First lesson in computer science. The topic is "Lesson and Information". launch MS Word, exit, save the created document, use text editing operations. To continue the operation, select one of the options

Summary of a computer science lesson in 9th grade on the topic "Working with files"

Subject"Working with files."
The purpose of the lesson: Introduce students to files and working with files.
Educational: introduce students to the concept of a file, a description of a file in the Pascal programming language, and techniques for working with files;
Developmental: develop the ability to apply acquired knowledge when solving problems, algorithmic and logical thinking, cognitive interest, use skills information technologies for solving various problems, expanding the horizons of students.
Educational: cultivate a sense of camaraderie and the ability to listen to a friend, cultivate information culture, cultivate a positive emotional attitude towards computer science; cultivate discipline, accuracy, and a responsible attitude towards learning.
Class: 9 B.
Lesson: 45 minutes.
Lesson plan:
1) Organizing time. Creating a situation of “Success”.
2) Updating previous knowledge. Checking homework.
3) Explanation of new material.
4) Consolidation of new material.
5) Reflection.
6) Summing up. Homework.

During the classes:

1) Organizational moment. Greetings, checking those present. Creating a situation of “Success”.
Students open their notebooks, write down the date and topic of the lesson.
2) Updating previous knowledge. Checking homework.
The teacher checks the completed homework.
“Knowledge Basket” technique: students write answers to questions on stickers and paste them into the basket.
What is the assignment operator for?
What is the assignment operator? Give examples.
What is a number function?
How are numerical functions described in the program?
3) Explanation of new material. Using the Insert method
What is a file?
A file is an independent sequence of characters recorded in the computer's permanent memory. This is a specific highlighted area of ​​information.
The existence of files does not depend on the operation of any program and they do not disappear anywhere even when the computer is turned on and off.
Files can store various information. These are texts, programs, viruses, pictures, Internet pages, etc.
When and why should you use files?
It is not always convenient for us to use the command line when entering and outputting information in a program. For example:
It is necessary to save the output when debugging;
a large amount of input data (those who manually tested programs with filling matrices understand me);
repeated entry of the same information, with minimal or no changes;
So, in these and some other cases, the ability to work with files comes to our aid.
How to describe file variables?
In the description section the following entry
f1, f2: text;
says that the variables f1 and f2 are text files (which we can open with Notepad, view, and edit if necessary).
How to establish a connection between a file variable and the file itself?
There is a special procedure to answer this question
assign(f,"filename"); - establishes a connection between a file variable and the file itself
which helps us do this. In fact, we are saying that the variable f corresponds to such and such a file name. For example, text file input.txt
This assumes that the file with the program itself is located in the same folder as the text file input.txt. If it is in a different folder, then we need to indicate the relative location of this file.
‘File_name’ is the full path to the specified file, written in relative or absolute form.
How to create, open, save and close a file?
Once we have established the correspondence between the file variable and the file itself, we can begin to perform various operations on this file:
Open for reading reset(f); If the file does not exist, an error will be displayed.
Create or rewrite rewrite(f); If the file does not exist, it will be created;
Create or open and append to the end of the file append(f); If the file does not exist, it will be created;
Save and close the file close(f);
Naturally, what we just listed is simple external work with the file.
How to use or change the contents of a file?
In order to make any internal changes in the file itself, there are also commands
read(f,a,b); - read two variables a and b from file f. After executing this procedure, the pointer in the file will move behind the variable b;
readln(f,a,b,c); - read three variables a, b and c from file f, and then move the pointer (cursor) to the beginning of the next line; if, in addition to the variables already read, the line contained something else, it will be ignored.
write(f,a,b,c); - write to file f variables a,b and c;
writeln(f,a,b); - write the variables a and b to file f, and then write the “end of line” symbol there.
4) Consolidation of new material in groups.
Task 1.
Write a program that creates a file numbers on the computer disk. txt and writes into it 5 integers entered from the keyboard. Using a text editor (such as NOTEPAD), review the file and verify that the file has been written to.
Task 2.
Write a program that appends numbers to the file. txt 5 integers entered from the keyboard. Using a text editor (such as NOTEPAD), review the file and verify that the file has been written to.
Task No. 1
Let there be a file on disk (in the current directory) myfile. dat, which consists of a number of integers separated by spaces. Write a program that calculates the sum of these elements.
Problem No. 2
Write a program in which data about 10 students is written into a text file: name, weight and height.
Before creating a file, the program must check for the presence of a file with the same name on the disk and ask what it should do if such a file is found - stop working or overwrite the file.
Problem No. 3
Write a program that reads words from one text file and writes them into a column in another text file.
Explanation: Words are separated by a space character. Therefore, we will read characters from the first file and “add” them into a word until we encounter a space. Then we will write this word into the second file and again begin to form the next word. And so on until we reach the end of the first file.
5) Reflection. Exercise “Plus-minus-interesting.” In the “P” - “plus” column, everything that you liked in the lesson, information and forms of work that caused positive emotions, or, in the student’s opinion, may be useful to him in achieving some goals.
In the “M” - “minus” column, everything that was not liked during the lesson, seemed boring, caused hostility, remained incomprehensible, or information that, in the student’s opinion, turned out to be unnecessary for him, useless from the point of view of solving life situations, is written down.
In the “I” - “interesting” column, students write down all the interesting facts they learned about in class, and what else they would like to know about this problem, questions for the teacher.
6) Summing up. Homework.
Summing up the lesson. Grading.

Lesson summary on computer science for 10th grade students on the topic:

“Solving problems on the Post Machine”

Lesson objectives:


    Developmental: promote the development of memory, attention, thinking, observation skills of students, cognitive activity and breadth of outlook;


Lesson type: combined lesson

Teaching methods: deductive-reproductive, inductive-reproductive

Equipment: textbook, cards with independent work


    Computer Science and ICT. A basic level of: textbook for grades 10-11 / I.G. Semakin, E.K. Henner. – 7th ed. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2013. - 246 p.

    Computer Science and ICT. A basic level of. Grades 10–11: Toolkit/ I.G. Semakin, E.K. Henner. - - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2013.

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment (1 min.)

3. Problem solving (20 min.)

6. Homework (2 min.)

During the classes

    Organizing time

Greeting students, checking attendance, checking the readiness of the room for the lesson

    Updating knowledge

Teacher: Hello guys! In the last lesson, we looked at the information process, which is called information processing, remembered the properties of algorithms and got acquainted with the algorithmic machine.

What is meant by information processing?

Student: Information processing is the process of changing the type (form), meaning, volume of information.

Teacher: What is the information processing model?


Teacher: What information processing options do you know?

Student: Obtaining new information, new information, changing the form of information presentation, systematization, structuring of data, searching for information.

Teacher: What new science appeared in the 30s. XX century?

Student: Theory of algorithms.

Teacher: Okay, now we open the questions at the end of §9 and answer questions 1-2, 4-6.

Students answer questions

    Problem solving

Teacher: What algorithmic machines do you know?

Student: Turing and Post machines.

Teacher: Today in class we will learn how the Post machine works and how to solve problems on it. We open the notebooks, write down the date and topic of the lesson “Solving problems on a Post machine.”

Notebook entry: Number


Lesson topic: “Solving problems on a Post machine”

Teacher: The algorithm by which the Post machine works will be called a program. A program is an algorithm written according to the strict rules of the performer's command language. What is Post's machine? Post's machine is an endless information tape divided into cell positions. Each cell can either have a “mark” (some sign) or be absent (empty). Moves along the tape carriage– reading device. The carriage can move in steps: one step is a shift one cell to the right or left. The cage under which the carriage is installed will be called current.

Writing definitions in a notebook

Teacher: The carriage is also the processor of the machine. She can:

1) recognize whether a cell is empty or marked with a sign;

2) erase the sign in the current cell;

3) write the sign into the empty current cell.

The main difference between the carriage-processor of a Post machine and a computer process is that in a computer the processor can access memory cells in random order, but in a Post machine it is possible only sequentially.

Purpose of the Post machine- make transformations on the information feed.

Writing in a notebook

Teacher: Since the Post machine works according to a certain algorithm, therefore, it has its own command system, which we are moving on to consider. The recording of any command begins with its serial number in the program - n. This is followed by the operation code and after it the number of the next executed program - m. Let's look at the command system of the Post machine in more detail. We open the textbooks on page 51, find the table, read the command and action along the chain.

Students take turns reading

Teacher: Let's look at it in more detail using the following example.

Example from the textbook

Teacher: Now, together with you, let’s look at example 2. The initial state is shown in the figure:

Run the program on the Post machine:

1 →2
2 ? 1;3
3 ← 4
4 V 5
5 !


Student: Let's move the carriage to the right and go to command 2.

Teacher: What is the essence of the second step?

Student: We look, if the next cell is empty, then we execute command 1, otherwise 3. It is empty, therefore, we execute command 1 and shift it to the right one step.

Student: Second step. Here the next cell is empty, which means we execute command 1: shift to the right by 1 step.

Teacher: What does the next command tell us?

Student: We see that the cell is not empty, which means we shift it to the left by 1 step.

Teacher: Next command?

Student: We add a label and stop the command.

Teacher: We conclude that the program completed 5 steps.

Teacher: Let's look at problem 1.

A student is called to the board.


Teacher: What will we do as the first step?

Student: The first step is to write a label in an empty cell.

We can conclude: this program was executed in 2 steps.

Teacher: Let's do task 2 ourselves in our notebooks.

The initial state:

Students work independently in their notebooks

Teacher: Let's check if you succeeded.

Teacher: Let's move on to the next task.

A student is called to the board.

Student: The initial state of the information feed looks like this:

Teacher: What will we do as the first step?

Student: The first step is to erase the mark.

The second step is to shift the carriage one step to the right.

The final state looks like this:

Teacher: Let's move on to the next task. Please note that in this problem the initial and final states are specified; we need to create a program.

A student is called to the board.

Student: The first step is to move the carriage one step to the left. Let's write it down: 1 2.

The second step is to record the label: 2 v 3.

The third step is to shift the carriage one step to the left: 3 4.

The fourth step is to erase the mark: 4 5.

The fifth step is to shift the carriage one step to the left: 5 6.

The sixth step is to record the label: 6 v 7.

The seventh and eighth steps move the carriage one step to the left:

The final state is obtained, which means the program is executed. 9 !

    Independent work

    Independent work

    Exercise 1: Let the initial state of the head be specified and required for empty tape write two marks: one in the section under the head, the second to the right of it.


    Task 2: There are a number of marks on the tape (the total number of marks is at least 1). There may be gaps between the set labels, the length of which is one cell. Fill in all the blanks with marks.


  1. Lesson summary

Teacher: Today in the lesson we solved problems on the Post machine of two types, when you were given a ready-made program and the initial state of the information feed, and when the initial and final states of the information feed were given, you need to create a program.


Teacher:§10, questions at the end of §10.

Self-analysis of a computer science lesson

A computer science lesson on the topic “Solving problems on a Post machine” was taught by me, Doronina Natalya Yuryevna, in the 10th “A” class of the Moscow Educational Institution “ high school No. 37" Saransk.

Lesson objectives:

Educational: consolidation of acquired knowledge when solving problems on the Post machine;

Developmental: develop cognitive activity and breadth of outlook; promote the development of memory, attention, thinking, observation of students;

Educational: instill accuracy in work, instill in students a positive attitude towards the subject.

The lesson was held in a computer lab. All sanitary and hygienic standards and rules for working in the computer room were observed. Lesson type – combined lesson. In accordance with the type, the following stages of the lesson were identified:

1. Organizational moment (2 min.)

2. Updating knowledge (5 min.)

3. Problem solving (20 min.)

4. Independent work (15 min.)

5. Summing up the lesson (2 min.)

6. Homework (1 min.)

Preparation for the lesson was productive: the goals of the lesson were set by familiarizing with the program and methodological instructions on this topic; got acquainted with the lesson developments for the lesson; consulted with a computer science methodologist and a subject teacher, studied the content educational material on the topic in the textbook, highlighted the main scientific and educational ideas, concepts, skills, and abilities that must be acquired by students in accordance with their goals; chose methods and means of teaching; determined the pace of learning in the lesson.

The students, in turn, were well prepared for the lesson: workplace corresponded to the lesson.

The stages were clearly defined, and the main thing was highlighted at each of them. At the first stage, it was necessary to establish the following, in addition to the mutual greeting of the teacher and students: the readiness of the premises and workstations for the lesson. The knowledge updating stage was carried out in the form of a frontal survey. The main goal of the third stage is problem solving. Were considered Various types tasks on Post's machine. The next stage was implemented in this way: students were offered independent work. The lesson was then summarized. The final stage- assignment of homework. I believe that all stages of the lesson were successfully implemented.

The volume of factual material used in the lesson is large. The material fully corresponded to the program and the level of knowledge of the students.

I tried to select tasks in accordance with theoretical material in the textbook. I think that I managed to do this.

The following methods were used in the lesson: deductive-reproductive, inductive-reproductive.

During the lesson, I tried to explain things clearly and understandably to the students. Home information emphasized.

The students' activity in the lesson was good. Discipline was at the proper level. To summarize, we can say that overall the lesson was a success. All the goals I set were achieved.

I believe that the lesson I taught was effective: the goals were achieved, all stages were implemented, and the time frame was met.

Pavlodarsky teacher training college them. B. Akhmetova

I approve

Deputy Director for SD

_________ E.A. Poberezhnikova

"___" __________ 20__

Public lesson

on the topic of: " Work withMS Excel»

item: Computer technology

group: DV-22

teacher: Saganaeva R.S.

Date of: 02/14/2015

Lesson topic: Working with MS Excel

Lesson objectives:

educational - introduce spreadsheets in an application environment Microsoft Excel; develop the initial skill of entering text, numbers, formulas into a cell; give an idea of ​​built-in functions; practical use studied material; consolidation of knowledge general principles work with the MS EXCEL table processor and the ability to create a table to solve a specific problem; formation of an understanding of calculations in spreadsheets as an important, useful and widely used structure in practice.

developing - promote the development of logical thinking, memory, attention, creative imagination, development of the ability to apply educational information in non-standard situations, development of cognitive interest; development of individual and group skills practical work; development of skills to apply knowledge to solve problems of various kinds using spreadsheets.

educational - upbringing creative approach to work, desire to experiment; development of cognitive interest, education of information culture; vocational guidance and preparation for further self-education for the future labor activity; education of communicative qualities for rational and productive work.

Lesson type: combined.

Lesson format: conversation, group work, individual work.

Interdisciplinary connections: computer science and mathematics.


    personal computers with operating system Windows 7;

    multimedia projector, screen;

    Microsoft Excel program;

    electronic version of the lesson - presentation prepared in PowerPoint;

    handouts (for each student) - workbook, laboratory work.

During the classes:

    Organizational stage.

Hello! As you can see, we have many guests today. I want to tell you that I am very worried. I think you're a little worried too. So I reach out to you and ask you to reach out to me. I hope you can help me today.

Look at the screen and try to formulate the topic of our lesson.

Slide 1-5. Variety of tables.

Slide 6. The topic of our lesson today is “Working with Microsoft Excel.” Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the Microsoft Excel application environment and learn how to enter text, formulas and numbers into a cell, and perform simple arithmetic calculations.

Look at your desk. Each of you received this piece of paper. (Demonthe workbook is being written). This is a workbook page. This is where we will take notes throughout the lesson. At the end of the lesson I will give you marks. Sign the workbooks.

2. Learning new material.

Terms and concepts. Slide 7

Spreadsheet is a program for processing and storing numerical data.

The most common among users is the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet processor. A document created in a spreadsheet is called working a book . Each book consists of worksheets . Each sheet consists of 65,536 rows and 256 columns. Rows are numbered with integers, and columns are numbered with letters. Latin alphabet. At the intersection of a column and a row is located - cell .

A cell is the smallest worksheet object located at the intersection of a column and a row. Cell name is the column name and row number. Range – these are cells located in a row in a row, column or rectangular area.

Complete in workbook No. 1.

Window structureMicrosoftExcel. Slide No. 9

Complete in notebook No. 3

Slide number 10.

Active cell – selected cell.

Three types of data can be entered into worksheet cells:

    numbers (a certain sequence of characters, which includes numbers and signs “+”, “-”, or “,” (as a separator of integer and fractional parts));

    formulas (represents a sequence of characters that begins with the “=” sign);

    text (a sequence of characters that is neither a number nor a formula).

Complete in workbook No. 5B.

Creating formulas.Slide No. 11

To determine the cost of goods in cell C2, go to this cell,

    Enter the “=” sign

    Click on the address of cell A2

    Place the multiplication sign (*).

    Click on the address of cell B2

    Entering the formula is completed by pressing the key, after which the calculation result appears in the cell.

Complete in workbook No. 5A.

Built-in MS Excel functions are functions that are calculated using specific algorithms contained in the application

MS Excel. Slide 14

A built-in function is called when a formula containing this function is calculated. Slide 15

The entire set of built-in table processor functions is divided into several groups: mathematical, statistical, date and time functions, etc.

Different table processors have different sets of built-in functions. Slide 16

Excel contains over 400 built-in functions. A function has a name and a list of arguments in parentheses. Slide 17

Example: =SUM (A4:A7)

Let's look at the most frequently used functions.

Record type



Slide 18


Calculation square root

Calculating the absolute value (modulus) of a number

Rounding a number or the result of an expression in parentheses to the nearest smaller (!) integer

The value of the mathematical constant "PI" (3.1415926...)


Slide 19

Determining the minimum of specified numbers

Determining the maximum of the specified numbers


Determining the average of specified numbers

Determining the sum of specified numbers

date and time

Slide 20

TODAY () *

Today's date value as a date in numeric format


Calculation of the serial number of the month in a year based on a specified date


Calculation of the ordinal number of the day in a month based on a specified date


Calculate the year from a specified date

Some frequently used statistical functions can be applied using the menu icon ∑. Complete in workbook number 6.

    Consolidating new material

3 tasks on the board:

1 task: Structure of the MS Excel window (see Appendix 1)

Task 2: Find the right answers

    Special program, used to automate the processing of data presented in tabular form, is a (spreadsheet).

    The minimum worksheet object located at the intersection of a column and a row is (cell)

    The cell name is... (column name and row number).

    Consecutive cells in a row, column, or rectangular area are (range)

    The table cell currently occupied by the cursor is called (active cell)

    The cell can contain (text, number, formula).

Task 3: Find the correct formula entries

Performing laboratory work:

laboratory work No. 1 “Creating a spreadsheet”,

laboratory work No. 2 “Building a spreadsheet”,

laboratory work No. 3 " Built-in functions Excel»

4. Test work

Test tasks

    A spreadsheet is...

a) a program used to create, edit, save and print various texts.

b) an application that stores and processes data in rectangular tables.

c) an application used to perform calculations and solve mathematical problems.

d) all answers are correct

2.An active cell in Excel is:

a) cell with address A1; b) cell highlighted with a frame; c) the cell in which the data is entered; d) there is no correct answer

3. Entering a formula in Excel begins:

a) from the equal sign; b) from the bracket sign; c) from the numbers; d) with a letter.

4.The cell address in Excel consists of:

a) file name;

b) a given set of characters;

c) the column name and row number at the intersection of which the cell is located;

d) the row number and column name at the intersection of which the cell is located.

5.The SUM() function in Excel refers to the functions:

a) mathematical; b) statistical; c) logical; d) financial.

6.The Function Wizard in Excel is required for:

a) editing the table; b) to quickly launch the program;

c) saving information; d) entering the necessary functions.

7.If in Excel you make a cell active and press the Delete key, then:

a) the contents of the cell will be deleted; b) the cell format will be cleared;

c) the cell will be deleted; d) the cell name will be deleted.

8.The information in the table is presented as:

a) files; b) records; c) text, numbers, formulas; d) all answers are correct

    Please enter the correct cell address:

10.The smallest element in a spreadsheet is...

a) cell; b) symbol; c) column; d) line

11.The range of cells in a spreadsheet is...

a) the set of all filled table cells;

b) the set of all empty cells;

c) a set of cells forming an area rectangular shape;

d) a set of cells forming an area of ​​arbitrary shape.

12.Specify an invalid formula for cell F1

a) =A1+B1*D1; b) =A1+B1/F1; c) =C1; d) all formulas are valid

13.Specify an invalid formula to write in cell D1

a) =2A1+B2; b) =A1+B2+C3; c) =A1-C3; d) all formulas are acceptable.

14.The group of cells A1:B3 is highlighted in the spreadsheet. How many cells are in this group?

a) 2; b) 3; at 5; d) 6.

15.You can't delete in a spreadsheet.

a) line; b) column; c) cell name; d) the contents of the cell.

5. Reflective-evaluative stage.

I hope that the work started today will be useful in your future profession.

What did you and I do today? What did you do? What new things have you learned about yourself?

The main advantages of a spreadsheet compared to a regular table are:

    is that when the source data changes, the results are automatically recalculated.

Where can we use ET?

    in economic and accounting calculations;

    in mathematics;

    in physics;

    in the study of information models from courses in chemistry, history, and biology.

6. Homework : Slide 28

Notebook entries. Come up with and draw in your notebook a table structure to solve the problem using the AVERAGE function.

Today in the lesson you discovered new ET capabilities, learned how to enter text, formulas and numbers into a cell.

Today, each of you has risen to a new level in the development of your thinking. I congratulate you on this event! Thanks to all! The lesson is over.

Klimenko Natalya Nikolaevna
Educational institution: GBPOU KK "KMT"
Brief job description: In this lesson, students gain practical skills in working with an electronic table of contents: to do this, they become familiar with the Styles function on the Heading tab. As a result of completing the work, students are able to create an electronic table of contents based on a given text.

Taratunina Daria Vladimirovna
Educational institution: GBPOU Ishimbay Professional College
Brief job description: The main objective of this lesson is to develop skills in inserting graphic objects when creating Web pages using HTML. Subsequent lessons will examine techniques for preparing graphics for Web pages and optimizing the use of graphics to achieve desired effects.

Kuznetsova Ekaterina Vasilievna
Educational institution: teach how to use the Spray tool in the Paint program.
Brief job description: The technological map was developed for 1st grade, as an extracurricular activity. Content-based goal: to teach how to work with the “Sprayer” tool in the “Paint” program. Activity goal: to create a drawing on the topic: “Dandelion” using the “Sprayer” tool in the “Paint” graphic editor .

Nikitina Tatyana Vasilievna
Educational institution: Municipal educational institution Firovskaya secondary school
Brief job description: rock for 8th grade of secondary school. Conducted in the form of a lecture with elements of discussion. Accompanied by a presentation, which makes the material easier to understand. The following issues are considered: basic computer devices, computer memory, interaction of PC devices, basic characteristics of PC devices. Homework is given in the form of a creative assignment.

Balibardina Natalya Nikolaevna
Educational institution: MKOU "Secondary School No. 7, Mikhailovka, Volgograd Region"
Brief job description: Educational: introduce students to technical means multimedia, term computer presentation. Developmental: development of speech, thinking, memory, cognitive skills, ability to evaluate the results of actions performed. Educational: develop the ability to work with a partner, with a class, respect other people’s opinions, discipline, instill a sense of aesthetic design of a business document.

Computer science is a scientific field that studies the methods and processes of collecting, storing, processing, transmitting, analyzing and evaluating information using computer technology. In Russian schools, computer science is taught in grades 5-11. Teaching materials on computer science (ICT) are presented on our website in the following sections: Lesson notes Technological maps Control and verification Laboratory and practical Self-tests Preparation […]

Lesson plan for a lesson in computer science according to the Federal State Educational Standard

In this section educational portal The notes contain lesson plans for computer science lessons. The information technology lesson summary is detailed plan, including content and detailed description stages of classes in this academic discipline.

A well-written lesson outline serves the teacher as a reference plan for conducting the lesson, and is also a document that is used in the certification of computer science teachers. Therefore, we can say that lesson plans play an important role in the process of building a competent and effective computer science teaching process in Russian schools.

According to new government requirements educational standards new generation (FSES) lesson plan for an informatics lesson must meet the following requirements: the goals, objectives and methods of conducting the lesson must correspond to the age group of the students, the goals and objectives of the lesson must be clearly formulated, the course of the lesson must contribute to the fulfillment of the assigned tasks and the achievement of goals.

Main constituent elements lesson notes in computer science are: topic, goals, objectives, type, form of delivery, sequence of stages, teaching materials and technical support.

On the educational and methodological portal Conspectek you can download notes from computer science (ICT) lessons for free

Teachers can post lesson plans on various topics on our Internet resource and receive personalized certificates of publication of original material. By posting your work, you allow other information technology (ICT) teachers to learn from your experience and help your colleagues improve. All author's work on computer science on our portal can be downloaded completely free of charge for review purposes.

In addition to notes on computer science, on our website you will find developments in physical education, Russian, mathematics and all other subjects from the curriculum of Russian schools.

  • Fostering students’ information culture, attentiveness, accuracy, discipline;
  • Developing the ability to competently express one’s point of view
  • To form an idea of ​​the classification of computers;
  • Introduce the concept of a computer and its main parts;
  • Develop attention, memory, logical thinking, and the ability to draw conclusions.

Equipment: computer presentation, interactive whiteboard, computers, crossword puzzle, task cards.

During the classes

Organizing time. Greetings.

The bell has rung!
Called me to class!
We will discuss
And help each other.

The topic of the lesson is not written on the board. The teacher asks the students to guess the riddle.

The answer is the topic of the lesson.

What a miracle unit
Can do everything -
Sing, play, read, count,
The most best friend become?

Answer: Computer.

Slide 4

Well done! You have completed the first task. The topic of our lesson: “Computer”.

Now let's try to remember where the computer is used and how it helps people.

During the dialogue, the students’ answers are analyzed and summarized, their attention is focused on the fact that today we see computers in banks (primarily for performing complex calculations), at train stations (to learn information about train schedules and ticket prices), in libraries, in hospitals, schools, etc. Teacher.

Guys, do you know when they first started talking about creating computer technology?

It all started with the idea of ​​teaching a machine to count or at least add multi-digit integers. Around 1500, the great figure of the Enlightenment, Leonardo da Vinci, developed a sketch of a 13-bit adding device, which was the first attempt to solve this problem that has come down to us. The first operating summing machine was built in 1642 by Blaise Pascal, a famous French physicist, mathematician, and engineer. His 8-bit machine has survived to this day.

In October 1945, the first ENIAC computer was created in the United States. The first generation computers used vacuum tubes. Thus, in 1952, IBM released the first industrial computer, the IBM-701, containing 4,000 vacuum tubes and 12,000 germanium diodes. One computer of this type occupied an area of ​​about 30 square meters. meters, consumed a lot of electricity, had low reliability. Troubleshooting took 3-5 days.

The highest achievement of domestic computer technology created by the team of S.A. Lebedev was responsible for the development in 1966 of the BESM-6 semiconductor computer with a productivity of 1 million operations per second.

See what the first computers looked like

Currently, computers can be classified into the following types

Today we will focus on studying in more detail personal computers. PCs are the most popular and widely used computers. Despite their small size, they have absorbed all the features of a computer and fully reflect its architecture and construction principles. In the future, when considering hardware and software We will talk only about personal computers.

How do PCs differ from each other?

Desktop PCs

The most common are desktop PCs, which allow you to easily change the configuration (external outline, as well as the relative position of objects or their parts)

Laptop computers

Convenient to use, have computer communication facilities. The system unit, monitor and keyboard of laptop PCs are placed in one case: the system unit is located under the keyboard, and the monitor is built into the lid.

Pocket models

are called “smart” notebooks, because they allow you to store operational data and get quick access to them.

Physical education session (musical accompaniment)

Slide 16

Why do you think a computer is needed? (students’ reasoning).

Now let's check how well you know your computer.

What does a computer consist of? There is a sheet of paper with a task on the table in front of you. It shows a computer. In the empty cells, write the names of the main computer devices. (Appendix 1) 3-4 min. Don't worry if you don't know about a particular device. We'll check everything now.

Let's look at each device separately.

System unit, sound speakers.

The system unit is the main device of the computer. The system unit contains all electronic stuffing computer, its “brain”. The main elements of the system unit are the processor (executes programs consisting of commands) and memory (stores data and programs).

Speakers: These devices are used by the computer to reproduce sound.

A computer monitor is a device for displaying information output from a computer. The monitor is similar to a TV. A person receives several types of visual information from it: text, graphic, video. The monitor is called an output device.

Now guess the riddle and think about what device we are talking about.


Even the mother of this mouse

Can safely pick it up.

She has buttons on the back

To type programs.

Computer mouse

A mouse is a device for entering information into a computer. A mouse is a small box with two or three keys. It is easy to hold in your hand. Together with a wire for connecting to a computer, this device really resembles a mouse with a tail.

Keyboard is a device for entering data into a computer. Using the keyboard, text information and commands are entered into the computer. A computer keyboard is a close relative of a typewriter keyboard, only it has more keys. The keyboard has the following keys: alphanumeric, function, control keys and additional keyboard keys.

Slide 23

It's time to solve the crossword puzzle that is on your desk. The same crossword puzzle is depicted on the interactive board. (Appendix 2). Students write down their answers in their crossword puzzles. The teacher calls one student at a time to the interactive board to write down the correct answers. The teacher helps.


So, let's summarize our lesson.

Today we tried to answer the questions:

How does a computer help people? Where is it used?
We got acquainted with the history of the creation of computer technology;
classification of computers;
got acquainted with the computer structure; solved a crossword puzzle.

And they answered the main question:

Why do we need a computer today?

Grades for the lesson and homework are announced.


Come up with your own funny story about a computer or one device.

You did a good job today. Thank you for the lesson.

Well done!

Used Books

  • Computer science in games and tasks. A.V. Goryachev, K.I. Gorina, N.I. Suvorova - M, Balass LLC, 2010.
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