Peter Levin read the eye of the real revival. Peter Levin The Eye of Real Revival. The practice of gaining wealth from Tibetan lamas. The new teacher and his “shock therapy”

The Eye of True Revival Peter Levin

The True Story of the "Eye of Rebirth"

Then, when we were already settled in our cells - tiny rooms with almost no furnishings, and returned to our conversation, Yu asked me if I had read Peter Kalder's book "The Eye of the Renaissance." I replied that I had not read it - because I was not at all interested in such literature, and besides, in those years it was not widely available in Russia. Then he told me that this book tells the story of a certain retired English colonel who visited this monastery, and as a result, in his seventies, began to look at most forty.

“I became acquainted with this book as soon as it was published - almost half a century ago,” Yuri Ivanovich continued the story. - And I realized that I had to find this monastery, especially since I determined by some signs that it was somewhere nearby. And yet, decades passed before I was ready for this path. All these decades I have been studying according to the system described in the book. But the more I studied, the more clearly I understood: I would not see the results that the hero of the book achieved. Moreover, I met many people who also performed the complex described in the book; it certainly had a beneficial effect, but still did not guarantee such obvious rejuvenation. And I promised myself that I would reveal this secret, find out what it was all about.

I listened to Yuri Ivanovich, and became more and more interested. The mystery of the mysterious complex intrigued me.

And what was the matter? - I asked with undisguised interest.

The fact is that the book does not present the entire complex. There's only part of it. And in parts it does not work as it should. Moreover, the book does not describe the most an important part complex. I immediately felt that there was some kind of understatement there. It's about about the Eye of Renaissance, or the Heavenly Eye - this is what the lamas themselves call the complex. It is implied that there is some supermundane source of strength, energy, youth- what else could this Eye be? However, the book does not say what this source is or how to find it. Instead, it is proposed to simply stimulate the body’s own energy every day - wind it up, like winding a mechanical watch. But your own resources are not limitless, and no matter how you start them, sooner or later they will be exhausted. If you can't find another source.

And did you find it? - I asked impatiently.

At first I looked for it, following the information contained in Kalder’s book - in addition to the five main rituals of the complex, it also describes a sixth one, which involves rejuvenation through the special use of sexual energy. But I quickly realized that this was not it either. In addition, there are a lot of warnings - they say that if the method is applied incorrectly, it will lead not to improvement, but to deterioration of the condition. And the method itself is described in such a way that for most people it turns out to be simply impossible. There was something wrong with this. I immediately suspected a mistake. And only when I got here myself, everything fell into place for me, I was able to get true, reliable information.

Not a trace of my skepticism remained. I was eager to find out the truth too! Moreover, I did not need to spend decades searching for the monastery; in my early thirties I was already here.

Yu understood my mood, looked with a conspiratorial look and said:

Maybe you will become the person who will be able to learn and convey to people the knowledge of eternal youth in its true and complete form.

Why do you think so? - I asked.

You are not greedy. You are sincere and honest. And besides, getting here at your age is unheard of luck. I wouldn't have believed that this was possible if I hadn't met you myself.

I no longer needed convincing. I made the decision myself: I’m staying. I want to know the secret of eternal youth. I want to turn back time and be born again. I want to teach the same to other people.

This is how my studies at the monastery began.

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Peter Levin

The Eye of True Rebirth

An ancient practice of Tibetan lamas, the secrets of which are revealed only in this book

All 7 Tibetan pearls in one book

TOPIC 1: Foreword

Turn back time

For many years I did not dare to give wide publicity to the knowledge that I had to become the owner of under very unusual circumstances. Not seeing myself as a teacher, guru or preacher, I strictly followed the rule of not talking about what I was not asked about. I revealed my secrets only to some people who were interested in how I managed to look so young at my no longer young age, but only after making sure that their interest was not idle, that they were ready to achieve the same result themselves in practice. But in last years I noticed that there are more and more such people who have a sincere intention to turn back time itself. And somehow it naturally happened that I acquired a fair number of students, who, in turn, carried the acquired knowledge further. As a result, the need arose for some kind of manual that could be relied upon. But even here, doubts did not leave me: is it possible to reveal all the secrets I know? Still, it is one thing when knowledge is transferred to a person who is ripe for perception, and quite another thing to transfer it into the hands of everyone who wants it.

Life itself dispelled these doubts. The team of one company approached me with a request to conduct a seminar on rejuvenation. The experiment was successful, and then similar proposals began to follow one after another. Each time I was greeted by a small but very grateful audience. And I realized: serious changes are happening in the world. Every day, many people, as if waking up from a dream, realize that it is no longer possible to live as before. Suffering, illness, premature aging and death - all this must be stopped. And most importantly, people felt that they had the strength to do this. Turning back time is real, and not for individual representatives of humanity, but for a huge number of people, and this number is increasing day by day. The secret knowledge that I have inherited ceases to be secret, because it is widely in demand. Just recently one could only dream about this...

I still do not believe that I am endowed with any special mission, that I should “open the eyes” of unenlightened humanity - no, I am a completely ordinary person. But since my fate has developed in such a way that I have become familiar with secrets that were only recently accessible to only a handful of initiates, then, apparently, I have a special responsibility for this. After all, knowledge is given to us so that we can share. That is what I am going to do in this book - now without doubt, but with a feeling of joy that the time for this has come.

But first I will have to tell my whole story in order.

Back in the distant eighties of the last century, I graduated from the Polytechnic Institute with honors. Thanks to such successful completion of my studies, I could choose any of the most good options distributions. Stay in graduate school and do science, or go to work at a research institute, design bureau, or at a large enterprise in any city Soviet Union, and even immediately to a decent position - all this was real. But youth, naivety, and the romance of distant travels that haunted me took over, and to the horror of my parents, I myself asked to be assigned far from home, to the Far East, to work on the construction of a large hydroelectric power station that was just beginning.

And I must say, I have never regretted it. Yes, there were difficulties and homesickness, especially at first - but I felt great doing real work, and not sitting in some warm place at a non-dusty job. Many people then lived by the principle “no matter where you work, just don’t work,” but for me this was categorically unacceptable. I wanted to work, I wanted to live to the fullest - and I got everything I wanted: an interesting, lively job, work in an atmosphere of general enthusiasm and inspiration that accompanied such construction projects back then, fast career, a more than decent salary for those times. Besides, I was young, energetic, inspired by my successes, and even more so by the opening prospects - what else is needed for happiness? Unless it's real, great love. But, as it seemed to me, I had met her by that time. I had a girlfriend whom I was going to marry. We worked together, we were connected by common interests, a common cause and, as I was sure, a common destiny.

Everything went well until 1990, and then our construction stalled, like many others at that time - government funding rapidly dropped to zero. Disruptions began with wages, forced vacations, and all the other “delights” of the transition period in the economy. It soon became clear that all work on the construction of the hydroelectric power station was about to be curtailed (this, by the way, soon happened, and construction resumed only in 1999). But even here I did not lose heart, because at the same time new opportunities appeared. For example, it has become quite possible to go to work abroad. I began to work hard in this direction. And in 1991, I was offered a contract job in China, also at one of the energy facilities.

I'm going to China

It was a great success, or so I thought. Only one thing darkened my success - separation from my beloved. There was no work for her in China, and she did not want to go there as my wife and housewife; she was interested in her own career. I understood her and did not blame her. And we made, as it seemed to me then, a wise decision: to postpone the wedding for two years, until I returned, and then immediately buy an apartment and throw a grandiose celebration - was it in vain that I went to earn money? Future family life In my rainbow dreams I saw her as happy, prosperous, well-adjusted in all respects, and two years did not seem too long a time.

We swore eternal love to each other, said goodbye warmly, and I left.

Almost immediately it became clear that neither the local climate was suitable for me - it was too hot and humid, nor the local food - it was too spicy, literally burning my insides with fire. I could never get used to it - just like to local customs, culture, language. Everything was foreign. In addition, I was completely alone, and looked with envy at my married colleagues who came to China with their spouses, who all dressed up in Chinese robes, acquired fans, and, out of nothing to do, began to study some Chinese rituals and ceremonies under the guidance of Chinese teachers who came from God knows where. Charged with qi energy during these classes, the women looked blooming and contented, and they brightened up the hotel comfort for their husbands as best they could, while I was content with the miserable bachelor life.

In general, I regretted this idea with China almost immediately. The remnants of the romance of distant travels have completely disappeared from my head. I felt sad, cursed this “abroad” a hundred times, I was no longer happy with any of the money I hoped to earn there. Now I wanted only one thing: to return home as soon as possible. But it turned out to be impossible to terminate the contract, and I was counting the days until my vacation was due.

The only thing that made me happy were the letters from my fiancée. At first she wrote to me quite often, assuring me that she loved me and missed me. Then the letters began to arrive less and less often - my beloved complained that she had a lot of work, she was tired, and there was no time at all. For each of her letters, I wrote her two or even three answers. He persuaded me to take care of myself and get more rest. I didn’t talk much about my difficulties - I didn’t want to upset her. Besides, I dreamed that we would meet when I came on vacation, and then we would talk about everything.

And when there were only two weeks left before leaving home, an amazing story happened to me.

Young Elder

For the weekend, I went into the city to stroll around the souvenir shops - I wanted to bring something as a gift to the bride, relatives whom I was also going to visit, and friends. And I got so carried away, wandering from shop to shop that, looking up, I suddenly saw that I was on a completely unfamiliar street. It looks like some kind of poor neighborhood started here. The streets have become very narrow, the shops are very small. How I got here, and most importantly, how to find my way back now, I had absolutely no idea. Well, I gotta get lost! Looking around, I realized that I didn’t even know approximately which direction I should go now. I went to the nearest store and asked a question in English, but they didn’t understand where I was going. The same thing happened in the second, third, fourth store - they only spoke Chinese here, and this language was and remains completely incomprehensible to me.

Almost completely desperate, and having no idea what to do now, I, without hoping for anything, went into another shop. To my surprise I saw there a man of European appearance.

Peter Levin

The eye of true rebirth. How to learn to influence people. Ancient practice of Tibetan lamas


My Tibetan experience bears practical fruit

I owe much, if not everything, in my life to my Tibetan teachers. I was not yet thirty when, in the early nineties, I found myself in China, and then in Tibet, in a monastery lost in the mountains, where the “road of the dead” led. My second birth took place there. That's where mine began new life filled with energy, strength, health and eternal youth. I talked about this in my first book, The Eye of True Revival.

I returned with new knowledge and skills, which turned out to be very useful for achieving success in our usual way of life, which is so different from the way of life of the Tibetan lamas.


The laws of the universe that I comprehended in Tibet are universal: they apply everywhere and always. It is impossible to lose if you follow the highest truths - and it doesn’t matter where you live, in China, America or Russia.

But again and again some force led me to Tibet. Apparently, according to the Highest plans, I was supposed to become the guide who from time to time falls to the secret source of ancient knowledge, so that, having returned to my ordinary life, I could carry it to my compatriots - everyone who sincerely wants to know the secrets of the true Power, endless energy, eternal youth and reasonable management of your life.

Towards the end of the nineties, I found myself in Tibet for the second time - now to learn the secrets of prosperity and wealth. My second book is dedicated to that journey. Then I had to seriously rethink my life values ​​and the ways in which I tried to create wealth for myself and my family. The Tibetan lamas once again opened my eyes to how the world really works, and how important it is to learn to fit into its laws, so that all kinds of benefits begin to enter our lives almost by themselves.

He who lives must walk - he who stops must fall

And again I was convinced of the effectiveness of the acquired knowledge in practice. IN short time I managed to build a strong business from scratch. Things were going well. My company flourished and grew. Everything was fine in the family too. The second child was already growing up.

But then I was just beginning to comprehend the truth: once you set your path, you cannot stop. He who lives must go. Whoever stopped fell.

I still practiced all the exercises I had learned in Tibet. They gave strength, helped to get out of difficult situations and always kept both mind and body in good shape.

And yet, at a certain point, it began to feel like slipping in place. Everything in my life was smooth and stable. I didn’t even notice how stability turned into stagnation, I didn’t immediately understand that in this way life required me to move further. I completed the task and stopped there, not noticing that I had been “resting on my laurels” for too long. Whereas new tasks are already ripe. And, as usually happens in such cases, they announced themselves by the appearance of unexpected problems in my life.

My wife was the first to feel these problems. One day, after some minor disagreement (who doesn’t have them), she said that I had changed a lot. That I am no longer the same person she once met. That I have become different.

At first I wanted to just brush these words aside. After all, anyone who is considered a confident person would do this, right? Like, everything is fine with me, and there is no need to invent all sorts of nonsense.

But then I decided that self-confidence is, of course, good, but even the most self-confident person would do well to sometimes doubt a little: am I right? Because without these doubts you will simply stop in your development.

And from a living person you will turn into a bronzed monument on a pedestal.

I didn’t want to be a monument - I valued life too much, and therefore I wanted to be alive, albeit making mistakes and doubting - but developing, fluid, existing in unison with the living energies of the universe.

So I looked around - and saw, in general, a deplorable picture. No, outwardly everything was beautiful, to the envy of many. Business, money, prosperous family...

What confused me?

I saw the desert around me. I had a huge number of acquaintances, and an overabundance of communication - however, mostly related to work. Endless phone calls, meetings, negotiations... And with all this, I suddenly realized that I had not seen people’s eyes and faces for a long time.

Many human figures passed in front of me, with whom I entered into one interaction or another. But this was not communication in the full sense of the word. It was just some kind of formal interaction. Communication surrogate. It was as if I was communicating not with people, but with dolls, robots, functions.

And most importantly, I myself was turning from a living person into some kind of soulless function. In the depths of my soul, some kind of dissatisfaction was latently brewing, which for the time being I simply did not want to pay attention to.

I was too engrossed in work. All my interests were limited only to my business - and it’s not surprising, because this is my brainchild, into which I invested too much time, effort and energy.

But when I realized that I was betraying something important in myself, it became clear: I had to stop. We must return to ourselves again.

It turned out that I had not had real friends for a long time. Old friends disappeared somewhere, but new ones did not appear. A “social circle” appeared. But communication in this circle boiled down to a series of rituals and “clichés.” There was no genuine interest of people in each other. There was no understanding—or even a desire to understand. The soul was hiding behind the image. And it was as if they were communicating with each other not as people, but as images.

Even relationships within one’s own family became more and more formal. I hardly saw the children. They were still sleeping when I left for work, and were already asleep when I returned. For several years now I have not had any vacations or days off.

So what is really important in my life?

The time has come to seriously think about this.

Of course, the work left some kind of mark on me. I think psychologists call this personality deformation. I had to admit this to myself: yes, I became like a robot who lives only for his work. I have long forgotten what sympathy between people is, what sincere relationships are. Even emotional reactions have become a set of cliches.

And then my eyes seemed to open. I saw that not only my wife was dissatisfied - the team at my company was also dissatisfied. People did not want to be cogs, machines, functions of the system. They wanted humane treatment and mutual understanding. But he was not there.

Many young employees joined the company. I myself considered myself young - but suddenly it turned out that the next generation had already grown up, which turned out to be absolutely incomprehensible to me. Those who were older, on the contrary, seemed too understandable to me, unable to present surprises - but it turned out that I did not know either one or the other. And even with my peers I didn’t find common language- simply because he didn’t notice his work and didn’t want to be interested in them and their lives.

I invited psychologists to the company who promised to establish a normal moral and psychological climate in the team. They set to work diligently: they conducted a series of tests with each employee, then a whole series of seminars and trainings. It ended with a detailed “dossier” on the employees lying on my desk. Now I knew all the “ins and outs” of everyone. Which didn’t clarify the situation for me at all: I didn’t understand why I needed this knowledge and still had no idea how to competently build relationships.

The trainings also did not improve the situation - moreover, discord began in the team, because trouble, which had not been recognized before, suddenly became obvious and conscious. A series of layoffs followed. The rest worked carelessly.

Either the psychologists turned out to be unprofessional, or I myself did not draw the proper conclusions from their recommendations.

At the same time, the company's economic performance began to decline - which should have been expected long ago.

I lost heart and didn’t know where to look for a way out. The result is a series of failures in important negotiations, and, as a consequence, a serious crisis in the entire matter.

I started having insomnia. I thought for long nights. First, just about work. Then my thoughts turned to Tibet. It was as if I saw Yu in front of me with my own eyes.

At some point, a flash of insight came to me: I need to go there urgently.

After all, only there can I find answers to all my questions. Only there will I unravel the tangled tangle of problems.

But how in crisis situation quit what you're doing and leave? Moreover, I understood that one vacation would not be enough for me.

And yet there was no other choice. Either everything will continue to slide towards complete collapse - or I will try to change something. The very next day, I announced that I was retiring and handing over the reins to the board of directors.

I got the impression that everyone was just waiting for this decision of mine.

Denis/ 04/04/2015 Everything is fine, but the free download doesn’t work

Spirit of the Ancestors/ 12/14/2014 The Eye, according to Levin, complements Kelder, and does not contradict him. 20 years of practice according to Kelder in Sid’s translation led me to exactly the energy filling that Levin describes. But in the absence of the last 2 exercises, I have been catching up with yoga all these years. And I agree that the last 2 exercises are the key to the whole Eye.

Bogdan/ 10/8/2014 dear. From time to time I fast for 5 days on a dry basis. Once during a fast, I began to practice the Eye according to Sidersky plus meditation. When after 5 days I went to close the sick list, the doctor said that I was not fasting because I was not I’ve lost weight. I haven’t even lost the fat on my stomach. After that, my wife and I studied for 2 years. Fantastic. Whoever approaches correctly will get the result. When you do yoga, one day you come to an understanding of how to practice the Eye.

Victoria/ 11/17/2013 I have been practicing oko for three years, now I am performing 72 rotations, I plan to reach 108. Only those who know me can tell about my external change over these three years - my body has become toned, my muscles are developed, my body is flexible, and I am 43, at which I don’t even feel close to myself... I started the classes from the original source and I want to tell you that in the process the body itself prompts the correctness of the execution. My internal state- this is an increasingly felt harmony, to which the world around me is gradually coming. I will read Levin and Kelderovsky with pleasure, I think that there will be no superfluity..

[email protected] / 09/06/2013 Irina, my dear readers, don’t try to advise something if you haven’t fully figured it out yourself, write your feelings and the reader himself will decide that it’s better for me to be 60 years old. I’ve been doing exercises for 9 months according to Calvin. I won’t say that the result is amazing, but there is a result, I’ve become more energetic and sportier, and a month ago I read Levin and it became clear that without the right approach to the chakras and working with them there will be no great results, I believe that having mastered Kelviu or Kilham, you need to continue according to Levin, who really wants to be young and healthy, good luck to everyone

Sergey/ 06/11/2013 I do not recommend studying from Levin’s books. What the hell! The most adequate literature on "Tibetans" is the manual "Five Tibetan Pearls", written by Kilham. The author does not disfigure the EYE OF REVIVAL, like the fraudster Levin, but at the same time gives a number of extremely important explanations for each “Tibetan”, which Kelder for some reason missed or simply ignored. Kilham's book can be downloaded here on CUBE.

Anna/ 06/11/2013 I am 56 years old. I really don’t want to be an old lady. I’ve been doing Kelder for 9 months! It’s very difficult to continue, laziness resorts to all sorts of tricks! I have to show will and perseverance. Sometimes I give myself an indulgence: I divide the gymnastics into 2 parts, 11 repetitions in the morning, 10 in the evening. For my health and age, I have tremendous results. I have gained more strength, I hardly get tired during the day, although the physical loads are also decent. Today in the “morning” they talked about cellulite, I paid attention to my thighs and was very pleasantly surprised! Once again I was convinced that fidelity and constancy in this life is always rewarded!

Anton Berber/ 04/19/2013 I don’t want to argue, but I myself have become convinced of the real effectiveness of the Kelder version. If someone did not get the effect, perhaps he used the first interpretation of Yogi Kilham - in subsequent ones he corrected his mistakes. But Levin’s version struck with a deeper energetic content, sharing the same concept of energy vortexes with Kelder, although it suffers from a somewhat atheistic approach. Everyone always brings their own perception of reality and their own worldview to their interpretation. This is, of course, inevitable. In general, for a more competent and effective practice, I would recommend familiarizing yourself with the breathing techniques of yoga and qigong, as well as the practice of mudras, in order to correct the nuances of meditative elements, of which there is an abundance in the complex.
There is no doubt about the effectiveness of the practice unless you only intend to try it.

Anna/ 03/22/2013 I’ve been studying Calder for 6 months, now I found Levin. Both books are wonderful!!! I feel happy that such knowledge is available to me. I spread it among my acquaintances and friends. Of course, the energy component is very powerful! I get a tremendous influx of energy and positivity from my classes. You may not believe it, but you can check it.

Lyudmila/ 02/27/2013 I studied according to P. Calder for a long time, and there were results. I haven’t read Levin’s book, perhaps it doesn’t contain some of the absurdities that I found in Levin’s version in Word format. In the “strength and protection” exercise, you are asked to exhale and tighten your muscles, then exhale and lower your head. When should you inhale?

sibirlit3/ 02/17/2013 I am always touched by sharp negative statements. I just want to ask: “Have you even tried to study both Kelder and Levin?” It seems that two or three times they waved their arms and legs and passed off the negative as the truth in the first instance. Briefly about my experience. In six months of Kelder training, I pumped up my back muscle corset so much that on Easter I stood for two services in church - from morning to evening, and only sat down during the break. I think this is the most effective treatment lumbosacral and cervicothoracic osteochondrosis. After ten years of studying Kelder, I found a book by Peter Levin. When performing the third exercise, the energy plug was knocked out and my head began to turn all the way to the right, and not thirty degrees as before.

Sun/ 12/30/2012 I previously practiced Kelder, but I didn’t feel any results, and when doing the exercise. according to Levin, I very quickly felt a surge of energy. When I began to do the complex according to Levin’s second book, I felt the Force - my energy increased significantly. I would like to get feedback from those people who themselves practice according to Levin

VLADIMIRMAK/ 08/16/2012 Here are some discussions on this topic:
Excerpt “There are always smart people who reveal “secrets” using authoritative things in order to become even more “authoritative” than them... In in this case This is another Petya fairy tale (if this is not a pseudonym for a smart guy)."

Andrey/ 07/28/2012 Those who like to get confused... it’s fine for those)

MAKC/ 06/26/2012 Another creative "a la Sidersky". Let people read if they are interested, but the fact remains: the only correct option These exercises are in Kalder's book "The Eye of Revelation". Everything else is nothing more than an attempt to make money on what already exists, adding your own “flavor” through a free flight of imagination.

inaz777/ 03/19/2012 1. “Oko” from Levin is fundamentally different from “Kelderovsky”. Anyone who does not see this may not be practicing quite correctly... It differs precisely in the disclosure of the energy component of each exercise.
2. If Levin wanted to make money, the price and circulation would be 10 times higher.
3. Apparently Mr. Dreamforce wrote at least one similar “brochure” in order to write with a clear conscience what he wrote.
4. For those who don’t know: P. Kelder is a collective character. In fact, there were several attempts (expeditions) by the British intelligence services to obtain this information, which later resulted in Kelder’s “Eye”. Who is the real author (and whether there was one or more) is still unknown.
5. And finally, the last thing: personally, my principle is simple, before you speak - try it yourself.
I practiced both Kelder and Levin (and am now practicing it), the cardinal difference is in the last 2 exercises.
It's a pity that some people don't understand this...

Doc/ 02/29/2012 Kelder was not the first to describe the “Eye of Rebirth”. This was done long before him. These materials cannot be found in the open, but this does not change anything. Kelder has only part of this system; the rest, as I understand it, is closed to the public.

Lyusya/ 12/26/2011 There is no impudence, the book says that the practice going around the world is incomplete and scattered.
And the point is not in the formal performance of the exercises, but in what they are for and how fully the rituals are explained in this sense. The book is written more fully and better than Kelder's.

Your name*/ 12/23/2011 I agree with Vogel. Despite the inviting title and brochure presentation of the book, there is good advice there. And some exercises are completely different from Kzhlder’s original book

The Eye of True Rebirth
All 7 Tibetan pearls in one book
Peter Levin

Topic 1: PREFACE
Turn back time
I'm going to China
Young Elder
I'm following Yu
Dear Dead

Topic 2: Rebirth - a complete set of exercises
Chapter 1. Rotation of energy
My spiritual guide
Seven exercises
I saw the energy

Chapter 2. Return of power
Unreasonable waste of energy is the cause of premature aging
Privacy mat
Sequence of the second exercise
Chapter 3. Connection between body and mind
Chen explains why it's so important to breathe properly
Controlling your destiny is real
Sequence of the third exercise
Energy dissolves problems
Chapter 4. Purification of energy
I doubt myself
Everything we fight gets stronger, everything we accept goes away
Energy is neutral
Sequence of the fourth exercise
Chapter 5: Energy Balancing
Unexplained ailments
I'm starting to understand without translation!
The key to active rejuvenation
Sequence of the fifth exercise
I'm becoming "human-like"
Chapter 6. Strength and protection
Yu promises that I will become invulnerable
A little boxing training
Strength of spirit strengthens the body
Secrets of Personal Power
Sequence of the sixth exercise
Chapter 7. Heavenly Eye
Life is a lesson that never ends
Six exercises – tuning into the harmony of the Universe
A set of six exercises: results
The Heavenly Eye shines for everyone
Sequence of the seventh exercise
Topic 3: Appendix 1. General scheme for performing the second birth complex
First stage
Second phase
Third stage
Brief exercise diagram
First exercise: “Rotation of energy”
Second exercise: “Return of strength”
Third exercise: “Connection of body and mind”
Fourth exercise: “Cleansing energy”
Fifth exercise: “Energy balancing”
Sixth exercise: “Strength and protection”
Seventh exercise: “Heavenly Eye”
Topic 4: Appendix 2. Feedback from people who regularly perform the second birth complex

Peter Levin

The Eye of True Rebirth
An ancient practice of Tibetan lamas, the secrets of which are revealed only in this book


Topics covered:
Turn back time
I'm going to China
Young Elder
I'm following Yu
Dear Dead
The True Story of the "Eye of Rebirth"

Turn back time
For many years I did not dare to give wide publicity to the knowledge that I had to become the owner of under very unusual circumstances. Not seeing myself as a teacher, guru or preacher, I strictly followed the rule of not talking about what I was not asked about. I revealed my secrets only to some people who were interested in how I managed to look so young at my no longer young age, but only after making sure that their interest was not idle, that they were ready to achieve the same result themselves in practice. But in recent years, I have noticed that there are more and more such people who have a sincere intention to turn back time itself. And somehow it naturally happened that I acquired a fair number of students, who, in turn, carried the acquired knowledge further. As a result, the need arose for some kind of manual that could be relied upon. But even here, doubts did not leave me: is it possible to reveal all the secrets I know? Still, it is one thing when knowledge is transferred to a person who is ripe for perception, and quite another thing to transfer it into the hands of everyone who wants it.
Life itself dispelled these doubts. The team of one company approached me with a request to conduct a seminar on rejuvenation. The experiment was successful, and then similar proposals began to follow one after another. Each time I was greeted by a small but very grateful audience. And I realized: serious changes are happening in the world. Every day, many people, as if waking up from a dream, realize that it is no longer possible to live as before. Suffering, illness, premature aging and death - all this must be stopped. And most importantly, people felt that they had the strength to do this. Turning back time is real, and not for individual representatives of humanity, but for a huge number of people, and this number is increasing day by day. The secret knowledge that I have inherited ceases to be secret, because it is widely in demand. Just recently one could only dream about this...
I still don’t think that I am endowed with any special mission, that I should “open the eyes” of unenlightened humanity - no, I am a completely ordinary person. But since my fate has developed in such a way that I have become familiar with secrets that were only recently accessible to only a handful of initiates, then, apparently, I have a special responsibility for this. After all, knowledge is given to us so that we can share. That is what I am going to do in this book - now without doubt, but with a feeling of joy that the time for this has come.
But first I will have to tell my whole story in order.

Back in the distant eighties of the last century, I graduated from the Polytechnic Institute with honors. Thanks to such successful completion of my studies, I could choose any of the most successful distribution options. Staying in graduate school and doing science, or going to work at a research institute, design bureau, at a large enterprise in any city of the Soviet Union, and even immediately to a decent position - all this was possible. But youth, naivety, and the romance of distant travels that haunted me took over, and to the horror of my parents, I myself asked to be assigned far from home, to the Far East, to work on the construction of a large hydroelectric power station that was just beginning.
And I must say, I have never regretted it. Yes, there were difficulties and homesickness, especially at first - but I felt great doing real work, and not sitting in some warm place at a non-dusty job. Many people then lived by the principle “no matter where you work, just don’t work,” but for me this was categorically unacceptable. I wanted to work, I wanted to live to the fullest - and I got everything I wanted: an interesting, lively job, work in an atmosphere of general enthusiasm and inspiration that accompanied such construction projects back then, rapid career growth, a more than decent salary for those times. Besides, I was young, energetic, inspired by my successes, and even more so by the opening prospects - what else is needed for happiness? Unless it's real, great love. But, as it seemed to me, I had met her by that time. I had a girlfriend whom I was going to marry. We worked together, we were connected by common interests, a common cause and, as I was sure, a common destiny.
Everything went well until 1990, and then our construction stalled, like many others at that time - government funding rapidly dropped to zero. Disruptions in wages, forced vacations, and all the other “delights” of the transition period in the economy began. It soon became clear that all work on the construction of the hydroelectric power station was about to be curtailed (this, by the way, soon happened, and construction resumed only in 1999). But even here I did not lose heart, because at the same time new opportunities appeared. For example, it has become quite possible to go to work abroad. I began to work hard in this direction. And in 1991, I was offered a contract job in China, also at one of the energy facilities.

I'm going to China
It was a great success, or so I thought. Only one thing overshadowed my success - separation from my beloved. There was no work for her in China, and she did not want to go there as my wife and housewife; she was interested in her own career. I understood her and did not blame her. And we made, as it seemed to me then, a wise decision: to postpone the wedding for two years, until I returned, and then immediately buy an apartment and throw a grandiose celebration - was it in vain that I went to earn money? In my rainbow dreams, my future family life seemed happy, prosperous, settled in all respects, and two years did not seem too long a time.
We swore eternal love to each other, said goodbye warmly, and I left.
Almost immediately it became clear that neither the local climate was suitable for me - it was too hot and humid, nor the local food - it was too spicy, literally burning my insides with fire. I was never able to get used to it - just like to local customs, culture, language. Everything was foreign. In addition, I was completely alone, and looked with envy at my married colleagues who came to China with their spouses, who all dressed up in Chinese robes, acquired fans, and, out of nothing to do, began to study some Chinese rituals and ceremonies under the guidance of Chinese teachers who came from God knows where. Charged with qi energy during these classes, the women looked blooming and contented, and they brightened up the hotel comfort for their husbands as best they could, while I was content with the miserable bachelor life.
In general, I regretted this idea with China almost immediately. The remnants of the romance of distant travels have completely disappeared from my head. I felt sad, cursed this “abroad” a hundred times, I was no longer happy with any of the money I hoped to earn there. Now I wanted only one thing: to return home as soon as possible. But it turned out to be impossible to terminate the contract, and I was counting the days until my vacation was due.
The only thing that made me happy were the letters from my fiancée. At first she wrote to me quite often, assuring me that she loved me and missed me. Then the letters began to arrive less and less often - my beloved complained that she had a lot of work, she was tired, and there was no time at all. For each of her letters, I wrote her two or even three answers. He persuaded me to take care of myself and get more rest. I didn’t talk much about my difficulties—I didn’t want to upset her. Besides, I dreamed that we would meet when I came on vacation, and then we would talk about everything.
And when there were only two weeks left before leaving home, an amazing story happened to me.

Returning to the hotel, I immediately forgot about this meeting, especially since a letter was waiting for me there. There have been no letters from my fiancée for a very long time, I was looking forward to hearing at least some news from her, and I thought that I had finally received it. But the letter was not from her, but from one of my friends.
I opened the envelope, and a photograph fell out, which depicted some kind of wedding feast. I glanced at it briefly and was about to put it aside, but then it literally hit me like thunder. The bride, all in white, sat in half profile, looking at the groom with a smile. The groom was unknown to me. And I would recognize the bride’s face from a thousand.
It was my girlfriend.
I closed my eyes in the hope that I had realized that it seemed to me - just out of melancholy, because I miss her, I think about her. But, opening my eyes, I was convinced once again: it was her. There can be no mistake.
In a fit of anger and despair, I tore the photo into shreds and threw it on the floor. Then he frantically unfolded the letter enclosed in the envelope along with the photograph. I skimmed the lines: a friend was interested in how I was living, talking about his affairs and work. And only at the end he casually mentioned: I recently went to a wedding, I sympathize with you, old man, but don’t worry, they’re all like that.
Whatever it is, don’t worry. Terrible resentment, anger, reaching the point of hatred, literally tore me apart. I was sure that my girlfriend was the best in the world, that she was the only one, unique, not like everyone else. But come on, I couldn’t wait! I remembered our meetings, her words, promises, vows of love spun in my head. All lies, all lies! But I believed it, went, like a fool, to China to earn money for a wedding, for an apartment, for a future prosperous life. All dreams, all bright hopes collapsed at once.
I didn’t know much at the time, and therefore in my thoughts I executed and condemned my ex-fiancée as best I could. I didn’t know that she was left without a job and without a livelihood. I didn’t know that she had lost her mother, who died suddenly of a heart attack. And I was far away, and could not save her from melancholy, loneliness, and what else - from impending poverty. And her hasty marriage seemed to her then as the only chance for salvation, but, as years have shown, it did not bring her happiness.
But then I didn’t know all this, I felt deceived and insulted, and I didn’t want to live.
I lived the two weeks remaining before my vacation as if in a dream, walked around as if in a daze, only brushing off my colleagues’ perplexed questions asking if I was sick. And then I suddenly realized that I wouldn’t go home on vacation. Don't want. What should I do there now?
Almost the entire first week of vacation was completely mediocre. I just lay all day on a hotel bed and stared at the ceiling. And then suddenly, out of the blue, I remembered Yuri Ivanovich, our strange conversation with him. Without giving myself time to think, I got up, quickly threw the most necessary things into my backpack, and headed into the city. I didn’t care where, why or with whom to go. To Tibet means to Tibet. And why not, actually?

I'm following Yu
Yuri Ivanovich was not at all surprised to see me again on the threshold of his shop. He greeted me as if he had no doubt that I would come. He said calmly:
- We're going tomorrow.
And he invited me to spend the night in his house - this was very opportune: I didn’t want to go back to the hotel.
The next day, early in the morning, we boarded a bus heading to Lhasa.
It was a long journey – almost two days. I was still in a nervous state, so I didn’t feel tired either from lack of sleep (although the bus was a sleeper, with two-story bunks, it was normal to sleep on them, and even in the cramped, stuffy conditions I couldn’t), or from the fact that the road was going on uphill, and the thinness of the air became more and more clearly felt.
After a night on the road, I dozed off only in the morning, but almost immediately woke up, hearing some screams outside, and realized that the bus was stopped. Looking out, I saw a barrier ahead and people in uniform waving their arms and shouting something loudly.
I looked questioningly at Yu, who was perched on a shelf nearby, but he put a finger to his lips, ordering me to be silent, and advised me to climb under the shelf just in case. I didn’t understand why this was necessary, but I did as he ordered. Yu himself took out some pieces of paper and went to make his way to the exit.
I sat under the shelf, listening to the screams outside, and for some reason my heart was pounding. But finally Yu returned, and the bus moved off.
I got out from under the shelf and Yu explained to me what was going on. We entered Tibet, where foreigners were only allowed to travel in groups, not individually. I was a foreigner, and how Yu was able to fool the police by giving them some pieces of paper is still a mystery to me.
Although Tibet is considered part of China, it is immediately obvious that it is another country. Other houses, other landscapes, different-looking people floated outside the window. I gradually calmed down. The majestic landscapes outside the bus window began to have a calming effect on me, and the tension subsided. Now I looked around with interest, gradually realizing that with my own eyes I was seeing the Tibetan mountains - the “Roof of the World”.
I have always been somewhat wary of mountains. Subconscious anxiety, and even fear, was caused by the very sight of mountain peaks. At first I thought that this was how fear of heights manifested itself. But at the same time, I flew on the plane calmly, without any fear. Apparently, the reason was different: in the mountains I felt defenseless before infinity, I seemed to myself like an ant left alone with the vast Cosmos.
And now, looking at the highlands spreading around me, I felt awe, mixed almost with panic horror: well, where am I climbing!
But there was no turning back.
We were delayed in Lhasa - Yu said that it was still necessary to settle formalities with my permission to visit Tibet, since checkpoints with strict police officers could be encountered at every turn. While he was going somewhere with my passport, I managed to go on an excursion - the temples and other attractions impressed me, although I still began to get sick of “miner sickness” - altitude sickness that occurs due to the high thinness of the air and manifests itself as shortness of breath and headache. I began to think: isn’t Tibet enough for me already, maybe I should end my acquaintance with it?
“The one who started this path must follow it to the end,” Yuri Ivanovich answered mysteriously when I shared my doubts with him.
I shrugged my shoulders, but to my surprise I realized that I was really ready to go to the end, although I still did not understand what this path was and where it led.
Then we took a long bus ride along mountain roads again. Then the bus brought us to the final stop, and then we walked.
The mountains suddenly stopped scaring me. I realized that more beautiful place I just haven’t seen it in the world. The attacks of altitude sickness had passed, and I could now breathe easily—apparently, I was getting used to the thin air. All my troubles suddenly faded into the background. And I felt almost happy for no apparent reason - it was the mountains that acted like that, giving me a feeling of freedom and causeless joy.
We came to some village, and Yu said that here we need to stock up on water and food. It turns out that on our further path we will no longer encounter populated areas, and we have quite a long way to go.

Dear Dead
While we were shopping in a very shabby-looking shop, worse than our village general stores, the local residents looked at us somehow strangely, and even as if scared. I asked Yu if he noticed it too.
“Of course I noticed,” he replied. – And there is nothing particularly surprising here - after all, we are going to go to the mountains along the road that is called here the road of the dead. And I told the shop owner about this when he asked where we were going.
- The road of the dead? – I was taken aback. - And what does it mean?
“You see, many people who left along this road never returned. The people of this village think we are crazy for going there too.
It was like a cold shower washed over me. I instantly finally came out of the trance state in which I was still in after the news of my fiancee’s betrayal. Suddenly the whole madness of my action dawned on me: I went to an unknown place, into strange, dangerous mountains, with stranger, who is clearly not right in the head, trusted him, and now it turns out that he is leading me to certain death?
I was ready to turn around and rush away wherever my eyes were looking. But some force did not allow me to move.
Yu looked at me with a slightly mocking, searching gaze, and I suddenly felt ashamed of my fear, my impulse to escape. The thought that you really can’t escape fate, and that my destiny is in these mountains, suddenly flashed through my brain out of nowhere. And instead of running away, I calmly asked:
- So, have you already walked along this road of the dead?
“Yes, and more than once,” was the answer.
– How did you manage to return?
- Very simple. The same way he went there.
- Why didn’t the others return?
- They didn’t want to. They preferred to stay there.
- Where is there?
– There is a monastery there in the mountains. Didn't I tell you that we were heading to the monastery?
I didn't remember him telling me about this. I heard about the monastery for the first time.
- Why did you come back?
– You see, I don’t want immortality yet. Not ready for this.
This answer amazed me.
- Immortality? – I asked again. “Are you saying that those who remain in this monastery want immortality?” So what, they believe in these fairy tales?
“Be patient,” Yu interrupted me. “Let’s agree that you won’t ask questions for now.” You will soon find out everything yourself.
And I fell silent, although I was bursting with curiosity.
After spending the night in the village, in the house of one of the local residents, with whom, as I understood, Yu stayed not for the first time, the next day early in the morning we began to climb the mountain. The morning air was cold and crystal clear - I could not breathe, and the delight of finding myself in such an extraordinary place grew within me again. And my legs carried me on their own; I didn’t even feel the steepness of the climb.
But most of all I was amazed by Yu - he clearly didn’t know how to get tired, and he moved so quickly that at times I could barely keep up with him. Then I remembered his age, which I still had a hard time believing, and I thought that he was very strong and resilient even for a fifty-year-old man, and not so much for an old man over eighty.
However, I couldn’t dare call him an old man.
From time to time we stopped for a break to rest a little and have a snack. I again wanted to ask questions about the monastery where we were going, but Yu motioned for me to be silent, and instead of telling me about the purpose of our trip, he started talking about the peculiarities of the nature of Tibet. From him I learned that these mountains are the sunniest places in the world. The rays of the sun here penetrate the atmosphere unhindered, and therefore people in Tibet practically do not get sick infectious diseases. The sun acts as a disinfectant and kills pathogens! Here skin diseases heal themselves. And wounds, scratches, abrasions do not need to be treated with iodine or brilliant green - under the sun they will quickly heal just like that, and there will be no suppuration or infection.
Our path went steeper and steeper uphill. Suddenly the path ran into an almost sheer cliff, and I realized with horror that we would now have to climb up. I had no experience in mountain tourism, much less rock climbing. But Yu, as an experienced guide, calmed me down and showed me barely noticeable ledges on the rock where I should place my feet. Strange, but I had no fear at all, although several times my leg, unable to find support, hung over the abyss. Yu belayed me and suggested where to take the next step.
Having completed this ascent, we again came out onto a more or less gently ascending path. But I calmed down early, because very soon the path led us to the edge of a huge abyss. Now we had to move along the cliff along a narrow edge, which can be called a path very conditionally. Yu advised me not to look down and walked forward quite quickly. I followed, frantically clinging to the sheer wall on the right with my hands, carefully taking small steps, and instantly fell behind. At some point, fear came very close - but I literally felt in my gut that if I only gave fear the slightest power over myself, my legs would instantly weaken, my body would lose balance, and then the road of the dead would fully justify its name for me. With an incredible effort of will, I managed to drive away fear, keep it at a distance, and I continued on my way more confidently.
Where the dangerous path ended and the road returned to the safe plateau, Yu was waiting for me. I saw respect in his eyes.
“The hardest part is over,” he said. - It will be easier later.

The sun was setting, and Yu said that we should spend the night in a cave. I lay down on the bare stones and immediately fell asleep dead asleep– fatigue and tension still took their toll.
The next morning we set out again, and again walked all day. I already thought that I would have to spend another night in the mountains - but suddenly, around the next bend, an amazing sight opened up to me.
Here, in these mountains, which seemed completely uninhabited to me, there was a whole town. Stone houses grew straight out of the rocks. As we came closer, I saw that the houses were clean and well-groomed, here and there multi-colored pagodas rose between them, in the middle stood tall building- apparently a temple, and all this is surrounded by greenery.
“Congratulations,” said Yu. “Here we are.” You have passed the test on the road of the dead. You were able to pass it - and stay alive.
Once again I broke out in a cold sweat.
- How? – I asked. – So, the road of the dead is not a metaphor after all? Not everyone arrives alive?
“Not everyone,” Yu confirmed. “Only those who really need to be here.” It was not for nothing that I felt that fate itself had brought you to me. Fate gave me a sign that you are one of those who can get here. Although I was not completely sure. I already made a mistake once, I brought a man here. There was a collapse right there, above the abyss. I was spared, but he died. After that incident, I swore off taking travel companions with me. True, there were no volunteers - after all, the road of the dead most often scares away random people. But I decided to take a risk with you again. Fortunately, this time the risk paid off.
“But maybe you can finally explain to me why I needed to come here?”
- Because you are one of those who can turn back time and teach it to others.
Again he said this mysterious phrase, and again I did not understand anything.
We walked through the gates of the monastery, and I saw many people in bright orange clothes. Many of them nodded at Yu in a friendly manner and looked at me with interest.
I noticed that all the monks, or lamas, as they are called here, were very young. I already understood that, as in the case of Yu, appearances could be misleading, and yet I said:
– I was sure that the monastery was inhabited mainly by very old people. And here are young people, almost youths.
(Back then I did not know that in many monasteries in Tibet even eight-year-old children are accepted as novices - but this monastery was an exception).
“These “young men” are no less than ninety years old,” Yu grinned.
I rolled my eyes.
- Yes, yes, and the oldest one is one hundred and fifty. But you won’t give him more than fifty either.
- But how?! – that’s all I could say.
– The lamas of this monastery are the guardians of the fountain of youth.
Source?! I immediately imagined a spring or a well, or some kind of underground lake in a deep cave. I heard something that in the mountains of Tibet there are special caves where a person can not grow old for a very long time. That's it - probably there is some special water here, and it has a rejuvenating effect.
– Something like an elixir of youth? – I asked.
“No,” Yu smiled. “The elixir has nothing to do with it.” The fountain of youth is a special ritual complex that lamas perform daily. He gives not just youth, he gives more - a second birth. Thanks to this, they were all able to turn back their personal time.
I had no idea what kind of rituals these could be that turn ninety-year-olds into young people. They are probably very complex, require a lot of time and are accessible only to the initiated.
“No,” Yu replied when I shared these thoughts with him, “the complex is very simple, requires very little time, and is available to anyone who sincerely intends to defeat old age and death.” As I already told you, I don’t yet dream of immortality, so I go to the monastery only once a year, and I’ve been doing the complex on my own for twenty years. Those you see here believe that they will become immortal, and this belief has very good reasons.
No, all this seemed inaccessible to my mind. I couldn’t believe that I would also achieve the same results as Yu. Firstly, I was quite young and had not yet thought about how to overcome old age. Secondly, I was sure that for eternal youth, if it is possible, one must live here, in these mountains, breathe this air, and not know all the problems that we face in the cities.
“And yet the lamas share their secrets of eternal youth with everyone who managed to get here,” Yu smiled. “And even those who later return back to the noisy city will be able, with their usual way of life, to achieve, if not eternal, then a very long youth, health and longevity.
– If it is so simple, and the lamas do not hide anything, why do people know so little about it? Why do people continue to grow old and die when everyone can become younger? – I still couldn’t overcome my skepticism.
“The fact is that people are subject to passions and know nothing about their true nature,” Yu answered.

The True Story of the "Eye of Rebirth"
Then, when we were already settled in cells - tiny rooms with almost no furnishings, and returned to our conversation, Yu asked me if I had read Peter Kalder's book “The Eye of the Renaissance”. I replied that I had not read it, since I was not at all interested in such literature, and besides, in those years it was not widely available in Russia. Then he told me that this book tells the story of a certain retired English colonel who visited this monastery, and as a result, in his seventies, began to look at most forty.
“I became acquainted with this book as soon as it was published - almost half a century ago,” Yuri Ivanovich continued the story. “And I realized that I had to find this monastery, especially since I determined by some signs that it was somewhere nearby. And yet, decades passed before I was ready for this path. All these decades I have been studying according to the system described in the book. But the more I studied, the more clearly I understood: I would not see the results that the hero of the book achieved. Moreover, I met many people who also performed the complex described in the book; it certainly had a beneficial effect, but still did not guarantee such obvious rejuvenation. And I promised myself that I would reveal this secret, find out what it was all about.
I listened to Yuri Ivanovich, and became more and more interested. The mystery of the mysterious complex intrigued me.
- And what was the matter? – I asked with undisguised interest.
– The fact is that the book does not present the entire complex. There's only part of it. And in parts it does not work as it should. Moreover, the book does not describe the most important part of the complex. I immediately felt that there was some kind of understatement there. We are talking about the Eye of Renaissance, or the Heavenly Eye - this is what the lamas themselves call the complex. It is implied that there is a certain supermundane source of strength, energy, youth - and what else could this Eye be? However, the book does not say what this source is or how to find it. Instead, it is proposed to simply stimulate the body’s own energy every day - wind it up, like winding a mechanical watch. But your own resources are not limitless, and no matter how you start them, sooner or later they will be exhausted. If you can't find another source.
-And you found him? – I asked impatiently.
– At first I looked for it, following the information contained in Kalder’s book - in addition to the five main rituals of the complex, it also describes a sixth one, which involves rejuvenation through the special use of sexual energy. But I quickly realized that this was not it either. In addition, there are a lot of warnings - they say that if the method is applied incorrectly, it will lead not to improvement, but to deterioration of the condition. And the method itself is described in such a way that for most people it turns out to be simply impossible. There was something wrong with this. I immediately suspected a mistake. And only when I got here myself, everything fell into place for me, I was able to get true, reliable information.
Not a trace of my skepticism remained. I was eager to find out the truth too! Moreover, I did not need to spend decades searching for the monastery; in my early thirties I was already here.
Yu understood my mood, looked with a conspiratorial look and said:
– Maybe you will become the person who will be able to learn and convey to people the knowledge of eternal youth in its true and complete form.
- Why do you think so? – I asked.
-You are not greedy. You are sincere and honest. And besides, getting here at your age is unheard of luck. I wouldn't have believed that this was possible if I hadn't met you myself.
I no longer needed convincing. I made the decision myself: I’m staying. I want to know the secret of eternal youth. I want to turn back time and be born again. I want to teach the same to other people.
This is how my studies at the monastery began.

Second birth – a complete complex

Eye of rebirth

Chapter 1
Rotation of energies

Topics covered:
My spiritual guide
Seven exercises
I saw the energy
Sequence of the first exercise

I quickly became involved in the very peculiar life of the monastery. I liked that there was no silence and monotony here, which is usual for our monasteries - on the contrary, there was a riot of colors in everything: the houses of the lamas, the interior and exterior decoration of the temples shone with different colors, the rituals with songs and dances in fancy clothes and masks, and even in Everyday life the monks sang, talked and laughed a lot.
I was also struck by the fact that the monks did not live crowded, not in common cells, but each in his own house. These houses were both very modest and richer. As far as I could judge, the situation in many of them was not at all as ascetic as in those cells that were provided to temporary guests, such as Yu and I. Here it was not necessary to lead an ascetic lifestyle - but still, of course, there was special luxury. there was none, because the lamas, who had renounced worldly concerns, did not need her. Many of them were very rich people, but they consciously chose modesty in their everyday life.
Rituals, meditation, study of philosophical treatises - this is what occupied most of the time of those living here. But also physical training a lot of attention was paid - all the lamas not only looked young, but were also in excellent physical fitness thanks to daily training in gymnastics, running, martial arts.
Every morning I was woken up by an unusual long-drawn sound - so, with the sound of a trumpet similar to a sea shell, the day of the monastery began. And immediately the doors and windows opened, the lamas, one after another, went out onto the vast square in front of the temple, walked around it in a circle in a chain, and then settled in the square to begin the main action with which every day of life in the monastery began - a ritual aimed at then to turn back time and come to a second birth.
To the uninitiated, like me, it might seem like some kind of gymnastics or fancy dance. I learned about the true, deep essence of what was happening a few days after we arrived at the monastery, when I had already managed to get used to it a little, and, according to Yu, I was ready to begin practice.

My spiritual guide
One morning, Yu led me to one of the small courtyards in front of a neat house, placed a small rug directly on the ground and told me to sit on it, while he went off somewhere. A few minutes later he returned, accompanied by a thin, almost bald-shaven lama, whose age, of course, I would not attempt to determine, but he looked quite young.
Yu said that this is Lama Chen, who will be my spiritual mentor, guru. I was surprised because I thought that Yu himself would teach me. How can I learn from someone else without knowing the language?
Yu laughed and said:
“You didn’t have to travel such a long way to learn from me.” No, you must gain first-hand knowledge. As for the language, at first I will serve as a translator, and in the future you will understand everything without translation.
While I didn’t understand anything, I just nodded in agreement.
Chen asked me to sit on the mat in the lotus position, which, of course, didn’t work out for me. Then he looked at me very displeased, even angry, and muttered something in Tibetan, with intonations that seemed threatening to me. Yu smiled at my frightened appearance and said that I should get used to it: it may seem to me that I am being treated rudely, but in fact I am not. This manner of address is necessary to mobilize all the strengths and capabilities of the student. Otherwise, most students get distracted, lose track of what the teacher is saying, and practically fall asleep on the go.
I took this into account, but it took me a while to get used to the peculiar way of educating the local lamas.
In the end, Chen agreed to let me sit on my heels for now. The main thing is that your back is straight and your hands are on your knees, palms up - this position best facilitates the perception of information.
Chen then explained to me what he would actually teach me. (Yu translated.)

Seven exercises
The second birth ritual, he said, consists of seven exercises. I will have to master them all, but not at once, but one by one. Until I learn how to correctly perform each of the seven exercises, I cannot begin the ritual. First you need to learn the first six exercises separately. In itself, each exercise has a beneficial effect and allows you to slow down time to some extent, that is, delay old age. But all of them do not yet constitute a ritual, that is, they will not give the desired goal of turning back time and returning to youth.
In order for all the exercises to be combined into a single ritual, you need to master the key to it. The key is the seventh exercise. Chen could not yet tell me what its essence was. This is a sacrament available only to those who have mastered the six exercises. And he mastered it, if not perfectly, then very close to it.
I asked how long it would take me to master all the exercises. It seemed to me that my short vacation would not be enough to master such a complex ritual, and even almost perfectly. To which Chen replied:
– You can spend as much time on this as you want. The main thing you need for this is to form a clear intention to master the ritual within a certain time.
– But, probably, there is some minimum period objectively necessary for this? – I asked.
Yu and Chen looked at each other and grinned. Chen then continued:
– For some, a week is enough, for others, their whole life is not enough. Moreover, the ritual is not at all difficult for someone who really wants to master it. I'm telling you, it depends only on you. If you firmly and definitely decide to meet the deadline you have, you will meet it. And if you are lethargic, untidy, and cannot pull yourself together, then your training may drag on for years. But in this case it makes little sense.
I still didn’t understand much, but suddenly I clearly and definitely decided to myself that I would definitely pull myself together and master everything in exactly four weeks. Apparently, my condition was somehow transmitted to the teacher, and he finally smiled. Then he came up to me and touched my shoulder with an approving gesture, saying something quietly.
“He says that you grasp everything on the fly, a capable student,” Yu translated, and then caught himself: “True, he told you not to translate this so that you wouldn’t become arrogant.”
I didn’t intend to become arrogant, there was no reason to, on the contrary, while I felt like a stupid and mediocre ignoramus.

I saw the energy
I began to feel even more insignificant when Chen started talking about energies.
He asked if I knew that the human body is only an appearance, but in reality we are made of energy?
I involuntarily winced - I considered talk about energies complete nonsense. And I immediately remembered the wives of my colleagues who came to China, who were supposedly charged with some kind of energy under the guidance of teachers whom I considered charlatans. Will they really offer me something similar here?
At this time, Chen suddenly clapped his hands loudly right in front of my nose and shouted something sharp. I shuddered violently.
“You don’t believe it,” said Yu. “Then look at him carefully.”
Still not recovering from the shock, I stared wide-eyed at my guru.
Spreading his arms to the sides, he began to slowly unwind clockwise.
He spun faster and faster, even I involuntarily felt dizzy - and it seemed to cost him nothing.
I looked at the spinning figure, and for some time I clearly saw a lama in an orange robe, his face, figure, arms and legs...
But then something happened to my eyes. Or rather, that’s what it seemed to me at first – that there was something wrong with my eyes. I even checked to see if they had accidentally closed - but no, my eyes were open.
But I saw in front of me now a lama that was not spinning.
I saw a white cocoon spinning wildly.
It was something like a spindle. Or no, rather a giant egg consisting of dazzling white light, or rather, streams, threads of light, spinning at incredible speed.
I looked fascinated, and then suddenly realized that I was losing consciousness, and covered my face with my hands.
Someone touched my head. I opened my eyes. It was Chen. He stood next to me, still the same ordinary-looking person, and smiled welcomingly.
- What was it? – I asked.
Now both of them, Yu and Chen, laughed out loud.
“Don’t ask stupid questions,” Yu translated. “You yourself know what it is.” Every person knows - we have this knowledge deep inside, in the subconscious. So deep that most people never understand it in their entire lives. But anyone who wants to turn back time must know the truth. The truth is that every person is a spinning energy. A living person, of course. The corpse no longer has any energy. And what closer person to old age and death - the less energy he has left. Although it should be the other way around.
I was silent, suddenly realizing that everything I saw was really not my imagination. I saw the energy! I don’t know how I managed to do this, probably it couldn’t have happened without the help of my mentors; they somehow helped me get into the right state. But what I saw was not a figment of my imagination - suddenly I understood it quite clearly. It was true. Man is rotating energy. Indeed, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times! At that very moment I realized that I would never again treat words about the energies that make up the world and man himself with irony, or even more so with mockery. How could I laugh at the truth before, how could I not believe in it?
Then I listened to everything the master said with the greatest attention.

Energy vortices
And he said that every living person is a collection of energy vortexes that make up a rotating cocoon. There are seven main vortices, better known as chakras. They are located along the spine, but not in what we call the physical body, but in the more subtle, energetic body. Locations of the main vortices: tailbone, lower abdomen, area just above the navel, solar plexus, base of the throat, area between the eyebrows, crown of the head.
In addition, there are auxiliary vortices: in the area of ​​​​the feet, knees, hips, hands, elbows, shoulders.
In a living, young, healthy and strong man all vortices rotate clockwise. Thanks to their energy, there is a constant “twisting” of the entire energy cocoon that covers our physical body. This energy and its movement helps a person stay young and healthy.
From birth, most people have a sufficient supply of strength and energy. Therefore, in the first third of life, you don’t even have to worry about the state of the vortices - they work by themselves.
But then, if a person does not take care of his condition, the vortices begin to gradually fade away. They no longer rotate as intensely, and some may even stop altogether. And the total energy of the entire energy cocoon gradually fades away. In an old person, this energy barely simmers. His body is no longer covered by a cocoon of energy, because this energy is too small, and it cannot even leave the body.

Energy gives youth
At this point in the teacher’s story, I asked a question: why did Chen say that everything should be the other way around, that energy should only increase with age? Isn’t it natural that in old age a person becomes weaker and his energy resources are depleted?
– One of the main tasks of human life is to reunite with the heavenly source of energy. When your own reserves are depleted, you need to learn to replenish them using this source. Then the vortices get new strength. Often - even greater than what was given at birth. Anyone who has learned this gets a chance not to grow old. But most people don't care about this. They live their lives from birth to death, without even realizing their true capabilities.
Of course, I immediately asked the question of how to learn this.
“That’s why you came here,” Chen replied. - But don't rush. Now you are not ready for this yet. Your body is not ready to reunite with the heavenly source. First you need to learn to feel your vortices, give them strength with your own intention and your own actions. This is what the first exercise, the first action of the ritual, is aimed at.

Sequence of the first exercise

Chen told me to be very careful and outlined the sequence of actions for the first exercise.
