaction speed. To play you need a small ball. The players’ task is to form a circle, in the center of which there are “fish” - the players. It is important that the depth is no higher than the chest. The task of the players in the outer circle is to catch the fish with the ball by throwing it. The last fish left wins. “Caught” fish become fishermen.

Pearl collectors

You can arrange a competition both on a pebble beach and in a swimming pool, having previously lowered small objects to the bottom. The players’ task is to collect as many “pearls” as possible within a certain time, say a minute. You are allowed to dive and use all tricks. The task can be complicated by allowing you to reach objects only with your feet, without diving. The winner, of course, is the one who catches the most.

We teach swimming

Of course, without educational game elements, showing and teaching a child to perform the basic elements is quite problematic. The gaming component in this case is irreplaceable, exciting for the child and shows good results.


The baby should lie on his back, relaxing as much as possible and taking the “star” position. At the same time, the adult insures himself by supporting his back with his hands. Hold out for 5 counts, with each approach you can increase by 2.


We take the baby by the arms so that his legs are free in the water. The child’s task is to actively swing his legs, thereby imitating the movements of swimming. The adult's task is to walk backwards. Exercise in a playful way allows you to strengthen your leg muscles, coordinate the work of your limbs and introduce you to certain elements.

forward arrow

The exercise can be competitive in nature. The adult’s task is to explain to children the basics of holding a body on the surface of the water. On the count of three, kids should extend their arms and stretch along the surface of the water, while making movements with their legs, as when swimming. The winner was the one who managed to hold out and swim longer than the rest.

Classic games for all ages

Of course, what fun would there be without the well-known games like shooting with water pistols, playing with a ball and all kinds of catch-up games. You can easily come up with a lot of variations on well-known entertainment, taking into account the situation, the age of the children and the number of players.

No pistols? No problem! Bottles with holes in the caps will be used. No ball? Why not leave, say, a rubber ducky or a children's inflatable armband? Can't find a team? We urgently call mom and everyone else, invite other children to play on the beach, and here she is - a cheerful crowd! Conduct summer rest It can always be useful if you have imagination and no one has forgotten about safety.

Games in children's health camps on the water

Purpose: In children's health camps, water games contribute to the health of schoolchildren and their relaxation. They also help strengthen friendships between children coming to the camp from different schools. Water games are effective means physical development and hardening. They are played in a shallow area of ​​an open reservoir or in a pool (both shallow and deep), depending on the nature of the game. For those who cannot swim, the game will help them overcome their fear of water, and for those who know how to float, it will be easier for them to learn to swim for real.
This event may be of interest to teachers physical culture, teachers additional education, summer camp workers.
Description: These games can be played for all age groups.
Target: development preparatory exercises on the water
1. Swimming lessons.
2. Propaganda healthy image life.
3. Developing children's interest in physical exercise.
4. Formation of children's interest in swimming.

Before starting the game, participants need to warm up well by doing a series of gymnastic exercises, including those that imitate the movements of a swimmer. Water games should be played in warm weather.


Preparation. The players sink to the bottom.
Contents of the game. At the leader’s signal, the players begin to move along the bottom, stretching out their legs and leaning only on their hands, like newts. Players must walk a few meters in this manner.
The one who moves the furthest underwater wins.
Rules of the game: 2. You cannot touch the bottom with your feet. 3. You cannot float to the surface of the reservoir.


Preparation. The players move away from the shore and turn towards the shallow part of the reservoir. With the help of the leader or his assistants, they lie down on the water with their heads towards the shore, arms extended above their heads, depicting an arrow.
Contents of the game. The leader, grabbing the player by the legs with one hand and supporting him by the stomach or back with the other (depending on the position of the player - on the chest, on the back), gently pushes him towards the shore with increasing effort.
The player who can slide the longest wins.
Rules of the game: 1. The game begins at the signal of the leader.
2. You cannot help yourself with your hands or feet when sliding.
3. Sliding is only allowed in the above position.

"Running on Water"

Preparation. The players line up along the side in a shallow part of the reservoir and are divided into pairs.
Contents of the game. At the leader’s signal, the players of each pair run as quickly as possible through the water along the shore and touch the pole stuck into the bottom of the reservoir with their hands. The one in the pair who completes the exercise the fastest wins. The run is repeated in the opposite direction.
Rules of the game: 1. The game begins at the signal of the leader. 2. While running, players must keep their hands on their waists, behind their heads or above. 3. Touching the pole with your hand is mandatory.

"Tag in the water"

Preparation. The game requires two or three inflatable rings, which are placed on the surface of the water.
Contents of the game. At the leader’s signal, the driver tries to make the other players look bad. The one who was insulted becomes the driver.
The one who has never been a driver wins.
Rules of the game: 1. The game begins at the signal of the leader. 2. The driver and other players can move in the water in any way: run, swim with the help of their legs and arms on the chest, on the back. 3. It is not allowed to run ashore and dive. 4. Only the upper part of the body can be salted. 5. When escaping from the driver, the player is allowed to grab the circle. In this case, the driver has no right to salt. 6. It is prohibited to hold on to the circle for more than 5 seconds.

"Fishermen and Fishes"

Preparation. The players are divided into two equal teams - “fishermen” and “fish”. The “fishermen” are divided into three groups, line up on the shore and join hands.
Contents of the game. At the signal from the leader, the “fishermen” catch the “fish” moving freely in the water (waist-deep). The time during which the “fishermen” caught all the “fish” is noted, after which the teams change roles.
The team that takes the least time to eliminate all the fish from the game wins.
Rules of the game: 1. The game begins at the signal of the leader. 2. A “fish” is considered caught if three “fishermen” close their hands around it.

"Sea Knights"

Preparation. The players are divided into two teams, each of which, in turn, is divided into pairs: some represent horses, others represent riders, i.e. "sea knights" The players enter chest-deep water and stand opposite each other.
Contents of the game. At the leader’s signal, the “knights” get closer and try to pull each other off the “horse” - to plunge the opponent into the water. “Horses” actively help them in this. The “Vityaz”, which finds itself in the water, leaves the battlefield together with the “horse”.
The battle of the “knights” ends when all the players of one of the teams are thrown into the water.
The team whose players managed to stay on their horses wins.
Rules of the game: 1. The game begins at the signal of the leader.
2. In the game, one “knight” is allowed to fight against two or three.
3. You can only push your opponent with your hands. 4. You cannot hit your opponent with your hand. 5. “Horses” push each other with their shoulders.

"Leapfrog with diving"

Preparation. The game is played in waist-deep water. Two teams are participating. Players stand in a column, one at a time, 2 m from each other. All players take the position of legs apart.
Contents of the game. At the leader’s signal, the last team numbers jump, pushing off from the bottom, over the player standing in front, leaning on his shoulders, and then dive between the legs of the next player, rise and jump again, etc., until they are the first in their column. When the jumper gets to the starting position in front of the guide, the entire column takes 4-5 steps back. The one standing behind continues the game. It ends when the one who started jumping is again the last, and the guide, having finished jumping and diving, stands in his place and raises his hand up.
The team whose players finish the relay first wins.
Rules of the game: 1. The game begins at the signal of the leader. 2. The exercises should be done by everyone as a team, either jumping or diving one after another, until the one who started the game again becomes the last in the column. 3. During diving, you are allowed to push off (pull up) while holding your partner’s legs. 4. For accurate orientation in the water, you can keep your eyes open.

"Relay in the water"

Preparation. At a distance of 12-18 m from the shore, 2-3 flags are installed (floating with a load at the bottom). Teams line up opposite the flag.
Contents of the game. At the leader’s signal, the first numbers of each team run into the water, swim to the flag and back, passing the baton to the next one by touching their hand.
The team that spends the least time completing the task wins.
Rules of the game: 1. The game begins at the signal of the leader. 2. Touching the player's hand is mandatory.

“With a report by swimming”

Preparation. The game is played in deep water with a group of players who can swim reasonably well. The players line up on the shore facing the water. Before the game, the leader gives everyone a piece of dry paper.
Contents of the game. At the signal, players enter the water and swim to a milestone placed in the water at a distance of 20-25 m from the shore. The players hold the sheet of paper in one hand, and with the other they scoop it up and, using their legs, swim to the milestone, go around it and return back.
The first one to return the dry piece of paper to the manager wins.
Rules of the game: 1. The game begins at the signal of the leader. 2. It is prohibited to interfere with a friend’s swimming or to deliberately splash the paper of a swimming player nearby. 3. It is not allowed to stand on the bottom and walk along it.


Preparation. Plastic hoops are tied together to form a path. Each such path of 6-10 hoops is laid out in front of the teams in the water along the shore of the reservoir; a flag is placed behind the last hoop. Players in teams line up in columns.
Contents of the game. After the signal to start the game, the first player jumps (runs) into the water and swims to the first hoop. He dives under it, and overcomes the other one from above. Thus, either diving or sliding along the surface, the player overcomes the entire path. Having reached the flag, the player raises it up. This is the signal for the second player to start moving forward. The game continues until all players have completed these exercises.
The team that finishes the game first with the fewest penalties wins.
Rules of the game: 1. The game begins at the signal of the leader. 2. If a player dives between two hoops without appearing on the surface, the team is awarded a penalty point.

Water games appeared in ancient times; they were known to the Romans. And they still remain interesting entertainment during bathing, an effective means of physical development and hardening. During games, all skeletal muscles are involved in active work, and cardiovascular activity increases. Just like bathing and swimming, games are used to treat and prevent various diseases. They correct common scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and promote good posture. Children, teenagers, adults - everyone has access to water games. For those who cannot swim, the game will help them overcome their natural fear of water and develop determination and will. Many games help improve certain swimming techniques.

Before playing on the water, you need to warm up your muscles well by doing a set of gymnastic exercises on the shore. Each of 4 - 5 exercises is performed 6 - 8 times. These are rotations with arms and hands, squats on toes, bends forward, to the right, to the left, and turns of the body to the sides. It is useful to do several exercises that imitate the movements of a swimmer.

You should also pay attention to choosing a place for playing in a pond - with a flat bottom, without snags and stones.

The following games and game exercises on the water are designed both for those who have not yet learned to swim (the first two games) and for skilled swimmers with sports swimming skills (the next games).

Sea battle
Beginners getting into the water are probably most afraid of getting splashed in the face. IN fun game fear is easy to overcome.
The players are divided into two teams and line up in two rows waist-deep in the water opposite each other. At the leader’s signal, the participants begin “shooting” their opponents with their palms on the water, directing sheaves of spray at them and trying to force them to retreat. The one who turns his back to the enemy is eliminated from further combat. During the game, you are not allowed to touch each other with your hands.
The line in which the players are more persistent and maintain a certain formation until the end wins.

Swings and rocking chairs
Participants become pairs in the water facing each other. Depth - waist-deep. First, one, holding the hands of a friend, takes a deep breath and sinks under the water, leaning back.
The partner pulls his comrade towards him, then takes a deep breath and also lowers himself into the water. The first one rises to the surface at this time.
In the game "Rocking Chairs", players stand with their backs to each other and join hands. Alternately leaning forward, lowering their face into the water and exhaling, they lift each other up on their backs. A player on the surface of the water is not allowed to bend his legs or lift them up.

The participants, divided into two teams, are distributed in pairs. Players lie on their backs opposite each other, hold hands and rest their feet. Then, lowering their arms, they quickly press them to their body (or throw them up) and at the same moment, pushing off strongly with their legs, they slide through the water. The winner is the one who performed the exercise correctly and slid through the water further than the rest.

flying fish
In this game, 5 - 6 people form a living springboard. Standing chest-deep in the water, they swing and then throw their comrade forward and up so that he splashes down as far as possible. Then he goes back and helps the others give the other one a lift. A springboard can also be formed by two participants holding hands.

Leapfrog in the water
The game is played in chest-deep water. Participants stand in a column one at a time at a distance of 2 m from each other. The last one in the column, running up to the one in front and leaning on his shoulders, jumps over him, and then dives between the legs of the next player. He does these exercises until he stands in front of the column. The leapfrog is continued by the participant who is the last in the column. The signal for the end of the game is given by the one who started it: he raises his hand as soon as he becomes the last player again.

Ball race

Teams of 6-8 people each, with their feet apart, stand in a column one at a time at a distance of 3 m from each other. The distance between players in teams is about 1 m. Each team has its own ball, which is located in front of those standing in the columns. At the leader’s signal, the players, bending down (head and shoulders in the water), pass the ball between their legs to those standing behind them, who pass it further in the same way. When the ball reaches the end of the column, it is passed over the head: each player, bending down, receives the ball from the one standing behind and passes it to the player standing in front. The guide, having received the ball, passes it back between his legs. The team that finishes passing the ball the fastest number of times wins. The player who dropped the ball must recover it and continue passing.


Plastic hoops are tied together to form a path. Near each such track of 6-10 hoops, the players line up in columns. At the signal, the first in the column dives under the first hoop, and overcomes the other hoop from above. Thus, either diving or sliding along the surface, the player overcomes the entire path. Having reached the opposite side, the player lifts up the flag lying there. This is the signal for the second player to start moving forward. The leader and his assistants ensure that the path is crossed correctly. If a player dives between two hoops without appearing on the surface, the team is awarded a penalty point. A team's victory is counted if it finishes the game first least number errors.

Boat race

To play you need 4 swimming boards. For example, two teams line up in front of each other, each with 5 boys and 5 girls. Boys are on one side of the path, girls are on the other. At the signal, 2 people from the team (a boy and a girl) simultaneously begin swimming with the board forward. Their task is to meet somewhere halfway and, after exchanging boards, continue moving forward. Near the opposite side (touching it with the board), the players pass the boards to the second numbers, and they themselves leave the water. The last numbers in the columns complete the relay. The team that finishes the race first wins.

Water fight

To play, you need swimming boards or rubber circles according to the number of players. Two teams participate, which differ in the color of the caps on their heads. First, five boys compete, then girls. Before the start of the fights, the players different sides reservoirs occupy a lying or sitting position on the boards. At the signal, the players move closer together, raking with their hands. Swimming up to each other, everyone tries to seize the moment and with a deft movement drags their opponent into the water. However, if you miss, it is not difficult to lose your balance and end up in the water. Whoever suffers such a fate is eliminated from the fight. The winner is the five players who, by the end of the battle on the water, will have more of their participants on the boards. The game can be played both for a time (5-8 minutes) and until the complete victory of one of the teams.

Get the ball into the water

Two teams participate, which sit on the shore or on the sides of the pool facing the water. The first numbers have medium-sized rubber balls in their hands. At the leader’s signal, they throw them forward, and then jump into the water and swim to the balls. But not to your own ball, but to the ball that the opponent threw. Having reached the ball, the player swims with it (leading it in front of him) to the place where the teams are lined up and passes it into the hands of the second number. The first one to arrive gets one point for his team. Thus, to win, you must not only swim well, but also throw the ball far. The team with the most points wins.

Ball over the line

Players from two teams enter the water and line up at opposite sides of the pool facing the middle. The side is for them in the game the line of the house that they defend. The leader throws the ball into the middle between the teams. The players swim towards him and, having taken possession of the ball, begin to throw it among themselves, trying not to give it to the opponent. The challenge is this. To approach the opponent's house and touch the side of the pool with the ball. In an open reservoir, the playing field is limited by floats and paths of floats. The game lasts 10 minutes. The team that manages to win larger numbers touch the ball to the opponent's house once

Sea battle

Stand facing each other at a distance of one and a half to two steps, each player splashes water at their partner. The one who first starts wiping his face with his hands or turns his back to his partner loses.

Count it

Stand as a couple opposite each other. One, crouching, plunges into the water and opens his eyes. Another shows him underwater (at a distance of 30-40 cm from the eyes) a different number of fingers. Having risen from the water, the guesser says how many fingers he saw. Then your partner guesses.

Put on the circle

Place a rubber circle in front of you and, after inhaling, dive into the water so that when you get up, put the circle on your head.


Stand as a couple with your backs to each other, placing your hands under your partner’s elbows. Each one, in turn, leans forward, lifts his partner from the bottom, lowers his face into the water and exhales. A person above the water should not bend or raise his legs.

Who will jump higher

Raise your arms to the sides, palms down. On command, jump up, pushing off the bottom with your feet, while simultaneously moving your hands down into the water, thereby helping the push.

Fastest couple

Break into pairs (first and second numbers) and take a place at the start. The second numbers stand behind the first.

Fastest three

Break into threes. Two people hold a stick (about a meter long) by the ends, the third, standing behind, by the middle. At the signal, the two outermost begin to walk forward along the bottom, the third lies down on the water and works his legs in a crawl style. The first three to reach the finish line wins. The result is summed up after three attempts so that all participants can change places.


Starting position at the finish line for sliding on your chest. At the signal, take a breath, hold your breath and, pushing off strongly from the bottom, slide forward, moving your legs in a crawl style. The place where the player stood on the bottom or raised his head to inhale is considered his finish.

Ball race

Line up two teams in a column, one at a time, 2-3 steps from each other. The distance between players in columns is 1 step, the position of the feet is wider than shoulders. Those standing in front (captains) have the ball in their hands. At the captain’s signal, bend over and pass the ball between your legs to the person standing behind you, who then passes the ball on. The latter, having received the ball, runs with it to the leader of the column, and the game resumes. The team whose captain is the first to stand at the head of the column wins.

Giant dwarfs

Children stand waist-deep in water. The presenter gives the signal by shouting the word: “Dwarfs!” Everyone sits in the water. Behind the signal: “Giants!” - all players jump up. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game. The one who remains wins.


Players are divided into fishermen (two people) and fish. The fishermen join hands, following the leader’s signal, run after one of the fish, trying to surround it from all sides. The caught fish becomes a fisherman and joins them, thus forming long nets. The fishermen need to hold hands tightly, because fish cannot be caught with torn nets. The game ends when all the fish are caught.


  • Any number of children can take part: the more, the more interesting;
  • Only those children who have the necessary swimming skills can take part;
  • the game is played in water (a pond or pool), where there is plenty of space;
  • those participants who behave disrespectfully or aggressively towards their comrades in the water leave the game;
  • The progress of the game is monitored by a teacher or coach, and he decides who has broken the rules.

How to play:

First, the participant who will play the role of fisherman is determined by drawing lots. He will have to keep a certain distance from other participants. They, in turn, can swim, walk, in general, move as they please, but without crossing the pre-allocated distance from the shore (depending on the height of the water). When, at the most unexpected moment, the coach says “Catch a fish,” the player playing the role of a fisherman strives to “trash” one of the players. If he does not achieve his goal, then he remains in this position for some time. The player who does get caught becomes the driver. Based on the results, the participant who became the most dexterous fisherman and “caught” the largest number of players is selected.


  • It’s fun to play with a big group;
  • Only those children who swim well and know how to dive correctly can take part;
  • The game is played in water (a pond or pool), where there is plenty of space.

How to play:

First, a participant is determined who will become a target for other players. They put a string with a bell on his hand, the rest put on swimming goggles through which nothing can be seen. You can, for example, cover the glass with dark, opaque tape or come up with something else. All participants dive into the water, and at the coach's signal they must catch the participant with the bell. The winner is the one who completed the task.


  • the number of players must be 5 or more;
  • players must have basic skills in moving in water;
  • the game is played in water (a pond or pool), where there is a lot of space and is shallow;
  • To play you will need a ball.

How to play:

First, the participant who will catch the ball is determined by drawing lots. The remaining players form a large circle and begin throwing it to each other, bypassing the selected participant in the center. If the driver catches the ball, then the one who mistakenly gave him the pass takes his place. The game continues until the participants get tired. The winner is the player who was the driver least often and, therefore, gave more accurate passes to his comrades (the moment with the draw does not count).


  • the number of players must be 4 or more, and certainly an even number;
  • the competition is held in water, where there is a lot of space and quite shallow (swimming pool, fenced pond);
  • the progress of the game is monitored by a teacher or coach;
  • The route of the competition and the finish mark are determined in advance.

How to play:

First, the participants are divided into pairs by drawing lots. In each pair, the first player leads the second and can move through the water in any way (walking or swimming). And the second participant can only hold on, without making any movements in the water. The coach monitors compliance with all rules by the participants and gives the signal “To start!” and fixes the fastest pair, which becomes the winner.


  • Any number of children can take part, but big company more interesting;
  • the game is played on the banks of a river or sea, where the bottom is comfortable and safe;
  • The progress of the game is monitored by a teacher or coach who determines the best “frog”.

How to play:

All players line up on the shore, and at the coach’s signal they must move by jumping, the number of which is determined in advance and depends on the conditions of the reservoir and the age of the participants. Having completed required amount jumps, the players stop. The one who is further from the shore becomes the leader.
