Flower stand - how to make interesting and original projects with your own hands? (90 photo ideas). Metal flower stands How to make a metal flower stand

Growing flowers, for most housewives, is a very exciting activity. A small hobby gradually develops into a big hobby, filling all the free space. It's good if living space allows you to select the necessary territory to create a green oasis. But what about this sprout, which has no place on the windowsill, can’t be placed on the closet, the table is occupied, and on the floor among the large flowerpots it will simply get lost.

The solution is this global problem, floor and wall shelf options are becoming available. Modern market offers a wide range of ready-made designs. The variety of shapes, structures and color designs is amazing and has no boundaries. However, made with your own hands, flower shelves become a unique design solution and bring an extraordinary atmosphere to the interior.

Variety of solutions and materials

Before starting work, it is necessary to create a rough plan for the arrangement of colors, based on which the sizes and features of future shelves will be determined. Depending on the type of plant, two main options are used:

  • wall;
  • floor

The number of flowerpots located on the selected structures also divides them into several types:

  • Single rooms. In most cases, they are used as wall hangings; small, densely flowering bushes or climbing dense greenery look very beautiful in them.
  • Double. It is better to choose flowers with the same care conditions for them. They can be wall-mounted or floor-mounted; for the second option, large ones are more suitable tree plants.
  • Multi-seat. The shelves occupy a certain section of the wall, the main thing is not to place very heavy pots to prevent them from falling; in the floor version you can place up to ten flowerpots.

All proposed options can be designed in the form of corner shelves, so you will save space and additional features for design innovation. For lovers of liana plants, ceiling shelves are offered for consideration.

To create your own flower racks, you can choose and combine a wide variety of materials. Very often, many people choose a tree. Despite the environmental friendliness and versatility of use, do not forget that you can always find others at hand interesting options, which have their own advantages. We will look at some of them in more detail.

Plywood shelves

Plywood - perhaps this is the simplest and cheap material, from which flower shelves of various shapes and sizes are obtained. If there is no one in the house plywood sheet it will take a small amount of money to purchase it. The process of creating a shelf from plywood is not complicated. In the presence of necessary tools the task at hand will turn into a work of art in a short time.

First, you need to make a sketch. Here you can show unlimited imagination. The main thing is that the resulting design corresponds to the initial purpose, is durable and can withstand the intended number of pots.

When the canvas is ready, the edges of the cut are cleaned sandpaper and holes are made for future fastening. The entire surface is covered with a special solution, which increases moisture resistance and prevents the appearance of mold. After drying, the shelf is opened with varnish.

Creative people can demonstrate their talents by decorating the product with drawings, covering it with pebbles or shells, and showing creativity.

To secure wall options plywood shelves use metal corners or brackets, due to which they are attached directly to the wall.

Plastic rack

The most common place to place flowers indoors is the windowsill. Using such a plastic sheet, flower racks are created. You can buy it at almost any hardware store or order from the manufacturer.

For the design you will need several nickel-plated pipes, fasteners, flanges for attaching to the floor and a pair of brackets, do not forget about the tools necessary for the work.

After the measurements have been taken, the window sill is cut to the required length. The next step is drilling holes for the pipes, two at the edges, it is important that they are parallel to each other, and one in the center. The length of the pipes must be the same, otherwise the structure will be unreliable and shaky. The assembled rack is secured using ceiling brackets and floor flanges.

The advantages of plastic shelving are durability, they are not afraid of moisture, and they are easy to care for.

Corner shelves for flowers

To create a corner shelf, you can use all the materials listed here. For small products there will be enough leftover materials.

The technology for creating corner shelves with your own hands is very simple. A surface of the required size is cut from a sheet of chipboard. A galvanized pipe is threaded into the prepared holes and the entire invention is connected to each other with flanges. Using brackets it is fixed to the selected surface.

The next stage is treatment with varnish or paint.

To create a green corner, interesting solution There will be a kind of corner shelving. As they grow, the shelves become smaller, representing a pyramid. You can arrange flowers on this design different sizes using climbing plants On the sides.

Wooden flower shelves

Wood is one of the most reliable materials used in construction. Properly assembled and secured wooden shelving or shelves adapt to any number of plants, regardless of size. When choosing wooden wall shelves, you can limit yourself to the simplest option. To do this, take a beam of the required length, coat it with varnish or paint and fasten it using metal corners to Wall. If you replace the fastenings with leather straps, you get a creative design approach that brings individuality.

Wooden floor racks are made for plants in large flowerpots. They can withstand a lot of weight, allowing you to combine different types colors.

A corner shelf can be easily assembled from scraps, even if they are of unequal length. Flowering bushes diversify the boring life of corners with their bright colors.

For lovers unusual options are offered for consideration wooden shelves, combining several different materials.

Assembly method wooden shelves or shelving the same as in the version with plywood.

Wall flower shelf made of wood and metal

When combining materials for flower shelves, we recommend choosing a combination of metal and wood. Welded metal carcass With wooden flooring is used for wall views shelves and fits very harmoniously into a modern interior.

For manufacturing, you will need a drawing with measurements, several rods that will later create the base of the shelf, and a wooden board for the partition. After welding the main part, it must be treated with an anti-corrosion solution and painted in the chosen color. Next, the prepared wooden plank is installed, the finished product is attached to the wall using self-tapping screws.

Considering this combination of materials in floor options for flower racks, the main work is carried out according to the same plan. Preference is given to options with several tiers, and lovers of sophistication will appreciate forged flower stands.

Glass shelves for flowers

The main location of glass shelves is usually in the window space. On such shelves, all plants will receive the necessary portion of light. When preparing for work, you need to choose the right glass thickness. The best option 0.5 cm. By strengthening the lower part with wood, this design can easily support up to ten small pots of flowers.

If handling a glass cutter causes some difficulties, it is better to seek help from knowledgeable craftsmen. By providing required sizes, they will easily complete your task.

In addition to the glass, you will need iron corners to attach the slats. Shelves are placed on top of the slats.

Equally important is the proper arrangement of flower racks and shelves. By following a number of simple tips, harmony is achieved between the green space and the atmosphere of the home:

  1. If the floral variety is dominated by decorative flowers, it is better to use a wide floor rack. Its height should not exceed the middle height of the room, otherwise there will be a visual distortion of the space.
  2. When arranging flowers on tiered shelves, we use the rule from largest to smallest. Lush, larger bushes are placed on the lower floors, and we are gradually creating a transition to miniature options.
  3. When creating flower stands with your own hands, special attention should be paid to the supports. Large flowerpots require a strong and stable structure, especially if there are small children or animals in the house.
  4. A large number of plants placed next to each other on one shelf should have the same conditions for care.
  5. Add variety by inventing interesting ideas and adding little accents. Any driftwood with an extraordinary approach, with the addition of artificial accessories in the form of butterflies or bugs, will turn into a masterpiece.

The use of flower shelves is not limited to internal part premises. Houses and apartments with balconies or loggias contain entire greenhouses. Owners of personal plots create incredible compositions on their territory. Restored stairs, bicycles and wheelbarrows are used as shelving. Teapots, watering cans and other old utensils can serve as a hanging shelf. Such green corners become one with the owners, and self-designed racks and shelves for plants are an integral part of a small flower paradise.

84 photos of shelf ideas

Living plants in the house are a wonderful decoration, which can be complemented by a metal floor flower stand. Together they can make the room more comfortable and improve the atmosphere of the home. As for flowers, some of them are very beneficial. They can help with various diseases and also purify the air. The latter is very important for children's rooms, so their interior is often complemented with pots of house plants.

Most often, flowers in apartments live on window sills. However, this is not always a good option. First of all, not all indoor flowers They tolerate a lot of sun, and secondly, some specimens really don’t want to be hidden from prying eyes behind curtains.

And here on help will come so simple but useful solution like purchasing a flower stand. They can be made from a variety of materials, but the most sophisticated options are made from metal. Such stands are successful decorative elements and can be placed on the floor or hung from the ceiling.

Metal floor flower stands will not look like an ordinary item that simply takes up space in the room. Nowadays, designers offer such a variety of options that suitable option Even the most demanding buyer will choose for himself.

In modern stores you can buy metal flower stands inexpensively, and these include designs in the form of high or low stools, openwork shelves, forged ladders, and pyramids. It all depends on the manufacturer, or rather, his imagination. And with certain skills and special tools, you can make a metal flower stand yourself.

When choosing metal racks for indoor flowers, professionals recommend that you first decide on a place for this element. Depending on how much free space in the room can be devoted to a flower stand, the size of this decorative element will also depend.

Metal openwork flower racks are perfect for many interiors; they fit best into a Provence style room. In this case, the metal frame should be painted white, as it is considered optimal for French country style. Metal flower stands, photos of which can be seen below, can be made not only in the form of ordinary tables or ladders, but also in the shape of carts and bicycles to create a rustic atmosphere.

There can be many varieties of such decorative elements. It all depends on the designer’s imagination and the manufacturer. Floor-mounted options are very popular, which can sometimes take up space from floor to ceiling. On such racks it is very convenient to place a large number of plants on a minimum of square centimeters. Saving space is important for many city apartments, so high floor shelving is very popular.

Often, for interior decoration, home owners opt for low metal supplies on legs. They can be for one pot or for several.

It is very important to adhere to the general style of the room, for example, if the room is decorated in Provence style, a metal floor flower stand in the form of a barrel, bicycle or cart will fit here. In general, absolutely everything that emphasizes the rustic orientation of the interior will be relevant. But for the classic ones design ideas It is better to choose a stand for indoor plants in the form of openwork stools or shelving. Antique bronze flower stands look very original.

Concerning color design, then it can be completely different. Here you need to focus on the general design solution And color scheme. For a classic look, a black metal stand with gold elements is best. In French country, light colors are encouraged, so it is better to paint the flower bed white. For modern style high-tech, where metal is often used, you can even leave the product in its original color.

Advantages of metal stands

Professional designers believe that floor-mounted metal flower stands are the decorative element that gives the room a certain completeness. Often it is flower gardeners who use it as finishing touch to make the room more comfortable.

A huge plus metal shelving is that they are very durable, so you can choose tall specimens and not be afraid that they will fall apart due to the large weight of the flower pots. For practical people who are not used to wasting money, metal stands for indoor plants are just perfect. Such decorative elements are highly durable and durable. The metal structure will look like new even after many years of use. At the same time, its shape and dimensions will remain unchanged, as if the stand had just been brought from the store.

If desired, you can significantly save space in the room. High floor racks make it possible to place a large number of flower pots, allocating only a few tens of square centimeters for this . In this case, each plant will be clearly visible and presented in the most favorable light.

Sometimes metal flower stands are chosen not only by apartment owners, but also by people living in private houses. Good options will perfectly complement the interior of the yard and at the same time will last a very long time, unlike their wooden or plastic counterparts, which can be extremely susceptible to the influence of the external environment and will quickly become unusable. Floor-mounted metal flower stands look very good on terraces.

A DIY flower stand will certainly decorate any home, giving indoor plants a stylish and original look. In addition, multi-tiered shelves help all green pets reach the light source, especially if there are a lot of them and it is impossible to fit them all on the windowsills.

Nuances of work

Stands for indoor flowers Most often they are made of wood - boards and plywood. It's convenient natural material, which lends itself well to processing. Also, stands can be made of metal, plastic, wire.

You can place the stands in almost any part of the room - on the wall, in the corner, on the window. If light-loving plants do not fit on the window sill, it can be “expanded” due to numerous hanging or shelving shelves built into the walls of the window. If you need to save space and at the same time place numerous flowers with pots, you can fix the shelves on the walls. Also beautiful coasters on the floor will decorate the interior.

In the photo you can see what models of plant stands can be and choose the right model for yourself.

Simple but elegant wooden stands are quite easy to make yourself, especially for those craftsmen who love and know how to work with wood.

As an example, we will give a master class of a wooden stand that can be placed either by the window or on the floor. For crafts you will need following materials and tools:

  • board (preferably pine);
  • slats;
  • sample;
  • stencil for side drawings;
  • pencil;
  • jigsaw;
  • milling cutter;
  • screwdriver and thin screws or hammer and nails;
  • skin;
  • wood paints and brushes or aerosol;
  • varnish (parquet).

Boards must be selected taking into account the size of all parts. For the craft you need two side walls and three tabletops. The walls can be about a meter long. The diameter of the tabletop is 16-20 cm.

You can draw the template by hand or use a ready-made one. It must be taken into account that the walls are the main support of the stand, so they must touch the surface in at least three places.

How to do:

  1. Transfer the prepared templates with a pencil onto the boards;

  1. Using a jigsaw, cut out the parts along the contours and sand them;

  1. Use a router to decoratively process the edges of all parts;

  1. Connect the two walls using slats of equal length, cut to the diameter of the table tops or slightly narrower;

  1. Paint the workpiece with an aerosol or brush;

  1. WITH reverse side screw the stands onto the table tops (it is better to place pre-prepared round pieces of plywood under them);

  1. Cover the stand with varnish and wait until it dries.

At this point you can complete the craft and start using the stand for its intended purpose. However, to give the stand an aesthetic and interesting view, you can decorate it with artificial roses. For this you will need:

  • wire;
  • artificial leaves;
  • sharpener;
  • fresh branches (ash, linden, rowan);
  • candle;
  • dye.

While the varnish is drying, you can do the following:

  1. Grind fresh twigs on a sharpener to make round shavings (rose corollas);

  1. Insert the whisk into the wire bent at one end;

  1. Melt the candle and dip the flower blank into it;

  1. Paint the rose, attach artificial leaves to the wire;

  1. Drill small holes in the slats and insert the resulting roses into them.

Stands made of metal, especially forged ones, also look beautiful. They can stand alone on the floor, decorating the interior, or be suspended, for example, by a window. They are easiest to buy or order from blacksmiths. However, you can try to repeat the forging patterns using thick wire and a soldering iron.

Features and difficulties

Perhaps the hardest thing to do floor stands for flowers with your own hands. For a home with large rooms, this is an excellent option, but quite labor-intensive. First you need to construct a frame on which the shelves will be supported. It can be shaped like the letter “A” or “L” or be rectangular like a rack.

The frame must be strong and stable. Bars made of wood or metal or polypropylene pipes(depending on the expected weight of the shelves and pots).

Wall stands are racks or individual shelves attached to the wall. The shelves do not have to be located strictly below each other. They can be secured in a checkerboard or other pattern to make it easier to place pots and easily reach them while watering.

Very convenient corner stands - this way you can save room space. However, you should not make such a stand in a corner far from the light source.

An original shelf for flowers and small items can be made from boards and belts.

Everything that surrounds a person in his home should radiate warmth and peace. All the things that fill a room most often carry certain information with them. We must strive to ensure that this information is only positive. Indoor plants not only have a wonderful effect on a person, but are also beneficial for his health. And an original handmade plant stand will help give your home additional coziness and harmony.

The role of indoor plants in human life

Many people use indoor flowers in their room decor. Plants, like nothing else, can enliven even the driest interior. But, speaking about indoor flowers, one cannot help but mention their beneficial effect on human body. After all, it has long been believed that some plants have healing properties and have a beneficial effect on health and psychological condition person. Most indoor flowers are safely used in folk medicine. There is also an opinion that they are able to cleanse the house of troubles and troubles. In addition, it has been proven that plants in pots, even in small quantities, perfectly purify oxygen in rooms. There are many types of indoor flowers in nature. Each plant has its own unique qualities. But most people, as is customary, choose flowers based on their appearance. When using flowers in room decor, it is important not to forget that these living creatures require special attention. The most important thing is lighting and watering. And in order for harmony to reign in the interior, you should use original jardinieres (from the French Jardiniere - stand, basket, bookcase) for flowers. It is not necessary to buy this decorative element. A made stand can exceed all expectations.

Interior style and stand

In order to choose the material for the stand, you need to carefully study the interior style of the room. In principle, a DIY flower stand can be made from anything, the main thing is that it should look good in the room. It is important to correctly calculate the area that it will occupy, as well as the number of flowers that will be located on it. If there are a lot of plants, it is better to choose a multi-level option. And if there is only one flower, then in this case the stand must be chosen with a fairly elegant shape. Stands have a wide variety of types. Most often, plastic, iron, wire, wicker, wood, thread and unusual items. Jardinieres can be floor-mounted, hanging, located on window sills or built into the wall. They are often decorated using decoupage, mosaics or paints. They also combine several manufacturing options at once, for example, combining wood and metal. You don't have to have special talents to do original stand yourself. It is important to approach this matter with soul.

Floor stands

Floor stands come in many different types. They come in the form of ladders, multi-level shelves, in the form of an apartment flower bed, high and low, wide and narrow. Such jardinieres are the most common option for any room. They are quite practical; most often such racks are made of strong materials such as wood, metal, plastic. They look good in any interior and perfectly complement any design. In order to succeed original design may be made from an unexpected item. A variety of directions are used in the design of floor jardinieres. Of course, you can find many options in any flower shop, as well as specialized chains. The advantages of such designs are that they are very practical and convenient. And in order for the flower stand to look advantageous, the floor structure must be designed in the general style of the room. The simplest design of a floor stand is a low round piece on a leg. It's very easy to do it yourself. To do this, you will need any workable material (chipboard, wood, plastic). It is important that the stand is stable; for this, the diameter of the base should be approximately 20cm. The length of the leg can be any, depending on the desired height of the jardiniere. Using tools, you need to cut out grooves to connect the parts. When attaching them, you must use special glue.

Wooden coasters

If the interior is dominated by wooden elements, then the best option would be a wooden flower stand. Although such models of jardinieres bring naturalness and naturalness to any design. They go well with plant compositions. Wooden flower stands can be floor-standing or hanging, they can be placed on the windowsill, and also partially built into the walls. Specialty stores often offer stands made from raw materials. natural wood. Thanks to this natural appearance, it feels like something real is growing in the house. The most common ones are made from boards or special parts. They have a wide variety of forms: shelves, ladders, multifunctional bedside tables. The only place where it is undesirable to place this type of decor is on balcony window sills. Excess moisture has a bad effect on the structure of the tree, which can lead to a short service life. One of the most simple options making such a jardiniere is a ladder. To create it you will need a little glue or nails. All parts must be fastened with high quality. The whole job takes a maximum of an hour. When the main structure is ready, it must be varnished or painted desired color. Multi-colored stairs look very interesting.

Window sill stands

Very often indoor flowers are located on the windowsill. For the purposes of house cleanliness, this is not very practical. Therefore, there are several types of window sill stands. Most often used flat designs, made of plastic or wood coated with varnish. But forged products look much more original. Their appearance is extremely unusual. They can be made for each flower separately, as well as for several pots at once. Window sill flower stands are made of metal and have the shape of a long, rectangular box. The advantage of such a jardiniere is that it is suitable even for the narrowest window sill. First of all, it saves space. And a large number of flower pots guarantees the look of a heavenly flower garden. In general, it is not necessary to use special decorative coasters. fashion trend - wide window sill with flowers, decorated with various little things: books, records, toys. Absolutely any items that are associated with home and comfort will do. It’s probably not easy to come up with a stand for a window sill on your own. special labor. For small pots, a jardiniere woven from wicker is perfect. The main structure consists of a rod or dense wire. The rod will be the basis of the product; it needs to be well attached to a heavy bottom (you can use a round wooden block). Next, you need to attach individual “branches” to it in a chaotic manner and decorate everything with vines. Each pot must be braided, starting from the bottom. The very first turn needs to be secured with wire. All that remains is to assemble the structure.

Forged jardinieres

A stand for indoor flowers can be made using wrought iron. This option is perhaps one of the most beautiful and unusual. I would like to say right away that such stands are the most durable and require little maintenance. Such models easily combine strength and openwork lightness. In addition, the forms of execution are very different: consoles, racks, slides, towers, spirals and others. Among all the products, I especially want to highlight forged balcony racks. This chic part of the interior can turn any loggia or balcony into a real heavenly flower garden. Forged Products They can also be used to decorate windows, placed on walls, and look original in the form of flowerpots. Often these jardinieres are combined with other materials. Most often, forged coasters are made to order. Product options can be very different: from simple abstraction to figured images and inscriptions. The only disadvantage of such stands is their high cost. This is not to say that such jardinieres are easy to make with your own hands. After all, to create such a structure you need a special metal twisting device. First you need a sketch. For consideration, let's take a simple structure consisting of three legs, fastened together in the middle. All three parts must be exactly the same, so you need to take all measurements very carefully. For manufacturing, it is best to use metal of small thickness. The elegance of the entire product depends on the diameter of the rods.

High stands

If there are a lot of flower pots in the room, then a multi-level stand is best suited. A high flower stand can not only save a huge amount of space, but also accommodate a maximum of pots at the same time. Tall jardinieres are most often floor-mounted. For such a product, stability and favorable placement are important. Typically these stands are located in the corner of the room. The most varied widths are used. Forged high jardinieres look very original. They complement any interior with elegance and tenderness. Wooden multi-level high racks look very unusual. Most often they are located on balconies and loggias. Their advantage is a large number of bowls for indoor plants. If the flowers in the house are of the same type, for example, multi-colored violets, then the option of a tall jardiniere is the most suitable. To make such a stand with your own hands, the most good option- hanging jardiniere. To make it you will need: rope, metal rings, ceramic pots and some tools. The shelf must be cut into several square pieces. On each part, mark the diameter of the bottom of the pot (plus a few mm is required) and, using a jigsaw, cut it out. In each corner of the square you need to make a hole for the rope. The next stage is the assembly of the structure. Initially, it is necessary to determine the length of the entire jardiniere, as well as the distance between the pots. The cord on which the entire structure will be attached can be designed to match the interior. Using knots, you need to secure all the parts on the rope, and the jardiniere is ready.

Glass coasters

If the room is filled with furniture to the maximum, then best option there is simply nothing better than glass flower stands. The transparent design is able to withstand large pots, while absolutely not burdening the interior with massiveness. Glass for such jardinieres comes in a variety of colors. Transparent glass makes the stand weightless, and, for example, black glass emphasizes the geometry of the product itself. Such racks are always made in combination with other materials: plastic, wood, forging. Designs placed in the window opening look good. Best to use small pots With flowering plants. Well, to make such a jardiniere with your own hands, the simplest design is shelves. To work, you will need several sheets of building glass (preferably 6 mm), guides and supports. It is necessary to make several holes in the slopes and secure the structure. The whole job takes a little more than an hour, and the effect is simply amazing!

Outdoor flower stands

More often houseplants used to decorate summer cafes or just streets. This is done for several reasons: the impossibility of planting the plant in the ground, the method of interior decoration and aesthetic value. Unfortunately, not all stores can find such an accessory. But it can easily be made to order. Most practical material for production - iron. It is most durable in conditions such as the street. But other materials are also used for production. Stone jardinieres look very original. Street flower stands are divided into two categories: stationary and portable. Such landscape decorations will not leave anyone indifferent.

DIY coasters

Jardinieres for flowers are an interior detail with which you can safely experiment. Give the room unusual look A do-it-yourself stand will help. To make such a design, you don’t have to be a master; the most important thing is to approach the work with imagination. What the stand is made of depends only on its owner. The more unexpected the base of the product, the more likely it is that a hand-made flower stand will turn out to be original and unique. The jardiniere should bear the character not only of the room, but also of its owner. Then the result will be simply amazing. DIY flower stand - it's easy!

As many people know, any flowers bring not only a feeling of comfort, but also beauty to the atmosphere in the house. They serve as a delight for human eyes, fill the apartment with a wonderful aroma, and help fill the room with pure oxygen.

Psychologists, in turn, never tire of reminding us that they are very beneficial for a person’s physical and mental health.

They can fill a person positive energy, charge you with vigor, and also drive away bad thoughts. That is why people suffering from various sleep disorders are highly recommended to use flowers not only for decorative purposes.

Supporters traditional medicine in turn, they remind us that plants can serve as medicine for various ailments. For example, primrose is commonly used for skin diseases, and aloe is an indispensable assistant when fighting a cold.

And if one of the household members suffers from nervous disorders, then there is no way to do without the help of geranium. She's for short term will get rid of obsessive-compulsive disorder, will calm and have a beneficial effect on the body.

However, in order for flowers to become a full-fledged decoration in the house and look quite harmonious, one cannot do without their correct arrangement. Often plants are placed on window sills, but such a decision is not always correct.

After all, in the hot summer there are too many flowers sunlight, and in winter, excess cold causes them irreparable harm.

This is why professional florists strongly recommend using floor flower stands. They will help you position the plants correctly and become worthy decoration interior

All about the types of stands for indoor flowers

Today there are many models on the market that have different price ranges and are different. The material used as a basis can be not only wood or metal, but also plastic.

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And if you make your choice correctly, you will undoubtedly become the owner of not only a beautiful, elegant, but also a practical, multifunctional product.

They will be a wonderful addition to your interior, elevating it and giving it more charm and elegance. Let's take a closer look at what types of stands can currently be found on the market:

Stationary floor stands. They are the most popular and have a fairly reasonable price. Their design is quite simple and is based on a solid vertical base.

The base may or may not be movable. This is entirely up to your preference and does not affect the functionality of the product in any way.

Shelf stands. Most often used in rooms with limited free space, in which it is necessary to accommodate a large number of plants.

Their design is quite interesting and unusual, so they can be seen not only in classically decorated rooms, but also in rooms with a more modern design.

Mobile. Can have different shape, are equipped with moving parts and consist of two or more tiers. The main difference between this model and others is the presence of wheels.

Thanks to this, the home owner gets a unique opportunity to move the product around the house without any problems.

Non-standard stands. They appeared on the market not so long ago, but have already become quite popular. This is due to the fact that nowadays everything large quantity people prefer modern styles.

Most of these styles are demanding when it comes to decorative items. That is why there is a need to purchase catchy and memorable interior items.

Which coasters to choose?

When choosing coasters, you need to be guided not only by personal preferences and style requirements. Always remember to consider which plants will be placed on the stands.

Do not forget that standard products are designed for only 1 flowerpot, and their height does not exceed 70 centimeters. There are also models that are only 10 centimeters high. Therefore, before purchasing one of these models, think about which one will suit you best.

For example, if you plan to purchase plants with fairly long, thin or thick stems that hang down to the floor, it is completely unacceptable to order a product with small height. And, conversely, you should not purchase structures that are too tall for flowers with short stems.

If there is not much free space in the room, you should think about purchasing corner tower structures. They can accommodate several flowerpots at once, but do not take up as much space as conventional floor products.

However, choosing this design, it is important to think in advance about how the flowers will be arranged. They should not interfere with each other, and also create additional shadow.

To prevent this from happening, do not place plants with wide and large leaves on this stand.

Photos of flower stand options
