Description of the year of the rat. Born in the year of the Rat. Yellow Earth Rat

Rat (Mouse) - the first sign of the 12-year Chinese (Oriental) cycle lunar calendar animals. It is associated with the energy of "yang" and the element of "water". The corresponding zodiac sign is Sagittarius.

The rat symbolizes:
vitality, intelligence, charm, practicality, determination, sociabilitycunning, greed, nervousness, envy, criticality

Table of the Years of the Rat

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Rat

The characteristics of the Sheep introduces its positive and negative qualities, reveals the features of building personal relationships and careers. It helps to get to know people born in the year of this animal better.

Character traits

Positive. The Rat differs from other signs in its active life position and natural intelligence. She is a born organizer and the life of the party.

Characteristic positive features:

  • Life activity: The Rat is an organizer by nature; ambitions and the desire to succeed in business force her to resolve issues as quickly and profitably as possible;
  • mind: The Rat is decisive and smart, therefore it acts quickly and correctly in any situation; this allows her to achieve optimal results in the shortest possible time;
  • charm: thanks to this quality, he gains the trust and favor of others; easily makes new acquaintances, charming with his energy and friendliness;
  • practicality: thinks about the future, so in the present everything is done “in reserve”;
  • determination: sets specific goals and achieves them by any means, eliminating all obstacles along the way.

Negative. The main negative qualities of the Rat are cunning and greed. Her insightful nature sees benefits for herself in every situation, so she uses every opportunity to get what she wants.

Negative aspects of the Rat:

  • cunning: first of all, he thinks only about his own benefit; therefore, he can use acquaintances and connections under the guise of friendship;
  • greed: prone to hoarding and saving; tries to profitably invest all earned funds;
  • nervousness: The Rat is choleric, a man of action; if something interferes with the pre-planned development of events, she becomes aggressive and nervous;
  • envy: due to ambitions, a tendency to get rich, she is envious if she did not get what she wanted.

Love and relationships

The rat shows constancy in love relationships, but with one condition - I’m ready to live my life with one partner only if I have feelings. Values ​​understanding, forgiveness of her shortcomings and non-conflict.

It's never boring with her. Emotionality and passion are the basis of relationships for the Rat. If there is no passion, he is burdened by relationships and is looking for a new object for love. If understanding reigns in the family and warm feelings- faithful to her partner and does not need anyone else.

She is happy even if only she loves - reciprocity is not necessary for the Rat. In such a situation, she shows unusual generosity and is ready to give everything to her soulmate.

Career and profession

The Rat is able to do several things at the same time, therefore it succeeds in such areas as politics, economics, and journalism. She is indispensable in jobs where it is important optimal result in a short time.

If a problem arises that requires a solution, he uses not only his own mind and experience, but also attracts other people.

She rarely listens to advice, as she is naturally distrustful and suspicious. Because of this, he may be slow to advance in his career.

When choosing a profession, she needs to pay attention to areas of mental work. The professions of a lawyer, journalist, writer, politician, businessman, artist, teacher, and manager are suitable for the Rat.

The Rat is a bright and interesting personality; it’s never boring with her. Thanks to his sharp mind and determination, he achieves success in his field of activity. In love affairs, she is devoted to her soulmate if she feels love or loves herself. Negative qualities They don’t ruin her life or those around her. This type of personality makes the Rat a good business partner and family man.

People born in the year of the Rat according to the Chinese Zodiac - character traits, love and marriage, money and career. What years does the Year of the Rat fall in? Lucky talismans for people of this sign. general description, Rat-woman and Rat-man.

Years of the Rat in the 20th and 21st centuries: 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032.

general description

People born in the year of the Rat (Mouse) are distinguished by an unprecedented desire for success and power. To achieve their goals, they are ready to do anything, but of all the ways to achieve what they want, they will choose the simplest one. Being very prudent, Rats easily avoid trouble and can get out of any situation. Charm is their main asset; they easily gain trust and know how to please others.

As a rule, those born in the year of the Rat have an attractive appearance and excellent taste. They are often skilled manipulators, easily getting what they need at the expense of others. Rats willingly spend money on themselves and their loved ones and rarely save on their desires. For others, the Rat is unlikely to do anything selflessly. However, if she feels that she is treated with all her heart, she will not remain in debt and will surround these people with care and love. In rare cases, she is even capable of self-sacrifice.

Rats love to be the center of attention and are susceptible to flattery. Compliments and praise can cloud their judgment. In society they behave at ease, most often becoming the life of the party. Those born in the year of the Rats get along easily with people, infect them with their ideas, involve them in various activities, but at the same time rely only on themselves. The best feature of the Mouse is that such people always finish what they start. Whatever it costs them. After falls and disappointments, Rats run away into their “holes” and sit there, gaining strength.

Love and relationships. Marriage and family.

Rats have such a natural charm that few people can resist them. It costs them nothing to lure someone into their network; sometimes they even get tired of the attention of representatives of the opposite sex. Of course, this rarely happens, because flirting is a natural state for Rats.

The Rat is a contradictory nature. Being very loving and passionate, having created a family, she begins to surprise with her loyalty and constancy. Rats are characterized by their possessiveness towards their partner and demand complete openness from him, although they themselves are in no hurry to reveal all their cards. The Rat’s partner can be calm about the material side of life: there will always be prosperity in the house.

Rat Man

He is distinguished by a special need for love and close relationships; he begins to fall in love and care for girls much earlier than his peers. His personal life is very stormy and vibrant, most of his time is spent on novels. Among his friends he has a reputation as a ladies' man; people often turn to him for advice in matters of the heart.

A man born in the year of the Rat has no end to the opposite sex. He knows how to make women feel special, they don't even suspect that for him it's just a game. He likes the state of euphoria from the first months of the relationship; he wants to experience these emotions again and again. That is why his feelings fade away as quickly as they appear, and he again rushes towards the next romance.

Each relationship gives the Rat man new knowledge about women, which he later skillfully applies. Each time he hones his art of seduction, and even the most capricious young ladies cannot refuse him. Over the years, he usually has several dozen novels under his belt before someone manages to ring him. These men experience rejection very painfully; it greatly affects their self-esteem and can unsettle them for a long time.

Woman - Rat

She often initiates relationships. But he does it so skillfully that the gentlemen are sure that it was they who won the beautiful lady, and not she who so cleverly laid out her nets. The Rat Woman happily becomes the heroine of a short-term romance and, without regret, ending it, starts a new one. In her opinion, life is too fleeting to waste time waiting for that ideal prince. She thinks her actions are harmless. In fact, she often hurts her partners who were looking for Serious relationships and became seriously attached to their passion.

A woman born in the year of the Rat often does not believe in love at all and is very practical in choosing a partner. She can date several men at the same time, carefully weighing which of them is the more profitable match. However, this approach to relationships never affects the reputation of this insidious lady; she always manages to get away with it. When such a woman finally meets her ideal companion, she will use all her trump cards to tie him to her.

However, she will never allow her partner to give up. He must become better, develop, strive for new heights. The Rat woman feels responsible for her family members; often, even after a divorce, she maintains relationships with ex-husbands and continues to teach them wisdom. If a woman born in the year of the Rat is happy in a relationship and receives everything she needs from her chosen one, then she will try to become for him the best version myself. She will do a lot to make the chosen one feel good with her.

It is important! The best pair for a Rat would be a Dragon or a Monkey, but the Rat should avoid the Rabbit.

Career, work, finances

Rats prefer mental work to physical work. They are true intellectuals, they need to constantly learn and expand their horizons. They make outstanding diplomats, politicians, and managers. The organizational skills of those born in the year of the Rat can only be envied. Assertive and purposeful, they go ahead no matter what.

Rat people are not devoid of artistry; they often draw or sing well. They are responsible and punctual, and do their work conscientiously. Their advantage is the ability to do several things at the same time and make decisions quickly. In team work, they usually take the role of a leader and know how to make people listen to themselves. Rats have excellent relationships with their superiors; they often become favorites and quickly climb the career ladder. Rats tend to save for a rainy day, so they usually do not have financial problems.

The Eastern calendar represents the alternation of animals every 12 years, accompanied by five colored elements, which ultimately takes on a picture of a sixty-year cycle. The Year of the Rat is the opening link of this calendar, and it is believed that for good reason. In Russia and in European countries, the image of a rat is compared with something bad, something that causes harm. And in eastern countries, the rat acts as a deity, bringing happiness and material benefits to people.

People born this year represent charismatic and charming personality. In general, such people are internally contradictory: for example, they are thrifty and generous. The first impression of meeting them makes it clear that they are cheerful, good-natured, and can support any conversation. They are overly active in any activity, and due to their great vital energy they are even able to “move mountains.”

But if you get to know this person’s inner world more closely, a completely different picture is revealed. What they experience internally can be attributed to the choleric temperament, namely: restlessness, impatience, fickleness, imbalance and increased excitability. Such people have the ability to manipulate people and use them for their own benefit. They consider themselves to be right in everything and demand that the surrounding society (colleagues, relatives, loved ones, etc.) always listen to their opinion, which is why they most often reject people from themselves.

Those born in the year of the Rat most often become wonderful speakers or politicians, as they have magnetic abilities, thanks to which they attract the public.

What birth years are taught in the year of the Rat?

Year of the Rat, what years of birth:

  • 1900, 1960, 2020 - Metal Rat;
  • 1912, 1972, 2032 - Water;
  • 1924, 1984 - Wooden Rat;
  • 1936, 1996 - Fiery;
  • 1948, 2008 - Earth Rat.

Famous people born under the sign of the Rat: Antoine Saint-Exupery, Margaret Mitchell, Konstantin Kryukov, Gerard Depardieu, Jean Reno, Vladimir Vinokur, Gwyneth Paltrow, Andrei Gaidulyan, Julianne Moore, Antonio Banderas, Ashlee Simpson, Khloe Kardashian, Duyen Johnson, Jean -Claude Van Damme, Scarlett Johansson, Daria Poverennova, Harry Wales, Ville Haapasalo, Svetlana Permyakova, Katy Perry, Eminem, Mark Zuckerberg, Avril Lavigne, Cameron Diaz, Ekaterina Varnava, Maria Kozhevnikova, Cristiano Ronaldo, Pavel Durov, Ilya Glinnikov, Tina Karol, Leo Tolstoy, Maxim Vitorgan and many others.

Characteristic features of the sign according to the elements

Metal Rat differs from others in its zeal and strong-willed qualities, which help to achieve significant heights, as if it were a career or a relationship. It is not for nothing that it is called Metal, since it is characterized by rigidity and composure towards the entire society (team, loved ones, relatives). But not everything is as bad as it seems at first glance. A person born under this sign is able to create comfort in his home, filling it with harmony. If on his life’s path he chooses as a life partner a person who is much stronger than him in spirit, then this relationship is doomed to success. Through such relationships, the Metal Rat becomes softer and more loyal to others.

Water rat has a distinctive intuition, which simplifies her life. She can predict how the case will end or instantly calculate when she is being deceived. She is also capable of non-standard thinking, skill without special effort convince others of something, and is inclined to high level intelligence. Sometimes people born in this year can sacrifice themselves for the good of other people, which is their negative trait. They are uncommunicative, mostly closed and rarely allow others into their circle of trust. Only after a detailed “selection” of candidates for life partners, “weighing all the pros and cons,” will they be able to connect their lives with someone.

Wood Rat represents a creative nature. She has a good imagination, which helps her create masterpieces or perform complex acting roles. She is confident in herself and what she does. But she is in constant search, be it activities or relationships, which most often negatively affects her life. She manages money irrationally: she can spend all her funds and be left with nothing. People born under this sign are extraordinary and rather complex personalities; not everyone can tolerate their character. Due to their uncertainty, they are forced to have several relationships at the same time, so it is difficult for them to create a family and a future in general.

Fiery absolutely lives up to its name. It boils and seethes in her veins Vital energy. Due to this, she purposefully and with zeal always achieves what she wants. Emotions sometimes take precedence over reason, so in difficult situations this can serve as a utopia for this sign. A person born in this year believes that he has superiority over other people, which can ultimately lead to the collapse of a career or relationship. Such a person is fickle and can easily endure changes, positive or negative. Because of this trait, his personal life is bad: he is not subject to attachment to one specific person.

Earth Rat- a real workaholic. She is distinguished by her perseverance and diligence. He approaches any task with serious intentions and always brings it to the end, which in the future almost always leads to success. The ambition of people born in the year of the Earth Rat not only helps them, but can also give the opposite result: for example, in relation to other people they rarely give in, are intractable and do not know how to find common ground. These people are stable in relationships; they can pursue their partner for years, since patience is inherent in them.

Year of the Rat: characteristics of a woman

According to the horoscope, the Rat woman’s characteristics are as follows: she is overly sociable and has a constant desire to find new interpersonal contacts. She is unusually charming and charismatic, she attracts people as if she has magnetic powers. Her ethical standards (competently delivered speech, etc.) completely and completely crush the society in which she finds herself.

As many astrologer experts say, the Rat has a masculine image, so the Rat woman often exhibits masculine qualities. She is determined, strong-willed, and has good willpower. She is ready to go into battle even with the most difficulties beyond the control of any man. Such a woman wants to be independent from a man, and therefore she tries in every possible way to be on the same level or better than a man.

Rat Woman devotes a lot of time to his appearance so as not to look bad to others. But in turn, she likes to criticize others, which is why she has no close friends.

The personal life of this woman is developing quite favorably. She understands and supports her husband, but in return he must be tolerant of her frequent mood swings and her impulse to always express her personal opinion (even when it is not appropriate). The house fills with harmony and comfort.

Description of the Rat Man

A man born under this sign, differs from others in his cleanliness, hard work, out-of-the-box thinking and, most importantly, he is capable of long-term patience. Such a man quickly adapts to the conditions that have arisen due to certain circumstances. He is patient with any pain, as he has a strong spirit.

In addition, he has a well-developed intuition, thanks to which he can predict the result or discern exactly how a person relates to him. He hides his feelings, experiences and fear from those around him in every possible way so as not to be weak in their eyes. Therefore, he treats criticism negatively. The Rat man, like the Rat woman, has charisma and an attractive appearance.

The Rat man is sociable, due to which he has many friends. He very rarely listens to their opinion, since he is clearly sure that he is quite right. Therefore, if such a man has made a decision, then it will be beyond his power to convince or dissuade him.

In his personal life, the Rat man shows coldness towards his chosen one. He is not capable of tenderness, and one should not expect romantic actions from him either. But family means a lot to him, he is ready to “move mountains” if only all family members are satisfied. Finding a life partner is difficult for him, since he has sudden mood swings, accompanied by aggressiveness, and not every woman can withstand this.

Positive and negative sides of rats



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The mouse leads the Chinese zodiac. The Rat Woman is a domineering nature. This is its common feature with the Monkey and the Dragon. Not distinguished by natural beauty, he attracts the gaze of others with his demeanor, clothing, speech and ability to present himself to his interlocutor.

Rat woman personality characteristics

In the East, the Mouse belongs to a masculine sign, therefore women born in the year of the Mouse have a nature with masculine qualities. They are energetic, courageous in making decisions, do not sit still, have great activity and potential to achieve goals. The girl loves to demonstrate her own wealth and independence. A terrible opponent - ready for a long and brutal fight.

A woman born in the year of the Rat attracts men with her inner charm and sweet appearance. An interesting conversationalist with a vivid imagination. In communication he cannot stand lies, he speaks the truth, but manages not to offend anyone.

Maintaining her appearance is important to her, so Mouse's closet is filled with clothes. In his actions he achieves the final result, leaving no unfinished business. You can cooperate with her, because the lady does not make premature conclusions and will not affect the interests of the person with whom she is connected. Every acquaintance is beneficial in some way; quarreling is not in her interests.

She doesn’t waste money, but she’s ready to spend everything for those she likes. Don't get caught up in the fun and external calm girls. Anyone who talks longer will see her from the other side: a restless, aggressive, tense Rat.

A woman personifies the zodiac sign to the fullest. Dangerous things stand in her way. He has rational thinking and frightens those around him with an aura of unlimited power. Men are attracted to such an atmosphere, the lady seems sexy to them, and openness completes the deal.

Close friends are a rarity in life, because the rodent is prone to criticism. Unlike many other signs, she is quick in making decisions, so she has a hard time withstanding the slowness of others. Dating for the sake of dating is also not part of the plans of the practical Mouse. The desire to get married is very strong, since the girl highly values ​​family life, which provides security. An excellent housewife, mother, wife - that's all the Rat. A woman will easily support her husband and become a muse, but constant mood swings can drive any spouse crazy.

Ladies of this sign create coziness and comfort in the home, they are caring and diligent. She loves to cook, sew and knit, and arrange her nest. The only negative is frequent forgetfulness. They don’t even know what kind of clothes are hanging on the hangers, and they constantly buy new things that continue to hang unused. He buys everything indiscriminately and tries to take it to his nest. Things are bought inexpensively, often at sales, satisfying the needs of the Rat born in the year.

The woman’s characteristics indicate stupid things that are often committed in youth. Because of this, her personal life is not going well, but she does not lose heart. He calms down and starts again. He easily falls into a trap, despite his excellent intuition and ability to understand people.

The Rat woman, whose characteristics are multifaceted, in life is divided into two types: extroverts - those who like to communicate, and introverts - closed, unsociable individuals. It is difficult to predict the steps of a rodent, since even the most open-looking lady will never talk about her affairs. She also hides her emotions, but if you touch a sore spot, you will immediately find out about her problems. He treats other women with distrust, especially after marriage.

How to win a rat woman

Such a woman is a rare dreamer; it is better to arrange a first date in a fantasy style. The best place There will be a restaurant stylized as an old castle, a movie with a horror movie, or a Halloween-themed party.

The girl pays attention to the manners of her gentleman, he must impress with his neatness appearance and achievements of the zodiac sign. The Rat woman is romantic and mysterious, but don’t be surprised that after the first date you find yourself in her bed.

If he loves you, it will be obvious right away. As soon as the beloved asks for something, she will instantly fulfill it. In response, he expects passion and madness. Will be faithful until there is a reason to change. This is what the eastern horoscope says. The female rat will reproach herself for a long time and will eventually confess. Cheating on the part of a partner is fatal - the zodiac sign will remember this all its life. In the event of a breakup, the furry animal will arrange everything as if it was the other half who was to blame for everything.

A gift for a magical girl should be unusual. The practical value is not important, the main thing is the antiquity and uniqueness that emanates from the present. To easily break up with the Rat, just invite her to a banal place.

Rat woman career horoscope

A woman born in the year of the Rat achieves heights in society. She has a sharp mind and quickly navigates in any situation. Smart and creative, if you want it, you will succeed. She likes intellectual work, where she can demonstrate a brilliant mind.

The rat who became the boss is a gift for his subordinates. Honest and impartial, always protects employees. She's not someone who works for free. The lady of this sign will take responsibility only after calculating everything. Unjustified risk is not typical for her.

She will never become a housewife, even if her husband earns enough. A multifaceted nature allows you to realize yourself even in politics. Creative individuals can benefit even from a hobby.

Rat woman in love and family

What she is like in family life can best be told by her admiring husband and loving children. She takes care of her husband and children, creating an impeccable family nest. Things are always washed and ironed, lunch is two or three courses, children are collected, a clear schedule - cleanliness and order everywhere. However, she is not Cinderella. Among the family routine, he will find time to reveal his creative abilities.

Men are attracted by the kind, sexy, open, sociable Rat. A woman will not be with someone for long who will not tolerate such attention to her. A woman’s independence does not affect everyday life. She expects support from her partner, likes to put all the chores on him and go off to have fun. After walking, she crawls home happy and ready to be the perfect housewife again.

Practical and romantic at the same time - this is the rat. According to the horoscope, the characteristic, the woman herself knows, is quite original: capable of platonic love without return. Strong and sexy, cares about her family. Looking for a serious relationship because it will give him a feeling of security.

An open lady does not hide life principles from the first meeting. Makes it clear: if the fan is not serious, then there is no need to take up her time. An unmarried 30-40 year old woman is dangerous. She can easily take away a married man.

The Rat girl grows up early. She does not idealize the man next to her. She loves children to death, and does not intend to tolerate the shortcomings of men for long.

Gravitating towards coziness, comfort and prosperity, a woman tries to provide a comfortable future for her children. He saves by running around on sales, but children are sacred. He will spend any money on them. Thanks to his creativity and thriftiness, the rat repurposes old clothes, toys, and furniture, turning them into interesting things.

Eastern Horoscope - love, health, money and business...

Konrad Adenauer, Raymond Barr, Lucrezia Borgia, Brantôme, Wernher von Braun, James Carter, Pablo Casals, Maurice Chevalier, Carl Clausewitz, Charlotte Corday, Delcasse, Decardier, Galileo Galilei, Julien Marlborough, Franz Joseph Haydn, Heinrich Himmler, Louis Jean Lumiere , Mata Hari, Claude Monet, Amadeus Mozart, Peter the Great, Paranesi, Gioachino Rossini, Jules Renard, Johann Strauss, Chiang Kai-Shek, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Lolita Thores, Paolo Veronese, George Washington, Antoine Watteau, Charles Aznavour, George Bush . Gino Carter, Clark Gable, Thomas Hardy, Yves Saint Laurent, Ivan Lendl. Richard Nixon, Prince Charles, Louis Armstrong, Winston Churchill, Toulouse - Lautrec, Lawrence Darell, Herluf Bidstrup, Frederic Joliot - Curie. Urho Kekkonen, Ivan Kozlovsky, Richard Kuhn, Semyon Lavochkin, Marina Raskova, Mikhail Romm, Boris Spassky, Beaumarchais, Beranger, Boileau, Charlotte Bronte, Chateaubriand, Ibsen, William Shakespeare, George Sand, Daniel Defoe, Leo Tolstoy, Jules Berne, Alphonse Daudet, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Jorge Amadou, Anna Zegers, Margaret Mitchell, Vadim Sobko.

The Rat is a single microcosm with its own laws and spheres of influence. There are many contradictions in it, this is a sign of unstable internal connections. The rat is a very strong and strong-willed animal. It develops according to its original laws, determining its life rhythm and scale of actions. Each of its components is a soft, plastic image subject to rapid and gentle transformation. It does not have strong frameworks and conventions. It is very difficult to squeeze into ready-made forms or clear structures.

The Asian symbol does not close in on itself, but represents a gift from the gods, time and mystery. But this gift can be charming or poisonous. There is no need to be afraid of the Rat; everything that this sign bestows must be accepted with reverence, since there is no smarter animal in nature than the Rat. Everyone knows that the most delicious dish can be prepared even from poisonous berries. So are character traits: they develop depending on life circumstances.

Unlike Western society, in which a person is perceived more as a consumer, in the East people are concerned about something else: who can I turn into? Therefore, they do not strive to become richer, but on the contrary, living in poverty and nakedness, they try to be wiser. And only in this way do the eastern people achieve happiness. Generals and kings come to the wise men, because they know that the philosopher is richer than the rich man and can give them something that money cannot buy.

The rat belongs to the Yin group of animals. She came from the north and her origin is attributed to the winter solstice. She is a nocturnal beast and lives for more than three hundred years. When she is already over a hundred, she begins to get sick. The rat brings happiness to those it values, it is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. As all sailors know, these animals have a sense of foresight, which is why they always leave a sinking ship or a collapsing house.

There are no negative or positive animals, they are all creatures of God, they are part of this peace, harmony and balance. The rat is the mistress of the underground kingdom, she is the sister of the snake, the mole. In summer they live in burrows, and in winter period They are looking for warmer and more secluded places where they can profit from something. She, like an orderly, destroys the weak or sick, without showing any feeling of pity. This animal is a symbol of eternal secrets. The Rat has a feeling of fear and greed, but in no case is it inherent in poverty. This is probably why she is always despised. Whoever is not afraid of the Rat and takes it into account, she will gladly help. Apparently, this is why in Japan she is depicted next to the God of Wealth Daikoku, where she equally shares the throne with him. In Siberia it is also considered a sign of wealth. But no one knows how to treat her. The choice is up to you.

There are other representatives of this sign. In Japan they are called Mouse - they are cheerful and conquer their fear with laughter. They are the source of miracles. In India, there are legends about the Muzhak mouse; the god Ganesha, a symbol of spiritual powers, sat astride it. This god dominates obstacles, spiritually educating a person. He develops intelligence in people, and it is not for nothing that he is portrayed as half man, half elephant, that is, a mixture of funny and great. Together with the Rat, they experience many adventures of our absurd world, consisting of visible or deceptive reality. They are both partners and accomplices, because they often act as thieves and deceivers. They appropriate material and spiritual wealth, creating joy for themselves in life, even benefiting from asceticism. Such a Rat plays the role of Lucifer, an adversary who stops at nothing. But you still can’t rely on appearances; they are often deceptive.

This animal does not evoke much sympathy in a person; rather, on the contrary, it evokes a feeling of disgust and even fainting. Why are they afraid of her? Probably because more often than not, when a person sees it, his imagination flares up, associating it with the spread of the plague. Rats bring either ruin or wealth. And it stuck very firmly in general consciousness. Scary stories are always told about them, they are endowed with supernatural properties.

But let's put aside all superstitions and try to give the Rat his due. After all, this is a very smart animal, which was the very first to come running to the call of Buddha. Therefore, in Chinese astrology it comes first. Of course, this is a bright personality, endowed with willfulness and always on the alert. It is very difficult to influence them, even almost impossible, because they firmly stand guard over their freedom and independence. There are no stupid Rats, and if you managed to pull it off, then it wasn’t a Rat.


Rats are very happy when they are born on a midsummer night, then they get everything from life. Born in winter, they fall into a certain prostration. After all, in winter the bins are already empty, and in order to survive, they need to work hard.

The Rat lives through childhood and adolescence without noticeable outbursts; it is the most carefree and joyful time, passing among incredible and enchanting discoveries. They only start having problems during puberty because the Rat is the sexiest sign.

In her mature years it is much more difficult for her. The material instability that haunts them is associated with ups and downs. This is a period of continuous struggle, full of extreme emotionality, which does not allow them to avoid temptations and refrain from making cruel decisions.

But their old age is calm, they need it to overcome aggressiveness and greed. During this period, Rats adapt to people and their social structure.


The Rat is a sign of charm and aggressiveness. She is always kind and has a mysterious charm. These people are endowed with a kind of soft skin and an interesting face. Beneath their calm exterior lies an unbridled activity that drives Rats to constant movement. But sometimes their sense of artistry fails them, since they are not always natural. Rats are very calculating and always know how to make an impression. That's why they are so amazingly good at seducing. They are not capable of compromise, but do everything to gain trust. These people strive for power, and even more for personal well-being. And the more you depend on the Rat, the more confident she feels. Stay near the Rat for a certain amount of time, and you will feel its nervousness. This constant anxiety leads them to bursts of irritability.

Often the Rat creates unpleasant situations, since its goal is to protect itself from the tracking and aggressiveness of others. This is a creature of the underworld that does not like to give itself away, so it jealously guards its secrets. But at the same time it can be terribly unhappy. Rats want to be open, but as soon as a stranger appears on their territory, they instantly become insidious and vindictive. But let’s hope that whoever gets into their kingdom and studies them will not be afraid of the Rat. After all, those born under this sign want to be unraveled; they always look for understanding in people. Therefore, they are often very closed in life, even if they try to relax. And it turns out that the Rat’s aggressiveness is directed against itself. This is where her excessive sensitivity is born, bordering on a feeling of self-blame and helplessness.

These people cannot stand a mediocre life. They prefer to walk over hot coals or along the edge of an abyss. Danger simply intoxicates them, but they never mindlessly take risks. Rats often upset their mental balance by crossing the boundaries of what is permitted. It is at such moments that they feel like they are living fully. Completely bogged down in routine, Rats begin to provoke danger and seek adventure, otherwise they will die of boredom.

Rats are very active, irritable and nervous. Their brain should always work only actively, extracting concrete benefit from everything. When they have nothing to do, Rats immediately begin to shower themselves with reproaches, criticizing everyone and causing everyone to hate themselves. Unable to find something to do, they begin to fight with people who do not allow them to live their own way. This only indicates their gambling, sometimes reaching the point of gluttony. Rats do not like to deny themselves anything. At the same time, they are afraid of disappointment and poverty.

Another vice of theirs is that they love to spend money. This gives rise to another contradiction in them: to spend money or continue to save it for old age. But, to their own misfortune, they immediately waste everything. Often Rats fill their bins with large reserves of all sorts of things, which they quickly deal with. Rats can be found at garage sales, where they buy unwanted items and think they are getting a good deal.

They do not know how to live without passion. They are attracted to everything unusual and mysterious, especially mysterious sciences. They hate deadlines and order, early awakening and patriarchal traditions. As a rule, they love trips, it doesn’t matter what, but it is desirable that they are associated with some kind of research. Therefore, there are no better discoverers than Rats. They love to visit various caves and grottoes; they are attracted to everything connected with the earth.

At negative factors Rats become straightforward and narrow-minded. They have an overly developed sense of criticality, which can turn them into unapproachable nihilists who deny everything. But usually their advice is heeded.

Rats are endowed with great imagination, and for the most part they are creators. These people can achieve great success in art. They have the ability to complete their endeavors, even if they are on the edge of an abyss. They can succeed in life if they overcome their eternal dissatisfaction and desire to live for today.

Despite the fact that they are consumers, Rats are incredibly sentimental and can be generous to those they love, even if these feelings are not shared. That’s why in novels Rats feel in their element.

They are made for love. Rats are attracted to everything unusual in people; often they are simply inattentive, forgetting even about the birthdays of their loved ones. As a rule, they do this completely unconsciously. Life for Rats is an alternation of gray everyday life and unusual events, and at the same time they always try to remain on top of the feelings they have experienced. Rats have a rich imagination and a lot of creative powers, they have a rather unique morality. These people love to break rules, defying the law.


In addition to the twelve signs, there are five elements that enhance or decrease the influence of a given sign. We describe the effects of these elements on the Rat below.


Moving from the West across the sky, dryness touched the Earth and gave birth to metal. At this time, winds blow from the steppes in search of living space. Metal represents autumn evening with the cold already creeping in. They are the personification of clarity and typically these people are endowed with a strong structure of solidity. Generally, these people are blessed with strong body structure and strong bones. They have hard and straight hair, but as they age, their hair begins to thin out. They are dark-skinned, with dark eyes, a straight nose, a heavy jaw and strong limbs.

Rats born under the influence of this element have refined taste and a good mind. Their house is comfortable and beautifully landscaped. They are hospitable and love to attend refined society. These Rats have a nose for financial matters and know how to invest their money. Metal Rats are generally cheerful and self-confident, but deep down they can be shy. They are extremely devoted to family and friends.

A person born under this sign is specific and sharp, has an obstinate character and a sharp tongue. The power of these Rats fluctuates between creating beauty and destroying. After all, it is completely natural for a sickle to gather ears of corn during harvest. But it also leads to a sense of inevitability, which can give rise to sadness and melancholy. These Rats seek “balance,” but they only achieve unexpected ups and downs, which often makes them withdraw into solitude.

Metal Rats have inexhaustible energy, they are eloquent and therefore boldly go out on the battlefield. They work best in the field of legislation, as they love to decide, judge and give orders. The gift of organizing cannot be taken away from them, but sometimes they suffer from straightforwardness, which alienates others. Their behavior can lead to social isolation, so they should think about how to smooth out the rough edges of their character. They need to relax and dream a little. If these people deprive themselves of too much, they will definitely fall into their own trap. They love autumn and do best in dry climates. The most vulnerable organs are the lungs and small intestine. They show a passion for spicy food, but their stomachs respond best to dishes made from oats and horse meat. They need to be in the fresh air more often and do breathing exercises. They can achieve perfection only with free circulation of air in the body. Metal Rats need to avoid stagnation of dryness in the heart, as well as throughout the body.

The color that brings them luck and happiness is white.


Cold was born in the northern sky, it descended to Earth in the form of snow and Water was born. Water is rather a symbol of cold and ice, and the source of life. Deep water is a symbol of rigidity, severity that evokes fear and respect. Sleeping water provides shelter for fish and sea animals, as well as water spirits. As a rule, people born in the year of the Water Rat are endowed with a long and fragile torso, weak limbs, thick but thin hair, bulging eyes, round face and delicate skin.

Rats should be wary of sleeping water because it will give them everything components cold nature. This element slows down the Rat, destroying all progressive ideas and passions. But, nevertheless, this element guarantees a calm future. Rats of this type are whiny and boring. They hide in a secluded corner and feel sorry for their wounded soul for a long time.

A person born in the element of Water has a calm and peaceful character, winning the sympathy of others. This type of Rat knows how to quickly calm the loudmouths and avoid bloodshed. They are jacks of all trades, working without any complications. They are smart and prudent businessmen who protect not only their interests, but also the interests of all humanity. In this case, Water eradicates the Rat’s aggressiveness and makes it not so timid.

Such a Rat can crawl out of its hiding place and destroy the ice wall that surrounds it. They have to fight a little for their true colors. And under no circumstances should you hesitate, because this will lead to death.

Water Rats are extremely intelligent and very perceptive. They are deep, and they express their thoughts clearly and convincingly. They are always eager to learn something new, which is why these Rats are considered the most gifted. Usually Water Rats have many friends, but the fear of loneliness sometimes pushes them to relationships with unreliable people.

Water Rats have a great desire to become writers or poets, but they do not have the attention span, so they need to work in this direction and focus on one thing.

They feel best in the cold winter. Their most vulnerable organ is the kidneys. They like salty food, but their stomach requires dishes made from peas and pork. Since water must circulate freely and unhindered, Water Rats are susceptible to various crises, kidney pathologies, kidney and bladder stones, and colic.

The color that brings them luck and happiness is blue.


WITH The wind blew from the East, bringing with it warmth and life-giving power. This is how the Tree was born. This element promotes balance. This is the personification of spring morning and mild climate. As a rule, people born under the influence of this element are endowed with tall stature, excellent posture, but thin bones. They have dark skin, beautiful eyes and luxuriant hair. For such Rats, regular lips are typical, beautiful hands and legs and delicate skin. You can dream about such a Rat, this is the type of a real seductress.

Rats born under the influence of this element love harmony, beauty and have excessive elegance. The tree gives a person poise, creative flexibility and charm and endows him with a tendency to destroy with exorbitant passion. Such Rats are hot-tempered, they do not know limits, constantly thinking about feelings self-esteem. Their aggressiveness never sleeps; such people are very capricious.

Tree Rats tend to relax. They do everything slowly and carefully. In difficult situations, they know how to improvise and give room to their creative imagination. Tree Rats can be both peasants and poets, combining the blueness and height of the sky with the free earthly distance in which they were born.

She has a great sense of humor, loves to travel and, with a rich imagination, can become a talented writer and artist. She has a passionate sensory perception, but this is fraught with a change in nature. These Rats are real freedom fighters. They often appear on the political stage as skilled orators. And this is the best way out into the life-giving space.

These Rats are endowed with friendliness and an open character, so they are well received by friends and colleagues. The minds of these people are flexible and sharp, so Tree Rats love to try themselves with everything they find useful. They also have certain fears - this is instability, but, taking them into account mental capacity, this fear is completely unfounded.

They love the wind and feel best in the spring. The most vulnerable organs are the liver and bladder. They like sour food, but it is better if their diet consists of rye bread and game. Therefore, they need to beware of their love for sour things - they need to watch their liver. They are also prohibited from drinking too much alcohol, as there is a danger of cirrhosis or alcoholism.

The color that brings them luck and happiness is green.


Heat was born in the south of the sky, it descended to the Earth and fertilized it. From this merger Fire was born. Fire is characterized by summer, the South and hot midday. This is full-fledged Yang, it burns, burns and destroys. It gives the rat creative life-giving fire. As a rule, such people have a beautiful, wide, bright face and an aquiline nose. But this does not please the Rats at all, since they love to please people. Women have reddish hair, scarlet lips, and a fiery temperament.

Fire Rats do not sit in one place; they are gifted with an inexhaustible charge of energy and delight. These people love to be where something is happening and, if possible, in the center of events, regardless of whether it is travel, new projects or propaganda in which they fervently believe. They are original thinkers and hate being led. Fire Rats express their views directly, but sometimes a momentary flash of inspiration can carry them far. They have a resilient nature that can lead them to great discoveries.

Such people can be very dangerous, as they are aggressive and destructive. In combination with the Rat, Fire brings two extremes: either light or death. Fire often causes war. Such Rats are perspicacious and insightful, they are prone to unquestioning leadership. They are hot, passionate and insatiable, often to the point of belligerence. Fire nourishes them like Water and hardens them like Metal, which is why they are characterized by a military career. They make poor artists because they have difficulty separating light from shadow. They are attracted to creepy feelings, but there is no need to become like them. Their inner Fire can incinerate the wounded nature of the Rat. Be careful - don't go too far.

They like hot climate and feel best in the summer. The most vulnerable organs are the heart and small intestine. They enjoy bitter, spiced foods. But their stomach accepts rice and lamb dishes best. They should beware of sudden changes in pressure in the atmosphere - this has an adverse effect on the heart.

The color that brings them happiness and prosperity is red.


The moisture flowing from the sky fell down and created the Earth. The beautiful Earth, warmed by the summer sun and creating all the blessings of the world. Earth is a symbol of life and home. People born under the auspices of this sign have a solid appearance, yellowish skin, large facial features, thick eyebrows, they are slightly stooped, with a round tummy. They are very similar to moles because they are slow. These people move forward slowly and confidently.

Rats born under the influence of this element love to fall into deep thoughts, which often harms them. Earth Rats need upward movement, otherwise they may suffocate in the depths of the earth. They are deaf materialists, sometimes reaching the point of selfishness. They often represent realism and fertility combined with animal cunning. Such people are subtle financiers and successful businessmen, they have good family, but they sin with despotism.

Such Rats simply need activity, since they have stayed too long in their holes. If they are wise, they will not show desire for passion and temptation. There is no need to procrastinate in business, because this creates nervousness and quarrels.

These are very cunning and balanced Rats. They rarely expose themselves to unnecessary risks, although they are constantly trying to increase their material well-being. Therefore, Earth Rats slowly and confidently move towards achieving their own goal, leaving not the slightest percentage of chance. Probably, after all, Earth Rats are not as adventurous as other representatives of this sign, so they limit themselves to those areas that they know well. There's no way in hell they're going to sit upside down without exploring the bottom. They are gifted, conscientious and loving towards loved ones, but at the same time they take excessive care of themselves and worry about their own appearance, which is created only for the public.

They feel best in late summer when the climate becomes more humid. The most vulnerable organs are the spleen and stomach. As a rule, they prefer sweet foods, but they are best served with corn dishes and boiled or baked beef. They are prone to obesity and nervous diseases. They just need exercise and selectivity in food.

The color that brings them luck and happiness is yellow.


Men - Rats are very powerful and persistent. In marriage they always prefer open game, which helps them reduce the number of misunderstandings and worries. These men can fight temptation because they know that a loving spouse is waiting for them at home. But there are situations when they enter into a casual relationship that they did not want at all. It is believed that Rat men are happier if they have a partner who does the housework, and they only do stable work and earn money.

If they have more serious problems with their partner, they should not immediately go to extremes and rush to get a divorce. Because Rats men tend to get divorced very quickly, but after that they will not be any happier. They must be careful when expressing affection and warmth, because some partners are quick to jump on marriage proposals. And from the very beginning this was not at all the intention of the man - the Rat, so they must weigh every word spoken.

In love, they rely only on their charm, and thanks to it they can achieve a lot. They are too open and therefore sometimes there is a danger that their partner will misunderstand them. Sometimes the speeches of men - Rats look like a bluff. And in this case, only mutual discussion of problems can help.

Rats men must regularly instill in their partner the feeling that they love him and are capable of making sacrifices for him. But there is always a danger that they may neglect their loved ones for the sake of career and entertainment.

When Rat men decide to start a new flirtation, they should always think about how it will affect their marriage. After all, they do not want to subject their family to trials. They must explain to their partner in time that they need freedom and sometimes want to go out into society on their own. And it is much worse if the spouse or partner has big claims against them and experiences unbearable jealousy. Rats men should not be surprised if they reach a dead end with some ladies.

Rats men always want to find a selfless partner for whom they would like to get stars from the sky. And so they need to remain as generous to everyone. Such men will be happy in a partnership only if their other half fully understands and realizes that behind his image lies a serious-minded man.

There is no need to create great difficulties for others, and at the first opportunity you need to get married, because Rats men are born bachelors, and this needs to be fought. And although this does not suit them at all, they should try to spend more time in the house in the interests of marital harmony.


Such women should avoid a partner who is jealous because they will not be able to live a long life together. When they meet the man of their dreams, Rat women must gradually overcome their fear of marriage. They need to hold their tongue as sometimes a careless word can create a wrong opinion about them.

When they show attraction to a man, Rat women need to be careful and consider whether the man is truly interested in them. And in any case, any new acquaintance should be assessed as a new reason to have a good time.

Women - Rats have good patience and therefore they must find the man who craves them. You should not allow love to become a routine, as this can only make you unhappy. First, everything needs to be checked and weighed, and if such a partner is found, the Rat woman will prove herself to be a wonderful lover. But if both made a mistake, you need to break up immediately.

If a Rat woman and her partner both work, they need to be actively involved in housework and help each other. Such women should try, together with their beloved, to create a strong monolith, only in this case they have a chance of success.

At the same time, Rats Women will want to maintain their own independence, otherwise this may become the first stumbling block for quarrels. Sometimes they are very gullible and think that others behave just like them. But this, unfortunately, is not true. They must give themselves time to find a real spouse, because one wrong step can turn life into a nightmare. Women - Rats must understand that physical intimacy is in the background; First of all, you need to find spiritual community with your partner, which is very important for this sign. But another situation often occurs: Rats women do not want to get married, but at the same time they strive to maintain physical intimacy.


It is easy to get along with such children if you give them a certain freedom actions. These children need love and protection. The seriousness and sincerity of your love are important to them. They can be happy anywhere - both in a palace and in a poor man's hut, if they are surrounded by care and spiritual tenderness. The climate of love is the most the best remedy against their genetic aggressiveness.

This child needs constant contacts and activities in society in order to fully express his personality and craving for the mysterious. And no one can compare with them in ingenuity. From childhood, they acquire the quality of a leader, playing the roles of leaders and leaders. This feeling leads them to dangerous life situations, but, as a rule, accidents do not occur.

Little Rats are carefree and love adventure. But this does not prevent them from studying well, since they instinctively understand that they need knowledge. They see things very deeply, and therefore they are more inclined towards literature than mathematics. WITH early age Rats show their predisposition to careerism and gluttony.

Later, during puberty, they begin to develop fears that come with sexuality. In fact, they are very afraid of themselves and their own bodies. And any encroachment on their intimate spheres is regarded by them as violence. Therefore, it is very important for parents to know about this and never show treachery.


In their souls, Rats dream of castles, as they have a subconscious craving for everything mysterious. They believe in ghosts and vampires, so it is better for them to settle in a remote area entwined with secrets and riddles. Surely Count Dracula was born in the year of the Rat. They get along well in such an environment, but periodically must go out Fresh air. Rats cannot tolerate centuries-old dust at all.

Women - Rats make excellent housewives. Their whole house is in perfect order, you can find rare jewelry, art objects, a magnificent library and modern electronic equipment. It is possible that this house will contain some secrets.


Rats men are very romantic and know how to take a person away from real thoughts into the world of mysterious dreams. But after that, they will definitely directly invite you to their bed.

Women - Rats are very passionate and do not know how to control themselves, so they often show their claws. These women have a wonderful, soft and gentle shell, but do not forget that underneath there is a calculating person hiding.

If the Rat loves you, you will know about it. If you ask them to do something for you, they will definitely do it. Madness is expected from a Rat lover. And he will do anything to keep you. The rat will make the lover experience unforgettable moments. If the Rat cheated on you, then She has a good reason for this. But she will definitely immediately regret it, reproach herself and, after much torment, ask for forgiveness. But if a partner deceives the Rat, she will definitely respond to the deception with terror. If things take an undesirable turn, Rats will provoke a breakup and will certainly blame the partner.

If you need to give Rats a gift, give them something unusual. However, it is not necessary that this item be useful thing. It is desirable that it be an exotic piece of jewelry or an antique item. And it doesn’t matter how you present this gift, the main thing is that they appreciate it.

To attract the Rat's attention, take them to an abandoned house, let them rummage through an old library, or have an impromptu candlelit dinner. But if you're tired of Rats and it's time to part ways, invite them to dinner at inappropriate place, for example, visiting your boring relatives.


It's never boring with these people. They are emotional and know how to evoke passion in others. The emotional life of Rats is very difficult; they have incredible attractive power. They are usually confused by passionate relationships and strong feeling. Rats hate everyday life, so sometimes they chase two birds with one stone. And, as everyone knows, this often leads to hopeless situations, as a result of which they remain alone. At such moments, they feel misunderstood, but never strive to take the first step towards.

In essence, they are great egoists, but in love they show boundless generosity. They have the ability to get into extremely difficult situations, where they often move from the role of victim to the role of attacker. We can say that they are peculiar sadomasochists who can endure anything, but not the lack of passion.

When they are understood, Rats show boundless loyalty. But in no case should they be disappointed, because in case of any misunderstanding they will begin to look for happiness on the side. But if you point out all the shortcomings to them, they will definitely offer their point of view. Rats are difficult to beat in any game, they are not imaginative in this regard. In life they are always serious, but this seriousness instantly disappears when they collide With real feeling. This is always an interesting and seeking partner.


Rats strive for physical contact, but if something doesn’t go well with them in sex, they become aggressive and worry about it too deeply. In this regard, they have excellent success with the opposite sex, whom Rats are drawn into a noisy emotional game. They are insatiable in sex and can leave a loving partner without thinking about his feelings. When choosing a new lover, they do not think much about the consequences.

Rats are easy to win with nothing more than enthusiasm and a sense of humor. Usually they easily move from one sexual hobby to another, and at the same time, Rats try to maintain friendly relations with all their previous lovers. They are probably not quite capable of deep emotional attachment.

Those born under the sign of the Rat need a constant audience and sexual stimulation. They desire to have sex with a promising partner. Sometimes Rats show persistence, so it is completely unclear to others whether they are looking for a permanent partner or just entertainment. These people cannot be kept in one place.


Rats cannot stand interference in their own affairs, just as they do not like to interfere in the affairs of others. If they were born into a difficult family, they sometimes go off the beaten path. Words: "What will people say?" can easily throw them off balance. It is better for them to live in their own family, in which they establish a clear, organization intertwined with fantasy. Of course, it may seem to others that there is chaos in this family, but this is only at first glance. But in fact, everything goes according to a strictly planned schedule, and the children are washed, and the steak is not burnt. Rats are great parents and are respected. They closely monitor what is happening with children, always showing them
