New in the literature on esotericism. Books by Louise Hay. “Shaman's Laughter” Vladimir Serkin

Esotericism is usually understood as a set of teachings about the hidden mystical essence of objects in the world and humans. The field of study of esotericism is the processes that occur in the Universe and which are simultaneously reflected in the depths of the human soul.

Esoteric psychological practice, which has been partially preserved in the depths of some mystical traditions, is now used only by a limited number of adherents and is mostly of an applied nature. Examples of such practices are Sufism in Islam, Neidan in Taoism, yoga in Hinduism, Hesychasm in Orthodoxy and Kabbalah in Judaism. A number of esoteric literature are devoted to this whole movement. Therefore, everyone who is interested in this topic has the opportunity to read esoteric books online for more detailed information.

For a better understanding of the literary genre “Esoterica”, you need to look at the semantic meaning of the term: esotericism is understood as any hidden practice. The term “esotericism” more often describes ancient esoteric teachings and movements within religions, and this term is also often used in relation to modern movements. Moreover, by esotericism we mean more general concept, and under esoteric teachings - broad.

Brazilian Paulo Coelho is one of the most extraordinary writers in the whole world and a prominent representative of esoteric fiction. In 1988, his famous novel “The Alchemist” was published, and since then his novels have been translated into 52 languages ​​and have become a cult favorite. For those who are interested in such a direction as esotericism, reading Coelho’s books online will be very useful.

Among his novels, we highlight the following: “The Alchemist” 1988, “Veronica Decides to Die” 1998, “The Devil and Senorita Prim” 2000 and many others.

Another author worthy of attention is Mirzakarim Norbekov. He is a doctor of psychology, pedagogy, philosophy in medicine, professor, full member and corresponding member of a number of Russian and foreign academies, as well as a writer and founder, president of the Norbekov Institute. Of course, Norbekov is also a writer. He is the author of the following books: “The Experience of a Fool, or the Key to Insight: How to Get Rid of Glasses,” as well as “Training the Body and Spirit,” “Energy Enema, or the Triumph of Aunt Nyura from Prostodyrovo” and many, many others.

Carlos Castaneda is an American anthropologist who, in his books, talks about undergoing dramatic training with an Indian-Mexican sorcerer, outlining a philosophy of existence. This philosophy was especially popular among Western youth in the 60s and 70s of the twentieth century. His interesting books: the four-volume “Teachings of Don Juan”, as well as “The Second Ring of Power”, “The Art of Dreaming”, “Magical Passes: Practical Wisdom” and others.

Literature about secret knowledge and magical techniques has existed in bookstores for many years, and every year the number of bestsellers is only growing.

If you are interested in fundamental esotericism, you need to choose books that have been tested by time and several generations of astrologers, parapsychologists, psychics, etc. We present to your attention best list works and authors who are rightfully included in the golden fund of esoteric literature.

“Awareness. Keys to a life of peace of mind”, Osho

This is a very important book for all fans of Eastern esoteric practices. Osho is one of the few Indian educators who sought to bring people out of a constant state of passivity and indifference. Life means action - this is exactly the motto that can be given to this work.

The book is incredibly wise and philosophical, it contains detailed recommendations on how to go to life goal, enjoy every moment and at the same time not succumb to negative emotions.

Osho writes that the main problem of humanity lies in the mechanicalness and automation of every word and deed. The constant pursuit of ideas and pleasures deprives the individual of the opportunity to enjoy reality.

It is unconsciousness that leads to all sins, and a conscious person is soft, beautiful, free. The book pays significant attention to the biography of the author himself, so that readers can see how important it is to live in the present and at the same time not be afraid of future death.

“Shaman’s Laughter”, V. Serkin

A book at the intersection of esoteric knowledge and deep psychological experience. The author seeks to encourage the reader to change reality through rather unusual techniques.

There's not much in the piece practical advice, but there are a lot of questions that can become a starting point for working on yourself. Moreover, at the center of the story is communication with a real northern shaman, whose experience and powers are incredibly great, because he has access to the secret knowledge of many local peoples.

In many ways this fiction, based on real story the author who met the main character and had many interesting conversations with him about life and death.

“Reality Transurfing”, V. Zealand

Any top esoteric book will definitely include a collection of works by this author. The main series about transurfing includes 5 books corresponding to certain stages in mastering the Zealand technique. Also released “ Practical course transurfing in 78 days”, “Apocryphal transurfing”, “Clip-Transurfing”, etc.

The essence of Zealand's esoteric methodology is to teach a wide range of followers how to move from one parallel world in another due to the concentration of mental energy.

In other words, the author of the books talks about the variability of our lives and the ability to consciously influence the course of events, to choose a specific space of reality, which is the most optimal at the current moment. Zealand teaches how to take control of your own destiny and easily realize your innermost dreams.

Millions of readers claim that after reading books, they actually discovered special unique abilities and, at a minimum, managed to gain control over their own intentions, changing their attitude towards the world.

“Dream Hackers”, A. Reutov

In the book by a domestic author, novice lovers of esotericism get a chance to become acquainted with the main secrets of the Universe. This is a very honest book that teaches the basics of sincerity and nobility and promotes the search for one's own life path. The work criticizes many famous scientific theories and provides effective techniques for mastering lucid dreams.

Readers praise the simple language and dynamic plot of the text, however, they note that for those who are familiar with Castaneda’s books, the book is unlikely to bring anything new.

The storyline in “Hackers...” is artistic and fantastic. A group of hackers studies the universe and tries to achieve spiritual growth. These characters have developed special techniques to change the current reality. However, a certain powerful Legion seeks to master techniques for complete power over society. As the story develops, the author introduces readers to his philosophical thoughts and technologies for stopping the internal flow of thoughts.

Books by Louise Hay

If you are interested in esotericism, literature on self-development should definitely be in your library. Louise Hay is considered one of the most recognized and accessible authors in this field, since all her works are in the genre of popular psychology. Each of the books is based on the idea that negative programs in a person’s mind, as well as negative experiences, lead to problems on the psychological and physical levels.

In her texts, Louise teaches people to rethink ideas about their own personality and in this way restore health. Today in Russia the following books by the author are most popular:

“Heal your life”- work for those who are interested in self-healing from minor ailments or serious diseases. There is a lot of real advice on analyzing feelings, including special slander, and all the material is presented in simple language.

“Heal yourself”— continuation of the idea that responsibility for health lies with the person himself. This is a motivating book that helps resolve many karmic difficulties.

“Heal your body with love”- the most orderly and practical work the author, including a huge list of diseases and their secret metaphysical causes. A list of necessary affirmations for treatment and prevention is also presented.

  • “Wisdom (power) of a woman”— material about unlocking the emotional potential of the fairer sex. In the book, the author writes about what true femininity lies in and how it influences the correct attitude towards life.
  • “Life-giving gratitude”- a book about necessity positive perception your destiny and the world around you. Louise describes here, in particular, the texts of effective prayers of thanksgiving and indicates their benefits.
  • “The Healing Power of Thought”- a work about ways to eliminate negative attitudes from the soul, mind and heart. The author shares secrets on how to let go of the past, forgive offenders and feel boundless happiness.
  • "Inner Wisdom"— materials with various positive statements for all occasions, as well as chapters about the importance of numbers and color shades in our life. The author describes how to find out personal code fate.
  • “Control your destiny”- a book on ways to concentrate positive energy on the future, as well as about the features of the so-called magical cleaning.

“Conversation with God”, N.D. Walsh

In this book, readers are given a unique opportunity, together with the author, to talk with the Creator, looking behind the most unsightly scenes of the world's religions. The work will appeal to everyone who loves precise recommendations on how to change their lives, and at the same time does not mind getting answers to the most insidious and dangerous questions that have ever arisen in their heads.

Many call the book’s materials a sensation, because the author touches on all the eternal problems, experiences and doubts of humanity. After the resounding success of the first text, Walsh published two more books, each of which is rightfully included in the popular list of books on esotericism.

Thus, in the first work you can learn about the personal torment of each individual and how to get rid of them. In the second part of the trilogy, the author tries to understand from God what the essence of all global catastrophes and world wars is. The final book is devoted to universal esoteric questions about reincarnation, the future of the planet and the possibilities of other space civilizations.

“Messenger. A true love story”, K. Joel

An ideal reference book for those who dream of realizing their cherished dreams. The author teaches to greet every moment of life with love and treat others as positively as possible. A harmonious and detailed novel tells about the conflict between the individual and the world around him, causing in the reader a surge of tenderness, recognition, and gratitude as the plot progresses.

The fictional story itself revolves around a character who meets a real angel. Main character learns to send people bright feelings through his intentions, and with him the entire reading audience learns to realize their own desires.

Despite the rather popular genre of narration in the spirit of pulp fiction, the book contains many philosophical quotes.

Books by Natalia Pravdina

The author’s psychological methods, combined with recommendations on ancient Feng Shui, have been wildly popular for several decades among those who seek to master a wide range of esotericism and at the same time radically change their lives for the better.

Natalya Pravdina follows trends in foreign literature on this topic and regularly updates its materials. However, the general message of any book by the author is always identical - love yourself and others and always believe in the best. Most of the texts from the various book series include meditative practices and effective affirmations, but some works also focus on the study of magical rituals and visualization techniques.

Today you can include in the top books on esotericism following works Natalia:

Calendars for every year— current reference books based on ancient Chinese data, allowing you to choose optimal time for starting a family, financial investments, travel.

  • “The Big Book of Money Magic”— a set of tips and rituals for attracting financial flows and retaining them. Materials teach correct formation material goals and the eradication of envy.
  • “I attract money” is a book with a broader profile, since it contains not only a list of affirmations for activating monetary energy, but also forgiveness meditation, Feng Shui tips for improving the wealth zone both at home and in the workplace.
  • “I attract love”- a work to change your attitude towards yourself and tune in to unconditional love, passion and prosperity. The author shows how to use Chinese teachings to activate the energy of love in your own apartment.
  • “Give yourself success”- a motivating text about how important it is to have a dream and life ideals. The book provides tips for optimizing free time, organizing personal space and improving interpersonal relationships.
  • “Alchemy of Health”- a real guide to improving your well-being through diet, oriental meditation, qigong practices and yoga. The book contains a list healthy products, as well as advice on collecting cosmic energy in the traditions of Tibet.

Natalia Pravdina also has separate books on the art of being a woman, on seduction, on yoga, on raising children, etc.

“Magical transition”, T. Abelard

Today one of the main sources of information about modern magical rites esotericism lives on - books. The best in this category includes several books by Taisha Abelar, but specifically “ Magic transition” attracts with its secrets and tips for unlocking energy potential.

The author teaches readers how to improve health and prolong youth through easy practices. First of all, the work will be interesting for fans of Castaneda, because it tells the story of a female stalker who learns to understand the world with the help of magic.

The book touches on the breathing techniques of ancient peoples, issues of connection between a man and a woman, as well as mother and child through energy, and the problem of memories. Taisha also deals with astral and etheric flights, practices for opening inner hearing and shifting consciousness, teaches how to work with crystals, the power of the earth and sun, and the world of shadows.

According to readers, this book is written with an emphasis on a female audience, but without preliminary preparation It's better not to read it.

“The Way of the Peaceful Warrior”, D. Millman

An autobiographical work about how to cultivate kindness in yourself and always adhere to high principles of morality and ethics. Warrior Dan Millman, under the guidance of a mentor and with the support of a wonderful assistant, will have to fight a battle with himself to discover the secret of the life or death of a true hero.

The author claims that in this book he strives to convey to readers his new system life relationships in which Special attention focuses on achieving goals and expressing true feelings, as well as proper breathing, massage and even healing fasting.

Unfortunately, the work is of an artistic nature, so there are few real recommendations in it. However, this does not prevent the novel from being included in the category “ Best books on esotericism.”

Esotericism, books about which excite the minds of readers around to the globe, has always been considered accessible only to a circle of selected adherents. However, many wanted to try to touch her and get to know her better. After all, the very principle of the teaching - penetration into the mystical, hidden essence of the objects of the world and man - is fascinating. Hence the popularity and recognition of some that books on esotericism are the best treasuries of the most important knowledge.

What esotericism explores: books - revelations from recognized masters of the genre

Until now, numerous researchers have not been able to definitively establish what esotericism is. Books devoted to this teaching touch on a number of issues from various fields: astrology, magic, Gnosticism, Kabbalah, yoga, Suffism, Gnosticism, mondialism, Freemasonry, Buddhist Tantrism and much more. By the way, maybe that's why books on esotericism are the best friends for many who thirst for truth and harmony with the world. The extreme comprehensiveness of such works will allow them to satisfy the needs of the widest audience of readers.

Knowledge of the inner world of man, knowledge of the secrets of nature and the Universe are some of the most common tasks, which are set before oneself who picks up a book on esotericism. IN modern life chaos, constant difficulties and misunderstanding, many try to break out of the shackles of everyday life. Achieving self-improvement, harmony with oneself and the world around us are some of the opportunities that esotericism provides. Books of this genre helped millions of our ancestors and contemporaries learn what is called sacred information, secret knowledge.

How to choose books on esotericism for beginners?

You should choose books on esotericism for beginners especially carefully. After all, the interest of a particular reader in comprehending this issue depends on how correctly the vector of immersion into new, sacred knowledge is set. First of all, it is necessary to determine which area is of greatest interest, then you should rely on proven options - give preference to famous authors. Thus, an inexperienced audience perfectly perceives the works of Carlos Costaneda. His “The Art of Dreaming”, “Journey to Ixtlan”, “A Separate Reality”, “Tales of Power”, “The Wheel of Time”, etc. - books that sell in huge quantities and gain more and more fans every day.

Even the word “esotericism” itself frightens, alarms, and irritates many. Especially religious fanatics. But esotericism beckons and captivates, since this is fashionable today, but very ancient culture– simply perceiving reality from a different angle. Just going beyond the framework of “possible - impossible, good - bad,” etc. Someone is silent about their own views on things, which are different from others, so as not to attract attention to themselves. And some even write about them, not seeing “anything like that” in it. And he does the right thing!

1. “The Secret [Occult] Philosophy”, Agrippa of Nettesheim

When talking about esoteric literature, it is simply impossible to ignore the work of Agrippa of Nettesheim (real name: Heinrich Cornelius of Nettesheim). His work “The Secret [Occult] Philosophy” made an indelible impression on tarot reader Eliphas Levi, who introduced the term “occultism” into widespread use.

Living in France at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries (during the fertile era of the Renaissance, when the line between mysticism and science was barely perceptible), Agrippa changed many professions and traveled a lot, gaining unique experience. The eccentric genius made many enemies among church supporters because of his caustic remarks and theories, which the fanatics saw as heresy. Having escaped cruel persecution only thanks to the patronage of his faithful friends, Agrippa retired, having created the famous treatise “The Secret Philosophy”. In it he examines the very essence of magic, as well as its significance in material world as a connecting link. In particular, the author explains the influence of zodiac signs on a person’s destiny, and also introduces the reader to the properties of various poisons and ointments, explaining how to use them as magic potions that give power over others.

Attention! It should be borne in mind that occult literature often contains information that contradicts ethical standards. Making and using a love spell or poison potion is an immoral act that humiliates other people. You should also not get carried away with preparing medicinal elixirs (no matter how good your intentions may be). Regardless of your belief or non-belief in magic, plants and other ingredients in such potions can be hazardous to your health. This kind of information should be taken solely for informational purposes and not as instructions for action.

2. “The Art of Dreams”, Carlos Castaneda

Carlos Castaneda was born in Peru and gained worldwide fame for his work in the field of occult knowledge. His books quickly became bestsellers and to this day occupy pride of place in lists of required reading for those wishing to learn the secrets of esotericism.

Omar Khayyam once wrote the following lines:

“In this world there is a trap at every step.
I did not live even a day of my own free will.
In heaven they make decisions without me,
And then they call me a rebel.”

Surprisingly accurate and sad words describing our life, isn’t it? I bet that each of us at least once dreamed of being in a universe where absolutely all events depend on our will. Oh, if only science or some Magic wand could give us the opportunity to create our own reality. Wait... Mother Nature has already given us this ability! A dream is a wonderful world in which (if you try a little) any desires can come true.

One of the most popular topics in occultism is the concept of “dreams” and the ability to control dreams, extracting from them useful information. Modern scientists have explored only the “tip of the iceberg”, without fully realizing the true meaning human dreams. Some dreams fill us with happiness, giving us a boost of energy for the whole day, others help sort out pressing problems and find a solution to an important problem. But there are also nightmares - terrible visions from which you wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, a convulsive scream gets stuck in your throat, and your heart is about to burst out of your chest.

Almost all people dream. Learning to manage them, becoming the absolute masters of your life in a dream is the dream of many. Therefore, in our selection, we decided to mention Castaneda’s ninth book from the cycle of teachings of Don Juan, an Indian shaman who shared his unique knowledge with Carlos. The content of the book is structured in the form of a fascinating dialogue between Castaneda and his shaman mentor. The Art of Dreams contains detailed instructions to achieve a special mental state bordering on sleep and wakefulness. We are talking about “lucid dreams,” in which a person is able to change the plot of his dream according to his own will.

3. “Power of Light”, Nicholas Roerich

Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich is one of the few extraordinarily gifted people whose name is iconic in seemingly completely different fields. Roerich was a famous traveler, archaeologist, writer, artist and mystical philosopher. For many years this talented Russian scientist (persecuted Soviet authorities) spent in the East, where he became familiar with ancient teachings. It is important to note that Roerich’s paintings help many during meditation. The skies and mountains he painted (shimmering with delicate shades of lilac, cool lilac and hot fiery colors) help the contemplator to feel something sublime, pure, otherworldly.

In the esoteric collection “The Power of Light” there are no magical spells promising gold or the love of beauties. This is a highly spiritual work, cultivating in the reader the desire to cleanse his mind of evil thoughts, opening his heart to Light and Good. Wise reflections about the human soul and the meaning of culture in our lives await you. “The Power of Light” is an amazing and enchanting fusion of the traditions of the West and the East.

4. “Awareness. Keys to a life of peace of mind, Osho Rajneesh

Osho is the spiritual leader of India, inspirer, preacher, mystic, enlightened. The author's real name is Chandra Mohan Jain, but throughout the world he is better known as Osho Rajneesh.

Osho considers the main cause of absolutely all human problems (especially Western ones) to be our sleepy state, which lasts throughout our lives. Literally, we sleep even when we are awake. And this is not a contradiction. Can you remember what you were doing 5-10 minutes ago? Not to mention days and months. We live our lives sleeping, no matter what we do. Therefore, entire decades of our existence turn into moments. The Indian guru does not offer anything special in his work. He is only calling for us to wake up. What does it mean? And that we do every smallest action consciously. To be aware of your every thought and word. Essentially, so that we are in a state of “here and now.” Not new, but effective. If anyone thinks it's easy, they are mistaken. The author says that if you manage to maintain concentration for at least one minute, then you can congratulate yourself. This is already a victory! The book is written in a very clear and soft tongue, so any reader will master it easily and quickly.

5. “Reality Transurfing”, Vadim Zeland

Transurfing is new technology managing events in life the way you need. The author assures that with its help you can accomplish the impossible. And it offers a different look at reality based on a special model different options. Transurfing is the path of a magician, which in principle every person is, he just doesn’t know about it. Find out with this technique that you are the magician of your life. Discover hitherto unknown possibilities within yourself. Make your reality the one you have always dreamed of!

6. “Shaman’s Laughter”, Vladimir Serkin

The highly professional but unusual psychologist V. Serkin made the Shaman the main character of his book. Although it is clearly read between the lines that the author did not take his hero out of thin air, but is himself related to shamanic practices. However, you shouldn’t look for specific techniques in the book. This is rather a fascinating story about shamanic miracles. After all, it is the Shaman, that is, man and all other living beings, who create this world. For the same reason, the Shaman believes that any person can remember his past life experiences. He created it himself!

7. “Conversation with God. New Revelations, Neale Donald Walsh

This book has some similarities with Walsh's book One with God. In "Conversations" the author gives new interpretations of ten human illusions. It also raises the question of our misconceptions about God and life in general. The information provided by the author in this work can change your worldview or even turn your worldview around.

8. “Heal your life. Heal your body. The power is within us, Louise L. Hay

The world-famous psychologist, Louise Hay, was cured of cancer not so much through medicine, but through working with her consciousness. With her experience, she motivates people to think positively and learn to love themselves and accept themselves as they are. This will not only help in the fight against any disease, but will also help solve life’s problems. The author gives in the book practical recommendations, which have already helped millions of people around the world. Here you will find affirmations (positive statements) to overcome many diseases. L. Hay also reveals the causes of problems from an unusual point of view, which, in her opinion, lie in our minds. So you need to give a positive impetus to consciousness so that it solves problems on its own. But human consciousness can do this!

9. “Hackers of Dreams”, Andrey Reutov

The Dream Hackers are a group of Russian researchers who hid their research. The book is based on real events, since the author himself was a member of this group. The goal of these hackers is to create a new tradition of dreamers. The plot of the work itself is reminiscent of “showdowns in the cool 90s” between criminal gangs. Reutov gives magical techniques in this work. But whether they work or not - check for yourself.

10. “Messenger. A true story about love”, Klaus J. Joel

The author assures that in his book he reveals the unexpected secret of love. You have never read anything like this before. We have always considered love as a feeling, but in fact it is a real “perpetum mobile” - a source of energy from which you can draw incredible strength. You can find your way to this endless source. However, what you give into the world is what you get in return.

11. “Smile before it’s too late! Positive psychology for everyday life”, Alexander and Yulia Sviyash

A real treasure for those who really want to change their lives! The authors not only present the material in an interesting and accessible way, but also provide step-by-step instructions. practical instructions. By devoting just 20 minutes of time a day, you can: understand the reasons for your actions and the actions of other people; change your attitude to what is happening and stop worrying; change your habits and even character traits that are undesirable for you!

12. The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Dan Millman

The author is an American track and field athlete, champion trampoline jumper. Nowadays he is a martial arts trainer, university professor, and philosopher. This inspiring book, translated into 30 languages, has transformed the lives of millions of people. It encourages self-improvement and positive change in literally all areas of life: sports, politics, business, health, culture, etc. The book, which became a bestseller, is based on real experience author. Written in a light style and with humor, it talks about the struggle with one’s own fears and the search for oneself, one’s spirit. Find out what system of relationships with life the champion discovered for himself!

13. “Magical Transition: The Path of a Woman Warrior”, Taisha Abelar

The author's real name is Maryann Simcoe. This is an American writer, anthropologist, who considers herself a witch, stalker and an ardent follower of Carlos Castaneda. She met her idol at the age of 19, while studying at the university for a PhD. Marianne joined his group and changed her name. It's amazing that when Castaneda died, the witch left Los Angeles and disappeared. No one knows anything about her since then, there is a possibility that she committed ritual suicide. However, given the tradition of Castaneda fans to “erase personal history” (using pseudonyms, not wanting to be photographed, etc.), it is more logical to draw a more optimistic conclusion: Taisha simply changed her name again.

Abelard's book is a continuation of the journey into the amazing and enchanting world of Don Juan, but this time as a female warrior. The author gives magical techniques to improve health by increasing energy.

14. “Rose of the World”, Daniil Leonidovich Andreev

D.L. Andreev, like many Soviet writers, was criticized by the authorities. After a denunciation of accusations of creating anti-Soviet literature, he was sentenced to 25 years. The imprisonment left an indelible mark, prompting Andreev to create an unusual novel with the mystical title “Rose of the World.” Readers and critics are still engaged in heated debate, trying to understand what exactly the novel is - an esoteric prophecy or a work of science fiction.

“Rose of the World” describes the universe from a metaphysical point of view, arguing that in our dimension there is a constant struggle between demons and demiurges. The personal tragedy of Andreev’s life is clearly felt (he saw the Antichrist in the image of Stalin). The author states that in the future a completely new interreligion will emerge, which will combine other beliefs. This faith, common to all, will become a connecting link for all humanity. A work replete with specific terms will seem too difficult topics, who are only superficially familiar with the esotericism and history of Christianity. This book should not be recommended to teenagers, since “The Rose of the World” is much more understandable to people with a broad cultural outlook and life experience, which the young reader lacks.

15. “The experience of a fool, or the Key to insight (How to get rid of glasses)”, Mirzakarim Norbekov

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov is an Uzbek writer and popularizer of alternative medicine, known to modern fans of esotericism. In his work “The Experience of a Fool, or the Key to Insight,” Norbekov shares with us his personal story of overcoming a serious illness. The book is a collection practical advice, which will allow you to develop an inexhaustible source of optimism. Exactly the right attitude, according to Norbekov, plays an important role not only in promoting health, but also in achieving success both on the personal front and at work. “The Experience of a Fool” is a biting work, full of sarcasm and offensive comparisons, with the help of which the author motivates the reader to stop whining and start living!

Let the knowledge you acquire make your life better, filling it with happiness, meaning and love.
