Should we celebrate International Mother Language Day? "International Mother Language Day" class hour on the topic. How this day is celebrated in different countries

The existence of the planet is inextricably linked with the development of population and speech. Linguistic diversity is inexorably tending to decrease, which raises fears of the complete disappearance of most currently existing languages.


international day native language appeared in 1999 upon the establishment of the General Conference of UNESCO and entered the calendar life of our planet in 2000. When proclaiming this holiday, the primary task was set - to preserve “endangered” languages, as well as to bring together the cultural and linguistic diversity of the peoples of the world.

A memorable day was chosen as the date for Language Day. In Dhaka in 1952, on February 21, during a demonstration in support of the native language, students who proposed raising the holiday to an official level were killed by police.

Every year this holiday takes on a specific theme, drawing attention to various problems in the linguistic field. The following questions are raised and considered:

  1. Sign language and Braille system.
  2. Promotion between mother tongue and multilingualism.
  3. Preservation of cultural plurality.
  4. Coverage of different cultural traditions.
  5. ·Quality of linguistic education, etc.

UNESCO staff determined that a huge number of languages ​​were used by the population on our planet, 200 of which have completely disappeared, and more than 2 thousand are on the verge of extinction, and only about 6 thousand languages ​​are used.

In every country there are languages ​​that may disappear with the death of their last speakers. The countries with the highest number of dying languages ​​now are Indonesia, India, China, Brazil, Mexico, and the USA.

The reasons for the disappearance of a language are varied:

  • decreased birth rate;
  • wars;
  • deportation;
  • migration;
  • epidemics;
  • language mixing.

IN modern world These factors are also supplemented by the emergence of dominant languages, the knowledge of which is more advantageous.

The disappearance of languages ​​is dangerous not only from a linguistic point of view. Entire cultural layers may disappear due to the loss of traditions and folk art, which are directly related to the history of the language.


On this day, employees of all UNESCO branches organize language events; various conferences, seminars, exhibitions, and concerts are held in all countries.

In Russia, many schools hold lessons that introduce children to the linguistic history of our planet and the topic of the disappearance of languages. Teachers tell why some languages ​​are being “erased from the face of the Earth” and teach children to love and respect both their native and foreign languages.

International Mother Language Day was proclaimed by the General Conference of UNESCO in November 1999 and is celebrated annually on 21 February to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.

This date was chosen to commemorate the events of February 21, 1952, when in Dhaka, the capital of present-day Bangladesh, students who participated in a demonstration in defense of their native language Bengali, which they demanded to be recognized as one of the state languages countries.

Language is the most powerful tool for preserving and developing the world cultural heritage. Mother tongue activities promote not only linguistic diversity and multilingualism, but also a greater understanding of linguistic and cultural traditions throughout the world.

By introducing Mother Language Day into the international calendar, UNESCO called on countries to develop, support and intensify activities aimed at respecting and protecting all languages, especially those in danger of extinction.
The theme of the Day 2016 is “Quality of education, language(s) of instruction and learning outcomes.”

Experts believe that if action is not taken, half of the six thousand languages ​​spoken in the world today will disappear by the end of the 21st century, and humanity may lose the most important ancient knowledge contained in indigenous languages.

Globally, 43% (2,465) of languages ​​are at risk of extinction. Among countries with the largest number of endangered languages, the first place is occupied by India (197 languages) and the USA (191), followed by Brazil (190), China (144), Indonesia (143), and Mexico (143).

According to UNESCO's Atlas of the World's Endangered Languages, more than 200 languages ​​have disappeared over the past three generations. Recently extinct languages ​​include Manx (Isle of Man), which disappeared with the death of Ned Muddrell in 1974, Asa in Tanzania - disappeared in 1976, Ubykh (Turkey) - disappeared in 1992 with the death of Tevfik Esenç, Eyak (Alaska, USA) — disappeared in 2008 with the death of Mary Smith Jones.

In sub-Saharan Africa, where there are about two thousand languages ​​(about a third of all the world's languages), at least 10% of them could disappear in the next 100 years.

Some languages ​​- extinct, according to the Atlas classification - are in a state of active revival. Among them are the Cornish language (Cornish) or Sishi (New Caledonia).

The Russian language is one of the so-called world (global) languages. It is native to approximately 164 million people.

All over the world, on February 21, humanity celebrates Mother Language Day. It is with its help that people are able to express colorfully and vividly all their thoughts, experiences, emotions, turning them into songs, poems or prose. This forms the basis of the cultural heritage of the nation, which many other peoples want to know.

To show how important it is to respect and study foreign languages, The General Assembly decided to establish this holiday and set the date - February 21. The impetus for this decision was UNESCO’s request to create this holiday in order to develop in people the desire for multilingualism and respect for other languages.

For Russians, Mother Language Day is a way to express appreciation and gratitude to all creators Russian history. Indeed, over all times, approximately 193 languages ​​have existed on our territory; over time, this figure has dropped to 40.

Today, in honor of the holiday, many educational institutions hold competitions in which you need to write a poem, prose or essay in any language you like, where the winner receives a well-deserved reward. It is also customary in cultural circles to hold literary evenings and creative festivals, where young and experienced poets share their works.

International Mother Language Day 2020 - Congratulations

There is no more beautiful native language,
And from the bottom of my heart I want to wish -
Love him for many, many years
And so as never to forget,

Communicate in your native language -
After all, he is sometimes the key to all doors!
The native language is like a bright father’s house,
There is no more wonderful and gentle language!

Like a mother, he is beautiful, like a mother, alone!
He must be appreciated and respected!
Native language... there are a thousand reasons
So that we never forget him!

What is closer to your native language,
And what in the world is more dear to him?
So close, wonderful words
They warm our hearts and souls very much!

Native language... It’s different for everyone.
But it always sounds light and gentle.
So don't let them pass you by
You have love, and joy, and hope.

Appreciate what is next to you.
Love those who help in life.
And always respect your native language -
Let it bloom in your heart!

On Mother Language Day
I wish that always
Your native language sounded
Don't forget him!

May good luck await you in life,
Let success come through the door!
And the native language carries
You have a new take off in life!

I wish you miracles
The reason to be sad has disappeared.
Appreciate your native language -
Your dreams will come true!

Postcard for International Mother Language Day 2020

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International Mother Language Day - February 21

International Mother Language Day, proclaimed by the General Conference of UNESCO in November 1999, has been celebrated every year since February 2000 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.

Languages ​​are the most powerful tool for preserving and developing our material and spiritual heritage. According to UNESCO estimates, half of the world's 6 thousand languages ​​may soon lose their last speakers.

All steps to promote the spread of mother tongues serve not only to promote linguistic diversity and multilingual education, developing greater familiarity with linguistic and cultural traditions around the world, but also strengthen solidarity based on mutual understanding, tolerance and dialogue.

This is what he says about this holiday CEO UNESCO Koichiro Matsuura: “In celebrating International Mother Language Day... we pay tribute to the myriad of languages ​​that exist in the world, the cultures they reflect, and the creativity that their development and forms of expression give to people. On International Mother Language Day, all languages ​​are recognized as equal because each is uniquely suited to human purpose and each represents a living heritage that we should protect.”

Recognition and respect of all languages ​​is key to maintaining peace. Each language is unique. It has its own expressions that reflect the mentality and customs of the people. Like our name, we acquire our mother tongue from our mother during childhood. It shapes our consciousness and imbues it with the culture inherent in it.

Even though it is very difficult to penetrate deeply into the culture of another language, knowledge of languages ​​broadens our horizons and opens up a diverse world to us. Meeting people who speak other languages ​​makes it possible to learn about our differences and can dispel fears about the world that give rise to national strife. Make your thinking more free.

If we speak only one language, part of our brain develops less and our creativity loses a lot. There are about 300 words that have exactly the same meaning in all languages: I, you, we, who, what, no, all, one, two, big, long, small, woman, man, eat, see, hear, sun , moon, etc.

But if we take other words, for example, the word patience in Chinese (zhen), then it also means tolerance, patience...

If in French je t "aime (I love you) you can say to a friend, child, lover, then this is unthinkable for other languages, for example, for English or Italian in which there are different words to denote the concept of “to love.”

One example. There are about 1600 languages ​​and dialects in India, the situation is very complex. The constitution guarantees all citizens the right to "preserve" their languages, and all ethnic and religious minorities have the right to govern educational institutions. In fact, there is a linguistic hierarchy. Minor languages ​​may disappear, replaced by English, which is perceived as a neutral language, a symbol of modernity and good social status.

Every age needs a native language...
(Kenzheev Bakhyt)

Every age needs a native language,
to every heart, tree and knife
we need a native language of purity of tears -
So I will say and I will keep my word.

So I will say and silently, barefoot, I will walk
barren, cloudy country,
to blame your work
the native language has become a cumbersome stone.

From the street, a disabled person pressed his ear to the glass.
Every throat hurts, every eye waters,
if the age decays, and its spring
dries up without comforting us.

The stones will erase the sole, take away your youth,
so that singing reeds grow from the water,
so that in old age he can justify his work
stonecutter's insatiable lace.

Well - tearing off the crust from compressed lips,
overcoming lies and abscesses in the ears,
to every sky - if the century is not loving -
let it slip, repeating the forgotten

In your native language, because again
in every living thing the early morning sleep is deep,
so that hate and love merge
in your narrow pupil into a golden ball.

About your native language
(Galina Purga)

Your tongue is a guide to the mind and heart,
Without it you will find yourself in a dead end.
Your language is your life, your dreams,
You are no longer you without him.

Your tongue is like your own mother,
Which cannot be humiliated, cannot be insulted.
You should thank him, friend.
Because you know how to speak correctly.

Native language is your soul, your world, your ray,
Love him because he is powerful.
Your tongue is a shield, your communication
Don't let him be neglected.

Don’t let someone else label your native language.
Your heritage is your land and your language
And don’t let the ignorant distort it,
Don't forget about this, my friend.

Native Russian language

I will not fight with my brother over the language,
We'd better have more vodka and fresh snacks.
But for the first time, a quietly happy mother,
When she just opened her eyes, she told me in Russian.

And so with mother's milk it poured into my blood
The same language is like a gift from ancestors-messengers.
Today I hear the cry of my fellow countryman again and again
About the fact that my native language is only the lot of foreigners.

When the carousel stops spinning,
And I’ll lie down in a cold hole behind the street descent,
They will drive my spirit away from the Ukrainian unfortunate lands
For the fact that during his lifetime he wrote his lines in Russian.

Native language

Everyone is interested in Arabic
everyone was drawn to the east,
Spanish, Polish, Italian,
the train carried everyone to the west

How easy it is to drop everything and hide,
and tell us all later
that happiness is abroad,
and laugh at your own

Now the dialect is already native,
now in a completely different country,
I'm happy for them, but life is not eternal,
and only the native language is in the soul

Native language
(Valery Bryusov)

My faithful friend! My enemy is insidious!
My king! My slave! Native language!
My poems are like altar smoke!
Like a furious challenge - my cry!

You gave wings to a crazy dream,
You have tied your dream in chains.
Saved me in hours of powerlessness
And he crushed with excess strength.

How often in the secret of strange sounds
And in the hidden sense of words
I found the melody of the unexpected,
Poems that took possession of me!

But often, exhausted by joy
Or quietly intoxicated with melancholy,
I waited in vain to be in tune
With a trembling soul - your echo!

You wait like a giant.
I bow my face to you.
And yet I won’t get tired of fighting
I am like Israel with a deity!

There is no limit to my persistence.
You are in eternity, I am in short days,
But still, as a magician, submit to me,
Or turn the madman to dust!

Your wealth, by inheritance,
I, impudent, demand for myself.
I issue a call - you answer,
I'm coming - get ready to fight!

But the winner is defeated,
I will equally fall before you:
You are my avenger, you are my savior,
Your world is forever my abode,
Your voice is the sky above me!

Native language
(Pavlova Lina)

I thank previous eras,
Scientists and poets and people
For the language that you gave me
And they saved it in the most terrible year!

I thank my mother for reading to me
And, revealing the meaning of each fairy tale,
She corrected childhood mistakes
And it awakened my thought to life.

I thank Kuprin, Tolstoy,
Turgenev and Chekhov always,
That my native language was enriched
And they supported me in difficult times.

And if in adversity, in the years of hard times,
I haven't hit rock bottom yet,
And if I didn’t close my heart to people,
The merit of the book is that it is my destiny!

And often without even bread,
I opened it with a weak hand
Your friends, guides,
And time transported me to another world.

Native speech, beloved native language,
We draw strength from you throughout all ages.
You, our treasure, our strength,
And you play a role in the life of the lighthouse!

Native language, tell us the words...

Native language, tell us the words:
How to protect you, where to get strength?
Not the inglorious nickname “Mordovian”,
But the name “Erzya” should be worn proudly.

To be a forerunner is an enviable fate,
The Erzyan “istya” breathes the Russianness of truths.
But did you know that they would push you out
From the Volga expanse of the Fatherland?!

In the family of living Russian languages
You are the only one left among the few.
We are at the burial mounds of our forefathers
Let us resume the ritual of strict traditions.

Let the sacred shtatol keep the fire,
Only with Erzyan Mastor does one’s spirit and strength grow stronger.
To the mound hills - bow to the ground,
So that the memory of our ancestors speaks to us.

Istya (erz.) - yes
Erzyan Shtatol - a sacred candle, a symbol of hope, unification and will of the Erzyan people
Erzyan Mastor - land of Erzyan

There are countless languages ​​in the world. According to preliminary estimates, their number is about 6 thousand. Every language is a tool of reflection national culture, an instrument for the development and preservation of spiritual and material heritage. The language of each nation is unique and has original expressions that reflect the mentality and traditions of the nation. Language shapes a person’s consciousness; knowledge of a language helps to broaden one’s horizons and penetrate deeper into the culture of another country. Recognition and respect of all languages ​​helps maintain world peace. Since 1999, at the initiative of the General Conference of UNESCO, International Mother Language Day has been celebrated around the world on February 21 as a reminder of the need to promote the development of multinational linguistic culture, its diversity and multilingualism.

Native language, native speech,
He has been with us since childhood,
He is in the gentle whisper of foliage,
In the words of father and mother.

He is in fairy tales, songs and poems,
In the oath and in the anthem
And without a native language
Any people will die.

Me on Mother Language Day
I wish you to keep it,
We could have children after us
Talk to your native land.

We need to value our native language
After all, we must take care of it!
Let's learn the language together
After all, this is important for the country!

May our speech be beautiful
Let's write correctly
And thoughts and ideas are clear
Always express to each other!

Happy International Day
Mother tongue
Congratulations to everyone
Living on the planet
On it the earth speaks to you,
And from the cradle his children hear him.
I wish you to take care of your native language,
In him is the strength and soul of the people,
Free song
Let the native speech flow,
Paving the way through centuries and years.

Your native language is your land,
It is spoken by forests and fields.
The river speaks smoothly on it,
The ship's whistle echoes her response.

On it my mother sings a lullaby,
The child learns his native speech.
There is no people without a language,
I congratulate you on your native language day.

Peoples live on a large planet,
Let everyone take care of their native language.
To save it for the children
And talk to your land.

International Mother Language Day
I congratulate you on this glorious date,
I wish you lexically always
Be literate, savvy, rich.

Let your speech always sound pure,
Don't let bad words spoil her,
Your native language will help you object
And insist confidently and firmly.

Mother Language Day
Today it is noted
May it last for many centuries
Native speech is famous!

Teach the rules clearly,
Let them be remembered
And the keys to all the doors
You'll get it in no time!

Today is Mother Language Day,
That's why I want to tell you:
So that life is beautiful and easy,
Everyone must know their native language!

I wish our language to flourish
And every year it only developed,
So that it sounds right everywhere
And new words were replenished!

We celebrate together with the people,
We are Mother Language Day,
And congratulations to everyone today,
You should always teach it!

Do not forget, and always remember,
And repeat the rules all over again,
Our native language is very important to us,
We must respect him!

No native language
Life wouldn't be easy.
How then should we express ourselves?
How to confess your love?

We are lucky with the language
He's handsome to spite everyone
How should a diamond be protected?
We speak our own language!

The whole world is celebrating today
Mother Language Day!
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Happy holiday to you!

Our language is of great value,
We need to take care of him.
Like a diamond, like a jewel
Guard every moment from evil.

Congratulations: 74 in verse, 9 in prose.
