Online game Technomagic. Game review, video review, game tips. Full description of the key points technomagic online Which path to choose

I’ll say right away that computer games for me were previously divided into constant (CS, Q3, NFS and GTA) and not constant (usually RPGs and other puzzles) which were completed quickly and forgotten almost immediately.

But everything changed in 2008, on New Year’s Eve. At the beginning of December, I began to notice in the evenings how my son (he was 7 years old at the time) periodically called his mother (my wife) to the computer for help in moving some pebbles on the playing field. Then - more and more, evening after evening, my son and his wife sat more and more at the computer and almost didn’t talk to me. A week later, I became curious why my family devotes all their free time to some browser game. I decided to register a Persian and see for myself what is wrong with this gameplay?

Since I didn’t intend to play for so long (and this is my first experience in such Internet projects), I flew through the first levels quickly, without swinging and not paying attention to the proposed quests. Having reached the 5th level, I began to understand that in the game combat has an even more interesting meaning, you can move stones not just by collecting combinations, but you can also cast magic (which become available as you gain new levels), from that moment I began to get sucked into this game :)

I fought mobs in safe areas and didn’t know that I was doing everything wrong. Between battles, I started to get interested in non-complicated quests... 3 more levels flew by, I learned to look up the character's information :) and was sad to discover that I didn't have a single open medal of the offered medals.

How I gave 30 months to Technomagic

How I gave 30 months to Technomagic

I found out how and what, I started to become a nerd, everyone advised me to quit this Persian and register a new one, but I’m persistent. At level 9, I went to the Colosseum and in the very first PvP battle, having won, I got a drop Ax of the Destroyer(at that time it was one of the most powerful weapons in the project). Having shouted about my drop in the game chat, they began to inundate me with congratulations and offers to sell this device for game currency. When the state cost of an ax was 40 gold, they offered me 65 gold, but asked me to wait a day until real money was thrown into the project and exchanged for game currency, so I found out that there are people who are ready to pay 65 thousand rubles for a drawn ax!!

Now it was definitely not possible to get a new Persian. With the proceeds I bought a full Gadzoga, having pumped up a bit of click medals, I went down into the dungeon and there I started playing even more enthusiastically against older mobs and opponents, who, by the way, still more often endured me than I did them (well, this is understandable, even though I’m in beautiful magic clothes, but still remained a noob).

All these actions happened to me in 2 and a half months. Now my family only sat at their computers in the evenings and talked exclusively through the game chat.

The next stage of the game was to create your own clan. As an adult, I understood that since I missed leveling up at the first stage of the game, the further it went, the more difficult it would be for me to catch up, and creating and leading a clan would really help me feel more comfortable in the game. Having farmed 50 gold in 2-3 weeks (that’s how much it costs to register a clan), creating a clan website, I submitted an application to the Administration and registered the Northa clan.

Management skills and experience in marketing came in handy in the game. I acted cunningly, knowing that for the fact that the clan is included in the TOP10, the administration rewards the clan with goodies (elics, scrolls, etc.) I poked around on the game forum and found out rating calculation formula, the only thing left to do was that the clan had to have the maximum number of people (no more than 30 were allowed then) and all the Persians had to be of a high level and with a good rank. All clans at that time took in-game gold for joining and a monthly tax from everyone (and these were normal amounts and not everyone could just give them away from their backpack). I came up with the term - tour of the Norta clan. Wandering through the most crowded locales, I looked for hai without a clan and offered them that very excursion to my clan for a week - free! If you like it with us, then pay for the entrance and stay, if you don’t like it, you don’t lose anything and leave the clan. It worked! I started recruiting “guests” to the clan 5 days before the end of the month, because the rating calculation took place on the last day of the month (all achievements of each player for the month were taken into account, no matter whether he was in this clan all month or not), that is highs entered for free and thereby gave my clan rating points - and it was not expensive for them, and it was good for me. It was difficult to complete the first half of the clan, but the second half, seeing a good number of highs in the clan, went with pleasure. It should be noted that only a few left us after calculating the rating and distributing freebies. So, from the first month of its existence, my clan immediately entered the TOP10 and did not leave there even once in 2.5 years :) This practice of excursions helped us out almost every month.

After playing for 6 months, my clan completed a clan quest and acquired a flying clan island (this is a very serious result and few people would want to leave such a clan, and a huge number of players were trying to get into such a clan). Next, we opened three trading shops on it, which sell a lot of elixirs, recipes, ammunition and other things useful for the game for game currency.

And the Administration constantly introduces new quests, locations, battlegrounds, medals and achievements, for which special respect to them!

That’s it, but many still believe that you can’t be in a strong clan and play comfortably without constantly pouring in real money.

So, what is Elinor, and how to succeed at it. Let's start with the fact that here you have truly enormous scope for activity. You can choose an activity to your liking: wander through the endless lands, studying the secrets and mysteries of this world; meet famous characters and help them with numerous tasks; wage an irreconcilable fight against numerous monsters, obtaining the resources you need, or with warriors of the opposite race, gaining valor; develop professional skills - you have access to the skill of a burglar, weaver and two of four professions to choose from: blacksmith, jeweler, cryptographer and alchemist; trade with each other, make money at the auction; create runes, things, elixirs, and, of course, make true friends and sworn enemies. What is all this for?

The thing is that to survive in the game you will have to carefully monitor the development of your character. By performing certain actions, you will increase:

- level- to increase personal combat characteristics and to obtain some additional opportunities that open only upon reaching a certain stage;

- experience- to complete each level you will be allocated a fixed amount of experience, which you must use wisely, trying to maximize your financial position or improve your personal characteristics;

- rank- the more valor you gain in battles, the higher your rank will be, and accordingly, you will receive certain advantages over less valiant warriors;

- professional excellence- will allow you to produce more complex and valuable items compared to your competitors;

- reputation, which will not be needed soon, but you need to start earning it now.

The entire accessible territory is divided into combat zones:

- Soli-Dor and its surroundings - the outer world, accessible to all levels;

- Coliseum- PvP building, where already from the 3rd level you can fight with equal opponents and receive a worthy reward;

- Dungeons- at first, until you reach level 9, you will only be allowed into the Catacombs, and then into deeper dungeons;

- Abandoned mines- locations with an aggressive environment where entry is impossible without special equipment;

- Island of Dedication- where instead of courage they receive valor for victory over the enemy;

- Dark vaults on the Island of Initiation- will allow you to follow the path of Light or Darkness;

- Tower of Despair- for the most experienced and militant veterans who are ready to take risks;

- Darkwood- for groups of brave warriors who are ready to fight the Spirit of the Forest for its treasures;

- Hive- underground passages of dangerous insects, where warriors complete daily tasks and fight the terrible monster Scrubb.

On the territory of your city, interracial battles are impossible, since the perimeter is protected from the enemy by reliable security. In some areas of the combat zones there are safe cells and paths. They are marked in a special way.

Each zone consists of locations. You will be able to detect comrades and potential opponents only within the location in which you are currently located.

How to navigate? It all depends on the distance and final destination. Here are some options:

You can jump from cell to cell, but remember, if there is already an enemy or monster on it, you will automatically enter into battle with him;

Use portals that allow you to instantly move in both directions between strictly defined cells;

Purchase a travel scroll, which contains a large list of places that can be reached from anywhere in Elinor.

Just don’t rush into battle with a strong opponent until you are thoroughly prepared. Your personal characteristics provided by the appropriate level will clearly not be enough to win. Here are some tips to improve your effectiveness in battle:

Get a set of armor, weapons, regalia, a cloak, an amulet, rings and a bag that will significantly improve your characteristics. Remember that they are used depending on the level and rank;

Strengthen your equipment with runes, the effects of which can provide invaluable service in battle;

Inlay your armor with magic stones that match your level;

Don’t be too lazy, as we say, to “upgrade” the medals and achievements available to you in terms of level. There are so many of them that I recommend that you plan this process carefully, believe me, it is worth it;

If you arrive in Elinor with hard cash in your pocket, do not spare money on purchasing a strengthened account, it will be an unpleasant surprise for the enemy.

And now you can safely go into battle with faith in your strength and hope of victory. I warn you, if the enemy’s level is more than two levels lower than yours, you may be left completely or partially without trophies. In battle you will be assisted by:

Combat characteristics that provide level, uniforms with runes and inlays, pumping, etc.;

The spells used are many, they are distributed over four branches and differ significantly between gnomes and people; your level determines the number of points that can be redistributed between branches at any time by selecting the necessary spells;

The ability to work with a field of crystals and skulls, tying your actions to the spells used;

Elixirs and scrolls available to you during battle - they can both strengthen you and weaken the enemy;

Ammunition that must be equipped before the battle begins.

Well, that's all I wanted to tell you!

I hope you can easily find a forge where you can develop your professional skills, a junk dealer who will help you profitably clear space in your bag, an artifact shop that sells the best that you can buy in Elinor, and much more.

Now go, and remember that the best teacher is practice. Over time, you will become strong and experienced warriors, join a clan, and when I meet you, I will proudly remember that once at the beginning of your journey, it was I who was your mentor in

Good luck! And may the gods of Elinor be with you!

Let's take a closer look at the main elements of the game interface:

Playing field : here you see your character and his surroundings

Information about your character : your avatar, nickname, level, rank, clan, then a bar of health, experience and valor, reflecting your current progress.

Main menu of the game contains all the important game features.

Let's take a closer look at each section of the main menu:

Character: combat parameters, information about professions, reputation, account status.

Backpack: here you can see all the available items, as well as use them.

Tasks: it displays all taken quests, their progress, description, and goal.

Spells: here you can distribute magic points, which are awarded as the level increases. There are two schools of magic available with two skill branches in each.

World map: reflects the current position of the character, monsters, buildings, game heroes.

Awards: information about your medals and achievements.

My surrounding: here you can see the composition of the clan, information about the mentor and students.

Forge: allows you to work with recipes, drawings, sketches, producing a variety of items from extracted resources.

Auction: opens a trade window with other inhabitants of Elinor.

Mail: your mailbox in which you can create a letter to any hero of Elinor or receive messages from them.

Chat window. By default, all chat channels are enabled. By clicking on the “General”, “Trade”, “Clan” and “Privates” buttons, you can disable the display of messages from these channels in the chat window.

To select the channel in which you want to write, click on the “General” button to the right of the text entry field.

List window displays location players, advisors, moderators, dealers, priests, as well as a list of clans, friends and a log of the last battle.

Additional information and settings buttons

Panoramic view: when this function is turned on, the screen moves with the cursor, and when it is turned off, you can only see the map within the active screen.

Net: turning on and off the hexagon grid.

Animation: control of the animation of the world on the map (users with weak computers are recommended to disable animation to improve game performance).

Infoportal: the button opens an information portal with news and useful information on the game.

Forum: opens a game forum where you can chat with fellow players, take part in competitions, and report your problem.

Report a bug: opens a window where you can report a bug you noticed in the game.

Screen setup: The slider allows you to adjust the size of the playing field.

In the upper left corner you will see the number of your savings, a button to enter the crystal store, buttons for game settings, and turning the sound on and off. Clicking on the red cross exits the game. In addition, icons of various promotions taking place during the period appear in this area of ​​the screen: for example, the hour of strength, the hour of signums, or the fair.

It's not uncommon to find really cool games.

One of them is Technomagic, developed by a company specializing in online games, GD Team.

Everything here is great: mechanics, high-quality graphic design, a story thought out to the smallest detail.

But the main key feature of the browser is its combat system, unlike others. But let's take everything in order and understand why she is so cool.

Overview of the game Technomagic will be especially useful for novice players.

From this article you will learn:

Eternal battle

The events of the online game take place in a wonderful world inhabited by goblins and gnomes. Once this world was fertile, it flourished, but now there is an endless war between its inhabitants and people.

The battle is eternal, and no one can say with certainty why it began and how long it continues. Such a merciless confrontation horrified even the gods - the lovely Equil and the wise Khadgor.

The gods decided to stop this battle and opened underground caves filled with the most terrible monsters. The ancient Mist was also released, immediately swallowing up a huge part of the goblin kingdom and the human empire.

Only a small piece remains untouched, on which the villages of Khatog and Longholm are located, sheltering the remnants of a powerful army.

This is where your journey begins, full of surprises and adventures.

Which way to choose?

To know how to quickly level up in Technomagic, you need to know its main features. As you already understood, there are three races:

  1. Gnomes.
  2. People.
  3. Goblins.

You can choose between the first two; goblins in the browser are only part of its plot. Accordingly, you can also choose two paths. The first path lies to the village of Longholm, where people live, they have underdeveloped magic, but they are distinguished by desperate courage, bordering on recklessness.

The second path is to the village of Khatog, inhabited by gnomes; they are the custodians of enormous wealth, but they must be mined with the help of amazing mechanisms and a battle ax.

There are also specializations that will allow you to study many crafts. There are four of them:

  1. Secret Writer - makes runes that improve battle scrolls and equipment, and, therefore, improve the characteristics of characters.
  2. Blacksmith - makes armor and weapons. When he reaches maximum level, he can also repair armor.
  3. Alchemist - produces products for sale, scrolls, ammunition, elixirs.
  4. Jeweler - studies the properties of various stones.

Features of the combat system

This point is perhaps the most extraordinary in Technomagic. Many gamers are accustomed to simple turn-based battles. Here, everything at first resembles a casual puzzle, in the style of “You need to collect three identical stones in a row, and after that they will disappear.”

In fact, the system is very interesting. There are 4 types of stones, differing in color: with skulls, blue, red and green.

If you line up the last three types, they will disappear, and the indicators on the counter will increase. Stones with skulls cause damage to enemies. You ask: “What kind of counter is this?”

Each hero has his own skills, and stones in this game replace resources that must be spent when using a skill. Bonuses in the browser bring elixirs.

I advise you to think through all the combinations in advance, because you only have half a minute for each move.

Don't worry if the hero dies, there are resurrection options here. In the end, you can always pay off the “girlfriend with a braid.”


There are several types of game currency in Technomagic - gold, copper and silver coins. There is also a currency - crystals, for which you can purchase unique weapons or armor.

Crystals will be awarded for completing the quest; they can also be purchased for real money. There are a lot of quests here, so there’s more than enough for everyone!

As in any MMORPG game, you can also do a hack using game currency. A special program uses a buggy in a browser to replace it with a unique cheat.

I almost forgot to say that there is also a rating system that determines stronger players. Those who take the first three prizes receive significant rewards.

To summarize: everything in Technomagic is interesting, it is noticeably different from the browser games we are used to - with its amazing combat system, fascinating story, and high-quality graphics.

It also contains things that are familiar to us: racial events, trade, clans, there are even weddings. Playing in this virtual universe is incredibly exciting, and I think my guide has convinced you of this.

Do you agree that we haven’t seen many games of this genre before? Have a good journey through the fairy-tale world, great victories and lots of fun to you!

That's all for me, see you soon.

TechnoMagic Server - This is a mixture of industrial and magical mods. Sometimes you get bored playing on a magical or industrial server and want something more. Our server will allow you to become a magician who also keeps up with industrialization, capable of using magic to create something more out of ordinary quantum armor and power tools. It will take a really long time to develop, but it will be very interesting. Such a variety of mods simply will not let you get bored.

general information

  • Last wipe date- February 28, 2020.
  • Construction World Size- 10000 x 10000.
  • Digging world size- 6000 x 6000.
  • The size of hell is 3000 x 3000.
  • Edge - 1000 x 1000.
  • Pvp on the server included!
  • Minecraft version - 1.7.10

Useful Warps

  • /warp world - teleportation to the construction world
  • /warp mining - teleportation to the digging world
  • /warp nether - teleportation to hell
  • /warp end - teleportation to the ender world
  • /warp shop - store

List of mods

  • Advanced Solar Panels
  • AE2 Stuff- An addition to the Applied Energistics 2 mod, which will add new die cutters, chambers for crystal growth and much more.
  • AFSU- Addition to the IndustrialCraft 2 mod, which will add energy storage for 1,000,000,000 Eu
  • Applied Energistics 2- A modification that contains a large amount of new content, mainly centered around the concept of using and converting energy in a unique way. Most functions are connected to or part of the ME network.
  • Botany- Addon to Forestry, adding a huge amount of decor and plants.
  • Build Craft- A mod that simplifies the extraction, transportation and storage of certain liquids from their natural locations, and also allows you to transport and store large quantities of liquids from other mods.
  • CaseReload- A self-written mod that adds cases to the game, with items, game currency and even premium accounts.
  • Compact Solar Arrays- An addition to Industrial Craft 2, adding several new types of solar panels, which are noticeably better than the usual ones (Energy output and crafts are configured so that the game has 8 levels of panels from 1 Eu/t to 16,384 Eu/t).
  • Computronics- An addon to Open Computers, adding several new items and an API for working with them.
  • CustomNPC- A modification that adds mobs to the game, which are initially programmed by the server administrator. Makes the world of Minecraft more alive and atmospheric.
  • Draconic Evolution- A mod that adds new powerful tools, armor, vehicles and various elements that use Redstone Flux to operate.
  • Dragons Radio Mod- A mod that adds Radio to the game. With it you can listen to radio streams via URL.
  • DwCity- Own TechnoMagic server mod, adding many new items, as well as an additional “Matter” tab in the Thaumonomicon, which connects magic and technology even more closely.
  • Electro-magic Tools- Addon for Thaumcraft and Industrial Craft 2, linking them together, forcing them to use common energy.
  • Extra Bees- Addon to Forestry, adding various hives to world generation, new improvements for large hives and frames.
  • Extra Trees- Addon to Forestry, adding the ability to breed new types of different trees. Want a small cherry tree for decoration? Or maybe a huge sequoia? Yes please! The addon also includes quite a lot of decor blocks.
  • Forestery- A modification for Minecraft, specially designed for use with BuildCraft and IndustrialCraft.
  • Genetics- Addon for Forestry, which everyone loves so much! With it you can breed a huge number of new bees, instill in them any genes, and in general... Makes life easier for beekeepers.
  • GlebiusVC- A mod that adds the ability to communicate with other players via a microphone.
  • Gravitation Suite- An addition to the IndustrialCraft 2 mod, adding several new types of armor and tools to the game.
  • Grimoire Of Gaia 3- A mod that adds new mobs, custom items, as well as rings that give eternal buffs
  • Hats- A mod that adds various hats that will allow you to stand out among other players.
  • IC2 Backpack HUD- Modification that displays the charge of your armor next to your lives.
  • Industrial Craft 2- A modification that adds industrial production to the world (metallurgy, electrical engineering, agro-industry), thanks to the emergence of various types of energy, new devices and tools.
  • IronChest- A mod that adds new chests to the game, in which you can store up to 108 different items.
  • JourneyMap- The mod will add a map and radar, which will help you easily navigate in this square world.
  • Magic Bees- Addon to Forestry and Thaumcraft, adding new types of bees.
  • Mouse Tweaker- The mod will allow you to easily and quickly manage your inventory.
  • NEI- The mod displays all the items that are in the game, you can also see the crafting of any item with the R key and find out what can be crafted from this item with the U key.
  • Nodal Mechanics- An addon for Thaumcraft that allows you to create your own aura nodes.
  • Nuclear Control 2- An addition to the IndustrialCraft 2 mod that allows you to create a control and monitoring system for your nuclear reactors.
  • OpenBlocks- A modification that adds various useful and funny blocks to the world of Minecraft.
  • OpenPeripheralAddon- Addon to OpenComputers, which will add even more new mechanisms.
  • OpenSecurity- An addon to OpenComputers that adds new mechanisms that will ensure the security of you and your data.
  • OptiFine- The mod will allow you to more flexibly configure graphics settings, as well as increase FPS on weak computers.
  • PowerUtils- A mod that allows you to convert EU energy to RF and vice versa.
  • Status Effect HUD- A modification that displays the currently active effects on the player.
  • Thaumcraft- A modification that adds sorcery to the world that allows you to turn any objects into a certain form of energy called “Vis”. Using this energy, you can activate magical symbols, bend space and matter, enchant things, create powerful tools and much more.
  • Thaumic Energy- An add-on for Thaumcraft and Applied Energistics 2, created to integrate these mods.
  • Thaumic Tinkerer- An add-on for Thaumcraft that adds many useful things such as the Osmotic Enchanting Table, Ichor Tools, armor, new types of knobs and much more.
  • Thermal Expansion- A modification that adds to the game new mechanics for processing resources and organizing automatic production, new resources, their processors, as well as energy and devices for its generation and storage.
  • TcInventoryScan- An addon for Thaumcraft that allows you to study items with a Thaumometer directly in your inventory and chests.
  • Waila- When you hover over a block, it shows detailed information about it.
  • Witchery- A modification that adds witch magic, with which you can summon different creatures, brew potions, hang curses on those you don’t like.
  • Ztones- Modification that adds new types of custom blocks.